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Inner lying rats 2

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Inner lying rats 2 Empty Fri Apr 05, 2024 8:41 am


“ We should be laying low Rocket. We already tagged three stores so the Knights will be breathing down our backs if we keep going!” Cried out a kid no older than fourteen. She was in torn outfit made of different pieces and styles thrown together. It would usually draw her some attention if she was not a prominent addition to the many orphans that lived within the gutters to the city trying to make a living.

A group of kids varying in age would sit together huddled within an expose pipe that lead outside. It protruded an old structure that was once a factory. The building had been abandoned for a long time, with no one playing on reclaiming it any time soon as there was no profit to be made here. So the kids would weasel in and make this their home. It took them a few months to clear all the debris from within that cluttered the rooms and walkways. Making it near unusable. But now with all the work put in, the space proved to be quite comfortable.

Ragged pillows were thrown across the floor along with many discarded blankets riddled with patched. A few toys were piled in corners but beyond the essentials, the spaces were bare. The kids left to their own devices did what they could to collect the things they needed to take care of their own, but now they found that they needed more.

There was a chance, a prospect, to make enough money to settle else where. Maybe they could find their way into village in the Woodsea or a town in Rush valley. Anything but the hell that they found themselves in right now in the cold city of Orchidia. The place that long abandoned them ages ago.


Inner lying rats 2 Nerili11

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Inner lying rats 2 Empty Fri Apr 05, 2024 9:19 am


“ Relaaaaaax Noir. We can take a break if you’d like. We’re just about done anyways. We just have to hit two more shops and the Big Man will be pleased. Then we could move on like we always wanted.” Rocket would answer back with too much glee and energy. It did I not ease any of Noir’s worries but she was content that the plan was to slow down.

Noir did not like the appearance of the “Big Man.” She could hardly bring herself to trust him. But Rocket could not think past the promise of leaving Orchidia, and Big Man promised a route to it. He came out of what felt like no where. Knowing the orphans, or vermin most folk around here would ignore. Even the “heroes” of the guilds. Yet for some reason “he” cares. Rocket didn’t see anything weird to this, or at least ponder about how any of this seemed too convenient. Noir found Rocket to be too gung-ho and optimistic…but she could not afford to correct those traits either. It was those bright tendencies that helped bring hope to the other children, especially the little ones.

So Noir would simply sigh, biting her tongue before she said anything more. She did not mind being the second in command. Even thought she was only two years younger than Rocket, Noir took well to being more responsible and thoughtful. She was the one to usually come up with the plans to get things done, but it would be on the reliance of rocket to get things done.

Rocket was amazing. Out of all the kids there, she was by far the most talented. She has a flair to get the odd and risky plans of Noir’s done no matter how thrown together they were.


Inner lying rats 2 Nerili11

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Inner lying rats 2 Empty Fri Apr 05, 2024 9:40 am


The word of have a month to prepare was a great relief. This gave Noir the time for peace of mind and to let things die down. She would not be wrong to think the the Rune Knights would be investigating the robberies right now. She saw them already patrolling the streets of the stores the robbed before. This is why she wanted more time to prepare for the next hit.

Despite how good Rocket was with what she did, it would be too troublesome if they kept going now. “ A month gives me a good bit of time yea. I promise you an even smoother plan to the first one.” Bellowed Noir, her demeanor noticeable shifting quite quickly. This brought Rocket joy, patting her sister on the bat affectionately. “ Yea, I’m sure it’ll be. The month would do us good anyways cause we gotta watch over the kiddos. Tabi said there were things she wanted to look into but she can’t if she’s the only one stuck babysitting. And Fish has been moaning for some meat buns for dinner, so we can work on getting that in the mean time.”

“ Fish is always whining,” Noir retorted, a soft chuckle escaped her lips as she was happy to move on in this conversation.” Yea well, Fang says he’s been getting particularly annoying lately. So we got to reinforce the ranks. Sides I figured we were over due for a good time, don’t ya think?”

Noir would nod along in agreement, glance at the other kiddies deeper within the pipe. The babies already gone off to play elsewhere.

She sighed at the thought of it, the trouble they were diving themselves into. She hoped Rockets naivety never lead to the end to all this, but if that was the road they were heading for, she would do her all to stop it.


Inner lying rats 2 Nerili11

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Inner lying rats 2 Empty Fri Apr 05, 2024 10:06 am


But little would Noir know, a member of Paradise Dawn would get involved into the mix as well. And one of the worst ones to choose to take on and pursue the case. Meanwhile, all they know on their end is that they were working for “Big Man”. As the reasoning for why, that would have to be discerned over time.

Noir knew it wouldn’t be something as cute like the kindness of his heart. He gave them the list of stores he figures would be the best for the jobs and insisted he could back them up if they got the work done by a set sort of time. What ever the kids took he would let them have on top of the extra profit he promised to help them along in their dream.

Rocket took the plan in a heartbeat, but this made Noir more apprehensive. Their dream to make it out of the city was not a well known one, it was something they kept to themselves or mumbled to the other when things got tough. But to have an adult finally notice them and give them a means to achieve their dream? Noir assumed that if something like that never happened before, why should it happen now.

211_1123 +50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion.

Curtain Call

Inner lying rats 2 Nerili11

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