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Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline]

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Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Wed Sep 15, 2021 6:46 pm


WORDS: 400 | Scarlet Sea  

Not that I wouldn't mind spending a little longer on the wind and tides with my lady love…? Found sitting upon one of the crossbeams with her hand above her brow as the magnificent craft on which she saw out the storm now drifted along by courtesy of the aid of the sea, Sofia Serena was looking out toward the horizon in search of a port of call after more than a few days out in the weather, and as such found her eyes widening at the sight of a small patch of land rising from the endless sea beyond her. This enhanced eyesight of hers had a million and one uses, right?
“Land hoooooo!!!!” Naturally prompted into a call because of the image that this sharpened vision which the vixen possessed in an effort to rouse the pair with whom she had set out on this journey, the words of the young woman on high echoed around the sails as she shouted out with a sense of adventurousness and excitement, and were meant to stimulate interest and attention from her allies who had to be said seemed to have been enjoying the time to simply drift and scour their surroundings. Though, on this occasion, the girl with the green gaze had been no different.

Not that I wouldn't mind spending a little longer on the wind and tides with my lady love…? Standing up to try and get a better look at the place they were heading for and seeming to swear that she could make out the shapes of what looked to be some form of building in the distance, as she did so the bubbly brunette couldn't help but to bite into her lip, and felt a shiver run up her spine as she remembered the past days of 'searching' and the sizzling sentiment which had been held in it. That being said not everything seeming like fun and games and that torrid tumult through which they'd had to break principal among her concerns, as Miss Serena looked around herself for sight or sound of her allies she couldn't help but notice the strain that's been placed on the ship and her, and sighed because of that.

Though, our ship might? She looks a little worse for wear after the storm, doesn't she?  The sails torn and ropes frayed and the timber that built her seeming to creak now more than ever, she knew that it would needs fixing up before they face another challenge like the storm that they had broken through, for certain, but that wasn't entirely a loss now was it? After all, maybe they could find a little fun on the island ahead of them to keep them entertained, at least while their sturdy craft had a rest and repair that it now not only needed, but surely deserved as well…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:45 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Sofia | BREEZY  

Sofia's call brought Alisa's gaze up from the sculpture in her hands, brow arching as a curious glimmer shone in her eyes. Uncrossing her legs, Alisa sashayed across the deck, striding over towards her lover, that loose, free flowing hair fluttering with the wind at the slightest of gusts. Now that they took to sailing closer to the waters, the air around them had grown decidedly less chilly, allowing the pair of star crossed lovers to stroll around in breezy garments such as these. At least, Alisa could have defenitely done so, but for the time being she still stuck to her favoured sweater, leaving only her legs bare to help stay cool:

"Oh my~... And this one has a proper port for once~", spoke the sculptress, fanning herself softly as the eye catching swell of her hips swayed subtly to and fro. Even with the skies heavily overcast, the sheer humidity left the air hotter than any summer day in Hargeon, leaving Alisa's hair clinging to her skin at every turn, a trickle of sweat trailing down her cheek. Yet that didn't stop her from seeking the hottest sight nearby by, striding closer to her lover, hand gliding around her waist as she pressed her bountiful bust gently behind her, nuzzling the crook of her neck as she smooched her cheek tenderly, shooting a cursory glance at the weather worn sails on their ship, "And perfect timing too hmm...? Seems like our Serenita has seen better days..."

The air felt damp and heavy, as though a tropical storm could surge before their eyes at any moment... And considering what happened last time, that possibility had turned from a simply exhaggeration to a very real concern. After all, with every little turn and gust of wind, they could hear the ship's wooden frame creaking audibly in ways Alisa had never heard before since she'd first gotten this ship many years ago. Far too young to be showing its age as such, she blamed it solely on the aggressive weather they'd faded not so long ago, which Sofia had skillfully managed to avoid the worst of until now:

"Still, I'd settle for finding someone who knows something about this weird weather..."

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Sat Sep 18, 2021 5:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:31 pm


WORDS: 700 | Scarlet Sea

“We've ridden her a little hard, haven’t we~? How unusual for us~” Hopping down to the deck when she saw her the shape of her stunning sable siren appear nearby, once Sofia hit the timber below the her lofty pew the girl straightened up and let her green gaze wash over the gorgeous curves of the wonderful woman she loved, and left the base of her spine quivering and lip in the process of nibbling because of that. Enjoying that sweater-only look that her black beauty was sporting and wishing she could see her looking like this on a more regular basis, she was almost tempted to suggest a change of 'uniform' for the master of her guild when it came to her office wear, and knew that her mind was certain to revisit the idea later before they had headed hope.

“Teeheeheehee, if they're feeling cooperative, of course~?” Tearing her attention away from that splendour with no inconsiderable degree of effort, Miss Serena was left to giggle and look back to the harbour she had spied moments ago at the comments of her coy companion, and before long she was once again using her 'Hawkeye' to see what the people here looked like from this distance, but unfortunately even with that generous gift was unable to see much of what was going on around the town they saw.
“Though, we're good at encouraging that, aren't we babe~?” Grinning at Alisa instead of this and left to bide her time and let their wounded vessel draw a little closer before she could size up these strangers, with some idle time at hand all that the emerald eyed enchantress could do was pulls a special key from within the cleavage of her swimsuit and giggle as she twirled it around in hand, wondering just what kind of special little number she should choose to make her first impression with these unknowns whilst all the time wishing she had the chance to simply sail off and spend a few more days at sea with the woman she loved. After all, she would never get sick of those, would she~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Sat Sep 18, 2021 6:07 pm


WORDS: 770 | TAG: @Sofia | BREEZY  

Alisa chuckled at that salacious choice of words, biting her lip as her hand rose over her mouth, looking at her luscious lover out the corner of her eyes, not needing but a single word from her lips for her lover to see how there was someone right here she wouldn't mind riding hard. The mere thought left her shivering ever so so slightly though nowhere near as much as the sight of her sinuous siren, that sinfully short dress leaving oh so little to imagination, letting her marvel at the mesmerizing mermaid now standing before her. Even all the time in the world would prove much too short if Alisa had her way:

"Ufufu~... Indeed, if they aren't... I suppose we'll have to think of some way to persuade them~", she chimed, placing yet another smooch on her bewitching beauty, luscious lips trailing up along her neck, past her jawline as merely brushed against her cheeks, her hands snaking just a bit tighter, squeezing her supple body into her lover's back... With Sofia preoccupied with using the power of her eye on the port town below them, Alisa reined in her urges to pull her into that sweltering kiss they both craved, letting her luscious lover scout out their landing sight, brow arching as she wondered what the girl might see down there, finally speaking up as she indulged in her curiosity, "What do you see down there~...? Hopefully no pirates quite as unsavoury as the ones we met back in Hargeon."

Even now the mere thought of Captain Dredd and his boys yet made her brow twitch with palpable annoyance, though no more than a mere passing thought at this point, especially with her beloved bride in her arms as such. The mere closeness to her lover kept her heart pounding in her chest, mixed with the eager thrill of their mutual adventure to come... Though once Sofia peeled away and fished one of the keys from between that vast expanse of cleavage, Alisa couldn't help but curl her lips, tongue gliding along that perfect pout ever so softly as she allowed Sofia to peel herself free from her grasp:

"Oh dear, surely you're not planning to bring out our house in the middle of the sky~...?", she mused, brow arching as she teased her seductive siren, a sly smirk drawing on her lips as her gaze fixed on that key. It took her a moment to realize that, although similar to the other Tal Rasha keys, the one Sofia had just picked out was completely new to her.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Tue Sep 21, 2021 3:17 pm


WORDS: 1000 | Scarlet Sea

“A little hard to tell, really? Not many seem to be enjoying the sun~?” Squinting a little even with the magical adaptation which had been applied to her right iris but still seeming to find more detail emerging on the buildings rather than the people at this kind of distance, Sofia had to disappoint the inquiry of her dark delight and pouted a little as she did so, though knew ultimately two things that would work in their favour regardless. First of all, knowing she would have almost limitless forgiveness from the lass, more than this she guessed that regardless of what this unmapped place could offer there was little that either of them couldn't handle, and nothing they couldn't overcome when they were together. Case in point, the torrid tumult they had passed through on the way.

“Teeheehehee, that would be quite the powerful statement, no~? Dropping a Palace on them~?” Smirking however at the assumption her wonderful wife about the item she had taken in hand, given the distinct and ornate arrangement of the key she had taken up Miss Serena could forgive her fellow femme for her assumption given the fact she had been keeping her newest tool a secret for occasions like this, and now was keen to show it off as well.
“But no… This one is a little less impressive, but certainly useful. Especially when I want to save this goodness for my girl alone~?” With that in mind only grinning and winking as she probed the item into the air and then turned it around, next thing one knew her outfit was gleaming and glowing as she skimmed through a mental map of what other options she had, and soon would be tantalizing the lady she loved as one outfit slipped away from her body to speedily be replaced by another. Though given how she was flexing her mana right now, it wouldn't be too quickly, of course…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Tue Sep 21, 2021 10:22 pm


WORDS: 1150 | TAG: @Sofia | BREEZY  

"Hmmm, if I didn't know better, I's say we can blame this hideous weather for that~...?", she quipped, pointing her thumb up at the skies above, that throaty, melodious chuckle filled the air as she couldn't exactly blame the people for it. Quite the opposite, she felt bad even for the poor pirates to whom plundering and theivery were their only livelihood, forced to work in this weather.

As such, Alisa merely rested her chin on Sofia's shoulder while her lover finished scouting out the area, only to let the girl peel away as she watched what her breathtaking beauty had in store for her. Raising a hand over her mouth, the sculptress chuckled softly at the image, imagining just what would the people below them think of it as they watched a whole palace dropped from the sky over their heads:

"Fufu~... Seems to me like they'd think twice before letting their buddies raid Hargeon if you ask me~... Still, I feel as though that kind of message might not be worth risking our house for it hm~?", she teased, winking knowingly at her, pointing out the obvious, even if she knew fully well her beloved wouldn't risk their precious palace unless either of their lives were on the line. But instead, her eyes widened as she confirmed what Alisa had in store, brow arching as she cocked her hip to the side, keeping her eyes peeled for whatever came next, "Ohooo, by all means, do show~"

And still the sight before her defied all expectations. Though Sofia agreed to show rather than tell, Alisa found her teeth digging into her luscious bottom lip at the momentary sight of her beauty laid bare, feeling a shiver shooting up her spine as she couldn't help but shift her weight between those long, luscious legs, idly brushing her succulent thighs together:

"Mmmm, when you put it like that~... I suppose two can play that game hmm~...?", in the end, a sly smile replaced that transfixed stare as Alisa channeled her mana through her own wedding ring, her clothes all but vanishing into nothing as a simple magical glow encircled her body, leaving woefully little to imagination as she replaced her comfy clothes with something more practical.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Mon Sep 27, 2021 2:35 pm


WORDS: 1300 | Classic Casual

“I'm sure those keen eyes of yours will be able to see all kinds of things, my love~” Winking at her wonderful wife as the process began and the mana she injected into the mechanism of the key did the little do it do, the girl with the glittering green gaze grinned at the woman beside her as that scarlet swimsuit melted away from her shape, and for a second she was naked, at least in a sense. The sweeping effect of the change seeming to make her glow with an effect which was designed to conceal a person's modesty but the practice of the pegasi helping her to show off a little of the finery in her frame as she did so, for but the merest movement of moments her figure was exposed for her observer to enjoy thanks to the measured method of the minx, and then the tease that she was it was gone to be replaced by something else. Though this perhaps did not offend the senses either, for that matter.

“Teeheeheehee, so… What do you think~?” Opting for something with a little modesty and perhaps 'traditional' charm at least as far as it came to her wardrobe, Miss Serena shone with a smile as something loose and girlish hang from her slim physique, and yet seemed to accentuate her features all the better for how it looked. A classic look of hers returning as she decked herself in a sweeping skirt that swished from side to side with her steps and showed just how long her lower limbs could look, above this was a loose and lacey blouse that looked free and easy and yet also a bit playful and elegant, and betwixt the two was tied a rosy sash that highlighted her slimness and overall hourglass shape to her figure as well as it bound the two airy garments, and looked damned good if she said so herself. And given the chance, surely, she would~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:25 pm


WORDS: 1400 | TAG: @Sofia | BATTLE  

"Well I'll say~...", with a rather coy, coquettish reply, Alisa merely nibbled her bottom lip, not for a second peeling her eyes away as her luscious lover bared her all before her eager eyes.

She for one left little more than a mere glowing shroud of mana tightly wrapped around her feminine frame, barely doing anything to hide her sinuous shape from her lover's leering gaze as she found herself doing exactly the same, changing into a far more practical choice of clothing:

"Oh my~... Now that looks...", even as her show came to a close, Alisa all but struggled to show off as she merely flipped her hair behind her shoulder, cocking her hip to the side, her new skirt fluttering softly as her hand yet lingered over her shoulder, idly toying with her hair, twirling that silky black lock around her finger as her teeth dug into her luscious bottom lip. Utterly transfixed by the bewitching beauty in front of her, Alisa's wine red hues drifted down her wonderful wife's sensual shape, admiring how that flowing, breezy pair of skirt and blouse contrasted with the gruffness of the pirate city underneath them, "Absolutely breathtaking~..."

Alisa on the other hand looked far more prepared for the battles at hand, wearing a lighter, more revealing choice of hunter armor, baring much of her plunging cleavage, all but drawing Sofia's gaze down that plunging neckline as her arm brushed softly against that pert, pliant softness of her bust

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Sat Oct 23, 2021 8:38 pm


WORDS: 1600 | Classic Casual

“Teeheehee, you're one to talk…!” Certainly pleased to hear that her wonderful wife was liking the typical but timeless image that she had chosen for herself but blown away by what the black beauty herself had slipped into, Sofia couldn't help but leer at the showy option that the dark dish had opted to clothe herself in, and found her green gaze lingering on that almost bottomless neckline especially as she did so. And, if she had to place a wager on it, guessed that she wouldn't be the only one who savoured such sublime mountain scenery like that either, for that matter.

“Just where have you been hiding this tasty little number, eh?” Grinning as she stepped forward with her emerald eyes unsure of where they should focus first given the sheer number of 'treats' that were highlighted by the ensemble of her ebony haired enchantress, there was something bewitching about the design of the dress which seemed to captivate the coquette in more ways than one, and she found herself forced to enquire just where her womanly wonder had been keeping such a heavenly option.

“Almost feels a shame to waste it on those fools over there, when I could have it allllll to myself~?” That being said the slender siren certainly seeming to feel both her appetite and voracious greed only growing thanks to the vision that was her vixen, Miss Serena bit into her bottom lip as brushed the bangs of her bride away from her face and looked into those magnificent magenta irises with her amusement and more carnal colourations clear in her gaze as she did so, the latter of which was saying something really. After all, they had more than a few days lately to explore such desires, hadn't they? And yet… It seemed like the more she got, the more this greedy woman seemed to want~

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Sat Oct 23, 2021 10:33 pm


WORDS: 1700 | TAG: @Sofia | BATTLE  

"My, you think so~...?", she quipped teasingly, shooting her a flirtatious little wink as she merely flipped her hair behind her shoulder once more, her hand gliding behind her neck as she arched her back ever so slightly, flaunting that daring low cut of her cleavage as her luscious lips drew into a sly, knowing faint smile, shooting her a playful wink as she took Sofia's praise in stride, "Perhaps i'd just been saving it for a special occasion~"

Actually, she had quite a few variants for her favourite hunter armor, knowing fully well that she could easily end up wearing it in less than accomodating climates. And this trip, well... It defenitely fit that bill. With inconsistent weather shifting between stormy and sunny, hot and cold at inconsistent intervals, Alisa would much rather wear a bit less clothes. She coped with the cold easily enough, though nigh tropical heat was anything but... Though the island wasn't hot by any stretch of the word, the damp, humid climate defenitely left her fanning herself anytime the sun shone brightly overhead:

"Ufufu~... Not to worry my love, you'll have plenty of time to admire it one we finish up down there~", she replied, nibbling her luscious bottom lip as her gaze narrowed, that seductive smile clear on her lips as Alisa felt that tingle shooting up her spine, all the more so every time she let her gaze wander over her beloved, fixing into those breathtaking jades as she leaned in, her hand sliding around the flare of her hips as she nipped at that perfect pout, "Which I suppose means... The sooner we finish up there the better~?"

And with these words, she stretched her hand out, offering it to her beloved as she nodded towards the town below them.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Wed Nov 03, 2021 9:33 pm


WORDS: 1900 | Classic Casual

“Teeheehee, you certainly seem to know how to breed efficiency, my empress~?” The wicked words of her wife having quite the effect on the aquatic angel and certainly seeming to help her find a little priority or two in her mind for one reason or another, Sofia purred as she imagined quite a weighty degree of 'admiration' she could show for her amazon and the attire she had chosen, and as she did so did not particularly like the idea of being made to wait on such heavenly expectation a second longer than she needed to. Gosh, how keen she could become with the right motivation, eh?

“Lucky for us, we don't really need to wait until we have the ship moored, do we?” This particular form of impetus certainly seeming to get the wheels of the water witch's mind turning in double time and all too readily reminding her of the fact that they had gotten a little too accustomed to pedestrian means in their recent search, Miss Serena felt almost a note of embarrassment in the fact that she had been neglecting the finer measures of the light magic she had learned, and tilted her head as she noted that fact for the benefit of her bewitching bride as well.
“Lumen can probably ease her in at her pace, while we take a little shortcut, can't she~?” Holding out her hand with a smile and then lifting both her index and middle fingers to her forehead to better hint at her plan now that they could see the shape of the shoreline in the distance, it seemed foolish to try and scan for the shapes of people when they could throw themselves into the thick of it so readily, and especially so when one considered who they were. After all, the cream of the Blue Pegasus crop were more than used to diving into the deep end, now weren't they…?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Sun Nov 07, 2021 6:03 pm


WORDS: 1900 | TAG: @Sofia | BATTLE  

"Oh my, that's quite the curious choice of words there my love~... Can only imagine whatever might have given you that impression.", spoke the sculptress, nibbling her luscious bottom lip as she all but giggled, nuzzling her lover's plush, pillowy pout

Indeed, having an aerial ship gave them a distinctive advantage against pirates and other would be plunderers hoping to raid the ship and claim its bounty in the absense of its masters. Far from helpless, Lumen was still not a capable fighter in any way, and she'd much rather keep the helmswoman away from conflict if she possibly could, that hint of protectiveness still shining as strong as ever:

"Ufufu~... Indeed, fortunately for us, pirates can't fly.", despite the playfulness of her words, Alisa tilted her head slightly, crooking her brow, scratching her cheek with an awkward look dawning on her face as she remembered their adventures with the pushy pirate captain all the way back in Hargeon, "Well, most of them~"

Hopefully they wouldn't run into any more demon pirates anytime soon. She'd say ever, but both of them knew they inevitably would, after all, Alisa and Sofia had come all the way out here to nip this in the bud. It would feel awfully anticlimatic if they wound up not running into any of their foes... Even if the regular pirates could be more than obnoxious enough:

"Though unfortunately for them, we can fly far better than they ever could, can't we~?", she chimed, sliding her hand up Sofia's back, gliding down her arm before squeezing her lover's marvellous mitt in turn, gazing into her eyes as as a knowing smile drew on her lips, "Or, teleport in your case I suppose~"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Sun Nov 07, 2021 7:06 pm


WORDS: 2200 | Classic Casual

“Clearly I need to tell you the tale of the Flying Boscosian, don't I~?” Grinning and having to force the issue of adventures in appreciation to the back of her mind for fear that she might feel oh too much of an impetus to indulge such notions sooner rather than later, the lips of the leggy lass curled as her wonderful wife mentioned the idea of flying pirates, and she was reminded all too immediately of a story that a certain uncle had told her. Thinking of him a lot lately with their piratical escapades and that something which occurred to her as she noted that little tale for the benefit of her beautiful bride, Sofia shone with a smile as she settled herself arm in arm with her amazing amazon, and begin to draw upon the pool of mana that rested within her currently.

“Teeheehee, We'll be there…” All too practiced in this little time saver by this point and because of that left to grin as she felt herself moulding the gift of magic necessary for two in what felt like a reflex more than anything, Miss Serena didn't even need to say or barely even think of the name of her spell before she was giggling and activating it for the benefit of both of them, and all too speedily changing the scenery around them from a shop to something else.
“In a flash~” Emerging from her effect with a little snap that dropped them out of the air and through the short distance that would lead them harmlessly to the ground in no more than a blink of the eye in fact, all too quickly the view of the ocean and the mix of timber and canvas had been replaced by a shanty town and stunned faces to greet them as well, though the latter were normal. After all, so few people saw even one woman appearing out of nothing in their life it almost felt a gift by this point, and seemed to almost make the slender siren feel justified in her shortcut as well, and that was without even considering the gift that might wait for her if their business was concluded in short order. Which, hopefully, it would be…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Sat Nov 13, 2021 7:05 pm


WORDS: 2200 | TAG: @Sofia | BATTLE  

She had to admit... Sofia's knack for storytelling were one of her charm points. As an accomplished writer and adventurer, the girl had quite a few exciting tales to weave, and even after all this time together, Alisa still had only scratched the surface of everything Sofia had to tell her, and knew all too well they'd easily make new, exciting tales together. But now, hearing her mention of a Flying Boscosi defenitely earned a raised eyebrow:

"Oho~...? Flying Boscosi hmmm? Now that is quite the catchy name. I'll admit, though the name sounds familiar, I don't believe I'd heard the tale", Alisa nibbled her bottom lip. Honestly, even if she had, she'd have liked nothing more than to hear it again from those plush, luscious lips.

Regardless, Alisa tried to contain her curiosity as her wonderful wife slipped her arm inbetween hers. The sculptress knew fully well what came next, and yet... No matter how many times she experienced it, every time Sofia teleported her like this, her eyes widened visibly, breath hitching as she found herself pulled across space in a split second, suddenly appearing all the way down on the island. With their ship still visibly flying overhead, the quietude and howling winds from on high suddenly gave way to a bustling streets and bustling pirates going around their daily lives:

"Well, I suppose we won't need to look too hard for pirates.", the sculptress commented, looking left and right and finding nothing but swashbucklers and buccaneers wherever she looked.

Now deep in pirate seas, the only question was where to find somebody who'd willingly talk to them. Or unwillingly even, for the two sirens had their ways of coaxing the truth from unwilling mouths. However, the question remained whether they'd find anybody with the answers they sought:

"Hmmm, I suppose we'd best try our luck closer to the docks. Who knows, maybe we'll find a more knowledgeable sailor~", still holding onto her lover's arm, Alisa shot her a knowing smile as she strode across the streets...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Wed Nov 17, 2021 8:10 pm


WORDS: 2500 | Classic Casual

“I have been negligent in my duties, haven't I~? Uncle Nick would be so disappointed~” Tilting her head and smirking as she realized that she had been keeping her sable siren in the dark on a tale that was sure to amuse her, the lips of the lass curled as she looked toward her luscious lover, and Sofia made a mental note to update her wonderful woman the very next time they had an opportunity for story time. After all, it did seem a while since she had a nice chat about silly adventures and superstitions, what with how they had been chasing down adventure and each other, and making up for lost time in the case of the latter.

“Ah yes, I'm sure we'll have to find a watering hole or something?” Smirking at her lady love once more when they looked around themselves and found an absence of communicative cooperation in their apparent landing spot, all that Miss Serena could do was grin and stifle a giggle as she imagined the two of them turning up in some rowdy bar room or something of the sort, and the havoc that would ensure because of that.
“ And find some way to get people taking, eh~?” Not one who was usually all that thirsty for an element of chaos or at least the damage that could be done by it but today having a couple of reasons to feel quite contrary to her usual standpoint, not only would their targets be the dogs of the sea that had been so problematic lately but it would also provide the pegasi pair with a chance to let loose after being cooped up on a ship for days, and with Alisa involved that would present quite the opportunity, wouldn't it? So, with that in mind she marched on for the sign and sound of the most raucous refuge they could find, intent on making an entrance with the woman she loved at her side…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Sat Nov 20, 2021 3:56 pm


WORDS: 2400 | TAG: @Sofia | BATTLE  

"Well, I suppose we'll just have to omit that particular detail hmmm~...?", teased the temptress, sharing a complicit wink with her beloved bride, silently thinking back to just how much time she'd spent without ever getting to meet the famous Uncle Nik.

Something for them to remedy in the near future no doubt, perhaps once they got back to Hargeon and sent the man an invite. Alisa tried not letting herself get lost in her little family daydream, but she never forgot how she'd yet to find the time to meet her wonderful wife's family. She knew she didn't have a pleasant relationship with many of them to say the least, but also remembered quite a few positive Valerican influences that she'd like to meet sooner rather than later:

"Ufufu~... Indeed we should hmm? Though I'd sure hope the animals are well fed, or else we might have to find some way to calm them down~", snickered the sculptress, clearly appreciating her luscious lover's choice of words. Indeed, many of these rough, seafaring sorts seemed to have tossed aside all notions of civilization, driven only by their instinctive hunger for treasure and other things, "And speak of the devil."

Quite a few pirates went around their daily business, the odd chanting heard left and right as some of them drunk the afternoon away. For the most part, they looked at the two women with interest, but none made a move... But eventually, a bolder, not so captivating crew found the nerve to break the status quo:

"Oh, what do we have 'ere lads...?", before long, a lanky, dishevelled pirate approached them with a yellow, toothy grin, all but stumbling over himself as his crewmates followed along, eyeing the two women with a predatory glint, "Two pretty lil birds found their way to our little island, allll the way out in the ocean... Can't imagine what brings em here."

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Wed Nov 24, 2021 3:09 pm


WORDS: 2800 | Classic Casual

“Oh, that would be awful, wouldn't it~? Seeing my wonderful wife stretch her legs properly now we're on land~?” Licking her lips as her lady love made light of the 'animals' they might find on the island, Sofia couldn't help but grin at her gorgeous goddess at the prospect of showing the bunch a little discipline, and might just have been guilty of encouraging her ebony enchantress into the idea as well with how she shone with a smile and batted her lashes as well. It was almost as if she was hoping for trouble, and the chance for the two to let loose a little after being cooped up so long, wasn’t it?

“And we were worried they might be too rowdy? Sounds like they're sweetie pies~?” This impish desire doing wonders for her confidence and helping her to maintain that smirk even as they found more willing 'wildlife' and their attempts to intimidate them too, the brunette brushed off the attempt of the sea dogs to try and belittle or beleaguer them with a little banter of her own, and seemed to show a sense of mock innocence as she took their appraisal at face value in the form of compliments rather than condescension.
“Now, if you don't mind being a dear, my wife and I would like to ask a few questions~?” A tried and true measure of getting under the skin, no man of the sea worth his salt would be all that happy being treated like a cuddly little teddy bear or being spoken to like a pet or small child, and perhaps the fact that Miss Serena did both seemed to speak of her urge to provoke them, and provide her and Alisa with the opportunity to reaffirm the positions of the islands pecking order. After all, as far as she was concerned, the moment she and her beautiful bride set foot here the apex had changed entirely.

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Sun Dec 12, 2021 6:09 pm


WORDS: 2400 | TAG: @Sofia | BATTLE  

Alisa all but nibbled her bottom lip, almost a reflex at the luscious looks she got from her beloved, feeling a tingle at the base of her spine from the mere thought of showing off for the seductive siren beside her, knowing fully well the effect they had on her:

"Mmmm, when you put it like that... Now I'm almost hoping we run into some. All this time in the boat, surely we could both use a little workout hmmm~?", she chimed right back, shooting her a half liddled look over her shoulder, hand idly running down her long, lustruous hair, her gaze wandering down her lover's shapely, sinuous curves.

Well, for all her annoyance, her lover's words still got a graceful giggle from the sculptress. The pirates, on the other hand, weren't nearly as amused:

"Oh, ya cocky little wench...!", one of the pirates took offense to his words, forcing the leader to step forth and silence him,

"That depends... If ya give us all yer clothes valuables, we miiiight answer a question or two. No guarantee what will happen to ya otherwise."

"My my, and here you were being polite my love... Awfully thoughtless of you turn down my wife's kindness, you know why that is?"

"Yeah...? And why is that huh~?", taunted the pirate, him and his men grinning, almost cackling in their inebrated state.

Alisa smirked and stepped forth, rolling her wrists each hand, a quick, if meager warm up against the biting chill of winter as she closed the distance, hips swaying subtly as she strode closer to her foe:

"Because... I won't be nearly so gracious.", and with these words, Alisa stepped forth, her leading right foot rising off the ground and falling down on her opponent's kneecap, falling down to the ground beside him as Alisa took his flank without a single wasted motion, her dominant left fist springing forth, putting all the sudden, explosive momentum behind a devastating left punch, forcing her foe to keel over with a gasping grunt of pain as she drove her fist into his midriff, forcing out the contents of his stomach in a messy puddle behind them, "Now, let's try this again, shall we? I'll try not to break your jaws, so do feel free to speak up."

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Sun Dec 12, 2021 8:52 pm


WORDS: 3100 | Classic Casual

“Teeheeheee, to be honest, I'm sort of hoping they're a little bad here?” A liar if she said that she didn't bite her lower lip a little bit as she watched her wonderful wife set to work with the pack, while Miss Serena was always the one of the pair who seemed to shine when it came to diplomacy and peaceful solutions it seemed like she had maybe been cooped up in a ship a little too long, and so seemed more like an imp on the shoulder than anything else.
“Clearly they don't know who they're dealing with and… You know how I love to watch you work?” Grinning with a glimmering green gaze as she seemed to actively encourage the ebony enchantress to set to work, while some might have assumed for this to be a scene where there was a good and bad member of law enforcement here the want of the young woman to let loose seemed to combine with her general distaste for the dogs of the sea to take one of those entities out of the equation, and I can assure you it wasn't the one who likened to a loose cannon, I can tell you.

“So, who's gonna be the first to make my day, hm? Come on, don't be shy…” Even going so far as to act as quite the provocative princess of the pegusi and turning her passion into a mix of a dare and perhaps a dash of intimidation, in another circumstance perhaps Sofia might have opted to offer them some sort of incentive to offer their assistance, but really with the way she was feeling all she could give up was what they already had; good health, and whatever meagre scraps of pride passed for esteem in this land. For pirates she was willing to offer little else…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Wed Dec 15, 2021 11:26 pm


WORDS: 2650 | TAG: @Sofia | BATTLE  

Truly, the longer she spent with Sofia, the more tempted she felt to leave all the sweet talking to her. Indeed, she'd always been better at this particular part of the job, usually pummelling her answers into submission:

"Gahhh... Y-You fuckin...!!", barely able to reply as he gasped for air, Alisa gave him but a mere moment's pause.

After her previous experiences with pirates, Alisa knew fully well to punch first and ask questions later, but in this case, well... She already knew too well that she couldn't really punch light enough to keep her foes conscious throughout the beating. Thankfully, she had many of them. Of course, not any of them could wait. As two more tried charging her from behind while she focused on their leader, Alisa leaned into the keeled over man, jabbing him in the head with the back of her fist while the idle hand came to rest on his shoulder, pressing herself to his side, all but chuckling as she intercepted the two others with a pair of swift kicks, raising one leg off the ground and quickly pummeling them back, that menacing limb hanging off the ground long enough to keep them at a distance:

"Fufu... Wait your turn~!! Seems like your friend over here still has something to say~", and even though she knew better, Alisa still couldn't help but glance at her seductive smooth talker, biting her lip as she saw her ready to join in on the action.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Thu Dec 16, 2021 8:24 pm


WORDS: 250 | Classic Casual

Pirates really bring out my bad side, don't they~? It seeming that her provocation was all that was needed to coerce these combative crooks into action given how much her wonderful wife had seemed to rile them up thus far, the girl with the green gaze would have been lying if she said that she didn't feel her lips curling upward into a grin as she watched her beautiful bride set to work, and though she wasn't sure whether it was the way in which the woman was making bodies crunch or the sheer beauty inherent in her work, ultimately all Sofia could do was shiver as she took a moment to enjoy the splendour of her sable siren setting to work. I mean, what else was she supposed to do with the minx she had married looking to ravishingly radiant, hm?

“I'm almost tempted to pull up a stool and watch the show, but I suppose I can't let you have all the fun, can I~?” With that in mind Miss Serena feeling something of an urge to show a little laziness and take in the action that unfolded before her, the sight of one of the brigands reaching for a weapon at his belt was enough to draw the emerald eyed enchantress into the event herself, and with a swift and decisive piece of action she unleashed the strange but by now signature weapon she had at her side in a flash of fury to hack right through a barrel, and then joined Alisa's side, more than ready to take on the world with her…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Sun Dec 19, 2021 8:42 pm


WORDS: 2650 | TAG: @Sofia | BATTLE  

Well that makes two of them really... There's something about watching people who feel entitled to the whole world around them. Something hard to describe, but indeniably infuriating especially when directed at them and everything they held dear. Granted, these pirates didn't really put up much of a fight as they fell down, one by one with a flurry of punches and kicks. Even knowing fully well the hazards of looking away from your opponents, Alisa found herself shooting idle glances back:

"Ufufu~... Well if you'd like that, now is a perfect opportunity. Not like these boys are putting up much of a fight~", she teased right back, winking at the water mage as her left eye turned white, giving her perfect clarity of her surroundings as she knocked down a pirate with a straight punch followed by a swift, snapping backfist to the nose, "Maybe you should consider laying off the drinks if you're eager to pick fights?"

They miiight have been slightly better combatants had they been sober, but honestly, Alisa didn't even know if they'd have picked a fight with her in that situation. She guessed she'd best beat the error of their ways into their bodies and hopefully find one of them who could actually answer a damned question. Even now, onlookers had started gathering around the brawl, figuring a good show would go perfectly with their drinks... Yet before long, a new arrival would cut it short:

"Whoa, what the hell...? What kinda mess did you morons get yourselves into this time.", but before she could finish, a commanding voice filled the streets as a man approached the brawl, his mere approach quelling the pirates combative stance, immediately betraying the man as their captain. He shook his head in disapproval, but soon his eyes fell on the two women with a mix of annoyance and understanding. Like them, he too had a mug in his hand, but this man seemed far more capable to hold his liquor, "You two... You guys really did a number on my crew. I know they can be a drunken bunch of idiots, but what in the world did they do this time...?!"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Fri Dec 24, 2021 4:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Sun Dec 19, 2021 9:59 pm


WORDS: 300 | Classic Casual

Who's this, their boss? Raring and ready to go for one hell of a throwdown when a new face seemed to interrupt proceedings, the brow of the brunette seemed to ripple as she took in a soul who seemed to have the courage of command needed to stifle the intentions of the men around them, and as such left Sofia with only one assumption to be had about his position in the piratical pecking order. Clearly, with bearing like that, he was one of the big hats in this area, wasn't he?.

“They were pretty rude really… Leering, making unsettling comments about my wife, even threatening us?” That seeming like something of a bonus really but perhaps also a little disappointing since it apparently cut the dazzling demonstration of the dark delight short, as the stranger seemed to ask after was seemed to be happening Miss Serena was only too happy to pout in a childish manner and point out the grievances which had led to their decision to employ some old fashioned ultra-violence, though seemed to retain a slightly impish bearing as she did so, it had to be said. Speaking in a way that while not overtly provocative but still a little on the belittling side all the same as she addressed her concerns and the decisions which had led to this moment, the girl with the green gaze likely wished to test the temperament of the fresh face before she made her mind up on him.

“Sufficed to say we didn't consider it very neighbourly, and chose to act accordingly?” The thrill of watching her wife in battle aside the act of stymying the fight likely a positive one but that innate distrust toward brigands which Sofia carried something that left her a little on the suspicious side, she waited to see how the scene panned out before she made up her mind, and knew all the while that they could always go back to breaking skulls if he wasn't up to snuff. But at least for now, he had the chance to prove himself…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Sat Dec 25, 2021 9:24 pm


WORDS: 2900 | TAG: @Sofia | BATTLE  

"Indeed, seems like your boys really need to handle their rum a little better.", scolded the sculptress, shoowing an annoyed glare to the opponents she'd defeated, soon turned right up to the captain, "Threatening the wrong person might just shorten their lifespan sooner rather than later."

The man grumbled, shaking his head in disapproval, reaching his fingertips for his temple, an exhasperated look crossing his forehead. Bad enough that they were harassing random people, they picked a fight with people strong enough to wipe the floor with them:

"W-we weren't actually gonna do any of that, we'd be gone right back to the bar as soon as you pa-... OW!!", under the captain's watchful, disapproving eyes, the man quickly excused himself, or rather tried to as Alisa merely folded her arms under her bust.

Just a shakedown huh? No wonder none of them raised their weapons when Alisa and Sofia refused their extortion... Before she could say anything, the captain himself cut him off with an unceremonious knock to the head:

"Have you numbnuts forgot? Don't mess with the weak if you're not prepared to face the strong. And you guys are defenitely not prepared. A little kid could have kicked your asses."

Once again, he sighed as his crewmates lowered their heads in shame, some sulking off back to the bar ahead of their companions. The captain, in turn, returned his attention to the two women.

"Fucking lightweights... And you guys... The two of you look plenty strong. I'd rather stay on good terms with you than make powerful enemies for pointless reasons. If there's a reason why you're here on this island, maybe there's a way we can make it up to you."

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Setting Up Ship [Alisa/Storyline] Empty Sun Dec 26, 2021 1:16 am


WORDS: ### | Classic Casual

Seems a little more gentlemanly…? Staying quiet as the apparent leader of the gang seemed to chew out his underlings and demonstrate that he had a little more of a head on his shoulders while doing so, Miss Serena looked over to her wife and tilted her head a little, offering a half shrug as it seemed thus far he showed no obvious sense of malice or desire to manipulate them either. In fact, he seemed pretty straightforward, which was rare for a pirate, and a little hard to believe because of that.

“Well, there is one thing we're after, right babe?” For the time being however the brunette opting to take what he presented for the pair at face value and judge her suspicion as a mere act of paranoia by a girl raised in a land which had its problems with the more stereotypical pirate, Sofia nodded a couple of times as the man asked about what he could offer them in a presumed act to make amends for what his men had said, and given they had arrived here with one purpose and one purpose alone, this made the demand rather an easy one to choose.
“We've heard reports of demons in the area, and are looking into the cause~?” Neither her nor the black haired beauty beside her having much need for what the bar might offer or even the hold of a bunch of brigands either for that matter but a little understanding and insight of a captain another thing entirely, there did seem a chance at redemption offered to the leader of the rabble if he could simply present them with something that might aid their quest, and the simplest and easiest thing he could offer up was information. All they needed was a nudge in the right direction, and then, hopefully, they would be on their way to save they somewhere else all too soon…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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