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Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki)

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Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Empty Sun Dec 24, 2023 3:21 am

She decided that when she comes back from this island back to Magnolia that she would talk to Kaito and how she intends to go and journey to the west. She knew 2 of her friends were there and she wanted to find them. Astera and Oak were her destinations. And now she was just preparing and planning, what to take for the trip. How long would she stay there, would she live there? Would she still remain in Fairy Tail or was this it for her. She didnt know and felt a bit solemn about it. Kaito was a good guy, but was she wrong to idolize him? Should she not trust him much like how Ryuuji said.

She sighed and wished she knew. She decided to go out for a walk and take a breather, try to chill and relax and let those lonely and haunting thoughts go away


Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Empty Tue Jan 02, 2024 9:18 pm


The Demoness would reside under the shade of massive foliage just off the shore. Her appearance was that of a human, though still not quite normal. Periwinkle locks would fall over her sapphire blue and jasper eyes. Her hands appeared stained with ink, but unlike before when the black was unbroken, it was looking like her stain was becoming more refine to appear like tattoos. She wore a black two piece swimsuit, while living shadow would coil around her legs ever shifting. Today was a more tolerable day, now that the weather was settled in the fall season, it would be cooler than most days. Still it vexed her that it was yet to reach any colder temperatures until the night, she made do as besides the heat, she enjoyed her visits here.

In Lumikki’s hands was vanilla ice cream. She was eating it for a bit of time while she watched the water hug the sand. Lost in her thoughts, she was memorized by the ocean. A power she fondly respected as it felt adjacent to her own. But the boundless nature of the sea was reminiscent to the limitless and vast abyss. The churning waves made her wonder if she was reborn by any other means. Curious of the creatures of the deep, she would pull up stories in her mind of tales when worries would battle the beasts of the depths. Sure she fought her share of sea monsters now, and it became easy. She could not help but wonder of the terrors the resided deeper beneath the surface. Of the beasts the brave it all and had the years to simmer their power to a perfect blend of absurdity and horrid.

Her ice cream, never in danger of melting as she fixated on these thoughts, would hold still until she wanted to refresh the taste in her mouth. Many ravens, a flock to accompany her whether through curiosity or camaraderie, would sit perched among the branches of the trees. Enjoying the small breezes and the chill granted to them from their Demoness.

Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Img_8011

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Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Empty Thu Jan 04, 2024 5:06 am

As she walked, she saw quite the sight. Birds, crows, flocking to this person eating ice cream. Brrr, it was too cold for ice cream. It made her shudder. Though it just so happened that the bird person was on her way during her walk. As in like the bird woman was in her path. She would slowly pass by and walk
"Excuse me, coming thru" talking to a few of the birds that were on the ground as if they were pidgeons. But they werent pidgeons. They were horror birds. Anywho, she didnt wanna step on a birb, so she walked slowly, hoping to get by. The cold was unbearable to her, it was as if she was going towards the epicenter of north pole. Like she had the instict to sneeze how cold it was. Perhaps she should turn back instead. She didnt want to freeze to death


Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Empty Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:43 am


So lost in her thoughts, she did not notice the approaching girl. It wasn’t until she began to ask for passive did Lumi break from her daze. Her ice scream only half eaten by then.

The Demoness looked over, observing as the girl tip-toeing among her birds. An act she figured, to not disturb or hurt them.” Silly birds, move for the moment. No need to tease the lass by staying in place.” Lumi’s command was promptly heeded as they began to take off almost all at once. Her gaze trailing from the ground, now onto the girl. It was faint, but she could she the visitor shivering. And with a sigh, she tried to pull her frigid magic back, at least for a moment so that Lumi did not freeze the one in passing.

Lumi herself would move out the way, stepping closer to the shore as she welcomed the daze to return. She did not apologize for her cold or birds, but she was sure to pull them back for the moment.

” Ye don’t look like one of the locals.” She voiced in a way that sounded like she wasn’t entirely there. With just a glance, that would easily be obvious, but her eyes would help her ascertain as to where the girl comes from as well, or at least the gist of where a member of Fairytail would most like originate. But Lumi would not think much of it. Meeting members of elsewhere was becoming a norm as of late.” May ye have safe travels stranger.”

Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Img_8011

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Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Empty Sat Jan 13, 2024 2:11 am

The birds quickly scattered, she meanwhile covered her face so she wouldnt get a wing or feather in her eye or face. Suddenly as the birds dispersed and she relaxed her hands, she would start to feel it getting warmer, almost as if the cold was going away.

She would notice the person also move away and comment how she doesnt look like a local "Uhm yea Im from Magnolia" she didnt know what to say really as the girl didnt seem all that interested in a conversation. So she didnt want to impose on someone elses private time with their birds. The girls just wished her safe travels and Sally replied with a "Thanks" was it that obvious she was planning to travel considering she was just going on a walk now? Maybe it was a sign that she should go for real. Yeah when she gets back she will talk to Kaito about it and journey elsewhere


Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Empty Mon Jan 15, 2024 7:36 pm


Lumi would snap back and look at the lass just before she complexly passed by. ” Oy, I almost forget entirely. Do ye know of the Fairymother or the one called Kaito. Haven’t seen them since they’ve visited the North, and sadly I haven’t visited the rest of Fiore yet to meet with ‘em. Ugh maybe I’m no better than Uncle always staying within the guildhalls…” Lumikki look annoyed at her revelation, but it would be something she had to work over later.

And as she was finally getting over her distant thoughts, she would finally lay proper eyes on the girl. Seeing all there was to see.” Yer pink hair reminds me of someone else I know, someone else whose chipper to be alive. Hmmm Magnolia….east…much to think on yeeeees.”

” Much to think on indeed Revna. Feeling liked a cage bird?” One of her ravens would come to sit on her shoulders, chiming in on his master’s encounter. ” Sadly, I think that is the reason for me foul mood as of late….”

Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Img_8011

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Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Empty Tue Jan 23, 2024 1:35 am

"Yeah, I know Kaito. Sadly the Fairymother has been away for quite a while. I joined the guild during her absence, so I havent really met her myself sadly." Sally looked at Lumikki curiously as the demoness would comment that she's no better than her uncle for not leaving the guild hall "North... north. Paradise Dawn, right?" she wasnt sure about other guilds much since she hasnt looked into them

"You know another pink hair person?" coincidentally it would be a guild mate she has yet to meet. Indeed Sally has been quite unlucky in her interactions. All the cool people were away. And those that werent just didnt give a shit to interact with her. It was depressing hence why she wanted to leave instead of hunkering down to finally meet the fairymother

While Sally couldnt understand the raven, she did understand Lumikki "What happened?" was she not the only one


Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Empty Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:18 am


Lumi pouted at the girl as she reponded, her tone of voice like one of defeat.” He’s being cheeky with me lass. A joke at me expense.” And with a deep sigh she pulled back and sorted her thoughts. Reading the air before she strung the words to answer the prevous question.

” Ah yes, the Paradise Dawn of the North. Hardly any variation that direction, is there. But nothing to worry about if ye ever choose to make yer way up see. The Angel pretty much protects the land up there all fine. As for me Uncle, he hankers himself to the guild to do the same for our buildings.”

Lumi approuched Sally so that their conversation may not be so strained by the needless distance, but as she got closer, she would only have to look more upward.

” Some member of the Knights has pink hair from what I remember. Not a common color but it’s more pleasing for it. Honestly I think the hue has its charm.” She bobbed her head a bit as she spoke, a little more animated now that she was entirely out of her thoughts. ” The ocean has a way of lulling ye to a sleep, but its too comforting not to indulge. Where are ye heade—-Oy! Where’s me manners. Lumikki of the Dawn. Just to be more clear.”

Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Img_8011

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Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Empty Wed Feb 21, 2024 7:44 am

"He did? What happened?" she was curious of her and Kaito's interaction. Sally was a noob when it came to guild relations and such, so she was curious how things went.

Now at the mention of a north guild, Sally guessed the one up there was Paradise Dawn. Sally considered asking something about the guild, but all she could say "Angel? I never heard of an Angel being on earthland" Nephilims and Seraphims, she never had an interaction with one those and she didnt know what to imagine.

She didnt know any member of the Knights, but it was interesting that someone had pink hair, granted she did dye hers. So hers wasnt natural. Later she spoke how the ocean had a calming feeling and had a way to lul one in sleep. And then a question, where did she head and of course the fashionably late introduction
"Oh nice to meet you. Im Sally of Fairy Tail. As for where Im headed. I guess I wanated to go see my friend who's in Oak" the place that had the Phantom Lord guild


Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Empty Wed Feb 28, 2024 6:44 pm


" Kaito? Nothing profound. He met me mostly relatively early in me guild career. A mage of here and there magic, a good friend to me Uncle." Lumi spoke in a very mater-of-face tone but her eyes were wide from the surprise of Sally's curiosity. But seeing how early the girl was on her journey would push those thoughts away quickly.

" Would ye say ya care for Angels? Would ye fear 'em? Personally, from me experience I've found they are hardly different from Demons. The only difference is they operate on different contracts and their methods are used to destroy all around them. But there caaaan be exceptions, just don't count on 'em." She was looking back to the ocean now, her stare almost far away.

" Hmmm Oak ye say. Haven't been there but I could say yer far away. Would ye need a ride back to the mainland?" She walked towards the sand hugging the sea, beckoning the girl to follow her. " Are ye in a rush? Care to join me for a bit? From the members I've met from Fairytail, ye seem like wholesome people. Though, Kaito is a wee bit odd. Humor me, what makes ye want to live this life?"

Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Img_8011

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Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Empty Sat Mar 02, 2024 4:23 am

"Ah I see" so Kaito was close friends of people of Paradise Dawn? That sounds neat. She wondered if there was a story to it or was it just nothing special at all. She didnt wanna dig too much as it was Kaito's life and it wasnt her right to poke around behind his back.

Now onto the topic of Angels, Lumikki askd if she would care or fear them? From her own experience she finds them no different than Demons "Really? I never would've guessed them that way" angels being compared to demons, was that a good thing or a bad thing. She couldnt tell by the tone and the expression

Upon the topic of travel, Lumikki says she has never been there, but offered her a ride to the mainland "I mean, if its on your way and if you're traveling now. I wouldnt want to ruin whatever it is you're doing " if she was on a trip, she didnt want to end it prematurely for Lumikki. She followed the demoness who asked her if she was in a rush "Im not in a rush"

Then Lumikki asked her a rather existential question, what makes her wanna live this life "I dont know. I guess this is better than what I had, but Im still looking forward to improving my situation. I was hoping my friend can help me"


Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Empty Wed Mar 13, 2024 8:24 am


” There is a lot of spark in starting something. But ye hardly need to hear it from me.” Lumi walked over to the shore, crossing into the water. The small waves would hit her shins, slowing her stride for only a moment but she pushed on until she was waist deep.

” Are yer things in order? We can get them and be gone. I am in the mood for some place colder anyway…” Lumikki said looking over to the girl. She paused for a moment as she stared out into the water before pulling her fingers to her lips and letting out a loud whistle. It reverberated in the air, hanging for a moment before being gone. And after a few minutes waiting her companion would finally arrive. His head would poke out before the rest of him would be revealed. A large serpent emerging in the distance, getting as close to the shallow as he could.

” Let’s go Asger, dear. I’ve gotten bored of the island. We got a new friend to bring back too.” The Demoness gestured to Sally.

Asger rose from the water in a coil, as he slowly made his way back up into the air. Lumi would reveal her wings as well as she went up to join him. ” Get yer things and when ye return, we can be off.” She uttered on her way up. When she renunited with Asger, the Demoness would shower him with affections.

Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Img_8011

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Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Empty Wed Mar 13, 2024 9:34 am

"Yeah, I packed lightly. I can get it in a sec" Sally told her when the demoness questioned if her stuff was ready. She mostly had bare essentials as she had no plans to stay on Luluhawa long term. Lumikki also called forth an animal companion, telling them they had a new company to take care of. Obviously talking about her. Speaking of her, Lumikki turned to her to go and get her stuff. Sally nodded and rushed off

She quickly ran to the nearby place she rented and snatched her backpack. She had some cash on her and paid for the room and services and quickly ran back to Lumikki. She thought she would have to go solo. But fortunaly, she found someone who was willing to give her a ride for free. Granted Sally could at least give them something as a token of appreciation. Anyway
"Im back!" she would say upon her arrival


Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Empty Thu Mar 14, 2024 8:46 am


” Ye took no time lass!” Lumi bellowed from above. Asger was now lowering on her command to allow the girl passage. His tail coiling around toward his head to give her an easier way to prop herself up to his back.

” Nooooow…” Lumikki would begin to think over. She circled the air just beside her while a black void was ripping open. Revealing a small portal that she held some of her things inside, including the map she was looking for.

Lumi was quite familiar with the trip back to Fiore at this point, as Asger was as well. But she wanted to prepare the location for Sally before they took off as the air would make a map harder to read and shuffling out in the air wouldn’t make everyone comfortable.

When Lumi got the gist of the spot they were going, she would think it over. Asger was raising high within the sky now and Lumi’s magic in the form of tendrils would hold Sally and her things in place.

” The trip shouldn’t take long lass.”

Curtain Call

Preparation for a Journey (Lumikki) Img_8011

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