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Making it Safe Again [FPP - What to Do Next]

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Making it Safe Again [FPP - What to Do Next] Empty Tue Apr 18, 2023 8:52 pm


Yuurei had done with his part. He had taken out one of the guild members within Chaos Eclipse. The hunter was walking around with him as he dragged his body around. He didn’t care about how he felt and what he was going through. The hunter had kept himself a secret, but he knew the moment they had seen him with Renji, they would know who he was. He would move around the place though as he figured there were a few things he could do.

He wanted to escort people back to their homes, but he would leave that to the others. Renji and Migi would see that Yuurei was bringing that mysterious figure with them, and he wondered why. Of course, he chose not to question things.

“I wondered what else they attacked. I’m pretty sure they didn’t stop with just Rush.
Valley. I wonder what their objective is.”
He said to Yuurei.

Migi would hear this, and he would think about it for a few.

“They probably want to create distrust between you guys and the North?” He said to the group.

Yuurei would hear this as he would move to the debris that he saw; he would move over to it, and he would start picking up the mess. The Seraphim would move things to the side. He had planned to put it in a place that was more accessible. He didn’t want things to get in the way of people rebuilding their homes.

Still, he did hear their words and he was thinking about what to say to them.

“What Migi said is probably true. They were waiting for me to leave the North, so they could attack. In the end, I didn’t leave, and it would seem like they were misinformed. We do make sure that the people in Rush Valley are doing fine before we move forward.” He said to the two of them.

Yuurei would move over to the next bunch of mess on the ground, and he would pick it up. The hunter had picked it up with ease and he would move it to the side as well. Renji figured he would help him out as well. He would move all that he could, and he would run to the side where Yuurei was putting things down. There weren’t people around, but he figured it was because there were people coming back.

The hunter kept moving things around as he was clearing the first area right now. He would make sure he had done this before he could move on to the next part. While he had done this, he would get everything finished. He would do his best and he would look, and he would be pleased that there weren’t any dead bodies within the homes. He would sigh with relief as he would look around the place.

“Let’s go this way and take care of things here. I believed their next plan of attack might be the forest.” He said to the two, and Renji would nod as he understood.

Migi would understand too, and he would let Yuurei know that he was fine with that.


#2Brone Heavyaxe 

Making it Safe Again [FPP - What to Do Next] Empty Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:33 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The trouble came to an end and a confirmation came when the ravens, Huginn and Muninn, had reported to Brone Heavyaxe. The dwarf gave a sigh of relief; his muscles lost tension and his shoulders slack, but he knew he couldn't rest yet. There was must damage and he needed to wait for orders. Muninn had been keeping an eye on Paradise Dawn and had reported that the troops were currently acting on Yuurei's orders to tend to the civilians before heading to the next point which would be the forest.

"Are you alright, Brone?" Gnicholas the gnome asked as he walked beside his friend.

"I'm fine, glad to have my body back" Brone's body was possessed by another personality, that of a Joyan samurai. Though he couldn't recall what was happening while Minori was in control, Gnicholas and Benimaru were able to give him the information.

"The samurai seem to be a great warrior" Benimaru said as the talking shield remained on Brone's back.

"You have schizophrenia, Brone, you need to get that treated" Gnicholas burst out saying, denouncing having another personality as a positive.

"Minori is kind and didn't cause any trouble" Benimaru argued. When the two of them noticed Brone wasn't taking a stand on the matter, they fell quiet as they made their way through the city, helping people move debris and clearing the streets. The dwarf wasn't sure how to feel about this; to hear other thoughts in his head was troubling, but to black out and find out another person was taking control of his body was a greater problem. He began to consider getting some form of treatment in order to solve it.

The citizens were being escorted back into the city from the safe zones outside the walls. As things were slowly getting back to normal, the lacrima lights were flickering back on, one by one. Every so often, Brone would meet with a citizen who needed help with either moving debris, locating someone, or simply escorting them back to their home.

Eventually, the dwarf would get to a high point where he could see an open area below his vintage point. The destruction was obvious, but at least the threat was no longer within the city. "What did they want so bad that they caused such damage?" He asked.

"Yuurei theorizes that they were waiting until he was out of the region in order to strike, but might have received misinformation" Muninn said as he was perched on the dwarf's left shoulder.
"Human trafficking, maybe" Gnicholas had wondered as he sat on the railing, looking out at the clearing where people who helping one another to clean the streets. Whatever the reason was, Brone knew well that Yuurei intended for Paradise Dawn to stop this dark guild from continuing with their plans.



Making it Safe Again [FPP - What to Do Next] Empty Fri Apr 21, 2023 7:10 am


Yuurei would walk around the area with his cape covering his face. He couldn’t believe the damage that was done in such a short time, and it would seem like things were just getting started. He dragged the man to the ground as he was tied down, so he couldn’t fight back. The Seraphim wasn’t even sure if he was alive. He didn’t check his pulse, and he had not touched his skin to see if there was warmth behind it.

Renji walked with Yuurei as he was trying to figure out what they were going to do within the forest. His thoughts were all over the place, but one thing was for certain. The certainty was that they needed to protect the forest as it was where a bunch of elves lived, Yuurei’s parents and Nimbus now. He wasn’t going to allow anything bad to happen to that place.

“I don’t know what the plans will be Yuu, but I do know this. We need to strike fast. We cannot allow the forest to be destroyed. If that happens something might happen to your parents and my best friend.” He said to Yuurei.

The Seraphim could see Renji’s concern on the matter, and he was more than welcome to work on it.

“Alright then, that will be our plan. I will make sure the forest does not get destroyed or as much damage as they were expecting to cause it.” He said to Renji with a smile.

They had some work to do here though, so that was something they would worry about in a bit. The hunter would move around the place as he saw someone crying in front of the debris of their home.

“Someone, help me. I want to see if I can salvage any of my stuff inside. Please is there anything anybody could do?” He pleaded hoping someone would hear him.

Yuurei would walk to them and would give them a quick glance. It was then he would turn his head to the debris blocking the entrance of the house. He would start moving the debris away from the house, and a spot where someone could take it away. The hunter made sure that nothing would fall on the man or himself. He wasn’t just clearing the debris that was covering the entrance, but anything that might cause harm to anybody if left to its own devices.

Yuurei would continue to do this as the man who was crying was watching. He was surprised someone had the strength to be able to do that with ease. He figured this guy was part of the guild on the mountains. Renji would be helping out as well. He moved things around that he could move as he was putting them next to Yuurei’s work.

It wouldn’t take long, but with them working together, they would be able to finish faster. When Yuurei saw that he was done, he would brush his hands together. He had made sure that the dirt would come off his hand as he walked over to the man.


#4Brone Heavyaxe 

Making it Safe Again [FPP - What to Do Next] Empty Fri Apr 21, 2023 7:59 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
"So what's next on the plan?" Gnicholas asked as he hopped onto Brone's shoulder who had began walking towards one of the city's inner bridges. When the dwarf didn't answer, the gnome figured the answer was connected to what the ravens had said. It was an odd thing; even though it had taken him and Benimaru some time to realize Brone's secrecy with the ravens, he couldn't figure out why it was a thing. Whatever the ravens speak to him about, Brone couldn't mention it at all. Gnicholas believed it to be because of some kind of binding magic while Benimaru believes it to be a curse.

"It's a curse" Ranulf, the more aggressive personality echoed in Brone's mind.

"It is a pact agreed upon" Minori, the more reasonable personality replied. The two went back and forth with one another which seems to be a regular thing which annoyed the dwarf; Brone did his best to ignore the two personalities, trying to mentally push them away, out of his thoughts, though this was proving to be rather difficult.

Eventually, Brone would come across a group of before standing before a large set of debris that was blocking off a path. When he asked of the situation, the people replied stating that this was a main road to get to the eastern district, the only other path would take too long to reach, so this specific path was essential for the citizens.

Brone drew his black axe and told the citizens to stand back, even called out, hoping any other citizens on the other side of the debris would hear and take heed of his warning. When the civilians parted, the dwarf then swung his axe and cleaved the rubble, causing it to fall away, opening the path up. The citizens cheered and thanked the dwarf before he walked off to continued finding people who needed help.

Muninn had taken off into the sky, ordered to keep an eye on Yuurei and to return when it was time to move on to the next destination, as for Huginn, he flew off to fly around the perimeter in order to keep a look out for any enemies that may still be in commission.

"Minori was an interesting character" Benimaru chuckled which annoyed Gnicholas.

"Don't feed into it, Brone can lose his sanity or worse" The gnome piped up.

"I really don't want to hear this" the dwarf grunted in annoyance. The thought of having more than one voice in his head other than his was torment enough, but to hear that this may risk his sanity made things worse. He was about to ask Gnicholas if he could find a way to rid himself of these voices, but was interrupted by a group of people who were trying to remove debris from a house. From what he gathered, there was a family who hid from the dark guild within the basement of the house, but the upper level collapsed, trapping them inside.

In order to gain enough strength to pull away the debris, Brone had to transform into Werelion form, which frightened the civilians at first, but after rescuing the family, everyone had thanked the lion-dwarf, appreciative of Paradise Dawn.

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Making it Safe Again [FPP - What to Do Next] Empty Fri Apr 21, 2023 9:33 pm


The man would see that he had been able to move things without a problem. He was thankful that he had appeared, and he would bow slightly to Yuurei. He would thank him as he would enter the destroyed home. The Seraphim would watch him enter as he would wait to see if he would be okay. The man would start scrimmaging through things and he would come out with a few things, and he would look at Yuurei.

“You don’t have to stay here. I think I should be fine. You made sure that everything that would fall on me, won’t.” He said to him.

Yuurei would hear this and he would rub the back of his head. He understood and Yuurei would walk away from him. The hunter would start heading off in a new direction. The requip mage would make his way east from here. He figured that he would find more things to do here. While he moved through the area, he would see someone trying their best to remove the debris in a certain place. They looked like they were panicking, and he wondered what was going on.

Yuurei would approach them, and they would look at Yuurei. They were crying as they seemed to have been worried about something.

“What’s wrong?” He asked them.

While he waited for them to answer him, Yuurei would start working on what they were trying to do. He would start moving the debris that was in the way. The man would see that Yuurei could move things with ease, and he would be happy.

“My siblings are stuck in the house. I heard them shouting for someone to help not too long ago, but it’s gotten quiet. Please rescue them.” He said to Yuurei.

The hunter would hear this and he would start moving things faster. Renji would help as well as he would make sure to pull his weight. The two of them were making progress as swiftly as they could. They had to make sure that they didn’t pick up anything that could cause the entire foundation to collapse. It was the last thing they wanted to do. The Seraphim would work his hardest, and soon enough he would be done with his work. He would see that he would be able to go inside, and he would.

There were people inside and he was going to rescue them. He would look around the place and he would keep looking. Soon enough, he would find two people lying next to each other. They were holding onto each other, and he would pick them both up. He would place them on each of his arms and he would get out of the house. Once he got out of the place, he would put them both down and he would check if they were breathing. They were doing just fine, and he assumed that they had fallen asleep. Yuurei would wake them up and he would tell them that they needed to go to a hospital and get checked before they fell asleep.


#6Brone Heavyaxe 

Making it Safe Again [FPP - What to Do Next] Empty Sun Apr 23, 2023 6:45 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Once Brone had reverted to his dwarven form, he parted ways with the civilians of that immediate area and continued his trek through the city. Here and there, there were much debris scattered, though the main focus for the moment was to clean up debris that were an obstacle or posed a hazard to the locals and the dwarf assisted wherever he could. At one point, he had helped a local tavern retrieve their kegs of mead that the dark guild members were trying to steal. They had stacked it in a nearby caravan, readying to transport them before they were defeated by some troops from Paradise Dawn. When Brone had brought back the kegs, the tavern workers offered him a free drink to which he happily accepted.

"Well aren't you happy?" Benimaru chuckled.

"Indeed I am" Brone gave a hearty laugh before taking a swig from his tankard as he had continued his walk through the district.

"You shouldn't be drinking on the job, Brone" Gnicholas said.

"It'll take more than one drink to impair me, besides, it would have been rude if I didn't accept the offer" Brone laughed. Gnicholas didn't push it and accepted it as it is, so long as the dwarf didn't attempt to obtain another drink.

It wouldn't take long before the dwarf found another issue that needed his help; there was a bridge that was on the verge of collapsing, so he was quick to transform into his werelion form and held the damaged pillar in place with two arms and the underside of the bridge with his remaining two arms. "What happened here?" Brone asked.

There was a moment that the civilians were frightened by the sight of the eleven foot tall beast-man, but realizing it was a member of Paradise Dawn, they replied while working to get the bridge fixed, "The Chaos Eclipse thugs had caused an explosion on the bridge as a way to threaten us and prevent our escape during the raid."

Assuring the locals that the threat was taken care of, Brone continued to hold up the bridge, while a local mage used his magic to repair the cracks and solidify the entirety of the structure, though it did take some time for this to finish, given that the mage wasn't as powerful as a standard guild mage.

After the bridge was fully repaired, Brone reverted back to his regular dwarf form and departed after saying his goodbyes. Gnicholas had pointed out that even though the dark guild seem to have been just kidnapping people, they have caused way too much damage than that was necessary. Brone simply chalked it up to carelessness.

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Making it Safe Again [FPP - What to Do Next] Empty Mon Apr 24, 2023 6:43 am


The group of people that he had helped were surprised with where they had awoken. They were happy though, and they would thank him for his work. The seraphim was more than happy to help and he would wave at them as they would listen to him. He would look at Renji and the two of them knew that it was time to keep working. He would move through the city as he would continue to help those who needed it.

He didn’t want to leave the people here without knowing they were fine. While he walked around doing his job, he would soon hear someone asking for help. They were yelling out loud and he would follow the noise until he could hear that they were trapped within the debris that was in front of him.

He would see how he could tackle this without having this fall on them. He would think about it examining the structure, and after doing so for a few, he started taking things out of the way. He would move things quickly because he didn’t know how bad things were for whoever was under all of this. It would take a few, but he would clear everything. When he did this, he would see that the person asking for help was pinned down.

Yuurei wasn’t sure if they would be okay, but he lifted up the construct as carefully as he could. He would make sure it was off their legs and move it outside. He would come back and he would see that their leg had been injured. It wasn’t crushed thank god, but they weren’t going to be walking right now.

The hunter would pick them up and he would nod to them before he started flying with the wings that had grown on his back. He would soar through the sky and toward the hospital. He would move quickly as he wanted this guy to be taken care of as quickly as they could. When they got to the hospital he would enter the place and he would put him on a stretcher before anybody could ask. A nurse would approach him and Yuurei would look at her.

“His legs have been hurt. He was under rubble and his legs were pinned down.” He said this to her.

She nodded understanding that, and looked at the man injured. When she looked back at Yuurei he was already gone as he didn’t need to be thanks for this. He also made his way to the sky as he saw Paradise Dawn members gathering. He knew that one of them would have found out who he was, and he wanted to avoid that.

“It seems like we don’t have to worry about this place for now. We should start heading to Worth Woodsea and make sure nothing is wrong there.” He said to Renji.

[color=orange]“You’re right we should go and stop them from continuing this chaos.



#8Brone Heavyaxe 

Making it Safe Again [FPP - What to Do Next] Empty Mon Apr 24, 2023 8:37 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone would move about the following district. At this point, there didn't seem to be anymore large scale trouble, so he settled with smaller jobs such as carrying heavy objects that needed to be transported elsewhere, such as barrels of water. Given how the raid on the city had caused such a great disturbance, water manes had been damaged, so families were in serious need of water.

After dropping off two kegs of water, he was asked to help fix a wheel on a wagon, but he replied to the local horseman that he is a blacksmith and wouldn't be able to help with such a task, so he simply lifted the wagon over head and transported it to the district that it needed to be.

"Good job, Brone" Gnicholas patted the dwarf's shoulder as he continued to ride along his shoulder.

"You've done great for the city" Benimaru chuckled.

"Ye could have helped" The dwarf grumbled.

"I doubt I could with my size and Benimaru's lack of arms" The gnome said matter-of-factly. The discussion died away for Brone didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

Eventually, Brone spotted a handful of Paradise Dawn members making their way towards the same direction. When he had asked one of his troop members who was passing by, he found out that the Paradise Dawn members were meeting up since the majority of the city's problems were handled enough so that the citizens could handle the rest. Since Brone's own tasks were pretty much done, he chose to follow his subordinates.

Eventually they got a an open area where many Paradise Dawn members were gathered. Before the dwarf could make an announcement to his fellow guild members, Muninn had flown down and landed upon Brone's right shoulder and whispered into his ear, "Yuurei is making his way to the Worth Woodsea forest", with that being said, the dwarf made a loud whistle, silencing the crowd and catching their full attention. Brone didn't say a word since he was still bound by his pact with the ravens, so when all eyes fell upon him, he gave a stern stare for a moment before turning and heading towards the nearest exit of the city. Though the guild members were confused, they eventually followed behind Brone.

They were all led outside the gates of the city where the karts and horses were. With another whistle, Geri the tempest wolf came running from the hill. "Missed me, boy?" Brone petted the wolf and scratched his chin before he mounted him. He gave a moment so that everyone had a chance to gather themselves. Eventually they were all ready to move on out.

"It is impressive that without even saying a word, you can guide a whole army; now that his true leadership" Benimaru said. Gnicholas had questioned whether or not the oni spirit was being sarcastic, but Brone took it as a compliment, for he was smiling for a while as he rode upon Geri's back, leading Paradise Dawn to the forest. Huginn and Muninn lead the way up ahead, keeping track of Yuurei's trail.

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