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Fated Rematch [Konyo]

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Fated Rematch [Konyo] Empty Wed Apr 13, 2022 10:01 pm

How long had it been since her and Kon had fought? How long had it been since that day that they had given a valiant effort to fight against one another and the archer had come out ontop? It felt like it was just a few weeks but at the same time something else felt completely different. Lucretia felt like a whole different woman, from the many quests she had done to all those that she had fought. To all the efforts she had put forward. She felt powerful but she wasn’t about to let it go to her head. She felt like she could win but she also knew that Kon was a dangerous combatant all his own.

She had to be careful around him and her invitation to the baska rock likely would not go unnoticed. The woman was sitting in the middle of it since the late evening. Long into the night she would wait knowing that the both of them would need time to prepare. Silence was paramount here and the silence continued for a long time.

She’d close her eyes and exhale slowly; knowing that tonight was the night that she would let loose with her all. Every fiber of her being until there was nothing left. But deep within there was something else stirring. A beast without compare that made even the lion of the spear balk and step back. A beast of such intense ferocity that it threatened to overwhelm her very core.

But it was her beast, a beast that she had called upon time and time again. With the moon high in the sky she felt it bubbling, roiling and frothing. Desiring to fight this other individual on new heights that Lucretia wasn’t sure how to feel about. She’d hush it with a small grip of her fingers around a gauntleted hand.

She was the one in control not it and the fact that was an ironclad truth resonated through her entire being. Today she had come bearing everything that she owned, from spear to pyaar earrings. Even her companion who had remained absent during much of this was here for once. No longer busy on the various tasks that Lucretia kept him on.

Yah sure about this one Luc? Kon is a tough cookie, you said last time you barely touched him. What’s so different about today?

I can’t put my finger on it Brondrache. But I felt it was right of me to do.

Maybe because Lucretia had also been harboring doubts of her own strength; maybe it was because she felt like the both of them needed some form of interaction or perhaps… The blood started to roil again and she’d grit her teeth. Her canines already enlogating as the moon was no at the perfect height in the sky.

It’s been more and more that I’ve wanted to fight recently. But get back for now and get ready to watch.

Okay… Good thing I brought popcorn…

The little Mindrache spread his wings and would fly off to the side. Far away from the wolfenstein and take a seat in the air. Using his wings to lazily keep him aloft while of course bringing out a little bag of popcorn. Where he kept it? Lucretia hadn’t the faintest idea.



Fated Rematch [Konyo] Empty Wed Apr 13, 2022 10:48 pm


Kon had always fought against the Dark, but it seemed fate had other things in mind for him and he would not resist the power that had been offered for his new reliance on the corrupting element. From his new vampiric embrace to his new helmet replacing the destroyed helm he possessed only a few weeks ago. Things were certainly changing for the ranger, he could scarcely remember the days when he held light-based magic. Those were some truly unusual times with the man formerly bending angel-like beings to his will instead now he commanded an army of dogs. A change of pace to be sure, but they weren’t something he had truly tried out. Perhaps he’d have the chance to do so with the rematch that had been agreed to with Lucretia. Both had grown since they had met with the werewolf being the one with the more distinct of the two. Even in the short time since their original fight and the one against Eternal Nightmare, Kon could see them being motivated by some hidden drive and showed no signs of diminished development. It was truly inspiring to see new blood with such vigour, it had in turn bolstered his own. Stagnancy became glaring whenever he saw guild members with the same level of energy compared to the guild in its entirety. That was just one of the reasons why Kon wished to bring about some change.

For now, though, Kon would be meeting with the albino Werewolf, Lucretia as agreed in the Baska Rock, a now highly established battleground used by all. Kon never liked the area finding it too small for his fighting tactics, hard to shoot someone down when they are right in the forefront and able to grasp the bow out of reach. Fortunately, at the time he still possessed a greater level of strength compared to Lucretia at least he did when they last met, but who could say whether that’d be the case now. Perhaps he’d be able to distract the werewolf with some of his own hound brethren. First they had to meet up, strangely Lucretia had agreed to meet at night, likely to avoid the casual onlooker. Welcoming a fight any time day or night, Kon merely smirked when he heard of the premise.

Knowing the strength of his opponent and readiness to fight, Kon had already come prepared dressed in full combat attire, head to toe in armour, with his gilded prosthetic arm exposed partially reflecting the moonlight. The only thing relaxed was his bow instead of being holster on his back. He was ready for a fight, but at least it would be a civil one. Passing through the bridge to the rock, Kon immediately noticed a few things when he spotted the albino, they now held a frost alignment instead of an arcane one. “Curious, I wonder what has happened to them?” The ranger muttered to themselves, before speaking up properly and greeting his fellow guild member. “Lucretia it’s been awhile, thank you for agreeing to fighting me once again.”


Strength: 501 + 40 (The Singularity)
Adjusted Strength 541
  • 2x S-Rank

Speed: 320 + 60 (Asmaan Earrings) - 60 (The Singularity) - 60 (Urdurain)
Adjusted Speed: 260
  • 17.5 M/s Lunge
  • 35 m/s Run

Constitution: 256
  • 5x S-Rank Durability
  • 8 Post Running Duration
  • Dash four per post

Endurance: 256
  • 3x S-Rank Limb Durability
  • 40% Weapon Mastery WC Reduction

Intelligence: 1
  • 0% Mana Reduction
  • 0% Word Count Reduction

Mana: 8,850/8,850



Name: Rama's Bow
Slot: Weapon
Type: Bow
Class: Mythic
Quantity: Limited
Element: Fire
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Long Shot: The user receives a 10 meters range increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Speed Shot: The user receives a 10 m/s speed increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Big Shot: The user receives a size increase of 10 meters to the AoE spell attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Rama's Fiery Rage: Upon dealing damage with a spell from Rama's Bow, the target will suffer Fire-type damage over time for 2 more posts. The lingering additional damage is 1 rank lower than the rank of the spell. The effect does not stack should the target be hit multiple times, however, it will reset the duration of the damage over time. Should the target be hit by a spell ranked lower than the highest-ranked damage over time applied to a target, it will not decrease the damage. Rama's Fiery Rage is unaffected by additional damage through modifiers.


  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Meteor Shower
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow up into the air. The arrow then curves and descends towards the user's target location. As the arrow descends, it changes into a meteor shower that rains down on an 8-meter diameter area.

  • Name: Meteor Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. As the arrow is released, it becomes a giant meteor with a width and height of 10 meters.

  • Name: Searing Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. Searing Shot is incredibly hot. Thus, it deals damage to both the equipment of the target and the target themselves.


Name: Urdurain
Type: Off-Hand
Weight: Heavy
Class: Legendary
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Indestructible: The item is indestructible.


  • Speed: -60


Name: Lerzar's Dreadwatcher
Slot: Helm
Type: Medium Armor
Class: Mythic
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Limited
Quantity: Darkness
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Name: Shadow Mastiff
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200 per Shadow Mastiff
    Requirements: Lerzar's Dreadwatcher
    Type: Summoning
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 50 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Size: Shadow mastiffs are 2 meters in height and 3 meters in length.
    Strength: 150 (S-rank)
    Speed: 90 (12.5 m/s)
    Description: Shadow mastiffs are massive dogs of darkness and doom that stalk through the planes of the Abyssian realm. The sound of a pack of shadow mastiffs baying causes all but the bravest individuals to tremble. They prowl in the darkness and hunt in the night, hunting down any prey available. They hate light; if attacked by Light-type spells, they howl in fury.
    Effect: The user raises their hand to open portals behind them out of which the shadow mastiffs leap to their aid. Including yet not limited to, helping them during combat, using them to see locations and acquire information about a particular place, and spying on others. The user can summon up to 4 shadow mastiffs at once.
    Extra: Shadow mastiffs can see perfectly clear in the darkness. Furthermore, they can smell the location of targets within a range of 20 meters.
    Physiology: Shadow mastiffs have the body of a large dog, though their heads are more humanoid in shape but monstrous, with mouths full of vicious teeth. Their coat is smooth and all black, making them very hard to see in darkness.
    • Name: Shadow Mastiff's Howl
      Rank: A
      Mana Cost: 200
      Requirements: Shadow Mastiff
      Type: Supplementary/Debuff
      Range: 15 Meters
      Cooldown: 4 Posts
      Duration: Instant
      Effect: A shadow mastiff's bark is as bad as its bite. When a shadow mastiff howls with this spell, they send shivers down the spines of those around them within a radius of 15 meters. This causes the affected to suffer a debuff in their Strength and Speed while also being deafened for a duration of 2 posts. However, once someone has been affected by the howl once, they won't be able to get affected by it again a second time in the same topic.

    • Name: Shadow Mastiff's Prowl
      Rank: S
      Mana Cost: 500 per Shadow Mastiff
      Requirements: Shadow Mastiff
      Type: Supplementary
      Range: -
      Cooldown: 5 Posts
      Duration: Sustain
      Effect: Owing to their innate advantages, shadow mastiffs prefer to attack from places of darkness. By standing on their hind legs first and then pouncing on the ground, they can turn themselves completely invisible to hunt their targets. However, when shadow mastiffs manage to get attacked by a Light-type move while sustaining their invisibility, the spell is immediately canceled.


Name: The Singularity
Slot: Armor
Type: Heavy Armor
Class: Legendary
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Custom
Quantity: Arcane
Durability: 3x S-Rank


Speed: -60


Strength: +40


  • Name: Gravitational Singularity
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 5% of the user's total mana cost
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user pulls the void into themselves causing them and their equipment to instantly reduce to a quarter of their original size.  They are fully capable of casting magic and physically attacking.

  • Name: Gravitational Flick
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user may flick with their finger in any particular direction sending a projectile out that is 5 cm squared, upon striking a target they will be sent the total distance of the spell after spell range modifiers, dealing 1x S-Rank Magic Damage. This spell ignores terrain and will continue on until it hits a target or reaches the spell range limit


Name: Asmaan Earrings
Type: Earrings
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Unlimited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


Speed: +60


Name: Everfrost
Type: Necklace
Class: Unique
Quantity: Custom
Element: Frost
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Frost Shift: The user may change the element of their item spells to Frost, regardless of the spell original element, the modifiers of the spells will also be changed accordingly. This requires the user to pay the base amount of mana for the item spells for the effect to apply. Therefore, any mana reduction that would normally apply to item spells cast by the user would no longer apply when the item spell element is shifted. This doesn't grant the user elemental synergy since it doesn't change the elemental alignment of the item.


Name: Millennium Eye
Type: Eye
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Power Scouter: When looking at a target, the user can see the amount of mana they posses and their exact distribution of attribute points. They cannot mention the number to others since it would make no sense to them, but the user can make perfect sense of the value they see.
  • Type Scouter: The user can see the type (Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary etc.) of a spell when looking at one, and also the elemental-type to which that spell belongs. The user can also see which type of mana a target possesses when looking at them (Fire, Water, Earth etc.).
  • Mana Seeker: The user can see mana with the Millennium Eye. Therefore, even if their vision is completely blurred or the target is invisible, they can still see the silhouettes of whoever that possesses mana. Depending on how much mana they possess, the silhouette appears brighter or dimmer.


Name: Ferion's Hawken Eye
Slot: Modification
Type: Eye
Class: -
Quantity: Limited
Element: -


  • The user can see perfectly clear up to 100 meters. This means that if someone is holding a note 60 meters away, the user can read it as long as the line of vision is not obstructed.
  • The user can see the trajectory of projectiles. The lines of projectiles (where they will land eventually) will appear as lines in their sight as they are moving. Should the user have enough time to react, they will always be able to determine where a projectile will land. This does not count for spells that can be moved around by the will of the user. Only static movements can be predicted where they will land. Imagine a baseball being thrown and you see a line in front of the baseball ending one meter next to your foot. Should you have enough time to react, you could still catch it cause you know where it will land. Or dodge it.


  • Name: Marked
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Marked spell on a target once they have viewed them in a topic. The user is capable of knowing the exact location of the target as long as they have been tagged by the Marked spell.

  • Name: Lock-On
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Lock-On spell on a target and Lock-On their projectiles while it is sustained. Each move (should it be projectiles, such as arrows) or spell (which serve as projectiles, such as bolts and blasts) will move towards the target up to its set range limit. A single arrow, fireball, or even worse. Once a targeted has been Locked-On, all projectiles of the user will chase them.


Fated Rematch [Konyo] Empty Wed Apr 13, 2022 11:57 pm

The long silence that Lucretia sat in was disturbed by when she eventually noticed that there was a scent that wasn’t there before. It wasn’t her own or the smell of the city around her; it wasn’t her companion’s scent either. No it was one that she had interacted with before. The woman slowly brought herself from her seated position and stood tall with her spear in hand; icy blue eyes swept along the arena of sorts noting the figure that was crossing the bridge. She’d cock her head to one side and noted that… well. She was able to tell that they were approaching a hell of a lot further than she was used to before.

It took a few long moments but Lucretia was eventually able to see the approaching form of Kon. One that had a far different outline than what she was expecting. The helmet was new and with that she already knew that this fight would be different for the both of them. She’d exhale through her mouth with a heated breath; she could already feel the beast scrambling in her throat and she could find that the person in front of her was really suited to be the focus of her beastial fevor.

Hearing the other speak Lucretia couldn’t help but give a smile; her distended canines making themselves known as she held back the desire to fight right away to at least remain civil. Something really wanted to bite, something really wanted to bend and break. She wanted this beyond belief and it was hard to explain. The long exhlation eventually ended and she’d draw in once again. Getting used to her friends scent before speaking.

It certainly has been, the both of us have been busy it seems.

Lucretia’s grip on her spear tightened and she’d let the weapon slide along the ground before easing into a relaxed pose. Everything about her screamed danger; any natural senses would realize she was a coiled beast ready to spring at a moment’s notice and she’d glance around. Taking in the empty arena for a few moments before chuckling softly.

Last time was so enjoyable the idea of fighting you again could definitely be said to cross my mind a few times.

Never had lucretia felt herself be so soundly beaten, never before had she found herself wanting to fight over and over again. Never had she wanted something so bad. Even if she couldn’t down the fierce fighter across from her the woman would definitely find solace in the idea of breaking that armor being considered a milestone at the very least.

She harbored a mild doubt she’d be able to get that far given the last time her only blow had been with her throwing the spear at her fellow. But they would be aware of what she could do with that. She felt the rumbling of the beast within her and her chuckle turned into a throaty but amused growl.

Should we get to it right away? Or is there anything you wanna say before we get started?

Lucretia had time to talk, time a plenty. No plans. No desires for the after effect. Tonight she’d go home after the fight regardless of the outcome and drink a plenty. Reveling in a battle well fought. But she knew that some people liked to talk and well… they hadn’t really gotten to do that much now had they?



Fated Rematch [Konyo] Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 9:04 am


The moonlight revealed a growth in Lucretia one which was unmistakable and clear to even the more simple of folk. It was clear to Kon both physical and mentally they had matured by leaps and bounds. A bead of cold sweat ran down the left side of his head as he realised that he’d truly have to step up his game. Sliding his left hand around his back to withdraw his bow, the ranger presented himself ready to fight just as his guildmate had done in kind. Civility would be preferred at least more so compared to what had happened between them last time. Open communication would be an option whereas their previous interaction had a significant hindrance behind a dialogue, a group of dark guild Members tended to dominate the conversation with conflict especially when you’re going in guns blazing. “I’m glad that we’ll be able to clash again especially given how, uhh, onesided things were, but I’m sure you’ve gotten a lot stronger since then…”

Unsurprisingly Lucretia offered concessions before the start of the bout, however, those would take place later once one of them was on their knees. The blood lust within Kon had only grown since their invasion upon Eternal Nightmare and Lucretia was more or less the perfect foil for him to tank everything he threw at them. And so rather than adding further to the conversation, the former mage tilted his head left and right before shaking his head and shifting his dominant hand towards his helm. “Let’s throw hands first then say our peace, I have a feeling you’re more eager for this fight than I am, so let’s get this out of the way.” While the albino werewolf would be familiar with his sudden change of size it would nonetheless still hinder the spear favouring beast. Stabbing an ant tends to be harder than stabbing a person and he’d need all the help size-wise considering what he saw Lucretia grow into.

Shrinking down many times his normal size, Kon was swift on his feet, even if it was only slightly more than his counterpart. While the two were already some 15 meters from one another, he would need to ensure he maintained his distance as he did so in their last clash. All the while reducing in proportion, Kon’s right eye flickered red for the slightest of moments honing onto his guild mate’s presence. The werewolf was now ensnared by his trap and would be bound to a fate of any and all attacks from Kon finding their target. Flair was one thing, showing off another and throwing a meteor at them would only be an insult. They had already felt the full force of the flaming ball and seen its lingering effect. Nor would it be a good idea to destroy the entire upper crust of the Baska Rock at least not yet.

But what was he to do about Lucretia’s pesky armour? he could ignore it and aim for the head throw some pot-shot at her, but that felt distasteful, especially to what could be seen as a fight between colleagues rather than one focused upon taking down a rival whom Kon held great resentment towards. Instead, more humble shots would be placed upon them, in single motion Kon’s hand shifting from his head to the string. Arrows summoned with a simple tug from the string, Kon let loose or at least attempted to fire two shots something to start the conflict but nothing that Lucretia couldn’t handle in the combination with their heavy armour and thick fur. Engulfed in flames the arrows left a terrible bite with the first of them through the guide of his implanted eye would stream towards Lucretia’s heart, while the other simply the chest favouring to hit them as opposed to hinder them as he had done prior by focusing down on their leg that’s something he’d do to prey…


Strength: 501 + 40 (The Singularity)
Adjusted Strength 541
  • 2x S-Rank

Speed: 320 + 60 (Asmaan Earrings) - 60 (The Singularity) - 60 (Urdurain)
Adjusted Speed: 260
  • 17.5 M/s Lunge
  • 35 m/s Run

Constitution: 256
  • 5x S-Rank Durability
  • 8 Post Running Duration
  • Dash four per post

Endurance: 256
  • 3x S-Rank Limb Durability
  • 40% Weapon Mastery WC Reduction

Intelligence: 1
  • 0% Mana Reduction
  • 0% Word Count Reduction

Mana: 7,600/8,850
Mana Used: 1250
Spells Cast: Lock-On, S-Rank Basic Shot, Meteor Shot



Name: Rama's Bow
Slot: Weapon
Type: Bow
Class: Mythic
Quantity: Limited
Element: Fire
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Long Shot: The user receives a 10 meters range increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Speed Shot: The user receives a 10 m/s speed increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Big Shot: The user receives a size increase of 10 meters to the AoE spell attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Rama's Fiery Rage: Upon dealing damage with a spell from Rama's Bow, the target will suffer Fire-type damage over time for 2 more posts. The lingering additional damage is 1 rank lower than the rank of the spell. The effect does not stack should the target be hit multiple times, however, it will reset the duration of the damage over time. Should the target be hit by a spell ranked lower than the highest-ranked damage over time applied to a target, it will not decrease the damage. Rama's Fiery Rage is unaffected by additional damage through modifiers.


  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Meteor Shower
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow up into the air. The arrow then curves and descends towards the user's target location. As the arrow descends, it changes into a meteor shower that rains down on an 8-meter diameter area.

  • Name: Meteor Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. As the arrow is released, it becomes a giant meteor with a width and height of 10 meters.

  • Name: Searing Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. Searing Shot is incredibly hot. Thus, it deals damage to both the equipment of the target and the target themselves.


Name: Urdurain
Type: Off-Hand
Weight: Heavy
Class: Legendary
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Indestructible: The item is indestructible.


  • Speed: -60


Name: Lerzar's Dreadwatcher
Slot: Helm
Type: Medium Armor
Class: Mythic
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Limited
Quantity: Darkness
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Name: Shadow Mastiff
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200 per Shadow Mastiff
    Requirements: Lerzar's Dreadwatcher
    Type: Summoning
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 50 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Size: Shadow mastiffs are 2 meters in height and 3 meters in length.
    Strength: 150 (S-rank)
    Speed: 90 (12.5 m/s)
    Description: Shadow mastiffs are massive dogs of darkness and doom that stalk through the planes of the Abyssian realm. The sound of a pack of shadow mastiffs baying causes all but the bravest individuals to tremble. They prowl in the darkness and hunt in the night, hunting down any prey available. They hate light; if attacked by Light-type spells, they howl in fury.
    Effect: The user raises their hand to open portals behind them out of which the shadow mastiffs leap to their aid. Including yet not limited to, helping them during combat, using them to see locations and acquire information about a particular place, and spying on others. The user can summon up to 4 shadow mastiffs at once.
    Extra: Shadow mastiffs can see perfectly clear in the darkness. Furthermore, they can smell the location of targets within a range of 20 meters.
    Physiology: Shadow mastiffs have the body of a large dog, though their heads are more humanoid in shape but monstrous, with mouths full of vicious teeth. Their coat is smooth and all black, making them very hard to see in darkness.
    • Name: Shadow Mastiff's Howl
      Rank: A
      Mana Cost: 200
      Requirements: Shadow Mastiff
      Type: Supplementary/Debuff
      Range: 15 Meters
      Cooldown: 4 Posts
      Duration: Instant
      Effect: A shadow mastiff's bark is as bad as its bite. When a shadow mastiff howls with this spell, they send shivers down the spines of those around them within a radius of 15 meters. This causes the affected to suffer a debuff in their Strength and Speed while also being deafened for a duration of 2 posts. However, once someone has been affected by the howl once, they won't be able to get affected by it again a second time in the same topic.

    • Name: Shadow Mastiff's Prowl
      Rank: S
      Mana Cost: 500 per Shadow Mastiff
      Requirements: Shadow Mastiff
      Type: Supplementary
      Range: -
      Cooldown: 5 Posts
      Duration: Sustain
      Effect: Owing to their innate advantages, shadow mastiffs prefer to attack from places of darkness. By standing on their hind legs first and then pouncing on the ground, they can turn themselves completely invisible to hunt their targets. However, when shadow mastiffs manage to get attacked by a Light-type move while sustaining their invisibility, the spell is immediately canceled.


Name: The Singularity
Slot: Armor
Type: Heavy Armor
Class: Legendary
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Custom
Quantity: Arcane
Durability: 3x S-Rank


Speed: -60


Strength: +40


  • Name: Gravitational Singularity
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 5% of the user's total mana cost
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user pulls the void into themselves causing them and their equipment to instantly reduce to a quarter of their original size.  They are fully capable of casting magic and physically attacking.

  • Name: Gravitational Flick
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user may flick with their finger in any particular direction sending a projectile out that is 5 cm squared, upon striking a target they will be sent the total distance of the spell after spell range modifiers, dealing 1x S-Rank Magic Damage. This spell ignores terrain and will continue on until it hits a target or reaches the spell range limit


Name: Asmaan Earrings
Type: Earrings
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Unlimited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


Speed: +60


Name: Everfrost
Type: Necklace
Class: Unique
Quantity: Custom
Element: Frost
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Frost Shift: The user may change the element of their item spells to Frost, regardless of the spell original element, the modifiers of the spells will also be changed accordingly. This requires the user to pay the base amount of mana for the item spells for the effect to apply. Therefore, any mana reduction that would normally apply to item spells cast by the user would no longer apply when the item spell element is shifted. This doesn't grant the user elemental synergy since it doesn't change the elemental alignment of the item.


Name: Millennium Eye
Type: Eye
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Power Scouter: When looking at a target, the user can see the amount of mana they posses and their exact distribution of attribute points. They cannot mention the number to others since it would make no sense to them, but the user can make perfect sense of the value they see.
  • Type Scouter: The user can see the type (Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary etc.) of a spell when looking at one, and also the elemental-type to which that spell belongs. The user can also see which type of mana a target possesses when looking at them (Fire, Water, Earth etc.).
  • Mana Seeker: The user can see mana with the Millennium Eye. Therefore, even if their vision is completely blurred or the target is invisible, they can still see the silhouettes of whoever that possesses mana. Depending on how much mana they possess, the silhouette appears brighter or dimmer.


Name: Ferion's Hawken Eye
Slot: Modification
Type: Eye
Class: -
Quantity: Limited
Element: -


  • The user can see perfectly clear up to 100 meters. This means that if someone is holding a note 60 meters away, the user can read it as long as the line of vision is not obstructed.
  • The user can see the trajectory of projectiles. The lines of projectiles (where they will land eventually) will appear as lines in their sight as they are moving. Should the user have enough time to react, they will always be able to determine where a projectile will land. This does not count for spells that can be moved around by the will of the user. Only static movements can be predicted where they will land. Imagine a baseball being thrown and you see a line in front of the baseball ending one meter next to your foot. Should you have enough time to react, you could still catch it cause you know where it will land. Or dodge it.


  • Name: Marked
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Marked spell on a target once they have viewed them in a topic. The user is capable of knowing the exact location of the target as long as they have been tagged by the Marked spell.

  • Name: Lock-On
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Lock-On spell on a target and Lock-On their projectiles while it is sustained. Each move (should it be projectiles, such as arrows) or spell (which serve as projectiles, such as bolts and blasts) will move towards the target up to its set range limit. A single arrow, fireball, or even worse. Once a targeted has been Locked-On, all projectiles of the user will chase them.


Fated Rematch [Konyo] Empty Sat Apr 16, 2022 6:11 am

Lucretia felt her hands tighten around her spear even though her stance was relaxed there was a certain feeling that they would shortly be fighting one another. Hearing him state that he was glad that they could clash again the woman chuckled softly. Has she gotten stronger since the last time they fought? Maybe mentally and maybe something else had changed. There were a host of things different about her now even if she didn’t realize it.

Can’t say for certain but we’ll find out won’t we?

Ever since the battle with the guild eternal nightmare the woman had felt like something changed inside of her. Whether it was from the fact she had for the first time used both transformations together or that something just clicked somewhere in her head. It was hard to put into words and seeing this man in front of her that had been able to so soundly beat her before she could feel that beast clawing at the back of her head again. He wanted to have this battle with her before they could say what they wanted to say.

You wouldn’t be wrong…

The woman found herself seeing Kon’s sudden change of size and Lucretia decided that this would be a prompt time to take her form once again. But something was different about this time too. Her growth was the same, putting her at three meters in size but there were key changes to her body that was putting it far beyond what she had been capable of before. Was her hide tougher? Was she stronger? Faster? All of these things were true and more as her form twisted and her eyes flashed with such a fierce intensity that it rolled off of her in waves.

She was already used to that eye locking onto her so it didn’t even break her stride. Though it was hard to say if she knew about the ability or not. Just that it seemed odd that before she could never dodge the arrows. Not that she put too much effort into that. She wasn’t one to run from conflict and that had been part of the reason she had fought with the dark guild in the first place.

By the time Kon finished his own transformation Lucretia had finished hers; their distinct difference in size was obvious and their strengths were just as obvious as well. She wasn’t sure what his opening volley would be this time around she somehow doubted that he’d open with that meteor. That before had felt like he was showing off to his guildmate. Showing what he could do for their first battle.

She noted that the ranger had opted to aim for her chest even though her head was wide open. Something that the woman wanted to fix in the long term was the lack of a helmet so that people could feel less bad during their spars about aiming for it. It wasn’t like it was a choice given that the very last fight had seen her helm reduced to cinders. While they were still 15 meters apart the woman saw this distance as trivial. Kon hadn’t even started to move yet.

The arrows closed the distance rapidly but Lucretia wasn’t about to sit around and just let the ranger do as he pleased. There was a brief instant where it looked like she wouldn’t do anything. Her leg muscles strained and like a rocket the woman shot forward like in the fight against Eternal Nightmare. Easily covering the 15 meters given that she could on her own lunge a distance of 17.5 meters.

Except for one key difference that she wasn’t even using both transformations. This single instance was just as powerful as the combined might that she had displayed before. She had grown in leaps and bounds; forever wanting to move forward in her effort to fight against the darkness… and all of those that dwelled inside of it. The first arrow collided with her chestplate, quickly followed by the second but her spear was drawn back at this point and without even a moment’s hesitation she’d thrust forward towards Kon.

His size likely lent to some form of agility or that he was capable of avoiding most blows. For a melee opponent like Lucretia it was a smart move but she couldn’t recall if he could do this before their initial bout or if it was something he had gained during the course of time between that fight and against the dark guild.

She felt her armor start to crumble already; knowing that Kon wasn’t the sort to hold back she wasn’t about to do the same; that frankly would be disrespectful to the both of them but it wasn’t like she’d go further beyond what she was capable before right? She wasn’t about to try the lofty height of the hybrid transformation?

It was barely even a trickle of thoughts before she could feel the roaring in her ears; the wolf wanted this on it’s own. It really didn’t even feel like it needed the Lion here. The voice of that particular beast was absent in these sparse few moments.

WC: 866


Fated Rematch [Konyo] Empty Sat Apr 16, 2022 9:50 am


Eyes widened or Eye widened in Kon’s case, he was astounded about what he saw before him, a beast many times his size charging towards him. Sure his hits had been clear with her losing both their armour and now bringing their fur to a cinder, but they were now directly in front of him with a spear pointed at his chest. Few options were left to the man and while his diminutive size would help him in other contexts, he’d be feeling full brunt of the bladed tip jab into his armour leaving a noticeable dent and briefly knocking the wind out of him. Wasting no time and needing to create a gap once more between the two of them, dare not risk another blow, Kon flicked a single finger from his left finger towards the albino werewolf’s chest, almost immediately a bullet left his appendage and travelled to his opponent. After being struck, the gigantic beast would be sent flying all the way towards the other side of the arena ground. Space was critical for him to fight against the melee wielder and that would only be a quick fix. Perhaps it was time for him to call in some aid using the darkness drawing up his hand into the night’s sky, four terrifying dogs many times Kon’s own size appeared by his side with two on his left and two on his right.

An almost sinister grin grew upon Kon’s face as he recognized the potential behind such a feat. The drain on his constitution from their summoning was somewhat of a shock however he felt it was needed nonetheless. Almost sensing the person before him was an enemy, the dogs snarled ready to attack, preferring to use them for defence at least for now. These would ultimately be tools for distracting, knowing that Lucretia could easily take them out with one or two blows, but they’d still be handy. The outer left and right dogs had begun to prowl around from either side ready to pounce down and nab a taste of werewolf flesh. The other two had been far more restrained presenting themselves right next to him, each prepared to throw themselves out to give Kon the precious seconds that were needed for a ranger.

“Tcch…” He thought to himself as he listed off in his head the few abilities without magic, losing such a critical part of him had truly left him in a bind. Especially with Lucretia knowing Kon’s own restraint to using one of his more prominent spells, the giant meteor. Using it in the guild building property was one thing but leaving behind a permanent mark on the rock would be a bit more of a challenge to explain to officials. For now he’d have to just try and extend the flames that licked Lucretia’s fur with a humble arrow. In her current state they wouldn’t take a lot from it but he’d just have to play this as a battle of attrition rather than a bout determined by a single strike. The issue would be keeping them away long enough to avoid another blow, His armour could only take a few more jabs then he’d truly start feeling the pain.  


Strength: 501 + 40 (The Singularity)
Adjusted Strength 541
  • 2x S-Rank

Speed: 320 + 60 (Asmaan Earrings) - 60 (The Singularity) - 60 (Urdurain)
Adjusted Speed: 260
  • 17.5 M/s Lunge
  • 35 m/s Run

Constitution: 256
  • 5x S-Rank Durability
  • 8 Post Running Duration
  • Dash four per post

Endurance: 256
  • 3x S-Rank Limb Durability
  • 40% Weapon Mastery WC Reduction

Intelligence: 1
  • 0% Mana Reduction
  • 0% Word Count Reduction

Mana: 5,920/8,850
Mana Used: 1680
Spells Cast: Lock-On, Gravitational Flick, A-Rank Basic Shot, 4x Shadow Mastiffs
Damage Dealt: 1x S-Rank Searing Shot, 1x A-Rank Lingering Flames, 1x D-Rank WM, Reduced to 1x A-Rank + 1x B-Rank + 1x D-Rank to torso.
Words: 1196



Name: Rama's Bow
Slot: Weapon
Type: Bow
Class: Mythic
Quantity: Limited
Element: Fire
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Long Shot: The user receives a 10 meters range increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Speed Shot: The user receives a 10 m/s speed increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Big Shot: The user receives a size increase of 10 meters to the AoE spell attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Rama's Fiery Rage: Upon dealing damage with a spell from Rama's Bow, the target will suffer Fire-type damage over time for 2 more posts. The lingering additional damage is 1 rank lower than the rank of the spell. The effect does not stack should the target be hit multiple times, however, it will reset the duration of the damage over time. Should the target be hit by a spell ranked lower than the highest-ranked damage over time applied to a target, it will not decrease the damage. Rama's Fiery Rage is unaffected by additional damage through modifiers.


  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Meteor Shower
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow up into the air. The arrow then curves and descends towards the user's target location. As the arrow descends, it changes into a meteor shower that rains down on an 8-meter diameter area.

  • Name: Meteor Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. As the arrow is released, it becomes a giant meteor with a width and height of 10 meters.

  • Name: Searing Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. Searing Shot is incredibly hot. Thus, it deals damage to both the equipment of the target and the target themselves.


Name: Urdurain
Type: Off-Hand
Weight: Heavy
Class: Legendary
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Indestructible: The item is indestructible.


  • Speed: -60


Name: Lerzar's Dreadwatcher
Slot: Helm
Type: Medium Armor
Class: Mythic
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Limited
Quantity: Darkness
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Name: Shadow Mastiff
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200 per Shadow Mastiff
    Requirements: Lerzar's Dreadwatcher
    Type: Summoning
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 50 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Size: Shadow mastiffs are 2 meters in height and 3 meters in length.
    Strength: 150 (S-rank)
    Speed: 90 (12.5 m/s)
    Description: Shadow mastiffs are massive dogs of darkness and doom that stalk through the planes of the Abyssian realm. The sound of a pack of shadow mastiffs baying causes all but the bravest individuals to tremble. They prowl in the darkness and hunt in the night, hunting down any prey available. They hate light; if attacked by Light-type spells, they howl in fury.
    Effect: The user raises their hand to open portals behind them out of which the shadow mastiffs leap to their aid. Including yet not limited to, helping them during combat, using them to see locations and acquire information about a particular place, and spying on others. The user can summon up to 4 shadow mastiffs at once.
    Extra: Shadow mastiffs can see perfectly clear in the darkness. Furthermore, they can smell the location of targets within a range of 20 meters.
    Physiology: Shadow mastiffs have the body of a large dog, though their heads are more humanoid in shape but monstrous, with mouths full of vicious teeth. Their coat is smooth and all black, making them very hard to see in darkness.
    • Name: Shadow Mastiff's Howl
      Rank: A
      Mana Cost: 200
      Requirements: Shadow Mastiff
      Type: Supplementary/Debuff
      Range: 15 Meters
      Cooldown: 4 Posts
      Duration: Instant
      Effect: A shadow mastiff's bark is as bad as its bite. When a shadow mastiff howls with this spell, they send shivers down the spines of those around them within a radius of 15 meters. This causes the affected to suffer a debuff in their Strength and Speed while also being deafened for a duration of 2 posts. However, once someone has been affected by the howl once, they won't be able to get affected by it again a second time in the same topic.

    • Name: Shadow Mastiff's Prowl
      Rank: S
      Mana Cost: 500 per Shadow Mastiff
      Requirements: Shadow Mastiff
      Type: Supplementary
      Range: -
      Cooldown: 5 Posts
      Duration: Sustain
      Effect: Owing to their innate advantages, shadow mastiffs prefer to attack from places of darkness. By standing on their hind legs first and then pouncing on the ground, they can turn themselves completely invisible to hunt their targets. However, when shadow mastiffs manage to get attacked by a Light-type move while sustaining their invisibility, the spell is immediately canceled.


Name: The Singularity
Slot: Armor
Type: Heavy Armor
Class: Legendary
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Custom
Quantity: Arcane
Durability: 3x S-Rank


Speed: -60


Strength: +40


  • Name: Gravitational Singularity
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 5% of the user's total mana cost
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user pulls the void into themselves causing them and their equipment to instantly reduce to a quarter of their original size.  They are fully capable of casting magic and physically attacking.

  • Name: Gravitational Flick
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user may flick with their finger in any particular direction sending a projectile out that is 5 cm squared, upon striking a target they will be sent the total distance of the spell after spell range modifiers, dealing 1x S-Rank Magic Damage. This spell ignores terrain and will continue on until it hits a target or reaches the spell range limit


Name: Asmaan Earrings
Type: Earrings
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Unlimited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


Speed: +60


Name: Everfrost
Type: Necklace
Class: Unique
Quantity: Custom
Element: Frost
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Frost Shift: The user may change the element of their item spells to Frost, regardless of the spell original element, the modifiers of the spells will also be changed accordingly. This requires the user to pay the base amount of mana for the item spells for the effect to apply. Therefore, any mana reduction that would normally apply to item spells cast by the user would no longer apply when the item spell element is shifted. This doesn't grant the user elemental synergy since it doesn't change the elemental alignment of the item.


Name: Millennium Eye
Type: Eye
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Power Scouter: When looking at a target, the user can see the amount of mana they posses and their exact distribution of attribute points. They cannot mention the number to others since it would make no sense to them, but the user can make perfect sense of the value they see.
  • Type Scouter: The user can see the type (Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary etc.) of a spell when looking at one, and also the elemental-type to which that spell belongs. The user can also see which type of mana a target possesses when looking at them (Fire, Water, Earth etc.).
  • Mana Seeker: The user can see mana with the Millennium Eye. Therefore, even if their vision is completely blurred or the target is invisible, they can still see the silhouettes of whoever that possesses mana. Depending on how much mana they possess, the silhouette appears brighter or dimmer.


Name: Ferion's Hawken Eye
Slot: Modification
Type: Eye
Class: -
Quantity: Limited
Element: -


  • The user can see perfectly clear up to 100 meters. This means that if someone is holding a note 60 meters away, the user can read it as long as the line of vision is not obstructed.
  • The user can see the trajectory of projectiles. The lines of projectiles (where they will land eventually) will appear as lines in their sight as they are moving. Should the user have enough time to react, they will always be able to determine where a projectile will land. This does not count for spells that can be moved around by the will of the user. Only static movements can be predicted where they will land. Imagine a baseball being thrown and you see a line in front of the baseball ending one meter next to your foot. Should you have enough time to react, you could still catch it cause you know where it will land. Or dodge it.


  • Name: Marked
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Marked spell on a target once they have viewed them in a topic. The user is capable of knowing the exact location of the target as long as they have been tagged by the Marked spell.

  • Name: Lock-On
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Lock-On spell on a target and Lock-On their projectiles while it is sustained. Each move (should it be projectiles, such as arrows) or spell (which serve as projectiles, such as bolts and blasts) will move towards the target up to its set range limit. A single arrow, fireball, or even worse. Once a targeted has been Locked-On, all projectiles of the user will chase them.


Fated Rematch [Konyo] Empty Sun Apr 17, 2022 5:51 am

Were lucretia able to see the reaction that Kon had at her transformation she likely would have chuckled or maybe even outright laughed. This form was just as powerful as her combined efforts back at Eternal nightmare but honestly there was no real way for her to properly make that comparison at the moment. Her blow felt like hitting a sheet metal wall; a little bit gave but there wasn’t much about it that was really going to make her do anything other than wonder just how sturdy the armor she was slamming her spear into.

There was flatly no way for her to avoid that flick of a finger so point blank and with her being launched away all the woman could do was skid along the ground and try to slow herself down. Though that didn’t work and she’d eventually come to a halt a good ways away from where she and kon was. That was quite an ability that she’d have to deal with; the sort that she wasn’t expecting for him to just have in his back pocket. She wouldn’t have had to deal with it before considering that she barely made a dent in him last time.

She could feel the lion try to speak up but the howling in the back of her mind was making it hard for it to really make any headway. The woman slowly came back up to her full height after being sent away. Noting the dogs in front of her she blinked owlishly. Kon was capable of summoning too? Just how much of a swiss army knife was the man she had agreed to battle again? But rather than be discouraged she’d grin ear to ear.

She wouldn’t be able to leap forward and avoid everything coming at her. It was kind of frustrating that Kon was able to play keep away with her in this sense of things. A single blow was all that she was able to land before and she was determined to do more than she was capable of before. But the man in front of her seemed to be taking her a bit more seriously.

So she’d do what she could, leaping forward with her spear in hand. The pressure would normally crack or leave some kind of crater from the sheer strength that was being utilized. She felt the Sting against her torso, gritting her teeth as it was quickly obvious that the longer that Kon remained at range the quicker she’d be put under. During her leap she had no doubt that the mastiffs would do something to try to stop her but exactly what was to be determined.

WC: 448
WCT: 1314/2500


Fated Rematch [Konyo] Empty Mon Apr 18, 2022 9:26 am


Hurling tens of metres away from Kon, white hair littered the night sky as bits fell from Lucretia’s thick hide; it was almost beautiful to see them shine in the moonlight. In combination with the flames that were bringing them alight, they were a glorious torch for all to see around them, at least that would be the case if any were around. This great flicker of flames was only reinforced when the third arrow from his bow so far struck their hide. No matter how durable they were, the uncomfortable heat would certainly be getting to them. Their wellbeing was not of Kon’s concern that would happen once one of them hit the ground and he had to make sure that he wasn’t the one eating a dirt sandwich. Especially if he wanted to maintain his dignity as someone of his current standing. He was just so annoyed with himself right now, in the past he had so much more flexibility to deal with fights, now he was stuck working through conflicts and everyday reality without the aid of magic. His conflict with Eternal Nightmare had been an attestment to his own failings as a warrior, for how was he to help protect when he was as vulnerable as the reeds of straw that littered the fields of Baska beneath them and the rock.

Pity for oneself was one thing, but it would have to wait until the fight between the two beasts of the night concluded. Returning to close-combat would be Lucretia's only means to end this fight in any reasonable manner at least to Kon’s understanding. So far they had shown no inclination to using magic nor having ranged spells, especially not ones that could rival Kon’s own. Truly few could rival him in that sense, afterall he had to find some way to compete against those with magic and spending the last two years learning the ins and outs of archery left him a more well rounded individual even if his muscles were a bit imbalanced as a result. Though for a man with a prosthetic right arm, proportions were bound to be unusual. His frame was hardly important right now particularly with the size difference presented before him. Not even touching Lucretia’s knee, it was truly amusing the conflict between them.

This contrast was only reinforced by the sudden advance they made towards him, only provoking Kon’s mastiffs as a result, almost immediately as the ground beneath Lucretia’s feet crumbled into dust, the dogs did so in kind, closing the mere 7.5 meter divide in less then a second for the main legion and the flanking dogs only a lad later. With height being a barrier for them all, the two formerly on either side charged towards the furry beast’s legs, each taking their own respective appendage. The others would nip at their elbows hoping to grasp onto their loose fur. It would be a true sight to behold, a white flaming werewolf being bound by the four dogs taking hold of each limb. Kon’s own reaction to the advance would be somewhat less aggressive, with all of his offensive spells on cool-down save for his meteoric, destructive blasts, he had no choice but to recollect himself retreat just as Lucretia had charged before flicking off a more casual arrow.


Strength: 501 + 40 (The Singularity)
Adjusted Strength 541
  • 2x S-Rank

Speed: 320 + 60 (Asmaan Earrings) - 60 (The Singularity) - 60 (Urdurain)
Adjusted Speed: 260
  • 17.5 M/s Lunge
  • 35 m/s Run

Constitution: 256
  • 5x S-Rank Durability
  • 8 Post Running Duration
  • Dash four per post

Endurance: 256
  • 3x S-Rank Limb Durability
  • 40% Weapon Mastery WC Reduction

Intelligence: 1
  • 0% Mana Reduction
  • 0% Word Count Reduction

Mana: 5,920/8,850
Mana Used: 1680
Spells Cast: Lock-On, B-Rank Basic Shot, 4x Shadow Mastiffs
Damage Dealt: 1x S-Rank Gravitional flick + 1x A-Rank Basic Shot, 1x A-Rank Lingering Flames, 1x D-Rank WM, Reduced to 1x S-Rank + 1x D-Rank to torso.
Words: 1,752



Name: Rama's Bow
Slot: Weapon
Type: Bow
Class: Mythic
Quantity: Limited
Element: Fire
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Long Shot: The user receives a 10 meters range increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Speed Shot: The user receives a 10 m/s speed increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Big Shot: The user receives a size increase of 10 meters to the AoE spell attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Rama's Fiery Rage: Upon dealing damage with a spell from Rama's Bow, the target will suffer Fire-type damage over time for 2 more posts. The lingering additional damage is 1 rank lower than the rank of the spell. The effect does not stack should the target be hit multiple times, however, it will reset the duration of the damage over time. Should the target be hit by a spell ranked lower than the highest-ranked damage over time applied to a target, it will not decrease the damage. Rama's Fiery Rage is unaffected by additional damage through modifiers.


  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Meteor Shower
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow up into the air. The arrow then curves and descends towards the user's target location. As the arrow descends, it changes into a meteor shower that rains down on an 8-meter diameter area.

  • Name: Meteor Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. As the arrow is released, it becomes a giant meteor with a width and height of 10 meters.

  • Name: Searing Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. Searing Shot is incredibly hot. Thus, it deals damage to both the equipment of the target and the target themselves.


Name: Urdurain
Type: Off-Hand
Weight: Heavy
Class: Legendary
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Indestructible: The item is indestructible.


  • Speed: -60


Name: Lerzar's Dreadwatcher
Slot: Helm
Type: Medium Armor
Class: Mythic
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Limited
Quantity: Darkness
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Name: Shadow Mastiff
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200 per Shadow Mastiff
    Requirements: Lerzar's Dreadwatcher
    Type: Summoning
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 50 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Size: Shadow mastiffs are 2 meters in height and 3 meters in length.
    Strength: 150 (S-rank)
    Speed: 90 (12.5 m/s)
    Description: Shadow mastiffs are massive dogs of darkness and doom that stalk through the planes of the Abyssian realm. The sound of a pack of shadow mastiffs baying causes all but the bravest individuals to tremble. They prowl in the darkness and hunt in the night, hunting down any prey available. They hate light; if attacked by Light-type spells, they howl in fury.
    Effect: The user raises their hand to open portals behind them out of which the shadow mastiffs leap to their aid. Including yet not limited to, helping them during combat, using them to see locations and acquire information about a particular place, and spying on others. The user can summon up to 4 shadow mastiffs at once.
    Extra: Shadow mastiffs can see perfectly clear in the darkness. Furthermore, they can smell the location of targets within a range of 20 meters.
    Physiology: Shadow mastiffs have the body of a large dog, though their heads are more humanoid in shape but monstrous, with mouths full of vicious teeth. Their coat is smooth and all black, making them very hard to see in darkness.
    • Name: Shadow Mastiff's Howl
      Rank: A
      Mana Cost: 200
      Requirements: Shadow Mastiff
      Type: Supplementary/Debuff
      Range: 15 Meters
      Cooldown: 4 Posts
      Duration: Instant
      Effect: A shadow mastiff's bark is as bad as its bite. When a shadow mastiff howls with this spell, they send shivers down the spines of those around them within a radius of 15 meters. This causes the affected to suffer a debuff in their Strength and Speed while also being deafened for a duration of 2 posts. However, once someone has been affected by the howl once, they won't be able to get affected by it again a second time in the same topic.

    • Name: Shadow Mastiff's Prowl
      Rank: S
      Mana Cost: 500 per Shadow Mastiff
      Requirements: Shadow Mastiff
      Type: Supplementary
      Range: -
      Cooldown: 5 Posts
      Duration: Sustain
      Effect: Owing to their innate advantages, shadow mastiffs prefer to attack from places of darkness. By standing on their hind legs first and then pouncing on the ground, they can turn themselves completely invisible to hunt their targets. However, when shadow mastiffs manage to get attacked by a Light-type move while sustaining their invisibility, the spell is immediately canceled.


Name: The Singularity
Slot: Armor
Type: Heavy Armor
Class: Legendary
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Custom
Quantity: Arcane
Durability: 3x S-Rank


Speed: -60


Strength: +40


  • Name: Gravitational Singularity
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 5% of the user's total mana cost
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user pulls the void into themselves causing them and their equipment to instantly reduce to a quarter of their original size.  They are fully capable of casting magic and physically attacking.

  • Name: Gravitational Flick
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user may flick with their finger in any particular direction sending a projectile out that is 5 cm squared, upon striking a target they will be sent the total distance of the spell after spell range modifiers, dealing 1x S-Rank Magic Damage. This spell ignores terrain and will continue on until it hits a target or reaches the spell range limit


Name: Asmaan Earrings
Type: Earrings
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Unlimited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


Speed: +60


Name: Everfrost
Type: Necklace
Class: Unique
Quantity: Custom
Element: Frost
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Frost Shift: The user may change the element of their item spells to Frost, regardless of the spell original element, the modifiers of the spells will also be changed accordingly. This requires the user to pay the base amount of mana for the item spells for the effect to apply. Therefore, any mana reduction that would normally apply to item spells cast by the user would no longer apply when the item spell element is shifted. This doesn't grant the user elemental synergy since it doesn't change the elemental alignment of the item.


Name: Millennium Eye
Type: Eye
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Power Scouter: When looking at a target, the user can see the amount of mana they posses and their exact distribution of attribute points. They cannot mention the number to others since it would make no sense to them, but the user can make perfect sense of the value they see.
  • Type Scouter: The user can see the type (Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary etc.) of a spell when looking at one, and also the elemental-type to which that spell belongs. The user can also see which type of mana a target possesses when looking at them (Fire, Water, Earth etc.).
  • Mana Seeker: The user can see mana with the Millennium Eye. Therefore, even if their vision is completely blurred or the target is invisible, they can still see the silhouettes of whoever that possesses mana. Depending on how much mana they possess, the silhouette appears brighter or dimmer.


Name: Ferion's Hawken Eye
Slot: Modification
Type: Eye
Class: -
Quantity: Limited
Element: -


  • The user can see perfectly clear up to 100 meters. This means that if someone is holding a note 60 meters away, the user can read it as long as the line of vision is not obstructed.
  • The user can see the trajectory of projectiles. The lines of projectiles (where they will land eventually) will appear as lines in their sight as they are moving. Should the user have enough time to react, they will always be able to determine where a projectile will land. This does not count for spells that can be moved around by the will of the user. Only static movements can be predicted where they will land. Imagine a baseball being thrown and you see a line in front of the baseball ending one meter next to your foot. Should you have enough time to react, you could still catch it cause you know where it will land. Or dodge it.


  • Name: Marked
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Marked spell on a target once they have viewed them in a topic. The user is capable of knowing the exact location of the target as long as they have been tagged by the Marked spell.

  • Name: Lock-On
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Lock-On spell on a target and Lock-On their projectiles while it is sustained. Each move (should it be projectiles, such as arrows) or spell (which serve as projectiles, such as bolts and blasts) will move towards the target up to its set range limit. A single arrow, fireball, or even worse. Once a targeted has been Locked-On, all projectiles of the user will chase them.


Fated Rematch [Konyo] Empty Mon Apr 18, 2022 12:28 pm

To most this could be considered overwhelming. Giant mastiffs that were cleary born for one thing and one thing only. A rain of arrows that were tearing into your chest. A sizeable distance between the two of them after an ability that you hadn’t the faintest about. But none of these things added up to a loss in Lucretia’s head. No none of them even made her pause. Together these two had looked at the abyss; seeing just how far one could fall and rather than blink or even hesitate they instead pushed onward in different ways. Lucretia couldn’t tell that Kon was annoyed or irritated; all she could really do is note the positioning of the diminutive Ranger.

Close combat was her one saving grace and Kon was capable of keeping the distance between the two of them. Well the list of things that she could do would normally be impressive if you weren’t comparing it to the lofty heights of others above her. But that wasn’t even going to be on her mind; no what was on her mind was the rapid fire responses to Kon’s actions and those of the Mastiffs.

They were fast, powerful and she could already tell from a single glance that they were going to be more of a distraction than anything else. But that also meant that Kon had more to play with. Her primary hand, that of her left hand gripped the shaka zulu assegai. That limb was grasped by one of the dogs and the other two that gripped her legs managed to slow her down a considerable amount. But her offhand?

No that one wouldn’t be caught so easily. Shifting without much in the way of hesitation she’d shift her body positioning and instead would punch forward as the arrow came close to her. It was normally stupid to punch spells like this but she was aware of the danger that came from it if Kon was capable of making it hard for her to breathe. Being unable to run or lunge would be a huge problem for her. Though the various grips of the mastiffs would also be a problem.

So her second moment would be drawing her arm back with the mastiff still clinging to it and launching the shaka zulu’s entirety at where she saw kon. She wasn’t expecting him to stay put and her movement with the large dog was hindering her speed a bit but that hardly mattered when you were that beefy.

The spear would return back to her hand regardless of whether or not it hit kon. She’d grit her teeth; there was a mix of pain and frustration at the moment but that was something she’d have to learn to live with. None of the frustration was directed towards kon but more towards herself. She had grown physically, matured in a sense. But she also felt like she was missing something integral. Something that she should have had this entire time.

WC: 500
WCT: 1,814/2500


Fated Rematch [Konyo] Empty Mon Apr 25, 2022 10:50 am


An audible thunk rang out as Kon’s arrow struck the fine bones of the white werewolf’s wrist. A truly perceptive and immense feat given their distance to be able to block such a strike given their distance, another entirely to be willing to take a hit. One which he hadn’t excepted, but certainly not one he wouldn’t overcome. His summons would certainly see to aiding him as the attack was blocked. Three of the dogs found their target burying their teeth past the thick fur protecting Lucretia, with both legs being assailed while only left hand was struck. The fourth mastiff was struck down by the quickwitted Lucretia. Blood dripped from the werewolf’s limbs as the mastiffs sunk their claws into the beast, the smell of it was truly intoxicating for the newborn vampire.

The intensity was beyond compare, others, human, daemon just didn’t seem to have the same level of something he couldn’t describe. Despite the intense weight that they would now be carrying, the werewolf thrust their spear towards the shrunken Kon. A scowl grew upon his face as he felt conflicted about their approach. They were certainly going all out, pulling out all the stops, but where was the gigantic form that she was in only a few days ago against Eternal Nightmare?

With the space between them being margin at best, Kon barely had time to response to their counterattack. Instead he merely tried to shift to the left with a dash, but time was not on his side feeling more then just the wind in his hair as he moved but also a thump and loud audible screech as the Assagai hit Kon’s right side and cut a deep gash in his armor. Blunt force would not inhibit his abilities however with him once more letting loose a series of arrows matching those he sent out at the very beginning of the fight.

With Lucretia recognizing the precarious position they were in blocking Kon’s last attack with their own fist!, Kon had to focus his arrows in a somewhat more unorthodrox manner. And so instead of focusing on their chest and just shooting directly at them, Kon shot almost at the ground which would have them present from beneath the ground and towards Lucretia’s groin. Of their furry hide, that region had remained so far largely unmolested and failing to defend herself, only their head would be untouched by the flames that would bringing their albino furry to a cinder and shift to black.


Strength: 501 + 40 (The Singularity)
Adjusted Strength 541
  • 2x S-Rank

Speed: 320 + 60 (Asmaan Earrings) - 60 (The Singularity) - 60 (Urdurain)
Adjusted Speed: 260
  • 17.5 M/s Lunge
  • 35 m/s Run

Constitution: 256
  • 5x S-Rank Durability
  • 8 Post Running Duration
  • Dash four per post

Endurance: 256
  • 3x S-Rank Limb Durability
  • 40% Weapon Mastery WC Reduction

Intelligence: 1
  • 0% Mana Reduction
  • 0% Word Count Reduction

Mana: 3,870/8,850
Mana Used: 2050
Spells Cast: Lock-On, S-Rank Basic Shot, Searing Shot, 4x Shadow Mastiffs
Damage Dealt: 3x S-Rank from Mastiffs, 1x A-Rank Lingering Flames, 1x B-Rank Basic Shot to Fist, 1x D-Rank WM, Reduced to 1x S-Rank from Mastiffs + 1x A-Rank from Mastiffs + 1x B-Rank from Lingering Flames + 1x C-Rank to fist + 1x D-Rank to Fist.
Damage Taken: Three Mastiffs that landed attacks received 1x B-Rank damage from Reflection.
Words: 2,172



Name: Rama's Bow
Slot: Weapon
Type: Bow
Class: Mythic
Quantity: Limited
Element: Fire
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Long Shot: The user receives a 10 meters range increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Speed Shot: The user receives a 10 m/s speed increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Big Shot: The user receives a size increase of 10 meters to the AoE spell attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Rama's Fiery Rage: Upon dealing damage with a spell from Rama's Bow, the target will suffer Fire-type damage over time for 2 more posts. The lingering additional damage is 1 rank lower than the rank of the spell. The effect does not stack should the target be hit multiple times, however, it will reset the duration of the damage over time. Should the target be hit by a spell ranked lower than the highest-ranked damage over time applied to a target, it will not decrease the damage. Rama's Fiery Rage is unaffected by additional damage through modifiers.


  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Meteor Shower
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow up into the air. The arrow then curves and descends towards the user's target location. As the arrow descends, it changes into a meteor shower that rains down on an 8-meter diameter area.

  • Name: Meteor Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. As the arrow is released, it becomes a giant meteor with a width and height of 10 meters.

  • Name: Searing Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. Searing Shot is incredibly hot. Thus, it deals damage to both the equipment of the target and the target themselves.


Name: Urdurain
Type: Off-Hand
Weight: Heavy
Class: Legendary
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Indestructible: The item is indestructible.


  • Speed: -60


Name: Lerzar's Dreadwatcher
Slot: Helm
Type: Medium Armor
Class: Mythic
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Limited
Quantity: Darkness
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Name: Shadow Mastiff
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200 per Shadow Mastiff
    Requirements: Lerzar's Dreadwatcher
    Type: Summoning
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 50 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Size: Shadow mastiffs are 2 meters in height and 3 meters in length.
    Strength: 150 (S-rank)
    Speed: 90 (12.5 m/s)
    Description: Shadow mastiffs are massive dogs of darkness and doom that stalk through the planes of the Abyssian realm. The sound of a pack of shadow mastiffs baying causes all but the bravest individuals to tremble. They prowl in the darkness and hunt in the night, hunting down any prey available. They hate light; if attacked by Light-type spells, they howl in fury.
    Effect: The user raises their hand to open portals behind them out of which the shadow mastiffs leap to their aid. Including yet not limited to, helping them during combat, using them to see locations and acquire information about a particular place, and spying on others. The user can summon up to 4 shadow mastiffs at once.
    Extra: Shadow mastiffs can see perfectly clear in the darkness. Furthermore, they can smell the location of targets within a range of 20 meters.
    Physiology: Shadow mastiffs have the body of a large dog, though their heads are more humanoid in shape but monstrous, with mouths full of vicious teeth. Their coat is smooth and all black, making them very hard to see in darkness.
    • Name: Shadow Mastiff's Howl
      Rank: A
      Mana Cost: 200
      Requirements: Shadow Mastiff
      Type: Supplementary/Debuff
      Range: 15 Meters
      Cooldown: 4 Posts
      Duration: Instant
      Effect: A shadow mastiff's bark is as bad as its bite. When a shadow mastiff howls with this spell, they send shivers down the spines of those around them within a radius of 15 meters. This causes the affected to suffer a debuff in their Strength and Speed while also being deafened for a duration of 2 posts. However, once someone has been affected by the howl once, they won't be able to get affected by it again a second time in the same topic.

    • Name: Shadow Mastiff's Prowl
      Rank: S
      Mana Cost: 500 per Shadow Mastiff
      Requirements: Shadow Mastiff
      Type: Supplementary
      Range: -
      Cooldown: 5 Posts
      Duration: Sustain
      Effect: Owing to their innate advantages, shadow mastiffs prefer to attack from places of darkness. By standing on their hind legs first and then pouncing on the ground, they can turn themselves completely invisible to hunt their targets. However, when shadow mastiffs manage to get attacked by a Light-type move while sustaining their invisibility, the spell is immediately canceled.


Name: The Singularity
Slot: Armor
Type: Heavy Armor
Class: Legendary
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Custom
Quantity: Arcane
Durability: 3x S-Rank


Speed: -60


Strength: +40


  • Name: Gravitational Singularity
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 5% of the user's total mana cost
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user pulls the void into themselves causing them and their equipment to instantly reduce to a quarter of their original size.  They are fully capable of casting magic and physically attacking.

  • Name: Gravitational Flick
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user may flick with their finger in any particular direction sending a projectile out that is 5 cm squared, upon striking a target they will be sent the total distance of the spell after spell range modifiers, dealing 1x S-Rank Magic Damage. This spell ignores terrain and will continue on until it hits a target or reaches the spell range limit


Name: Asmaan Earrings
Type: Earrings
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Unlimited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


Speed: +60


Name: Everfrost
Type: Necklace
Class: Unique
Quantity: Custom
Element: Frost
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Frost Shift: The user may change the element of their item spells to Frost, regardless of the spell original element, the modifiers of the spells will also be changed accordingly. This requires the user to pay the base amount of mana for the item spells for the effect to apply. Therefore, any mana reduction that would normally apply to item spells cast by the user would no longer apply when the item spell element is shifted. This doesn't grant the user elemental synergy since it doesn't change the elemental alignment of the item.


Name: Millennium Eye
Type: Eye
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Power Scouter: When looking at a target, the user can see the amount of mana they posses and their exact distribution of attribute points. They cannot mention the number to others since it would make no sense to them, but the user can make perfect sense of the value they see.
  • Type Scouter: The user can see the type (Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary etc.) of a spell when looking at one, and also the elemental-type to which that spell belongs. The user can also see which type of mana a target possesses when looking at them (Fire, Water, Earth etc.).
  • Mana Seeker: The user can see mana with the Millennium Eye. Therefore, even if their vision is completely blurred or the target is invisible, they can still see the silhouettes of whoever that possesses mana. Depending on how much mana they possess, the silhouette appears brighter or dimmer.


Name: Ferion's Hawken Eye
Slot: Modification
Type: Eye
Class: -
Quantity: Limited
Element: -


  • The user can see perfectly clear up to 100 meters. This means that if someone is holding a note 60 meters away, the user can read it as long as the line of vision is not obstructed.
  • The user can see the trajectory of projectiles. The lines of projectiles (where they will land eventually) will appear as lines in their sight as they are moving. Should the user have enough time to react, they will always be able to determine where a projectile will land. This does not count for spells that can be moved around by the will of the user. Only static movements can be predicted where they will land. Imagine a baseball being thrown and you see a line in front of the baseball ending one meter next to your foot. Should you have enough time to react, you could still catch it cause you know where it will land. Or dodge it.


  • Name: Marked
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Marked spell on a target once they have viewed them in a topic. The user is capable of knowing the exact location of the target as long as they have been tagged by the Marked spell.

  • Name: Lock-On
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Lock-On spell on a target and Lock-On their projectiles while it is sustained. Each move (should it be projectiles, such as arrows) or spell (which serve as projectiles, such as bolts and blasts) will move towards the target up to its set range limit. A single arrow, fireball, or even worse. Once a targeted has been Locked-On, all projectiles of the user will chase them.


Fated Rematch [Konyo] Empty Wed May 25, 2022 2:15 pm

The dogs were a problem, the constant barrage from Kon was also an issue. She could feel the grating emotions within her and the furious howling of the wolf that claimed its spot on the top of the pyramid. No hesitation in her actions, no pondering, no deliberate motions, just what needed to be done. She felt the pain of each of the dogs acutely and it wasn’t really something that she was unfamiliar with. The many beasts that she had dealt with had certainly made her a tough cookie. She felt her lifeblood draining a bit with how the mastifs buried their muzzles into her skin.

Where was the form that she had called upon in eternal nightmare’s battle; well it rested far below this one. It certainly would be truly a sight to behold but the fact of the matter that other than that resistance? This form carried itself exactly as that hybrid did. Exactly as it could have been; it was just as fast, just as strong. Just as tough as that hybrid. Which was a feat that… honestly would have been impressive if lucretia sat down and thought about it.

She wasn’t exactly sure what she was seeing with kon launching the arrows downwards, with the arrows curving she had to figure that he was aiming low. Which… would be a problem given the mastifs. She’d grunt as she felt those arrows land home, pain flaring through her body and she’d stagger after a moment. There was so much launched in her direction that it was hard to really deal with the pain. Frustrating really but not something that she couldn’t power through.

She could tell that she wouldn’t really be able to keep up with the archer now; but that wasn’t a problem. Growling again she’d draw her arm back; lining up the shot with Kon and heaving again. It bit deep into her mana pool to do this more than once but what choice did she have. She could either throw the spear willy nilly or be forced to fight the hounds which would let the archer pluck at her. Growling in irritation, in the moments that the spear was gone from her hand she’d take that moment to punch at the hound that was on her other arm with a thunderous strike. She was looking to knock it off her arm with a single blow given the strength she had.



Fated Rematch [Konyo] Empty Tue May 31, 2022 5:59 am


The werewolf had been virtually hamstring by Kon’s barrage of arrows and the mauling of the many dogs that he had set upon them, but it had not been enough to take them down. They were now instead shifting to attack Kon through a feat that he would consider most unwise, hurling their only means to attack the man outside of their own two fists. While certainly a speedy individual, Kon had more then enough overall durability and armor to protect him from such strikes and instead allowed the strike to graze his armor tearing a nasty gash into the scaled armor causing him to hobble back somewhat from the sheer force of it. As he was reeling from the ranged assault, Kon only witnessed on as Lucretia destroyed one of the mastiffs bound to them through their aggressive bite. The other two remained upon the white beast now darkening as blood began to shone through the albino’s flesh. The mastiff which missed them entirely Kon dismissed feeling no need for their presence, only proving a burden upon his already depleting mana reserves. By now however they would be struggling from just the sheer loss of blood and burns that he had inflicted upon them, once again Kon’s summons would rip and tear what had now become bare and exposed flesh.

He certainly wished no permanent harm nor wanted any ill willed to be established between the two but a fight was a fight and this was one that he wanted to end sooner rather then later lest he encounter what he saw during the Eternal Nightmare assault. Something that could only be described as a Monster, a sheer terrifying being of unwieldy proportions and immense physical capabilities. Nonetheless Kon offered no grace with his own counter attack and so alongside the dogs that torn upon his comrade, despite his better judgement, he dashed towards them and struck them with the arm of his bow as a proxy sword dead center upon their chest, which would prove deadly to the average man, normally crashing their ribcage and turning their insides to a bloody mess.


Strength: 501 + 40 (The Singularity)
Adjusted Strength 541
  • 2x S-Rank

Speed: 320 + 60 (Asmaan Earrings) - 60 (The Singularity) - 60 (Urdurain)
Adjusted Speed: 260
  • 17.5 M/s Lunge
  • 35 m/s Run

Constitution: 256
  • 5x S-Rank Durability
  • 8 Post Running Duration
  • Dash four per post

Endurance: 256
  • 3x S-Rank Limb Durability
  • 40% Weapon Mastery WC Reduction

Intelligence: 1
  • 0% Mana Reduction
  • 0% Word Count Reduction

Mana: 2,520/8,850
Mana Used: 2050
Spells Cast: Lock-On, 2x Shadow Mastiffs
Damage Dealt: 2x S-Rank from Mastiffs, 1x A-Rank Lingering Flames, 2x S-Rank from Kon, Reduced to 1x S-Rank from Mastiffs + 1x S-Rank from Kon + 1x B-Rank from Lingering Flames.
Damage Taken: Two Mastiffs that landed attacks received 1x B-Rank damage from Reflection, One Mastiff destroyed from physical damage from Lucretia, 1x S-Ranks worth of damage to The Singularity.
Words: 2,172



Name: Rama's Bow
Slot: Weapon
Type: Bow
Class: Mythic
Quantity: Limited
Element: Fire
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Long Shot: The user receives a 10 meters range increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Speed Shot: The user receives a 10 m/s speed increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Big Shot: The user receives a size increase of 10 meters to the AoE spell attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Rama's Fiery Rage: Upon dealing damage with a spell from Rama's Bow, the target will suffer Fire-type damage over time for 2 more posts. The lingering additional damage is 1 rank lower than the rank of the spell. The effect does not stack should the target be hit multiple times, however, it will reset the duration of the damage over time. Should the target be hit by a spell ranked lower than the highest-ranked damage over time applied to a target, it will not decrease the damage. Rama's Fiery Rage is unaffected by additional damage through modifiers.


  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Meteor Shower
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow up into the air. The arrow then curves and descends towards the user's target location. As the arrow descends, it changes into a meteor shower that rains down on an 8-meter diameter area.

  • Name: Meteor Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. As the arrow is released, it becomes a giant meteor with a width and height of 10 meters.

  • Name: Searing Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. Searing Shot is incredibly hot. Thus, it deals damage to both the equipment of the target and the target themselves.


Name: Urdurain
Type: Off-Hand
Weight: Heavy
Class: Legendary
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Indestructible: The item is indestructible.


  • Speed: -60


Name: Lerzar's Dreadwatcher
Slot: Helm
Type: Medium Armor
Class: Mythic
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Limited
Quantity: Darkness
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Name: Shadow Mastiff
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200 per Shadow Mastiff
    Requirements: Lerzar's Dreadwatcher
    Type: Summoning
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 50 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Size: Shadow mastiffs are 2 meters in height and 3 meters in length.
    Strength: 150 (S-rank)
    Speed: 90 (12.5 m/s)
    Description: Shadow mastiffs are massive dogs of darkness and doom that stalk through the planes of the Abyssian realm. The sound of a pack of shadow mastiffs baying causes all but the bravest individuals to tremble. They prowl in the darkness and hunt in the night, hunting down any prey available. They hate light; if attacked by Light-type spells, they howl in fury.
    Effect: The user raises their hand to open portals behind them out of which the shadow mastiffs leap to their aid. Including yet not limited to, helping them during combat, using them to see locations and acquire information about a particular place, and spying on others. The user can summon up to 4 shadow mastiffs at once.
    Extra: Shadow mastiffs can see perfectly clear in the darkness. Furthermore, they can smell the location of targets within a range of 20 meters.
    Physiology: Shadow mastiffs have the body of a large dog, though their heads are more humanoid in shape but monstrous, with mouths full of vicious teeth. Their coat is smooth and all black, making them very hard to see in darkness.
    • Name: Shadow Mastiff's Howl
      Rank: A
      Mana Cost: 200
      Requirements: Shadow Mastiff
      Type: Supplementary/Debuff
      Range: 15 Meters
      Cooldown: 4 Posts
      Duration: Instant
      Effect: A shadow mastiff's bark is as bad as its bite. When a shadow mastiff howls with this spell, they send shivers down the spines of those around them within a radius of 15 meters. This causes the affected to suffer a debuff in their Strength and Speed while also being deafened for a duration of 2 posts. However, once someone has been affected by the howl once, they won't be able to get affected by it again a second time in the same topic.

    • Name: Shadow Mastiff's Prowl
      Rank: S
      Mana Cost: 500 per Shadow Mastiff
      Requirements: Shadow Mastiff
      Type: Supplementary
      Range: -
      Cooldown: 5 Posts
      Duration: Sustain
      Effect: Owing to their innate advantages, shadow mastiffs prefer to attack from places of darkness. By standing on their hind legs first and then pouncing on the ground, they can turn themselves completely invisible to hunt their targets. However, when shadow mastiffs manage to get attacked by a Light-type move while sustaining their invisibility, the spell is immediately canceled.


Name: The Singularity
Slot: Armor
Type: Heavy Armor
Class: Legendary
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Custom
Quantity: Arcane
Durability: 3x S-Rank


Speed: -60


Strength: +40


  • Name: Gravitational Singularity
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 5% of the user's total mana cost
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user pulls the void into themselves causing them and their equipment to instantly reduce to a quarter of their original size.  They are fully capable of casting magic and physically attacking.

  • Name: Gravitational Flick
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user may flick with their finger in any particular direction sending a projectile out that is 5 cm squared, upon striking a target they will be sent the total distance of the spell after spell range modifiers, dealing 1x S-Rank Magic Damage. This spell ignores terrain and will continue on until it hits a target or reaches the spell range limit


Name: Asmaan Earrings
Type: Earrings
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Unlimited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


Speed: +60


Name: Everfrost
Type: Necklace
Class: Unique
Quantity: Custom
Element: Frost
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Frost Shift: The user may change the element of their item spells to Frost, regardless of the spell original element, the modifiers of the spells will also be changed accordingly. This requires the user to pay the base amount of mana for the item spells for the effect to apply. Therefore, any mana reduction that would normally apply to item spells cast by the user would no longer apply when the item spell element is shifted. This doesn't grant the user elemental synergy since it doesn't change the elemental alignment of the item.


Name: Millennium Eye
Type: Eye
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Power Scouter: When looking at a target, the user can see the amount of mana they posses and their exact distribution of attribute points. They cannot mention the number to others since it would make no sense to them, but the user can make perfect sense of the value they see.
  • Type Scouter: The user can see the type (Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary etc.) of a spell when looking at one, and also the elemental-type to which that spell belongs. The user can also see which type of mana a target possesses when looking at them (Fire, Water, Earth etc.).
  • Mana Seeker: The user can see mana with the Millennium Eye. Therefore, even if their vision is completely blurred or the target is invisible, they can still see the silhouettes of whoever that possesses mana. Depending on how much mana they possess, the silhouette appears brighter or dimmer.


Name: Ferion's Hawken Eye
Slot: Modification
Type: Eye
Class: -
Quantity: Limited
Element: -


  • The user can see perfectly clear up to 100 meters. This means that if someone is holding a note 60 meters away, the user can read it as long as the line of vision is not obstructed.
  • The user can see the trajectory of projectiles. The lines of projectiles (where they will land eventually) will appear as lines in their sight as they are moving. Should the user have enough time to react, they will always be able to determine where a projectile will land. This does not count for spells that can be moved around by the will of the user. Only static movements can be predicted where they will land. Imagine a baseball being thrown and you see a line in front of the baseball ending one meter next to your foot. Should you have enough time to react, you could still catch it cause you know where it will land. Or dodge it.


  • Name: Marked
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Marked spell on a target once they have viewed them in a topic. The user is capable of knowing the exact location of the target as long as they have been tagged by the Marked spell.

  • Name: Lock-On
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Lock-On spell on a target and Lock-On their projectiles while it is sustained. Each move (should it be projectiles, such as arrows) or spell (which serve as projectiles, such as bolts and blasts) will move towards the target up to its set range limit. A single arrow, fireball, or even worse. Once a targeted has been Locked-On, all projectiles of the user will chase them.


Fated Rematch [Konyo] Empty Tue May 31, 2022 12:17 pm

Lucretia thought that maybe since their last battle together that they had grown; that they had moved forward. That maybe just maybe she could actually break the armor that kon wore at the very least. Like her last time battling him her goal had been something a little less. But it was clear to her that there was still a gap; still room for the both of them to grow. A fact that was made staggeringly obious with his new reserves of abilities; only one of which seemed to make her bleed like it was nothing.

She had two mastiffs still grappled with her and honestly it was a bit harsh that they kept on her like this so readily. It was probably beyond painful to many others and lucretia found her own pain tolerance reaching it’s ending point from just the bites they had alone. She wasn’t going to be able to close the gap between her and kon anymore even if she wasn’t grappled by the dogs.

He attention was divided in many different ways, from the dogs, to the burning to… Well kon’s own strikes often would be enough to break many a person. Even boosted on her own it’d be enough to bring her to her knees. So to see Kon coming towards her without being able to really avoid it the woman at the very least felt like she had to return her own blow with her mostly uninjured offhand.

She’d look to meet his strike just about the same time that his landed on her chest; regardless if she actually hit him or not well. That wasn’t going to be really an issue. He was strong enough and she was worn out enough that the woman found herself tumbling backwards. Wind knocked out of her and that unconscious feeling nibbling at the back of her head again.

She’d lay there on the ground for a moment; but there was always that strange sensation of something burning from head to toe that didn’t let her go down easily. Grunting the woman slowly sat up with a groan; she felt at the very least that a few of her ribs had been broken or maybe at least compressed from his last strike.

And… here I thought I made a little bit of… headway. Hoh…

Kon had certainly winded her; she could feel that her aura had taken effect to pull her back up but… Honestly it felt to her that this was as good of a cut off as any.

When did you get the new… Hounds?

WC: 431
WCT: 2,652



Fated Rematch [Konyo] Empty Fri Jun 03, 2022 2:26 am


A Great force resonated upon Kon’s chest plate as he felt Lucretia’s last and final strike down upon Kon as the archer defeated them with the coordinated attacks from his summons and himself. Terror somewhat overcame Kon as he realized the sheer amount of damage that it had dealt with his otherwise incredibly durable armour. A clear and clean imprint of the great albino’s fist had been left upon the armour, obstructing his breathing, Kon shuffled out of his damaged equipment as the werewolf recovered from their temporary comatose. “Easy there, Lucretia you were out of it for a bit.” Kon suggested as he tried to wave them down back to the ground using his right hand.

That would be for nought as she ignored his advice and merely carried on as though they had just finished a long marathon. Lucretia seemed to be in good spirits in spite of things, Kon wanting to commend them and maintain their fighting resolve, the archer continued on. “You were making great strides, Luc, I can definitely see you being a stronger individual in the future, just give it some time, refine your skills and I’m sure you’ll be able to take on people who are even stronger than myself.”

Lucretia’s other comment, had somewhat confused him, as he looked at the bloodstained werewolf, dismissing the dogs which they spoke of. “They were here the entire time? perhaps in the middle of all this conflict, you had just missed them.” Sheathing his bow behind his back, Kon half-bowed at Lucretia and bid them his farewell satisfied with the progress, not just he had made with his bowmanship but Lucretia’s own growth. Needing to get to the south hearing rumours of things to come, Kon left his guild mate surrounded by their own blood. Trusting Lucretia to be able to look after themselves even in this state, Kon made his way to the closest locked door to teleport to the bitter Myras Town, cold in temperature and in hospitality.



Strength: 501 + 40 (The Singularity)
Adjusted Strength 541
  • 2x S-Rank

Speed: 320 + 60 (Asmaan Earrings) - 60 (The Singularity) - 60 (Urdurain)
Adjusted Speed: 260
  • 17.5 M/s Lunge
  • 35 m/s Run

Constitution: 256
  • 5x S-Rank Durability
  • 8 Post Running Duration
  • Dash four per post

Endurance: 256
  • 3x S-Rank Limb Durability
  • 40% Weapon Mastery WC Reduction

Intelligence: 1
  • 0% Mana Reduction
  • 0% Word Count Reduction

Mana: 2,070/8,850
Mana Used: 450
Spells Cast: Tal-Rasha's Traversal
Words: 2,507



Name: Rama's Bow
Slot: Weapon
Type: Bow
Class: Mythic
Quantity: Limited
Element: Fire
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Long Shot: The user receives a 10 meters range increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Speed Shot: The user receives a 10 m/s speed increase to the spells attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Big Shot: The user receives a size increase of 10 meters to the AoE spell attached to Rama's Bow.
  • Rama's Fiery Rage: Upon dealing damage with a spell from Rama's Bow, the target will suffer Fire-type damage over time for 2 more posts. The lingering additional damage is 1 rank lower than the rank of the spell. The effect does not stack should the target be hit multiple times, however, it will reset the duration of the damage over time. Should the target be hit by a spell ranked lower than the highest-ranked damage over time applied to a target, it will not decrease the damage. Rama's Fiery Rage is unaffected by additional damage through modifiers.


  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Arrow Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.

  • Name: Meteor Shower
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow up into the air. The arrow then curves and descends towards the user's target location. As the arrow descends, it changes into a meteor shower that rains down on an 8-meter diameter area.

  • Name: Meteor Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. As the arrow is released, it becomes a giant meteor with a width and height of 10 meters.

  • Name: Searing Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rama's Bow
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pull the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30-centimeter long mana arrow begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target. Searing Shot is incredibly hot. Thus, it deals damage to both the equipment of the target and the target themselves.


Name: Urdurain
Type: Off-Hand
Weight: Heavy
Class: Legendary
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Indestructible: The item is indestructible.


  • Speed: -60


Name: Lerzar's Dreadwatcher
Slot: Helm
Type: Medium Armor
Class: Mythic
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Limited
Quantity: Darkness
Durability: 3x S-Rank


  • Name: Shadow Mastiff
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200 per Shadow Mastiff
    Requirements: Lerzar's Dreadwatcher
    Type: Summoning
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 50 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Size: Shadow mastiffs are 2 meters in height and 3 meters in length.
    Strength: 150 (S-rank)
    Speed: 90 (12.5 m/s)
    Description: Shadow mastiffs are massive dogs of darkness and doom that stalk through the planes of the Abyssian realm. The sound of a pack of shadow mastiffs baying causes all but the bravest individuals to tremble. They prowl in the darkness and hunt in the night, hunting down any prey available. They hate light; if attacked by Light-type spells, they howl in fury.
    Effect: The user raises their hand to open portals behind them out of which the shadow mastiffs leap to their aid. Including yet not limited to, helping them during combat, using them to see locations and acquire information about a particular place, and spying on others. The user can summon up to 4 shadow mastiffs at once.
    Extra: Shadow mastiffs can see perfectly clear in the darkness. Furthermore, they can smell the location of targets within a range of 20 meters.
    Physiology: Shadow mastiffs have the body of a large dog, though their heads are more humanoid in shape but monstrous, with mouths full of vicious teeth. Their coat is smooth and all black, making them very hard to see in darkness.
    • Name: Shadow Mastiff's Howl
      Rank: A
      Mana Cost: 200
      Requirements: Shadow Mastiff
      Type: Supplementary/Debuff
      Range: 15 Meters
      Cooldown: 4 Posts
      Duration: Instant
      Effect: A shadow mastiff's bark is as bad as its bite. When a shadow mastiff howls with this spell, they send shivers down the spines of those around them within a radius of 15 meters. This causes the affected to suffer a debuff in their Strength and Speed while also being deafened for a duration of 2 posts. However, once someone has been affected by the howl once, they won't be able to get affected by it again a second time in the same topic.

    • Name: Shadow Mastiff's Prowl
      Rank: S
      Mana Cost: 500 per Shadow Mastiff
      Requirements: Shadow Mastiff
      Type: Supplementary
      Range: -
      Cooldown: 5 Posts
      Duration: Sustain
      Effect: Owing to their innate advantages, shadow mastiffs prefer to attack from places of darkness. By standing on their hind legs first and then pouncing on the ground, they can turn themselves completely invisible to hunt their targets. However, when shadow mastiffs manage to get attacked by a Light-type move while sustaining their invisibility, the spell is immediately canceled.


Name: The Singularity
Slot: Armor
Type: Heavy Armor
Class: Legendary
Weight: Heavy
Quantity: Custom
Quantity: Arcane
Durability: 3x S-Rank


Speed: -60


Strength: +40


  • Name: Gravitational Singularity
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 5% of the user's total mana cost
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user pulls the void into themselves causing them and their equipment to instantly reduce to a quarter of their original size.  They are fully capable of casting magic and physically attacking.

  • Name: Gravitational Flick
    Rank: S-Rank
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: The Singularity
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user may flick with their finger in any particular direction sending a projectile out that is 5 cm squared, upon striking a target they will be sent the total distance of the spell after spell range modifiers, dealing 1x S-Rank Magic Damage. This spell ignores terrain and will continue on until it hits a target or reaches the spell range limit


Name: Asmaan Earrings
Type: Earrings
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Unlimited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


Speed: +60


Name: Everfrost
Type: Necklace
Class: Unique
Quantity: Custom
Element: Frost
Durability: 1x S-Rank


  • Frost Shift: The user may change the element of their item spells to Frost, regardless of the spell original element, the modifiers of the spells will also be changed accordingly. This requires the user to pay the base amount of mana for the item spells for the effect to apply. Therefore, any mana reduction that would normally apply to item spells cast by the user would no longer apply when the item spell element is shifted. This doesn't grant the user elemental synergy since it doesn't change the elemental alignment of the item.


Name: Millennium Eye
Type: Eye
Class: Legendary
Quantity: Limited
Element: Arcane
Durability: Indestructible


  • Power Scouter: When looking at a target, the user can see the amount of mana they posses and their exact distribution of attribute points. They cannot mention the number to others since it would make no sense to them, but the user can make perfect sense of the value they see.
  • Type Scouter: The user can see the type (Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary etc.) of a spell when looking at one, and also the elemental-type to which that spell belongs. The user can also see which type of mana a target possesses when looking at them (Fire, Water, Earth etc.).
  • Mana Seeker: The user can see mana with the Millennium Eye. Therefore, even if their vision is completely blurred or the target is invisible, they can still see the silhouettes of whoever that possesses mana. Depending on how much mana they possess, the silhouette appears brighter or dimmer.


Name: Ferion's Hawken Eye
Slot: Modification
Type: Eye
Class: -
Quantity: Limited
Element: -


  • The user can see perfectly clear up to 100 meters. This means that if someone is holding a note 60 meters away, the user can read it as long as the line of vision is not obstructed.
  • The user can see the trajectory of projectiles. The lines of projectiles (where they will land eventually) will appear as lines in their sight as they are moving. Should the user have enough time to react, they will always be able to determine where a projectile will land. This does not count for spells that can be moved around by the will of the user. Only static movements can be predicted where they will land. Imagine a baseball being thrown and you see a line in front of the baseball ending one meter next to your foot. Should you have enough time to react, you could still catch it cause you know where it will land. Or dodge it.


  • Name: Marked
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Marked spell on a target once they have viewed them in a topic. The user is capable of knowing the exact location of the target as long as they have been tagged by the Marked spell.

  • Name: Lock-On
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Ferion's Hawken Eye
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 100 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can use the Lock-On spell on a target and Lock-On their projectiles while it is sustained. Each move (should it be projectiles, such as arrows) or spell (which serve as projectiles, such as bolts and blasts) will move towards the target up to its set range limit. A single arrow, fireball, or even worse. Once a targeted has been Locked-On, all projectiles of the user will chase them.


Fated Rematch [Konyo] Empty Fri Jun 03, 2022 3:21 am

Lucretia couldn’t help but let out a soft cough when told to take it easy; yeah that would be smarting for quite some time if she wasn’t careful. Maybe she should hit up a healer? Or maybe just take some bed rest. Kon would earn a small chuckle; which was quickly followed by her groaning as even that hurt for the moment.

Y-yeah. Second time landed on my ass by you; but at least this time it seems I got you out of the armor.

She’d rub at the back of her neck; the praise from kon made her smile warmly and she’d give a small nod. She appreciated the feedback but hearing that someday that she’d be able to fight people even stronger than Kon?

Well maybe by that time you’ll be even stronger than you are now and I’ll be able to fight you a third time.

The woman had meant in regards to the hounds being something new in general rather than when they got here. But she understood she probably was seeming a little loopy or out of it. She’d return the halfbow with one of her own and watched him leave; she’d look down at the blood that had been spilt. Flicking an ear before slowly hobbling towards the exit of the arena.

Gonna be sore in the morning…

Her hand scooped up the shaka zulu assegai as she went and she’d go ahead to use it to help her walk a little better. She definitely would be sore for more than just the next few days unless she got checked out.

...I can get stronger still. He knows it. I know it. Hopefully someday the world will be able to use that fact to stay safe…


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