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Going for a run (Alisa)

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#1Michael Winters 

Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Tue May 30, 2023 8:09 am

Michael Winters
Michael was dissatisfied with his speed. He could do better, much better. He was getting rusty since his school days. He could've got that robber guy faster. He needed to not just be stronger but faster. He needed to be a force of nature. Thats what he believed to be... under special circumstances that is. But thats beside the point.

He was now in an area where people would jog and such. He wanted to be best. So before he started he closed his eyes and pumped himself up
"Here we go. Focus. Speed. I am speed." in his minds eye though he could see himself running fast and slashing people with a knife. Yeeah he still had violent tendencies, but at least most of the violent carnage was in his head and not in real life "One winner, forty-two losers. I eat losers for breakfast." again, he imagined himself running real fast and being awesome... as well as bloody and kill happy. But thats beside the point.
He opened his eyes and went for a run. He was gonna be the best. He wont let himself be upstaged by anyone. No one, not even mages. He needed to git gud to survive. He is speed.

Last edited by Michael Winters on Wed May 31, 2023 12:24 am; edited 1 time in total


Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Tue May 30, 2023 2:55 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Michael | Sporty

Alisa had been at this for a while now. After all, she began her daily regimen every morning at daybreak or earlier still, and after a quick series of stretches, always started with a marathon several kilometers long, racing around hargeon and frequently greeting shopkeepers... But she seldom had a chance to meet someone she could lay eyes on For longer than a few instants:

"Oh... Good morning~", she chimed in between breaths, her pale, silky smooth skin glistening under the morning sun's rays from the perspiration leading up to this, her generous bust rippling visibly with every step even through that sturdy sports bra, a soft, mischievous smile on her face as she kept her pace just slightly faster than the male's, giving him plenty of chance to surpass himself and catch up to her, "You're new around these parts~"

After all, It's not every day that she met a fellow runner along the way, but this time, she met up with someone she didn't instantly leave in the dust. No, unlike most, this man was already at peak performance for human standards, already bordering on superhuman. But he'd only just started discovering what laid beyond, as all manner of limits fell like dominoes one after the other. Or maybe he was simply warming up for a larger workout, much like Alisa herself? Only one way to find out~... Her faint smile widened almost immediately as she silently beckoned the man to join her on this little training session, huffing as she bobbed a loose black lock away from her eyes.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Going for a run (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#3Michael Winters 

Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Wed May 31, 2023 12:36 am

Michael Winters
As he was running and rather focused on it. He heard a female voice chime to him and wishing him a good morning. He turned to look at the speaker, but he never got to reply. Instead his mind just went "Big booba" he stared at her as he ran and noticed she sorta went ahead of him a bit. She asked him if he was new to here or something, but his brain didnt register that. All his brain thought was "Big booba" that he needed to shake his head and focus on her words

"Not as new as you might think"he replied. He wasnt new to Hargeon, he was here already a few times. Usually if a Quest brought him here. But what his home was.. it was debatable. He didnt really have a home. He mostly lived off of quests and stayed at inns. As to what town to make his home? He didnt know. He didnt hold any special attachements to any town in Fiore. So far the most attachment he had was towards Mary Jane. Made him wonder if he should follow her around then.

But those were thoughts for later, now he focused on the run. Specifically not allowing her to be just the slightest bit ahead of him. He hurried his pace a bit to keep up with her and be a bit ahead of her. Huff huff, not easy to run at top speed constantly.


Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Wed May 31, 2023 2:51 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Michael | Sporty

"Eyes on the road~ Wouldn't want to trip over the cobblestones would you~?", she chimed, catching the delay in the man's reaction as she simply turned his attention to her and let his gaze wander down at her firm, jostling bust, but then again... She didn't really think any less of him.

After all, it just meant it had good taste, did it not~? Almost instinctively, Alisa reached her arms behind her head, adjusting that long black ponytail as it fluttered left and right, then fussing over the strap of her sports bra in turn. Still, his answer piqued her interest, as she rose her brow and held his gaze, or at least trying to as she looked out the corner of her eye. Give it to the Guild Master of Blue Pegasus to admire beauty when she saw it, and the man had it in troves. Granted, she did so a little more subtly then he did, just scanning him head to toe before drawing her gaze back up into his eyes:

"Oho~...? Then, how new are we talking about here?", she mused, her brow arching as she pointed right at the nearest turn, inviting the man to join her as she lead him down a large, wide avenue heading towards the beach, a wide, all encompassing view of the great wide ocean beyond Azure Beach soon unfolding before his eyes. With an alluring smile plastered on her face, she casually matched the man's speed, just enough to place herself just slightly ahead, or letting him take but a few inches of lead before claiming it again for herself, pushing him up to his limits as she talked, "I certainly haven't seen you jogging around here before."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Going for a run (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#5Michael Winters 

Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Thu Jun 01, 2023 3:26 am

Michael Winters
He focused on the road, so he doesnt trip or whatnot. She then asked if he was new, but he wasnt as new as she thought. He was new to jogging in these areas, but not new to Hargeon in general. Still despite that, he didnt know this was a Guild Master, simply because he never really approached guild people.

She asked him then how new are we talking about and that was a good question. He didnt know how to answer. No place was really his home as he traveled and just did quests. He noticed she pointed right to the nearest turn. He took this as an invite to tag along. Interesting, there was still the need to keep up with her. He couldnt let her be ahead. It was mildly annoying that she wasnt really struggling to stay at this speed. The last thing he needed was an L, like the one from last night with that stupid elf girl. Which was kinda the reason he kicked off into getting more physically fit.

As they ran he noticed the beach ahead. Oh how he wishes he was there right now. His eyes went back to the hot lady who flashed him a nice smile. He would keep up with her, but whenever she got ahead of him, he'd use the opportunity to check her out. Now that the initial big booba wow factor passed him. Still... nice assets. But right, answering her question... and catching breath to answer it. Thats the issue
"Ehm..." yea he still didnt know how to answer. He's been roughly a week at Hargeon, but as he traveled a lot, this wasnt his first week here at all.
"As new as a... traveler can be" he gave a non answer
She commented how she didnt see him jog here and he said "Thats beacuse.... I never.... jogged.... here" he said panting, trying to keep up with the speed queen over here.


Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Thu Jun 01, 2023 4:38 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Michael | Sporty

He'd have easily been able to identify Alisa as a member of Blue Pegasus, after all she wore her guild stamp with pride, boldly displayed right next to her navel, that pale blue shade adorning the toned, sculpted outline of her midriff as it glistened with a faint, sweaty sheen:

"Hmmm, is that so...? In that case~...", she invited, flashing him a cool, vibrant smile, still easily keeping her composure even as she casually matched his pace. Alisa was still far from her top speed, but in the end, she was running a marathon more so than any kind of sprint, and didn't mind slowing down to be the challenge the man needed. After all, there's no greater beauty than one who blooms in adversity, and the more she looked at him, the more he seemed like someone who could rise to the occasion, "I'd be happy to show you some of the best tracks, if you'd like to join me. Here..."

Letting out a low huff as she paced herself, Alisa nonetheless had to speed up a bit faster, never quite letting Michael stay ahead long enough to leave her in the dust, making sure he always had a challenge to surmount. They didn't even know each other's names... But that only added to the excitement?

"If you go down this avenue, you'll be right by the sea. And you can't really beat the scenic route~", though passing by one of the main avenues earned her the attention of some of the shopkeepers, the early risers who also got up at the break of dawn, some of whom exchanged waves at her who they recognized as a regular shopper and protector of the city.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Going for a run (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#7Michael Winters 

Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:39 am

Michael Winters
He was so focused on keeping up with her, looking where he's going and those dazzling assets that the guild mark went unnoticed. After all the first thing he did notice was 'big booba'. It almost made him think like a monkey. But when that wow factor passed, he focused on keeping up with her. Only somewhat later in conversation as they made a turn did he notice the guild mark that it made him blink and think "Oooooh heeellll naaaaw"
Another mage he had to deal with. At least this was the blue horse mage and not one of the dark ones. So at least he wont be killed, but still... He didnt like to be shown up by those stuck up mages. Even tho this one was polite. It did make him frown and focus more on keeping up with her. Which did stress him since it made him think that now she was toying with him and keeping it slow on purpose. He was never really keeping up with her now was he? She was letting him. Oh he hated it.

He noticed her smile and smiled mildly back to her. She offered to show him a decent track and he just nodded. Saving his breath for the running and not talking. Again as she shown him a rather nice avenue and spoke to him. All he could do was nod. He was too stubborn to stop and take a break, even if he should. Instead he was willing to push himself to an unhealthy level


Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Sun Jun 04, 2023 9:47 am


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Michael | Sporty

Of course, no way Alisa could know the man had such terrible experiences with Guild Mages that he'd be instinctively wary of a woman he'd never seen before simply on account of the stamp adorning her midsection. Perhaps that was something for them to talk about at a later date, but for now, she merely mused, arching her brow, prodding him:

"Hmmm... Penny for your thoughts...?", she mused, completely unaware of his close encounters with dark mages as they prowled along this very city. She knew they were planning to attack the guild, but even Alisa had no idea just how close they'd gotten before she'd reinforced its defenses.

Instead, she simply enjoyed her run, idly dabbing the sweat off her brow as they ran down the wide avenue. She wouldn't press the man if he opted to save his breath instead of talk, though at the same time. If he was going so fast that he couldn't even hold a conversation, he was prooooobably going a bit too fast hmm~? It wasn't so much that he was toying with him, she was simply enjoying his company. And she couldn't quite do that if she ran off at full speed? At the same time, she could tell that he enjoyed the challenge, so she made sure to give him one:

"Well... Here we are. This waterfront stretches all across the city... There's no view quite like it~", she added as they finally reached the end of the avenue and Alisa guided the man to turn right at the next intersection, where they could run with a clear, unimpeded sight of Azure beach in all its glory.

Alisa giggled... Honestly, she almost felt almost like a tour guide here? But she still kept an eye on the man as she matched his pace, hoping he'd at least keep it steady enough to complete this lap around the city.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Going for a run (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#9Michael Winters 

Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Sun Jun 04, 2023 10:37 am

Michael Winters
As much as he wanted to give her all the pennies for his thoughts, he couldnt really talk. Fuck, he realized he didnt even have a water bottle at hand because he never really jogged before. Then again he didnt expect to run into a mage and have a one sided race with them. At this point he was panting, kind of like a dog when they run. His legs felt like they were on fire, it was certainly a painful experience.

So much so that when they reached the end of the avenue, he stopped. Sitting or rather collapsing down on the ground and getting his breath. He lifted his hand barely, held his index finger at her, signalling her to wait up for any kind of response because he was so out of breath and dehydrated. But as he lifted his head up, he noticed they didnt finish their run. She had more in store and he just groaned in defeat
"God dammit!!" if he had the strength to kick a can right now, he sure would've kicked it or whatever found itself on his path. He was no match for the speed queen. He wanted to get up and run more so he wouldnt be a quitter but at this point his body was like like: No.

He really needed a drink or just throw himself in the ocean and just float. Even the sun over there is giving him a headache. Maybe its all just the after effects of straining yourself and pushing your body beyond their limits without proper training before hand. Hell, he could use a lot of things right now. But the first thing and the easiest thing was maybe shade. He slowly got up and glanced to see if the speed queen was still running or did she stop and wait. Granted he didnt expect the latter.


Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Sun Jun 04, 2023 11:34 am


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Michael | Sporty

Indeed, Alisa saw him unable to keep talking as the man burnt himself out trying to catch up to him. In all fairness, Alisa had build up this speed and stamina over years. Even the most prodigious of mages couldn't quite catch up to her without at least a year or two under their belt. But Alisa didn't care about raw power... She cared about potential. When Michael finally ground to a halt, admitting defeat, she simply smiled and ran a hand around the edge of her shorts, the elastic band digging ever so softly into the wet suppleness of her curves, adjusting her attire as though making herself presentable:

"Fufu... You're welcome to can try again tomorrow if you want a rematch~", she winked, not really saying anything else, after all. A guy this proud would just feel embarassed if she praised him after beating him.

Frankly... People like her were monsters. She wasn't even human anymore, and hell, she wasn't even the worst monster out there. A handful of mages in this country were stronger than here, but very few were faster. As the guy kicked the nearest can in frustration, Alisa quickly bought a pair of bottles of water off a nearby stand and tossed him one:

"Here...!", she called out to him, hoping he'd at least had enough energy left to catch the bottle she offered, before walking up to him and taking a long, greedy gulp, chugging down half her bottle until loose, steady trickles dripped down on her chin and onto the vast, expansive valley below, "Ahhh... So... You never told me your name did you?"

She'd been working out for a few hours now, and she was already reaching the end of her run. She saw nothing wrong with bringing it to a close now, and spending the rest of her time getting to know this... Fascinating challenger~...


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Going for a run (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#11Michael Winters 

Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Sun Jun 04, 2023 11:44 am

Michael Winters
"I'll.... consider it" there was no guarantee he'd go for another run, or at least not too soon. He still had to train up his strength and other abilities as well as do those notice board quests. Plus he wanted to have some free time to himself. So running would take a back seat for a while if you ask him.

He saw a water bottle fly at him and he clumsily caught it. Opening it and drinking half of it and pouring the rest over his head. He opened his eye and looked at her as she asked for a name. Truthfully he didnt expect a long convo with a jogging Blue Peg stranger.
"Name's Michael and you are?" he asked
Still, he guessed he could at least tell her his name considering she just bought him water.
Rest felt good, even the water felt like heaven. Yeah, he doubts he'll go for runs like this. Like this wasnt a jog, this was a race. Maybe next time he might actually jog and not rush. It was best to preserve energy and build up stamina and speed over time. As opposed to whatever this trainwreck was.


Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Mon Jun 05, 2023 8:55 am


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Michael | Sporty

"Fufu, very well then~", she chimed back, picking up on the man's apprehension but nonetheless keeping the door open if he wished to go through it.

At the same time, she doubted he might. Though they were far from running at top speed, Alisa still made him work hard to keep up with her, perhaps a bit too hard. Though she figured this loss would only motivate him to improve himself further. She took another sip of her bottle:

"Call me Alisa~... Pleasure to meet you Michael.", Alisa returned the greeting, brushing those wet black locks away from her eyes, tucking them behind her ear as those amethyst hues held firmly. Though the man might recognize her name as a Guildmaster and Wizard Saint, she didn't introduce herself as such, preferring to do away with the formalities as much as she could. In the end, she tilted her head slightly, pointing her thumb behind her towards the course she'd offered to show him, "Even if you're not in the mood to keep running... I'd be delighted if you joined me for a walk the rest of the way? Would be a shame to waste a wonderful day like this."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Going for a run (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#13Michael Winters 

Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Mon Jun 05, 2023 9:48 am

Michael Winters
As soon as she said her name, he recognized she was the Guild Master of the Blue Fashionables guild. Heh and he can see why they were that way. Like Alisa was hot and people around her were hot. But he could see why she was a guild master. Aside from the magical prowess, she had huge boobs, like they were some serious honkers. A real set of badonkers. Packin some dobonhonkeros. massive dohoonkabhankoloos. big old tonhongerekoogers. Like wowie wow. It was hard not to stare at the bonkhonagahoogs. He'd love to stuff his face between her humungous hungolomghnonoloughongous.

Ok ok, now he really was going into caveman territory. He got so distracted by the... yes, that yea.....face up there. Guild Master yes. Ehm, he didnt know she was a Wizard Saint, since he didnt know about the mage stuff and the stuff that governs them like the Magic Council, he merely stayed out of that business. He focused on her words finally and understood that she was inviting him for a walk. It was odd that she would, but who was he to say no. He got up from the ground and walked over to her
"Lead the way" he said, casually, pretending as if he didnt lost it in his mind. He took a breath and remembered last night. Hmm, ok time to get serious. He has a Guild Master of Blue Pegasus, right here at his disposal, at his fingertips metaphorically speaking. He could tell her about the mage he saw from that Dark Guild... what was it called. Eternal Nightmare, was it.
Now if he was responsible, this would be the perfect time to warn her about a possible impending danger. Someone from a Dark Guild is surely up to no good. And that was his main thought last night at that moment.

Well, that and the emotional damage the girl and the exceed gave him. But the thing is. Michael was never really known for responsibility now was he. He is the antithesis of responsibility. And he is very petty, childish and selfish. Nah nah. He's not afraid of hitting a girl. He's gonna train up and beat up that girl for insulting him. Granted he never really hit a girl before, nor did he deal with a dark mage. And he was scared of Dark Guilds. But there was a first time for everything.

He glanced at Alisa as they would walk where ever she is leading him and wonder should he tell her. He sighed as he didnt know what was right.
"What would MJ do?" he wondered


Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Tue Jun 06, 2023 3:42 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Michael | Sporty

"Fufufu~... Best be careful with that, wouldn't want to walk into a street light would you~", Alisa teased, those honeyed words catching his attention even as she folded her arms under that full, generous bust, just enough to make it jostle ever so slightly, squishing her plump cleavage oh so softly between her arms, just knowing his eyes would be glued there...

And yet when he finally looked back up at her face, he'd find her looking back with a knowing smile on those plush lips, like she knew what he was thinking about. Wasn't the first time somebody had surrendered to their urges and glanced down, and Alisa knew that look of distraction all too well. She didn't judge him for it, after all, who was she to judge a man for having good taste?

"So, Michael... What brings you to Hargeon~? Other than the gorgeous jogging routes, of course~", she teased, winking ever so playfully.

She didn't know about his chance encounter with Eternal Nightmare's guild member, but she did know who they were after. Herself. Revenge for killing her guildmaster. So long as they didn't target any civilian in retaliation, she was content with simply defending herself and her people's home. If they had decided to attack civilians... Now that was a different story. Alas, with the wards she'd recently placed around the guild, they wouldn't be able to mount an offensive any time soon.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Going for a run (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#15Michael Winters 

Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:58 am

Michael Winters
He took a deep breath when she spoke to him, carefully thinking his words. Something polite to say
"I want to eat your melons" ok shit that was not supposed to come out. So he corrected himself
"Erm I mean Im in lesbians with you" ok no shit, danger. Just getting worse. He shook his head and lightly tapped it to focus and concentrate

"Hargeon, right. Why Im there.." he said to himself to focus, before finally giving her a straight answer
"Work" he said with a shrug. But he figured he'd elaborate "I just do random quests around Fiore. And if one leads me to another town I take it. And then stay at another town. Thats what happened. One quest took me to Hargeon and Im staying here. This is actually my 3rd time visiting this town. I'll leave it eventually, when I see an inevitable job that requires me to travel"
He's not emotionally tied down to any place. Every place just feels so foreign and isolating. Then again, only this time he met MJ and actually stuck with a human contact for a prolonged amount of time.
Then again that self imposed isolation and his wolfish animalistic nature could explain why he's so terribly direct with women and lustful urges.
Lack of manners and just instinct controlling him. He is trying his best to fit in tho


Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Thu Jun 08, 2023 11:36 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Michael | Sporty

Her lips actually parted with a stunned look utterly bewildered at the man's freudian slip, and the one that soon followed. With a vibrant, husky, feminile laughter leaving her lips, Alisa merely arched her brow:

"You do realize you just said that out loud~?", Alisa giggled gracefully, her hand raising over her mouth as she arched her brow and looked into his eyes

So, good runner, and not the slightest bit shy? Damn~... Now Alisa wanted him to join her guild all that much more. She bit her lip, however lovely a thought that was, she had the distinct impression that would probably not happen. She had the distinct impression that he didn't look too comfortable around mages. She wasn't going to pry or ask him those unpleasant questions, but it did suggest he might not be too receptive to the idea.

"Yes... Hargeon~", she teased again, emphasizing the change of subject with a mischievous wink, "Ahhh, very much like a guild mage then? Sounds like you and I are in the same line of work. Or, at least I was a few years ago."

She brushed her hair away from her eyes, adjusting her ponytail, looking off towards the sea as she thought back to the road she followed to end up here. On one hand, she missed the freedom of her past life. But she'd never trade her newfound family life for anything in the world:

"Still, crime rate in Hargeon is lower than the rest of the country. Hopefully you can at least enjoy a few quiet days' work."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Going for a run (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#17Michael Winters 

Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Thu Jun 08, 2023 11:46 am

Michael Winters
"Painfully aware" he said as he looked away from her, hoping to hide a creeping blush of embarassment. But honestly, he was impressed he managed to hold out this long without saying it.

When the subject came, he did turn to face her as they conversed, tho as she teased a bit. He did blush a bit again from the prior embarassment, but continued to speak nevertheless.
She said his work was akin to a mage, which made him curiously tilt his head. Its kind of like when an animal curiously looks at you, not understanding what you say.
"Hah, so you're saying that one day I might become a guild master myself and form my own guild?" he said jokingly and rather dismissivly. He didnt really believe that

When she spoke of Hargeons crime rate. All he could do was nod "Mmm"
He remembered his younger years at school and his early to mid teenage years. He was quite the troublemaker. Maybe it was good for Hargeon that he wasnt their local. The amount of trouble, theft and vandalism he did was.... something.


Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Tue Jun 13, 2023 3:05 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Michael | Sporty

"Fufu~...", Alisa didn't comment on it again not to embarass him further, and yet, she couldn't help but giggle gracefully at his admission and that shade of pink which she pictured must be woefully rare on a man this aloof

With the sea on their left side, and a myriad shops and cafés on the other, even now they still had much of the waterfront to themselves as it was much too early for some people to be strolling around like this. Alisa liked that at least, despite her demeanor she was more of an introvert who preferred the quiet rather than the hustle and bustle. Part of the reason why she did her jogs so early in the morning:

"Well, yes. If this was really something you wanted I've no doubt you could achieve it, far sooner than you think too.", she replied matter of factly, without the slightest hint of doubt on her face, arching her brow as she looked at him quizzically, if anything more curious than anything that he'd doubt it, "Just how strong did you think guildmasters were when they started out? I imagine most of them couldn't run as fast as you~"

They all started from scratch, after all... Alisa was already strong when she became a guild mage, but she'd trained for years since she was a teenager. She figured there may have been a story there as she mentioned the city's crime rate, but alas, she didn't know the man nearly well enough to start pressing him for answers he wasn't in the mood to give. Hargeon was a prosperous city, however, where poverty was far less common than anywhere else in the country. It wasn't so much that the knights did their jobs better, or that Blue Pegasus was here. But she did her damndest to keep it that way and keep the horrors of war away from the city.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Going for a run (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#19Michael Winters 

Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Wed Jun 14, 2023 12:33 am

Michael Winters
He was surprised she'd tell him he can achieve that. The idea of being a guild master was amusing. He can imagine himself on a throne with the peasant guild members and him ordering them to work and stuff so they can be the best. He did ponder would the hypothetical guild also be werewolf only or just celebrate and love werewolves. He liked the idea of having more of his people, to even out the numbers with the humans so he wouldnt be hiding in shame. But all that was just wishful thinking.

He listened to her speak or rather ask how did he think guild masters started out
"I never thought about their start. I just figured they're like naturally talented, y'know. No hard work, just learning things easy. So even this speed. I just figured its normal for them" he spoke how he imagined it. Part of what made him envious. He figured mages were more naturally talented.
"Besides, are you sure I can be a guild master? I mean I figure if you wanna lead a magic guild, you need to do at least basic magic. Something I cant do. And I know item spells or whatever exist. But I dont consider as MY magic, if you catch my drift"

Even if he can get items to do spells for him, he wouldnt really consider that his own magic, considering anyone can get those items. He wondered if thats because he was a werewolf. He knew some could do, but its all naturally harder for his kind. He just hoped Alisa never finds out what he was.


Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Sun Jun 18, 2023 5:25 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Michael | Sporty

Guilds revolving around specific races never lasted long... From Alisa's experience, they tended to breed a sort of "us against them" mindset that wasn't conductive for a guild's longevity. Even members of that race might not be too keen on treating every other race as non members. She remembered two people already who tried making a guild for non humans, and that kind of exclusivity shortened the guild's lifespan:

"Raw talent can only get you so far. You'd be surprised to hear that hard work makes up most of their progress. Some people are just too stubburn to quit~ Even when they reach power levels most can only dream of.", she smiled, brushing that loose black lock away from her eyes with an understanding smile, "You know... One of my best friends from Blue Pegasus wasn't a mage either. He was a hero who saved both this city and the guild, and even fought for the country. Then he went on to found his own guild, a guild that won the Grand Magic Games."

Maybe he'd already heard of Advent World... Most of the guilds founded after the Great Change had since disbanded, and Finn himself died shortly after that victory:

"Even if the spells come attached to items... They're your spells when you're using them?", she noted, arching her brow, not really seeing a distinction between magic that comes from scrolls and tomes and that which comes attached to items.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Going for a run (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#21Michael Winters 

Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Sun Jun 18, 2023 7:45 am

Michael Winters
He scoffed at her first topic of dialogue.
"People should quit that shit. When they get strong, why get stronger. It just invites this bad power creep where everything gets more and more extreme." he sighed "I have a long road ahead of me if I wanna keep up with you mages. Both figuratively and" gestures forward with his hands sounding more annoyed "Literally" he was still a bit miffed he lost the 'race'. Nevertheless he continued "All I care is about my survival. I dont wanna die. So simple as that why I dont wanna be weak."

When she went on a different topic and mentioned a friend and grand magic games, he spoke "Grand Magic Games are in my opinion just a dick measuring contest between guilds. I dont watch them much to be honest. Just pisses me off and reminds me what I cant do and shows me how much of a threat mages are. So yeah... I dont really know who won the Grand Magic Games, but I can hazard a guess" he did ponder a bit about the guilds "Paradise Daaawnn?" he spoke rather unsure-ly.
But he imagined a mercenary and monster hunter guild would be quite bloodthirsty and powerful. He was aware of that guild decently enough because he was pretty sure they would kill him with great prejudice. Their guild master had some joyan name or joyan sounding name. What was it again... ehh he was shit with names... Yusei? Yeah that must be it

He knew a bunch of guilds. He knew Fairy Tail and Blue Pegasus already existed so no friend found Fairy Tail. He knew of Paradise Dawn, but he didnt know their history and when they were exactly formed. But he was weary of them because of the nature of their guild. He was even more so weary of them than he was of Blue Pegasus. At least he can crack jokes about Blue Pegasus because he felt somewhat safe. Not so much with Paradise Dawn.
Aside from that. What other guild did he know? Well aside from Eternal Nightmare, but that was a dark guild. Oh there was that Collective Mind guild if he remembers correctly. But he believes those people are just nerds. No one really worthy of fighting and saving people or winning grand magic games. Then again, he knew probably the least about them since he never really ran into their people and as a very bitter and jealous non magic man, he never kept tabs about any news about mages and guilds.
So yeah, he didnt really know much now that he thought about it. He just stayed clear of guilds and anything he foresaw as dangerous in order to live.

She also later makes a point to try and see item spells in a more positive light. But he shakes his head
"But its like unoriginal that can be bought by any bozo. Like I doubt all mages can make drawings and paintings pop out and be real. Like that other girl from your guild. Like you have your own personal magic spells. Its not manifactured, its much more authentic and yours. Y'know?" he says as he explains his point why he dislikes using store bought magic. It doesnt seem like a product of natural hard work and skill. It doesnt feel earned to be used. Its just pop a few jewels to the cashier and any loser can now throw fireball from a scroll. Big whoop de whoop.


Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Mon Jun 19, 2023 3:29 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Michael | Sporty

"There's always someone stronger. And the more people out there are stronger than you, then the more likely one bad apple will put others in danger without you being able to protect anybody.", Alisa frowned, her words cold and to the point as that smile faded from her lips. She didn't choose to grow stronger, "You're right, it is an arms race. But when you have something to protect, that's not a race you can run away from... And simply surviving is a worthy enough goal. At the same time... You don't have to do everything on your own~? Having trustworthy allies can make all the difference."

She'd changed a lot in the past few years. That cold, no nonsense tone was something that drove her to get stronger when she was younger, but now... She cared more about protecting her guild, her family, and the city who'd welcomed them. She cared little for competition with the other guilds, and so, she couldn't help but chuckle at Michael's words, hand raising over her mouth:

"Hardly, Paradise Dawn hasn't been around for more than a year. Even Yuurei hadn't made a name for himself when the last Grand Magic Games took place.", she teased, winking at him, before shaking her head and sighing, "No, the winning guilds actually tied for first place, and both of them have disbanded now."

Shooting stars aside; most of them burned out as quickly as they rose, vanishing without a trace. On the contrary, Alisa took a far greater interest in a different kind of people: People like her wife, or her niece who followed their own path and remained true to it. As such, her face almost lit up when he mentioned the painter, her brow arching:

"Oh, you've met my niece? Fufu~... Mimi is quite talented isn't she? Though not every mage follows the same path she followed. Some, like myself, learn a significant portion of their spells from tomes left behind.", honestly, talking to Michael now only reinforced her belief. He plenty of talent, but he seemed to feel inferior in a world full of mages. She doubted anything she said could dispel that belief, he'd have to realize it himself in time. In the end, Alisa sighed, a soft smile on her lips as her chest rose and fell, "True it might not be as easy... But you can have a fighting style that's uniquely yours, even when using items you didn't forge yourself."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Going for a run (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#23Michael Winters 

Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Tue Jun 20, 2023 2:56 am

Michael Winters
He did watch her get serious for a moment and just nodded. He couldnt really debate that. He'd argue he's a bad apple considering what he likes to do. Though while she spoke of arms race and power and survival. She said he doesnt have to do everything on his own. Hr frowned and thought about his past experiences, which also included his old friends from school and his ex. He was bummed out by it when he thought about them. They were like a pack, despite them being humans. And while he did love the trouble and violence they did. He knew it was a dangerous path and he had to cut ties with them with a heavy heart. He didnt stop because he felt remorse for his deeds, but so he wouldnt attract attention of people like Alisa who'd stop him. He wouldnt be surprised if his ex did join a dark guild. She had the intelligence, skill, ruthlessness and the aptitude. Its just when it came down to it, his self preservation kicked in more than his lust for blood and her body

As they spoke of Grand Magic Games. Michael made his guess Alisa chuckled and covered her mouth. He did smile a bit. He didnt mean to make her laugh but was mildy glad he did. She spoke how Paradise Dawn actually didnt exist this long. They were active for only about a year. Though for Michael it felt longer
"Oooh Yuurei is his name" he shrugs and then openly admits "I'll probably forget his name again tho." he then listens that 2 guilds tied for 1st place but both disbanded "Pffft lame. But will you at least tell me who were the guilds?"

As they spoke of magic and its uniqueness, Michael did reference Mimi, to which to his surprise Alisa knew not just because they were guild mates. But family. Michael scoffs when Alisa says Mimi is talented "Too talented if you ask me." he wasnt a fan of Mimi learning music to him. But hey, she agreed to pay him, so he had to kinda take it. Plus he had a feeling the girl would be tenacious until she gets what she wants.

When she spoke of having a fighting style thats his own. He smiled a bit and nodded and then spoke in a sing song voice "And I got a kniife~" a bit too happy that he has that. Right, just before going for a run he imagined how he was speedy and able to slash and slice people for fun. He still had that inner darkness that he felt he had to surpress. Though sometimes, that inner darkness would slip through the cracks
"I can just stab people" he said happily and made the stab gesture with his empty hand.


Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Wed Jun 21, 2023 3:44 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Michael | Sporty

Well he didn't really look that bad. Most people do dubious things in their younger days, and Alisa was no exception. She killed more people than she could count, most of them simply guilty by association. No matter who they were, back in those days she killed anybody associated with demon cults and dark guilds, and if they were stronger than her, she'd simply retreat, bide her time and wait until she was strong enough to kill them. Joining the guild changed that? Someone teaching her to look at all the beauty in the world instead of losing herself in its ugliness. To the point where she could simply laugh with Michael at their misadventures in the Grand Magic Games:

"Since names aren't your strong suit... I can't imagine what you'll call me next time we meet~", she winked, letting out a graceful little chuckle as she pointed at the nearest turn, guiding Michael away from the waterfront and up another long, wide avenue... One that lead her back to her guildhall, even if it was still quite a fair bit away, "Guilds born after the great change were notoriously short lived... Some lasted little more than a month or two before disbanding. These two were called Advent World and Daeva Eye. A guild for warriors, and a guild for women, respectively~"

Alisa had to admit, she saw the appeal in both of them, but she'd have never joined them. Both guilds were highly exclusive. Cutting off everyone not interested in battle killed Advent World, and rejecting half the world's population killed Daeva Eye:

"Oh, no such thing as too talented really~", she giggled, thinking how Mimi took after her mother more so than her father, who was a widely famous fighter known for having never lost a battle. Mimi on the other hand, wouldn't be caught dead on a battlefield, much like her mother, "I meeeean... You can get pretty far in life by just stabbing your enemies~"

Her lips curled into a mischievous smile, and yet she still couldn't help but think about her younger years. Amazing how talking to Michael seemed to take her back a whole decade or more... A woman could get used to this~


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Going for a run (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#25Michael Winters 

Going for a run (Alisa) Empty Thu Jun 22, 2023 5:32 am

Michael Winters
He laughs a bit. "Nah nah. If someone asked me a week ago what was the name of Blue Pegasus Guild Master. I would've said Alice or Alisha. But its different now. Like I legit met you." he shrugs "I just dont bother remembering names of people I gossip about and havent actually met. They're not worth the brain space." he explains how he thinks. He just thinks people who are in his mind faceless arent worth remembering.

As they spoke, she pointed a direction, which he nodded and followed her. He listened to her as they spoke of the winning guilds. A warrior guild and a harem guild. Wow. They won and yet they imploded

Later they spoke of Mimi and Michael noted how she's too talented in his opinion. Alisa doesnt think theres a thing such as too talented. Michael shook his head "I beg to differ. She can do her own magic. She can draw and paint. She can sew, tailor and cut hair too. She can do a butt ton of things to be artsy. And she wants to now learn how to play a guitar. Next thing you know, she'll ask for singing lessons and then strip away any talent or skill I have and make me obsolete. I dont want a mage to replace me at the only things Im good at..... aside stabbing. But y'know... stabbing isnt something Blue Pegasus would let me do. So I cant do that" he said with a shrug. "I begrudgingly agreed to teach your niece because she offered me money and I kinda need that"
He explained his notion of too talented. Not only he felt envy for those who could naturally make magic, but someone who was skilled in other things and very good at that also made him jealous. Not to mention that person he envies approaches him to also take away his skill to grab peoples attention with his skills. He believes he would be rendered obsolete and unneeded if that happens. Erasure. Its why he hated teaching Miriko, but it was in his mind a sacrifice to earn for a living. Maybe if he earns for a house, he can at least live somewhere better. Where he isnt replacable.

As they spoke of combat capabilities. Michael did mention his knife and stabbing capability. And a bit of a glee for stabbing shone through for a miniscule moment, but he quickly realized it and quelled the urge to stab. Michael nodded when Alisa spoke
"Indeed I can. But heres the catch. The word enemy. What does that mean? What could be an enemy to me, can be an ally to you or an innocent. So you see the conundrum." he wanted to say more, but stopped himself. He wanted to confess to her and tell her how he loved to kill innocents and how he doesnt do that because her guild would kill him. But he doubted that would give him brownie points with lady guild master. It would probably put him on a black list or hit list.

He considered his next words well, before he spoke
"There was one person who...I guess you could say hurt me. And I do wanna get back her. But she's sadly much more powerful then me. So I need to get better. Hence you see me jogging" he in a way explained why they met by jogging. He was training his speed

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