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Inner lying rats

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Inner lying rats Empty Thu Apr 04, 2024 11:58 am


” Is that so?” Lumi inquired before taking a sip of her drink. She was sitting within the Silver Cleaver spending some time with her good friend.

” Aye, it is. And it’s spelling trouble for us folk here, albeit some more than others. I figured I could call ya over and pass the word. I know yer words do well to pass along a message but a good seat and meet never hurt.” Carla, as dwarf running s restaurant within Orchidia, answered. She was catching up with the Demoness as it’s been a while. Still there were things to be said and remedied.

” Thanks for lookin’ out then. I’ll check it over tonight as I didn’t have much planned anyways.” Lumi was finishing the last of her drink at this point but wasn’t in a rush to leave. She was too full to move for the moment.

” Much appreciated lass, no rush. Finish digesting yer meal and be off on yer own time. I know when I ask something of ye, ya get it done. But know I only ask ye when it can’t be done no other way.” Carla stood up as she spoke, getting herself ready to return back into the kitchen in the back. Lumi would nod and she understood well.


Inner lying rats Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Inner lying rats Empty Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:10 pm


When the sun would touch the horizon one more, Lumi would shuffle out of her chair and make her way out the door. The discomfort of being too full had passed her by and now she could focus on her task at hand. Tenevi, her harpy would glide down to meet her and the end of the alley where it spilled out to connect to the streets once more. To which lead Lumi to believe that her companion was finished with her errands.

” Good timing to seek me out Vee. Seems Carla has a task for me again.” Lumi greeted Vee with her mission at hand. ” It feels like that’s been the case as of late hasn’t it. Anything interesting this time?” Vee would retort as she happy matched the walking pace of her master.

” Just some troublesome rats scurrying about. Seems they’ve been getting their hands on things they shouldn’t have and it’s causing a mess. Three stores opened shop to find out in the morning that they’ve been robbed so Carla’s worried it’ll inflate to a bigger problem.


Inner lying rats Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Inner lying rats Empty Thu Apr 04, 2024 3:58 pm


” What is the plan?” Vee would inquire. The pair entered the crowded markets and were cutting through the streets to another location much calmer and quite.” pass word to the other birds to keep a look out for anything suspicious. I’ll mostly move through the night but I’ll have to kill time until then. I’ll need ye to keep an eye when the sun dips further. Can’t expect the ravens to help much by then.” Tenevi nodded to the Demoness’ instruction. She would already look up into the sky to make note of all the ravens nearby. And just as Lumi finished, the harpy would take off to get to work faster. Hoping that by doing so, it would aid her master better.

Eventually the sun would fall away entirely leaving the sky and the city to be wrapped away in the embrace of the night. The moon was nearly full up above and it shined clearly onto the streets that bustled still with much activity and variable folks. Lumikki was watching them sheepishly, from time to time taking naps as her birds would hound for any clues. And after they visited her to deposit all they knew, Lumi would send them off to their nests so that they may sleep well.

” Thank ye loves,” Lumi would say as she bid them farewell. Vee would not be away for the much longer as even she would return to her masters side to report all that she knew.

” The ravens report very little about anything odd happening, thought I cannot blame them. These occurrences are usually at night it restricts what they would typically know.” Lumi sighed softy before pausing to hear what Vee has to say. The harpy would find a seat by her master where she would settle down as she rummaged through her thoughts.


Inner lying rats Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Inner lying rats Empty Thu Apr 04, 2024 4:18 pm


” I feel like the matter will take a bit of time to uncover my Revna. I visited the prior locations but go no helpful clues or heard and promising words. This might take a few nights to see if, when, and where they would strike next before we can know things for sure.” Vee murmured and Lumikki would give it much thought.

“ I think ye’d be right…. I suppose we have things to look over in the city for a bit. At least for now until we find the blóð cause all the trouble.” Vee nodded along earnestly and the pair would fly off to the recently disturbed areas so that they may stalk there instead.

The night was slow and quiet. Many people passed through for some time until the hours were nearing morning and so most of the activity would dwindle. Lumi would have been bored if she didn’t bring a book to thumb through between watches and Vee would remain attentive and unbothered.

Nothing would appear out of the norm but this would not surprise the pair. It would be too soon for expectations and anything of note to happen again. And in the early mornings when the city was rising out of bed again. Lumi would drift to a nearby inn to rest her head there. Vee would join her, and the ravens would take watch in their stead. Gazing over the city and listening to conversations that sparked interest and curiosity. Many choosing to stay by the pilfered stores while others would hanker down to the more slumest parts of the city to take watch there.

And for the time being, Lumi and Vee would rest before it would be time for them to stalk the streets again.

295_1004 +50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion.

Curtain Call

Inner lying rats Nerili11

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