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Raven vs the Deadliest catch

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Raven vs the Deadliest catch Empty Sat Sep 09, 2023 2:27 pm


Lumikki had been hearing words of sea monsters running rampant. She didn't really care about the trouble they were causing but she was looking forward to proving her own strength to herself. She figured a massive beast would hit the mark as something worth battling. So she took to the skies along with her ravens towards the island of Luluhawa Island where it was known the beasts of the sea tend to gather.

When she got there she found the heat of the area to be very annoying, going off to buy herself a new bathing suit before wandering around and asking more about the sea beasts. Before anything, she found herself first at a fishermen's bar. The men were already a rowdy bunch, speaking of the fools that go off to die hunting what they were too overzealous to kill. But they all looked at her instantly when they felt the cold air she brought in. Lumikki, often chilled the air around her to match her comfort, even if it could get tiring sometimes.

All these eyes would trace over her features in her new bathing suit, wondering where this mage showed up from. She walked to the counter asking for their sweetest tropical drink before managing to sit on her stool and lean forward. She was a bit grouchy still but she was hoping the drink would help her mood. It took a bit for the bunch to get back to their conversations on the fools but sure enough, they would.


Raven vs the Deadliest catch Img_0811

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Raven vs the Deadliest catch Empty Sat Sep 09, 2023 3:03 pm


"These young fools really think they could keep coming all the way here and upsetting the balance. They just don't seem to understand that there were ways of the sea to uphold. Dumb bastards just want to kill everything!" An older gentleman deep within the bar was grumbling. A bunch around his age were chiming in
agreement. Though their spirits were set on maintaining tradition, Lumi also figured it was to hold on to her ego as they themselves were also to agree to set sail right now.

The bartender finally came back and placed down her drink, She took a sip and was in love. Her mood lifted with every sip, she was no longer pissed to be here. After being around for a while sipping her drink and eavesdropping on all the free and readily available information. Lumikki is content with observing and figuring out who would be best to drag to sea.

A rowdy bunch enters and shifts the whole mood and energy of the bar, setting the older men off as they don't like being undermined.

"It's ya old folk that hold us back. It's been two weeks since we got to fish last, don't ya'll want to return to sea? It was a guy around her age barking at the old folk as they tend to do when both sides don't agree. Old will always clash with the young on pointless things.


Raven vs the Deadliest catch Img_0811

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Raven vs the Deadliest catch Empty Sat Sep 09, 2023 4:05 pm


"Hear the kid goes again. Always talking like he owns the place, doesn't even learn to be a better fisherman though." The man scoffs, ready to ignore the younger man and his group to continue drinking on his own. Though the younger group was in themselves a rowdy bunch.

They took to different sides of the bar, it's clear to see that they clash so often that it's all become habit now. The two were at odds but Lumikki wondered if she could entice the younger bunch to take her to the waters.

Before she could actually walk over to the group, a kid came bursting through the doors. Speaking that he needed help, his brother insisted on going into the waters despite the warnings of the sea monsters. He and his crew already set off on their boat. The boy was hysterically crying at this point, pleading with anyone to hear him out to make sure his brother got back. The old men kept quiet, knowing that they had no intention of going. Their time may be nearing but they weren't going to let it claim them any sooner. But what actually surprised her was even the younger batch was quiet too. Lumikki was annoyed at how boisterous they were but when the excuse came, they were just as silent. At least the older men were consistent in their intentions.

"Lad, how big is the boat, how many is the crew? I need ye to calm down now and help me help him." Lumikki got off and walked to the boy, still too busy recovering from his tears to answer her right away. But he started walking to the docks with her all the same.

The bar looked at the girl crazy thinking she was too small and foolish to take the best on, but as soon as she left, so did her comfortable chill and they were reminded of the power she held.

The boy told her all she had required on the walk down and pointed her toward the ship. "But ma'am, how are you going to reach his boat if no one else is willing to take you there?" He was genuinely confused. She looked over to him and winked before bringing out her six wings. She ran into the water, her foot freezing the water's surface before she took in a solid gust and took off. The child was left speechless as he watch, him and all who had looked on.


Raven vs the Deadliest catch Img_0811

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Raven vs the Deadliest catch Empty Sat Sep 09, 2023 4:05 pm

The member 'Lumikki' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 84


Raven vs the Deadliest catch Empty Sat Sep 09, 2023 4:29 pm


Lumikki quickly set off for the boat and landed soon after. The crew hardly knew what to make of it. Not sure if she was friend or foe, and the directness that she came for them put them all at ill ease.

"Kimo's brother is here, right? The lad came crying for someone to make sure ye came back alive. And no many fishermen seemed keen on coming to the waters, so it's lucky for ya that I had wanted to try me hand on those beasts before getting here." The mention of Kimo put the crew at ease quite quickly. One of the men stepped forward looking exasperated. Not knowing how to take his new company really.

"Look girl, I appreciate the offer to help, but I'm not sure yooou know how dangerous it is to be out here." Just after he spoke, the boat was bumped and most of the mean fell over. The girl and man on the other hand didn't stir that much despite it.

"Hah, and what did yer lot plan to do? Look, me names Lumikki Omena from Paradise Dawn," She turned to the left to show her guild mark. "With that said and done, I'm a get to work before the beast down there takes the boat with 'em"


Raven vs the Deadliest catch Img_0811

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Raven vs the Deadliest catch Empty Sat Sep 09, 2023 4:48 pm


The man shrugged, "I guess you check out. Just don't die on me. We came to fish, not to take on the beast. So that will have to be on you to keep this boat afloat." Lumikki looked at him annoyed by what he said. She found it quite annoying actually. "Yer a daft fool to risk their life with no means to keep 'em alive. I see the man ye are now. I'll keep ya alive be I can, but the rest is on ya to do."

The disgusted Daemon flew off, stepping on the water as it froze to her touch. She was doing her best to see underwater with her eye and it was serving her fine. In a little bit, she was even able to make out the beast in question. Looked like a large fish and it was coming back quite quickly.

"Aye! Brace yerselves lads, he's coming!" the Revna would exclaim as she prepared her magic. The chill of hers was already hanging in the air. She flew to the side he'd tackle and threw her hand up and a magical circle would flash just to the side before the beast would slam into them, massive shards of ice forming from the water appeared. The boat was still displaced from the impact but the beast sunk itself into her two-meter-long spikes, taking a lot more damage than it would ever predict and crying out loudly. It tried to break away and it managed to dive back into the water.

Though the beast was already in her sight, Lumikki threw her arm back and many lavender magical circles would flash before black frost weapons would form and manifest. She sent them down into the water as they honed in on their mark, like darts shooting for the beast that tried to knock over the boat.


Raven vs the Deadliest catch Img_0811

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Raven vs the Deadliest catch Empty Sat Sep 09, 2023 5:22 pm


"Well I gotta say, I didn't expect. You are def more impressive than your appearance lead-on. What guild did you say again? Paradise Dawn?" The brother of the boy was stepping to the side. Happy with the amount of protection the girl could offer.

Though before her frost weapons could connect with the mark, another beast would take the hit. Lumikki narrowed her eyes in annoyance at first but then figured this was for the very best. Two beasts would make a better test than the one had. "There are two!" She'd call out in response to the sudden appearance. And the both of them looked quite upset.

"Brace yerselves, it'll be hard manage when the two come at once, but I think I have an idea."

Lumikki took a massive breath, trying to brace herself for the work she would have to somehow muster all at once. But if the two of them below strike, she would doubt the boat could even survive the impact. Keeping the men who fall over alive would be a bigger pain if she could manage to keep the boat away.

So when the beast was close to the surface again, the Daemon would fly up into the air. She swiped both her arms up, causing two lavender magical circles to appear by the side of the ship. Two black frost talons would appear before taking hold of the sides of the ship, Lumikki did her best to be careful with its grip as she hoisted the boat in just the nick of time to spare them the impact.

Both of the large fish came from both sides hoping to crush the boat from their combined force but now with the ship gone, they only managed to collide with each other.


Raven vs the Deadliest catch Img_0811

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Raven vs the Deadliest catch Empty Sat Sep 09, 2023 6:08 pm


While the two were just above the water, she pulled out her Abyss Spine from her void and pointed it toward the beasts. Charging a lot of her mana through staff before letting it burst out as black frost lightning, it crackled through the air before breaking apart and hitting a massive area below her. The beasts were struck and where the water was hit, it also started freezing over.

Lumikki held the spell for as long as she could, hoping to get the most damage out of her attack. The rapidly freezing water was cutting into their flesh while her frost lightning was freezing them over. The pair could not handle the onslaught. Both lose the will to live and rise limp to the surface.

Lumikki did her best to lower the boat carefully off to the side. The men watching from above were more speechless than they had liked to believe. She flew back into the ship and let her wings dissipate like smoke in the air.

"That was something else Lumikki..." The crew parted for her as she found a corner to lay down. She made a pile of snoe before curling up onto her makeshift bed. "Aye, that was an ordeal. Wake me when we get back to the port, and be sure to send me a cut for my part."


Curtain Call

Raven vs the Deadliest catch Img_0811

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