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Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.)

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Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Apr 25, 2024 10:15 am



"Hmmm, you might be right... I suppose it wouldn't be too bad to keep an eye on her at first.", Alisa folded her arms under her full bust as she brought a hand up to her chin, lowering it as she could perfectly picture the scenarios Mimi was mentioning. Ordinarily she'd let people learn from their mistakes and grow from them, but in this case... Fu Mei seemed much too proud, "If they're only arguing that doesn't really bother me, but i'd prefer if she refrained from getting into fights."

Alisa finally explained her reasoning with an awkward smile on her face. Hargeon was a peaceful town, but Fiorian people were notoriously passionate, far more than Sinese. So they idea of her provoking someone wasn't entirely unreasonable when one pondered on her general attitude.

"Fufu~... And yet, neither of us can draw any more than mere scribbles~?", she replied almost instinctively, seeing how Mimi demeaned her own skills by simply comparing herself to fellow artists in their own field, forgetting about how each of them had their own skills, "As a painter, you're one of the greatest I've seen? And with how young you are... I've no doubt you'll soon have countless works adoring even the Halls of Mercurius."

She'd never miss a chance to shower her niece in praise, after all, the girl needed it. No matter how great her achievements she never seemed to properly acknowledge them as such. Not unlike a certain goldsmith who soon came back out of her room:

"If you mean metaphorical walls, then certainly, we break them all the time?~...", she teased, shooting her a teasing little wink, a soft jostle of her chest as she uncrossed her arms and slid a hand down to her hip, "As far as physical walls, i'd prefer you refrain from that, or at the very least keep it to the Simulator. I suppose that's what you'd like to see next?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:17 pm

In manner Miriko had to ponder if besting this woman in a argument was even possible thinking she might just outright dismiss them before they really had much to say about it. But this was just also a Miriko guess and she was not entirely sure how to read this woman yet."Is she even capable?"Miriko should not be too nosy Alistair solved all that stuff for her even if Miriko could be powerful enough to defend herself but she in some manner never showed what she could do.

Then well she wait for what all was said between Alisa and the new member."I won't break any wall, It is simple for me to break structures, But I won't show what I can to do anything related to this building."After that chuckle of she know things she can do and can't it she was just merely getting comfortable and seemed far more interested in other things..

"By to the showing, After that then the drawing.
"It seemed she had not forgot either things and they could get back on focus. After all there are many things to see and do later she just needed to know all of it.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:46 pm



"I'd sure hope so~... Fufu~... Or we might have to keep her confined to the Guild Hall~?", Alisa teased, tilting her head with a playful look on her face as she rose one finger to her soft, supple lips...

But even then she doubted Fu Mei would go that far, after all, for all her arrogance she also seemed to have a measure of elegance to her, and Alisa doubted she'd be too fond of getting herself caught in pointless fights:

"You're far from the only one here who can, but thankfully nobody has felt the need to do so... Now I'm really starting to think I should show you the simulator first... Follow me~...", with these words, Alisa turned around once more, hooking her finger at Fu Mei and guiding the two women along the hallways, her long dark hair whipping about behind her as she turned, "Mmmm, Is it me or are you hoping to place Mimi's drawing somewhere in your room~?"

Even Alisa didn't reach the level of narcissism of hanging a portrait of herself in her own bedroom, but knowing Fu Mei, she was starting to feel this was exactly what the beautiful blonde had in mind... Thus, Alisa guided her out of the residential area, once more strolling across the gardens and making her way back inside the Guild Hall's main building, where she'd guide the two women along wide, spacious hallways, and down a flight of stairs where the training room awaited them... A large, pure white room, reinforced by magical wards that both protected it and automatically healed any injuries sustained inside:

"And here we are... If you're hoping to bring down any walls, this would be the right place to try~? Though frankly... Fufu~... I'd be surprised if you could. This room was designed for the mages of Blue Pegasus to cut loose without causing a ruckus or demolishing the building."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Apr 27, 2024 7:28 am

Interestingly enough while Miriko has been seen in the garden a lot, Fu-Mei seemed to admire the flowers but she seemed to move past it quickly, only it seemed because she did enjoy how it looked. But it was most likely that she was not be seen in the garden all that much.

But over all it seemed rather peaceful walk through it. Even if the converastion did feel a bit awkward and quiet walking through out the flowers. But it seemed over all they where all admiring the moment and the flowers but who knows if they would see one of them in there. It was in some manner the sign that things where going well and she was settling well over all showed the more peaceful moment of the world around them.

But when they got to the that room talking about having to bring down any walls. One would think mage ready to prove their skill or power Fu-Mei merely looked out at it."Unless you really want me to show something I am not going to do anything."One would think a lady carried as such the one currently, Would just show off like she normally did."But a nice location at least."With that she seemed to just merely wait until they move on.

Miriko founds this interesting and Alistair seemed to get a good chuckle out of them. Thus is showed Miriko this woman had a lot more control then she let on. Or she had more to hide and she did not wanna show. But they continued the tour with out problem. Remarkable as it might be. However one catching details would note Fu-Mei did eye Alistair for a moment almost like she was thinking something up then just didn't say anything.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Apr 27, 2024 11:18 am



Now Alisa hadn't been thinkig about any of this... But for mages like the two of them who use their magic to create art, their magical prowess is inevitably tied to their creative expression. She'd brought Fu Mei here after her declaring her willingness to break down walls, giving her a more adequate space to indulge in any... More destructive impulses:

"Heavens~... We went all this way... Surely I can't even persuade you to give me a demonstation?", Alisa teased, cocking her hip to the side as she slid her hand down there, a sly smile drawing on her lips. She wasn't really going to ask for anything, but with Fu Mei putting the option out there, she couldn't quite help but tease her with it, tapping her foot and instantly creating a training dummy in front of her if she wanted to use it. But she wouldn't be surprised if Fu Mei just wanted to keep her secrets after all... She could respect that too, "Buut there you have it~... Much better to create some walls around here if you get the urge to take some down~"

She chimed, shooting her a flirtatious little wink, Alisa would admire whatever Fu Mei had to show her, if anything, before finally turning around and marching off, ready to show her the next location. She'd already seen the main lobby, and with it the lounge, where one could also grab a bite to eat. But she had yet to show her the outdoor pool area...


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Sun Apr 28, 2024 6:24 am

Maybe it was just her interesting in some what impressing her guild master, Maybe she was intending to show how superior she could be to other people, Maybe it was because she was talked into it. Fu-Mei merely looked at Miriko, Then Alisa then walked two and a half feet back. Miriko pondering what was going to happen, Alistair seemed not scared by any of this.

Miriko then elected to walk behind Alisa just in case for she did not know what to expect. Upon a flutter of a gold magic seal behind Fu-Mei then merely looking at the dummy out of the seal fire out three massive goal rocks that and hit the dummy, If the impact was not enough to break it, A large golden spike then burst out of the just a few mete in front of the dummy and stuck it too.

Then Fu-Mei walked away from it. Like it merely bored her. Even letting out a bit of a yawn. Then walked away from what she did almost like she expected which way to go next. Miriko merely staring pondering if this lady throw money at people or just magically gold coloured everything to fit a style she had going on for her. All and all some one showed how to be quick with a few things.

Miriko on the other hand knew she never showed off such things but creating living paintings for a small time frame surely could cause a stir. Fu-Mei just fire gold rocks at people for attacks. Whatever else was require for it to work she did not need to mention at all.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Sun Apr 28, 2024 7:16 am



She could tell Fu Mei was eager to impress, and honestly~... Alisa found no shortage of amusement for it. For a woman brimming with confidence as her, with all her pride, and all her ego. The fact that she was doing her damndest to impress Alisa felt like the highest peak of flattery she could give her. The sculptress looked back at Miriko and smiled, no doubt expecting a large explosion of magic... The Diamond woman was glad to serve as her shield, especially when it meant she got first row seats. And when she finally unleashed her barrage of golden projectiles, her brow arched immediately, her lips parting at the dazzling display:

"My~... Your magic is almost as beautiful as you are~", Alisa replied, her eyes flaring as she rose a hand over her mouth in admiration. She'd already seen a glimpse of her magic from how she used it to craft her sculptures, "It was defenitely worth making a little pit stop here... Now, you've already seen the lounge, and the gardens..."

Alisa crossed her arms under her chest, bringing one up to her chin as she mused on what to show her next. And finally tilted her head as the answer crossed her mind:

"Next up I suppose I should show you the pool area?", she noted, and with that she turned around and climbed back up the stairwell out of the training room, leading the two women back across the hallways until they made it outside towards the back of the guild, where a large, expansive outdoor area awaited them...

Alisa rose a hand over her eyes as the sun's glare met her gaze, squinting slightly as her eyes adjusted to the brightness and she could take in the glimmering sight in front of them. Faint splashing sounds reached them as two lone guildmembers enjoyed a little swim at the pool, waving at them, the sun's rays shimmering off the shifting surface of the water and the pure white tiles surrounding the pool... Even for most standards, this pool was quite large, enough to accomodate most if not all the guild with plenty of space left, and rather deep at the furthest end... As well as having a smaller, shallow pool for children and even a jacuzzi a bit further away, with the entre area adorned with lounge chairs and parasols... Enough one could laze around here for an entire day if they felt like it.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Apr 29, 2024 1:27 pm

There was this moment where she merely looked at it like it was nothing. But if anything this would only merely feed the massive ego machine that was held with in the sin goldsmith. If one was able to fuel themselves or the world. If Fu-Mei could feed herself solely from her own ego she would be even more rich from how much money she could save from not needing to eat. But that was for the most seemingly already apparent.

Even the compliment was only merely a smirk, one had to be careful how much was fed into the machine who knows what would happen. Calling Fu-Mei as pretty as her magic was fitting, In some manner Miriko wondered how much you needed to compliment this woman before he might explode in a massive ego bomb. But that was for a later matter.

Then would move to the pool and it seemed Fu-Mei over all did not overly excited about the pool. But most likely it was part of things they needed to work for her to want to be around."I am sure it is nice here...The cleaning services must be paid well."Then she merely looked at Miriko for a moment. Then seemingly almost in a stare down moment she asked Miriko."Do you use these pools?"Miriko merely trying not to feel like this woman scared her slightly did answer."No..."Then it seemed Fu-Mei almost kind of saw Miriko's nature for a moment again and as harsh as the stare down seemed at first she merely let it be.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Apr 29, 2024 3:37 pm



Far be it from her not to praise someone where she felt it due, though at the same time, Alisa probably understood that too much stroking of her ego was probably not the best way to handle Fu Mei but at the same time... She saw no harm in showering her with admiration in that which she excelled at, her art... As they reached the pool, however, the lithomancer could only snicker. She could sense the dismissiveness in the blonde's tone as they reached the pool area:

"You're saying that now, but you'll be singing a different tune when the summer comes around.", to a half Icebergian woman like herself, her body felt far more at home in the cool days of winter than the sweltering months of Summer, which on the Southernmost end of a Southern country like Fiore, was, well, most of the year really. Amusing that Fu Mei chose to ask Mimi that question, but Alisa could never miss how endearing her niece looked when put on the spot like that, "I suppose Mimi's the exception, but most of us use them all year round? But during the summer, we throw parties here every now and then. Make sure you have your swimsuit ready when the time comes~"

That said, Alisa wasn't really wearing a swimsuit under her sweater, and neither Mimi nor Fu Mei seemed particularly keen on going for a little dip in the pool... Thus, when inconvenience met disinterest, Alisa saw no better option to take than simply retreating back indoors:

"Now, I suppose we may as well get back to the lounge. Hopefully the little walk helped your inspiration?", she mused, resting her hand on Mimi's shoulder


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Apr 30, 2024 7:05 am

It was another hook she merely looked over to Alisa after looking at Mimi for a bit and said about when the summer season came around. After all she had to feed that ego machine again and something that Alisa might find even more bold of Fu-Mei. After all It was something about her."When summer time comes, I will gather the eyes of everyone when it happens. More eyes then Helena and maybe in some manner...even you."It was the boldest move Helena could say there was few things she most likely felt comfortable saying it.

It almost felt like the only one Fu-Mei would challenge her guild master on something. No anything power related but who would gather the spotlight. It was the most smug smile one woman could have. Miriko on the other hand felt delighted she was left out of the situation. At least that part seemed to have been settled pretty quickly.

But alas Fu-Mei's humanity did seemed to still shine through it would almost show again for a moment. When Miriko was mentioned as a exception. There was a moment where a moment again where the ego stopped and she seemed slightly worried about why."I see not my problem on why."She dismissed it as that while one could tell it might also worry her.

But they would start walking back to the lounge to prepare. Seems as more and more this woman was around even if as she was, She actually seemed to still be a normal person even willing to understand Miriko's way of being."I do hope so...After all I hear her work is beyond most people's consideration."But the walk was over all peaceful as one would expect it to be.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Apr 30, 2024 7:58 am



"Fufufu~... Good luck with that~", Alisa flipped her lustruous hair behind her shoulder in a confident, dismissive motion; however stunning she found Fu Mei, thinking she could outshine her, Sofia or Helena... She'd be in for quite the harsh reality check. Still, the sculptress nibbled her bottom lip, shooting her a challenging, yet intrigued half lidded gaze, "Still... I'll enjoy the sight regardless?"

Almost like Fu Mei wasn't the first to come to her with such confidence... All too soon her thoughts wandered back to Diana, the beauty from Stella who came to her office to announce one such challenge. How had she been doing lately? Alisa got her to agree to participate in a photoshoot, but that hadn't happened yet and she hadn't heard from her since... She should check up on her one of these days:

"Mmm, lets head back then.", Alisa nodded as the girls agreed to head back indoors, she couldn't help but notice a hint of tenderness in the way she looked at Mimi, far different from the way she treated her on Helena.

She could understand that, after all, Mimi had the kind of personality that made you want to dote on her, while Alisa and Helena were... Showy~... She could only imagine what Fu Mei might think when she inevitably met Sofia, Alisa's bewitching Goddess of the Oceans~ Reaching back to the lounge, Alisa reclined on the nearest armchair, motioning for Fu Mei to take the one next to her, close enough that Mimi could watch them as she painted:

"Very much so~... If you take your time walking through the Guild Hall, you'll find many of her works there?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Mon May 27, 2024 2:55 am

In some manner watching Fu-Mei overall might have pieced together what she was, In some manner now it showed, what might know what to expect to just how to expect it. Fu-Mei was more interested in what was pointed out to her. After all it almost seemed in some manner it was interesting, as well in some manner a bit more perplexed at the same time.

Fu-Mei seemed to look at the guild hall, Not really taking into account how much art was just around from Miriko. They merely looked back at Alisa and merely said.”You are not worried about Miriko just leaving so many pieces of art in the guild hall?”Fu-Mei asked seemingly out of wonder more than anything else. With all of these pieces there maybe it was how there was some on the floor. Even picking up one small canvas seemingly had been done a while ago.

This one was seemingly a heart seemingly looking like it was decaying, with wings graying at the tips like it was fading away from the world. Fu-Mei seemed almost interested in these. She would even talk over and pick up another one. Some faceless woman, chained and shackled by the wrist and neck, in with looking merely staring back at the view with its face like it was pleading for help slighted mixed in that it had given up hope.

Then after she put these down, Really gently Fe-mei would look to Miriko seemingly had set up the largest canvas and stand she could. In some manner it was almost like Miriko passively watching had gathered enough information to know what to expect. Alistair on the other hand seemed already back laying behind Mirko like he always was. Almost like Miriko seemed to be smart enough to be sure to make sure.”Just sit into a pose you want for at least one minute then you are free to move.”Fu-Mei seemed almost confused in that moment after all she knew results, but not how good Miriko was at the process of it.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Tue May 28, 2024 5:53 am



Alisa would hardly consider it a problem to have too much art available... But the Guild had clearly yet to solve this particular conundrum, of where to put all the available art pieces made by their own artists, as well as those whose works they purchased... In cases like Mimi, where the artist herself was a member of the Guild, it was entirely up to her whether to sell, keep or display her works, and well... Alisa was a bit biased in that regard:

"No, why would I be? Her art is beautiful~ Granted, she doooes sometimes leave them in the wrong place.", she turned her gaze to Mimi, eyes narrowing even with that affectionate smile on her face, watching as Fu Mei picked up one painting and brought it up to the wall. Alisa walked up to it, "Ohooo, this one is new Mimi... Did you just make it?"

As she walked up to the painting, her hand fell on her hip as she took it in that decaying looking heart, perhaps thinking whether that was a metaphor for forgetfulness... The heart representing emotions, which fade away with the tides of time... And just like that, both Fu Mei and Alisa were now completely taken by Mimi's painting:

"Fufu~... Do you mind if I watch~?", Alisa winked at Mimi, and walked up to her side this time, no doubt imagining Mimi wanted to get a good look at the gorgeous golden beauty all by her lonesome.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Wed May 29, 2024 3:21 am

At least when watching Miriko work, It seemed she never minded. While she was never vocal about it. She had set a few art stalls from time to time in the public streets for people to watch her work. Before Miriko did answer however."I do not mind, I was intended to just be me in the picture."which while most people could guess that Fu-Mei just made sure to mention.

Since it was Miriko who was some what the control of show now, Miriko kind of walked over to Alisa took her hand and place another one of her's on Alisa's shoulder,Alistair would move behind Miriko while be close enough for some one to be able to sit on him while she worked.

Then Miriko seemingly said nothing while she went to work. Fu-Mei seemingly had sat down in a chair, line herself in a manner she felt fitting and sat. Miriko lend over for a moment. While she was quiet it almost seemed like, she felt this woman could do better.

Thus most likely the interesting part of Miriko interaction would happen, Miriko would suggest something. Raising her up as if she was going to suggest something."I-If I may, suggest something that might work."Fu-Mei raised an eye brow. Since she did not refused.

Miriko then walked over seemingly then actually touched another posted actually seemingly showing and moving Fu-Mei's position where she was sitting after a few moment. Miriko took a few steps back. Then seemed to smile slightly. Then sat back down. picked up a brush and seemingly got to work. After all Fu-Mei just needed to sit for a minute, While who knows how long Miriko will work for.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Wed May 29, 2024 4:04 pm



"Ohh, don't worry Fu Mei... I wouldn't dream of stealing your thunder~", Alisa teased, shooting her a firty, alluring little wink as she backed away and allowed the golden beauty to have the spotlight, simply smiling at Mimi as she acquiesced to her request and allowed her aunt to take her place just a scarce few paces behind her. Alisa smiled as she held Mimi's hand, following the artists's guidance until she finally approached Alistair who was simply sitting, "Excuse me Alistair~..."

She spoke as she brushed that sweater dress under her legs, smoothing out the kinks and creases in the fabric as she sat upon the giant cat's back and crossed her long, shapely legs, brushing a loose, silky black strand behind her ear as she kept her eyes glued to the canvas:

"Oho...?", it was rare seeing Mimi show such assertion. She was usually so subdued, prone to getting carried away in the pace of whoever she was interacting with. But here, watching her paint... Alisa got a feeling that she was seeing the girl's personality in earnest, with nothing or nobody else to get in the way. And the fact that she could watch a stunning vision such as Fu Mei pose while she did~... Well, this was quite the treat in more ways than one... And she got to tease the golden Sinese a bit too, "I'll admit, Mimi has exquisite taste... You look quite stunning in that pose~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Thu May 30, 2024 2:11 pm

Almost like this woman wouldn't miss the chance too Fu-Mei added in something that most could expect her to say. After all Fu-Mei's Ego for the most part was almost not contained at this time."You can't steal the spot from superior beauty."Fu-Mei let out a laugh about it. While she merely seemed to forget for a moment that she only needed to sit for one minute and Miriko would be fine to do painting.

But that was just it, Fu-Mei was focusing on herself. Since one's ego was too busy wanting to look at herself. Alistair did not seem to mind if anything Alisa could learn a bit things sitting on Alistair, His fur was well taken care of there was a well taken care of to the point you could tell that it was beyond how most cats would take care of their fur, This was most likely Miriko's work. It was soft and comfortable to feel on the skin. No dead ends and Alistair was never seen grooming himself.

Miriko took equal amounts of care of Alistair to rival even how well Miriko took care of her own hair and dresses Miriko was working away so much it seemed like while the small parts where laid down, the details kept getting more in depth over time. Miriko's focus was in the painting that she was no longer paying attention anymore, she had tuned out reality at this time.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Fri May 31, 2024 4:11 pm



"Myyyy~... Is that a challenge my dear Fu Mei~...?", Alisa narrowed her eyes at her and held her gaze, more than happy to take her up on it if she liked, after all, there was no way to read something so outrageous as anything other than an invitation, "I guess now we know who the next painting will feature... Unless..."

Alisa was happy to admire other people as they looked their brightest, and she recognized many people as equal to herself. But next to herself, Sofia, Helena, Karisa, Mimi, Diana... Nobody could ever hope to surprass any of them, though~... At this rate, she already saw Fu Mei as somebody she could easily admire that way. She kept her eyes on the painting, even knowing that Mimi didn't really need to have Fu Mei posing for her anymore, but her brow arched as she tucked a loose black lock behind her ear, and looked at the Sinese beauty as an idea popped into her head:

"Well, I have a photoshoot coming sometime in the next few days. If you're that eager to appear in the same frame as me, I'd be happy to tell the photographer to make room for one more~?", she invited, wondering how well the golden beauty would accept this invitation considering


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 1:17 pm

It seemed to be a fitting a challenge for Fu-Mei she was after all not the type to back down. Alistair however seemed interested in the banter between the two, the Cattian even laughed about it."Anymore and you two are gonna be butting heads."Alistair said he had been listening and watching this entirely time, While Miriko have been in and out of the conversation.

While Miriko just seemed at work, her mind fully into working. Every shade was seemingly reflected to the pose that Fu-Mei had wanted to sit to start with, The pose the slightly smug smile everything was just committed to the painting.

But she would answer."Oh? Consider me attending."Fu-Mei seemed far more ready to dive into all already. Which was not shocking most likely even with this front if Fu-Mei won or lose she was most likely not actually going to hold it over anyone if she won and while she would be upset she might not take losing to heart, if anything it might make her stride to improve even more to try and best Alisa and be the best.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 4:29 pm



"Butting heads? Hardly~... A challenge like that can only be fought on a magazine centerfold~...?", Alisa replied, hand raising over her mouth as she chuckled, amused by Alistair's suggestion.

She'd been challenged to fights several times now, and this was far from one of those scenarios, which only made it all the more exciting. She'd gotten close to one such contest with Diana, but ultimately it ended up never taking place... So Alisa couldn't help but smile when Fu Mei so quickly jumped to the challenge, and the sculptress merely flipped her hair, brushing it behind her ear:

"Mmmm, I'm glad to hear it... And you, will be hearing from me once I have a date and time~ Though... I have to wonder... What kind of modelling would you prefer...~? Underwear, swimwear, something more modest perhaps?", she inquired, tilting her head curiously.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 4:39 am

Alistair seemed to chuckle about it slightly."With how you both seem to go about it, who knows how that will go."Alistair seemed to enjoy the idea of these two butting head, Miriko seemingly watching as she was done her painting.

At least Fu-Mei was not looking for fights or Duels, One could figure out how to lead this woman from Sin to train herself enough for combat but it almost seemed like a waste of time for her."I will do all of them, But nude modelling, None get to see that unless they are truly worthy of devotion from me."It seems laying it all bare was out of the question but it seemed like a fair reason mixed in with her ego. Maybe it was just her only feel comfortable with that, sure swimsuits and under wear leave little to the wondering mind but it seems like a personal one.

Then Mriiko merely leaned over."Ahh....your painting is finished..."She said so casually ans calmly looking over the situation while she seemed to ponder to herself on other things. At least Fu-Mei didn't consider saying Miriko needed to be in on this. Almost like quickly Fu-Mei picked up on why Miriko was often set a side for these things.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 9:46 am


Chief among the coming-and-goings of the many members of the Blue Pegassians was Noel Raion. He had been a member of many various guilds. The Pegasi lifestyle had not been forgotten, though something else *was* forgotten. Nothing big, like a child, but a book. Noel recalled losing a book some time ago, and recounted that he was apart of the Pegasis before he had lost it. Logically, it must be somewhere in their building. Noel was bold enough to invite himself in. After all, being a rightful master at gravity there was ample opportunity to find his way in. Be it through the windows, or a sky ceiling. In any case, should a burglar alarm or some such be raised he was ready to deal with the trouble.

After some basic searching, Noel had discovered that much of this place had been remodeled. He needed a Pegasi-person to help him find his book. Through various hallways and such, Noel had what seemed to be a group of persons. One of them working on a painting. He'd move closer and wave his hand.

"Hail! My name is Noel, I was a former Pegasi. I was in search of a book, which I suspect I misplaced here."

He'd cross his arms and await a response.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 5:28 pm



"Why Alistair, it's almost starting to sound like you'd like to see that, you devil~...", she teased, chiding Mimi's companion for his words as her hand rose over her mouth in a look of mock incredulity, "Oh, don't worry about that~... Some sights should be saved only for your lovers hm? I feel the same way as well~"

She replied, winking at Fu Mei, making it clear she wasn't planning on having her strip naked. It wasn't that kind of magazine anyway.

"Oh my~... Fufu~... Fu Mei is quite photogenic hm? I must say this might be one of your best works, Mimi~"

She was just about to take in the painting as Mimi finished it, when a new voice drew her attention. One that seemed different, yet somehow familiar still, all the more so when she had a name to go with it:

"Oh...? Noel?", her brow rose, surprised by the sudden appearance of her former Guildmate more so than his change in appearance. After all these years of seeing close friends, and even her own wife radically change her appearance, that barely surprised her anymore...

Alisa uncrossed her legs and walked up to him, brushing her hair behind her ear, a friendly, welcoming smile on her face as she idly adjusted her sweater dress, as though making herself presentable. He was a former member of Blue Pegasus, and though he may have joined a Dark Guild now, nobody would have denied him entrance on that account alone. After all, the Guild had welcomed him even when he had a bounty, and they'd have happily let him in through the front door:

"Why, long time no see~...!", she may have never seen this particular face before... But his reputation preceded him. She didn't know exactly what had happened in the West, but he'd since become known there as a member of Phantom Lord. Surprising, but not outlandish in any way... As she walked up to him and rested her hand on her hip, she couldn't help but ask, "How's life in the new Guild treating you?"

Alisa knew him as someone who always kept his cards close to his chest. It was perhaps something they could maybe about sometime, what drew him to Phantom Lord. Quite a different Guild from Blue Pegasus, and the other's he'd joined in the past.

"Hmm... Well what book was it? If someone found it, they'd have probably brought it to the library.", not to leave him hanging, she brought a finger up to her chin and mused on what might have happened to his misplaced book

Still, as she looked back and saw Mimi, she couldn't help but wonder if he was there to see her too? Arisa hadn't told many people who Mimi's father was, and Alisa was one of those few...


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 11:28 am

The humour would subside quickly as other things seemed more apparent at this time. Miriko would pick up the completed painting walk over to Fu-Mei learn over and whisper something into her ear. Whatever it was Fu-Mei seemingly left the room. And Miriko would merely pick up another blank canvas and start setting up again.

No farewell from the massive ego that was new to the guild Miriko might have just ask her nightly to do this just for her safety, But nonetheless Mimi would for the moment watch to see what would unfold while Noel was here, Alisa was surely going to be fine to handle it and if anything Alistair could help if she really wanted to leave. But for the moment she seemed some what content staying here.

Whatever this book was it surely might be important, While she was letting Alisa do the talking, She really had to ponder. What was this book? Was it one in passing she had read before because she spent too much time in the library? Or was it one she had not found yet. She didn't start work on anything yet for nothing creative started flowing.

Looking at Miriko she seemed:Calm, quiet and at peace. She figured there would be nothing that would spark conflict here.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 4:09 pm


Noel carried a neutral expression on his face. The times he had within the Blue were some of his more stable years. Partially Alisa was due credit for that.

"It has been some time."

Much like how he'd have known Alisa, she hadn't changed much. She'd inquire on what kept him busy in the present. Noel thought it to be interesting that she didn't mention the name. Perhaps the negative reputation caused there to be tension, even here.

"I'm mostly on my own. 孤独な人"

Perhaps someone from Joya would understand what he'd say.

"The book was about a god, or 'the-god'. 冥王星... Pluto."

There were multiple other people there. Noel only knew Alisa. Since there seemed to be a form of animosity between his guild association and the Blue Pegasus, he'd decide not to intrude himself onto others and introduce himself. The painting had caught his attention though.


Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:28 am



"See you soon Fu Mei~...", Alisa waved the Sinese blonde goodbye with a wink, hoping to meet her again some other time, before watching as Mimi hung back. She didn't know how long ago it had been since she last met her father, after all she didn't really talk about her family.

For now, she simply waited back in her seat, allowing Alisa to focus on Noel. She avoided namedropping the Guild more out of consideration to him, after all, in the rare case case somebody didn't know what Guild he belonged to and he'd rather not have it announced so openly. Of course, with Iblis out of the picture, what ambitions the Guild now had were anyone's guess:

"Ahh, well I suppose that works best for you hmm? I remember you usually preferring to work on your own~", she smiled, not really understanding what he said next save for the last word, but imagining it was probably something along those lines... Still as she looked at Mimi behind her, she imagined the girl might have no struggle understanding

That said, Alisa may not quite understanding the meaning of those words but she could at least reproduce them well enough, having spent enough time with Arisa not to completely butcher the pronounciation:

"Meiousei? Hmmm, well if the book is in Joyan, that will most defenitely narrow it down. We don't have a lot of literature in that language.", Alisa cupped her cheek as she couldn't imagine their library having a lot of books in a language few of the members actually spoke, and most of what they did have had probably been offered by Joyan Guild members, friends and acquaintances. With an idea of where to look firmly in her mind, she pointed her thumb in the direction of the library for them to head there next, though not before inviting Mimi to come along, "Lets have a look at the library then~... Mimi, would you care to join us~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Draw Me, The Perfect Image.(Open Social.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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