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This Fire Burns [Lumi - FCM – Flames of Night]

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This Fire Burns [Lumi - FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Tue Jul 09, 2024 11:41 am


WORDS: 460 | TOTAL: 460 | Ready to Rumble

You know, you'd think public disorder would be my happy place? Perhaps no one more surprised than the woman herself when Nikki Marcello looked across a scene of defiance and impending devastation and found herself scowling rather than smiling at what she saw, the irony of a woman who had done more than a little time in dark guilds and ended no shortage of lives for the sake of a meal was no lost upon the dark haired destroyer as she caught sight of folk throwing items around and smashing their way into stores, and yet found herself stalled in place but the smallest and simplest of things.

But… No believer in law and order and damn sure not a fan of those overblown Rune Knights and such but at the same time far from the crook which most seemed to assume of her, with her mortality returned to her and a band upon one particular finger which told her to cherish her life there was something about the scene which was unfolding before her that just didn't sit right, and if she had to put her finger on it, she would say it was the faces of those who did not want to be involved.
“Nah.” Even in a scene like this one not everyone a manic monster who thought only of using injustice as an excuse to commit their own, all it seemed to take was the look of a worried parent cowering with a crying child in their arms for something to break with the black belle and prompt an act of temper for which she was well known, though rarely used with such target as to protect others.

“Hraaaarrrr!!!!” None the less the brawling bitch still rushing with the red hot blood of an animal coursing through her veins and demanding action as she saw some smug fuck look toward the pair and flash with malign intention, the barroom badass was like a bolt loosed from a bow as she swept through the distance which separated her not only from a foe but also an unexpected act of heroism, and allowed her to connect enough with the edge of one of her mitts to send the mook flying.
“Find a corner to crawl into and hide, peeps. This night's gonna get rough…” Cracking her knuckles soon afterward as she shot a glance toward the pair which was perhaps not lacking for severity but hopefully with her words carrying kindness as well, Nikki ordered them to hold up somewhere safe as she stood as a wall of wrath between the fury of the moment and the innocents, and then rushed forward as the reckless renegade she always was. Sometimes you just gotta do what felt right, you know~?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


This Fire Burns [Lumi - FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Wed Jul 10, 2024 9:59 am


It was dipping into the evening as the unrest broke out. Stray remnants from the havoc recorded from the West of Fiore. A sector that was not her problem, therefore not of interest to her. All she cared for was being tasked with the protection of the North. And though she grew to dislike Fiore, she did find this portion to be her home…her territory…..

The civil rebellion was sparked by disparity, and even with the North being protected and cared for, it indeed was not perfect. There were still indeed traces of those who were left wanting. Some still plagued and ravished by bandits that only festered overtime despite their culling, much like the rats known to plague Orchidia. But it was time for things to quiet down, their tantrum needed to end. And the finite kindness and patience of the Demoness was to be understood; should there ever be an inkling left for this to spur again, Lumikki planned to crush it now.

Ravens sat far above on the still roofs and tall structures of the city. Watching the riots below with deep curiosity, but the strong sense to stay away. It was the market and the church areas that were seeing the bulk of the ire. Property was being defaced and torn apart as those who let the spirit of rebellion take them. They’re chats and roars being heard throughout, warning those who wanted nothing to do with it to head home, but those of the markets felt forced to stay if it meant defending what was theirs.

There were some of Paradise Dawn’s patrol and mercenaries there to help quell the fighting but their efforts couldn’t spread enough. Too many people were taking advantage of the opportunity to snatch more for themselves throughout the chaos and that would be their biggest mistake. Not because they opposed order with their selfish desires and caused harm and destruction to their own. No, for a reason that could never occur to anyone.

Chaos feeds a Demon and plunges them to the worse aspect of themselves quite easily. They were agitating a monster among them and stirring her desires. It would take more effort to quell the bloodlust than she thought, but standing back and letting her members correct this didn’t sit well with her. Enough to help her freeze over the bubbling emotions that threatened to spill over. As she simply needed to assure they knew that there was still something in the North to fear, even if the Seraphim was gone.

The black snow would proceed her. It was a soft flurry at first before appearing as if on the cusp of a raging storm. They contrasted the warm and orange hues of the growing flames though it almost looked as if ash and soot was falling from above, until the snowflakes contact upon exposed skin and the sudden chill told those below otherwise. Yet their heat blazed so strongly that they would almost entirely overlook it, with only a few noticing the omen and taking it for what it was while running back home to escape the coming wrath.

There was only one time before that black snow fell upon the North, and that was on the night of Paradise Dawn’s new Guild Master’s coronation.

The chill in the air began to rise higher than the flames, stealing from them the much needed heat they required to keep burning while also bitting at the flesh of those Lumikki observed were troublesome. Innocents and those defending could avoid most of the cold embrace for the time being as the Demoness did her best to not concentrate the frør atop of them. It was through one of the many passing glances from above that she finally noticed someone not of the North defending some of her own. It was a curious sight but not to bizarre. Yet the crowd around the woman warranted for Lumikki to descend herself.

She would appear as a human with four black wings. White hair loose and flailing about. Her black hands like talons and the shadows around her legs almost alive with how they coiled and flared around them.

”I thank ye for yer assistance. Pity I should meet ye this way but allow me to support ye…” Her voice was barely maintaining any human warmth, and the bellowing chaos was tearing at her remaining capacities, but she’d grasp at the empty air before her that would manifest black talons that grabbed upon those that the woman was in risk of fighting. Making it easier for the visitor to land any of the needed blows she’d wish to land.


This Fire Burns [Lumi - FCM – Flames of Night] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

This Fire Burns [Lumi - FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Wed Jul 10, 2024 1:18 pm


WORDS: 450 | TOTAL: 910 | Ready to Rumble

“WHOA, WHAT THE FUCK?!” The black belle blazing into battle without any expectation or hope of support and so surprised for more than one reason when something seemed to lurch to her aid, not only was Nikki blindsided by the deed but also the appearance of the figure who descended upon this bloodbath, and raised both her mitts and her voice in response to it as well. I mean, honestly, wings and claws and all sorts in this kind of world? Usually it meant you were going to get eaten.

“Oh wait, you're a girl? Man, I thought this was gonna get real spicy~?” As such it taking a little minute for Miss Marcello to recognise the fact that she hadn't just stumbled across some unexpected raid boss and rather an ally instead, it was the voice of the new player in this game which seemed to ring in the ears of the fiery femme, and in typical fashion seem to only too quickly distract her from the action on which she probably should have focused.
“Not bad… Gotta say, never had a gal with wings~?” Making it all too clear that the band upon her finger had not reformed her character too much either as she took a moment to take in something which was small but shapely, the ruby red gaze which she carried seemed to focus especially upon the quartet of wings which her fellow femme seemed to carry, which were as intriguing as the frame of her fellow femme. Though really, there were things that she should really been looking at instead.

“Oh shit!” Realising that fact as she found some mook who had taken exception to what she had done to his buddy practically upon her with some manner of improvised cudgel in hand, fortunately for Nikki she was practiced enough in the fine art of everything martial to swerve out of the way of something swung so clumsily, and followed up on it with a snarling jab to give the idiot something else to think about.

“You like a good scrap too, eh? What's your name?” Meanwhile resuming her focus upon the crowd and finding that scarlet stare of hers glowing all the more as she did so, the brawling brunette lurched forward one more and began to swat at folk with her fists and feet, though did not miss the chance to better acquainted by her apparent ally either. Loving any lass who was happy to rush into the jaws of danger and feel her blood pumping good and hard, any babe who she could fight back to back with was worth knowing, and so she flashed the girl a wink and then got stuck in good and proper….

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


This Fire Burns [Lumi - FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Thu Jul 11, 2024 6:31 am


”Hmm, spicy? I suppose yer referring to the flames? They’ll quell in just a moment…” Random uses of words could sometimes be lost with the harpy, as Fiore isn’t her first language nor one that she knows so casually. Her focus on learning to speak more tongues never seemed to remember the prospect of learning their slang or entire phrases as well. For all her intelligence, there were still many gaps within her knowledge; but perhaps this is was keeps her grounded in terms of maintaining humanity.

Lumikki let out a soft giggle, the odd woman before her was more brazen than she could expect and it was enough to help take the much needed edge from the moment. Enough to help Lumikki catch her breath. ”Aye, hardly and winged gals I’ve noticed.” There was more life in her voice now but in their moment of respite a fool lunged for the brawler. A mistake he would soon pay for begrudgingly as fluidly evaded him and struck him back in kind. Her stance was ever flowing, her moves like water. She fought in ways Lumikki has never observed before and it was fascinating.

”Lumikki…” She absentminded answered, as if not caring all the much for the question to give it any cautious thought. Lumikki wasn’t usually keen on passing out her name so needlessly ever since her change to Demon but it would only double down upon turning into a Guild Master as well. ”Yer fighting is curious lass, what do ye call it? Where did ya learn it?” At this point, all Lumikki knew were warriors. More so than she did mages oddly enough. Most of her magic was self taught and reinforced, as there were no abundance of mages to readily learn from in her time within Paradise Dawn. So equipped with the Knowledge and teachings of her Nan and some of the guidance from Brone’s companion, she would mostly figure things out on her own. Though this was not a problem. It had come to her realization how valuable the understanding of a warrior was, and she would help her often. Yet it wouldn’t only be for combat that this understanding serve her but also an aspect of her cultural devotion to ways of battle. Lumikki wanted to pick the woman’s brain because she wanted to learn deeply the ways of Nikki’s culture and her fighting came to be.

”Sadly I’m no good with a fist like ye are, though I wish to be. Perhaps one day I could pursue it when I finally build me physical strength. All I could do is try to supplement it with me magic but it’s never as lovely as the natural talent or honed skill I’ve seen in the battle forged.” Lumikki softly took up Nikki’s side, a gesture to emphasize how the Demoness was indeed standing by her. And she looked on to their opponents with loveless eyes. ”Show me more would ye lass? Here, allow me to pass on a boon,” as she spoke, Lumikki drew a circle with her ringed finger, from which a small portal to her private abyss emerged and a harp would slide out. The golden metal glimmered for a moment before touched her hands, form which a black frost would encase the small structure, painting it black and sprouting small decorative wings. Lumikki wasted no time in plucking the strings, the melody only serving to bolster her friend and add to their strength.

As Nikki steps forward to strike again, she’d find more power in her strikes than she did before and more swiftness in every step. But for added flare and mirth, Lumikki would never softly sing along. Her gentle voice heavily coated in venom from her annoyance of the situation, and it was aimed toward their foes. Yet despite agitation in her tone, the vocals were almost sweet and playful in their execution.

Perhaps in the state of this needless chaotic moment, a performance within it would make the most sense to send the point home of just how absurd this all was. And now Lumikki provided the music for which the dancer can spring to life with all her grace.


This Fire Burns [Lumi - FCM – Flames of Night] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

This Fire Burns [Lumi - FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Thu Jul 11, 2024 5:20 pm


WORDS: 760 | TOTAL: 1690 | Ready to Rumble

“You know, it was kind of more that I figured you were some bugaboo and was about to put you through the nearest wall?” Noting the usual accent with which her fellow femme seemed to convey herself quickly but not really dwelling upon it all that much really, Miss Marcello chuckled for a moment as some failure to communicate properly between them meant that the lovely Lumikki seemed to misunderstand the comment she had made about the more metaphorical heat in their situation, and so the brawling brunette took a moment to correct that in her usual crude manner.
“THAT kinda spicy~?” Perhaps one hoping that someone who had spent the better part of the past decade as a vampire until recently might have been more able to judge another based not on first impression but this scarlet eyed siren nothing if not straightforward, she tended to be the type who punched first and asked questions practically never, so one had to assume that her new acquaintance had been lucky that she hadn't fully embraced such a philosophy in this particular encounter. Though, on the whole she seemed to be glad for her restraint, really.

“Nikki. And, you know, I've never really given it a name?” So often just getting down to business and not really thinking all that much about what she was doing, though the buxom beauty continued to lash out with her fists and even whirl about with a pretty respectable looking roundhouse kick soon after the now lupine lass in leather could not really offer up a name for the arts she used when the doll with the dippy dialect asked after her abilities, and in large part because the way in which she took to a fight was far from planned or practiced for that matter.
“I'm one of those people who is like… Home Schooled? Is that the word?” More the type who relied on experience and what she had picked up from battling in bars and back alleys, the style which she flaunted was improvised to a high degree and imparted to her by observation and the tutor known as the self, though really she lacked the sophistication both of mind and vocabulary to properly describe that. In fact, one might even say she failed entirely to say what she meant, which was not a rare thing one had to concede.

“Ahahaha, I'd offer to teach ya but there ain't much art to what I do?” Ultimately feeling appreciative of the interest she was shown and feeling that she might just have met her polar opposite both in terms of element and emphasis in a fight, while Nikki had a flicker of skill when it came to spells and the matter of casting them the lion's share of her combat capabilities came from her physical capacity, and extended so very far that the belle in black could scarcely recall when the last time even was that she needed to cast a spell. Or, perhaps, remembered to.
“Just try and hit em fast and hard enough that they fall down before you do!” Not that she wasn't willing to share a little something even if she had to assume that their respective styles would not mesh all that well ultimately, the philosophy to which she held her style of combat was simple and crude but likely no less effective for that fact, and though it perhaps did not offer much insight into how one might conduct themselves in a fight it did at the very least prove a valuable window into the oddly pure and simple character which its speaker seemed to carry.

“Now you're speaking my language, girl! Ain't much I like more than busting skulls, I can tell ya!” It likely to come as no surprise for her fellow femme then when the girl suggested that she show her more of what she could do and Miss Marcello found herself happy to oblige, the ever bloodthirsty belle grinned and then hopped forward to fight off her next challenger not with her feet nor her fists even, but rather her forehead. Driving it hard into the nose of the fool in a swift and claret-inducing crack, as she did so the dark dish had to note that while her desire to feed on the red stuff had melted away since returning to the ranks of the mortals her fondness for seeing it remained, and ever more so when provocation of injury felt so very fair and just. She really was like a kid in a candy shop now…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


This Fire Burns [Lumi - FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 1:58 am


”It is a good think ye didn’t lass. Me aside, there would be many that became a problem to ye if ya had, but I don’t like needlessness unless it brings me joy. I figure one of yer like is far more entertaining as a friend than foe. But a wee play fight isn’t beyond me.” Her glowing eyes would easily betray how she wasn’t exactly human, so she didn’t bother rebuking the “bugaboo” name even though she wasn’t quite sure what it meant.

”I seeee, how curious~ Quite playful despite the riot, aren’t ya a personality. Yet i prefer the playful over the unamused.” Her lips pulled back in a smirk that showed glinting fangs. Though she grew more reserved and refined as she was adjusting to her demonic existence, Lumikki still far enjoyed the company of the crude and crass. Individuals that permeated a sense of freeness was quite pleasing to pass the time with.

Nikki entertained Lumikki with an answer to her inquiry but it was not quite as she expected. The little raven almost taken aback by the lack luster revolution. ”Huh? No name? But it has all that flare, one would think it had a particular name…..unless…was this style all yer making?” Sure enough Lumikki would soon discover that it was and the charm of that response was not lost to her. It eased the frazzled feelings she had before into more one of intrigue once again. ”Aaaah, I could understand that sentiment. I taught meself a lot of what I do now meself as well. Thought I wouldn’t have minded a teacher, there is much to gain from guidance. Yet for some odd feeling, it feels harder to find one than to simply map it yerself.—Oh before I forget all together, I owe ye a name. Lumikki is what I am known by.”

Lumikki chuckled mischievously, ”I suppose I could take ye on that after I build up me own strength. Regretfully, I’m not very strong but I could indeed support a friend in battle.” To which she did with the introduction of her harp. The instrument like a veil or facade to the magic Lumikki actually possessed as she sold her capabilities quite short. The Demoness had no desire to flaunt more of her power or her destructive capabilities when she could serve as a boon instead and bless all her men and new friend in battle. Just as soon as she bolstered them, the melody shifted to one or mournful dread. Its eerie tune now draining the ambitious passions from the foes that remained. Weakening them further to protectors.


This Fire Burns [Lumi - FCM – Flames of Night] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

This Fire Burns [Lumi - FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 11:19 am


WORDS: 440 | TOTAL: 2130 | Ready to Rumble

“You know… you talk kinda weird?” The brawling brunette never one who spent all that much time beating about the proverbial bush, the more that her new friend talked the more that Nikki seemed to note the oddness in her turn of phrase, and seemed to have no power or inclination to stop herself commenting on that fact. Though, she did so without the intention of ridicule, and more with a simple desire of observation.
“You one of those highlanders, Lumi~?” Not one who had spent all that much time seeing the world but enjoying more flavourful company enough that she had heard a bunch of different accents in bars and the like, there was something about the way in which this odd woman seemed to convey herself which sounded familiar, though whether it truly reminded her of the tribal brutes from the land of Caelum or not was another matter. After all, despite her supposed experience, she had heard half of them while drunk. As was her style at the time.

“Shit, I SHOULD give it a name though, huh? I'll have to think of something…” Ultimately unable to deny the idea that improvised or not her abstract method of battle would feel all the cooler with something sweet and spicy to call it, the brawling brunette flung herself upon the latest would-be attacker and drove him to the ground before delivering a heavy handed left and right to make sure he stayed down, before standing back up and considering the matter as she dusted herself down.

“Ahahaha, don't worry, I like to look after the hotties~?” All too happily to take more of a chivalrous role however when the new woman in her life seemed to admit to some form of weakness, with how well she seemed to be keeping up with her Miss Marcello had to doubt that she was being entirely truthful with her assumption there, though was amused enough to do the lion's share of the work if she needed to in order to preserve that sense of illusion.
“Never know when you might want 'em to make up the favour, eh~?” Showing such a fact as she grabbed a squabbling pair of fools by their collars and began to spin them around like some kind of martial minx merry go round, when the dark and now slightly dizzy dish was done she hurled them away and then flashed a little wink toward Lumikki as she hinted toward her favourite pastime away from the barrooms and back alleys, though mostly out of playfulness more than anything else. After all, marriage had seemed to mellow her out plenty, right~?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


This Fire Burns [Lumi - FCM – Flames of Night] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 4:45 pm


Lumikki broke into a laugh before giggling her answer. ”As do ye and most others, honestly. Fioran isn’t me first tongue so me wording or choice of words aren’t quite in line. It’s why I don’t understand all yer words or phrasings but intricacies get lost. Would be the same if ye learned mine.”

Lumikki glanced puzzled at the new term, perhaps there was a lot more studying to do in Fioran than she thought, but on that note, she didn’t care to learn. There were far more interesting languages that had her focus now, so all she knew now would have to suffice. ”Is that what they call those from Iceberg? Suppose our lands are indeed high….”

Another chuckle left her lips, as odd as she must of seem to her company, this woman was her share of odd too.”A name would be favorable. It’s yer creation so it only garners more kinship for it. With how fast ye strike, one could even say it’s ravenous.” As Nikki handled all things fairly close to the pair, Lumikki kept her eyes out on those further away. Subtly subduing them in their tracks as she froze their feet on the ground they attempted to tread on. An unpleasant experience, sure, but they kept their life.


Curtain Call

This Fire Burns [Lumi - FCM – Flames of Night] Nerili11

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