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The Silver Cleaver

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#26Brone Heavyaxe 

The Silver Cleaver - Page 2 Empty Sat Jan 06, 2024 3:16 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone raised an eyebrow as he listened to Lumikki. Not uncommon in dwarven culture to be forward and blunt, but the daemoness was practically ripping into her uncle. A vein became visible on his forehead as the blood flow was beginning to pick up, his irritation showing in his grunt, "Aye, I hear what ye saying, lass!" he crossed his secondary arms across his stomach as his two primary arms were thrown up into the air in excitement. He leaned back in his chair, pushing it to tilt on it's back two legs, "That demoness tongue of yers lashes like hellfire and the bite of winter" his eyes narrowed as he looked over his niece; despite his statement, he was sure it wasn't the demonic influence she had that gave her such an outspoken attitude, but her own personality enhanced by her dwarven upbringing which caused him to smirk, annoyed albeit, "Aye yer right, glad we'll be taking a trip soon so we can take our first steps out of the the rut" his tone softened.

* * *

"He was our first master, long ago, and he went by many names" Huginn answered with pride, his head raised. His memories came flooding back with joy.

"I'm sure you'll learn well from Lumikki; for us, we have gained so much for each person we partner with" Muninn told Trygve before he used his beak to preen the younger's feathers like an older sibling.


The Silver Cleaver - Page 2 Empty Sat Jan 06, 2024 10:47 pm


Lumi who was leaning on the table by then as she uttered her grievances, would flick her hand. A slight cold wind would whip about toward her Uncle. Partly a gesture for him to cool down. Part to tease. " Winter nipps who aren't prepared to face her. Yer the like to roll with the punched, but I would like to see ye keep rolling." She had a sincere smile, completely unbothered about her Uncle's temperament. He didn't like her phrasing, sure. But she said all she did with love and eagerness.

" Yer a legend beside the Warden of the North. I wonder what more greatness ye could stumble on. What if ye also became like a god or such? Aren't ye curious about the possibilities? I aaaam. I want ta be a menace." She fell back in her chair much like he had. Pushing it back to the hind legs as well, only she was laughing a lot as she had. Content with speaking her peace, and of many things. She felt almost free now.

" I hope to be strong like ye."

" I have a feeling I will. It almost feels like, already I am far removed from the bird I was before. Before Lumikki, I was in a different state of thought. Like all was a passing blur until something shiny got my attention and I've been elsewhere. Perhaps I fear ever returning."

The Silver Cleaver - Page 2 Img_8011

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#28Brone Heavyaxe 

The Silver Cleaver - Page 2 Empty Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:39 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The cold breeze was indeed cooling him to the point he could feel steam trailing from his pink ears. Earing his niece's comment made his smile, she was talented in word play and he always enjoyed it, "Thank ye, lass, but keep in mind that yer becoming well known yerself, such a force of nature ye are" He began to think about the idea of becoming a god. At first it was just a funny thought, but seeing how Yuurei ascended, he wondered what would happen if he too had some form of ascension, "Nah, I don't need te be no angel or god or whatever" he laughed it off, then thought about the myth of the Dhain Dwarves, said to be the first dwarves made by the great Durain himself. They were considered dwarven angels if Brone had to label them in some way.

"Trust me when I say this, lass, ye are strong enough to make me sweat and go all out, I'm sure soon ye'll be able to take me down, no doubt" He wasn't just saying that to be nice, he kept thinking about to their fight by the bridge, how destructive her magic was, able to peel away his armor with quick succession and call upon the spirit of deep winter as if she was a priestess of the primordial frost herself.

* * *

"In time you'll be like us, have your eyes open wider and let the magic envelop you" Muninn encouraged the younger raven.

"Like us? Nah, but we ravens, magic or wild or other, we all have a talent to seek things out and take advantage of any situation; if you're growing as you spend time in the company of the Ice Princess, then keep going and keep gaining" Huginn hopped about, these words he was confident would prompt the younger raven to progress.


The Silver Cleaver - Page 2 Empty Thu Jan 18, 2024 5:29 pm


" That would be the day they sing me praises. Hel, I'd probably be an actual Demon by then. Either way, I long for the day I could do it. I want to be a terror known beyond the North. As ye already are. Does it get annoying being a hero of legend Uncle? Would ye have had it any other way?" She slowly brought the remainder of her food to her mouth as she spoke, somewhat annoyed with herself that quite a bit of it was getting cold. She didn't care all that much for fire magic, but it would come in handy in times like this she supposed.

Though kindly another drink was brought with Carla's help, and so she began to savor that instead.


" The magic?" Trygve began to speak in awe. This concept never occurred to him. " I could be magic? Hmmmm, well...if my Lumi wants to be a Demon one day, I really do think it would be possible that it could rub off on me!" He spoke happily, almost exuberantly as the idea made him swell. But what him the most wonder, was the talent only he could bring.

The Silver Cleaver - Page 2 Img_8011

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#30Brone Heavyaxe 

The Silver Cleaver - Page 2 Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:59 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
"That day may be soon, I can feel it" Brone chuckled. He thought back to their fight. She wasn't just all offensive; he recognized her tactics, practically vanished silently like an absent spirit and the layer of ice she created like a second skin. He smiled, thinking about how she might have picked up a few of her techniques and style from him. She was difficult to spot and to reach, "Like a hellish blizzard".

Carla brought another drink and Brone thanked her before taking a swig. He then would look over to the bard in the corner of the room and called to him, "Something dwarven if ye don't mind!" the bard was the only one in the tap room that didn't get annoyed by the shout, but the mood changed when a smooth melody on the lute was played, having hints of dwarven style music.

* * *

"Magic? Don't count your eggs before they hatch, becoming magic is no easy feat" Huginn had met a number of magical beings but very few were those who became magical during their life, other than mages themselves.

"But it's possible; there are those who've became familiars to powerful mages and witches" Muninn assured the youngling as he cocked his head towards Lumikki.


The Silver Cleaver - Page 2 Empty Tue Feb 20, 2024 10:34 am


” Oy Nan got to be a natural disaster, and so will I. How else will I show me progress without yanking the temperatures or destroying all in me wake.” Lumi broke into a fit of childish laughter. Enjoying the implications that her magic and work had garnered her. It was not easy clawing her way to the top. More so with the company she kept. For every bit they shined and paved a path dowsed in blinding light to follow, they also had the darkest shadows obscuring the depths of the trenches in which she could be cast if the Daemon was ever careless. In a fight of self-pity, she could lose it all. So all the Daemon could do was pull forward.

Lumi bobbed her head to the tune that was playing. Its flourishes would sound comforting as they reminded her a lot of home. All the many times she would come to visit, it never once occurred to her to request such a song. But for the moment, she fell into the nostalgia of it all.

” So there is hope for me brother? I would like to think so. Lumi pours magic now and I only feel it’ll drown me one day. Maybe, just maybe it would be enough. Or who is there to say that a Daemon stops with humans? Perhaps I could fly in higher skies by other means.” The raven, quite opportunistic, would look over to Lumi with eyes like stars.

Curtain Call

Last edited by Lumikki on Tue Feb 27, 2024 9:41 am; edited 1 time in total

The Silver Cleaver - Page 2 Img_8011

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#32Brone Heavyaxe 

The Silver Cleaver - Page 2 Empty Sat Feb 24, 2024 9:16 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
"Then be that natural disaster, lass! Wolves wouldn't be afraid of bears if the bears didn't shake their nerves with their roars" Brone nodded. He has been proud of Lumikki, especially showing her strength and not backing down. She wasn't afraid of the dark, she is the dark, she wasn't afraid of the tundra, she is the tundra, no demon will claim her soul, she will claim the demon's soul. All and all, here she is, smiling that sweet smile of hers, never forgetting who she is. He was hesitant hearing of the truth of what she is, but taking another thought, he now realized this showed how strong she truly is, to not lose herself or lose her will to another. She owns her strength and knows what she wants.

"A toast te yer growth, me lass, be proud of what ye accomplished, for damn sure I'm proud of ye!" he bellowed as he raised his mug before taking a deep swig. Several other patrons around them raised their mugs and glasses in response, getting caught up in the moment.

"There's always hope, brother" Huginn nudged the younger raven happily, "Just be sure you train, and keep focus, you can take in all the magic you are given, but if you lose yourself, you'll become a monstrosity with no memory of yourself" he lowered his tone to scare the rest of the ravens.

"Don't frighten then, they don't need to be scared into staying focused" Though Muninn deterred Huginn's tactic, he was right. The two ravens have seen familiars who were lost in immense power because of their magical partner. One was a giant deformed raven with three blazing red eyes who no longer had the ability to speak. But the younglings didn't need to learn about that as of right now.

The flock and the two dwarves continued to late in the evening, enjoying the company and learning more of one another. They shall always remember this day.


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