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Bane Magic (2,000,000J)

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Bane Magic (2,000,000J) Empty Tue Mar 29, 2022 5:07 am



Name: Bane Magic

Element: Darkness

Category: Single

Quantity: Unlimited

Description: Bane Magic is a magic that focuses on causing misery and despair while inflicting damage at the same time. The magic affects the mind of the target when they are harmed and causes them to lose focus on their ability to cast magic.  


Requirements: None.

  • None.


  • Offensive-type spells affect the mind of the target upon harming them. The mana cost of the target is increased by 10% each time they are hit. The effect lasts throughout the topic and keeps on stacking with each additional hit. In addition, the cooldowns of the target also increase by 1 post for every 2 times that they got hit. This effect lasts throughout the topic and keeps on stacking with each additional hit.


Bane Magic (2,000,000J) Empty Thu May 02, 2024 6:31 pm

Claiming as Morgana's starter magic!


Bane Magic (2,000,000J) Empty Fri May 03, 2024 8:58 am


Morgana has claimed this as their Starter magic.

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