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One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green]

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One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Sun Mar 06, 2022 10:44 am

After a few incidents from the various tournaments Lucretia found herself resigning herself to one of the many local bars. Not the great boar hat because for once she was looking to just sort of take it easy for the most part. The two tournaments had been a bit tiring dealing with and well. She was looking to blow off a little steam and what better way to get a drink? It was a bar that she hadn’t been there before so the warrior looked kind of out of place.

It was one of those cheaper bars but it had a good selection she heard, so she took a wild stab at it to find it was mostly farmers and their various acquaintances. Given that she was also a good head n shoulders taller than most of the people that were here made her stand out even more.

The last thing that added to that fact was the golden spear that rested next to her; pristine and ready n raring to go. It was a weapon that stood on it’s own but together with lucretia it had made quite a dent in things lately. At least to her.

She’d lean forward on the bar, stein in hand and request another refil. Not minding having to pay for each drink separately; the bartender didn’t know her very well so was preferring to take payments up front rather than act on a tab. Good system to have especially these days.

Finding the bar thankfully was easy, as was getting drinks once seated at the cozy interior of the bar. But lucretia found the mead to be a little on the tasteless side; thankfully it was cheap and the sweetness was more an after thought than the main course. One of those things where if you didn’t mind the taste or lack there of it’d be a good alternative.

Either that or if you just wanted to get shit faced. Which wasn’t her goal here but after putting away six of the steins she was feeling a light buzz.

Geez lady you can really hold your liquor. You from around here?

Nah I’m from iceberg. But I’m with the infinity wolves over in Asteria. Got anything with a bit more taste?

Think so, might be a bit ‘fore I can find it though. Most people get that stuff.

Lucretia made a small hand wavy motion indicating she’d like that while also holding the stein up for a refil. She’d be here for a while….

Fighty bits:


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Wed Mar 09, 2022 8:18 pm


Looks could be deceiving. That was a common wisdom of truth that was meant for many occasion. Of when people interacted and explored the world they lived in, doing things and seeing things that existed that was not as they seemed. Typically this was associated with or came up with people. People who looked good hearted n nature having a dark side of them that held the real deeper sinister  their character. Or perhaps were who they truly were. At other times, it would be people who were deemed the trouble sort. Problem people or the such that with how they liked or acted at first glance, gave an assumption of being a bad person or hiding nothing but malevolent intentions towards the world.

It was life.

And evident in a different way as Jikan sat in the bar. It was a bar she had been to a few times now. It did not look like it was much, but contrary to appearance, the place was great. Good food, excellent service, affordable costs, and a not too bad atmosphere. Heck, even when people got drunk it was not bad. A little rowdy and maybe some fisticuffs, but it never got to anything really serious or dangerous. Food, drinks, and maybe an amusing fight. Just Jikan's type of place to eat and relax.

Stats and Equipment:


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Mon Mar 14, 2022 4:45 pm

The bar was normally pretty abuzz with conversation but there was a strange dip in it for some reason. She’d turn her head to look around and she could understand why. There was quite a gorgeous individual that had come in if she had to say something about their looks. But that wasn’t the focus of lucretia’s interest, no what was interesting is was their scent. She’d sniff the air and furrow her brow; she had only met jikan in two separate instances and it had been several years at th is point. BGut the baseline of recognition was there.

Not to mention that there was a host of new scents clinging to her; ones she had no clue what they were. Truth be told all those in the bar had their own sets of things and part of the experience for going to a bar like this was to meet new people or try to guess where folks had been or what sort of job they had based off of that. A little game of senses. That being said?

She’d stand up, armor clinking against itself as she headed to the portion of the bar Jikan was at. There was a good chance that this wasn’t Jikan but she’d be polite enough to figure that even if they weren’t they’d at least not be too angry about her mix up. Though lucretia herself hadn’t gone through much change in the last two years; maybe a little rougher around the edges due to her natural inclination of being in another form nowadays. She’d clear her throat to gain the other’s attention hopefully before asking her question.

I don’t suppose we’ve met before? Jikan right?

If they hadn’t then she’d have to apologize, but if they had… What was Jikan doing in the west? She couldn’t recall what guild the other was a part of but then again she never had asked. One of those things you proudly displayed when you had them and one of those things that if you hid it well… There were a ton of reasons for that.

Fighty bits:


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Mon Mar 14, 2022 7:37 pm


It was odd for the people's reactions as she walked into the bar. It was not like they had never seen her before. For the time she had found herself in Baska in the past and even for a bit now, she found herself hanging out her regularly or semi regularly. She liked the people her in the town and the many different places that people gathered. But, it always seemed that people in the bars were enchanted a little when she showed up. It would go away after some time. It always did. After she found herself a nice place to relax and started interacting, the people normally got louder again and back into their own groove.

As she sat down she relaxed a little bit, considering striking up a conversation with the female bartender a little before she heard a voice clearing their throat behind her. Turning her head sideways while still facing her front, she heard a familiar voice and saw a familiar face. "Oh? Well you are a sight for sore eyes. Lucretia right?"

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Mon Mar 14, 2022 7:45 pm

Lucretia was definitely the sort to get used to that part of walking into places herself; most folks weren’t expecting her to show up in full gear all the time and would always stare. But in jikan’s case… Well. She’d manage a chuckle as the other greeted her; it was good to run into her friend again even if it had been a few years.

Yep! That’s me. What’s it been? Two years give or take?

Lucretia would take a seat next to Jikan, grinning ear to ear and leaning on the bar. Mostly turned towards jikan for ease of chatting up the other. She hadn’t seen them in so long she barely had recognized her. Hell she seemed like a whole new person; longer hair for one. But it was the red locks that had also given her away; lucretia didn’t know many red heads or folks that carried themselves like Jikan.

It’s good to see you! Been keepin out of trouble I hope?

Lucretia chuckled a bit and motioned for the barkeep to refill her own mug before turning to Jikan; she wondered what the other’s poison was so to speak. She’d hold up her freehand for a moment.

Least I could do is buy yah a drink after so long; whatcha fancy?

Lucretia wasn’t exactly hurting for jewels after all those tournaments and helping out the folks around town. But it wasn’t for the jewels that she did it; it was for the people themselves. A little bit of money never hurt but if someone asked her to help them out for the sake of saving some people’s lives she wouldn’t hesitate to do so.


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:04 pm


"Hmmm. Really, it has been two years already? It seems just like yesterday we were in that pop up town having a party. I can't believe its been that long. I guess time flies by sometimes".

As Lucretia sat down Jikan was able to get a fuller, closer look to her. The large woman did not change much in the two years since their meeting and last interaction. She did not look like she had aged much, but indeed seemed to get stronger. Maybe she was a little taller, but she had new armor on from Jikan's memory. It was worn fresh but, also looked that it had gotten solid use.

"Oh.....maybe~". She paused. "I've been staying out of trouble. But trouble has been following me and keeping my attention over these years. I somehow adopted three kids, and been busy taking care of the town my guild is in. I'm doing a little exploring again after not being able to after so long". There were a few things Jikan would leave out here. Somethings small and insignificant and other that Luc did not have to worry about in Jikan's opinion.

She looked at her friend fondly before resting her arm on the bar. "Hmmm I try a few things but when I visit here I get ale with some apple flavor in it. While we wait for our drinks tell me. How have you been? Still the hyper person I met?".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:12 pm

Mm. Yeah it doesn’t really feel like it doesn’t it? That party was such a blast I can barely remember half of it.

Lucretia couldn’t help but chuckle a bit; motioning for the bartender as Jikan started to talk. Trouble had been following Jikan around which sounded about right for most people now days. But she had been doing her best to stay out of it which was a pleasant surprise.

Three kids? Damn. I know I have a bloodling somewhere in the north but I can’t imagine having to deal with three. Town huh? Well. It’s in good hands if you’re takin care of it. Find anything interesting on your travels thus far?

Lucretia could remember the guildies that Jikan had back at the party; or rather she felt like they were guildmates. It was hard to really figure that out; she’d lean on the bar with a grin, sipping at her drink.

Then lets get you some of that. Oh? Hmm. I’d say full of energy more than hyper now. Ever since picking up this spear having two beasts vying for attention makes me want to go on patrols and see if my ‘territory’ is fine.

Having a wolf meant that she’d be more keen on roaming a wider area than the lion; but she’d also get fiercely defensive of places as she went. The bartender would eventually serve Jikan the ale and Lucretia would get herself a refill for the mead.

I’d say that the Infinity Wolves keep me busy; Asteria is a pretty big place and baska is close enough to where I feel the need to help out here.

There was a brief pause and she'd chuckle. Nearly forgetting a clear detail she wanted to ask...

"What about your kids? What's their names? I'll admit you didn't strike me as the type to adopt but most people don't strike me as someone to be a werewolf either."


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Tue Mar 15, 2022 9:07 pm


"You know, now that you bring it up I do not remember much from that day either. Just me setting up a room and it somehow becoming a place that some of the new members of the guild came to join. Oh, and food. I remember lots and lots of sweet and savory food. Besides that, I remember feeling like I had a lot of fun".

"Yea three kids, thankfully I somehow been doing a good job. Normal things with them and nothing extreme. I actually left today. SO, this has not been much for me. Well, besides in running into you again". She stopped for a moment. "Wait wait wait. You have a kid? Boy? Girl? What's their name??". This was so surprising! She wondered who else she knew had a kid during the two years she was by herself?

More surprised came when Luc mention her spear. It did look different than what she remembered her having last time. "Wait, two? What happened and how", she let out an amused chuckle. "Does the spear have the spirit of another animal or something?".

She nodded along. That right, Infinity Wolves were in this area weren't they. She suppose it was not too odd that she ran into her then. It would happen eventually. But this was so soon.

"Oh my kids? Their name's are Aureila, Amira, and Klein. Well, I did not plan on it to be honest. Nor did I ever want to. I mean, I guess I did. But it was something I thought would happen if it happened. And I suppose, with them it just happened that I decided to take care of them...", she took a sip of her drink. It was odd how it happened. Not just once but three times. She really was a sucker when it came to kids.

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Tue Mar 15, 2022 9:22 pm

There was a lot going on, lots of drinking. I think I ended up fighting one of your guildmates? It’s hard to really remember. But I’m glad we both remember having fun there. I’m pretty sure I brought along some choice meats.

The woman mulled over the experiences she could recall from the time in that locale. She had fought jikan and that she also met quite a few people from her guild. Even if she didn’t know the name she trusted someone that nadine would associate themselves with normally. Not to mention that jikan was a good person.

There was a long pause at hearing that the woman had been doing a good job; nothing crazy with them and that she had actually just left them for the first time. She’d sip at her drink and then throw up her eyebrows and lucretia just made a motion with one of her hands.

Oh I had them when I was about eighteen. So they’re likely hitting their teens right now. Haven’t seen them since they were a little tyke. Father was one of the other hunters; he picked the first name though they have my last name. Pretty sure they were a boy?

Lucretia gave a small shrug at that; she had been asked by the father to stay clear of the both of them for reasons that she didn’t quite understand but at the same time she wasn’t about to just willy nilly show up and tell them how to do things.

I was asked to stay away because we both had different enemies. So he could deal with his enemies but not mine too. Pretty sure that they’re fine. They’d contact me otherwise. Mind you I do care for them which is why I agreed to let the father handle raising them.

The woman paused when the other asked about the spirits; she’d rub at the back of her neck and manage a small smile.

It’s got a lion spirit in it. Very intense. Very powerful. Likes to argue with the wolf I’ve got on the inside. Well the wolf isn’t so much a spirit as just ‘me’ but fuzzball.

Lucretia laughed a bit and sipped on her drink; hearing the other’s kids names she’d store that away for if she ever met them and needed help. She’d set the mug down and she’d nod her head slowly.

Sometimes things happen like that and by the sounds of it you’ll be a good mother for them.


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Tue Mar 15, 2022 11:32 pm


"Ah yep yep. I do remember you bring in some delicious meat. Although I don't remember you fighting someone", she let a chuckle out. "I do not remember being mad about it so I think no one messed up the room...or the food. I wonder, the only thing I can think of is someone wanting to train or test themselves against you if they fought you. I doubt something would come up that would be concerning. Either way, it was amusing hehehe".

She raised an eyebrow at Luc though. "Oh? You had a kid that long and haven't seen them? How come???". It was a curious thing. There were numerous reasons why this could be the case but it was still surprising to her. Then she had feelings about it. Interest, confusion, anger, and sadness. "What enemies are threatening you and your family". She got it from the details. It was a tough one had to deal with.

"Wait, you serious? I said that as a joke. I never, thought a spirit cold be in something....that is actually very interesting. A little bit spooky, but interesting. And it talks? So like you internally and it? What else?". Jikan was getting very interested about this. In fact, she was getting the itch again. She may be looking for a scrap later with someone.

Jikan took another sip and sighed after. A combination of relaxation from her drink as well as a little bit stiffness. "Oh I don't know. I've been trying my best but even though it;s been two years now. I'm always wondering if I'm doing a good job".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Tue Mar 15, 2022 11:50 pm

It was kinda like… really fuzzy. I don’t remember a lot of details. Probably something that’ll come up if we meet up like that again. A party like that was a lot of fun. Both for the drinks and the fighty bits.

Lucretia chuckled lightly and as the other asked about her child lucretia sighed softly; setting the mug down so she could explain without breaking it up too much. There was a bit of frustration in this honestly.

See his father thought it’d be best for one of us to settle down; whomever could fell a greater beast than the other would be the one to protect the child. A last sort of magnum opus if you will to prove our relevance as a hunter. I managed to kill a few wolves on my own but him? He fought what amounted to a sea serpent on the open water with plenty of eyes to see him do it. We agreed to part ways and he was going to be allowed to raise the child. I haven’t seen them because I was not strong enough to protect them before and it isn’t fair to either of them if I just come back like that.

What enemies were threatening her and her family? The woman sighed a bit and started to list off the enemies that she had fought. Vampires, werewolves, the undead, the viscous clans of the north that used all sorts of tricks. Hell there were even some of the more brutal shaman clans to contend with. But they’d be more keen on looking for people hiding in other countries.

The best way to keep them safe was not to hide at all; but treat it like they were supposed to be there. I miss both of them dearly. But I doubt I’ll ever see them again. One day; if the child decides to seek me out.. .then I can see him. But not before. To roam such as this invites challenge from those clans, from those enemies. But they are safe doing what they can.

Lucretia nodded her head a bit as the other seemed surprised in the idea that the spear held a spirit. She’d chuckle a bit and lean to one side; smiling a bit before turning her head to the spear.

Oh the wolf inside me is like a different aspect and it doesn’t entirely get along with the lion. I talk to it internally a bit; though it’s a lazy bastard and never really wants to work more than it needs to. Unlike the wolf that loves getting into the thick of things.

She’d sip her drink and lean to look back at Jikan; raising her brows as the other seemed to wonder if they were doing a good job. She’d smile warmly and reach out to gently pat her friend’s shoulder.

You’re doing a fine job if you’re worried about them like this.


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Thu Mar 17, 2022 9:38 pm


Jikan nodded along. The memory was fuzzy for the both of them. And given that it was two years now since that happened, and they did not have the perfect picture memory of it in the first place, well it was no odd that neither of them could remember the precise details of the get together. They only had vague details and memories to share along with their emotions. It felt weird. It was beyond the normal process of remembering but...why was it so hard?

This thought would have to be put to the sideline. Jikan wanted to relax and enjoy herself. And Luc began to talk more about the details of her own child. It was complicated and a little emotional in her opinion. Both having enemies after them, both having to prove their individual strength to protect them. She wanted to smash something though. WHY only one of them? If both of them were strong, then why not work together to defend their children and their home? His father had this issue, but what about him. What did their father say about it?? "I see...that is a hard pill to shallow.... You don't look like you let it hold you down through, that's strong".

They both had things to deal with and things on their mind. And as Luc patted Jikan's shoulder she would down the rest of her first glass before asking for another. "Well, I can only hope so", she chuckled a little.

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Sat Mar 19, 2022 1:28 am

It was something that didn’t entirely bug Lucretia; not being able to remember it. It was like a scratch at the back of her head; like she should but… She’d shake her head slowly and then stare down at the mug. She’d sigh softly and then look up to the other woman as she seemed to think that she didn’t let it hold her down.

I think about it often. But at the time… I was really heavy into the culture of my people still. So I let him take the child. In the event that happens again… I won’t lose and then I will set the terms. It’s been so long that I might as well be a different person. I pretty much am. I had no idea I was a werewolf back then, nor was I as experienced as I am now.

She’d down a good chunk of her mug and then pause at the other’s response. She’d give a small wry grin and lean back. Yeah that was definitely the response that she expected; they probably both made good parents. At least in other venues. Lucretia figured that if she had won… well. The kid would be an absolute beast either way so there was no point in lamenting on it given how long ago this had transpired.

So you said you were exploring, find anything interesting yet? Other than the bottom of a flagon that is.

Lucretia chuckled and would playfully nudge her drinking companion; she was the sort that would take a playful ribbing like that in stride. But she earnestly had to wonder… The two of them had fought before; which meant that Lucretia felt like there was more to it than that. They both liked a good brawl and she’d never say no to one, so was Jikan exploring to find a fight? She wouldn’t be surprised.


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Sun Mar 20, 2022 12:49 am


Another drink slide to Jikan. Moving across the wooden counter to fit neatly into her hand. Th party was nice but a memory. Even though she could not remember there were plenty of opportunities to create and think of more in the future. She did not want to trouble her friend with not being able to remember, not when there were more things that could do that based on where their conversation was.

She wasn't sure if she had said something that was incorrect or painful but Luc let out a sigh. It if was due to what she was telling her or what Jikan said she was not sure. Luc thought about it often, so it must have been something that stung in her mind or in her heart. "I am happy you feel strong enough to protect them this time. But, from your phrasing it sounds like you are not as attached to your culture as in the pass, did something happen? And...well, I hope to not bring a negative though when we are seeing each other after so long and relaxing. But, what will you do if you lose to your partner again?". Jikan did not think of herself as a pessimistic, more a realist. And realistically in a fight it could always go one way or the other. And such, she needed her find to think about how she would handle both.

The noise in the bar was picking back up again. Either through the reality of Jikan just being Jikan and back in town, or the people eating and drinking their liquor again, they were going back to their normal activities and energy.

Jikan leaned back taking a tip of her drink. "Oh, I think I found a friend. One with two spirits apparently".

There was a commotion starting to form behind them at one corner of the bar.

"The red head".
No the werewolf".
"Do you not know about her?".
"Excuse me, do you not know about HER? just look how strong her arms and legs look".
"Look guys, this is stupid. They both strong and it would just be a toss up in a fight".
"Oh shut up tim. I bet five on the wolf if they got in a fight".
"I bet 10".
"And I bet both of you are idiots".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Tue Mar 22, 2022 5:26 pm

Lucretia leaned on the bar top; downing the rest of her new flagon with relative ease. The mead she was getting made it easy to down the whole damn thing. She really liked how sweet they made it here; up in the north it often was less so since the freshness of the items were often in question to make the stuff. The woman paused upon hearing it and she’d look down, clenching one fist. Thankfully it wasn’t the one holding her flagon else that would crush the darn thing.

Ever since finding out that I was a natural werewolf and not afflicted during my time as a hunter my culture from before has felt more like a fevored dream. It’s been years since I stepped into it’s lands and while it shapes my nature and desire to fight against the darkness it doesn’t hold me in it’s grip as much as it does before. I still believe in honor, the afterlife and such… But…

She’d growl a little bit; lose to her partner? They weren’t even a couple; not married. Not anything. They were lives apart. There was a moment where Lucretia’ flagon cracked from the pressure she put on it.

He’s not my partner anymore anyways. When we worked together and eventually had a child together sure. But now? He’s just the father to my child and the one raising them where I am merely just a hunter he was able to best once upon a time. He has spent his years getting fat and soft while I have… Grown. Considerably. The sea serpent he slew was impressive then but now? It feels like it’d be childsplay.

Lucretia sounded like she was certain she could beat her former partner and if she could do so that anything that came from it would simply just be to serve her own conscious rather than anything else. But there was a moment of weakness that lucretia was allowing herself before exhaling.

But it’s a moot point now. Some day I will see the child when they inevitably leave the roost. It is just a habit of the wolfenstein bloodline. We never stay in one place for long.

Hearing Jikan’s answer to her question however, Lucretia couldn’t help but chuckle; noting that her flagon was now cracked she’d frown and place some jewels on the bar for the bartender before turning to her friend. Hearing the argument brewing, the woman looked at Jikan with a small grin.

The last time we fought it was pretty abrupt in terms of ending wasn’t it? How’d you feel about fighting in earnest again?


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Tue Mar 22, 2022 10:48 pm


Jikan played with her drink, stirring it in its mug as she listened to the large werewolf that was her friend Lucretia. She was starting to get a slight buzz, it may have only been her second drink and barely even started, but she tended to get alcohol on the heavier side of percentages. She also drank low alcohol percentage drinks, but that was only the case when they had a big fruity taste or sweet taste. It also mattered if she wanted to just chill with a buzz or get a little more tipsy.

It was ever so slightly but Jikan saw Lucretia clutch her hand as it laid against the bar. This conversation was getting to her. Jikan had not interacted with with Luc that many times but Jikan had picked up that the large warrior had a kind attitude and cheerful manner. Even though she was trying to hide her frustration with her normal personality, it was still coming out to her true feelings. It was easy to see that given the genuineness of Luc made it hard to hide what was going on to th ones around her in Jikan's opinion.

It was more interesting information Luc was giving her. She was a natural born werewolf, not one inflicted by contact. But it had been so long for her being out, away from her people. The connection and bonds had weakened sadly.

Jikan was disappointed to hear that the man that was once Luc's partner had declined. It sounded like it angered her. The man she had some respect for and the one responsible, and given the gift and honor to raise their child did not do his duty of staying in shape and becoming more powerful over time. Luc did that and he failed to. It was a pitiful thing really, a fact that annoyed Jikan as well. No way near as Luc though as the large woman practically cracked her current mug with the tightening of her hand that held her mug.

"I hope your child will be excited to see you". She sat her drink down, hearing the chit chat pick up in the bar. The argument going on was amusing, did those people really know what they were talking about betting on one person being able to beat another? No combat experience with the sword or magic, it was all probably based on word of mouth and personal opinion. So silly. But it seemed that it was something Luc was up for.

Well, Jikan was not against it. Jikan had not had a spar in a long time, and if she was honest, Jikan was wondering about how enjoyable the fight would go. She did not remember their fight or how it went, it could be a chance to redo it. "You know, I actually would be up for it. I am curious how strong you are and I could use a good challenge".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Tue Mar 22, 2022 11:00 pm

It wasn’t something that lucretia had really experienced before; loss without actually gaining anything. It was something that clearly bothered her and she was glad that she could tell maybe that Jikan understood the pain. Either that or the soft buzz from the liquor made her think other things. She’d stare down at the counter; she had… problems with the fact she was a werewolf. She originally never liked the strength she was given and the woman closed her eyes to exhale slowly. Hearing the other’s kind words about her child made lucretia chuckle softly.

Aye. I Hope so too. I’m expecting anger or that they want to blame me for things though. Especially if some ill fate befell them both.

Lucretia’s sadness was evident with those words and the woman pushed up from the counter; she looked about ready to be done with that portion of the conversation. If she ever met her child she’d make sure that she’d teach them what their parent was all about.

I’m a different woman from our first time. But so are you. It’ll be exciting to see just how much each of us changed. Shall we go outside?

Lucretia jerked a thumb to the door, her free hand scooping up the spear without much issue. She didn’t hold anything against jikan; in the short span that they had known one another lucretia considered them a good friend. So this fight would be a good perspective of where they stood compared to one another…

Baska rock ain’t far either. Place has seen plenty of fights too if you want some serious ambience.


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Tue Mar 22, 2022 11:34 pm


"Hmmmm...if that is the case you can only be true to them to your feelings. Love them as you wished to and spend time that you could not in the past. And if something ill befell them....walk with them towards their healing. As close as they can let you I suppose". Jikan spoke these words as if she knew them from experience. It is was the case for Luc and her child, it would not be an easy path. But a possible one at least.

Jikan tough a drink from her mug, finishing up half of it as Luc spoke. She then placed her mug down, done with it, and got up. Then proceeded to grab it again and drink the rest. Letting a happy sigh leave her, "ah thats good. I'm ready to do some sparing now friend".

Jikan then followed behind. She had her stuff with her already. "I think that's a good spot. I don't think there's a need to mess anything up or frighten anyone for a simple spar between us".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Tue Mar 22, 2022 11:41 pm

I just hope they listen in either case. Hopefully I can help them if that comes to pass.

She seemed a bit somber but after a moment she’d nod her head; the other was ready to go? Sure the both of them had been drinking but Lucretia was definitely the sort that could put down so many drinks if she tried it was… well. Practically inhuman. Which if you thought about it. She was!

The woman stretched a bit before starting to head out towards that well known landmark. Glad that Jikan was quick to follow behind. Lucretia had been there so many times she practically knew the way without even really looking.

I mean I figure there will be plenty that will be surprised at what we’re capable of. Or fearful. I don’t think you’ve ever seen me in my werewolf state now have you?

Lucretia tilted her head; that question was a bit blurry on the answer as far as lucretia could remember. But eventually the two of them would be to the same arena that often hosted the tournaments. Lots of people used it to spar or train when there wasn’t one so there wouldn’t be a problem with the two of them here.

Large open space would let the both of them go at it with really nothing holding either back. Lucretia felt her back crack when she stretched and would set down her bag to the left of the entrance.

Then again last time we did this… what? I had swords?


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Wed Mar 23, 2022 12:28 am


Jikan nodded along. One could only hope in that situation. A person had grievances with someone was not easy to interact with and go past. That took time, and willingness. But that was for the future if that came. And Jikan hoped that that would be the case for Lucretia.

On this day Jikan did not have Mia, her exceed, nor Maxx, her Duhlin mount with her. She let them stay at where they were resting for the night. Mia was tired and Jikan thought it was no need for her to drag her with. With that, Jikan continued to follow along side Luc. "I suppose that is possible. People are capable of doing insanely amazing things after all. No matter how often you see it or feel it, it can be surprising or...scary. Even more so for regular people".

When they finally arrive Jikan was a bit pleased. Large space, not much to get in the way. It was perfect for a simple fight. Jikan began to crack her knuckles and joints, letting her body get ready for what was yet to come. She also set her bag down, placing her unneeded items she had on her away. "Oh yes, you had a loooooot of swords last time". Jikan let out a shudder remembering the, feeling?, of dealing with it. A pain in the butt.

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Wed Mar 23, 2022 12:39 am

All of that hope riding on the future would require her child to come and seek her out; it wasn’t lucretia’s decision and she’d respect if they never wanted to see her. It was just how life went and the woman adjusted a bit as they walked. The steady thump of metal from her spear accenting her stride considerably.

I remember when thinking that undead were just a figment of my imagination. Seeing one for the first time when I was a child was… definitely amazing. I can only imagine how others would approach it now.

The fear that came from the undead might have affected lucretia if they were stronger but she never had met one. She’d have to see how it felt to be around one and what it was capable of. The woman turned as the other placed down their bags. Should they spread out a bit or… Well she’d pad over to the center of the arena. Stretching one arm, then the other before settling her grip on the spear with hand.

Oh you’ll be happy to know I’m not toating around that anymore. Though my new magic I’m still unpracticed in. Just spear… and fang today I’m afraid.

The woman gave a momentary smile before adjusting her stance, sliding the spear along her forearm and staring at Jikan for a moment. The stance widened further and the woman’s body distended as she let her transformation take hold of her. Before she had relied on magic and knew that the werewolf form wasn’t entirely suited to it. So she grew; grew in size, reach, everything. A mane of fur and her face shifted from the fair visage to that of a wolf. She’d exhale a little bit and adjust again; taking that stance. Her voice sounded a bit deeper this time around…

Better. Want to get started?



One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Wed Mar 23, 2022 12:54 pm


Jikan and Lucretia were on their way, and during the walking Lucretia began talking about a topic that Jikan did not understand well, where it came from and how the came to this conversation? Seeing undead as a child? That was a dark thing that even for adults would be too much. She may have been from a warrior culture but still, Jikan found that that experience was extraordinary. It was something she could ask about another time after they sparred today?

With their things placed down all was left to do was to get into their positions and stances. The duo of Lucretia and Jikan did so. Luc taking theirs and Jikan taking hers being about 15 meters away. With how large her friend was and the reach her weapon gave her Jikan thought she might as well give herself a counter fact at starting this far away.

New weapons, new magic, and a transformation though. This was not the same Lucretia from two years ago! She was a different beast.

Jikan readied herself, putting her stance slightly slower as she hovered her fists above her chest and core, "Yea, let's go!".

With that Jikan made her way to her friend, begining at a run towards them going 7.5m/s. Her hands up to guard herself allow from quick attacks.

Wc: 223
Reward requirement 2000 > 1800 from companion
total: 223 / 1800

Stats and Equipment:


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Thu Mar 24, 2022 4:47 am

Lucretia realized the topic about the undead might seem a bit out of no where but she’d just give a momentary shrug; a single hand coming up to assist in the venture of dismissing it. She probably should have added that on to the last bit of it. She could tell just maybe she had confused her friend for a moment.

In… relevance to amazing things I guess.

With their things on the ground and the transformation into a werewolf complete, Jikan seemed ready and raring to go. Closing the distance between the two of them rapidly. The woman grinned a bit and found herself leaping forward, overextending her weapon to use its length to her advantage.

Her idea was simple, have jikan focus on the fact the spear was more dangerous than the open hand that was ready to grab her fight partner. Were she to be successful in that Lucretia would hoist jikan into the air for a brief moment and slam her into the ground onto her back.

If not? It was no big deal given that it was quite obvious to those that had any lick of training that… Well, Lucretia herself didn’t have any. Which probably made her far more dangerous since she’d use whatever she had at her disposal in fairly unorthodox ways. This did leave lucretia wide open for an attack either way you went around it. Part of the charm of fighting in close combat.

[wc: 243/2000]
[Fighty bits]


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:01 pm


Jikan ran towards her friend with a smile on her face. She had fought Lucretia once before, but for some blasted reason Jikan could not remember the fight or the outcome. Only that it was a good fight! Even though she could not remember that. The fact she felt she had a good time in that fight, and the knowledge that both of them had gotten stronger or at least gotten better gear over the two year since that had happened. Made her blood bump through her veins with excitement!

Seeing her do her run, Lucretia lunged forward in response. Luc was not as fast as Jikan but she could cover ground with her lunges still, 7.5 meters. Extending her weapon while doing so. With her reach, Lucretia had the advantage and thus it was an obvious thing to do. That was why as soon as Jikan saw her move to come forward, Jikan dropped her body into a slide. Falling to the ground and continuing her momentum as her body moved against the ground. Attempting to land a passing move, she knew she had to act fast while she still had the open window while Lucretia's body was traveling through the air.

Striking swiftly, Jikan used the meter reach of her arms to through out two jab punches. One to Luc's chest and the other to her left leg. Jikan would use her right hand, the one that held her gauntlet, to strike at Luc's chest, while her left hand moved to jab at Luc's left leg. Her right hand 3xA damage and her left hand would deal 1xS damage if one or both blows landed. If not it would be okay, she was mostly trying to avoid Luc's spear.

Since Luc had jumped forward instead of running her body would be a little bit in the air. It was something Jikan was grateful for as it gave her a chance over her more physical friend's strength, at least for now. It wouldn't be easy to adjust her body in the air without some aid.

Jikan body would continue with her momentum, passing Luc as she lunged as Jikan's body moved behind her if not stopped. If this was the case, Jikan would be 7.5 meters behind Luc after Luc landed to the ground. Immedely after Jikan's body stopped, she would flip back onto her feet, turn to face Luc, and run back towards her while her back was turn. Starting her running momentum of 7.5 m/s all over again. Unless, Luc had a way to stop Jikan's body and throw her next moves out the window.

Wc: 452
Twc: 675 / 1800

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


One for here, One for the road [Jikan][Green] Empty Wed Mar 30, 2022 10:25 pm

The wolfen warrior’s face split into an eager grin as her friend approached her; there was a heavy desire to fight her friend that could only be explained as someone that had once sipped a fine wine and spent years wanting to taste it again. Her weapon extended and she saw that Jikan was a smart cookie. The both of them seemed like they were moving in slow motion; like ballet dancers on their first job.

Lucretia had the reach, but Jikan had that flexibility and dexterity to her advantage. Something that Lucretia honestly desired to be capable of; speed and dexterity was not something you thought of when talking about many that came from iceberg. No, they were considered staunch and strong allies.

With the first impact of her friend’s gauntlet Lucretia couldn’t help but find her face splitting ear to ear. The wolfen warrior’s mid air lunge was met with a flurry of blows from her friend. Two distinct strikes, but both powerful enough that she felt her armor start to crumble; mock surprise seemed to cross the werewolf’s face. Though her spear’s effect would let Jikan feel a taste of the other’s power if not only by a fraction of it.

The werewolf whirled on her feet; with her armor nearly in pieces she found herself still slowed by the considerable weight of the item. She wasn’t as fast as her counterpart but that just meant that she would likely hit a bit harder than what they expected. If her friend decided to play keep away while her armor was still present than that was fine; once broken it wouldn’t make much of a difference since lucretia was the slow but durable type.

While lucretia whirled she’d bring her spear around in a brutal arc; not wishing to hurt her friend too badly she’d aim to hit her with the area of the spear just beyond the base of the blade. It’d still be a stellar blow if it were to land and further more would Jikan find that her friend was quite a powerhouse since they last entertained one another.

WC: 354

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