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Culling fate

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Culling fate Empty Sun Mar 31, 2024 6:39 pm


" Aleksandr Agafonov," Hildegard Sachsenwald uttered before continuing in Icebergan tongue. It tied the two together and wouldn't be too far from the Boscosi language she spoke normally. " the blóð has been seen in the twelfth district of my city and I need it handled. She handed over a note to the Demoness sitting before her across the large mahogany desk. There were many piles of paperwork and half-drank mugs of coffee. It was clear that the official of Sachsenstadt was buried under her work, but that was the common fate of those who took on leadership responsibilities and power.

Lumikki grabbed the page, its words written with dark magic. It would read as follows:

Aleksandr Agafonov,
Rising threat levels. Head of a new coming band of criminals that are building up on their terrorist acts. Current objectives? Theory: expanding their territory and there for their influence to halt the new diversity. With new beings allowed to live in the city, friction between factions is growing. The dangers stem from the acts of violence and how unpredictable their methods have become.

His hideout is usually located in the fourteenth district on the alley of Naberezhnaya. What impeeds us on our operations is that we still cannot identify Agafonov as he acts through many individuals. We know of his presence in the Twelfth due to the common activity becoming prominent there. We think that is the new location he would like to expand on.


Culling fate Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Culling fate Empty Sun Mar 31, 2024 7:22 pm


Lumikki carefully read over the words, making sure to understand exactly what was asked of her and why. When she was done, she would pull the words off the page into her hovering palm, undoing the dark magic in the spell and effectively destroying the message. Accompanying her and sitting atop her shoulder was a raven companion she met within the country. He would nod his head in understanding of the task ahead. She would use his and all the other raven's presence to seek out the target. As they could observe the more intimate aspects of people's lives without going unnoticed.

" Simple enough," Lumikki finally answered back. Sachsenwald would proceed to spread out a pile of pictures for the Demon and her bird to observe. "I'm glad you think so because we need this done. "Your elbow is close, yet you can't bite it"," she referenced with bitter annoyance, a saying akin to so close but so far away. Lumi could read the weariness of her face and couldn't hold back a chuckle. " An unrelenting pursuit, it's no wonder ye can't find no rest." In truth, Agafonov has been a thorn in Sachsenwald's side for some time. She was hoping to finally move on from this annoying issue as there were many other matters to focus on. Of course, she never thought she would have to make a deal with a Demon to get it done. Something she would avoid altogether were it not for Lumikki's guild affiliation and reputation.


Culling fate Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Culling fate Empty Sun Mar 31, 2024 7:38 pm


With a circling of Lumikki's hand beside her a black portal opened. It gave way to a pocket space she used to store items and it would be here that the photos were tossed inside. They were tucked in a safe and far-away place so she could hold onto them without worries. After all, her ravens would need to be made privy to their targets for observations.

" Give time for me and the ravens to work but consider the job done. Once we learn the face of the man ye want, there is no place within this city he could find solace ever again...." Sachsenwald nodded in relief and turned back to her work. She wanted to show more attention to her guest but the woman was far too busy. " When the job is done, let me invite you to a drink. The matter of seeing my enemy fall is worthy of celebration." She managed and it would make Lumi chuckle once more. " I'd love that, I'll be holding ye to the promise so clear the day when me message arrives~"

As Lumi spoke, she would break into a flock of ravens. Each bird headed for the opened window on the left of her. It would be one at a time at first until she finished her sentence, and then the rest of her would break apart and fly out at once. Sachsenwald didn't know what to say or how to react, but she was happier to be the one to enlist the Demon's services first.


Culling fate Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Culling fate Empty Sun Mar 31, 2024 7:57 pm


It would take some time for Lumikki to set the hit. The difficulty would come in figuring out who was the man in question. The Demoness didn't mind killing all those involved but their deaths would not confirm the service finished. So she had to bide her time and remain careful.

First, it would be her ravens to get to work. Narrowing the places the men in the photos would usually be scene and following their routine. With enough days spent, they eventually separated the grunts from the ones in charge and redirected their focus there. All those who often spoke to the ones in question would also be added to the list to observe, shifting their prospects for a time, until most were crossed off the list. When it came time to dig deeper, Lumi would step in. Hiding in the form of a raven or a veil of darkness she stalked her prey. After two more weeks of tailing three men in particular, she would finally have it. Throughout the work, she would note down all information of importance to pass on to the official when she was done. It would consist of a log containing members and clients tied to the syndicate. All so Sachsenwald could sort it out later, but also so that Lumi could show how deep her hunting could go.

Finally, the day would come when Lumi would send a raven with her message. " It's time to clear the day." And on that night she would pursue Agafonov one last time deep within his lair.

Agafonov would be at the back of his hideout with man guards between him and the entrance. But that would hardly slow her strut as she made her way through the door, dawned in darkness.


Culling fate Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Culling fate Empty Sun Mar 31, 2024 8:20 pm


Every man Lumikki walked past would freeze in place. It would happen so fast that they had no time to react. Even those who witnessed their partners being encased in ice didn't know how to react nor which direction to run. All they could do was try to find a place to escape but they didn't know how.

But there was no place to escape....all the men here were remembered by her ravens. And in time, they would all be hunted down. Regardless Lumi finished them off herself, Sachsenwald would do it. Their time in Sachsenstadt had ended, and soon they would grow to know it.

Dozens of obsidian statues littered the grounds before Lumikki would come knocking on the door. The sound of an old and disgruntled man would voice his annoyance but Lumikki took it as confirmation to walk inside. He shot up from his desk in frustration from her entry but promptly locked into place without the Demoness' magic needed. " The time has come," she announced in Boscosi, she learned a bit of the language during her stay in the country. " For all this to end..." she uttered in her otherworldly voice akin to the sound of a howling tundra.

Knocking on the door could be heard by Sachsenwald who was reading over some paperwork. " Enter," was all she would voice as she skimmed the pages, and the official would be greeted by the sound of laughter from the other side. Lumi opened the door to the office and dropped a frozen head on the desk. With a reach into her portal, she'd drop a stack of notes and papers too. It would be all the writing done during her stay that polished her use of the language, paired with listening to people's conversations often and having her ravens translate them.

" Let us have that drink now," she would say in Boscosi. The already flustered Sachsenwald would appear even more surprised than before.

355_1414 +50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion.

Curtain Call

Culling fate Img_8011

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