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Magharedes' Runes: Ubir Blood Rune

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Magharedes' Runes: Ubir Blood Rune Empty Mon Jul 11, 2022 3:55 pm


Magharedes' Runes

While traveling through this area, you begin to feel a strange sensation all over your body. As you look around to find the source of this feeling, you cannot seem to pinpoint its origins directly. Depending on where you stand, the feeling becomes either stronger or completely disappears. Using this as a guide, you eventually manage to find what has been trying to draw you in towards itself: Magharedes' Blood Rune. It is said that when all five Blood Runes are collected, the user can communicate directly with the entity to wish for something. Though, the collection comes in the form of tribute to the entity itself. Blood must be spilled. Still interested in becoming both predator and prey?


  • See Magharedes' Runes to learn more about the Blood Runes and the requirements to roll.


  • Users may perform a post in the topic and roll once per 24 hours in an attempt to claim the Blood Rune until it has been claimed by someone.

  • Should the user roll higher than 50, they will acquire the Blood Rune and become ineligible to acquire another until the Blood Battles begin. This is when all five Blood Runes have been acquired through the rolls.

  • See Magharedes' Runes to learn more about the conditions.


Magharedes' Runes: Ubir Blood Rune Empty Mon Jul 11, 2022 5:05 pm


It seemed that after the previous misadventures with the Blood Runes, the magical stones had been shattered once more across Fiore. While it was a curious something about why exactly it was Fiore that had been the focus of those runes, Esperia didn't pay too much attention to it this time. She was merely wandering around in search of the runes for a reason that often driven her to undertake an endeavor: Simple and childish curiosity. She wanted to learn more about the runes, to discover their origins but also the potential that was found in the magic contained in those runes. While she could feel the presence of the blood rune somewhere nearby, it was yet to be confirmed for her whether she was even properly approaching the rune. If that was the case, she would surely find the rune soon afterwards.

If not? She could at least spend a few hours driving through Hargeon on her floating throne. If anything, the curious glances made it worth the wait...


Magharedes' Runes: Ubir Blood Rune Empty Mon Jul 11, 2022 5:05 pm

The member 'Esperia' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 16

#4Khalfani † 

Magharedes' Runes: Ubir Blood Rune Empty Mon Jul 11, 2022 6:12 pm

Khalfani †
No shade, Hargeon was a beautiful city. It reeked of fish but, it wasn't like Astera. The people here were definitely more on the comfortable side. Khal could appreciate how calm and easy going the civilians seem to be. Hargeon was the safest place in their eyes. They knew that as long as Blue Pegasus was here, they would be safe. However, Fiore was full of mages who wanted destruction so this probably wasn't as safe as they thought. The Godsblood placed a hood over their head as they casually strolled through the city so that nobody could recognize them. They were pretty famous amongst mages and being a widely known Prince didn't help either. They didn't want to cause too much of a ruckus, they just wanted the Rune. Suddenly, like twice before, they felt something tugging at their spirit and so they followed. This time they were sure they would find that damn rune. It had to be here, they thought. It had to.


Magharedes' Runes: Ubir Blood Rune Empty Mon Jul 11, 2022 6:12 pm

The member 'Khalfani' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 7

#6Khalfani † 

Magharedes' Runes: Ubir Blood Rune Empty Wed Jul 13, 2022 12:47 am

Khalfani †
One last time, Khalfani thought as they slowly walked through the city of Hargeon. All it took was a simple double back they thought. This time, if they hadn't found the piece of Obsidian that they had been looking for then they would just turn around and leave. Staying in the south longer than the prince needed too wasn't something they wanted to do. There were other important matters that they needed to take care of, like regaining their strength. After being absorbed by some kin of hell, they had lost many of their abilities. Once again, their connection to darkness was grappled quickly by Apep, the chaos god. Funnily enough, the Transcendent didn't mind it. Chaos gave them the ability to do a lot more and the potential to be a lot stronger. For now though they focused on the task at hand, finding the rune. They shuffled through the city, following that tug they felt whenever they were close. It wasn't too far now, they knew it. They could almost taste it.


Magharedes' Runes: Ubir Blood Rune Empty Wed Jul 13, 2022 12:47 am

The member 'Khalfani' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 41


Magharedes' Runes: Ubir Blood Rune Empty Wed Jul 13, 2022 9:13 pm


A strange feeling had resonated within his very core since he had arrived in the south in combination with the formation of the Collective MInd, his mind had been weighing heavily on something that was almost calling to him. Unlike the floating building having a more obvious appearance and being quite literally in front of him when he had arrived in Myras, what ever was reaching out to him was instead obscured from his enhanced vision. Something that was uncommon but no entirely abnormal. A vague idea of where whatever it was calling to him resonated within him, the distinct smell of sea water and noises associated with a harbor echoed out. There were only two locations with a prominent harbor settlement, in the west where he previously called home in Astera and Hargeon, a place he hadn’t visited in many years. Such a feeling hadn’t been experience when he was in Astera and through the process of elimination Hargeon was undoubtedly the location of whatever it was. Whether he’d be able to find it was another matter entirely. A trek across the region was less then desirable for the wouldbe archer and thus his use of the skeleton key, something which he had become accustom to using at this point. Previously he may have found himself in awkward locations, bathrooms, storerooms, now however he would find himself directly where he needed to be.


Magharedes' Runes: Ubir Blood Rune Empty Wed Jul 13, 2022 9:13 pm

The member 'Konyo' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 48

#10Khalfani † 

Magharedes' Runes: Ubir Blood Rune Empty Thu Jul 14, 2022 1:04 am

Khalfani †
Khalfani wasn't done just yet. They felt the pulling nature of the stone but couldn't find it whe they reached over behind the bush. Instead they felt nothing. They would have used their eye but even that wasn't enough to find the obsidian rune. With a sigh they turned their back to the bush. That feeling was still there but maybe they weren't following it correctly? They began by closing their eyes, focusing on that pit in their stomach as it tugged them towards a certain direction. There it was. It seemed like all they really had to do was take a moment, focus, ad follow the winds. They stepped forward, then took another stepped. When that strange tugging feeling pulled them in a certain direction, they didn't question, they didn't fight it, they simply followed it. It was that easy. Khalfani knew it was close now and they would get to this dan cursed item if was the last thing they did. Giving up was not an option, not when they were so close.


Magharedes' Runes: Ubir Blood Rune Empty Thu Jul 14, 2022 1:04 am

The member 'Khalfani' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 90

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