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The Revna Intercepts the Package

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The Revna Intercepts the Package Empty Thu Sep 14, 2023 7:32 pm


”I just really don’t think you’re gettin it. Am I not speaking clear enough for you? You need to find something else man, I don’t know what to tell you….Look, if you keep at it, it’ll only just make things messier.”

A man was arguing along the side of the road with what Lumi supposed was a merchant. She just happened upon them on her walk through the streets, and so she didn’t know much about them. They were nothing to note in her eyes.

They were just in the middle of road and just as she was about to prepare walking around them, the man who was the most frustrated would step away and glance on her. He must of seen something in her cause he gestured for the two to meet just further down the street.

She would shrug to herself but give him a nod in response and her got the message because it was clear that he walking further down to meet her.


The Revna Intercepts the Package Nerili11

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The Revna Intercepts the Package Empty Thu Sep 14, 2023 7:41 pm


They walked a block or two before he would stop and step to the side. Pulling out a cigarette and leaning against a wall as he waited for Lumikki to finish walking over. She wasn’t in a rush to see him though and he was half way through his cigarette by the time she approached.

He took a deep inhale before waiting a moment and letting it all out. ”Look, I know you saw us two talking back there. I need a favor from you, I’ll be sure it pays. You’re the raven chick right? Well I need you to grab me a package before that fucker gets his hands on it first. You do that? And I can slide some jewels your way. What do you say?”

Lumikki shrugged once more and gestured to her ravens to come to her. Two would come to her, one on each shoulder, so they could join her in hearing the man out. ”Seems like an easy way to get paid. What are we looking out for?”


The Revna Intercepts the Package Nerili11

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The Revna Intercepts the Package Empty Fri Sep 15, 2023 8:59 am


"Heh, that's just what I want to hear lil bird, names Cashier. So here's what I know. A three in the morning tonight, there's gonna be a mana car rolling up in the west side of the city. They want to stay just in the outskirts to avoid the extra eyes. The plan is to meet with them before the merchant could to pay up and get the goods first. The idiot doesn't understand what he's dipping his toes into, just thinks it's an easy way to get jewels. Meanwhile, if he takes that job on, he might get the wrong eyes on him on top of underselling the product anyways. So two birds one.....piece of bread, we'll nab it and keep him out the sitch all together. I already have a client waiting for it so you can expect your pay soon enough."

Lumikk nodded along to the man's words as she got the gist. She sent her birds to the west so they could prepare the other ravens on what to look out on, and another to have the ravens look after the merchant to keep him off the trail.


The Revna Intercepts the Package Nerili11

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The Revna Intercepts the Package Empty Fri Sep 15, 2023 9:28 am


Lumikki shifted to a raven herself in a flurry of feathers, making her way to the west to Orchidia gates as well, preparing for the watch and watch for the mana caravan that'll come and tuck itself to the side.

After a few hours of chatting with the birds in her raven form, one would fly back mentioning a car approaching. All birds would eye the car, following it's movement until it parked just outside. They beckoned for Lumikki to come and before she took off, her raven following the merchant would report that his is on his way.

The Daemon giggled as she quickly flew over, the men standing and leaning on their car just waiting. Lumikki dropped forward and shifted back scaring the men, "Aye, aye. I know Ima scary lass, but Martese sent me for the goods. If ya don't mind, I got to be going."

They eased soon enough after hearing the name, parting with the product. Lumikki holding it with her hands pulled the darkness around herself to disappear, only spooking them once again. All that was left of her was her soft giggle as she began to head back out to the place Cashier requested they'd meet. Her ravens already flying toward the directions themselves.


The Revna Intercepts the Package Nerili11

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The Revna Intercepts the Package Empty Fri Sep 15, 2023 9:37 am


A flock of her ravens settled just above an alley of the city, she flew over there herself letting her spell dissipate into the air. Cashier was both surprised but steadily calm. Knowing quite well the raven had her tricks.

"I managed to handle the meet so quick, I figured they managed to pull out before the merchant even gotten there." Though sure enough, one of her later arriving birds would confirm that case to be true. Martese was still waiting at the meeting point even now and the men from the Caravan are all gone now.

This only make Revna break out into another fit of laughter, breaking her report to Cashier between breaths.

"It's for the best. Kid doesn't know how meddlesome something like this is, we're just doing him a favor. Sides there's other catches to be had, I'll be sure to point 'em his way later. Well, here's you cut." He tosses a pouch her way. "It was pleasure doing business with you." The man walked off further into the shadows thinking the darkness would obscure him from her, he would normally be right but her eyes could still see him fine. She would still tuck her pay into her void and be on her way as there was not need to stay here now.


Curtain Call

The Revna Intercepts the Package Nerili11

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