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Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.)

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Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Oct 28, 2023 4:30 am

In the tavern he softly chuckled and apologized "Apologies, I cannot handle alcoholic drinks, so I opted for the water. And besides, I dont want to make our new friend feel excluded" besides, he wanted to savor a drink of tequila for later. One nice glass was enough. Although little did he know what he was gonna get into later. Now he was blissful

He politely raised his glass like Alisa did. "Cheers to our new friend" this little cheer or toast was more akin from his and Toga's point of view, because to them Judith was a new person. Though he continued "May she continue exist in peace" he couldnt say live in peace since she wasnt alive, and rest in peace didnt sound very... right at this scenario.

The joyan sipped his glass of water because he is parched. But now he observed the others because he did not know what to talk about

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:44 am


Tōga's eyes roamed hungrily over the array of drinks spread across their small table, his soul craving the earthy taste of pulque imprisoned within the clay cups. The fermented beverage called to him, and as Alisa mentioned finishing the four untouched drinks since their companions had abstained, his eagerness grew. Though no alcoholic, the Dragon Slayer delighted in a fine drink now and then, especially in convivial company, when celebrations flowed freely. To Tōga, drinking together this way unlocked conversations and lowered inhibitions, allowing true feelings to emerge. And Alisa's spirited toast tonight was certainly cause for revelry. As Tōga reached for a clay cup brimming with the tantalizing elixir, he knew this was something worth drinking to.

"That's certainly a toast I can drink to—cheers to you being alive, if only for this endless night!" Tōga mused. Though Judina now breathed before him, full of life's animus, he knew not whether her resurrection by this strange magic was fleeting or permanent. When the perpetual night enshrouding Stella finally ceded to day, would she once more slip life's surly bonds? Those answers eluded him still, but dwelled in the realm of tomorrow's problems. Tonight, he would simply share in fellowship, revelry, and mirth, seizing the gift of her company for however long it lasted. Lifting his cup, Tōga drank deeply, savoring the nectar of this moment.

Tōga grasped a clay cup brimming with pulque, the fermented elixir he had been craving. He lifted it to his lips, the earthenware cool against his mouth as the first drops hit his tongue. An earthy sweetness bloomed, pooling in his mouth before slipping down his throat, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. The drink warmed his belly, tendrils of heat spiraling outwards as the alcohol smoldered within. Tōga closed his eyes, savoring the interplay of flavors—the initial honeyed caress gentling into a bold, smoky burn. He let out a satisfied sigh, a glow already rising in his cheeks. This was a drink worth reveling in.


Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Oct 28, 2023 5:01 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Judina † @Toga @DaeSeong | RAINCOAT

Well, it didn't sound like the best magic for a child to play with? At best she'd have missed her childhood, however, Mimi didn't seem negatively affected by it in any way.

"I believe her mind grew with her. She tried it, and now she prefers to be in that form. But indeed, best ask her if you'd like to know more?"

In the end, exactly because it could just be temporary did Alisa feel a pressing need to celebrate this return. How long would Judina stay here? Hours? Days? Months? Maybe even years? Without a way of knowing when the spell would end, she had to savour these moments down to every last drop. She died too young, and too suddenly, and to this day Alisa regretted not having spent more time with her. And now it seemed fate had seen it fit to give her a second chance:

"Fufu~... Don't worry, nobody will try to get you drunk here. Well... Maybe not yet anyway?", she teased, her plush pink lips curling as she threw Dae a teasing little wink, little knowing that her own wife would beat her to it in the near future. For now though, he got off easy with drinking water as Alisa raised her glass to meet theirs before taking a good long gulp of her pulque, slowly growing hooked by that sweet, fizzy tang... So much that she finished half the glass with one gulp before bringing it back down, her attention turning to Toga who soon expressed exactly what was on her mind, "That's the spirit~... After all, neither of us know how long it will last? Better make the most of it~"

Folding her arms under her bust as her elbows came to rest atop the counter in front of them, Alisa brought a hand to her cheek and turned to Judina:

"You should make a list Judina... What do you want to do most now that you're here?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#29Judina † 

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Empty Sun Oct 29, 2023 12:04 pm

Judina †
It would be something she would ponder over while everyone seemed to over all celebrate the lives that passed and the ones that was here to see them once again and Judina was left trying to think to of all of the people she would try and see again if she could. it was a fairly in depth of a thought. She would think on it for a while and actually come up with a fairly serious answer."While it is nice to be here, I do wish aside from Miriko, My mother and Alistair, to at least say good bye to the rest of my family as well...Alice,Kazimir A few other as well that i do not remember the names of but by face."

The while thinking about it she would also admit. "I suppose I should say I am sorry I died long before being strong enough to take you up on that off of a duel as well Alisa."She remembered that but was unsure Alisa remembered. It seemed even if she was okay and able to move on Judina did have a few things she knew where left unfulfilled even if unintentionally an understood why.

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Alexss10

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Empty Sun Oct 29, 2023 2:20 pm

There was not much he could do to add to the conversation, he did not know Kazimir or Alice. This was more aimed at Alisa who knew of this stuff. He looked towards the Rune Knight, he didnt have much time to interact with him since the undead Rune Knight kind of took his spotlight. He then glanced at Alisa for a moment as he had to have words with her too, but sighed as he decided to drop that for now

Best he could do was drink his water and think of things to come. Make plans for the future. Because this was not his past and he was not involved with it. Granted he could look into this Alice person or Kazimir, but perhaps it hasnt piqued his interest enough to pursue it for real. He could go for a drink after this. Best to drink alone, with others you never know if you'll be forced to take seconds. He'd like to be sober

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Oct 30, 2023 8:33 am


In an instant, Tōga had gulped down nearly the entire contents of his mug. One swift drink, perhaps two, was all it took for the sweet liquid to coat his mouth before plunging into slumber in his stomach. The coolness trailed the warmth of the wine, tingling his insides with playful laughter. This was by far the best drink he had tasted since arriving in Stella—or maybe he was simply sober enough to appreciate the flavor for once. For others, a vacation meant relaxing, sleeping in, and recharging. But for the dragon slayer, it was an opportunity to explore and adventure. The world was vast and his time limited; whenever a chance to do something arose, he seized it without hesitation. That included drinking copiously with strangers.

The somber conversation between Judina and Alisa flowed on, as the two friends wove together hopeful visions for the future while also acknowledging the bitter past that had led them to this point. Tōga could only watch silently as the two peeled back the veil of time, walking through history and into the future with their words. They blended beautiful, wistful imaginings of what could be with the harsh truths of what had been. As they opened up to one another, it was as if time and space fell away, leaving just two souls communicating heart-to-heart. Tōga was mesmerized by the way they moved effortlessly between past pain and future possibility, the gravity of their life experiences informing but not overriding their optimism. Their conversation was a dance between darkness and light.

"You two could always have that spar now!" Tōga suggested, the words bursting forth as he tipped back the last of his drink. Without missing a beat, he snatched up the second mug that had been intended for another guest now sipping water instead.

"I don't really know much about your family or friends, or if they're even in Stella at the moment," he admitted sheepishly, recognizing he had no solutions for Judina's familial woes. The suggestion to spar sprung from an eagerness to redirect the mood toward joy. Tōga knew he lacked the wisdom to resolve the threads of the past woven through the two women's conversation. But combat - that was an arena he understood. A friendly fight seemed just the thing to transport their spirits from melancholy back to mirth.

But Alisa is right here,” he smiles warmly.


Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Oct 30, 2023 7:26 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Judina † @Toga @DaeSeong | RAINCOAT

Alisa took a sip from her drink, her arms folded over the counter, her eyes fixed on Judina as she made her list. She did feel a little guilty for Dae and Toga, who probably most likely didn't know any of these people.

"Alice is... Hmmm... I don't know if she's alive or dead. The other day I met a woman, Mary Jane, who claimed to have inherited her memories. Though granted, I don't know where she is at this point. As for Kazimir, he might have come to Stella himself. Maybe you'll run into him~?", she chimed, tilting her head, until something Judina said made her brow arch, before looking off into the distance, "Fufu~... I'll admit... I had almost forgotten about it, but we did make that promise, did we not~?"

She scratched her temple... Her friend had carried this memory to the afterlife and returned with it, and here Alisa was, having forgotten about it... She sipped her drink again, only to turn her attention to the other Rune Knight whose suggestion stunned her at first... But soon enough it grew on her, and those plush pink lips widened into a knowing smile as she turned her gaze back to Judina:

"Fufu, Toga is right... If you'd like we could spar right now~?", she teased inbetween sips, tossing the idea out there, idly sipping from her drink as her brow arched. She imagined Judina might have other priorities right now, so she wouldn't really fault her if she chose not to. But, the offer was thrown out there regardless


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#33Judina † 

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Oct 31, 2023 3:42 pm

Judina †
It did seemed tempting but Judina would refuse for a reason she felt logical."Considering how long i have been dead, I doubt I am at a good level that sparing will be fair compared at this rate. I value having some dignity left at this time."Judina already seemed to assume that she would lose right away even if a friendly spar, But it was easy to see why she would think about it that way."I doubt a punch from me would impact you at all compared to when i was still around and training."to Alisa self doubt was a known enemy to Judina and it was shown now.

Besides there were here for other things."For now, enjoy the drinks...i should not subjects ones who are not directly in my life worry about my problems after all."Judina said kind of remember she did value from things being kept at where they are."So, Let's us just be happy about where each other are at now and be thankful."

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Alexss10

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 01, 2023 1:10 pm

There was some interesting conversation about Alice and then Mary Jane. Maybe if he has some free time he could look into that. But soon they switched to another topic: sparring. Toga said that the two ladies could spar now. But Judina made a good point. She was dead for who knows how long and in the meantime Alisa has only become stronger and is the Guild Master of Blue Pegasus.

He thought to himself for a moment and considering the peculiar situation, he mildly spoke up "Excuse me" this was probably the most altruistic he has ever been in his opinion "But if you wish, I could spar you in Alisa's place. Personally I am not really a fighter, but I am a member of Blue Pegasus like her. I can be your substitute for sparring" he said his offer and continued to drink his water, because he felt parched after saying that. It was uncharacteristic for him to be this way. But the lady was deceased and he felt he had no problem giving someone closure. Its not real after all

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 01, 2023 4:28 pm


Tōga's suggestion was met with immediate refusal, as Judina's loyalty to her old friend, and realization of where her strength sat could not be swayed. Though now undead, the bond between the two women remained unbroken. Tōga sank into contemplative silence, the sting of rejection still fresh. Yet as he gazed at the faces around the table, a sense of belonging began to blossom within him. This motley gathering was united by far more than a passing desire for entertainment. Their shattered lives had been woven back together by the unbreakable threads of camaraderie and understanding. Contentment slowly replaced disappointment as Tōga realized some connections run deeper than fleeting thrills. Though the proposed duel would not take place, the true gift was the chance to share in the company of newfound friends. He took a sip from his glass, no longer concerned with what the night may or may not bring. Simply being together was enough.

Tōga's excitement was short-lived, dashed upon the rocks of Judina's refusal. Yet before disappointment could fully take hold, a spark of hope glimmered once more. DaeSeong's respectful offer cut through the tension, presenting a compelling alternative. Here was a challenger closer to Judina's level, now that death had diminished her formerly formidable power. Tōga's eyes lit up, enthusiasm rekindled. Perhaps this pairing could yield an entertaining battle after all.

Though Alisa sat at a different table in terms of strength, this new proposition was enticingly well matched. Judina's reservations were understandable, but DaeSeong's courage in stepping forward was admirable. As the two conversated, Tōga watched with bated breath. The night's entertainment had taken an unexpected turn, yes, but still held promise. He swirled the drink in his glass pensively, letting anticipation build. Where disappointment had threatened, excitement now bloomed anew.

That sounds like a great idea! Alisa-Kun! We could place bets on this – bets in the forms of drinks.” He teases.


Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Nov 02, 2023 5:53 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Judina † @Toga @DaeSeong | RAINCOAT

"Fufu~... You're stronger than you give yourself credit for?", Alisa reassured, reaching out and resting her hand on her shoulder with a caring, understanding smile. Judina never really trusted her own power and then again that was probably why she refused her offer back when she was still alive, "And you never know until you try it~? People have a way of surprising you."

In the end though, she wouldn't really press the topic now, after all Judina had been given a probably limited time on Earthland, it was up to her to decide what to do with it. But before they could let the matter rest, Dae spoke up and offered to take Alisa's place in that sparring match:

"Ohooo~...? Now there's an interesting idea?", Alisa chimed in, drinking another big gulp of her drink until she found the glass empty, and soon reached for the other unattended one they had left there, nodding at Toga's suggestion with a knowing little wink, "Oh, besides, we're almost empty, are we not...? Might as well choose whoever will buy the next round."

Of course, not that Alisa would start placing bets right away, between her old friend and her guildmate, she didn't want either of them feeling demoralized before the spar even began


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#37Judina † 

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:09 pm

Judina †
It sounded a bit off for Judina, because it was a bit odd get into a fight with a man who might not know how too fight just because requested. Judina did actually take time to think about it nicely. After all she thought of it this way."Are you sure this is even fair for him?"Judina had to ask because well if Alisa remember anything about Judina like she did, this was not fair.

Even looking at him for a moment."Brave you maybe. Just a wee bit awkward."Judina almost was not expecting it and she almost seemed to want to back down because of it. Even if two wanted to bet on it and one was willing to do it in Alisa's place. it was not right and strange to her. But over all it seemed it was possible to talk her into it even if the window of time was short for it to be possible.

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Alexss10

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Nov 06, 2023 2:19 am

Bets? Ok, he may be altruistic, but he is not that altruistic. He was not doing this to be a gladiator for someones enjoyment, merely to help a dead soul with unfinished business.
Alisa spoke how Judina is stronger than she gives herself credit for. Dae-seong meanwhile had no idea how strong she was.

In regards to his volunteering of a spar, Alisa also seemed to be suprised he was a new challenger. And she seemed to like the idea. So the only one who was to react to it was the person herself, Judina.

The deceased Rune Knight probably sensed an imbalance of power and realized that this too would not be a fair match. Only instead of it being one sided for Alisa, it would be one sided for her.
"Hmm, my only other suggestion is to spar against your fellow Rune Knight. It seems like a good idea" to pass the torch and see if her successors are worthy and such. Indeed, the joyan took the exit and offered another alternative

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Nov 06, 2023 8:27 am


The wooden throne beneath Tōga molded to his shape as the drinks flowed freely, imbuing him with a kingly aura. Though the circumstances leading to this night remained cryptic, the present moment felt vibrantly real. For this evening only, Judina had stepped out of the realm of spirits to join the living. Her presence, along with Alisa and DaeSeong, turned the mysterious tavern into a place of comfort and camaraderie. Tomorrow the confusion would return, but tonight, Tōga allowed himself to indulge in the company of new friends, letting the conversation and laughter wash over him like the finest of wines.

Confusion clouded Tōga's face as the talk turned again to DaeSeong and Judina's looming battle. "Huh?" The Rune Knight murmured, auburn eyes swiveling toward Judina. A smile spread slowly across his features, as if the notion caught him off guard. "Fight me?" He echoed with a touch of surprise, unconsciously gesturing at himself. Though ready to clash with DaeSeong, the prospect of crossing blades with his old friend was one he had not anticipated.

"I'd be honored!" Tōga declared, draining his second drink as his canines flashed in an eager grin. Since joining the Rune Knights, he had few chances to revel in combat, taking on endless quests to climb the ranks instead. Now, the prospect of crossing swords with someone as renowned and powerful as Judina made his blood sing with excitement. It was an opportunity as intoxicating as the drinks he and Alisa indulged in this night. Tōga's smile widened at the thought of finally testing his mettle against a legendary knight.


Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:57 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Judina † @Toga @DaeSeong | RAINCOAT

"My, I thought you knew better than to underestimate Blue Pegasus~?", Alisa teased her, nudging her friend with her elbow, pleased to finally see at least a bit a modicum of acknowledgement of her own power.

Indeed Judina was... A difficult opponents for mages to defeat if they lacked enough magic power to keep up with her Nullification. But at the same time, she was a Nullification mage, which meant she lacked any source of offense as a mage. A terrifying magic for a Rune Knight who specialized in dealing with Rogue Mages, but one that a superior physical fighter could overcome. That said, Alisa refrained from speaking Judina's magic aloud, in case she accepted the challenge. In a friendly bout such as this, her skills should have been left for her opponent to find out:

"Ooh, that's not bad as well~ I suppose you'd appreciate seeing how the Rune Knights have fared after your passing?", chimed the crystal mage, at this point her fighting spirit sufficiently piqued that she didn't even need to participate in the battle to enjoy herself.

Still, she had to admit... Dae's own suggestion only intrigued her further. Alisa couldn't really comment on how fair or balanced this match might be, as she had no idea what kind of power and abilities Toga had:

"Fufufu~... In that case... I'll make sure to keep a cool drink waiting for you~?", she added, impressed at how quickly Toga jumped at the chance for the spar, crossing her legs as she turned on her chair.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#41Judina † 

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 08, 2023 2:59 pm

Judina †
Judina had to be a buzz kill, for being alive again her first thought was not fighting any one. if she was honest it felt almost like it was a form of gambling, Judina was over all more focus on other things."I don't think most people when first being brought back to life want to think about fighting some one...I will only disappoint you."Judina's feelings on her self might only in the end seemingly get the best of her. She most likely not was going to be a disappointment but it seemed all and all she was not interested.

Judina wanted to use this time for other things she cared about other things."If you excuse me, I prefer to see if i can find any of my family members here."Judina mentioned almost like that was her actual focus was never the idea of fighting and not she was going to focus on the rest. She seemed okay being ruining the fun because she had things she wanted to do.


Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Alexss10

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 15, 2023 3:53 am

In any case, no one was to fight anyone. Not that Dae-seong minded that as he was not into brute combat. It just seemed beneath him. And it seems Judina had better stuff to do than to fight, such as searching for actual family members.
He then looked at Toga and his guild master "Seeing as our honoured guest is leaving. I too will excuse myself. I may need a moment to myself after such an encounter. My apologies, Guild Master. And you too, Rune Knight" he said and bid his farwell to the two.
He went to have a casual drink alone, not being pressured by anyone to get drunk. But little did he know that he would encounter someone and have the same fate he wished to avoid. Indeed, life was funny that way. And soon he would learn that as well, what was it like to be a man such as him


Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 15, 2023 8:42 am

The moon hung full and heavy over Stella that night, its ethereal glow casting the cemetery in an otherworldly pallor. Tōga felt the thrum of magic in his veins as the dead emerged from their slumber to mingle with the living once more. This was a rare chance to test his skills against an unexpected companion. Though they had only met some hours ago, Judina was already an ally as a fellow Rune Knight. Her return from beyond intrigued Tōga, even if he struggled to find the right words. But a friendly duel could reveal more about her than hours of stilted conversation. As their hands met in combat, a wordless bond was forged. The clash of magic echoed the clash of blades, each strike and parry bringing them closer together. In the moonlight, amongst the restless dead, two knights connected through the poetry of battle. This night would spark a friendship that would endure beyond this evening of wonders, a living memory to cherish when the dawn came to return the departed to their rest.

As Judina declined the duel and slipped away into the moonlit night, Tōga felt a pang of regret. In his eagerness for combat, had he disturbed the delicate mood of the evening? The talk of sparring was meant in a spirit of camaraderie, but it had clearly given Judina pause. Her memories of a promise with Alisa had unearthed poignant memories, reminding her that time was fleeting. Perhaps she now sought the company of those she held most dear. Tōga watched her depart with a frown, wondering if his suggestion had hastened her exit. Soon after, DaeSeong offered his polite goodbyes, leaving only Tōga and Alisa amidst the unfinished drinks. An air of melancholy lingered at their table. The magic of the night had been interrupted. In hoping for revelry and contest, Tōga realized he had overlooked what truly mattered: making the most of the stolen time they'd been granted. Judina's family awaited her, as did she them.

Wanna keep drinkin’?”  he asks Alisa with a soft smile, though some of it’s luster was sapped away.

wc: 4135


Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Dec 02, 2023 8:44 am


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Judina † @Toga @DaeSeong | RAINCOAT

"See you around Judina~... I hope I'll get to see you again if you end up going back, but if you do... It was a pleasure see you again?", Alisa smiled, almost beaming at her friend before she turned her attention to her companions, "Not at all, take as much time as you need... I'll see you back at the guild hall~?"

With this, only her and Toga were left, with some half finished drinks in front of them. Alisa took a sip from one. She too felt a smidge of curiosity to see what Judina could do in a fight, after all she'd only heard it from second hand sources and never really saw it for herself, but at the same time... Now that Judina had passed away, perhaps she deserved to carry some secrets to her grave? She sighed, her chest rising and falling as she turned her focus to Toga, who invited her to keep drinking:

"By all means, lets order another round~", Alisa returned the smile and winked, "Night is young, after all~?"

Though Dae and Judith had now left, she was delighted to have a new companion to join her for a few more drinks, after all, the night was still young... And she was defenitely interested in getting to know one of the new generations of Knights.



Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Only in a Dream, Does One Dance with the Dead. (invite/Dance with the dead.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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