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Lute Force (Good)

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Lute Force (Good) Empty Tue Aug 16, 2022 10:35 pm


Yuurei and Renji were moving through Myras City and soon enough they would get a letter to meet up with Hayden. He would walk over to the location where their client wanted them to meet up. When he got there, he would look around to see where Hayden was, and he would see the bard coming toward him from the east of him. When he had gotten close, they would greet each other with a smile on their face.

Hayden would change his expression after they had greeted each other as it was time to get serious.

“Yuurei I need your help. There are these damn bards that have taken my spot in the lower district. I tried to share with them, but they were trying to force me out of my spot. There is a group of them down there and I need you to scare them off to leave me alone.” He said to Yuurei.



Lute Force (Good) Empty Tue Aug 16, 2022 10:35 pm


Yuurei would hear this and he figured that he would do whatever he could to get the bards out of that spot.

“Sure I can make sure that they leave you and that spot alone.” He said to Hayden.

He would leave his client and he would walk over to the lower district. He would move through the area as he was trying to find out where they were. Of course, it wouldn’t take long for him to find them, and he would approach them after they had finished performing for the people in the district.

They would notice that Yuurei was approaching them. He would have a smirk on his face as he would start to badger their music and get them upset. They wanted him to leave, but Yuurei would keep going as he was picking a fight with them. They would start to get annoyed with his words, and they would try to attack him.



Lute Force (Good) Empty Tue Aug 16, 2022 10:35 pm


Yuurei would see them coming toward him to attack, and he would dodge their attacks as they were coming at him. It would seem like they were making sure that they could shut him up, but they would find out that they couldn’t even touch him. Still, they would continue to try and land a hit on Yuurei. It was quite enjoyable to see them try to hit him and soon enough a guard would appear. When the guard saw that they were attacking a famous mage. He would get in front of them, and he would take the bards away.

They would try to tell the guard he had started this, but he wouldn’t listen to them as he would take them away.

When they were gone, Hayden would show up to Yuurei and he would claim his spot once again. He would motion for Yuurei to come over to him and when he did, Hayden would hand him his jewels for getting his spot back to him. Yuurei would take his reward and be on his way to enjoy the rest of his day.



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