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Of Bird and Wood

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Of Bird and Wood Empty Wed Oct 04, 2023 10:43 pm


It was a sunny day. The skies were clear of clouds but the winds were ravaging the trees. The leaves would dance in the air long before they settle on the ground. It was a pleasant day indeed. And the sun that was once highest in the sky, was now making its way down so that it may rest for the night.

Ravens were flying within the sky, weaving their way through the branches. Racing the other to see who would make it to the lake deep within the woods first.

“It’s noooooo fair. Yer wings are bigger so ye fly faster!” Exclaimed a white raven named Alune. She was the youngest of this race. Freed just a short time ago from bandits who wished to sell her.

“Haha, what can I say. I wasn’t a raven for long myself.” retorted Lonu, another of the ravens darting through the foliage. He was previously a spirit of these woods before his portion was burned down during a previous attack of a dark guild. He felt he was left with nothing and his resentment was cursing a nearby village with failing harvest. Lumikki, a budding mage at the time quelled the inferno. So when she met with the spirit at last, soothing him was possible and in his lonesome he wanted to join her. Previously a scorched and blazing spirit that fell into a black blob in his calming, he took the moment to form wings and beak so he may be but one of her ravens.

“It seems I have you both beat in form and prowess! Chuckled and chimed another of the ravens. “But of course I would, I am my Revna’s best adviser!” Trygve, Lumikki’s first raven companion. Was a stray bird that happened to be the first to be charmed by her. Following her out of curiosity and kinship. When soon after Lumikki had been granted the ability to speak to her fellow ravens, he was elated. Taking the opportunity to monopolize her attention and regard. See he is a young bird himself and he sought a purpose. Becoming her primary raven for information and advisement made him feel validated. But sadly he was naive and proud, and so he struggles to be respected by other ravens of the flock. His boastful nature often getting him teased and disregarded. It was a thing he would have to work through if he wanted to be Lumi’s Huginn and Munnin.

The finally raven in the sky gliding was Lumikki herself. She enjoyed this form as it was one that hid her away, but this form was also the first to grant her wings. Her family on her mother’s side were raven Demi-humans. A ring passed down within her family had granted them raven form. And with this Lumi and her kin had taken to the skies for generations.

It was a close race, Lumi managing to win but just barely. Trygve was the close second, then Lonu and Alune. The white raven groaning from her loss but the forest spirit laughed from his merriment.

Lumikki had been quite busy as of late, so this was a nice time among them. They perched within some branches just above the water, taking the moment to rest.

“Aye, yer giving me such a run for me jewel! But seeing as I was the one to win, I get the stone we found prior!” the cheeky daemon chuckling from her victory and the other birds content enough.

Of Bird and Wood Img_8011

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Of Bird and Wood Empty Thu Oct 05, 2023 2:01 am

Another normal day for Fell, as usual he spent the morning helping the settlement that had taken him in when he arrived in Woodsea. A settlement full of fellow wood elves, though they were all weary of him, sensing the hidden power of a dark elf locked deep within him, they still welcomed him with open arms. In return, to earn trust and genuinely help his own race, Fell would lend a hand when needed, but now with his daily morning chores done and dusted it was now Fell time, and Fell time consisted of exploring, sketching and just purely messing around in the forest, training so his skills did not wither away over time, and making sure that all animals were safe and where they should be, if they are strays then he was to go buy them food and help the little ones to his best ability. Unfortunately he wished he could take in every stray animal he saw, but the settlement forbade domestic pets that the humans had forgotten, which annoyed the young wood elf, but obeyed to keep his home within the settlement.

“And that is the last of the strays…” Setting the small kitten back with the group, a new bandage around the little creature's left leg, before opening the can of cat food and placing it in front of the creature. “Be good, I shall see you all tomorrow afternoon. Don't cause too much trouble.” Slinging the strap of his bag over his shoulder once again, Fell made his way back towards the forest, his notebook out with a pen and he noted down how each stray was doing, and there were a lot of strays in this town away from the woodland area.

Once he had reached the outer areas of Woodsea, Fell glanced at the sky, he still had time before the curfew of the settlement he lived in, and there were still areas of the forest that he had not explored. Flicking through his notebook, Fell landed on the page that had the sketched out entrance he used to get back to the settlement from Orchadia, and as he meandered through the paths, the young wood elf diverted off his normal route and slipped his bag onto his back properly after putting the notebook away. With a running start he soon made his way into a tree, before starting his usual travelling ways, through the trees. The sounds of the breeze through the leaves and past his ears made him smile as he continued to advance deeper into the unknown territory of the woods. Cerulean eyes glancing at the scenery passing by as he practically flew through the trees with graceful leaps, flips and twists. He soon paused when he saw glints away ahead of where he perched himself.

“A lake? I didn't know there was a lake here too…?” Advancing with caution, the elf soon slipped out of the tree landing onto the floor with elegance from the free fall movement made. “I think this is going to be today's sketch… If I am given permission by nature that is…”

He stopped a little way between the bank of the lake and the tree’s edgeline, setting his backpack onto the floor and followed in suit, legs crossed, hands set in his lap as he glanced around the area, before closing his eyes and relaxing. It was something that his mother taught him. How wood elves would converse with the nature around them, just by listening not speaking. He had to hear what nature had to say, before having his say.

Minstrel #F99245 ☽•☾ Desiertian #ED2939 ☽•☾ Fiorian 59A074
☽•☾ Elvish #9E7D36 ☽•☾
STR : 5 | SPD : 8 | CON : 5 | END : 5 | INT : 9

Fell's Files ☽•☾ Fell's Journal ☽•☾ Fell's Logs


Of Bird and Wood Empty Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:39 pm


The birds were all squabbling, Lumikki included as she complained how annoying some of the requests around here could be. But when she caught something moving from the corner of her eye, she stopped. Looking in the direction had revealed a man darting and swinging from the trees. Her other birds would look his way as well, but they could not see him and clearly as she did quite yet. Their eyes were not quite as keen.

She watched him as he made it over, and observed him as he got settled. Only her other birds would speak, but they only sounded like they were croaking to the stranger. ”I think I’ve seen of him. A lad of the village not to far off. Though they hardly ask much of anyone, so they haven’t bothered you for anything either.” Trygve began, proudly relaying the bit of knowledge he knew.

”Is he sleepin while sittin?” Alune inquired, she was very curious. She didn’t usually like people, but she didn’t seem to mind him all the much.

”I think he’s trying to meditate. I’ve seen this before from time to time from the wood elves around here. They feel a connection to nature stronger than most.” Lonu would answer her, before flying before the man. Landing just before his things. He flapped his wings to push the air to him.

Lumikki would fly over herself. But not so close like Lonu. She was not yet sure of the man but she was curious to bother and tease him.

”What is it you want here traveler? What does one like yerself pray for?”

Of Bird and Wood Img_8011

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Of Bird and Wood Empty Fri Oct 06, 2023 1:45 am

As he quietly sat, listening and waiting, he heard the sounds of birds somewhere to his left side he assumed, but continued to try to drown the sound of that out. He wasn't listening out for the squabbling sounds of birds, at least he didn’t think so anyway. Yet when the chirps got a little louder, and closer, then a sudden gust of wind made itself known at his side, a hefty sigh left the young elf, and a frown marred his face, brows knitted in slight irritation.

“I’m waiting for Danu to allow me to draw her creations.” Opening his gaze, Fell soon went silent for a moment as he stared at the raven in front of him a little away though. “And you are a talking Raven…” Nodding, he looked at the other raven that was near his bag, blinking again. “Please don't take my things, little one?” Pausing, he chuckled nervously, “I mean… I would like you not to… They’re very precious.”

Turning back to the other raven, Fell soon leaned an elbow against his thigh and rested his head against his fist. Humming, as he examined the bird. Was this the sign that Danu sent him, or was this an intervention of something else, he was positive that he had done what his mother taught him correctly. Tapping his fingers against his other leg, cerulean eyes turned back to the lake, as the the sunset grew more fiery over the treelines, how he wished he could draw it, but he did not want to upset Danu.

“So… What is it that a raven wants with the information of why I pray?”

Minstrel #F99245 ☽•☾ Desiertian #ED2939 ☽•☾ Fiorian 59A074
☽•☾ Elvish #9E7D36 ☽•☾
STR : 5 | SPD : 8 | CON : 5 | END : 5 | INT : 9

Fell's Files ☽•☾ Fell's Journal ☽•☾ Fell's Logs


Of Bird and Wood Empty Fri Oct 06, 2023 1:05 pm


”A wee raven just enjoys being nosy is all. Ye looked at peace and I was compelled to disrupt it. But Lonu there took genuine interest in ye. He was a spirit here once.” Lumikki had begun circling as she spoke. Looking around him in all angle to figure him out. ”I’ve met a half elf before, but he’s nothing like ye. What did ye call him Trygve?” She turned over to the raven that still sat on the branches. Him and the white one glided to the rest of them.

”I had said Wood Elf Revna.” He landed himself to be just next to her.

The white raven landed just on top of his bag. Looking over his things with curiosity. “Alune!” Lumikki scolded, startling the bird enough for her to hop of his things.

“Could you ask him more about this Danu he speaks of? I feel I’ve heard whispers of them before but I am not quite certain.” Lonu the first of them to greet the man and the one so bold to push the wind had asked.

“Seems the name Danu had struck a cord…I never asked ye of yer name have I. Who are ya? I am Lumikki Omena of Paradise Dawn. That there is Lonu and he’s the one who’s askin. The white of us is Alune, but I’m sure ye figure. And the last one I called just before is Trygve. It’s easy to forget yer manners when the curiosity takes over.”

Of Bird and Wood Img_8011

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Of Bird and Wood Empty Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:22 pm


One of her raven brothers came to collect her. Huginn a raven of Brone had brought her news of a quest to embark.

Cheekily Lumikki told the man of the happening. But also that if he ever felt the need to resume the meeting, all he had to do was whisper to one of her ravens. The bird would bring back the message and Lumikki would be summoned again once more for another chance encounter.

" Till next time~" She uttered as she flee away....

A few of her ravens stayed behind to observe.

Curtain Call

Of Bird and Wood Img_8011

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