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Bandits and the search? (Open)

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#26Tamás Horvath 

Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Fri Aug 25, 2023 6:01 am

Tamás Horvath
Lumikki began to walk them for the village of Larkspur. The place was not very far and soon enought they would approach the gate. The guards knowing who was coming merely nodded to her. So they were allowed in with ease. She walked the two to a restaurant that was close by. And soon they took their seats. She even offered to to eat whatever they want

She then turned to him and spoke to him. Tamas nodded "I have not been here, so I would love if you show me around much. In any way, I like it better then Rush Valley." he was a more foresty guy than a mountainous or valley guy.

The waitress would come. The restaurant offers items likes stews, soups, and meat pies. Tamas looks at Lumikki "Listen, I thank you for this. But you dont need to waste your money on me" he wasnt hungry, Yijun was. So food was not a priority for him. Granted this was less 'im not hungry' and more 'i dont wanna take off my helmet', which was something Lumikki might pick up on


Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Fri Aug 25, 2023 8:34 pm


Lumikki would take in the fact that Tamas would decline her offer. Pouting that he would do so. She considered ordering him some beer at the least so that he could at least enjoy something but she instead sighed. Figuring it was the presence of Yijun who was probably making the golem stressed. Tamas would at least entertain her offer a bit more, at least that was what she hoped.

She looked back to the Daemon after he ordered. Glad he was at least going to get his fill. The journey around Fiore is a long one when you were doing it with the intent to search for someone, especially something that wants to remain hidden.

"If ye stay in the North of Fiore, it would be easier for me to assist ye. And ye could call to nearby ravens to pass back messages or call for me. But when ye pass the lines to the next place, I'd be harder ta reach. I just haven't built any influence there. Still, ye know where ta find me if ya come ta need me. I won't push ya too. I trust in ye know what's best."

The waitress came back with the tea, Lumikki picked up hers and cooled it to her liking. Taking a sip and letting the moment settle in for her. This just was not how she expected spending her day. Though it wasn't so bad. She looked over to the Daemon just beside her. "I'm curious how ye plan to survive this mission of yers. What if ye find yerself among the wrong people and pay the price for it. I am impressed in yer boldness thought."

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Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 28, 2023 7:29 am

He heard the other mans unwillingness to eat and he looked at the man and he tilted his head. "Just accept the ladies offer it is at least to people I have been around rude to refuse a woman's offer of a free meal plus it will look insulting to the staff that pour their hearts and their passions into the food if you sit their like a lump, and eat nothing. I have no inkling to if you are ugly or scary under your helmet but either way simply remove it and eat with us like a normal person." Yijun was probably sounding a bit more cocky and arrogant than hew was meaning to but the facts were the facts it is an insult to the staff and cooks that you would take space from them and refuse to eat here and Yijun wanted to make it known that he saw the mans actions as such.

When the daemon woman spoke to him he rubbed his chin and sighed a bit then looked to her while rubbing the back of his head. "You stated that you hadn't seen him, so it makes more logical sense to move on and see if I can find a trail." Yijun is not quite getting what the other daemon was putting down or that she may be interested in him remaining in the north for a bit longer he was still focused on becoming a demon and maybe finding a love of his own to make demon children with. He would think that pairing with the raven woman makes sense but he feels the rude man was the one that her heart probably yearned for so he wouldn't attempt to see if she had that interest in himself. So he will probably enjoy his food here then he will get out of the north cause he had a moment of love at first sight but he knows that it probably wasn't meant to be.

When the drink came he thanked the waitress then he gently whirled his hand around the cup's steam making the steam from it spin and twist and he smiled at himself doing that, he had been told he wasn't allowed to do that by the monks but since he was not around them he was allowed to be a bit more child like and play with the steam.

#29Tamás Horvath 

Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Thu Aug 31, 2023 2:33 pm

Tamás Horvath
"Apologies." he spoke, though his focus was mostly on Lumikki. He took her hand "I wish I could. But I have no apetite at the moment. I hope you understand. But for now I feel it is best I go. I trust you can handle yourself without me." he spoke, before letting Lumikki go and getting up from the seating

"I must go now. It has been pleasant to be with you Lumikki" again he was mostly addressing Lumikki. Not Yijun as well, the guy barely paid any attention to him too, all because he was a human. But Tamas didnt care, for he had bigger fish to fry. He figured he scoped enough of this place and thus could go back to the guild. Everything was fine here. He had to make preparations for his eventual trip. He had to prepare to say his goodbyes



Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Thu Aug 31, 2023 8:16 pm


Lumikki watched as Tamas got up, something about his words made her fell so sad. It showed on her face as she thought about what he said. How it was pleasant to be with her like she wouldn’t see him in the guild later. Is he planning to set out soon, she knew he wanted to travel in a bit for his guild ventures. Was that why he was here? To prepare for his longer journey. ”Get back safe ye iron golem…” She said as she watched as he walked away.

The waitress finally returned, bringing them their food. She looked back to Yijun, a smile back on her face. ”Hope ye enjoy it, I’m sure yer really hungry right? I don’t remember if I asked where ye hailed from. Did ye come from far? Ye been hunting for a while I’m sure. Ye ever plan ta rest a bit? I’m sure ya still have a longs way to go.” She started eating her stew after cooling it to her liking. ”Ye know, I never met another Daemon before. Honestly expected I never would. It’s been nice meeting ya, I really do hope ye figure out yer way to being a Demon too. It would be nice to have friends in the experience.”

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Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Fri Sep 01, 2023 5:54 am

Yijun wondered if he was the reason that the human and just excused himself like he had and took off and he can see that the other woman was sad that the man had left and he gently patted the woman on her shoulder. "Wise men told me some times people go, it is more important what piece of them that you keep with you when they go." He was trying to comfort the woman so that she didn't feel too badly about the man taking off as he felt at least partly to blame for it happening so soon after they had met.

He watched as the food had been served to them and he again bowed his head to the waitress that was waiting on them thanking her for her service. "Yes, I am hungry. I was born in enca then some things happened and I was forced to go to Sin, So from there I came to here in hopes of finding a clue of some sort." He had no idea of what clues he could even be looking for as the woman that seemed to have birds every where had not seen a giant moving demon in the forest so he was at a dead end for now.

He looked at her saying he was the first daemon she had met but he wondered if that was a thing that she just said to people but for some reason he wanted to believe her so he would. "Well to be honest you are the first nice daemon I have met so lets call it even on that. Do you also aspire to reach being a demon and having full blood demon children?" He asked cause he wanted to see if she was like him in that. The children come a good time after the becoming a demon thing but he wanted to know if she shared this want or not so later he may come back when he had earned the right and try to see if she would take to him and allow him to earn her favor. Though he was partially asking to see if maybe that was just a natural desire thing as he liked her coloring and how she seemed to carry herself.


Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Fri Sep 01, 2023 9:04 am


She smiled at Yijun sincerely, his words did indeed soothe her. "Quite wise indeed, I'll admit. I think I will do well to keep it in mind. I feel so pulled apart at the moment, maybe this could help me center."

She let the hungry man enjoy some of his food before answering him quite yet. It did her well to manage her thoughts before speaking the first things that came to mind.

"I'm quite curious to ever see if I meet with the other how well I'd fair in their company or against them? It's just entertaining to see where ya stand in a kind that's already looking so scarce." She would giggle and take another sip of her tea. Taking a moment before she responded to the other bit.

"It is just as much me dream to become a full Demon meself. I like the prospect of the power and regard it would grant me. Ye know as well as I Demons are a rare sight. To be honest, I never considered wanting kids before. Thinking that it would be a waste of me time. There were things I want hungrily in life, so love and kids felt pointless. But the more I looked into Daemons and Demons and got ta know what I can, I also found how long a Demon could live for. What a lonesome existence I thought if I was all alone. Nothing and no one left of the world I knew now. It made me give the prospect of children a genuine thought. I want kin to hold on to for a long, long time...."

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Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Sat Sep 02, 2023 1:05 pm

He looked at the woman as she spoke about fighting her own kind and she had to wonder what that means in the long scheme of things did that mean that she wanted to fight him? "Well I am still getting use to my powers so fighting me would be a waste of your talents probably. You are very pretty but even I a lowly daemon can sense your stronger than you look." He was being honesty as the raven woman seemed to have an aura around herself that screamed watch where you tread or you may find yourself treading above a shark ready to take a piece from you.

He watched her speak and he listened to her plea for kin that will last that long so that she will not be alone for a long time as everyone she knew started to fade away. "Then it is settled I feel. If we both make it to demons and we still feel we want that dream and we are not taken by another, then lets make this promise to make that family together." The man put his hand out to her as he can see that she was a woman of a strong class and not one of a weaker one that would just break her word or simply flee from the world if the plans she had might seem 0to be falling apart. He feels that he could grow to trust and be with this woman even if he fails in finding his father he would do what ever he can to become a demon that Lumikki could respect.


Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Sat Sep 02, 2023 4:12 pm


Lumikki smiled sweetly. ”Ye flatter me really, but its nothing ya can’t do if ye give yerself more time. I wouldn’t even call ye lowly cause I meself was weak for a time. If ye ever stick around here ‘nd need the help training, just let a lass know and I’ll do what I can. I’d love ta see ya when yer strong yerself.”

The man before her gave her a surprising proposal. At first she was taken aback so she took a moment to think it over. She mulled it over respectably before taking his hand. ”I think this could……put me at ease. I was worried if I had no one than maybe my Demon tendencies could take over but….this gives me hope I could find happiness. We’ll have more than enough time to get to know the other by then I’m sure. Though I’m very curious the kinda Demon ye’d be. Do ye think ye’d be a snake like yer father?”

She took more bites from her stew, savoring the taste as she continued to think this exchange over.”It is quite odd talking the prospects of becoming a Demon with another don’t cha agree? Really, I never thought I’d have this chat.”

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Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Sun Sep 03, 2023 11:38 am

"O-o-o-oh you want me to stay around?" He was shocked that the woman was being so bold to ask that of him maybe she had taken more of a liking to him than he had thought she had. He get a little red at hearing that she accepted his proposal as he had thought that she would turn him down so he hadn't thought out anything deeper or planned for her to accept the thing that he had said. "I will do my best to give you happiness."

He had no idea what he would turn into as a demon, he wanted to be a cool demon. "Maybe a turtle, or a dragon or something more like sin lore of dangerous creatures" He could hope but that doesn't mean that he will be able to help or even reach that point but he with do his best so that they could be happy and so no one would ever mess with them or take them lightly. "Yeah I figured I would be more hunted or attacked." He was being honest as he was scared because of what he was that he might also be hunted and attempted to be killed because he has the power of a demon and was hailed as a daemon.


Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Sun Sep 03, 2023 1:11 pm


Lumikki smiled at his response. Surprised at his eager response. "Ye look ya me like someone who works hard for all they have, I know ye'll be amazing for it." She ate more of her stew, thinking about all the possibilities of what he would be. It was very exciting. The way Lumikki was growing, she figured a raven would be her form when the time came. Which obviously suites her just fine.

"Admittable, I know I grew up lucky. I meself don't hold the fears as me dark kin do for being hunted....Ye aren't the first ta tell me yer worries see. Moving in straight into the Dawn shields me from a lot, me Uncle only serves to protect me more for it. This isn't me bragging mind ya, simply expressing the reality I know. Despite it all, I still am a Daemon. I still have our tendencies in me. And so I plan and work hard to protect those of our kind, those of Dark races that don't warrant being hunted. It brings me no peace to 'em hunted like dogs when I already aim to garner me own power. She tried to remember what he mentioned before. She believes she already thought about pacts before. Lumikki finished chewing her fill before she felt she'd inquire again. "If I remember if right. Ye said ye weren't bothered by a pact or our kin's afflictions. If that's the case, yer already stronger than most. And ye have less reason ta be hunted for it. Still, if ya find yerself in a tough spot. Look for a raven." She didn't mind expanding a wing for her dark kind, but she knew people had their ways of things. Still, it would be for the best to always make options clear should the time come.

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Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Sun Sep 03, 2023 5:57 pm

"Some people only see it in black and white and ignore the shades of grey, like right now I could drop to one knee and as you to marry me. There you would only see two options probably right? But there is a third option, it is a fair bit more rocky then agreeing flat out or denying it flat out. You could speak of a trial period and if it doesn't feel right you return the ring or if it feels right then speak about plans for a wedding." He was mostly joking about that as a third choice their is usually a break up just flat no accept or deny just "We should see other people." He guessed in his own way his view on that was a bit jaded and not  very good growing in a broken home where he was called names and had things thrown at him.

Hearing his mother lie to him to make sure that he left and survived... He looked at his hands still being able to see the blood of the men he killed for killing his mother on his hands though no one else could, he sees it as a sin of his past a moment that the monster in him won and showed him that he didn't need to be just a weak child that no one wanted that if he had to he could kill and gain his own ideals. He returns to eating his food as these ideas swam in his head as he wanted to make it count and make something of himself that makes sense but it wasn't something that he could do over night as there was much soul searching he needed to do along with looking for the father that left him to die. "I will keep it in mind on my travels, if you feel you need me feel free to call on me."


Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Sun Sep 03, 2023 7:30 pm


He was a cheeky one, but it was nice that he had personality in him. She sipped her tea as he made his point. Only stopping when he began to look as his hands. The man seemed bother, his hands were practically shaking. Lumikki with her lack of knowledge just assumed him haunted. She wondered if all this running around had more to it than just hunting his father.

She leaned forward and grabbed his hand. Trying to still both his hands and his mind. She came close to look him in the eyes and see where he was at. Maybe her closeness would bring comfort, or it could at least fluster him to another emotion. Anything was better than this she was sure.

”Suppose there really could be a third option if I think hard on it. Honestly I prefer the idea of more options than two for anything. Don’t cha agree? It’s to stifling otherwise.” She tried to give him a comforting smile as she pulled away some. Here hand the she used to hold his pulled away. In between her two fingers formed a ring of black frost. She placed it on his palm hopping the cold of it didn’t bother him too much. She couldn’t be sure with snakes.

She leaned back in some but tilted her head this time as she looked at him. ”Perhaps a trial would be a fun idea to get the mind off things, yea? The first trial would be if ye could stay in touch with me. But if ye fail, ye’d have to find me a treasure only a Raven Demon could use.” She hoped in his seriousness to find a mate he would heed her proper trial and keep in contact. She didn’t want the Daemon to be in the world all alone. Maybe if he was to keep talking to her even in his travels, the company could bring him some comfort. The treasure was just to help him stick to the first trail, though the Daemon wouldn’t turn down anything shiny.

She went back to eating her stew once more, almost don’t but still oddly hungry. ”Would ye join me for desert Yijun?”

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Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 04, 2023 4:43 am

He felt her touch his hands and he looked at her and he wondered what was going on, had something been happening had he not noticed himself getting lost in thought again. He wasn't sure what happened to prompt her to take hold of him. He didn't mind it, it kind of reminded him of his mothers soft warm hands when he would get bullied or attacked and he would come home to her. He focused on eating so not to cause her more worry. "I hope there will be more choices when they come."

"I will of course stay in touchy with you, I will send letters if I have to leave the north, but that also means you need to send me messages back. A treasure only a raven demon could use... is that like a bangle that resizes with transformation?" He hopes that he doesn't mess this up and that he doesn't die while he is out and fighting to survive if it comes to it. He will make sure to stock up on supplies for writing if he does have to leave the north on a tip or something but he for now was going to stick to the north till duty called him else where but he doesn't figure that is gonna be for awhile and he will do what he can to make sure that it was done right.

He hears her speak of a desert? "Join you for a desert? Is that dessert in your cute accent or are you asking me to stay for dessert? If so I will gladly stay to enjoy it with you. The desert one depends which one you want to go to." He smiled nervously at the fact that he had been asked to stay by such a pretty woman and how kind she was to offer.


Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 04, 2023 9:22 am


Mood was lightened and she was happy. The Daemon chuckled at the acceptance of her offer. ”There are times I speak too fast for me own good. Don’t mind me. Yes, I’m glad ye’d stay with me for dessert. I meself find sweets very calming.” She looked around for a waitress available. Hoping to get their attention for the next course of their meal.

”I’m pleased ye’d humor me and accept the trial to keep in touch.” She was looking around as she spoke but was sure to look right at him when she was at the end of her sentence. That’s when she spotted the server on the corner of her eye and got the lass’s attention.

”Yes dove, could we both get slices of yer blueberry pies? I would also like another tea if ye would.” Lumikki paused to let Yijun add anything else he might want to add. The waitress, when they were done with their order, nodded before dashing off with their plates.

”Blueberries are in season at the moment, so it makes the pie even betta. I hope ye find ya like it.” Lumikki’s face was full of glee, she really liked sweets. The waitress returned and placed her new cup of tea down before dashing off again. Lumikki chilled her’s to her liking before sipping at it.

”So out of curiosity, how dooo ye plan to get stronger~ I like to hear how folk like to do it. We all have our own ways at it after all.”

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Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 10:54 am

"Who wouldn't want to stay in touch with you?" He was honestly asking as he doesn't know why someone would want to honestly avoid her or wish to not remain in contact with her. Was it just a fear she had that people would just use her then avoid her once they got what they wanted? Did she think that him being a daemon that he would do that to her as of what he is? Yijun's head was swimming a little as he was trying to hope it wasn't a just him thing.

He hears Lumikki speak to the woman that had been waiting at their table so they  could get their dessert which was blue berry pie Yijun doesn't think that he had ever had that before so he was a bit excited to try that and see if it might be something that he would need to seek out more of.

He hears the woman ask him how he planned to get stronger and he rubbed his chin. "Well the monks told me that it would be through training and hard work that I would find the path to being powerful. So probably finding a guild or something that will take me in and then take requests to earn my way and spread my name. How about you which method do you wish to find your power?" He looked right into her eyes to see her answer and gauge her response on it and see if maybe his own path might be a harder on than her path.


Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 1:29 pm


”I just worry yer a loner. I’d hate ta see ye get caught alone if I could help it.”

She enjoyed sipping more at her tea. Her fellow Daemon was expressing his path forward and so she took it in and gave it some thought.

”Aye, a guild is a fantastic idea. Numbers do wonders for the motivation and the protection. I meself changed lots just being in mine, its hard I got the work, experience, and books to get stronger. I hope ye find members within that’ll help ye push to be what ya dream. But its as the monk had said. It’s all a matter of the strength and skill ye gather and it’ll only take as long as yer willing to put the work in for. Least I found this being the case for meself. When I reach the point I feel I could turn, perhaps I’ll send a raven yer way so ya could see. But ye’ll have to be much stronger than ye are now before I could even entertain that thought. Whose to say how I’ll act at first before I acclimate”

Lumikki went back to sipping her tea. Her point was made and she was more curious of him. The waitress returned and placed the plates before them. She let Yijun take his bite first to make out how he liked it before digging into her’s. She only wanted him to enjoy a nice meal for the moment as he replenished his strength.

A smile constantly peaking in her lips. She was so pleased to met another, even if it were for only a moment. ”Do ye know enough about the guilds to have any on yer mind ta join?” I’d offer mine but we are packed to the britches it sounds.”

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Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 3:52 pm

Yijun hears her call him a loner and he really can't argue that as nearly being kill had put him a bit more on guard around people. He looked at her telling him that he would have to be stronger to impress her and he already knows that but he is not sure how high his sky is yet and that is the bigger deal here. "I Will do what I can to earn your hand. If you find me worthy of it." He smiles as he sips his drink and he nearly choked on his drink when she asked him for if he had any ideas for the guild or place that he would join but he hadn't really given it much thought to what he would do or go to.

"Well as a loner I am not sure of who would take me as I probably make a terrible team mate and would be horrible at team work." He was just being honest and he wondered if that was really the best idea that he was that honest with her. He did have one idea but he was not sure that he really was going to do it or not or if it even even existed to start with. "I hear there is a group that is starting in Joya so I figure I will try my luck with them maybe I will find a place in their ranks or as a grunt..." He seemed to mumble the last part of what he said as he doesn't think she will find it attractive to hear him talk so low of himself.


Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 5:42 pm


“I feel ye sell yerself too short mate. I doubt ye as hopeless as ye claim.” She held out her hand and formed a raven in black ice. “Me magic is of frost and dark. The frost I took after me mum and the dark is suppose me father.” She places the frost raven on the table near Yijun. Taking a bite of her pie to enjoy it for a moment before she kept going.

Point back at the small raven before she start talking again. “I happen to study in being a spellhowler. It’s just the pref I have on how ta handle me magic. I told ye this so it wouldn’t be so invasive if I ask ya yers. Which is ya say ya don’t have to humor me. Ya already put me most at ease.”

She went back to eating her pie to allow the Daemon to choose what he shares. “Oh speaking of which. Ye hardly asked me a thing. Yet here I am, me apologies. If ye have something ye wanna ask, I’ll be as honest bout it as I can. I don’t want this one sided see, and I wanna make proper friends with ye.” She gave him another smile. She figured this was all hard on him and honestly she wasn’t sure how to handle it better. All she figure she could do was give him space to be himself and make sure the lad would continue to be fine.

He wasn’t daft but he was alone and there was only so much he could do yet.

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Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Wed Sep 06, 2023 1:05 pm

He wasn't fully sure what she was getting at about the cutting himself short as he was sure that he was giving himself the right amount of credit for the power that he has but he needs to think about where he is aiming to even go in the future or what he is going to do to actually get stronger as he was not going to try and do anything that was not on the level of where he needed to be going he knows guilds and such give good rewards and stuff but he also needs to get himself better gear and hope that in the end that he will even have a chance at being with the big dogs as it was rough being weak and not feeling like you belong any where and that others want you dead just because you are something that you were born as.

"I use a darkness magic the monks called Bane magic and I also studied as a spellhowler so I can help a team, or buff them up as well as try to be able to defend myself." Yijun was being honest as he doesn't feel like he is really up to any of it, he acted confident around the other male that was here but really he is not as hot shit as he acted around him. "I don't know what I could even ask of you. I know you are not sure of a family so that would be a topic for once you reach the demon level and with the guy you chose to allow to join you by your side. You pretty much have told me upfront about other things about you... Is there something you wish to tell me that I haven't been told by you yet?"

Yijun looked right at her as he waited for her to answer as he was not sure of what at this point he should be saying or doing. He had been told a lot about her by herself so he had no ideas to want all he could learn else about her that she hadn't already been forthcoming with.


Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:37 am


Lumikki pulled out a pouch from her void. Counting the jewels to hand them over to the waitress. She placed the pouch itself before Yijun before getting up and tucking in her chair. "Take that to aid ye in feeding yerself till ye reach yer guild and take quests. I feel I've said all I could of meself to ye." She smiled at him before pulling away from the table. Her wings unfurling from behind her as the darkness collected to take form.

"Remember what I said mate. If ye need me, call out to a raven." She held her hand to her lips and blew to make a distinct whistle sound. "They all know by now to answer that call. So they'd come ta ye if they hear it. Keep it to yerself though if ye would. I'd hate more people calling to me than I'd like."

She walked away before letting her wings flap hard enough to let her take off the ground. She flew back home to handle her report and rest.

Curtain Call

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Bandits and the search? (Open) - Page 2 Empty Sun Sep 10, 2023 9:17 am

The man watched as she left like that and he now wondered if she was even serious as he felt that she was not. He sighed and he finished eating and he took the stuff she had left him as he was not sure how he feels. He feels alone and lost, like the darkness in his heart and soul were his only friends and that maybe he was just not cut out to be here or to have friends. He left the eatery and he walked out of the village while the people looked at him with disgust. He guessed that he couldn't blame them as he was probably more dark than they liked so he wandered off into the forest and he didn't waste his time to look at them any more as he already feels isolated and that feeling was probably the better feeling to have than to believe in a beautiful lie that he will have a happy tomorrow his kind don't get that ending.

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