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Ice melts slowly [FPHS – Drinking Contest OPEN]

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Ice melts slowly [FPHS – Drinking Contest OPEN] Empty Sat Feb 10, 2024 8:46 pm


Taking a dip in the baths, the hot water boiled her more than she would like to admit. Yet she was hoping the chilling of the night air would bring her back to life and a few drinks would help her on her second wind. She was not yet privy to the choices in this city, but from what her brother told her, there was indeed an assortment of sweet sake. Lumikki decided she would try her hand at a time while she retreated inside as and sought out the bar.

" Are you sure you want to be drinking like this? Inquired Tenevi, her small harpy companion. She led Lumi to where she was instructed to find the bar.

" Don't be boring~" Lumi whined as she could barely hold back her human form. Brown skin with periwinkle hair tied up in a ponytail. Wearing her cold shadows in a long roomy, low-cut dress so that she could move unbothered. Her arms looked as though they were stained in black while one eye was the color of the sky and the other the sun. And as she walked on, she kept a chill permeating the air so that she could feel cool again.

When Lumi sat by the bar, she promptly ordered a bottle of their sweetest sake, wasting no time to pour herself a class and partake. There was a small crowd of people, all sitting among their groups. Lumi would listen to their random words and sporadic laughter. Sighing with every sip of sake as life was pouring back into her, but her hair was only getting lighter.

Tenevi took the seat to her side, but she often watched over the crowd to make sure no one came over. " I hope you could still turn into a raven when all this is over, I would hate to carry you through the doorways otherwise."

" Oy, it'll be fine Vee. Ima Demon after all! Oops, I mean a monster....at drinking. I can handle this all fine enough, promise." Lumi lied, the Demoness was already bobbing slightly as she tried to keep still.

" At least eat while you're here....Hey! Can we get some of the finger foods here?!" Vee called out to the man working the bar.


Ice melts slowly [FPHS – Drinking Contest OPEN] Img_8011

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Ice melts slowly [FPHS – Drinking Contest OPEN] Empty Sun Feb 11, 2024 11:45 am


Karisa felt anxious since she hadn't drunk in a while, perhaps not as often since she started to date and was now engaged with Dae-Seong. Her big, doe brown eyes gaze towards the location of many things, where she knew her guild had people drinking. Asirak, Karisa's clone walked beside her. Asirak smirked and went inside in their long black dress that was elegant, and loose, but still went against her body. Hosenka was just a smaller version of Joya. Her brown hair was up in a messy bun, her bangs were long and separated. Karisa and Asirak were exactly like twins as they looked around, and heard the loud music as the entrance was a blind of light. The music was alright and so she walked forward. 

This place wasn't like a club, no, it was more of a place for relaxation and enjoyment between friends. "Do you think Dae-Seong and Kyu are here?" Asirak wondered in her more eccentric tone with a toothy smile. Karisa sweetly gazed at Asirak and smiled warmly with a mother-like vibe. "I doubt it. Plus, the event of our guild is more for you than myself," Karisa spoke in a lighter, soft, and sweet tone. Their eyes gazed for seats, but none were really that open. "Hey, you.~" Asirak spoke to a waiter, "I'd like to preorder Moonstone Sake.~ A bottle with a thing of fruit." She spoke took Karisa's arm and went to sit. "Look, I know this isn't some wild club, but we should relax before our huge trip.~" Asirak comforted Karisa.

Ice melts slowly [FPHS – Drinking Contest OPEN] Sigme10

Ice melts slowly [FPHS – Drinking Contest OPEN] Empty Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:54 am


Lumi, still light-headed from the bath wasn’t the more observant one of the two. Yet she was still glancing around at her company from time to time. In one of such glances, she noticed a pair of twins enter that bar. One was more enthusiastic than the other, and from the exchange that she could notice, it looked as though it was a fight to keep the more reluctant one to stay.

Lumi’s hand gestured for another drink from the bartender as she swiveled around to observe forward. Compared to th,e crowd that settled before her arrival, these sudden guests were a burst of life, a second wind to the boredom she was worried to have. But she needed to find a way to call them over.

Teveni, looking at Lumi and tracing her master’s gaze would notice the pair as well. Though she was not a fan of needless company, this would serve better than most. She pulled a talon back and caused dark feathers to form, a faint black circle shimmered before her plumage flung forward, heading for the girls. They danced in the air as they circled the pair, in a playful gesture and mini-show. The harpy hoped the whimsy would lean them into entertaining her Revna and eat up all her attention. To save the chance of more infuriating company down the line.


Ice melts slowly [FPHS – Drinking Contest OPEN] Img_8011

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Ice melts slowly [FPHS – Drinking Contest OPEN] Empty Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:38 am


Karisa sighed and leaned her head into the palm of her hand as the elbow was on the table. Her expressions were still soft and motherly, but her emotions were irritation. She was thinking what her clone was thinking as it was interrupted by the sigh of feathers that reminded her of her home country she got killed once. It did not scare or any other negative emotion, but a curious cat does not back down from the sight of a feather that caught the cat's eye. She lifted her body to sit up and got up to see that it belonged to a familiar woman. Not familiar as she has met them once before, but more so heard and saw things about them.

"Shall we go socialize?" Asirak spoke towards Karisa. Karisa giggled sweetly and smiled. "Mmm, I'm sure we can hopefully distract each other,", her voice was motherly and soft with an unknown breathy accent. Karisa went forward, parting her hair away from her own eyes as her long bangs were in the way. Asirak followed behind with a smirk and hand on her hip, Karisa had her arms crossed defensively as they were the same yet opposites. As they were a foot or two from the dark raven, Asirak smirked playfully. "Must be bored to give a couple of strangers a show.~", she had a more confident tone mixed with her soft voice. "Then I hope you don't mind.", Karisa blushed as she was still shy with strangers and anxious. She sat down as her heart was beating fast, hoping that the raven beauty did not mind her sitting there. "So what brings you here, sweet little hrafn?~" Asirak nicknamed the woman. Just then her drink arrived, Asirak wrapped her finger around the stem of her glass before sipping on it, enjoying the burning taste of liquor and the sweetness of the fruit mixtures.

Ice melts slowly [FPHS – Drinking Contest OPEN] Sigme10

Ice melts slowly [FPHS – Drinking Contest OPEN] Empty Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:26 am


” Greeting love, me harpy insists I get good company. So it’s less that I mind and more that I appreciate ye accepting the invitation.” Lumi had been slumped on the counter, her elbow was propped up on the surface as her head rested atop her hand. When the twins had made their way over, she straightened her posture and took another sip of her drink. Lingering on the taste and feeling before she could entertain them.

It took Lumi a bit to figure out where she had seen them. But the presence of both only pushed the thought harder, until eventually it hit her. ” Oy, yer poem. It was sweet.” She finally uttered. It was a lingering memory when she encountered a goddess only recently. One would look over such things and forget them entirely. But Lumi always savored stories and poems held sweetness in them.

” Though I hope ya don’t mind me remembering.” She added quickly. The more reserved and shy twin made her rethink her comment. If that was her moment, then Lumi wasn’t sure that she cared to share it. Still, the Demoness mused. No one enjoys being forgotten.

Tenevi dipped in a slight bow, greeting her guests properly.” Thank you for entertaining my invitation. I know it seemed dramatic but it helps to stand out sometimes. I am Tenevi, and here,” she gestured to her master,” is my Revna, Lumikki.”

Lumi gasped at her harpy, only for a pout to swiftly plant on her face. The Demoness, who was already light-headed, was now also flustered.” Ay, ye didn’t have to do all that. I would have spoken me name soon enough!…. when I remembered….” She took another sip from her drink in frustration as a slight chill tinged the air around her. Meanwhile, a soft smile would peek on Tenevi’s face as she found Lumi’s behavior humorous.

” I know my love, I know. Pleased don’t mind my Lumi. Between the hot baths and the cold drinks, she isn’t entirely her usual self. I’m just trying to help bridge the gaps to spare her the hassle.”

Ice melts slowly [FPHS – Drinking Contest OPEN] Img_8011

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