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Syllas Banquet (Good)

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Syllas Banquet (Good) Empty Tue Aug 16, 2022 7:26 pm


Yuurei had a letter come to him from Fernando the ruler of Marigold. It would seem like he wanted him to come over to the castle and perform three of his spells on the guests that he was going to have over. He didn’t think he would be able to do something like this, but he figured he could use some of his weak spells. The Nephilim figured he would figure it out when it was his turn. Yuurei would make it to the castle and when he got there the guards would look at him. They knew it was Yuurei because he was a famous mage. This was going to be entertaining, and they would escort him to the banquet.

When Yuurei got there he would see Rosalia there and she would wave at him when she saw him. Yuurei would wave back, and he would look at the number of people there and all the food that was there.



Syllas Banquet (Good) Empty Tue Aug 16, 2022 7:27 pm


The guard that walked Yuurei over here, eh would look at him with a serious look on his face.

“When it's your turn you can go to the middle over there.” He said to Yuurei as he would walk away.

Yuurei would look over to Fernando and he would wave at him. That was the man that had paid him for building the houses the other day. Yuurei would watch everyone use their magic to impress the people that wanted to see the different magic people. It wouldn’t take long, but his turn would come, and he would step forward to the middle of it all. He would take out a tool and he would put his hand over his head.

A magic circle would appear, and Galatea would appear right next to Yuurei. She would wave at everybody because Yuurei told her to through telepathy. They were impressed that this man could summon a woman by his side.



Syllas Banquet (Good) Empty Tue Aug 16, 2022 7:27 pm


Yuurei’s second magic he would use would be his cursed arm. He would use the binding spell on Galatea herself as his bandages would unwrap themselves and head toward her and would bind her in place. They were surprised about this as they have never seen such unique and rare magic before. Of course, Yuurei wasn’t done because his last one would be his transformation. His wings would come out of his back and his eyes would change color. The guests’ eyes would widen as they were all impressed to see the angelic wings. This was the best performance yet, and they would all applaud him as he was done showing off.

Yuurei would make his way out of the room, and he would head to the guard. He would see that they were impressed and enjoyed the show and they would hand Yuurei his reward for doing this. He would take it and he would leave the castle before he lost his head somehow.

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