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A Raven Peeks for Sabotage the Infrastructure I

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A Raven Peeks for Sabotage the Infrastructure I Empty Tue Aug 08, 2023 2:37 pm


Lumikki had been here plenty times before but it was usually to aid the sick in care or medicine. She had no idea that the political scape was looking like this. She was both ignorant and naïve to the affairs of this island.

She did come to encounter once with the beings Emil called robots or better yet Cyborgs. Creatures that was once human, but then transformed into something more. Akin to rouge magics that consumed the user and turn them into things they were not like or when someone acquire a god pact soul. They are transformed into something anew.

Lumikki thought over the concept of them as she pondered their existence in this world. That of them and the androids who were achieving sentience. She did not know their plight personally or had the means to better understand, but as a Daemon she could indeed feel for them. A part of her felt and wished she could fight along side them so that they had time to define what they are as she a Daemon could define herself. Were they like a dark race of a different kind. Were they a power she had never known.

It was hard to say, nor her place to tell. She wouldn't have the means to know for a long amount of time. She was loyal to her Guild Master, and the Angel was within the faction of the loyalist. Lumikki was conflicted on this mission. Though she reasoned with herself that the holding back of the change did not mean it could never take place. Perhaps when the world is ready, they could try to accept the change then.

Lumikki sat atop of the wall that boarded the Fabricator as she ruminated on her thoughts on that matter. Contemplating the implications of the changing events was to vague and abstract to understand for someone as inexperienced and young as she was.

Yet she was here for a job and she would be sure it could get done. She would hate to prove incompetent now of all times. She leaned forward from where she sat, pausing for a moment to enjoy the sensation before letting her body get pulled in by gravity. She enjoyed the wind whipping on her face and through her hair, getting dreadfully close to the ground before a flourish of black wings would smother her in the air. A raven would escape the plumage as it would fly around. Circling the wall in the dead of night.

Lumikki was blessed by Théama, a spirit of greater sight. The night no longer bothered her as she found she could see quite clearly. And so she set out to patrol the perimeter as she was assigned. Along with her keen vision granted to her by her hawk eye, she could see all there was to see in areas out in the open. Circling the wall in her raven form, melted into the night and hard to make out, she was surveillance you could not easily detect.

She would fly around for a time until she would perch in different areas. Other people would watch along side her though she only cared for what she could maintain. Sweeping the grounds every so often and looking within the distance to peak all who would come long before they arrived. She was able to notice all the personal who came long before the could manage to approach the door. Scanning and remembering their faces as they were trying to be allowed inside.

She took her job seriously part because she was built well for it. It was simply where her talents lied. With that it was also important to her because this was the work of her family. She just happened to be blessed enough to take it further.

And so she would keep flying around around to check all in sight, when she would happen to see movement in the corner of her eye. She swerved quickly toward the wall so that she may perch as she would wait to see the intruders show themselves some more. She wanted to be sure she was not wasting her time on something that happened to shift in her sight. Sure enough figures in the distance could be seen. Lumikki could make them out fine enough. Gliding to a fellow patrol to let them know, though from what she saw she was sure she could handle them on her own. Telling a fellow on the job was just procedure, though she also wanted things to be known so that most on her side were on the same page and made aware.

Lumikki would glide toward them, as to not make any unnecessary sound. Creeping around them as she flew passed them and circled around. It was a group of eight in total and three appeared to be altered. Exactly what they were, Lumikki could not yet discern. She had not spent enough time with their kind to tell the differences of android and cyborgs. All she could really tell for the moment was that they were her enemy.

Lumikki shifted back to a Daemon as quietly as she could. Her feet touching the ground as she softly walked behind them, the group before her were still none the wiser. She figured a massive attack that could hit them all was for the best.

Lumikki pulled her arm back to charge a spell of hers that she was sure could pierce them all. Black frost weapons forming around her as they readied to be sent flying.

Yet one of the more metallic beings must of sensed it. Turning around to see her and alert the others. All but one of the metallic ones ran towards her, two other men following their lead. The rest fell away to be scattered. Lumikki sucked her teeth as this was proving irksome fast. She knows she has the damage to tale them but she was not a fan on how the fight was shifting. The night weaved and curled around her features. Six wings unfurling as the darkness gathered and taken form. Before anyone could strike her Lumikki would flex, a lavender circle appearing beneath her feet and her dark frost creeping along her skin. Shielding her from the damage to come. She let loose the dark frost weapons she just managed to gather, just before the first metallic one made their strike. The other stood to the back reading their arm as if to shot out at her. Lumikki already noticing the lines.



A Raven Peeks for Sabotage the Infrastructure I Empty Wed Aug 09, 2023 1:35 am


Her weapons pierced at the one before her. Pushing him back with the force of its impact. Some of the other weapons shot off as well but the one preparing to shot ducked away. Lumikki barely had the time to direct her spell, she had even less time to recover. Although one of the metallic ones were pushed, it didn't stop him from continuing to run toward her. The shards that were still dug into his body hardly did anything to stop his movement.

Lumikki was horrified, never seeing anyone simply ignore her attack like that. She wasn't sure her sheer cold would have much of an affect if he could still move with such wounds. She tried to dart back as he lunged for her but the bot managed to grab at her wrist. She chilled her hand to ween him off but it achieved nothing. The bot pulling her in toward him as he readied a blow.

The other bot just behind was lining his shot, getting ready for the moment to fire. Just after the one that head her struct her stomach, his shot flew at her. The bots grip was so strong she could not easily break away. She took the shot to the chest, her shield cracking but still holding strong.


Last edited by Lumikki on Wed Aug 09, 2023 2:35 am; edited 1 time in total


A Raven Peeks for Sabotage the Infrastructure I Empty Wed Aug 09, 2023 1:56 am


Lumikki was feeling overwhelmed. The two bots were already proving to be a massive handful yet two more men were trying to come for her as well with their weapons in hand. Both wielding swords and they were swinging right for her.

Lumikki stomped at the floor barring one of the men away, his sword digging into the Dwarven Door she summoned. She held the spell to keep the sword within. The bot that held her was winding up another punch as the other man readied his swing. Lumikki was about to panic as it was too much to handle in one moment. She sucked the air through her teeth as she tried to force herself to calm down. Doing what she could to ice out and handle all that was before her.

This was all because she was too naive and arrogant. Thinking the matter a simple one that it caused her to be sloppy. She grit her teeth as she was preparing for what the moment would call for.



A Raven Peeks for Sabotage the Infrastructure I Empty Wed Aug 09, 2023 2:37 am


Lumikki kicked off into the air so that even though the bot had still clung to her wrist, she could flip herself upside down to avoid the hits to come. She clawed at the air as a massive lavender circle shown underneath. Jagged black shards impaling all three there but only the bot could still muster movement, his grip never softening for a moment.

Lumikki swiped her free hand in the air, another lavender magical circle giving way to a dark frost talon as it slashed the bot and severing its hold. When a pound on her hand quickly after another talon would come down and crush its body.

With out a moment to breathe as her back was still exposed, another shot of the other bot nearby connected, cracked her second skin even further, yet it could still hold strong. Lumikki took a sigh or relief as she moved into her next action.



A Raven Peeks for Sabotage the Infrastructure I Empty Wed Aug 09, 2023 2:53 am


Lumikki pounded her hand again conjuring another talon. A lavender magical circle appearing for the bot shoot manifested just before the talon came slamming down. Crushing it before it could charge and line another shot.

Lumikki touched back to the ground scanning the area for any movement of the others but nothing could be seen. She shifted back into a raven quickly in a flurry of feathers darting back toward the Fabricator. Eyeing the ground for any of the strays to be seen on their way to continue the mission. For a moment nothing was out of place but she noticed something odd.

She noticed an inconsistency down below. Lumi flew lower to see if she could catch the scene in another angle and it soon became more clear. The last remaining bot had hoisted a fabric up with its modified appendages. It was meant to help them blend in with the ground so that they wouldn't be seen easily from above. The men there were just barely able to huddle under the mesh so that they could go undetected.



A Raven Peeks for Sabotage the Infrastructure I Empty Wed Aug 09, 2023 3:17 am


Lumikki was impressed but not amused.

Darting for them and shifting herself back into a Daemon just above. Her eyes shining purple with anger as she darted for the ground before, flipping just before making contact with the ground and kicking down. A massive magical circle of Sixteen meters flashed just before dark frost stalagmites jutted upward breaking the ground beneath as they tore through the surface.

All the men below screamed as the ground caved, just before getting impaled by her shards. The bot who didn't sustain enough damage to be finished off completely began to show distress for its partners as they died. Crying out as it desperately tried to pull them up from the ice.

"They never deserved thiiiis! They knew they could die but they didn't deserve this!" The bot was shifting in colors rapidly before his body settled on red. The appendages transforming as it was changing on the attack. She pounded her hand but before the dark frost talon could form a massive beam shot at her knocking to the ground. She never reapplied her Glacial Greed so she took the full brunt of that blow.

Lumikki recoiled as she hit and curled up from the ground. The wind knocked out of her and the damage was severe. The bots limbs were stretching out to grab her, maybe even just impale her like she did their friends.

"Your kind just really doesn't get it. How many of us has to suffer before you leave us alooooone! You will never understand the feeling of being hunted like we are!"

Lumikki holding on to ever word as she internalized it. She had an idea of the pain he mentioned being a Daemon herself. She was just lucky she was in the hands of Paradise Dawn to save and protect her from the consequences of her race.

She could hardly move as she laid shattered, so she braced herself for the blow to come. Yet it never did. The head of the bot was pierced by a bullet, one of the patrol on the wall managed to snipe it from a distance. So Lumikki laid there knowing she could survive for a little bit long.

She tried looking up and she could make out the silhouettes of her men running toward her. Her choice to alert them before leaving truly paying off. And so she fell back into the numbing sensation of her body trying to handle all that pain. Slowly fading from consciousness as she pondered what just happened. She really wanted to understand what the fight was truly about and what was at risk to be lost.



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