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IN YOUR HEART SHALL BURN [SL Quest ft. Zerutod] Empty Thu Oct 26, 2023 3:44 pm


IN YOUR HEART SHALL BURN [SL Quest ft. Zerutod] Animef10

what dwells beneath the forest
Storyline Quest: In Your Heart Shall Burn ft. Zerutod

As the sun traced its steady arc across Chishi's skies, the bright blue of morning slowly yielded to the encroaching dusk. Shadows lengthened and the forest grew hushed, creatures settling in for the night. The day's light faded gradually, each hour bringing subtle changes - softening angles, deepening colors, drawing day imperceptibly toward darkness. Finally the sun slipped below the horizon, brushing the clouds with fiery orange and pink before surrendering the sky to twilight's purple hues. Night descended on the slumbering forest, peaceful under its blanket of stars.

The evening air was still as Tōga and Zerutod made their way through the forest, miles from the Rune Knights' shoreline home. Their strategic meeting earlier that day had been fruitful, filled with passionate debate and creative thinking. As the many voices merged into one, a strategy emerged - rather than one decisive blow, they would employ a thousand small cuts across the land. The plan crystallized: dispatch stealthy pairs fanning out to systematically weaken the Shogun's strongholds. Like a creeping vine choking out a mighty oak, they would erode the regime's grip - strike by precision strike. The two men walked in satisfied silence, invigorated by the path ahead. In the quiet woods, their footfalls sounded the coming tide of change.

Though risky, the new strategy offered a sliver of hope against the Shogun's overwhelming might. By dispersing their forces into small, covert units, the Rune Knights could minimize losses and maximize impact. Striking surgical blows against carefully selected targets, they would chip away at the regime's foundations. Still, success hinged on every pair executing their role flawlessly. Failure by even one unit could compromise the rest.

The gravity of their task weighed heavily on Tōga as he and Zerutod made their way through the silent forest. Though normally cheerful, tonight his mood was solemn. He knew lives depended on their success. But Zerutod's bold vision, articulated so passionately earlier that day, renewed Tōga's spirit. The blind mage had brought the gathering of Rune Knights together, binding them in common cause. His words lingered, kindling the fire in Tōga's heart. Together they would see this through, two warriors united in purpose. On this moonless night, resolve hardened into courage against long odds.

The moonless night cloaked Tōga and Zerutod as they crept through the ancient Chishi forest. Their target lay ahead - a mining expedition dispatched by the Shogun to plunder rumored crystal coves deep in the woods. The mystical treasures supposedly hidden here had captured the regime's avarice. And where their greed went, oppression followed.

Clad in dark garb, Tōga moved through the forest like a shadow, only the pink shock of his spiky hair standing out against the emerald foliage. As he and Zerutod crept closer to their target, Tōga turned and whispered, "What are your thoughts on the task before us?"

wc: 490/2500


IN YOUR HEART SHALL BURN [SL Quest ft. Zerutod] Empty Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:14 pm

The setting sun cast a warm golden hue over the vast, sprawling plains of Chishi. Zerutod and Tōga made their way toward the war zone, their minds filled with thoughts of the strategic meeting that had taken place earlier that day. Zerutod, with his messy silver hair and striking lavender eyes, had always been a man of deep contemplation. As they ventured further into the unknown, Tōga broke the silence. Zerutod's brows furrowed as he pondered Tōga's question, his mind swimming with countless variables and potential outcomes. But before he could respond, something peculiar disrupted his thoughts. A fleeting sensation passed through Zerutod's zone of Electroreception, a sixth sense that allowed him to feel the presence of objects around him. His instinct for detail kicked in as he tried to dissect the meaning behind it. Suddenly, another presence rushed past in a blur, this time on the opposite side of his Electroreception field. Zerutod could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, a sign that danger was lurking nearby. Zerutod's analytical mind worked quickly, piecing together the puzzle before him. He couldn't allow his companion to know that his focus was momentarily diverted, so he continued his answer with a nod. "I believe we must tread carefully, Tōga. The stakes are high, and the outcome will shape the future of Joya. "  As they continued their journey toward the war zone, the surroundings grew darker and more foreboding.

Thick mist began to rise from the ground, creeping up their legs like tendrils of ice. The air felt heavy, charged with an unseen energy that made Zerutod's skin prickle. The hairs on his arms stood on end, as though the very air crackled with anticipation. Zerutod's acute sense of perception heightened, searching for any signs of danger lurking in the shadows. He could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins, energizing his every sense. Suddenly, the mist cleared, and two figures emerged from the shadows. Cloaked in black, their faces hidden beneath bamboo sun hats, they exuded an air of danger. Zerutod's mind raced, searching for answers in the encrypted language of their demeanor. These were not ordinary travelers. There was something more to them. Zerutod's acute perception spurred him into action, his body poised to react at a moment's notice. Yet, he maintained his calm façade, the hapless demeanor that allowed others to underestimate him. He turned to Tōga, his voice laced with false hesitance. "My dear companion, we may have stumbled into a trap of some sort." Zerutod's mind swirled with possibilities, his thoughts a tapestry of strategies and scenarios. He leaned closer to Tōga, his voice a mere whisper. "I cannot say for certain, my friend, but these two don't seem to be normal footsoldiers."  The figures drew closer, their footsteps almost inaudible against the dampened grass. Zerutod's Electroreception heightened, sensing the shifting currents of the environment. He could almost taste the anticipation, the impending clash of forces. Zerutod's silver hair danced in the breeze, his blind eyes scanning their surroundings. His gaze rested on ancient ruins, crumbling structures that had borne witness to countless battles. The scars of war adorned the land, a reminder of the bloodshed and sacrifice that had taken place here.

The first figure spoke, their voice a low murmur carried by the wind. "Only two? It seems the info we pulled from the last one wasn't as useful as we had hoped brother." The second figure chuckled, a sound that sent chills down Zerutod's spine. "shi-shi-shi, Oh well the Pink one looks like a bit of fun at least." A sickening smile could be seen crawling across his face as he laughed again. Zerutod's fingers tightened around the hilt of his katana, his resolve solidifying. He turned to Tōga, determination shining in his pale lavender eyes. "Seems these two are deadset on making themselves nuisances." The 1st figure tilted his head in confusion "#cc0066 You two seem to both be of Joya descent yet you stand with the forces that oppose our Shogun's great will?" Zerutod's lips twisted upwards in a wry smile. "Appearances can be deceiving, my friend. Our true loyalty lies not with any one side, but with the pursuit of knowledge and progression. Sometimes, that means choosing a different path." The two figures slowly closed the distance, their footsteps muffled by the grass. The air shimmered with tension. Zerutod's other side, the one he tried to hide behind his hapless facade, simmered just beneath the surface—a deadly, violent, and bloodthirsty nature. These adversaries would soon learn the truth about him. With a flick of his wrist, Zerutod unsheathed his katana, the blade glinting in the dim light. His fingers tingled with anticipation. And so, in the shadow of the war zone, with the mist swirling around them, Zerutod and Tōga prepared for a confrontation that would test their skills, their resolve, and the very depths of their being. Little did they know, that this encounter would be a catalyst for a series of events that would shape their futures and the fate of Chishi itself. The scent of battle hung in the air, and with their blades held high, they stepped forward, ready to face whatever came their way.


Last edited by Zerutod on Sun Oct 29, 2023 2:36 pm; edited 1 time in total


IN YOUR HEART SHALL BURN [SL Quest ft. Zerutod] Empty Sat Oct 28, 2023 5:16 pm


An unsettling silence permeated the forests of Chishi, too quiet for a land occupied by the mighty Shogunate and his formidable forces. Rumored to number in the tens of thousands, his army should have met any trespassers with swift resistance. Yet as two skilled Rune Knights trekked stealthily into the woods, they encountered no enemies, no patrols - nothing but the hushed whispers of the trees. For an hour they moved deeper into the shadows, senses heightened, muscles tense. Approaching one of the Shogunate's most guarded bases normally invited clashing steel and spilling blood. But somehow their presence went unnoticed.

The knights were experts in their craft, capable of discerning any hidden dangers on their mission. The Shogunate's forces operated in small, roving bands, able to quickly confront threats from all sides. Such tactics should have made their approach fraught with peril. And yet...nothing. Just the wind sighing through the branches. The unnatural emptiness set the knights on edge. Their path seemed almost too easy thus far, as if the forest held its breath, waiting to unleash unseen horrors upon them. They pressed onward warily through the eerie calm, focused intently on their goal. But the looming quiet was more unsettling with every step, hinting at a gathering storm soon to be unleashed.

Zerutod's unease mirrored Tōga's own mounting apprehension. Long before Tōga voiced his thoughts, the dragon slayer had given voice to the ominous dread that permeated these silent woods. "I agree. We're venturing into perilous territory. I suspect we won't remain alone for long," Tōga murmured, his hushed words meant for Zerutod’s ears alone. Though no enemies revealed themselves now, both knights felt the looming threat encroaching with every step. Soon they would clash with the shogun's forces; it was inevitable. When that time came, they must prevail, for the sake of their vital mission.

Side by side they pressed on through the forest, muscles tensed and senses primed for any sign of the coming conflict. The shogun's soldiers lurked out there somewhere amidst the trees and shadows. Though the woods appeared empty, danger edged closer with each passing moment. The two knights steeled themselves, resolute despite the unease weighing upon their shoulders. Win or lose, their path led inexorably towards a reckoning with their foe. For now, they remained wary and watchful, trusting their instincts while mentally preparing themselves for the trials ahead. Neither man was a stranger to battles or bloodshed. But the unnatural hush enshrouding these woods signaled that something far greater lay in wait for them, brooding just out of sight.

Beneath a moonless sky, Tōga and his companion crept through the darkened forest, their footsteps muffled by the carpet of fallen leaves. An uneasy stillness hung in the air, broken only by the occasional snap of a twig or rustle of brush. Though they appeared to be alone, Tōga could not shake the prickling sense of unseen eyes tracking their every move. The shadows seemed to press closer with each passing moment, concealing nameless threats that lurked just out of sight. Tōga strained his senses, alert for any sign of ambush. But the night revealed nothing, content to keep its secrets. The companions proceeded warily, speaking only in hushed tones, their unease growing with each step into the trackless wilds. Though the forest seemed empty, Tōga knew better than to trust appearances. Out here, danger wore many guises.

The mist rolled in suddenly, billowing across the moonlit meadow in twisting tendrils. Tōga and Zerutod exchanged a knowing glance as the vaporous shroud enveloped them, masking the surrounding forest in opaque whiteness. This was no ordinary fog - it reeked of magic and subterfuge. Tōga's earlier unease now crystallized into certainty. The Shogunate was here, hidden in the supernatural mist. He and Zerutod wordlessly drew their weapons, senses straining for any sign of attack. The mist muffled sound and obscured sight, rendering the meadow a blind battlefield. Still they waited, muscles tensed, ready to strike.

Moments crawled by in tense silence. Then, a whisper of movement to their left. Tōga whirled, blade slicing through the mist. Steel rang against steel as shadowy figures emerged from the fog. The shambling forms of the undead lurched towards them, the necromantic magic of the Shogunate given form. Tōga allowed himself a fierce grin. Finally, the endless waiting and wary travel was over. As the first of the undead monstrosities shambling out of the darkness reached them, the true battle began.

The scent reached Tōga first - earthy and unfamiliar, filtering through the mist. He tensed, hand tightening on his sword hilt as the shadows in the tree line shifted. Two figures emerged, murky silhouettes that gradually took form in the dim light. Masked and armored, equipped for secrecy and combat.

"Assassins," Tōga muttered. Zerutod gave a grim nod of agreement.

The stalking duo approached with purpose, weapons glinting. As they neared, Tōga noted the insignia emblazoned on their armor - the coiled serpent, symbol of the Shogun. Zerutod had been right. Tōga's muscles coiled, ready to strike. But he held back, watching their foes draw closer. Patience may grant insight that reckless reaction lacked.

"There's two of them, and two of us," Tōga declared with a smile, bluntly stating the obvious as he eyed the black-cloaked pair before them. "The odds are in our favor," the Dragon Slayer continued confidently. It wasn't that he viewed these opponents as weak - no, potent power radiated from them like water breaching a overflowing dam, and though their smug tones hinted at arrogance, Tōga sensed it stemmed from true strength, not baseless pride. Still, he remained unintimidated. Ever ready for combat, Tōga relished testing his skills against worthy challengers. Beyond professional diligence, he found thrill in the clash of steel against steel. So with fiery-eyed eagerness, he turned to face these ominous foes, unperturbed by their palpable capacity for death and havoc. The odds were even, but Tōga's spirit for battle tipped the scales in his favor.

The masked assassins approached with measured steps, their ominous forms darkening as the distance between them closed. Zerutod reached for his weapon in caution, but within Tōga a flame of eager excitement ignited. His gaze fixed upon the shrouded pair with burning intensity, viewing them not as threats, but as conquests to claim in pursuit of his goal. For just beyond these living barricades lay the glistening crystal coves, tantalizingly close yet frustratingly obstructed. To reach the glittering caverns, the slayers ahead must fall. No other outcome could unfold if they hoped to continue onward. So as the assassins neared with menacing intent, Tōga's hand tightened around his conviction in readiness. In his blazing stare shone the absolute certainty that defeat was impossible - the coves called to him from across the bloodstained threshhold, and he would answer their call. The assassins may prove challenging foes, but they could not withstand Tōga's fiery resolve to clear his destined path.

"Let's go!" Tōga roared, wasting not a moment more. With focused intensity, he hurtled toward the assassins blocking their advance, his motions swift yet absent of carelessness. Opting to divide the opponents, Tōga honed in on the leftward slayer, granting the rightmost foe to Zerutod. Now the stage was set, the enemies chosen, as the opening tides of combat stirred. What destiny would this clash reveal? What fate chosen by the slash of steel? Tōga's eyes blazed with fiery purpose as he flew onward. The outcome was uncertain, but his resolve absolute - these obstructing assassins would fall before his blade. Onwards to victory and the glittering coves beyond! The battle was joined, and Tōga would see it won, clearing by force the path that called him forward. No other result could satisfy the warrior's burning drive. The waves of war swelled in anticipation, soon to crash with decisive closure.

wc: 1306 [1796/2750]


IN YOUR HEART SHALL BURN [SL Quest ft. Zerutod] Empty Tue Oct 31, 2023 10:48 pm

As the first figure's words trailed off, shadows coiled around their arm, forming a wickedly sharp blade. Zerutod could sense the darkness emanating from it, a formidable weapon in the wrong hands The cloaked figure rushed forward, their shadow blade gleaming ominously in the low light. Zerutod's reflexes kicked in, an instinct honed through countless hours of training Zerutod parries the blade but is sent flying backward from the force of the blow. leaving Tōga with the second figure.  Zerutod staggered backward, feeling the impact of the figure's blow reverberate through his body. He regained his footing, a mixture of determination and pain etched on his face. "Impressive," he muttered, wiping a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth. "But you'll have to do better than that." The figure grinned, their eyes glinting with sadistic delight. "Oh, don't you worry? I have plenty more tricks up my sleeves." With a swift movement, they disappeared into thin air, leaving Zerutod momentarily disoriented. Zerutod relied on his other senses, honed by years of living in darkness, to track his opponent. He closed his eyes, focusing on the sounds of shifting clothes and the faint rustling of leaves. "You can't hide from me," Zerutod whispered. Suddenly, the world exploded around him as a powerful blast of energy slammed into Zerutod's chest. The force of the impact sent him hurtling backward, crashing into a nearby tree with a bone-shaking thud. Gasping for breath, Zerutod struggled to push himself upright. The pain seared through his body, but he refused to let it consume him. He clenched his fists, determination burning in his lavender eyes.

His katana gleamed in the pale light, ready to dance with destiny. "I hope you're ready to taste defeat," Zerutod said, his voice steady and resolute.   As they circled each other, Zerutod's fingers danced along the hilt of his katana, his mind calculating every possible move. He knew that his opponent's strength lay in deception and shadows. Suddenly, the figure lunged forward, its shadow blade slashing through the air with incredible speed. Zerutod side-stepped, narrowly avoiding the strike. "Your agility is commendable," the figure hissed, frustration evident in their voice. "But it won't be enough to save you." Zerutod chuckled, his expression unyielding. "First lesson in swordplay: don't underestimate your opponent." With a swift flick of his wrist, he parried the figure's next attack, sparks flying as their weapons clashed. The force of their clash rattled through Zerutod's bones, but he stood his ground. This wasn't just a battle of strength, but a battle of wills. Zerutod and the cloaked figure continued their deadly dance, their blades clashing with a resounding clang. The air crackled with electricity as their powerful strikes sent shockwaves through the battlefield. Zerutod smirked, anticipating the figure's next move. "You're not the first to underestimate me, and you certainly won't be the last," he retorted, his voice dripping with confidence. The figure's eyes narrowed with annoyance. "I'll enjoy wiping that smile off your face," they growled, launching a series of swift strikes towards Zerutod. Zerutod effortlessly dodged each attack, his blind eyes seemingly seeing the strikes before they even happened. "I hope you're not getting tired already," he taunted, his voice laced with sarcasm.

The figure's frustration grew palpable as their attacks grew more frenzied, yet Zerutod remained calm and composed as if he was merely engaged in a casual sparring match. "Enough games!" the figure exclaimed, a wave of shadow energy emanating from their body. "Let's see how you handle this!" As the shadow energy enveloped the figure, they lunged at Zerutod with newfound speed and ferocity, their movements becoming blurred and disorienting.  Zerutod concentrated, relying on his heightened senses to anticipate the figure's every move. He could sense the shadow energy pulsating around them, its darkness craving to consume him. Zerutod's heart raced as he felt the suffocating presence of the shadows enveloping him. His grip on the hilt of his katana tightened, his knuckles turning white. "The only thing you'll achieve by testing me is a swift demise," he warned, his voice laced with determination. erutod's laughter echoed through the mist, sending shivers down the spines of his opponents. The first figure, taken aback by this sudden change in demeanor, narrowed his eyes, his confidence wavering.



IN YOUR HEART SHALL BURN [SL Quest ft. Zerutod] Empty Wed Nov 01, 2023 12:09 pm

Tōga blazed across the grasslands, fire streaming from his palms like solar flares. Boosted by his dragon slayer magic, his speed was blinding as he rocketed toward his foe. The grass withered and blackened beneath him, scorched by the jets of flame propelling him forward. In the blink of an eye, he devoured the distance between them. Zerutod was on his own now against the other assassin, but Tōga couldn't spare a thought for his comrade. All his focus honed in on the smirking killer in his path. One misstep would mean certain death at this assassin's hands. Tōga could see it in the cold confidence of his expression, even as the dragon slayer bore down on him. Tōga poured all his power into this single-minded charge. Failure was not an option.

Tōga hung suspended in the air, the fiery bursts around his fists extinguished. His opponent floated just beyond arm's reach. "Gotcha!" Tōga declared, sight set on his target. Twisting in midair, the dragon slayer swung his leg in a sweeping arc aimed at his foe's face, intent on driving the assassin into the sturdy oak behind. But fate had other plans, and Tōga's kick met only empty space. The missed strike marked the first misstep in their deadly dance.

I think it’s me who has you,” The assassin's grin widened as he reached beneath his cloak, revealing a long, slender arm that snatched Tōga's kick from the air. "Huh?" Tōga's eyes widened, seeing his leg trapped in the assassin's viselike grip. With a sharp tug, the assassin hurled Tōga into the forest depths. Tōga crashed through leaves and branches, the wind knocked from his lungs as his back slammed against a tree trunk. The impact resounded through the wood, cracks spiderwebbing outward. Tōga slid down the ruptured bark, leaves and twigs raining down around him as he slumped to the forest floor.

The dragon slayer was oblivious to the true nature of his foe. The assassin wielded a rare gift - Augmentation Magic, the power to enhance his physical abilities at will. Tōga had already faced his unnatural strength, but now speed was added to the mix as the assassin blurred across the forest clearing. Recovering from being hurled through the air, Tōga rested on the leafy floor only to hear the approaching rush. With a quick "Tch!" he rolled clear just as the assassin's kick sliced clean through a mighty tree trunk. The assassin was upon him in a flash, Augmentation Magic pushing his body beyond mortal limits. Tōga would need more than dragon slaying magic to best this elusive, ever-changing foe.

Beneath the forest canopy, assassin and dragon slayer clashed. Away from prying eyes, the two warriors danced a deadly duet. Tōga weaved and dodged, evading each swift strike. The assassin's moves morphed fluidly from graceful slashes to crushing blows, his Augmentation Magic enhancing speed and strength in unpredictable rhythms. Though invisible to distant onlookers, the duel sent ripples through the ancient woods. Trees shook and leaves trembled as shockwaves pulsed outward with each blow. The forest seemed to hold its breath, nocturnal sounds silenced by the battle's cacophony. This hidden melee beneath the moonlit boughs would leave no physical scars, yet its imprint would remain etched in the ancient memory of the woodland realm.

Zerutod was left to fend alone as Tōga became locked in a desperate duel, fighting not just for victory but for his very survival. The dragon slayer braved a relentless assault, narrowly dodging each lightning-fast strike aimed his way. As the frenzied battle raged, surges of flame occasionally sprayed skyward, flickering glimpses of Tōga's defiant stand amidst the blur of blows. The fire-lit shadows danced wildly through the woods as the two continued their crazed dance of death. Zerutod could only watch and wait, separated from his ally, hoping Tōga's skill and grit would carry him through this trial. An end would come soon - either in fiery victory or utter defeat. For now, the dragon slayer's fate rested solely on his ability to withstand the endless attacks and match his mysterious foe.

wc: 682 [2478]


IN YOUR HEART SHALL BURN [SL Quest ft. Zerutod] Empty Thu Nov 16, 2023 2:07 pm

Zerutod's menacing laughter echoed through the air, abruptly cut short as the cloaked figure clenched his fist. Darkness swirled around Zerutod, wrapping him tightly within its ominous embrace. The figure's mocking taunts filled the air, their voice laced with arrogance. But something felt off. A glimmer of anticipation flickered in Zerutod's eyes as he realized the truth. Suddenly, a surge of raw magical energy erupted from Zerutod, like a violent explosion tearing apart the suffocating shadows. As the darkness dissipated, Zerutod stood unharmed, a smug smile playing on his lips. The cloaked figure's eyes widened in disbelief, their overconfidence shattered. Zerutod's voice dripped with a mixture of amusement and disdain as he delivered his triumphant declaration. "How unfortunate for you, my dear opponent. Did you really think you could control the shadows against me?" Before the figure could react, Zerutod transformed into a blur of motion, appearing behind them in an instant. A spray of crimson erupted from the figure's severed arm, blood coating the air in a grotesque dance. Shock consumed the figure's face as they turned, their eyes wide with horror at the sight of their own mutilated limb. Zerutod's lavender eyes burned with a ruthless determination, a predator reveling in their prey's demise. "You didn't see this coming, did you?" Zerutod taunted, his voice low and dangerous.

"You underestimated me, and now you pay the price." The figure stumbled backward, clutching their bleeding stump, their strength wavering. Zerutod's smile widened, a wicked glint in his eyes. "Now, it's time to finish what I started." The cloaked figure stood before Zerutod, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation. Zerutod could sense the tension building in the air, the anticipation of the impending clash. He knew that this moment would decide the fate of not only himself but also the world he held dear. "Your tricks won't work on me," Zerutod declared, his voice resolute. "I see through your façade." The figure chuckled darkly, his voice dripping with malice.  "You underestimate me. I have powers beyond your comprehension." Shadows coiled around the figure's arm, undulating like serpents. Zerutod's blind eyes could feel the darkness emanating from it, a formidable weapon in the wrong hands. With a swift movement, the figure lunged forward, his shadow blade gleaming ominously in the low light. Zerutod's reflexes kicked in, honed through countless hours of training. He parried the blade but was sent flying backward from the force of the blow. Zerutod staggered backward, feeling the impact of the figure's blow reverberate through his body. He regained his footing, a mixture of determination and pain etched on his face. "Impressive," he muttered, wiping a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth. "But you'll have to do better than that." The air crackled with tension as Zerutod and the cloaked figure faced off, their weapons poised for battle. Shadows danced around them, the very essence of darkness manifesting in the form of a blade and swirling energies.

Zerutod felt the weight of the moment press upon him, the culmination of all his training and inner strength, ready to be unleashed. Time seemed to slow as Zerutod's mind raced, analyzing every possible move and countering his opponent's next action. He moved with calculated precision, his katana striking with lethal grace, each swing met with a resounding clash of steel. The cloaked figure smirked, their shadow blade striking with a speed and accuracy that rivaled Zerutod's own prowess. But Zerutod's years of honing his senses in darkness proved invaluable as he evaded every blow, his body a blur of dexterity and anticipation."You fight well," the cloaked figure grumbled, their frustration palpable. "But you won't be able to evade me forever." Dark energy surged around them, a malevolent aura that threatened to swallow everything in its path. Zerutod's blind eyes narrowed, his senses heightened to a razor-sharp focus. With a swift motion, he manipulated time, bending it to his will. A moment stretched, elongated, as he maneuvered behind the cloaked figure, his katana poised to strike. But the figure was not to be underestimated. Shadows coiled around them, protecting their vulnerable spot. In an instant, they disappeared, leaving Zerutod momentarily disoriented. He was blind, yes, but his other senses compensated for that, guiding him to his quarry. Suddenly, the air crackled with power as a burst of shadow energy erupted from behind Zerutod, the force of it slamming him against a tree. Pain seared through his body, but he refused to succumb. He rose from the wreckage, determination etched on his face. "Is that all you've got?" he spat. The cloaked figure laughed, a chilling sound that echoed through the battlefield. "You're a fool to challenge me," they sneered.

Shadows swirled around them, obscuring their form as they launched a series of lightning-fast attacks. Zerutod danced between each strike, his blade singing through the air as he deflected blow after blow. The clashing of steel and the crackling of energy reverberated through the crystalline paradise, a symphony of battle echoing in the empty spaces of the dead. "You're not even worth my time," Zerutod said, his voice laced with disdain. He twirled his katana, the blade gleaming with a deadly light. "But I shall honor you with my blade nonetheless." The cloaked figure's eyes widened with rage, their movements becoming more frantic, more desperate. Shadows swirled around them, lashing out like vengeful tendrils, but Zerutod danced out of their reach, his movements fluid and precise. Zerutod chuckled, his voice a haunting melody amidst the chaos. "Your shadow tricks won't save you," he taunted, his lavender eyes glowing with an inner fire. "Time is on my side, and it always will be." The figure snarled in response, their voice a hiss of pure malice. "You think you can control time? You know nothing of its true power." With a wave of their hand, shadow energy surged forward, threatening to engulf Zerutod. But Zerutod was ready. He tapped into the depths of his own power, bending time to his will. It wrapped around him like a protective cocoon, shielding him from the onslaught of darkness. With a flicker of movement, he reappeared before the figure, his katana poised for the killing blow.

With a single fluid motion, Zerutod's katana sliced through the figure's shadow blade, cleaving it in two, and a strangled cry escaped the figure's lips. The cloaked figure stumbled back, clutching their wounded arm, shock, and disbelief etched across their face. "Impossible," they gasped, their voice laced with desperation. Zerutod's eyes gleamed with a mix of triumph and pity as he advanced on his now-vulnerable opponent. "You underestimated me," he stated coldly, his voice devoid of any hint of mercy. "And now, it's time for you to pay for your arrogance." The figure's eyes widened in terror as Zerutod's blade descended upon them, the sound of steel meeting flesh echoing through the battlefield. A pained scream rent the air, followed by an agonized groan as the figure crumpled to the ground, defeated. Zerutod looked down at his fallen opponent, a mix of satisfaction and sadness in his lavender eyes. "You fought valiantly," he murmured, his voice softening. "But your darkness was no match for my light."



IN YOUR HEART SHALL BURN [SL Quest ft. Zerutod] Empty Fri Nov 17, 2023 7:58 am

The once peaceful forest of Chishi erupted in chaos as night fell. Magical energy crackled through the air like lightning, splitting the lush green canopy in two as battles raged. On one front, Zerutod's mystic arts clashed against the shadow manipulator's dark magics. Their powerful spells collided again and again like waves crashing against a cliff in a raging storm.

Deeper in the woods, Tōga whirled in a fiery dance with the assassin whose strength had been magically enhanced. The flames swirling around Tōga lit up the forest as the two exchanged blow after blow. Their fierce combat turned the vibrant woods into a battlefield that reflected the violent confrontation unfolding across its trees. As the combatants unleashed their full might against one another, the forest resonated with the intensity of their magical arts. Where there had once been tranquility under the trees now erupted chaos, with the fate of the woods and its inhabitants hanging in the balance.

The ferocity of the twin battles had left Chishi's once-pristine landscape scarred and fragmented. As the combatants unleashed their full fury, the land itself seemed to cry out in agony. Now, in the hushed aftermath, the forest stood as a mere echo of its former glory. Moonlight filtered through the ravaged canopy, illuminating the destruction below. For a moment, an eerie silence blanketed the wood. Then, one final pulse of magic surged brightly before fading into the darkness.

In the waning glow, Zerutod stood victorious, his katana poised above the shadow manipulator's defeated form. The blind rune knight had severed any hope his foe had of winning this deadly dance. Now, only death awaited the fallen sorcerer. The forest held its breath, forever changed by the calamitous forces unleashed within its bounds. Though Zerutod had emerged triumphant, Chishi itself had paid the ultimate price.

Ooooui!” From the shadows emerged Tōga, calling out in weary triumph. The Rune Knight's face was bruised, a trickle of blood trailing from his mouth. His clothing hung in tatters, ripped and torn beyond repair. Yet despite his battered state, Tōga grinned.

In his grip, the bulky assassin lay unconscious, tightly bound in thick ropes. Tōga had ensured his defeated foe would not be moving anywhere tonight. With a heave, he tossed the inert body of the assassin into the midst of Zerutod's makeshift battlefield. As the limp form rolled to a stop near Zerutod's feet, Tōga's smile broadened. He had emerged victorious from his own grueling battle amidst the ravaged forest. Now, both hardened warriors stood over their neutralized opponents, having navigated the violent storm of combat. Though weary and wounded, an aura of triumph surrounded the two knights. They had faced lethal foes and proved their mettle. The forest rang with the aftershocks of their victory.

It should be a breeze from here – let’s finish this,”

wc: 471 [2949]


IN YOUR HEART SHALL BURN [SL Quest ft. Zerutod] Empty Thu Nov 23, 2023 1:43 am

The crystalline paradise for the dead and brave lay still as Zerutod emerged from the tumultuous battle, his black trench coat billowing behind him. The echo of clashing steel still lingered in the air, as he swiftly made his way to find his companion Tōga. Tōga, with his wolfish features and unruly silver hair, was in the heart of the battlefield, his longsword gleaming under the sun as he stood over the fallen figure, a look of exhaustion and determination etched on his face. " Hey, Tōga," Zerutod called out, his soft voice cutting through the lingering tension. As they made their way out of the battlefield, Zerutod gently prodded Tōga about the wounds " Next time, don't hold back," Zerutod chided gently, his tone laced with genuine concern. "We don't have the luxury of underestimating our foes."

As they continued on their journey, their footsteps melded with the symphony of nature, echoing through the battlefield-turned-paradise. Zerutod's fingers lightly brushed against the hilt of his katana, a silent reminder of the darkness that lurked within him, waiting to be unleashed when the need arose. Their laughter and banter resonated through the landscape, a testament to the bond they shared and the adventures that lay ahead. In the heart of the crystalline paradise, beneath the tapestry of stars and the watchful eyes of ancient storytellers, Zerutod and Tōga forged ahead into the ever-unfolding tapestry of their destiny, their spirits intertwined as they navigated the unknown with a blend of light and darkness and the unyielding resolve of kindred souls.


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