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Fresh From The Fight! [NQ - Pirates!]

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Fresh From The Fight! [NQ - Pirates!] Empty Mon Oct 03, 2022 3:52 am


WORDS: 550 | Shiver Me Timbers!  

This thing doesn't let up…! The small patch of 'security' on which she stood now at best smouldering in places and burning in others as Sofia serena threw herself over her shoulder to avoid yet another fireball thrown down from a speeding enemy, the fresh sheen of activity left her brow damp and the combination of activity and the building smoke seeming to choke her with every breath, she was left to pant as she found all but one of the cannons on deck ruined by attacks which had seemed to be designed to cripple the craft, and with a degree of thinking that went beyond even most men.
And it's not just a dumb beast either. It's working me out, testing for weaknesses… Hearing tales from those who had faced dragons and drakes which spoke of how the most frightening thing about them was neither flame nor fang but rather the intellect they showed, it seemed that the shot she had landed on this wicked wyvern had seemed to wake it from whatever rage that had brought it, but done little to deter it from its apparent purpose of ensuring that the ship and the woman aboard it were sent to the bottom of the ocean in as crispy a state as ever.

“Damnit…!” The efforts of the emerald eyed enchantress seeming to be coming to naught increasingly for nothing beach of that fact as her fiery foe opted to keep himself fast and spare only enough of his deadly breath to keep the woman on her toes and pick off the defences she had at her disposal, even now as she hopped over outbursts of flame and fallen timer Miss Serena found herself pressured, and seemingly driven into a corner by an animal which appeared to now have every intent to toy with its meal.
Oh no! For that reason the fox unlikely to be surprised when she found rows of fangs and flames beyond them waiting for her when she finally made it to her last cannon, and realized that her plans had been both discerned and completely undone by her airborne aggressor, it was all she could do in the fraction of a moment she was offered to pull her index and middle fingers to her brow and activate a spell to protect herself, for the moment at least.

“Whewww!” Still not keen on testing just how well her wards might have held up against the breath of a dragon and instead relying on her tried and tested trump card to vanish from the deck the moment she felt that heat building and return as far from the beast as she could, Sofia had to let loose a breath as she watched the blazing beast let loose a blast of fire which seemed to run roughshod over the entire deck, and finally claim the craft which she had been using to cover herself as it did so.
Kinda out of the frying pan and into the fire now though right…? Far from out of the woods just yet mind you and now hanging in the air without any means of protecting her hide without beyond what magic could provide, frankly it was tempting to just rush for the coastline and hope that the wrath of the wyvern would be satisfied with the ship, but it was something of a gamble, and one she wouldn't take. After all, if it followed her to the town, it might just hurt someone there, and those someone's include her friends and her family. So today, either she resolved herself that either this blasting brute would go down over the ocean, or she would…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Fresh From The Fight! [NQ - Pirates!] Empty Mon Oct 03, 2022 8:06 am


WORDS: 600 | TAG: @Sofia | BODYSUIT

This was a problem Hargeon would always struggle with... Even after all these years, even before she was guildmaster, Alisa had always seen this city struggling with pirates, ready to plunder the hapless merchant ships. She'd went to great lengths to cull their numbers but... No matter how many they took down, more would readily take their place:

"You boys really never learn hmm?", Alisa spoke, a soft, confident smirk plastered on her face as she swept her sword down, wiping the blood off another hopeful pirate crew. She didn't specifically fight aiming to slaughter them all but at the same time... When Alisa cut loose, she seldom cared for the well being of her foes, and most of these guys... Really weren't that strong at all.

Still, while they may have no semblance of quality in their numbers... They did have, well, numbers. Quantity over quality all the way through, but even then, they did have a lot of cannon fodder throwing itself onto the fire, probably deciding that death by the demon slayer's blade was preferrable to whatever fate awaited them in the gallows if they survived, or worse, at the hands of their own captain if they surrendered:

"Come on, kill her ye worthless bilge rats!!", clamoured the man, firing his flintlock into the air before taking aim at Alisa, firing two shots at her just as she cleaved through another wave of pirates.

Though none of the pirates posed any real challenge, Alisa had been at this for a while, slashing through them left and right until she felt her chest heaving, her heart racing in her chest as she had do dodge a hail of bullets with every single attack she launched, some coming painfully close to her gleaming red visor as she deftly ducked out of the way, darting off to the side and finding yet another lone prey taking aim, absent the company of his companions. And whenever she did, three or four mobbed her all at once, drawing a wider, cleaving slash from the merciless hunter, or maybe even a wider, destructive spell levelling yet another portion of the deck... Yet Alisa was winning, even in the face of relentless numbers:

"Oh, is that all~...? Don't tell me you don't have anymore helpless small fry to throw onto the fires?", she taunted, tilting her head with a scornful tone, looking down on the callous captain with every hip swaying step she took, hoisting the blade once more as the man once again took aim, hands trembling, his frantic confidence waning as every single one of his allies fell like flies all around them.

She never expected the man to have any confidence in facing her himself... But god his cowardice surprised even her... Alisa all but chuckled as she coated herself in full body diamond armor once again as she got closer, close enough that she wouldn't even be able to realistically dodge if the Captain fired at her from this close... Assuming he could even muster the will too:

"Don't get cocky ye worthless wench!!", growling, the man finally found his nerves and fired both his pistols, only to gasp as Alisa barely flinched at them, undaunted by the cracks in her armor

"My turn~...", smirking as she turned her head back to her foe, Alisa inhaled deeply, her full chest swelling under the diamond coating around her body before bellowing with all her might, producing a magic circle in front of her as she cried out her signature spell, "Crystal Demon's RAGE!!!!"

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Fresh From The Fight! [NQ - Pirates!] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Fresh From The Fight! [NQ - Pirates!] Empty Mon Oct 03, 2022 12:30 pm


WORDS: 500 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“Hng! Rgh! Ha!” The whirling hum of her saber usually enough to send her foes and their more unfortunate portions of their anatomy flying but not on this day, instead the breath of the brunette remained eternally just beyond what her lungs could catch up with as she swung her dual ended sword about, but despite her growing exuastion could see she was doing barely more than scraping the impressive scales of the beast she battled.
Barely even scratched the thing does it? In that case… Able to loop and tuck around thanks to the pronounced effect of the glowing wings upon her back but that doing little when the brute was on her tail all the time, it was all she could do to flick herself away from the blazing bolts and blasts that were hurled toward her by the maw of the beast, let alone find her way to footing and firmity enough to really strike back against her attacker. Though that didn't mean she was done trying.

“Scylla!” A girl who was blessed with both patience and persistence and a well of creativity to boot, the looming sight of the town in the distance was a constant source of both determination and inspiration for a woman who now found her outfit scraped away to reveal scratches of her own and a trail of redness running from her hair to her cheek as well, but as she claws at the sea over which she skimmed she showed that even with claret oozing from her she was not about to be outdone just yet.
How about Dragon VS Dragon…! Narrowing that green gaze because of that and using that free hand to draw her own beast from the depths to challenge her pursuer, the siren spun around thanks to the golden hue which carried her over the ocean and flung her blue-borne beast toward the fangs and flames which seemed so keen on clinging to her heels, but found a foe this ferocious stalled only for a second.

Even with the type advantage, huh? It only seeming to take a growl and a howl and the might which that combination seemed to summon for the drake to erupt through her creation with the same strength he had the ocean earlier on, Sofia could only let loose a shaky sigh as she spied her enemy smashing through the construct she had made and aiming to do the same to her, once more the siren found herself forced to rely on one of her special little secrets as she tugged on her collar and seemed to fade a little from existence as a result.
I'm quickly running out of tricks up my sleeve with this thing…! Transforming herself into something spectral but only for the shortest series of seconds she could manage to evade the attack and send the wyvern shooting behind her at full pelt, all too quickly was she forced to lunge onward to try and create some space to find a new plan for taking it down, but frankly she was running out of options, and by this point stamina ever more…!

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Fresh From The Fight! [NQ - Pirates!] Empty Tue Oct 04, 2022 9:20 am


WORDS: 1200 | TAG: @Sofia | BODYSUIT

Her blast blew off the pirate captain and a huge portion of the upper deck of his ship, putting an end to his menace... For small fry they managed to up some semblance of a fight, courtesy of their overabundant numbers. But now that the captain had fallen, whatever meager fighting spirit they once had crumbled into dust, leaving Alisa free to look at some of the other ships... And that's where she saw it, a large dragon fighting someone on the deck of the ship... It took her but a few instants to recognize that sinuous shape, that flowing, lustruous auburn hair and the dazzling gleam of her lightsaber:

"Sofia...!", gasping as her eyes shot wide, the sight of her beloved bride in a pinch sent her into a fury, crystalline wings sprouting from her back as she tapped her feet and kicked off, soaring over the waves. Alisa gritted her teeth, gripping tightly to the hilt of her sword... Sure, Sofia was powerful... But she hadn't been this strong for nearly as long as Alisa had. Deep down, she always had this budding worry that she could end up caught fighting against a foe whose strength she didn't adequately asess. Happens to the best of them... And though this wasn't no dragon, the creature still looked more than large enough to pose a threat even to Alisa even if she got careless.

Please make it in time... Flying at breakneck speeds, Alisa crossed the distance between both ships in a matter of moments, announcing her presence with a 16 meter wide, gleaming magic circle appearing below the wyvern just as it loomed over her currently intangible bride:

"Stand back, Sofia...! Demon Slayer Secret Arc: Vajrapralaya!!", crying out the name of her attack with brow twitching, vein bulging fury plastered on her face, Alisa took aim at the foul sack of scales that dared threaten her wonderful wife, and unleashed one of her most powerful spells without a shred of hesitation...

Mustering every ounce of focus as her eyes saw red, Alisa took care to keep Sofia out of the range of her spell, but at the same time, she instinctively called out, lest her beloved bride wander into that gleaming circle of destruction that signalled one of Alisa's strongest spells. Mere moments after that dazzling gleam lit up the deck of the ship, a loud, shattering sound filled the air as a merciless pulse of mana shot forth from the center of the circle, crystallizing anything in its path and shattering it to bits, shredding through sails and wooden planks until nothing but a hail of diamond dust remained. Even a creature as large and menacing as this wyvern could only let out a pain filled shriek that sounded like music to her ears, the sound of divine retribution striking down on those who'd threaten Sofia Serena. Still, Alisa had to admire the creature's tenacity... Even with its scaly skin cracked and crystallized as her magic spread like corrosive poison, turning organic tissue into solid, sturdy crystal that grew increasingly brittle with every motion... The dragon roared and turned his gaze towards Alisa instead:

"Oh... Tough nut to crack I take it...? Give me hand here, my love~", relieved to find the dragon's attention turned towards her instead, Alisa hoisted her blade as she recovered some of her usual nonchalance, a soft, confident smile drawing on her lips


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Fresh From The Fight! [NQ - Pirates!] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Fresh From The Fight! [NQ - Pirates!] Empty Tue Oct 04, 2022 9:55 am


WORDS: 550 | Shiver Me Timbers!

What in the…?! Holding her ghostly form for as long as she could in case the wyvern opted to reply against her move and as such protected when something seemed to make the winged wickedness wail like never before, those emerald eyes of Miss Serena widened as she watched what felt like a dazzling explosion seemed to engulf the fiery flyer and leave it howling with pain, and seemingly, far less able to defend itself than it had been but a matter of moments ago.
This magic…! This a fact that was all too familiar to the fair femme given she knew of only one mage in the world who could command such potent prowess and do so with such effortless grace, the slender sylph let loose a sigh of relief as she watched her enemy being consumed by an attack which seemed to turn those proud and mighty scales to shards and splinters, and wasted no time in taking advantage of that fact, or the rush of energy she was offered by the spectacle either.

“Rnnnnngggg!!!!” Whirling her weapon once more with all the fury she could possibly muster and thrusting herself forward as her act of evasion ended and she was provided with the perfect impetus to pay back the punishment she had received thus far, Sofia needed little in the way of encouragement from her ebony haired enchantress as she flung herself onward with the same ferocity she had been facing up to this point, and used it to gouge the back of the beast with her spinning sabre as she flew past him.
“You're late, my love~” This not her only aim however in instead even after this the coquette seeming a little cavalier as she called out to her lover as she performed a 'drive by' on the drake, though her breath was ragged and image was a little lacking its usual gorgeous grace the green gaze of the girl shone brighter than ever at the sight of her bride, and found herself greeting her glamorous goddess with a grin and a little cheek as well.

“Any slower and I might have made you sleep on the couch tonight~” Leaving the blazing brute howling behind her as she did as well and skipping through the air by aid of her golden wings to reunite with the ravishing raven who had come to her rescue, all that Miss Serena could do was beam and bob her brows as she teases the temptress on the timely manner of her arrival, and then turned about to ensure that her enemy did not have too much of a chance to take advantage of the distraction this dark delight offered.
“Unlucky for him… After a move like that, I can't help but want to get you back to my bed as soon as I can~?” Forced to supress her every instinct to thrust her arms around the neck of the woman she loved and plant a well needed kiss on her lips as she did so, even this beguiled beauty could tell that she had bigger worries for the moment than expressing the feelings flooding from within her, and could prioritise her current concerns because of one easily observed fact; once this was over, she would make up for everything she missed out on, and more…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Fresh From The Fight! [NQ - Pirates!] Empty Tue Oct 04, 2022 3:04 pm


WORDS: 1700 | TAG: @Sofia | BODYSUIT

The sound of her voice alone felt like music to her ears, those flirtatious undertones Alisa responded in kind to, stylishly flipping her lustruous hair behind her shoulder as her idle hand slid down to the swell of her hips, idly adjusting the tight fit of her bodysuit around her curvaceous frame, all but striking her pose for her beloved:

"Fashionable late, I'd hope~...?", Alisa chimed back, letting out a low, melodious chuckle as her idle hand rose over her mouth, regaining that telltale cheer as she found her lover as sprited and spunky as she knew and loved, turning her gaze towards that auburn haired vision as she

Trusting her white eye, she kept her senses sharp on the draconic foe that had been giving her beloved so much trouble... And after this, she was starting to understand why. Alisa's spells were not weak by any stretch. Not many mages had reached the pinnacle of sheer power she could muster, though she'd sacrificed a fair bit of versatility to do so. Even after the crystallizing wave washed over the creature, Alisa's mana remained, the crystallization progressing deeper into the creature's body, adding to the damage... But there it was, still very much alive:

"Oooof, how cruel of you my love~... I'd have needed to find a way to earn your good graces again hmm~?", she teased, winking playfully at her beloved, her gaze narrowing as she took a hot second to merely admire her bewitching belle in her battle armor, the golden hue of her lightsaber matching her wings, putting the very gleam of the sun to shame. Even in the heat of battle, her words touched a deep, scarcely veiled urge deep within, a never ending well of desire that always seemed fit to overflow when she so much as felt her beloved at her side, "Mmmm~... And after that kind of invitation... I'm not planning to let this thing get in the way for even a second longer."

Sofia had a greater fortitude than Alisa did, for the sculptress couldn't help but slide her arm around Sofia's waist, pulling her beloved bride into a hot, dizzying kiss, claiming those luscious lips as she worked them slowly and sensually, her chest pressing ever so softly against Sofia's... Even the dragon couldn't help but sense an openinbg as he fired a volatile blast of wind, only for Alisa to cooly raise her arm and quickly erect a sturdy diamond barrier, casually blocking the attack without even peeling herself away from her beloved, parting that sizzling kiss with redness in her cheeks and a glistening in her lips as she nibbled her own and gave Sofia her personal space back:

"Now~... Let's take out the trash quickly, shall we~?", her heart still racing from the good luck charm she'd just savoured, Alisa dove back down, meeting the dragon head on, deftly avoiding the swipe of its claw before turning around into a spiralling slash, swinging mid flight as she effortlessly cleaved the creature's arm with a self assured smile on her face, "You're wide open~...!!"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Fresh From The Fight! [NQ - Pirates!] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Fresh From The Fight! [NQ - Pirates!] Empty Wed Oct 05, 2022 6:13 am


WORDS: 600 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“Ohhhhh, I'm sure it wouldn't take much, with your kind of… Creative inspiration~?” Smirking as she found almost every ounce of pain and tiredness within her body seeming to be wiped away by the wonder of her wife, Sofia could only smile as her beloved black belle made light about her joke about sleeping on the couch and how she might ingratiate herself back into the good graces of the gal with the green gaze afterward, to which our foxy focus was only too happy nibble her lower lip and hint that her stay in the proverbial doghouse was likely to be brief. I mean, there was no way she could hold it against her full long, against the unstoppable force that was the combination of her looks and ever more so devilishly deviant desires as well?

“Yes, we've dallied with pirates and their pets long enough, no~?” Nodding as her bewitching black belle declared that they should end their fight swiftly and finding herself ready to turn her mind to other things as well, though many might have found it a tall order to quell a beast such as this in anything close to being called 'quickness', Miss Serena had no doubt that their combination would achieve just that. A faith which Alisa seemed happy to make good on with what she did next.

Amazing…! The black blade of her bride seeming to make short work of a limb which was tantamount to the trunk of a tree and only seeming to excite the emerald eye because of that, Sofia could only look to her ebony enchantress with astonishment and other less wholesome stirrings, and then she took a breath and readied herself for her follow up at the urging of her Amazonian ally.
Can I…? Battling this brute for what felt like forever and the very prospect of breaking through its scales seeming almost absurd all that while, one might have forgiven the soaring siren for assuming that a more pronounced imitation of the deed might have been beyond her, yet, with such a strident and striking example she could not refuse the call, now could she?

“EEEYYYHHH!!!” For that reason the fox tossing away her doubts and instead whirling her weapon about in a loud and energised hum before she launched herself forward, the vision of the vixen seemed to sharpen as she sought to take advantage of the opening that her beloved had provided her with and finish the bout, and so she thrust herself forward with everything that she had as a result. The body of the brunette seeming to glow already because of the spell which kept her aloft but that only seeming to intensify as she put all her effort into one resounding swing of her weapon, what had once seemed like wrought wolfram parted for her as easy as a block of butter against a hot knife, and all too soon was the siren staring at blue sky once more as she realised she had cut straight through the neck of the beast and left it behind in her wake. And yet, as she did so, she felt something strange.

I'm sorry, fierce creature… Casting her emerald eyes backward over her shoulder to see the head and body of the carved creature seeming to droop and drop into the ocean and feeling only a sense of sadness in that fact, the fair fox let loose a breath of apology for the beast that had been dragged into this battle, and a prayer as well. It not the fault of the drake that it had been drawn into the fight and all the fury it carried only the result of what the fool before it had created, even though she had proven the victor in this final clash no one here felt like a winner. What a waste it was of such a magnificent creature, eh?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Fresh From The Fight! [NQ - Pirates!] Empty Wed Oct 05, 2022 10:28 am


WORDS: 2250 | TAG: @Sofia | BODYSUIT

Giving Sofia her personal space back, Alisa couldn't help but let her gaze linger onto her beloved more often than not, making the most of her three dimensional sight to keep track of her motions, even before she charged forth into the fray:

"Mhmmmm, I we should hurry to our bedroom my love, I'm sure our guests would like to leave now~", she chimed back, that telltale hint of sarcasm of someone who was politely shooing people out of the house now directed at that raging wyvern that looked quite eager to rip them both to shreds if given the chance.

She'd seen rude guests before but really, this one takes the cake... How dare he get between the two of them so stubbornly? All the more reason why Alisa charged with all her might, mustering all the same ferocity as the dragon did, putting all her strength behind the ensuing strike and cleaving off the beast's limb as it wailed in pain, turning all of its fury towards Alisa as it inhaled deeply, charging a bellowing dragon's roar that all too easily put her on the defensive, forcing the lithomancer to raise one arm over her face and cast a defensive coating all over her body, covering herself in a glimmering diamond skin:

"Tch...!!", harder to dodge in mid air especially from this close, but she trusted in her defenses to keep her safe. But in the end, instead of an attack, Alisa saw something else that lit her heart ablaze, the awe inspiring vision of her vivacious wife charging into the fray with a battle cry that made her whole being shudder at the very sound, mustering strength that now not only matched Alisa's but more than likely surpassed it, had the sculptress been deprived of that heavy sword in her hands that dealt a significant chunk of the damage. Alisa bit her lip at the sight, "Beautiful~..."

Marvelling at the sight, Alisa chewed her bottom lip as she took in the sight of her lover's attack in all its glory, the sight invigorating her with a sudden surge of power she hadn't experienced in years, ever since she stopped using her transcendent transformation in battle all those years ago. Lit ablaze by the sight of the dragon turning his attention onto her beloved, Alisa rushed forth once more without hesitation:

"Get your filthy paws off her!!", she roared, her aura flaring out as the very sight of the dragon taking aim at Sofia spurred the sculptress into action, reacting on instinct, making a beeline for the creature's other claw as it attempted to intercept Sofia's finishing blow, strike in unison with her beloved bride, protecting her back as she cleaved off its other arm, her breath ragged, chest heaving as they finally claimed victory over their titanic foe, her aura subsiding, leaving only that blood boiling rush she hadn't felt in oh so long ago as she finally regrouped with her beloved... Taking a moment to admire her foe's strength now that she had the luxury to do so, shaking her head with a sullen look on her face, "A shame... Had this beast been our ally, we could have counted ourselves fortunate for its aid."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Fresh From The Fight! [NQ - Pirates!] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Fresh From The Fight! [NQ - Pirates!] Empty Wed Oct 05, 2022 12:44 pm


WORDS: 500 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“It wasn't his fault, those idiot pirates got him all riled up, unfortunately…” Certainly not about to disagree with her dark delight when the woman commented on the tragedy in the deed they had committed, while the wrath of the wyvern had left them little choice in what to do to deal with it at the same time sofia could see how much of a shame it was that such brutal force had been necessary, and as such could only let loose a little bit of bitterness for the fact that the act of a bull headed brigand had created all of this. I mean sure, after the roasting the deck had taken that captain was likely extra crispy himself, but even then it made the siren sad to know that they had been forced to slay a creature whose only crime had been being within earshot of that horn at the wrong time.

I need to look into that, actually, if there's anything left to study of course…? The brow of the brunette seeming to crease all the more when she recalled the means through which her former foes had brought a marvel like that to their 'aid', in the rather literal heat of the confrontation the coquette hadn't had much time to think about the artifact that had been used to draw the drake toward her, but now that she had a moment to breath and relax a little it seemed she could now consider the facts a little more carefully. Or would have been able, if not for the ordeal she had just been through.
“W-Whoa!” instead any ability she might have possessed to go fishing through the smoking ruin that was their ship seeming to take a rather distance secondary precedence as she felt the aura supporting her fading, all those fights she had battled through and the rather costly spells which had been used to help her survive meant that the green gaze of the girl was more interesting in finding something to support her as her powers seemed to fade, and she fell upon the support of the woman she loved because of that.

“Looks like… I'd been pushing myself a bit too hard huh?” Reflexively reaching for the raven and glad that alisa has seemed to linger close to her in the aftermath because of that, the fingers of the fox and beyond seemed to lunge for the shoulders of her sable siren as she found her golden wings dissipating, and as such was forced to press herself against her partner as a result. Well, 'forced' might have been an exaggeration.
“Mind giving a girl a lift back to her bunk~?” After all a woman like miss serena only too happy to embrace her ebony haired enchantress and that very feeling of contact something that seemed to make that battle wrought form melt, all that she could do now was squeeze herself closer and feel how heavy her eyelids felt when confronted by that perfectly magnetic pout of her lover, and discover she had no strength to oppose either. After all, she'd beaten the bad guy, so now she got the girl, right~? That's how these sorts of things tended to work…

2700/2500 Words
Mission Complete – Exit

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Fresh From The Fight! [NQ - Pirates!] Empty Wed Oct 05, 2022 3:18 pm


WORDS: 2680 | TAG: @Sofia | BODYSUIT

"Mmmm, it's not the first time we've seen pirates getting up to unsavoury antics like this...", Alisa shook her head, her mind wandering back to the kraken they'd fought not too long ago, who'd also been enslaved by some unscrupulous Pirate captain. She gritted her teeth, clenching her fist at the needless loss of life... But in the end, it would be better if she thought of these creatures as dead the moment they fell under the yoke of these people.

Too powerful to be subdued peacefully, there was little chance even for warriors of their caliber to break the curse without endangering the lives of everybody else nearby. Those dragons would probably have chosen death than being used as a tool by some scraggly sea dog, so in the end... Alisa settled for calling this an act of mercy. Though tempted to turn off her transformation, Alisa felt fortunate to not have done so as those sharp, quick instincts allowed her to quickly swoop in and scoop her lover into her arms, her motion swift, but gentle, letting Sofia feel as though she'd just fallen into a welcoming mattress and pliant pillows:

"Whoa there...! Look out my love~...", spoke the sculptress, pulling her beloved bride into her bosom. Even now her aura yet radiated off her sinuous shape, that warm, pinkish white pulse of power leaving the tips of her hair fluttering with every vigorous motion as she leaned in for a kiss, gently pressing her luscious lips to her lover's as she held her closer, slowly flying off back to the guild hall, suckling that perfect pout between her own inbetween that purring, tantalizing tone, "You've been fighting awfully hard the past few hours hmm~?"

Her arms sliding around her lover's back and under the crook of her knees, she pulled her closer, nuzzling those soft cheeks with her own, breathing in that soothing, salty sea breeze wafting off her beloved nymph. With her long hair fluttering behind her, Alisa slowly sped up instead of how quickly she'd normally accelerate, all but whispering breathily in her ear:

"Hold on tightly~...", she encouraged, her heartrate quickening as those sinfully soft masses squished oh so sublimely against her lover's, close enough that Sofia might feel the incessant thumping in her chest simply from feeling her warmth pressed up to her own, all but beelining for their room as her voice grew husky, deafening out even the whipping of the wind all around them, "We'll be home before you know it~"

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Fresh From The Fight! [NQ - Pirates!] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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