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A forest first frost? (Fight/Lumikki)

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A forest first frost? (Fight/Lumikki) Empty Mon Jun 26, 2023 7:56 am


Kaito had come here at the request of someone that was calling him out for a spar, so a fight in other words and Kaito came as he didn't often get called out to fight besides by stronger people like Yuurei and Brone that is. So he wondered who would show up to try and take him on and see if he can take them on without having to use his magic as he needed the training with this sword he has.

Kaito was ready for who ever it was and he hopes that who ever it is, doesn't just turn and run away in fear of him as he is going to try to not over do it and to take on the new comer with honor and he hopes that they as well will show honor and not just try to cut out his guts like someone else had previously when he had could to one of these fighting type of things. Kaito looks at the trees and is already looking to make a plan of attack if this got to the point that he was going to need to be bailed and use the trees to his advantage.

Kaito's spread:


A forest first frost? (Fight/Lumikki) Empty Tue Jun 27, 2023 9:26 am


A raven streaks the air coming in fast. Pulled their wings back to invite more drag so the can slow down as the descend to the floor rapidly. Six feet before touching ground a flourish the bird before a Daemon woman lands before the man. She ogt up fast after touching eith the ground only to dance in place from excitment.

Challenger Lumikki had arrived. She waved back at Kaito with an outstretched arm. "Uncle Brone always spoke bout how strong you are, thought I give a shot at learning from you too. Be easy though, I'm not good at this yet" Lumikki had a big grin on her face as she was eager to start of the battle. She knew she stood not chance but she didn't care. You can't get anything you want in life without grit and perseverance she thought. That was what her Pa always told her as he drilled a sense of workmanship in the little Daemon girl.

Lumikki's Pokedex entry:


A forest first frost? (Fight/Lumikki) Empty Tue Jun 27, 2023 1:49 pm


Kaito sees that it seemed that she had learned to handle her landings this time around and he looked at her with his gear on He stayed on the balls of his feet so he was ready to dodge any incoming attack from the woman that had made such a flashy entrance onto the scene. "I will let you make the first move miss." Kaito's voice rung from behind his mask with a slightly more harsh tone than he had spoken to her as if he was going to take this seriously and that she should as well take this as if it was life or death as next time she faces someone it might actually be for her life so what was she going to do here. He wonders if she is going to back down and surrender or if she was going to step up and make the first move on him as she was still green and she shows it by flying in like that as anyone can take advantage of that.

The sun was bright today as the day was still young, the wind had seemed to dance as it weaved through the trees as it blew across Kaito's cape he was here to make this all count and he was not going to let her win or lose easily. She was going to have to pick her self up and make sure that she gives it her all if she were to attack him and try to harm him as he was not one to take that lightly even debuffs are not taken lightly as those usually lead to either another being to slow to dodge an attack or lead to an attack that is weakened and doesn't hit the mark for what you needed to do so she better come out fighting or she might end up on the business end of a beat down from someone that isn't Kaito pulling his punches to not splat her like a bug on a windshield.

Kaito's spread:


A forest first frost? (Fight/Lumikki) Empty Mon Jul 10, 2023 1:28 pm


Lumikki nodded as she got ready to begin. She has already fought others from her guild at this point and it has been brutal. All she could wish for is to do better this time around. At least that is what she is aiming for.

She took a moment to inhale deeply and closed her eyes, getting herself ready to try yet again. The shadows all around pulled to her as she did. When she opened her purple eyes, her wings had formed. She crouched and launched herself into the sky and began to fly around Kaito. She circled him within five meters until she was ready to press on in her attack.

Holding out her hand, a lavender circle appeared. The dark frost from her wings wafted to her hand creating two spheres that spun around until it became so fast a disk was formed. When it was at its peak Lumikki sent it toward Kaito, crosing her arms soon after. She uncrossed them in what ever direction he is after her first attack resolves. A lavender appears before her as blacks shards of ice forms from around her. Flying in the direction she sends.



Battle log:


A forest first frost? (Fight/Lumikki) Empty Tue Jul 11, 2023 7:40 am


Kaito saw as the woman transformed and took flight and he wondered what she was going to do but he was not sure it was going to be very much as she was still young. but he kept his eye on her as she circles around him and he smirks as he knows another fighter that does this same thing but he was not going to get too hopeful too soon about her potential. once she started casting he put his shield up to defend against it but the spells went through his shield and his armors spell activated and blocked the woman's spells. "That is a cool trick you did there, didn't see that coming. Seems I am going to have to get moving then and try and make this worth your time." the shield spell went away and he started running and Kaito was fast and he was not going to under estimate the woman as her spells seemed to pierce through armor.

Her spells had gone through the armor shield he was holding but lucky for him his armor was awake and worked fast knowing better than to protect him in that pinch and he laughed to himself as this woman was clearly taking some pages out of a more experienced fighters books to have gone straight for that. Kaito keeps his eyes on the woman as he can tell he is a hell of a lot faster than she is and that was probably not surprising to the woman as she had probably heard stories of her guild master and uncles rumbles with and against Kaito. He had never beaten them but that was like fighting gods nearly. Kaito runs toward her a bit so she wasn't out of her range to try and attack him but he wasn't going to let her have any free shots at him that was for sure, as she didn't deserve to be babied when she had armor piercing which made her dangerous.
(335) (676)

Kaito's spread:


A forest first frost? (Fight/Lumikki) Empty Wed Jul 12, 2023 10:22 am


As Kaito dropped his sheild he began to run around. Lumikki tried to keep her eyes on him as best as she could be he was indeed fast. She decided that for her movement, she would prefer to fly behind. As close within five meters as she could muster and constantly shifting her altitudes, speeds, and directions. She wanted to get more used to moving around. It would not benefit her to be very predictable.

As Lumikki tried to line up a shot on him once more, she crossed her arms. Waiting patiently until there was a moment to act. She could see Kaito also keeping her in sight. This made her nervous as to how well she would handle. A lavender circle formed just before her as obsidian ice shards came to be just behind her. Lumikki uncrossed her arms letting her shards play past her. He flight halted in the unleashing of her spell. They rained below hungry to hit their mark.




battle log:

A forest first frost? (Fight/Lumikki) Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

A forest first frost? (Fight/Lumikki) Empty Thu Jul 13, 2023 8:53 am


Kaito was not slowing down and he he made a sizeable gap between himself and the woman as she attempted to cast her spell and he dodged the spell easily with his speed as the spell only had a limited range as she was still casting low level spells even if they would hurt someone they couldn't keep up to him which is going to make this woman eat his dust in a way. "Seems you have the keen instincts just lack the speed to keep up. Keep at it and you might make it." His voice was reassuring but also had a bit of taunting to it's tone. He kept his steps even and he put his hands in his pockets and he plays with his ring on his hand and he wonders what he can do here or really what he should do here.

Kaito watches the woman movements as he was keeping the speed he had built, he knows that he has to give her a chance and he knows that Brone will most likely come for him if he plays with her a little to much so this needed to be a clean fight. Kaito begins planning in his head but he knows that reacting is just faster than having to think and remember the plan so he was going to just react to her and not really plan but can he really do this without fully hurting her but he knows that if he holds back that will be a spit into her face so he was going to strike and make it count when the time is right but for now he needed to make sure that she got her chance to fight one of the big three as the media called Yuurei, Brone and himself as well as rumors of being an undercover member of paradise dawn which were just plan not true.
(322) (998)

Kaito's spread:


A forest first frost? (Fight/Lumikki) Empty Sat Jul 15, 2023 6:29 pm


Kaito was much too fast for Lumikki and left her far behind. She sulked and pouted because they very much limited what she could do if she could not reach him at all. Though she could not match him, she could learn from him.

Lumikki continued to fly behind Kaito. Using this moment to better adjust to her wings and fly as swiftly and smoothly as she could. While of course moving around plentifully as well since she knew better than to fly in on a straight path. And so she would zig-zag in her flight and adjust her speed and movements. She would continue to practice this as she attempted to reach Kaito. Though he was not letting up in the slightest and there was hardly a need to attempt to slow him. He would more than likely still be too fast to reach. Lumikki sighed plenty as she flew for with every battle she fought, it pained her how hard she would have to meet the gap between herself and the opponent.



battle log:

A forest first frost? (Fight/Lumikki) Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

A forest first frost? (Fight/Lumikki) Empty Sun Jul 16, 2023 5:52 am


Kaito was not going to keep this up for much longer as the woman was probably going to get bored of this game of cat and mouse with him chasing him. He reangles himself as he kept running going slightly toward her and he aimed his hand toward her put ahead of her and his ring glowed and a shield spell came forth from the ground in front of her. Kaito was aiming to have her run into it like a bug hitting the wind shield of a car. He wasn't aiming to hit her just show her there are different ways to fight besides just head on. Kaito knows that his head on fighting skills would be enough but a battle field will change and so do the tactics you have to use on that battle field. Kaito if the woman runs into the shield will laugh softly at her running into it but he knows full well that he needs to make sure that he doesn't under estimate her as even small weak creatures can be stronger than normal if left alone.

Kaito would return to running to make sure that he can set this up for a finish in the next few moments as this was a fight and it had more turned into Kaito being speed and the poor woman who was still new having to lag behind like he is some speedy animal and she was his two tailed companion struggling to keep up with him. Kaito wonders if he should use his shield or his sword to make the finishing blow as this is going to be a strong hit either way but he is not sure what kind of violation his sword would do to her if he were to make contact with her here. "Hold strong it is almost over young one."
(312) (1,310)

Kaito's spread:


A forest first frost? (Fight/Lumikki) Empty Wed Jul 19, 2023 10:06 pm


When Kaito turned around from his stride and returned to facing Lumikki, it already alerted her. When she saw the shield reforming, she had to act just as fast. She threw her had back and adjusted her wings so the the drag would pull her upper body back. When she made contact with his shield, it was her feet that mad the impact as if she was stomping down on him.

Before her feet touched down on the shield of Kaito, she clawed the air as she rotated. A lavender magical circle appearing just below him, like rotating snowflakes. Black ice shards shooting up from the ground beneath.

Lumikki kicked off the shield and rotated herself in the air so she was upright as she flew away. Making distance from Kaito as she had for a moment before twisting around again with crossed arms. Black shards formed around her and flew toward Kaito the moment she uncrossed her arms.


spiraling here:


A forest first frost? (Fight/Lumikki) Empty Fri Jul 21, 2023 7:44 am


Kaito watched as she kicked and clawed at the shield spell and he was confused why she would be attacking an empty shield and he lets it go away as she was not going to waste mana to keep it up and he wonders why the woman had attacked the shield dome was their a reason to attack it. He seems her casting spells but he stays ahead of them with his speed and he sees that it is about time to attack her and finish this with his sword put he knows that he needs to make this count or this is going to be an issue later as Brone is probably going to hear about him fighting and beating his beloved niece and that might get a new fight to start.

Kaito keeps his speed then he round as fast as he can as he was going to find an opening and take his shot at her and get himself a clean hit and then take her somewhere to be tended to as she was probably going to be in a lot of pain if he can get a piece of her and that was going to be a coin toss to if he doesn't get in trouble from fighting with Lumikki but he keeps running and waiting for an opening to strike.
(225) (1,500+)

Kaito's spread:


A forest first frost? (Fight/Lumikki) Empty Fri Jul 28, 2023 7:39 pm


Before her shards could leave the ground he was already running out of her magic once again. She sucked her teeth in anger and annoyance because she simply could not touch this man. He was just too fast and always out of her reached. She sighed deeply as she tried to think over her options. With his speed and the strength to hold even as she jumped of his shield, as she was right now, she was not sure that she could fight him.

It was not like this was a surprise to her, it was a matter of accepting that she would not even be able to slow him. He at least did not have the presence her guild master had when fighting, though he was helpful in teacher her ways to grow and change in a fight, the damage he had inflicted with one more was out of this world. She simply could not bare to deal with something of that nature again, yet she needed to be stronger.

Kaito was really showing her how slow she truly was. She knew in her weakness that she wouldn't be hitting hard but at the least hope to make a thing land. It seemed that the hit he afforded her from the start was really all he would let her have.

Lumikki would land herself on the ground and look onwards as he kept on moving. Wondering how long he had worked to become the way that he had. Trying to figure out what he even did. She did not even get to be graced with his magic. She knew the shield was but a tool. And yet she did not warrant more than a tap from it as he only stopped to humor her chase.

Chase she would think to herself as she continued to watch him. Maybe things would be better for her if she was actually worth chasing at all. If she was not the fastest one in a fight, she would not have much hope on making it all the much farther. She supposes she even remembers hearing her Uncle mention something about it himself to her as he too used to be slow. She thought that over as she stood there. If he could get fast she figured that so could she. Though now would not be the time for it though she did at least get to practice her movement. She at least got that much better with her wings. It will have to do as she waited for Kaito to finally put he would of the misery of the moment. Laying bare so it could be over in a moment, at least that was what she would hope if she was lucky.


my will:

A forest first frost? (Fight/Lumikki) Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

A forest first frost? (Fight/Lumikki) Empty Mon Jul 31, 2023 8:22 pm


Kaito sees how the woman had stopped and she had pretty much just left herself open to an attack. Kaito has two thoughts one that it is a trap and the second was that she was just tired and she wanted to stop running and fighting and move onto what ever might be coming next for her. Kaito was going to be careful here as he didn't want to misplay this and end up letting her down, Kaito started running right toward the woman and he readies his weapon so that he will not slash her in half on accident and she knows his sword is a bit of a strong weapon he makes it up to the woman and he moved his his sword to hit her with the not bladed side his weapon glows in the color of light element and he taps her with it so she wasn't sent flying and he could just catch her if she was to collapse from the damage she just got hit with.
(172) (1500+)

Kaito's spread:


A forest first frost? (Fight/Lumikki) Empty Mon Jul 31, 2023 10:13 pm


Lumikki stood there and watched. Waiting for for Kaito to come and finish things. She already learned where she was lacking in the fight, there was no need to drag this on even longer. It would not take the man long to realized she wasn't moving anymore. Though she could see his hesitation. This brought her a little satisfation she suppouse, at least one interesting reaction toward her.

The rest was mostly just running away. To far to reach and too fast to land. It didn't matter thought as the fight was ended. Kaito has already turned back and he readied his sword. Lumikki closed her eyes, beyond that she would not move. She would just count the seconds in her head and thinking over all the things she'd do better next time.

Get faster for one she thought, it even made her laugh. She wondered how this would of gone if she could match him in speed. Would her spell land she wounder. She would need stronger spells too. Though she really did like her magic, she felt that she was growing out of this level. Breaking new into so much more.

But that's where the thought would end. The sword would connect and the light would burn her inside out. She swiftly fell after only to be caught by Kaito.


A forest first frost? (Fight/Lumikki) Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

A forest first frost? (Fight/Lumikki) Empty Tue Aug 08, 2023 7:27 am


Kaito hit the woman and did enough damage to knock her out and he knows taking her back to the guild now means that Brone will probably want a word with him, so he figured that he would just take her into his domain till she wakes and he can talk to her and give her snacks and how to the highest gods that Brone will not come falling down on his head as he might have gone a little to hard on the woman and he makes sure to put her in the dark cool grass of his personal domain before walking into the house that is there and he starts making some snacks so maybe the woman will forgive him for going a bit too over board with the fight but he knows that this was just a part of fighting and even he seemed to be able to go over board some times.
(1500+) (Exit)

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