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Frozen Mountains (Lumikki)

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Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Mon Oct 09, 2023 7:54 am

While the two expressed the urge to do quests together, things havent been able to line up for the two since they last met and talked about it in Orchidia. Lumikki had her own quests and personal things to do and so did he. And ever since that battle with Drakkon he had stopped taking quests with him and mostly did things solo. And with Tamas leaving the guild, the guy he knew and trusted the most was gone.

Alexandre opted to stay purely so the two guilds would have a link and get along better. But he wouldnt lie, there was a period where he did feel alone and had done plenty of things alone. Including taking on some quests. Some more dangerous than others.

But now things have changed, he and Lumikki were finally able to do something together. He wanted to see what was it like to work with her. Usually Drakkon would be drunk and he'd be the sober and responsible one. He just wanted a better, more relaxed and yet professional experience for once. He moved on from his past and inner demons as much as he could and yet he still felt some.... misery. Maybe he didnt get to meet good people. Drakkon wasnt good crowd for him, best he could do is avoid him and focus on the more positive people. Though Lumikki was that one positive person. When it came to some other members, Brone and such, he didnt get to interact with them as they are always off doing their own thing.
But anywho, that is then and this is now. And now is the time for a brand new quest


Last edited by Alexandre on Mon Oct 09, 2023 10:24 am; edited 1 time in total


Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Mon Oct 09, 2023 10:15 am


Lumikki took her time at the quest board looking over the options. Her head was tilting in an exaggerated way as she was rereading and thinking about what she was in the mood to do. It took a while before she happened to see a slip that was hidden behind three or four other quests and pulled it out. This mission was placed just about a month ago but it doesn't seem to have a time limit, nor could it have been retracted because it was still left on the board.

She skimmed over the details and a mischievous grin crept along her face. No wonder anyone wanted to take on this quest all this time. Not many people could fair well in the frigid cold that one would find this beast. And low and behold, it was just nearby at one of the highest mountains. That solved why the slip was catching all this dust here, she figured.

She took out her notebook to write a note to Alex, a fellow frostkin born to do a quest like this. She was really excited to see how he worked and how he used his magic. Once she was done noting all the important things of note on her page she folded it up and passed it to Trygve to pass on the note.

Then she went to her room to begin getting ready for the mission. By the time Alex headed out to meet her where the note told him, she was giving Asger hugs and nuzzles.

Asger was a Leviat she has encountered recently as she and her Uncle had gone off to a family reunion. She managed to charm him over to being a good boy, using absolutely no threats of destruction. He's been a lovely mount and companion ever since.

Her ravens usually accompanying her were all perched around. "Looks like he's here my Revna."


Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Mon Oct 09, 2023 10:24 am

He had prepared for their quest, but he was surprised to see that she had a mount. Impressive beast.
"Greetings. Its been a bit hasnt it? How are you?" he asked as he didnt just want to coldly get down to business. Sure he was focused on it, but she was a guild mate and he did want to check on her well being as well, she was not means to an end for quests.

Sure they were guild mates, but he didnt get to spend time with her as they were busy with their own personal stuff. Which included him focusing on relearning the magic that he had long forgotten and abandoned. Magic that he clearly needed to regain. He got so distracted by that, that human connection was eluding him for a bit at the guild. He was glad he could finally have someone to talk to.

But after their small talk and such, he would prepare to go off on this quest with her. He wondered what their mode of transport would be. Would her mount hold him? Or do they go by foot from here now that they met. He will see what suits her more



Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:57 am


Lumikki looked at him with joy in her eyes. It really has been a while and she felt it and it was good to see her guild mate after all this time. ”Aye mate it has, and I’m happy to work with ya. Ye’d be the first of the frost I’ll ever see at work in ages and for a hunt no less. Tell ya I was giddy when I found the quest slip. As for me, I got to meet family since we last met. Long story short, their fairing well and I took on father’s clan name.” She paused for a moment as if to process a thought, looking back at Asger than Alex. Laughing as she began speaking again. ”And I found this cutie along the way. Haven’t had him ferry me about yet though, so add ‘em to the firsts.”

In her glee she ran over to hug him. Despite the lack of contact all this time, she still wanted to show him she cared. As she pulled away she beckoned Asger to lay flat so the two would get on. Lumikki taking the lead to show him how and sitting in the front to lead her mount up the mountains.

”How much experience would ya say ye have in flying Frostkin?” Though she asked, she tooled off just as she spoke. She was curious yes, but she was also eager to take off. Asger was also content being back up in the skies and feeling the winds brush past his scales. He was not racing up but he did fly at moderate speeds. His movements were fluid and very serpentine, gliding through the air more than cutting through it. Lumikki found she was very pleased with the ups and down of it.

Regardless of how Alex did take to the skies, Lumikki was observant to make sure he had safe passive. The Daemon held multiple means by which to keep him from falling.

And the further high up they rose, the more blissfully cold it became. ”Doesn’t the chill feel so goooood Frostkin? I just wish it could feel like this all the time.” Lumi was pulling her arms back now, embracing the frigid winds of the ascent. When they reached near the top, Asger would fly around before finding a point to cling and let the passengers off. In the meantime, he would enjoy traveling around in the skies while the two made their work and it was time to call him again.

Lumikki looked around as to where they were before pulling the slip from her void and reading over the notes. Seems were are looking for Vulcans. It’s an odd creature that possesses a host to maintain its form, and it somewhat tricky to deal with. So the two would have to be mindful. As to where they like to linger, seems that would be caves within the mountain.

Lumikki thought all this over before telling Alex the gist of the mission. Honestly she didn’t care if she had to slay a dragon, she was excited for a frost hunt.


Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Nerili11

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Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Thu Oct 12, 2023 6:24 am

He could see the certain twinkle in her eyes. She was happy to work with him and to be honest, he was happy to be working with her. And not just that, he was happy to see her. Lumikki was a very lovely lady. She even told him a bit what happened so they can catch up

"Sounds like a lot has happened on your end. I wish I had some exciting news to tell you. I have merely been training in your absence or well just doing guild stuff solo. I have been trying to remember some old spells I used in my youth. I got some, but trying to remaster some more advanced ones."
not to mention he needs to buy better quality weapons. Not just with his impromptu knife. But he lost his old pistol and needed to get a new one. So he also needs marksman training. Basically he needs to do a lot of training. Lumikki came as a godsend in form of social interaction

Thats when in her glee she just went and hugged him. It shocked him at first, but he returned the gesture and hugged her back. It has been probably too long. He could tell though, Lumikki had a good heart. And he wishes her best on her own adventures- As she pulled away she beckoned Asger to lay flat so the two would get on. Lumikki taking the lead to show him how and sitting in the front to lead her mount up the mountains. Alexandre followed her lead when it came to the mount and waited to see what would happen next

She asked him how long was it since he flew or how much experience he had "I have a bit of experience. Been a while though" but in any way, he would handle it much better and more gracefully then Michael. Alexandre would be a bad Dragon Slayer if he gets squeimish with flights. After all, dragons fly.

As they went up to the skies, there was a certain chill. Lumikki enjoyed it and so did he. He calmly nodded "Yes, it is always pleasant to feel the chill." which reminded him "Speaking of chill and chills. I never got to ask. What was the deal with.... Brone I think... crashing through my room. Honestly happened to fast I didnt even see who was it" but he figures, if it was Brone and not Yuurei that Lumikki was the right person to ask

Eventually they would discuss the mission and he'd nod and agree that he understood that was their task



Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Sun Oct 22, 2023 5:53 pm


” I didn’t even know ye knew some spells from yer youth Frostkin, how long ye’ve been a slyer for!” Lumikki pulled back and looked at him in awe. Thoroughly curious of his history and magic now.

The two had been flying to the location at this point, Lumi enjoying the cold crisp air.

” Brone did what now….?” She tried to play ignorant of what the man had said, looking intently at the mountain as if she could, she lined it like a map. ” Ye know, I think I’ve heard something about that and how he and the maintenance man took weeks to fix the North tower, was it? Gnicholas gave him an ear full I think….”

Lumi enjoyed bringing chaos and would usually own up to it but she figured it would be more fun to see what conclusions he comes to himself. Telling things so plainly is so boring after all.

Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Nerili11

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Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:25 pm

He chuckled "Oh I've been on plenty of wild adventures. I was as energetic as you once. But as for me being a slayer.... well... for a long time. When my age was in single digits, thats how long" he was proud of some of his past. And he did like Lumikki's whole look of awe. It was charming and made him feel that pride, but he didnt let it go to his head. But he'd be lying if he said he didnt enjoy the proverbial spotlight.
As the two flew meanwhile, the air was crisp cold. But because both were ice mages, they werent really phased by it.

Alexandre took the chance to ask Lumikki about Brone crashing through his room that one time. He heard Lumikki and nodded before speaking furthermore "Yeah that was something. Im lightly glad I was sitting a bit to the right otherwise I shudder to imagine what would've happen. The way it played out so fast and the hole he left. It was almost as if it was a cardboard cutout in my roof and floor. Horrific, but hilarious at once." he merely described his point of view of Brone just crashing by.
He might have to have a word with Brone himself though to ask the guy to watch where he crashes at least.


Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:40 pm


" Strong one isn't he mate? Dwarf through and through, he's practically made of stone." She tried her damn hardest to hold in the laugh hung in her throat. The girl was near choking on it and the visuals. Every time she thinks back to her memories of being the one to chase him around, she risks cracking. And so she did the more natural thing, pushed the conversation elsewhere.

" Aaaah yes, so a Vulcan is our target Frostkin. Ye never told me yer experience with hunting? I usually have me birds to grant me more eyes, but I didn't want to trouble them with this could nor did I want 'em to take from our time. This is the first we worked and I'm curious about how it'll go." She landed the pair safely on the side of the mountain. Her beast Asger was left to his devices to roam the sky freely.

" Vulcans are tricky buggers. Those creatures have a tendency to...if I remember it right...Nab the bodies of others to hold form. Hard to explain really, but once they take over their form shows and they hide in the mountains. So any place to start is as good as any."

Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Nerili11

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Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Fri Oct 27, 2023 2:25 am

He sees how she is happy and jovial, no doubt having some funny visions in her mind. But aside from that they got to business, what their target was for example and then asked him about his hunting experience

"I was more of a highwayman than a hunter. I mostly hunted to survive. I wasnt as impressive in the hunting depratment as you may think. My goals were mostly stealing so I could afford things" he was mostly on the roads, attacking travelers and carriages. Taking what he can. He only hunted in his early years, but if he had a chance he'd steal and then buy. But aside from that he didnt want to brag about anything really. He doesnt like to talk big.

She spoke of their target and he nodded "Its like finding a needle at a haystack. Hopefully we find them as soon as possible. I suggest we freeze them." with a target like that, his idea was to go like long distance attack approach


Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Sun Nov 05, 2023 5:18 pm


Lumi gave what he said some thought, accounting for his strength and weakness. She figured at least he won’t have to go-” Ay, did ye ever consider just living off ice mate? Don’t ya eat it like I do? It never occurred to me before to ask but, why worry about starving if that was an option?” She was genuinely curious, but she also started walking so they may begin her task. ” While we’re at it, ever sniffed out yer prey before?”

Lumikki didn’t know where to start honestly but she was here for the fun. If she really wanted, she could probably decimate the mountain until their target died or revealed themselves. But that was nearly not as fun as she wanted.

” Yer older and wiser, how would ye start the hunt like this? I’m a scout and I suppose a tracker, but I have no experience here~ this is gonna be fun trying to figure out don’t ye think.” She smirked at him all animated as they walked, enjoying having his company to learn this.

Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Nerili11

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Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Tue Nov 07, 2023 12:28 pm

"Valid question. But there was no ice where I lived and Dragon Slayers cannot consume their own magic. I have never been north prior to joining this guild. I lived in more warmer and temperate climates and areas." he explained why he hasnt ate ice. It simply wasnt an option. Sure he can make some himself, but that wouldnt be nutritious to him. For her though most likely.

She then asked him if he ever sniffed out his prey "Yeah I have. I still got it in me. I may not be as sharp as I used to be, but I stil got those skills. Last I did it, it was on Luluhawa" he then scowls as he remembers "with that asshole Drakkon"
He didnt like Drakkon because of his secrecy and goal. The guy behaved shady to Alexandre ever since he learned that he was a fellow Dragon Slayer, he was odd and secretive. It made Alexandre think he had something against the guild. But in reality, the guy was plotting to take and copy his power and just toss him aside. He didnt even say it before openly 'hey i am a devourer dragon slayer, i need your help to get stronger, fight me'. Nope. Just attack him, knock him out and as everything was going black, he'd hear the words.
He got used... like a common woman and tossed to the side. No camraderie or teamwork. Just selfishness. Which was a huge problem to him with this guild.
Honestly, he shouldnt hold a grudge against the guy. He's not worth it. But he just doesnt like him and cant see himself working with someone like that. Just so terrible. No other word came other than terrible. Sure, Alexandre was also a bad guy and done many wrongs. But he at least had a good sense of respect to his peers and trust in them, in teamwork. Drakkon... he didnt even have that. No trust, despite them prior to that being on plenty of missions. And then expecting a half assed sorry to fix everything. Hell no.

When she spoke the older and wise compliments, he laughed "Hah, nice one. But you really dont need me to lecture you. I know you're not a D rank mage. Brone taught you well" he crosses his arms "Besides, Im pretty sure you can like decimate this place and make it crumble on our targets head. Whats stopping you from doing so?" he curiously asked
In the little time he knew her, he noticed her rapid progress in strength and power. It was just pure talent from her end. Talent and hard work. He could see why Tamas liked her.


Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Sat Nov 18, 2023 9:42 pm


" Now that's a name I haven't heard in ages and it almost surprises me ya met him. The lad played nice and then disappeared as I figured he would. But the amount of disdain I hear in yer voice makes me curious. The son of chaos must have done his share to bother ye." She broke into a laugh to hear it, but maybe she was just happy to know that he we no figment of her imagination. The man was just here and then gone, at least that was as far as she knew.

She was dressed in nothing more than a little dress and she looked as though she was as comfortable as one would be on a summer's day. Opening her air and spinning as she enjoyed the comfort of the chill. She listened to his response to her offer and giggled some more.

" No D rank, sure. But I still have things I could learn. I like to think so anyway. Or if anything at all, I like to be the shadows as I observe those around shine." She turned back to look at him, her glee flooding out from her like an avalanche falling down to the earth below. Her eyes were aglow when she continued speaking. " Sure...I could have destroyed this mountain before ye ever got to lay a step on it. But where's the fun in that? I wanna me Frostkin work. This less about me and more about ye." She smiled sweetly and turned back around to continue her search. The snow much of reset the land the night before, as there were hardly any signs of life at the moment. The land looked more like it was covered in a blanket as it looked to her.

She kneeled over to scope a handful of snow, examining it out of curiosity before chomping it down. She found it quite refreshing, more crisp than what she had in a long time.

Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Nerili11

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Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:08 am

"Surprised?" he was surprised she was surprised. Then explains, albeit with irritation, not towards Lumikki, but towards Drakkon "The guy has been glued to me during Luluhawa. Kept sniffing me out for quests. He changed his demenaur when I told him I was a dragon slayer. Became more secretive. He became more suspicious and you bet your ass, more glued to me. Until he finally got to use me as a tool. Tch... fucker had plenty of time to tell me what he wanted and needed, but no. He kept it to himself. I honestly thought he was plotting against the guild with how he acted..." he sighed "But he just plotted against me to take my power" he looked at his palm and clenched it into a fist "I am still far away from the man I was. Spells that I have forgot because of neglect and prison... I had no reason to use magic, so I just became rusty and forgot...." after all he had a lot of shit on his mind. Casting ice spells was last on his mind when dealing with prison and grief.

"But yeah, fuck that bastard. I'd kill him in his sleep if I had the chance. Thats how much I hate him. Just thinking about that backstab pisses me off. Like... I'd rather just forget the asshole exists" while his fire of hatred towards Drakkon did vane, it did get reignited by Lumikki when he had to think about him and what he did. Like he'd cuss up a storm of hatred. A lot of fucks be given. Probably a side of Alexandre that Lumikki never saw. But he'd rather focus on something more pleasant than Drakkon

As they chatted, Lumikki said that she may not be a D rank, but she may still learn "You flatter me. I could teach you some spells if that is what you wish. But truth be told, when it comes to the art of battle, I can teach you more about how to handle a gun or a knife. You seem much more magically inclined than me."

He laughed a bit hearing her, it was a softer and friendlier laugh, not a mean spirited one at all. "All about me? Very well. But just know, Im a team player"


Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Sun Nov 26, 2023 8:00 pm


Lumikki looked on like a child watching dinner get served. Excited and hungry for what was before her. Not maliciously, but partly as a being of chaos, partly causing intrigue as she witnessed his fire, his spark, and his passion. His response to her inquiry was almost visceral. Truely this was a man he hated and she couldn't blame him. Drakkon was an omen of his own and at his point, his chaotic origins were preceding him.

" Seething in yer feelings Frostkin. I never thought I would see ye feel so strongly. It's almost invigorating but I cannot blame ye for yer disdain. Drakkon left in the night as I thought he would. One could think him a coward. I have little to say, less I want to, but now I have yer account to keep in mind. If I see him again, I'll be sure to keep me back covered."


" Ye could teach me the blade!" She shot up in excitement. " I have a friend who fancies daggers, he'd be surprised if I learned me way with one beyond the work in the kitchen. Could ya show me? I'll help ya with yer magic. Spells come easy to me since I read quite often. Do ye by chance enjoy reading Alex? Tis fine if ya don't, many don't But I'm just curious, and perhaps I could recommend a book or two." She extended her hand out like a gun, pointing at a rock nearby. Her blue eye closed while her golden eye opened, judged the depth of her target. A bit of frost would form at the tip of her finger, black as obsidian like all her magic. In a playful gesture, she took a "shoot", sending forward her little piece of hail. Hitting the rock where she intended. " I could aim, aye. But I nowhere knew me way around a gun mind ye. If ya like to share yer wisdom, I'd adore ye dearly. It's rare I learn from a guild mate so I find it charming."

Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Nerili11

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Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Sat Dec 02, 2023 11:42 am

"Oh? Well I guess you never had... You know, I used to emote stronger before. I guess it has been a while since I've had such a strongly voiced opinion" usually he'd keep his cool and not really voice his complaints and just deal it maturely like an adult. But he did have some strong emotions and opinions thats for sure. But seemingly he never expressed it so much like that.

When they spoke about learning experiences, he said he could teach her the melee side of battle rather than magic. Such as battling with a knife or a gun. Which in his mind was a plus, because if one loses mana, its good to have an alternative. So to his surprise Lumikki seemed keen on it, she even mentioned having a friend use knives and she'd love to surprise him with some newfound prowess. The Dragon Slayer smiled and laughed softly at her cute gesture towards the friend
"Very well, I shall teach you. Though in regard to reading. I do love to read, I have used to read a lot and have been trying to get the habbit back when I joined the guild. I believe I was reading.... again, when your uncle crashed by, as in fell through the ceiling" he teases her about that still

She then aimed with her finger to the side, to a rock as if she had a gun. She'd form a bit of black ice at the tip of her finger and 'shoot' it at her target. After which she said she could aim, but not really to know how to use a gun. Alexandre nodded
"Well Im willing to teach you both"


Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Sat Dec 09, 2023 4:27 pm


The two would continue chatting as the Demoness would go on and on about books she would recommend. Some books that would grant a different perspective when one learns simple magic. One that when into detail about how mana flows within the body so that one could harness their potential. She knew her friend was clever to make sense of the books and the things she was saying. It helped that he did all of this before naturally. Now it was less of a mission to teach him how to do spells, but to see in what ways would feel the most comfortable to him. Then let him practice the skill until he hardly had to think much about it anymore.

" So me magic comes from tradition and that's why I do that spell in that particular way. But since dark is entirely new to me, its why I looked into many kinds of books to better understand it. I understand how if feels to be taught and self-taught. It leaves me with the experience needed to help ye figure out yer own. What components of yer life lad do ye wanna use to push out yer magic? Me people took a lot from the Blizzards and the like when forming ours but we'd branch off the for the rest of our magic over time. Me Nan would cast the strongest blizzard I've seen but also the most delicate little ice puppets when she wanted to tell a story. It was her calling for her own magic, so I am curious of yers."

The pair would begin to enter the opening of a cave as Lumikki figured it would be a better bed to discover the creature's home and attack from there, than keep wandering the mountain aimlessly. As she walked by, black ice flowers would grow and bloom with every step to make their way inside. This would keep them from getting lost when it was time to head back out, this gave her peace of mind as though she was great with directions she didn't want to take chances.

The Demoness would see just fine in the darkness, but it took her a moment to remember her company. " Oy, almost forgot mate. How well do ye do in peering into the dark? If ye need it, I can try to see if I could dig up a candle within me void for ye. Ehhh but even then, how'd we light it? I don't often need warmth, and I see well in the dark, so I forget to pack such things. But as someone who travels, I'm sure yer prepared, aye?"

Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:40 am

He listened to what Lumikki had to say and he nodded as he took in the words she told him. When she was done, he would reply "Truth be told, I dont know. I know I clearly lost my touch and I just keep trying to get into that mindset from before of how I did things. I'd try to recall memories and events, when I used my magic. Like past adventures" he recalls back as he explains to Lumikki or answers her question "I was a man of action and improvisation. I never had a formal magic education. Just a lot of trial and error, which is also kinda how Im doing things now. Just fuck about and see what happens, you know" he finished talking, hoping that would be a decent answer to what Lumikki said, hoping he said anything relevant that would interest her.

The pair would begin to enter the opening of a cave. He crossed his arms as he was relatively cautious and yet relaxed. He had quick enough reflexes to act upon a surprise attack. As Lumikki walked by, black ice flowers would grow and bloom with every step. Alexandre would notice and observe this phenomenom.. It was a smart tactic from Lumikki and seemingly so discreetly done. No grand gesture, just walk and use magic. He'd make a mental note to do the same in his future quests.

But now focusing on whats ahead of him instead of behind him, he'd notice that ahead was getting dark. Luckily for him, he came in prepared, as a survivalist he was no stranger to natures challenges, darkness included. So he already brought him him components to jerryrig a torch and light one for his way. He kind of acted relatively fast, before Lumikki even got to finish her sentence
"What did you say? I was too busy making a torch" yeah he already had a stick, a spare rag, some oil and a flint and steel. Just in case for this. Granted this was him LIGHTLY packed for survival. In a way Lumikki sees how his actions mirrored his previous answer being a man of action and improvisation. He saw a problem and acted on it and jerryrigged an improv item to help him


Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Wed Dec 13, 2023 9:36 am


” I simply said, nicely done mate. Of course I could count on ye to handle the light. Silly me forgets about such things~” She spoke with a playful tone, but it was still evident the sincerity of her praise. She was glad she wouldn’t have to worry much about him. Seeing as there are many aspects of survival she overlooks considering it doesn’t apply to her. The girl rarely gets cold, could feast and peer through the darkness, and now carried a pocket dimension to deposits all her luxury and comforting items. She was not left needing for much, she could survive fine in a variety of places and lose nothing for it. But moments like these remind her from what she came from and what the needs of others around her were. It would hardly be much but she would lightly push away the edges of darkness at the rim of light to somewhat extend his torch’s range. A soft bit of assistance she could prove without pushing onto him her needless help.

The man was already well learnt in such things as this. Her luxuries in magic and blessing were of no use or help to him. And really, she would rather observe him at work than halter his methods.

” Is there anything ye sense in here Frostkin?”

Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Nerili11

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Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Thu Dec 21, 2023 6:46 am

He chuckled softly, because he was pretty sure Lumikki said something else prior to that, but nevertheless he didnt mind. It was time to continue their quest.
Lumikki then asked him if there was anything he sensed, for a moment he closed his eyes and sniffed the air. His sense of smell was still mildly weaker than Drakkons or another younger Dragon Slayers, because of his age. But he still somewhat had it in him. He picked up a faint scent and opened his eyes, with his free hand he pointed in a direction "There. I sense something there. I picked up a faint scent" he wished he had more material to work with to help her. But thats all he had.

He asked Lumikki then "Do you sense anything with your magic?" he wasnt sure if she could or what was her extent of magic. Alexandre kind of lost track of Lumikki's abilities ever since she became a full fledged demon


Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Sat Dec 30, 2023 11:23 pm


” Yer nose is still better than mine, being a raven and all. Though nothing would escapes me sights if I happen to catch it.” And so the pair would follow the trace afforded to them, through the odd cave as they hunted for their beast. The tunnel becoming more and more narrow until one would have to walk behind the other, though it didn’t bother the petite girl all that much inched further as she was already small.

The path, hardly winding, was often descending. Leading the two further into the depths than they would have liked and bargained for. But the trip wasn’t all that bothering to Lumikki yet as she could still handle fine. Though it would be nice to get closer to their target already so that they could be done with the work.

Finally the path would open to a cavern, wide enough to fit a house and some. But the paths from there were not any clearer. Lucky enough, there was still a faint trail to be followed, and it made the decision for the path ways to continue. In a grove of ice, a creature of white was tucked away. Could have been missed if her eyes weren’t as keen as they were. It was looking that they could have gotten their mark, but as her tendrils lurched around the beast it became clear it was something else. A bear who also made their way within the mountain. This was not a waste to know, they had been traveling so long that their path was too impractical to return from. A new one leading back outward couldn’t be far if such an animal entered as well. Lumi noted this with glee as she kept her eyes peeled for another as big as the bear to occupy the mountain for a home.

Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Sun Dec 31, 2023 3:53 am

He chuckled softly "Indeed, you have the best eyes in the North, if you ask me" and if there werent any slayers in the area, he'd say he has the best nose here. The two teammates would press onward into their dark descent. It was dark, dank and narrow. While Lumikki didnt being, being of a petite build, he just adapted with what life tossed at him and carefully maneuvared.

"It seems this goes deeper than we thought" Alexandre quietly commented to Lumikki as he didnt anticipate the path going further down below, he wondered how big was this cave system. Though he didnt want to distract Lumikki too much since she was focused, so he brought back his focus on their task at hand and used his nose to navigate to their target

Finally the narrow path would open to a cavern, wide enough to fit a ... well big enough to be a real beast den. Alexandre tried to see if their target was here, Luckily enough there was still a faint trail to be followed, and it made the decision for the path ways to continue. Eventually the ice duo would find a creature of white. The one who truly spotted it was Lumikki, while he would've missed it personally. He quietly complimented and told her 'good eye'. He then realized that Lumikki realized something, what they were looking at was a bear, but it was not obvious to him. Instead he asked Lumikki what was wrong


Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Tue Feb 20, 2024 10:17 am


She looked back to Alex with a smirk on her face, her eyes glowing from his flickering torch. ” The way out of here shouldn’t be far. This should save us from having to backtrack back upward. Let’s take a rest from these depths and try our hand outward. As much as the dark doesn't bother me, being kept within a cave does.” She took the lead toward the bear as she looked around. Keep an eye out for passageways well worn. It was hard to discern at first, many of the rocks looking smoothed to time, but she finally found a path in the rock but more sunk than the others.

With the flick of her hand, a small snow flurry would spawn. The black snowflakes promptly got caught in the small bit of wind, all just to test if the air was in the path that she chose. They hung in the air for a moment, just circling whimsically before one of the corners was tugged by an invisible force. The rest of them would begin to rush in the dance of a current heading further within the cave.

” Looks like we can begin to breathe fresh air soon Forstkin. Let us figure out what we’d like to do from there.” Lumikki began to carefully step toward the outside, minding the constant shifting stone. After a moment of silence, she would break it thoughts floating to the surface of her mind.

” I grew up with Dwarves. Not common folk to come by, but they populate much of me home. They praise the earth and stone, see. Much like I would the frost or sky. Tis what they connect to the most. They don’t seem like the kind, but they are very sentimental in their element. More spiritual than most would give them. But I find their renorationindearing, it gives me a sentimental feeling to the stone I would otherwise overlook.” Her hand would run along the caves as she spoke, almost as if she was trying to conjure their strength much like the Dwarves would when they hear the Gaia’s song and hum. She spoke all this to better understand where Alex would come from. At least in this regard.

Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Wed Feb 28, 2024 2:45 am

He chuckled and nodded in compliance. Rest was a good idea "I imagine fresh air is more important than darkness." considering it can be dark in night, with no light source in the wilderness. The moon doesnt illuminate as much as people think it does. Theres a reason people use lights in towns at night and not during the day with the Sun.
Lumikki took the lead toward the bear as she looked around. Kept an eye out for passageways well worn. Where as she used her eyes though, he used his nose, he tried to fine tune it for an exit, fresh air, nature, that would be his navigation. Meanwhile with the flick of her hand, a small snow flurry would spawn. The black snowflakes got caught in the small bit of wind. He noticed what she was doing.

She spoke how they can breathe that fresh air soon "Aye aye" he spoke as he just followed when she stepped, followin her careful steps so he doesnt hurt himself in the darkness or sprain an ankle or do something stupid

After a moment of silence from the both of them from sheer focus, she would break it, the silence that is, not the rocks or something. He'd hear her out how she opened up about her past.
"I dont know how much I opened up, so I dont want to really repeat points already mentioned. But I mostly grew up in the wilderness alone to fend for myself and steal. I was a highwayman, I did rarely do some odd jobs as a mercenary, but not much. I was a forest dweller, hence why you saw me make a torch with ease. I can make camps, treehouses what have you. Though I did eventually refine my personality and talent when I got married into nobility and I did kinda inherit it. But I dont think its right to go there, considering." considering how he inherited it.

But since Lumikki opened up, he did so as well. Not that he had secrets, its just you dont just randomly approach someone and tell your life story. You say it when they are interested in hearing it. So much like how the dwarves are connected to the earth and stone, she was with frost and air. What was he connected to? Frost and earth perhaps. His icy element and the nature he grew up in


Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:56 pm


" But did ye ever wonder if there was more? If ya were connected to something bigger? Grand is a poor word here, I know well not all connections warrant such praise. But I just wonder Alex. Are ye a soul merely floating around, or do ye have roots from which ya teether to at all costs?" She was curious, after all, it had become a constant wonder for herself. Where exactly did she place in the world? Especially since now she is much more far removed than before.

As she spoke of such lofty things, the early evening light would poke through. Small slivers would pierce the cracks within the stone and glint all over the walls and floors. They only had so much further to go and it made her excited. " Since raised by Dwarves and Raven demi-humans in a land so far from being like this. I wonder what the humans here have. What pushes them further, and what fills their soul? Yer past saddens me but ultimately me feelings mean nothing to what it has done. Nor with I ever be made aware of yer pain enough to give ya a good with along with a strong drink. I just don't know quite ye, all that goes through everyone's mind. Sometimes it worries me that we are so disconnected and disjointed that when the time comes. We could fall into the cracks..."

The light that hit the mouth of their cave would have blinded her if it could. Lumi pulled her hand back fast to warp the darkness so that it could permeate a shade for a little longer. Just long enough for her company to adjust his eyes a little less abrasively. Though it was no longer bright in the day, the contrast of the sun in their eyes to intense darkness had the capacity to daze.

" We've been walking for so long, haven't we? Maybe we should take a rest and eat? With that her hand would snatch a bit of the dark around her and bring it to her mouth. " If ye like, I am good in a hunt. I can bring back some meat while in the meantime, ye prepare a fire." She looked back toward him as she walked forward. A cheeky glint showed up in her eyes.

Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Frozen Mountains (Lumikki) Empty Sun Mar 10, 2024 4:25 am

"That is a very good question. But with a very underwhelming answer of I dont know" what kind of a soul was he? He didnt know. Was he a wanderer or was there more to him. Truth be told, his original family died so early in his life that he doesnt know much about them. He knows so very little, were they workers, nobles, farmers, immigrants, what have you. He has so little knowledge of his family history other than Minstrel. He wondered, what if he went to Minstrel and dug some history there. Come to think of it, he barely remembers his grandparents. Saw them a handful of times that he could count on one hand. Its sad to think that they were alive but never saw him again. Now he was an adult, an old man himself. Still alone family wise. Maybe it wasnt meant to be

He listened to Lumikki and nodded "Indeed, we do feel a bit disconnected and disjointed. Honestly you are the guild member Im most connected with, otherwise Im kind of solo. But after what Drakkon did, I just sort of developed some trust issues with the guild. Yuurei is too distant of a leader and his method is to beat you down to get you ''motivated'' to become stronger. Only to beat you down again. It makes me feel he doesnt do it for us, but for himself. He values power, not the people that hold that power he wishes to nurture. He doesnt seem like he knows how to help someone in other non combative ways. Emil, well I dont know him. I heard he's a jerk. And I dont know the newer folk, I have not interracted with them. I mean if they want they can approach me, but I just kind of dont want to deal with people. Not anymore" Alexandre spoke about his opinion on some members of Paradise Dawn as well as the state of the guild. It seemed the guild was disjointed. But he didnt seem like he was a problem. Alexandre was more than happy to spend time with the people of the guild, if they approach him

After a bit, Lumikki mentioned that they walked for a long time. Alexandre nodded in agreement. She volunteered to hunt some meal for them while he starts a fire. "Sounds like a plan" he agreed to it and went to start a campfire to make a meal right away

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