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Faust Noire Character Sheet

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#1Faust Noire 

Faust Noire Character Sheet Empty Wed Feb 22, 2017 7:32 pm

Faust Noire





Relationship: Single

Team: -



Weapon: ???

Head: ???

Body: ???

Ring: ???

Companion: ???


D-rank Spells:

C-rank Spells:

B-rank Spells:

A-rank Spells:

S-rank Spells:



Topics Completed:

Topics Ongoing:



D-rank Quests Completed:

C-rank Quests Completed:

B-rank Quests Completed:

A-rank Quests Completed:

S-rank Quests Completed:


Last edited by Faust Noire on Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:20 am; edited 11 times in total

Faust Noire Character Sheet URfIrNm
#2Faust Noire 

Faust Noire Character Sheet Empty Sat Sep 02, 2017 2:26 pm

Faust Noire






  • Erebus | The level of respect Faust holds towards Erebus exceeds that of simply friends. The fellow Lycan gave Faust the reason to strive forward.


  • Xandra | This woman continues to pique his interests. Not knowing what faction she lies may be a problem for Faust in the future, but he certainly looks forward to meeting the illusive individual in the future.

  • Arisa | Faust takes interest in having met Arisa, despite not knowing her name. She was a rather peculiar individual and Faust hopes to cross paths with her in the future. He will not recognize her upon meeting her again.

  • Katja | Her physical appearance is simply stunning; who could resist? Faust had very little time to associate himself with her, but at least they were on a first name basis.

  • Nastasya | Like Katja, Nastasya was a woman with quite a lovely figure and the Coyote acted like a dog in heat when he was with Nastasya. She seems to have gone AWOL since their last meeting in Era.

  • Alyssa | Another lovely lady from Grimoire Heart, Faust isn't entirely sure what he thinks of her. To trust someone entirely is something unheard of, but he does have a little faith and respect for the axe user. After all, they were both in the same guild.


  • Alice | While she's definitely a lovely lady worthy of taking Faust's hand in marriage, they left off at a rather strained note. While it started off as a coffee date, it turned into a battlefield.

  • Kenny | Though feelings towards Kenny were neutral initially, he seems to have taken a stand against Faust and as a result, is now considered an enemy. Faust has yet to meet the new and improved Kenny from Phantom Lord and will not recognize him on the spot.

  • Selena | Likewise, Selena was an attack on sight experience for Faust. The friction between the two isn't the greatest and certainly ignites sparks. Faust believes Selena feels the same towards him.


Last edited by Faust Noire on Sat Sep 02, 2017 2:49 pm; edited 2 times in total

Faust Noire Character Sheet URfIrNm

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