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Brone Heavyaxe's Husbandry

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#1Brone Heavyaxe 

Brone Heavyaxe's Husbandry Empty Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:23 pm

Brone Heavyaxe


Name: Gnicholas

Slot: Companion

Race: Gnome

Class: Unique

Quantity: Custom

Element: Darkness

Mana: 1,600

  • Strength: 1
  • Speed: 20
  • Constitution: 102


Height: 54 Centimeters.
Weight: 28 Pounds

Appearance: Gnicholas wears human-like clothing, though mostly gray or black in color. His shirt and pants are both linen; his shirt is long sleeve for all occasions; his pants are supported by a leather belt with a simple buckle. His shoes are dark gray leather and pointed at the end. His most noticeable feature is his dark gray pointed hat which is 18 centimeters long. His second most noticeable feature is his salt-and-pepper beard which is also 18 centimeters.
Description: Gnicholas is a gnome, a magical creature from myth, because of their shy nature, they use magic of different types in order to hide away from civilization. Gnomes range from different forms of magic, most use illusions, though Gnicholas himself prefers to hide within the dark so had mastered dark magic. With gnomes having colorful clothing and personality, because Gnicholas spent many decades mastering dark magic, his cloths lost it’s color and became dullish gray and his personality to match.

Personality: Because of his decades mastering dark magic, it affected his personality. Gnicholas is normally straightforward, finding it taxing to beat-around-the-bush, unless he is providing words of wisdom. Though he isn’t truly pessimistic, he will point out the negatives to a situation or possibility, for he never enjoys Sugar-coating anything, not even conversation. He prefers keeping to himself and prefers the quiet, though if conversation is needed, small talk is what he would tolerate.


Requirements: None.


  • N/A

Companion Perks:
  • N/A

Partner Perks:
  • N/A


  • N/A

Points Breakdown

  • Unique
  • 600 mana - 24

Total points Acquired: 24
Total Points Spent: 24


Name: Gnicholas

Slot: Companion

Race: Gnome

Class: Legendary

Quantity: Custom

Element: Darkness

Mana: 3,800

  • Strength: 1
  • Speed: 39
  • Constitution: 200


Height: 54 Centimeters.
Weight: 28 Pounds

Appearance: Gnicholas wears human-like clothing, though mostly gray or black in color. His shirt and pants are both linen; his shirt is long sleeve for all occasions; his pants are supported by a leather belt with a simple buckle. His shoes are dark gray leather and pointed at the end. His most noticeable feature is his dark gray pointed hat which is 18 centimeters long. His second most noticeable feature is his salt-and-pepper beard which is also 18 centimeters.
Description: Gnicholas is a gnome, a magical creature from myth, because of their shy nature, they use magic of different types in order to hide away from civilization. Gnomes range from different forms of magic, most use illusions, though Gnicholas himself prefers to hide within the dark so had mastered dark magic. With gnomes having colorful clothing and personality, because Gnicholas spent many decades mastering dark magic, his cloths lost it’s color and became dullish gray and his personality to match.

Personality: Because of his decades mastering dark magic, it affected his personality. Gnicholas is normally straightforward, finding it taxing to beat-around-the-bush, unless he is providing words of wisdom. Though he isn’t truly pessimistic, he will point out the negatives to a situation or possibility, for he never enjoys Sugar-coating anything, not even conversation. He prefers keeping to himself and prefers the quiet, though if conversation is needed, small talk is what he would tolerate.


Requirements: None.


  • N/A

Companion Perks:
  • N/A

Partner Perks:
  • N/A



Points Breakdown

Please list Companion Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Legendary
  • Evolved from Unique
  • 1,500 mana - 60

Total points Acquired: 60
Total Points Spent: 60


Name: Gnicholas

Slot: Companion

Race: Gnome

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Custom

Element: Darkness

Mana: 3,925

  • Strength: 1
  • Speed: 121
  • Constitution: 361


Height: 54 Centimeters.
Weight: 28 Pounds

Appearance: Gnicholas wears human-like clothing, though mostly gray or black in color. His shirt and pants are both linen; his shirt is long sleeve for all occasions; his pants are supported by a leather belt with a simple buckle. His shoes are dark gray leather and pointed at the end. His most noticeable feature is his dark gray pointed hat which is 18 centimeters long. His second most noticeable feature is his salt-and-pepper beard which is also 18 centimeters.
Description: Gnicholas is a gnome, a magical creature from myth, because of their shy nature, they use magic of different types in order to hide away from civilization. Gnomes range from different forms of magic, most use illusions, though Gnicholas himself prefers to hide within the dark so had mastered dark magic. With gnomes having colorful clothing and personality, because Gnicholas spent many decades mastering dark magic, his cloths lost it’s color and became dullish gray and his personality to match.

Personality: Because of his decades mastering dark magic, it affected his personality. Gnicholas is normally straightforward, finding it taxing to beat-around-the-bush, unless he is providing words of wisdom. Though he isn’t truly pessimistic, he will point out the negatives to a situation or possibility, for he never enjoys Sugar-coating anything, not even conversation. He prefers keeping to himself and prefers the quiet, though if conversation is needed, small talk is what he would tolerate.


Requirements: None.


  • N/A

Companion Perks:
  • Companion Mana Cost Reduction: Companions of the user receive a 25% mana cost reduction to all their spells.
  • Specific Elemental Cooldown Reduction: You receive a cooldown reduction of 2 post for all dark element spells that come from their partners companions.
  • Magical Armor Piercing: The companions' spells ignore armor when dealing magical damage. It deals damage straight to the Constitution of the target.

Partner Perks:
  • Elevated Running Speed: The user may reach full running speed within 2 seconds instead of the normal 4 seconds. This effect can not be stacked.


  • Name: Arrow of Condensed Darkness
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Gnicholas
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Darkness
    Range: Topic-Wide
    Cooldown: Once per Topic
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user summons forth dark magical energy which he then condensed into a black arrow. The arrow then is fired at with great force at a target from a great distance, to the point once the target is selected and the arrow is released upon firing, it isn’t possible for it to miss, causing 2x S rank damage. Once it hits it’s target, the dark energy of the arrow inflicts necrosis, hindering the target for 3 posts.

  • Name: Shroud of Darkness
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Gnicholas
    Type: Supplementary / Offensive
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 16 meter diameter
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user creates an area of advance darkness, snuffing out any source of light within the effect and preventing any source of light to be created within. This area of darkness blinds those within who are unable to normally see in darkness, such as Darkvision. While within the area of darkness, those who are not considered allies to the user, nor the user itself, will be harmed by the necrotic energy that is emanated within the area of darkness, causing S rank damage. While this spells is active, the user must maintain the spell, which prevents the user from moving on his own.

  • Name: Comforting Shades
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Gnicholas
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 16 meters
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user emits dark energy within the area. Those who the user considers allies are able to be healed by the dark energy, as if the shadows are either lessening bruises and stitching wounds, however enemies aren’t able to be healed by the spell even if they are within range.

  • Name: Shadow Dash
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Gnicholas
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 5 meters
    Cooldown:1 post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user chooses a target who becomes weightless for a brief moment, long enough to dash up to 5 meters at the target’s max speed.

Points Breakdown

  • Mythic
  • Evolved from Legendary
  • Arrow of Condensed Darkness - 15
  • Shroud of Darkness - 12
  • Comforting Shades - 12
  • Item and Spell Mana Cost Reduction – 24
  • Specific Elemental Cooldown Reduction - 12
  • Magical Armor Piercing - 12
  • Elevated Running Speed - 12
  • Shadow Dash - 2
  • 25 extra mana - 1

Total points Acquired: 102
Total Points Spent: 102

#2Go D. Drakkon 

Brone Heavyaxe's Husbandry Empty Sun Jan 15, 2023 12:00 am

Go D. Drakkon
This custom has been approved, please create a copy of the item and the source post in a reply post using its name and rarity for its title in the Customs section.

#3Brone Heavyaxe 

Brone Heavyaxe's Husbandry Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 7:46 am

Brone Heavyaxe


Name: Benimaru

Slot: Companion

Race: Oni

Class: Unique

Quantity: Custom

Element: Darkness

Mana: 1,000

  • Strength: 40
  • Speed: 63
  • Constitution: 40


Height: 6’6”
Weight: 190 lbs

Appearance: Benimaru’s skin complexion is onyx black with red lines, almost resembling veins, running throughout his body. His form is slender with a slight muscular physique. White bone spikes are usually jutting from his arms and chest, though these can be retracted. His bleach white hair is moppy and barely reaches the shoulders. Protruding from his forehead are a pair of long, thin red horns that are also retractable like the bones. Though his secondary color aesthetic is red, his eyes are of a brighter glowing shade of red.

Description: The oni usually wears a gray leather vest with matching skinny jeans. He favors black sneakers or boots for social events, but tends to wear black tabi shoes when out on missions. He wears red magatama earrings, one on each earlobe that match the match the red magatama necklace that he wears around his neck.

Personality: Benimaru is normally laid back, tending to laze about from time to time. He isn’t ashamed to show his easygoing nature and may be assumed to provide no interest or care of the people around him, and he will support that assumption. Though at times, when it comes to people he grows to friendly to, he would go out of his way to assist them, or even check in on them to provide comfort if needed; however such tendencies he would prefer not to show.
Just like a number of his oni brethren, Beni has a chaotic nature, acting upon his interests and sometimes his impulses regardless of what the situation at hand is; he would openly admit that he would never take anyone into consideration when it comes to his own actions, though this is not entirely sure; for through his many years as a weapon and shield, he had been wielded by honorable samurai who had taught him empathy. Because of this, he would consider the safety and feelings of certain people other than his own company, such as children, and the honorable.
Beneath the constant unbothered smirk, Benimaru has a fuse that is triggered by dishonor and evil towards the innocent. While his time as a weapon, he was wielded by many swordsmen, though mostly selfish. Those who knew of the secret that the weapon and shield were possessed by an oni spirit, had saw him and treated him as a cursed weapon and would even use him to commit evil deeds. Through this, Beni’s anger and hate towards the morally corrupt had grown. Though this was a demonic hatred, it was also what allowed him to separate good from evil, and understand and empathize with the truly innocent of the world such as children.
Benimaru openly admits he’s an oni; has done evil and has no problem committing evil, but he will hide his own morals to help and protect those he cares for.


Requirements: None.


  • N/A

Companion Perks:
  • N/A

Partner Perks:
  • Battle Guidance: User receives 25% additional jewels in combat topics.

Points Breakdown

Please list Companion Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Unique
  • Speech (Free)
  • Battle Guidance - 24

Total points Acquired: 24
Total Points Spent: 24


Name: Benimaru

Slot: Companion

Race: Oni

Class: Legendary

Quantity: Custom

Element: Darkness

Mana: 2,000

  • Strength: 80
  • Speed: 83
  • Constitution: 80


Height: 6’6”
Weight: 190 lbs

Appearance: Benimaru’s skin complexion is onyx black with red lines, almost resembling veins, running throughout his body. His form is slender with a slight muscular physique. White bone spikes are usually jutting from his arms and chest, though these can be retracted. His bleach white hair is moppy and barely reaches the shoulders. Protruding from his forehead are a pair of long, thin red horns that are also retractable like the bones. Though his secondary color aesthetic is red, his eyes are of a brighter glowing shade of red.

Description: The oni usually wears a gray leather vest with matching skinny jeans. He favors black sneakers or boots for social events, but tends to wear black tabi shoes when out on missions. He wears red magatama earrings, one on each earlobe that match the match the red magatama necklace that he wears around his neck.

Personality: Benimaru is normally laid back, tending to laze about from time to time. He isn’t ashamed to show his easygoing nature and may be assumed to provide no interest or care of the people around him, and he will support that assumption. Though at times, when it comes to people he grows to friendly to, he would go out of his way to assist them, or even check in on them to provide comfort if needed; however such tendencies he would prefer not to show.
Just like a number of his oni brethren, Beni has a chaotic nature, acting upon his interests and sometimes his impulses regardless of what the situation at hand is; he would openly admit that he would never take anyone into consideration when it comes to his own actions, though this is not entirely sure; for through his many years as a weapon and shield, he had been wielded by honorable samurai who had taught him empathy. Because of this, he would consider the safety and feelings of certain people other than his own company, such as children, and the honorable.
Beneath the constant unbothered smirk, Benimaru has a fuse that is triggered by dishonor and evil towards the innocent. While his time as a weapon, he was wielded by many swordsmen, though mostly selfish. Those who knew of the secret that the weapon and shield were possessed by an oni spirit, had saw him and treated him as a cursed weapon and would even use him to commit evil deeds. Through this, Beni’s anger and hate towards the morally corrupt had grown. Though this was a demonic hatred, it was also what allowed him to separate good from evil, and understand and empathize with the truly innocent of the world such as children.
Benimaru openly admits he’s an oni; has done evil and has no problem committing evil, but he will hide his own morals to help and protect those he cares for.


Requirements: None.


  • N/A

Companion Perks:
  • N/A

Partner Perks:
  • Quest Word Reduction: You receive a 25% word reduction on completing quests.
  • Bonus Quest Jewel Reward: You receive an additional 25% jewels when completing quests. This may not be applied to weapons.


  • Name: Shadow’s Embrace
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 1000
    Requirements: Benimaru
    Type: Defense
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 25
    Cooldown: 5
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Benimaru is able pull from the darkness, manipulating the shadows to envelop himself or his partner. The black cloaks will protect the target from damage up to 4x S rank.

Points Breakdown

Please list Companion Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Legendary
  • Speech (Free)
  • Quest Word Reduction - 24
  • Bonus Quest Jewel Reward - 24
  • Shadow’s Embrace - 12

Total points Acquired: 60
Total Points Spent: 60


Name: Benimaru

Slot: Companion

Race: Oni

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Custom

Element: Darkness

Mana: 3,000

  • Strength: 160
  • Speed: 163
  • Constitution: 160


Height: 6’6”
Weight: 190 lbs

Appearance: Benimaru’s skin complexion is onyx black with red lines, almost resembling veins, running throughout his body. His form is slender with a slight muscular physique. White bone spikes are usually jutting from his arms and chest, though these can be retracted. His bleach white hair is moppy and barely reaches the shoulders. Protruding from his forehead are a pair of long, thin red horns that are also retractable like the bones. Though his secondary color aesthetic is red, his eyes are of a brighter glowing shade of red.

Description: The oni usually wears a gray leather vest with matching skinny jeans. He favors black sneakers or boots for social events, but tends to wear black tabi shoes when out on missions. He wears red magatama earrings, one on each earlobe that match the match the red magatama necklace that he wears around his neck.

Personality: Benimaru is normally laid back, tending to laze about from time to time. He isn’t ashamed to show his easygoing nature and may be assumed to provide no interest or care of the people around him, and he will support that assumption. Though at times, when it comes to people he grows to friendly to, he would go out of his way to assist them, or even check in on them to provide comfort if needed; however such tendencies he would prefer not to show.
Just like a number of his oni brethren, Beni has a chaotic nature, acting upon his interests and sometimes his impulses regardless of what the situation at hand is; he would openly admit that he would never take anyone into consideration when it comes to his own actions, though this is not entirely sure; for through his many years as a weapon and shield, he had been wielded by honorable samurai who had taught him empathy. Because of this, he would consider the safety and feelings of certain people other than his own company, such as children, and the honorable.
Beneath the constant unbothered smirk, Benimaru has a fuse that is triggered by dishonor and evil towards the innocent. While his time as a weapon, he was wielded by many swordsmen, though mostly selfish. Those who knew of the secret that the weapon and shield were possessed by an oni spirit, had saw him and treated him as a cursed weapon and would even use him to commit evil deeds. Through this, Beni’s anger and hate towards the morally corrupt had grown. Though this was a demonic hatred, it was also what allowed him to separate good from evil, and understand and empathize with the truly innocent of the world such as children.
Benimaru openly admits he’s an oni; has done evil and has no problem committing evil, but he will hide his own morals to help and protect those he cares for.


Requirements: None.


  • N/A

Companion Perks:
  • Companion Mana Cost Reduction: The companion receives a 20% mana cost reduction on the spells attached to them.
  • Companion Spell Speed Increase: The speed of spells attached to the companion is increased by 5 meters per second.
  • Companion Spell Range Increase: The range of spells attached to the companion are increased by 5 meters.
  • Defensive Cooldown Reduction: The companion receives a cooldown reduction of 2 posts for Defensive spells.

Partner Perks:
  • Physical Armor Piercing: The companion ignores armor when dealing physical damage. It deals damage straight to the Constitution of the target.
  • Physical Resistance Mitigation: You ignore up to two instances of physical resistance your target may have when dealing damage. Does not reduce resistances below base. This may only be applied to weapons.
  • Life-Steal: The user automatically heals three ranks lower of the Physical Damage that they inflict to another user. This only heals Constitution and doesn't affect Endurance.
  • Elevated Running Speed: The user may reach full running speed within 2 seconds instead of the normal 4 seconds. This effect can not be stacked.


  • Name: Shadow’s Embrace
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 1000
    Requirements: Benimaru
    Type: Defense
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 50
    Cooldown: 5
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Benimaru is able pull from the darkness, manipulating the shadows to envelop targets like black cloaks. The black cloaks will protect the targets of the spell from damage up to 4x S rank. This applies both to allies and companions.

Points Breakdown

  • Mythic SL Companion
  • Speech (Free)
  • Human Form (Free)
  • Companion Mana Cost Reduction - 12
  • Companion Spell Range Increase (5m) - 3
  • Companion Spell Speed Increase (5m/Sec) - 3
  • Type Cooldown Reduction (Defensive) - 9
  • Physical Resistance Mitigation - 24
  • Physical Armor Piercing - 12
  • Life-Steal - 12
  • Enhanced Running Speed - 12
  • Shadow’s Embrace - 15

Total points Acquired: 102
Total Points Spent: 102

Last edited by Brone Heavyaxe on Wed Sep 06, 2023 8:24 am; edited 9 times in total


Brone Heavyaxe's Husbandry Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 11:52 am


This companion is approved for purchase~ Make a post in the shop with your companion details and prepare to hand over the coupon and 10,000,000 jewels and Benimaru will be all yours~

#5Brone Heavyaxe 

Brone Heavyaxe's Husbandry Empty Wed Sep 06, 2023 9:30 am

Brone Heavyaxe


Name: Gnicholas

Slot: Companion

Race: Gnome

Class: Unique

Quantity: Custom

Element: Darkness

Mana: 1,000

  • Strength: 1
  • Speed: 20
  • Constitution: 102


Height: 54 Centimeters.
Weight: 28 Pounds

Appearance: Gnicholas wears human-like clothing, though mostly gray or black in color. His shirt and pants are both linen; his shirt is long sleeve for all occasions; his pants are supported by a leather belt with a simple buckle. His shoes are dark gray leather and pointed at the end. His most noticeable feature is his dark gray pointed hat which is 18 centimeters long. His second most noticeable feature is his salt-and-pepper beard which is also 18 centimeters.
Description: Gnicholas is a gnome, a magical creature from myth, because of their shy nature, they use magic of different types in order to hide away from civilization. Gnomes range from different forms of magic, most use illusions, though Gnicholas himself prefers to hide within the dark so had mastered dark magic. With gnomes having colorful clothing and personality, because Gnicholas spent many decades mastering dark magic, his cloths lost it’s color and became dullish gray and his personality to match.

Personality: Because of his decades mastering dark magic, it affected his personality. Gnicholas is normally straightforward, finding it taxing to beat-around-the-bush, unless he is providing words of wisdom. Though he isn’t truly pessimistic, he will point out the negatives to a situation or possibility, for he never enjoys Sugar-coating anything, not even conversation. He prefers keeping to himself and prefers the quiet, though if conversation is needed, small talk is what he would tolerate.


Requirements: None.


  • N/A

Companion Perks:
  • N/A

Partner Perks:
  • Bonus Fight Jewel Reward: You receive an additional 25% jewels when completing fights.


  • N/A

Points Breakdown

  • Unique
  • Bonus Fight Jewel Reward - 24

Total points Acquired: 24
Total Points Spent: 24


Name: Gnicholas

Slot: Companion

Race: Gnome

Class: Legendary

Quantity: Custom

Element: Darkness

Mana: 2,000

  • Strength: 1
  • Speed: 39
  • Constitution: 200


Height: 54 Centimeters.
Weight: 28 Pounds

Appearance: Gnicholas wears human-like clothing, though mostly gray or black in color. His shirt and pants are both linen; his shirt is long sleeve for all occasions; his pants are supported by a leather belt with a simple buckle. His shoes are dark gray leather and pointed at the end. His most noticeable feature is his dark gray pointed hat which is 18 centimeters long. His second most noticeable feature is his salt-and-pepper beard which is also 18 centimeters.
Description: Gnicholas is a gnome, a magical creature from myth, because of their shy nature, they use magic of different types in order to hide away from civilization. Gnomes range from different forms of magic, most use illusions, though Gnicholas himself prefers to hide within the dark so had mastered dark magic. With gnomes having colorful clothing and personality, because Gnicholas spent many decades mastering dark magic, his cloths lost it’s color and became dullish gray and his personality to match.

Personality: Because of his decades mastering dark magic, it affected his personality. Gnicholas is normally straightforward, finding it taxing to beat-around-the-bush, unless he is providing words of wisdom. Though he isn’t truly pessimistic, he will point out the negatives to a situation or possibility, for he never enjoys Sugar-coating anything, not even conversation. He prefers keeping to himself and prefers the quiet, though if conversation is needed, small talk is what he would tolerate.


Requirements: None.


  • N/A

Companion Perks:

Partner Perks:
  • Quest Word Reduction: You receive a 25% word reduction on completing quests.
  • Bonus Quest Jewel Reward: You receive an additional 25% jewels when completing quests. This may not be applied to weapons.


  • Name: Shroud of Darkness
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Gnicholas
    Type: Supplementary / Offensive
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 25 meter
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user creates an 16 meter in diameter area of advance darkness, snuffing out any source of light within the effect and preventing any source of light to be created within. This area of darkness blinds those within, unless they have darkvision. While within the area of darkness, those who are not considered allies to the user, nor the user itself, will be harmed by the necrotic energy that is emanated within the area of darkness, causing 1x S rank damage.

Points Breakdown

Please list Companion Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Legendary
  • Evolved from Unique
  • Quest Word Reduction - 24
  • Bonus Quest Jewel Reward - 24
  • Shroud of Darkness - 12

Total points Acquired: 60
Total Points Spent: 60


Name: Gnicholas

Slot: Companion

Race: Gnome

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Custom

Element: Darkness

Mana: 3,025

  • Strength: 1
  • Speed: 121
  • Constitution: 361


Height: 54 Centimeters.
Weight: 28 Pounds

Appearance: Gnicholas wears human-like clothing, though mostly gray or black in color. His shirt and pants are both linen; his shirt is long sleeve for all occasions; his pants are supported by a leather belt with a simple buckle. His shoes are dark gray leather and pointed at the end. His most noticeable feature is his dark gray pointed hat which is 18 centimeters long. His second most noticeable feature is his salt-and-pepper beard which is also 18 centimeters.
Description: Gnicholas is a gnome, a magical creature from myth, because of their shy nature, they use magic of different types in order to hide away from civilization. Gnomes range from different forms of magic, most use illusions, though Gnicholas himself prefers to hide within the dark so had mastered dark magic. With gnomes having colorful clothing and personality, because Gnicholas spent many decades mastering dark magic, his cloths lost it’s color and became dullish gray and his personality to match.

Personality: Because of his decades mastering dark magic, it affected his personality. Gnicholas is normally straightforward, finding it taxing to beat-around-the-bush, unless he is providing words of wisdom. Though he isn’t truly pessimistic, he will point out the negatives to a situation or possibility, for he never enjoys Sugar-coating anything, not even conversation. He prefers keeping to himself and prefers the quiet, though if conversation is needed, small talk is what he would tolerate.


Requirements: None.



Companion Perks:
  • Companion Mana Cost Reduction: Companions of the user receive a 25% mana cost reduction to all their spells.
  • Specific Elemental Cooldown Reduction: You receive a cooldown reduction of 2 post for all dark element spells that come from their partners companions.
  • Magical Armor Piercing: The companions' spells ignore armor when dealing magical damage. It deals damage straight to the Constitution of the target.
  • Magical Resistance Mitigation: You ignore up to one instance of magical resistance your target may have when dealing damage. Does not reduce resistances below base. This may only be applied to weapons.

Partner Perks:


  • Name: Arrow of Condensed Darkness
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Gnicholas
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Darkness
    Range: Topic-Wide
    Cooldown: Once per Topic
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user summons forth dark magical energy which he then condensed into a black arrow. The arrow then is fired at with great force at a target from a great distance, to the point once the target is selected and the arrow is released upon firing, it isn’t possible for it to miss, causing 2x S rank damage. Once it hits it’s target, the dark energy of the arrow inflicts necrosis, hindering the target for 3 posts.

  • Name: Shroud of Darkness
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Gnicholas
    Type: Supplementary / Offensive
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 25 meter
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user creates an 16 meter in diameter area of advance darkness, snuffing out any source of light within the effect and preventing any source of light to be created within. This area of darkness blinds those within, unless they have darkvision. While within the area of darkness, those who are not considered allies to the user, nor the user itself, will be harmed by the necrotic energy that is emanated within the area of darkness, causing 1x S rank damage. While this spells is active, the user must maintain the spell, which prevents the user from moving on his own.

  • Name: Comforting Shades
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Gnicholas
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 25 meters
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user emits dark energy within the area of 16 meters in diameter. Those who the user considers allies are able to be healed by the dark energy, as if the shadows are either lessening bruises and stitching wounds, however enemies aren’t able to be healed by the spell even if they are within range.

  • Name: Shadow Dash
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Gnicholas
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 5 meters
    Cooldown:1 post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user chooses a target who becomes weightless for a brief moment, long enough to dash up to 5 meters at the target’s max speed.

Points Breakdown

  • Mythic
  • Evolved from Legendary
  • Arrow of Condensed Darkness - 15
  • Shroud of Darkness - 12
  • Comforting Shades - 12
  • Item and Spell Mana Cost Reduction – 24
  • Specific Elemental Cooldown Reduction - 12
  • Magical Armor Piercing - 12
  • Magical Resistance Mitigation - 12
  • Shadow Dash - 2
  • 25 extra mana - 1

Total points Acquired: 102
Total Points Spent: 102

Last edited by Brone Heavyaxe on Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:51 pm; edited 8 times in total

#6Brone Heavyaxe 

Brone Heavyaxe's Husbandry Empty Wed Sep 06, 2023 9:31 am

Brone Heavyaxe
I am updating Gnicholas to fit the updated format of husbandry stat, mana and points distribution for evolving companions.


Brone Heavyaxe's Husbandry Empty Wed Sep 06, 2023 2:15 pm


Hey Brone, just one minor point:

Name: Shroud of Darkness
Rank: S
Mana Cost: 500
Requirements: Gnicholas
Type: Supplementary / Offensive
Element: Darkness
Range: 25 meter
Cooldown: 5 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user creates an 16 meter in diameter area of advance darkness, snuffing out any source of light within the effect and preventing any source of light to be created within. This area of darkness blinds those within who are unable to normally see in darkness, such as Darkvision. While within the area of darkness, those who are not considered allies to the user, nor the user itself, will be harmed by the necrotic energy that is emanated within the area of darkness, causing 2x S rank damage. While this spells is active, the user must maintain the spell, which prevents the user from moving on his own.

This is at least a 15p spell.

From your wording it suggests you're already nullifying darkvision effects (unless you mean people need dark vision for it)
- ignore your allies from being affected
- And cause a overcharged sustain 2 S-rank damage a turn. The rest looks fine to me~

#8Brone Heavyaxe 

Brone Heavyaxe's Husbandry Empty Wed Sep 20, 2023 7:15 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
I updated Gnicholas' Shroud of Darkness spell: I specified the affect and reduced the damage to 1 S rank


Brone Heavyaxe's Husbandry Empty Thu Sep 21, 2023 1:37 pm


this companion is approved~

#10Brone Heavyaxe 

Brone Heavyaxe's Husbandry Empty Sat Apr 20, 2024 3:33 pm

Brone Heavyaxe


Name: Benimaru

Slot: Companion

Race: Oni

Class: Unique

Quantity: Custom

Element: Darkness

Mana: 1,000

  • Strength: 40
  • Speed: 63
  • Constitution: 40


Height: 6’6”
Weight: 190 lbs

Appearance: Benimaru’s skin complexion is onyx black with red lines, almost resembling veins, running throughout his body. His form is slender with a slight muscular physique. White bone spikes are usually jutting from his arms and chest, though these can be retracted. His bleach white hair is moppy and barely reaches the shoulders. Protruding from his forehead are a pair of long, thin red horns that are also retractable like the bones. Though his secondary color aesthetic is red, his eyes are of a brighter glowing shade of red.

Description: The oni usually wears a gray leather vest with matching skinny jeans. He favors black sneakers or boots for social events, but tends to wear black tabi shoes when out on missions. He wears red magatama earrings, one on each earlobe that match the match the red magatama necklace that he wears around his neck.

Personality: Benimaru is normally laid back, tending to laze about from time to time. He isn’t ashamed to show his easygoing nature and may be assumed to provide no interest or care of the people around him, and he will support that assumption. Though at times, when it comes to people he grows to friendly to, he would go out of his way to assist them, or even check in on them to provide comfort if needed; however such tendencies he would prefer not to show.
Just like a number of his oni brethren, Beni has a chaotic nature, acting upon his interests and sometimes his impulses regardless of what the situation at hand is; he would openly admit that he would never take anyone into consideration when it comes to his own actions, though this is not entirely sure; for through his many years as a weapon and shield, he had been wielded by honorable samurai who had taught him empathy. Because of this, he would consider the safety and feelings of certain people other than his own company, such as children, and the honorable.
Beneath the constant unbothered smirk, Benimaru has a fuse that is triggered by dishonor and evil towards the innocent. While his time as a weapon, he was wielded by many swordsmen, though mostly selfish. Those who knew of the secret that the weapon and shield were possessed by an oni spirit, had saw him and treated him as a cursed weapon and would even use him to commit evil deeds. Through this, Beni’s anger and hate towards the morally corrupt had grown. Though this was a demonic hatred, it was also what allowed him to separate good from evil, and understand and empathize with the truly innocent of the world such as children.
Benimaru openly admits he’s an oni; has done evil and has no problem committing evil, but he will hide his own morals to help and protect those he cares for.


Requirements: None.


  • N/A

Companion Perks:
  • N/A

Partner Perks:
  • Battle Guidance: User receives 25% additional jewels in combat topics.

Points Breakdown

Please list Companion Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Unique
  • Speech (Free)
  • Battle Guidance - 24

Total points Acquired: 24
Total Points Spent: 24


Name: Benimaru

Slot: Companion

Race: Oni

Class: Legendary

Quantity: Custom

Element: Darkness

Mana: 2,000

  • Strength: 80
  • Speed: 83
  • Constitution: 80


Height: 6’6”
Weight: 190 lbs

Appearance: Benimaru’s skin complexion is onyx black with red lines, almost resembling veins, running throughout his body. His form is slender with a slight muscular physique. White bone spikes are usually jutting from his arms and chest, though these can be retracted. His bleach white hair is moppy and barely reaches the shoulders. Protruding from his forehead are a pair of long, thin red horns that are also retractable like the bones. Though his secondary color aesthetic is red, his eyes are of a brighter glowing shade of red.

Description: The oni usually wears a gray leather vest with matching skinny jeans. He favors black sneakers or boots for social events, but tends to wear black tabi shoes when out on missions. He wears red magatama earrings, one on each earlobe that match the match the red magatama necklace that he wears around his neck.

Personality: Benimaru is normally laid back, tending to laze about from time to time. He isn’t ashamed to show his easygoing nature and may be assumed to provide no interest or care of the people around him, and he will support that assumption. Though at times, when it comes to people he grows to friendly to, he would go out of his way to assist them, or even check in on them to provide comfort if needed; however such tendencies he would prefer not to show.
Just like a number of his oni brethren, Beni has a chaotic nature, acting upon his interests and sometimes his impulses regardless of what the situation at hand is; he would openly admit that he would never take anyone into consideration when it comes to his own actions, though this is not entirely sure; for through his many years as a weapon and shield, he had been wielded by honorable samurai who had taught him empathy. Because of this, he would consider the safety and feelings of certain people other than his own company, such as children, and the honorable.
Beneath the constant unbothered smirk, Benimaru has a fuse that is triggered by dishonor and evil towards the innocent. While his time as a weapon, he was wielded by many swordsmen, though mostly selfish. Those who knew of the secret that the weapon and shield were possessed by an oni spirit, had saw him and treated him as a cursed weapon and would even use him to commit evil deeds. Through this, Beni’s anger and hate towards the morally corrupt had grown. Though this was a demonic hatred, it was also what allowed him to separate good from evil, and understand and empathize with the truly innocent of the world such as children.
Benimaru openly admits he’s an oni; has done evil and has no problem committing evil, but he will hide his own morals to help and protect those he cares for.


Requirements: None.


  • N/A

Companion Perks:
  • N/A

Partner Perks:
  • Quest Word Reduction: You receive a 25% word reduction on completing quests.
  • Bonus Quest Jewel Reward: You receive an additional 25% jewels when completing quests. This may not be applied to weapons.


  • Name: Shadow’s Embrace
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Benimaru
    Type: Defense
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 50
    Cooldown: 5
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Benimaru is able pull from the darkness, manipulating the shadows to envelop his allies like black cloaks. The black cloaks will protect the target allies from damage up to 4x S rank.

Points Breakdown

Please list Companion Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Legendary
  • Speech (Free)
  • Quest Word Reduction - 24
  • Bonus Quest Jewel Reward - 24
  • Shadow’s Embrace - 12

Total points Acquired: 60
Total Points Spent: 60


Name: Benimaru

Slot: Companion

Race: Oni

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Custom

Element: Darkness

Mana: 3,000

  • Strength: 160
  • Speed: 163
  • Constitution: 160


Height: 6’6”
Weight: 190 lbs

Appearance: Benimaru’s skin complexion is onyx black with red lines, almost resembling veins, running throughout his body. His form is slender with a slight muscular physique. White bone spikes are usually jutting from his arms and chest, though these can be retracted. His bleach white hair is moppy and barely reaches the shoulders. Protruding from his forehead are a pair of long, thin red horns that are also retractable like the bones. Though his secondary color aesthetic is red, his eyes are of a brighter glowing shade of red.

Description: The oni usually wears a gray leather vest with matching skinny jeans. He favors black sneakers or boots for social events, but tends to wear black tabi shoes when out on missions. He wears red magatama earrings, one on each earlobe that match the match the red magatama necklace that he wears around his neck.

Personality: Benimaru is normally laid back, tending to laze about from time to time. He isn’t ashamed to show his easygoing nature and may be assumed to provide no interest or care of the people around him, and he will support that assumption. Though at times, when it comes to people he grows to friendly to, he would go out of his way to assist them, or even check in on them to provide comfort if needed; however such tendencies he would prefer not to show.
Just like a number of his oni brethren, Beni has a chaotic nature, acting upon his interests and sometimes his impulses regardless of what the situation at hand is; he would openly admit that he would never take anyone into consideration when it comes to his own actions, though this is not entirely sure; for through his many years as a weapon and shield, he had been wielded by honorable samurai who had taught him empathy. Because of this, he would consider the safety and feelings of certain people other than his own company, such as children, and the honorable.
Beneath the constant unbothered smirk, Benimaru has a fuse that is triggered by dishonor and evil towards the innocent. While his time as a weapon, he was wielded by many swordsmen, though mostly selfish. Those who knew of the secret that the weapon and shield were possessed by an oni spirit, had saw him and treated him as a cursed weapon and would even use him to commit evil deeds. Through this, Beni’s anger and hate towards the morally corrupt had grown. Though this was a demonic hatred, it was also what allowed him to separate good from evil, and understand and empathize with the truly innocent of the world such as children.
Benimaru openly admits he’s an oni; has done evil and has no problem committing evil, but he will hide his own morals to help and protect those he cares for.


Requirements: None.


  • N/A

Companion Perks:
  • Advanced Innate Flight: The companion can fly up to 10 meters. (Skill)
  • Melee Weapon Transformation: Your companion can transform into a melee weapon that you can use to attack enemies. The damage of the companion weapon is equivalent to the base damage for a weapon of that rarity or the companion strength whichever is lower. This can not be influenced by external modifiers such as Other-buff spells.
  • Physical Armor Piercing: The companion ignores armor when dealing physical damage. It deals damage straight to the Constitution of the target.
  • Half-soundless: The companion is naturally half-soundless.

Partner Perks:
  • Physical Armor Piercing: The companion ignores armor when dealing physical damage. It deals damage straight to the Constitution of the target.
  • Increased Durability to the User: The user receives 2x S-Rank worth of Constitution, this effect no longer applies upon the destruction of the item.
  • Life-Steal: The user automatically heals three ranks lower of the Physical Damage that they inflict to another user. This only heals Constitution and doesn't affect Endurance.
  • Sensory: The companion receives Dark Sight.


  • N/A

Points Breakdown

  • Mythic SL Companion
  • Speech (Free)
  • Human Form (Free)
  • Advanced Innate Flight - 12
  • Physical Armor Piercing - 12
  • Life-Steal - 12
  • Melee Weapon Transformation - 24
  • Half-Soundless - 9
  • Increased Durability to the User - 24
  • Dark Sight - 9

Total points Acquired: 102
Total Points Spent: 102

I will be using a Legendary Custom Ticket to update Benimaru


Brone Heavyaxe's Husbandry Empty Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:21 am


Hello Brone, I just checked with admins, but in order to update a SL companion you need to Lofaed it (which is equivalent to a mythic cost), the only time it costs a lower tier coupon is when you want to update a staff-made custom magic or something.

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