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was ist deine wahrheit [Scarlett]

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was ist deine wahrheit [Scarlett] Empty Thu May 09, 2024 2:25 pm

"Oh no," and it came from the voice of an angel, rolling off his lips in a pout almost sultry in its blasphemy - for his eyes, they burn, and they wane not in the face of the group before him. Green-bright emeralds, set secure in their sights, betraying his expression at every turn as negotiations ... proceeded. "What is Momo to do?" He wasn't so helpless, nor was he in a particular position of power. He skirted a fine, thin line, balanced across with the lackadaisical way he stepped back and forth down its invisible draw. A gun hung from his right hand, twirling the trigger guard with dissolved care - sugar in water, and the oil of his tone that split both.

The situation was thus; he had angered a band of vampires in the Baskan Outskirts, and they looked for him to pay his due before things got worse for both parties. He had no allies, middling combat ability (still in his learning period since his escape from Joya), and was out-numbered by three. It was four of the ghouls in various shapes, stretching thin and tall and stout but untimid. They asked for recompense. Retribution, for those he had slain on a recent hunt. He had taken from their family, and they needed now to take from him - but they weren't willing to risk what they had left, not unless he lit the powder keg further.

The problem came down to that look in his eyes. The way he moved, erratic. He couldn't stay still. Even the light in his eyes would shift, discombobulate, glitch between various states of apathy and mania. He couldn't pin down just one emotional state - he felt so much, all the time! He vibrated with his energy, the hand twirling his pistol like a grandstanding gunslinger beginning to shake and offkilter the motion; so he caught it between his fingers, holding firm to the each side of the trigger. It swayed between him, the way his head would tilt and bare that gaze of consideration - judgment - and the vampire quarry, who hissed when the pendulum gravitated their way. He hummed, and the gaunt leader of the pack spoke. "You terror ... you monster ... If you won't acquiesce, we will take what we need from you. You will feel the fear you struck into our young, and you will suffer in that same torment as we --"

Bang! Went a magic bullet into the skyline, sparkling a new star just above them for the night sky. It silenced the vampire and bent them each into a position waiting to pounce, only for Momiji to watch them with wide eyes and lips parted for a gasp -- having popped his mouth open in time with the shot fired. "Nu-uh."

It was a single word as his petulant reply, his accent thick with broken Fiorian. The language of the land was a process, but the language of their bodies - his actions - served him well where words couldn't. "Momo's not interested. It's oh ⁿᵒ! Oh no, Momo says, 'cause --"

And the gun cocked, pointed their way and disassembling the terse parley. "You're ₆ ₒ ᵣ ᵢ ₙ ₉."


was ist deine wahrheit [Scarlett] Empty Tue May 28, 2024 7:37 am

Bang what the shot she heard in the distance. It rung clear in the rabbits ears and shook her to the core. After all, in her stroll to forage herbs for the Guild’s supper, she didn’t expect that sound. Nor she plan to run into altercation.

Her knees would buckle from the shock, threatening to allow her to fall and the half filled basket shook within the crevice of her arm. Some of the basil gathered, shifting onto the grown. I should find Tamas! was the first thought in her mind. Clearly this was above her capability. But the more time she wasted trying to plan her next move, the less time she felt was left to do anything but run in blind.

” Burnt dough..” she muttered to herself, she knew she was only wasting time. And with a deep sigh, she’d forsake her basket to run as fast as she could toward the shots nearby.

Scarlett was there in nearly an instant. Her speed wasn’t inhuman but it was decent for a Demi-human of her stature. And she’d be met with a sight of vampire huddled around a small child. She’d have to work fast if it meant helping him, so fast in fact she couldn’t manage to slow down. Scarlett bounced after missing a step in her strut to kick off a tree with enough force to drop kick one of the vampires there. Hitting the ground in a tumble that scrapped her profusely but the rabbit didn’t mind it in the moment. Instead she scrambled to get up and make a web like shield with her magic.

” R—r—run….child…..I will hold them off….fi—find Tamas. Of Gar-Gar-Guild…”


was ist deine wahrheit [Scarlett] Empty Tue May 28, 2024 7:07 pm

It happened faster than even his manic tempo could keep up. His eyes would flit and widen, a ghastly hiss from a vampire in their procession followed near-immediately with a startled wail when a new figure appeared. A beastie? She wasn't human - but neither was Momo, nor were their opponents, and his head would slowly cock to the side in the wake of her emergency response. He wasn't used to the sound of his gunfire drawing assistance. Wisps of his mana still clung to the end of the barrel, while the small gathering of revenge-laden vampires curled their claws and bared their teeth at the woman; his savior, in white.

"Woahoah ~" He called out, letting his hand with the gun drop to his side and sway. It dangled like a pendulum, arcing over the head of the vampire she had ... laid out, and in such a startling manner! She had a lot of power in her stammering legs, and this drew Momiji's only to shift his weight in place. He was getting excited. She looked so cool!: and she came to help Momo! This first vampire - the leader - was dazed by her surprise attack, and Momiji kept him that way with a step forward and his foot needling into the back of his neck; a groan, a threat of his gun on its swing. It kept the rest from falling on them, but not for long. They would have blood for their 'injustices.'

"Who are ʸ ᵒ ᵘ ?", came his curious tone of voice, accent and pitch. It floated off his lips like a discordant melody, an angel out of place and the new birth of stars within green-bright eyes. They sparkled at her, getting a look from both sides in how he'd bob his head from side to side. "Taₘₐₛ? Gar ... Gar ... Guild? Ooo, aah! Is Momo's Shi~ning Knight Guar-dya Compa-nya? Tamas is your leader, hai, hai? Woahwoa! ᵂ ᵒ ʷ ! That makes you kin."

He seemed to only light up more, safe behind the protection of her interweaving spell but paying nothing but her presence now any mind. A growl built in a vampire. It threatened to lunge at them, and Momo's arm jerked up and fired off another shot immediately. It blew the creature back, earning a rallying scream from the rest, and they would soon find themselves in a brawl. "So is Momo! So is Momo! See, see!?" He'd squeal with delight, turning to lift his shirt and show the guild tattoo on his back; Guardia Compagnia's symbol, fresh within the preceding weeks. He hadn't met anyone else in the guild save who helped him sign up when he first landed in Fiore - a matter entirely of chance - but he knew enough to recognize their leader's name; if no one else. "That means Momo and Bunny are ᵇᵉˢᵗ friends! Hai? No worry, no worries ~ Momo will protect you, Usagi-chan! Usa-chan, Usa-chan, 'cause Momo already loves you! ♡"

His own movement would be swift, fitful, not quite as fast or graceful as hers but more jolting and uncontrollable - he'd sprint into the fray with a hyena's cackle, fending off the four beasts that'd descend on them alongside her, regardless of her response. "Zank yu ~"

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