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Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet

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Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Mon May 15, 2017 3:43 pm

Quest: Enchanting The Amulet

Rank: B

Type: Good


  • A user with at least 20 Intelligence or higher.

Lady Merlin: The king's personal advisor and well-endowed sorceress. She is a woman whom possesses inhuman amounts of magical power. Merlin is a witch turned saint that the king decided to partake under her wing when he was but a mere boy in training to become the king that he is today. It is unknown as to what her age is, but some speculate that she is even older than the king.

Summary: Lady Merlin is seeking out a person capable of reading cryptic tomes and enchanting an amulet as a birthday present for Luciel. Normally, Merlin would make a gift however she is too busy at the moment.

Luciel: Luciel was found abandoned long ago by Merlin and has been under her wing ever since. Emotional expressions can't be read off her face, most likely due to a trauma in the past. She is accepted by everyone in Crocus due to being seen as Merlin's daughter. She is currently being raised as an apprentice by Merlin and aids her motherly-like figure in any task at hand.

Objective: After deciphering and selecting the correct enchantment from the numerous tomes that Merlin has stored, you will enchant the amulet given to you before returning it to her for inspection and giving it to Luciel.

Extra Rewards:

  • Intelligence +3


  • Create a topic in Mercurius.
  • Meet Lady Merlin in her study where she will inform you of the task she wishes you to complete.
  • After obtaining the amulet from her you will go through the tomes that are scattered throughout the study.
  • Eventually you will come across a book titled Enchantments for Longevity & Perfect Health.
  • After gathering the materials needed to perform the enchantment, you will cast a spell that changes the amulet forever.
  • Returning the amulet to Lady Merlin, she will inspect it before wrapping it up in a box and sending you to Luciel with it.
  • Luciel is going through some books of her own in the library of Mercurius, find her between a pile of books.
  • After giving the amulet to Luciel, you will be rewarded for your work by Lady Merlin.


Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Fri Jun 23, 2017 2:09 am

Taking with Kon. His intelligence is high enough for the requirement.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya
#3Bianca Fleur † 

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Fri Jun 23, 2017 2:55 am

Bianca Fleur †
Alice & Kon have started this quest.


Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Mon Jun 26, 2017 8:15 am


#5Venus Rosé 

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Mon Jun 26, 2017 9:52 am

Venus Rosé

Alice Baskerville & Kon have completed this quest.

#6Venus Rosé 

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Tue Aug 22, 2017 9:00 pm

Venus Rosé

Chelvaric & I would like to take this quest, please.


Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:36 am


Snowflake and Chelvaric have started this quest.

#8Chelvaric Walderkat 

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Sun Aug 27, 2017 11:17 am

Chelvaric Walderkat

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet HVEbuMl


Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Sun Aug 27, 2017 11:09 pm

Snowflake and Chelvaric have completed this quest.

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet R1pERCr
#10Daiko Flayme 

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:58 am

Daiko Flayme
Eva & I want to take this quest, plz

#11Venus Rosé 

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Tue Sep 12, 2017 11:43 pm

Venus Rosé

Hyoen & Evangeline have started this quest.

#12Daiko Flayme 

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Sat Sep 16, 2017 10:29 am

Daiko Flayme

#13Venus Rosé 

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Sat Sep 16, 2017 10:39 am

Venus Rosé

Hyoen & Evangeline have completed this quest.


Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Fri Oct 20, 2017 1:21 pm

Taking this, please.

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet LqKLdpe
#15Bianca Fleur † 

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Fri Oct 20, 2017 1:23 pm

Bianca Fleur †
Seira has started this quest.


Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Sat Oct 28, 2017 7:09 pm


Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet LqKLdpe

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Sat Oct 28, 2017 10:16 pm

Seira has completed this quest.

Hi I'm Caius
#18Akira Shimada 

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Sat Mar 03, 2018 4:49 pm

Akira Shimada
Taking this with Baron and Hatsuharu, I'm smart enough :D

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Signature6
#19Venus Rosé 

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Sat Mar 03, 2018 4:52 pm

Venus Rosé

Akira Shimada, Hatsuharu and Baron have started this quest.

#20Káilètte † 

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Thu Mar 08, 2018 5:07 pm

Taking this with Alisa


Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Thu Mar 08, 2018 5:35 pm

Arisa and Alisa have started this quest.

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet MJmwSQc
"Hey Guest, wanna train with me? No worries, I'll start soft and get harder as we go."
#22Akira Shimada 

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Fri Mar 09, 2018 4:08 pm

Akira Shimada
Baron, Hatsuharu and I have completed this quest.

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Signature6
#23Venus Rosé 

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Fri Mar 09, 2018 4:25 pm

Venus Rosé

Baron, Akira Shimada & Hatsuharu have completed this quest.

#24Káilètte † 

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Mon Mar 12, 2018 12:17 pm


#25Akira Shimada 

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Empty Mon Mar 12, 2018 12:31 pm

Akira Shimada
Alisa Vollen & Arisa have completed this quest.

Crocus - Enchanting The Amulet Signature6

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