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An Unwelcome Return [Long]

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An Unwelcome Return [Long] Empty Mon Jan 04, 2021 11:26 am


Name: An Unwelcome Return

Difficulty: Long

Participants: Konyo, Esperia

Story: An Unwelcome Return follows Konyo as he is forcibly taken from his guild and Fiore itself by his Psychopathic Brother who seeks to bring back the family together again by whatever means hoping to use Konyo's former necromancer abilities which he had long since forgotten many years ago. Failing this Robert resorts to more barbaric means using the life essence from thousands and the blood of Konyo to resurrect their long-dead family members. This only proves to be a partial success with them being just shells, lacking personality only having the baser instincts.

After being captured by his older brother, Robert Sokolov with the aid of a rebellious faction in the guild, Konyo will succumb to his brother's will. While he is captured he will be used as an instrument to resurrect his deceased family who he will have to kill before slaying his brother shortly after. Returning to Sieghart Mountain and the Sentinel Syndicate Guild Building Kon will purge the rebellion who aided Robert in his capture.

Objective: Kon will be kidnapped by his brother who will use him to resurrect their family. He will ultimately kill his brother and those that helped him.

Name: A Warning of things to Come

Rank: C

Type: Bad

Participants: Konyo

Summary: An unexpected threat from Kon's past has reared its ugly head, fortunately, he has received early warnings of this and can begin planning to fight his absent brother.

Others: Various Sentinel Syndicate Guild Members, Foreign Scholars and Diplomats.

Enemies: None

Rewards: Legendary Custom

Objectives: Kon will spend his time learning as much as possible regarding his family since he fled from his brother's tyranny.

Name: Capturing a Storm

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Konyo

Summary:  Having made a name for himself for so many years, Konyo has garnered the eye of his Brother, Robert Sokolov, who has since begun his hunt towards reuniting with their departed family. After learning where Konyo resided Robert challenged Konyo and is ultimately successful in taking him with the help of the "Shadow Claws", a rebellious faction within the Sentinel Syndicate.

Others: None

Enemies: Robert Sokolov, Amelie Scarlet, and Michael Thompson

Robert Sokolov: Oldest brother of Konyo Sokolov, he has holds himself to the highest standards and yet fell to the same consumption as his father seeking the rebirth of his lost siblings and mother. He has nullification magic and can use powerful Telekinesis at the cost of powerful headaches after excessive use of both in quick sucession.

Amelie Scarlet: Self-proclaimed leader of the Shadow Claws, Amelie Scarlet, herself isn't a particularly strong magician only capable of using Requip Magic and basic telekinesis but with that she hold an untold number of items within her arsenal which she manipulates through her thoughts alone.

Michael Thompson: Another former sentinel syndicate member who favored chaos over order, as a result he joined the Rebellion in the hopes to take control of the syndicate and lead it to a more aggressive path. Michael was a distinguished member within the guild before his betrayal commonly taking part in kidnapping and torture for the guild using his chain magic with deadly efficiency.

Rewards: Legendary Custom

Objectives: Konyo must fight his brother and the Shadow claw rebellion in an attempt to evade his brother's capture.

Name: Armless and Defenseless

Rank: B

Type: Bad

Participants: Konyo

Summary: Having been defeated by his Brother and the sentinel syndicate under control of the Shadow Claw Rebellion, Kon is taken to his home, once a symbol of wealth and beauty now just a relic of a forgotten time with crumbling walls and shattered windows. There he is subjected to his Brother's powerful magic stripping both his magic and his equipment from him save for Midas' Gauntlet whose curse proved stronger than Robert's magic. Kon is left as a shell of his former self where he faces grueling punishment to wear down his resolve in a futile attempt by his brother to use his non-existent necromancer abilities.  Konyo is further subjected to torture from his brother's torturer, however now left further vulnerable with the destruction of his right arm, forced removal of his other equipment, and now his non-existent Frost Dragon Slayer Magic. In his naivety, Robert leaves Konyo alone long enough to kill the torturer and send out a hurried message to his comrades using projection.

Others: None

Enemies:  Unnamed Torturer

Torturer: This unblinking villain wears a black mask to permanently conceal with scar covered face. Angry at the world, he now works under Robert to inflict what he has received onto whoever Robert commands with ruthless efficiency.

Rewards: Legendary Custom

Objectives: Konyo must kill the torturer and report his location before his brother realizes what has happened.

Name: The Ritual

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Konyo, Esperia

Summary: Realizing that Kon can not help Robert, he resorts to mutilating Konyo into a living conduit for the False-Life ritual. This brutal magic uses the lives of hundreds to replicate an imperfect copy of the imagined soul. This ritual also took parts of Konyo's very essence giving each of his long-dead family members abilities he longer possessed. Unhappy with being alive in this state they attack anything and everything around them. Struggling to contain them Robert releases Kon temporarily before fleeing. Konyo must defeat them to ensure that they do not escape and reek further chaos with Esperia coming to his aid.

Others: None

Enemies:  Dmitry Sokolov, Sonja Sokolov, Boris Sokolov

Resurrected Dmitry Sokolov: Second Oldest brother of Konyo Sokolov turned zombie, he has holds himself to the highest standards and yet fell to the same consumption as his father seeking the rebirth of his lost siblings and mother. As he didn't have magic prior to his resurrection he instead adopted Kon's old fire magic.

Resurrected Sonja Sokolov: Mother of Konyo Sokolov turned zombie, he has holds himself to the highest standards and yet fell to the same consumption as his father seeking the rebirth of his lost siblings and mother. As she didn't have magic prior to her resurrection she instead adopted Kon's old Heavenly Body magic.

Resurrected Boris Sokolov: Father of Konyo Sokolov turned zombie, he has holds himself to the highest standards and yet fell to the same consumption as his father seeking the rebirth of his lost siblings and mother. As he didn't have magic prior to his resurrection he instead adopted Kon's old Necromancer magic.

Rewards: Legendary Custom

Objectives: Konyo must survive the brutal ritual that Robert performs upon them and fight off the imperfect copies of his deceased family alongside Esperia.

Name: Gift from a Stranger

Rank: C

Type: Bad

Participants: Konyo

Summary: Having lost his arm and most of his magic, Kon is left as a shadow of his former self.  A Mysterious figure appears before Konyo offering him a means to get vengeance for what has been done to him.

Others: Mysterious Spirit

Mysterious Spirit: A being from another plane trapped in this one, this spirit is vengeful against Robert Sokolov who has trapped them there and wants to aid whoever they think can help free them and get vengeance for holding them captive.

Enemies: None

Rewards: Legendary Custom

Objectives: Kon will talk with the mysterious figure, an ethereal spirit from another plane who will curse his brother at the right time.

Name: The Final Goodbye

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Konyo, Esperia

Summary: Having been briefly given access to magic and the aid of Esperia with his brother being cursed and weakened, Kon must defeat and kill him finally stopping the family obsession of stopping death. Slaying his now insane brother, Kon takes their family shield and the mantle as head of the Sokolov family hoping to make change the reputation of the name for the better.

Others: None

Enemies:  Robert Sokolov

Robert Sokolov: Oldest brother of Konyo Sokolov, he has holds himself to the highest standards and yet fell to the same consumption as his father seeking the rebirth of his lost siblings and mother. He has nullification magic and can use powerful Telekinesis at the cost of powerful headaches after excessive use of both in quick sucession.

Rewards: Legendary Custom

Objectives: Konyo must fight and slay the weakened Robert with the help of his ace, Esperia.

Name: The Cleansing

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Konyo, Esperia, Ezekiel

Summary: Konyo returns to Sieghart Mountain to kill the "Shadow Claws" that aided Robert with the aid of loyal members who were absent during the time of his capture.

Others: None

Enemies: Amelie Scarlet and Michael Thompson

Amelie Scarlet: Self-proclaimed leader of the Shadow Claws, Amelie Scarlet, herself isn't a particularly strong magician only capable of using Requip Magic and basic telekinesis but with that she hold an untold number of items within her arsenal which she manipulates through her thoughts alone.

Michael Thompson:  Another former sentinel syndicate member who favored chaos over order, as a result he joined the Rebellion in the hopes to take control of the syndicate and lead it to a more aggressive path. Michael was a distinguished member within the guild before his betrayal commonly taking part in kidnapping and torture for the guildusing his chain magic with deadly efficiency.

Rewards: Legendary Custom

Objectives: Konyo alongside other Sentinel Syndicate members loyal to the guild must quell the Shadow Claw rebellion within the guild.

Last edited by Konyo on Sat May 08, 2021 12:06 pm; edited 2 times in total


An Unwelcome Return [Long] Empty Sat Jan 09, 2021 9:18 pm


This Storyline has been approved.

An Unwelcome Return [Long] Sigme10

An Unwelcome Return [Long] Empty Sat Jan 09, 2021 11:27 pm


A Warning of Things to Come
  • 5,500 Experience (10% Experience Bonus from New Years Adventurer Event)
  • 200 Infamy
  • +2 Speed


An Unwelcome Return [Long] Empty Sun Jan 10, 2021 8:01 am

Konyo has completed this quest.

An Unwelcome Return [Long] Maxresdefault

An Unwelcome Return [Long] Empty Sat May 15, 2021 3:39 am


I have abandoned this storyline.

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