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TSC: You're Not Alone [Lore]

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TSC: You're Not Alone [Lore] Empty Thu Nov 23, 2023 3:19 pm


Name: You're Not Alone

Difficulty: Moderate

Participants: Shinigami Convocation

Story: With the war being over, the Joya everyone knew and loved being now in ruins, the Shogun and her Faction are up to the task of creating a new Joya that is away from the sorrow, pain, and past that brought a lot of death and discord. Mishiko, her faction, Joyan's Ambassador have come together with the Joyan people to build a new whole nation, but also celebrate at the end to give the people good spirits. She believes that it is her job and her choice to finally give the Joyan people what they deserve and need. A life, new hope, and hopefully someday help them recover fully from what happened and what they experienced.


  • The Shinigami Convocation will meet up with Mishiko as she will explain the plans and have her members build up the structures such as the roads, bridges, base buildings, and more as their new Nation is on mountain side along with the bed streams of the ocean and sea. While in the middle of the building, enemies will be found and must be terminated to make it safe for the Citizens to come in.

  • Everyone will do what they are best at, such as creating the nature aspect of the Capitol, creating the furniture and then organizing them, choosing which building business will be for what as Mishiko wishes to create a paradise for the Joyan people and businesses to thrive.

  • After all the homes are created, The Faction will help the Joyan people find their fitting homes depending on certain factors such as businesses, personal homes, and so forth. Everyone will then help the Joyan people get comfortable and carry their belongings to their place. This can also consist of decorating their house, gardening, making up an NPC's hobby and making them a room of that, and anything else they can do to make the Joyan people feel listened to, welcomed, and supported.

  • There will be a mini festival to celebrate the new nation that was built by those who participated in it. It will have games, stories being told and entertainment.

  • The Shinigami Convocation will plan their next target, building their facility, and what to expect.

Name: Borderline Rocky Situation

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Shinigami Convocation, Invited Guest(s)

Summary: The faction is getting together to get ready to build the new nation of the country. Once everyone is together they will finally make new homes and a new whole area including manipulating the earth's structure and that is a symbol of new beginnings.

Others: N/A

  • Late Shogun Ayame's Executioner - The punisher of Ayame's enemies and prisoners, loyal to default to Ayame even while dead.
  • Late Shogun Ayame's Cultists - The Cultists that ran away, but were a part of the group that ordered the deaths and enslavements of the Joyan People.

  • Meet up with the members of the Shinigami Convocation and those who wish to participate.
  • Make the teams and give the list and plans of what needs to be done.
  • Enemies will show up or be found during the construction and reshaping of the Country and Nation. Terminate them as they are a danger to the Citizens.

Name: Mixed Specialties

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Shinigami Convocation, Invited Guest(s)

Summary: Now that the construction of the structure of the Earth and mountains, sea and nature, it is finally time to create and form the housings of the Joyan people. Roofs, creating the furniture and then organizing them, choosing which building business will be for what.

Others: Citizens, Ambassador Ryūjin

Enemies: -

  • Look at the list of businesses that is written by Mishiko and pick a business to 'decorate' and then help many of the locations that will be homes.
  • Create furniture, decorate, and organize the homes as well as locations.

Name: Free Bird

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Shinigami Convocation, Invited Guest(s)

Summary: Now that the buildings and everything have been built, the people need help finding their new homes. The Convocation and their helping guests shall help with customizing the Joyan people's houses in whichever way they are best at.

Others: Citizens, Ambassador Ryūjin

Enemies: N/A

  • Help people find their names on their forms and to their new homes and business locations.
  • Help the Joyan people get comfortable and carry their belongings to their place. This can also consist of gardening, taking up an NPC's hobby and making them a room of that, and anything else they can do to make the Joyan people feel listened to, welcomed, and supported.

Name: Good Spirits

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Shinigami Convocation, Invited Guest(s)

Summary: Everything was finally built! It's time to relax, celebrate, and speak to the Joyan people as they will thank the Faction and those who did participate. There will be drinking, enjoying their gifts of food and other things. Music and dancing will be there for entertainment.

Others: Citizens, Ambassador Ryūjin

Enemies: -

  • Everyone has options as to how they celebrate.
  • Eating Contest, games to win prizes, amusement park,
  • Enjoy the dancing and music festivities as the sacred dance shall send the dead and spirits away.

Name: Elpis

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Shinigami Convocation

Summary: Now that the new Nation was built with the help of the people and Convocation, it was finally time to talk about building the Faction as a whole as she had just the spot to make the faction facility.

Others: N/A

Enemies: N/A

  • Explain to the Faction members where the Facility is located.
  • Talk about what to expect when we get there to build it up and the ways to get there.
  • Answer any questions that the Faction has.

Reward: Regular rewards + Unique or Legendary Custom [0 Resell value]
Invited Guests: Regular Rewards


TSC: You're Not Alone [Lore] Empty Tue Nov 28, 2023 8:35 pm

This storyline is approved to start.


TSC: You're Not Alone [Lore] Empty Thu Dec 21, 2023 2:49 am

Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t66966-borderline-rocky-situation-tsc-iza#600825
  • 300,000 Jewels (20% SL)
  • 18,000 EXP (20% ring, 20% necklace, 20% relic, 20% SL)
  • 400 Fame/Rep
  • 2 Str, 4 Speed, 5 Con. Stat Point Distribution (50% SL)

@Iza Bicdic

  • 300,000 Jewels (20% SL)
  • 18,000 EXP (20% ring, 20% necklace, 20% relic, 20% SL)
  • 400 Fame/Rep
  • 11 INT (50% SL)


TSC: You're Not Alone [Lore] Empty Thu Dec 21, 2023 3:22 pm

Borderline Rocky Situation has been completed and the rewards have been distrubted.


TSC: You're Not Alone [Lore] Empty Wed Jan 03, 2024 7:01 pm

Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t67017-mixed-specialties-tsc-iza
  • 300,000 Jewels (20% SL)
  • 18,000 EXP (20% ring, 20% necklace, 20% relic, 20% SL)
  • 400 Fame/Rep
  • 3 con, 8 end Stat Point Distribution (50% SL)

@Iza Bicdic

  • 300,000 Jewels (20% SL)
  • 18,000 EXP (20% ring, 20% necklace, 20% relic, 20% SL)
  • 400 Fame/Rep
  • 11 INT (50% SL)


TSC: You're Not Alone [Lore] Empty Wed Jan 03, 2024 11:49 pm

Mixed Specialties Situation has been completed and the rewards have been distrubted.

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