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Answers [Epic]

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Answers [Epic] Empty Wed Jan 18, 2023 12:10 pm


Name: Answers

Difficulty: Epic

Participants: Saturn

Story: Saturn is confused about his purpose on Earthland, without guidance he's flailing around and trying to figure out his purpose. The outsider gives him a set of tasks to help him grow, help him learn his place.

Objective: To successfully do the task provided by the outsider.

Name: Hear

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: Saturn is approached by the Outsider, in a short span he is told what is needed of him and his first task is given to him. Which he promptly needs to set out for.

Others: Outsider

The Outsider: A Mysterious Benefactor of Saturns. Very little is known about them.

-250,000 jewels
-7 SP
-10,000 exp
-400 Fame

Objectives: Listen to the outsider, understand what is needed of him and perform the first task given.

Name: Feel

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: With his success of his first task, Saturn is given his second task by the mysterious outsider.

Others: Outsider

The Outsider: A Mysterious Benefactor of Saturns. Very little is known about them.

-250,000 jewels
-7 SP
-10,000 exp
-400 Fame

Objectives: Listen to the outsider, understand what is needed of him and perform the second task.

Name: Think

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: With his success of his second task, Saturn is given his third task by the mysterious outsider.

Others: Outsider

The Outsider: A Mysterious Benefactor of Saturns. Very little is known about them.

-250,000 jewels
-7 SP
-10,000 exp
-400 Fame

Objectives: Listen to the outsider, understand what is needed of him and perform the third task.

Name: Tomorrows Tommorow

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: With his success of his third task, Saturn is given his fourth task by the mysterious outsider.

Others: Outsider

The Outsider: A Mysterious Benefactor of Saturns. Very little is known about them.

-250,000 jewels
-7 SP
-10,000 exp
-400 Fame

Objectives: Listen to the outsider, understand what is needed of him and perform the fourth task.

Name: The Far Edge of Fate

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: With his success of his fourth task, Saturn is given his fifth task by the mysterious outsider.

Others: Outsider

The Outsider: A Mysterious Benefactor of Saturns. Very little is known about them.

-250,000 jewels
-7 SP
-10,000 exp
-400 Fame

Objectives: Listen to the outsider, understand what is needed of him and perform the fifth task.

Name: Moving on

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: With his success of his fifth task, Saturn is given his sixth task by the mysterious outsider.

Others: Outsider

The Outsider: A Mysterious Benefactor of Saturns. Very little is known about them.

-250,000 jewels
-7 SP
-10,000 exp
-400 Fame

Objectives: Listen to the outsider, understand what is needed of him and perform thesixth task.


Answers [Epic] Empty Wed Jan 18, 2023 12:32 pm


Name: The First Challenge

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: Saturn must pass the first test of the outsider; a trial by combat.

Others: Outsider

The Outsider: A Mysterious Benefactor of Saturns. Very little is known about them.

-500,000 jewels
-10 SP
-15,000 exp
-500 Fame

Objectives: Fight the outsider for the first time, prove to him that you're worth the effort he put in for your creation.

Name: The Second Challenge

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: With the first challenge out of the way, the second is given. Saturn must prove again that he can fight as the Outsider deems. Failure is not an option.

Others: Outsider

The Outsider: A Mysterious Benefactor of Saturns. Very little is known about them.

-500,000 jewels
-10 SP
-15,000 exp
-500 Fame

Objectives: Fight the outsider again. Winning is the path forward and defeat sets you back a thousandfold.

Name: The Third challenge

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: With the first two fights out of the way... The outsider again presents himself; seemingly unwinded he challenges Saturn to another bout.

Others: Outsider

The Outsider: A Mysterious Benefactor of Saturns. Very little is known about them.

-500,000 jewels
-10 SP
-15,000 exp
-500 Fame

Objectives: Fight the outsider again. Prove yourself.

Name: The Fourth Challenge

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: The outsider is pleased that Saturn has lasted this far, but he still has things he wants to see from the young demi-god. Desiring yet another fight he pushes saturn to his absolute limits...

Others: Outsider

The Outsider: A Mysterious Benefactor of Saturns. Very little is known about them.

-500,000 jewels
-10 SP
-15,000 exp
-500 Fame

Objectives: Fight. Win. Understand what the Outsider wants. Understand what he's trying to do.

Name: The Fifth Challenge

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: Fighting the Outsider has become like a second nature, learning the patterns of the Lesser God that birthed him. It need not be even spoken but this fifth time the two of them cross blades yet again.

Others: Outsider

The Outsider: A Mysterious Benefactor of Saturns. Very little is known about them.

-500,000 jewels
-10 SP
-15,000 exp
-500 Fame

Objectives: Fight. Win. The path is set and you will walk it.

Name: The Final Steps of Fate.

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: It is the last battle that the outsider has set for Saturn; an intense no holds barred match of where the two are locked in a absolute monstrous conflict. Were it not for the location that the outsider had brought them to... it's likely that an entire countryside would have been destroyed.

Others: Outsider

The Outsider: A Mysterious Benefactor of Saturns. Very little is known about them.

-500,000 jewels
-10 SP
-15,000 exp
-500 Fame

Objectives: The Final fight between a Demi-god and their parent. With success comes understanding...


Answers [Epic] Empty Sun Jan 22, 2023 11:36 pm

This storyline is approved to begin.


Answers [Epic] Empty Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:45 am

Mission link: Hear
Wcr: 20% guild, 20% tarot= 40%
-375,000 Jewels [20% SL, 30% demi]
-11 Int [50% SL]
-15,000 Exp [20% SL, 30% demi]
-400 Fame

Last edited by Saturn on Tue Mar 14, 2023 4:08 pm; edited 3 times in total


Answers [Epic] Empty Mon Mar 13, 2023 11:20 am

Mission link: Feel
Wcr: 20% guild, 20% tarot= 40%
-375,000 Jewels [20% SL, 30% demi]
-11 Int [50% SL]
-15,000 Exp [20% SL, 30% demi]
-400 Fame

Last edited by Saturn on Tue Mar 14, 2023 4:09 pm; edited 2 times in total


Answers [Epic] Empty Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:18 pm

Mission link: Think
Wcr: 20% guild, 20% tarot= 40%
-375,000 Jewels [20% SL, 30% demi]
-11 Int [50% SL]
-15,000 Exp [20% SL, 30% demi]
-400 Fame

Last edited by Saturn on Tue Mar 14, 2023 4:09 pm; edited 1 time in total


Answers [Epic] Empty Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:42 pm

Mission link: Tomorrows Tommorrow
Wcr: 20% guild, 20% tarot= 40%
-375,000 Jewels [20% SL, 30% demi]
-11 Int [50% SL]
-15,000 Exp [20% SL, 30% demi]
-400 Fame

Last edited by Saturn on Tue Mar 14, 2023 4:09 pm; edited 1 time in total


Answers [Epic] Empty Tue Mar 14, 2023 4:07 pm

Mission link: The Far Edge of Fate
Wcr: 20% guild, 20% tarot= 40%
-375,000 Jewels [20% SL, 30% demi]
-11 Int [50% SL]
-15,000 Exp [20% SL, 30% demi]
-400 Fame


Answers [Epic] Empty Tue Mar 14, 2023 4:33 pm

Mission link: Moving on
Wcr: 20% guild, 20% tarot= 40%
-375,000 Jewels [20% SL, 30% demi]
-11 Int [50% SL]
-15,000 Exp [20% SL, 30% demi]
-400 Fame

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