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Magma Magic: book 2|Training

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#1Shimura Shigaraki † 

Magma Magic: book 2|Training  Empty Thu Jan 09, 2020 5:39 pm

Shimura Shigaraki †


Dai Funka 大噴火

Magma Magic: book 2|Training  31dab08f7520d86e61e6ae53cc0c2d92ed92045e_00

Name: Great Eruption!
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirement: Magma magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Earth + Fire
Cool down: +3 post
Range: 15 meters
Duration: Sustained
Effect: To activate the spell he needs to clench his fist in order to active the spell. When activated a magic circle will form below him, or behind him if he is in the air. Shimura transform his arm into a wave of magma and shapes it into a giant fist that is 1-meter in diameter, and then he would launch the magma construct towards an opponent. Upon impact, the magma construct would cause and 4-meter eruption of magma and create an unstable pool of boiling magma. Anyone caught within the eruption would suffer B-rank damage, from both the extreme heat of the spell and the force of the impact. Likewise, the pool of lava will deal B-rank damage over time to anyone within it and erupt one a post. Shimura must sustain the spell in order to keep the pool of lava active, or else it would cool down and go inert. Furthermore, Shimura’s hand would return to normal at the end of the initial post, once the construct has been detonated.

Yōgan-ryū ken 溶岩流拳

Magma Magic: book 2|Training  8T8oKi

Name: Lava Flow Fist
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirement: Magma magic 
Type: Offensive 
Element: Earth + Fire
Cool down: +2 post 
Range: Melee 
Duration: Sustained
Effect: To activate the spell, he needs to clench his fist, when activated a magic circle will form below him, or behind him if Shimura is in the air. Shimura transforms both of his arms into piping hot magma and use them in melee combat, each arm deals D-rank magma-based damage; from the heat of the magma and the force of impact. Meaning, that Shimura can only strike twice per post, for a total of C-rank damage. He can sustain the spell in order to keep his hands transformed into magma. When the spell has stopped being sustained Shimura’s arms would return to their normal state. 

Yōgan-ryū 溶岩流

Magma Magic: book 2|Training  Tenor

Name: Lava Flow
Rank: C
Mana cost: 100
Requirement: Magma magic 
Type: Offensive 
Element: Earth + Fire 
Cool down: +2 
Range: 10 meters 
Duration: Sustained
Effect: To activate the spell, he needs to clench his fist, when activated a magic circle will form below him, or behind him if Shimura is in the air. Shimura would transform both of his arm into a wave of magma and shape it into a fist, and then he would launch two magma constructs in a straight line. Upon impact, the magma construct would cause 1-meter explosion. Anyone caught within the explosion would receive C-rank damage, from both the extreme heat of the spell and the force of impact. Shimura can sustain the spell in order to continue the barrage of magma fist or change the direction of the barrage, but in order to change the direction of the barrage the user must momentarily stop it. Furthermore, when Shimura is no longer sustaining the spell his arms would return to normal. Take note, that the fist shaped project is about the same size as his normal fist or 23 cms in diameter. Likewise, two fist shaped projectiles are sent within one post and the damage is split between the two. 

Yōgan no eikyō 溶岩の影響

Magma Magic: book 2|Training  4650205b6b5d99055c070cb46d390d17ea50412c_hq

Name: Lava Impact
Rank: C
Mana cost: 50
Requirement: Magma magic 
Type: Offensive 
Element: Earth + Fire
Cool down: +2
Range: Melee 
Duration: Instant
Effect: To activate the spell, he needs to clench his fist, when activated a magic circle will form below him, or behind him if Shimura is in the air. Shimura would transform his arm into magma, increasing its size to .25 meters, and then rush to strike an opponent with his fist. Upon impact, a 2 meter explosion of magma would erupt outward away from Shimura and onto his opponent, thus preventing him from taking damage from his spell. Anyone caught within the explosion would receive C-rank damage, from both the extreme heat of the spell and the force of impact. As soon as the spell detonates, Shimura’s arm would return to normal. 

Training All

Last edited by Shimura Shigaraki on Thu Jan 16, 2020 11:36 am; edited 9 times in total


Magma Magic: book 2|Training  Empty Sat Jan 11, 2020 9:02 pm


  • As a Sorcerer, the range and maximum size of your offensive-type spells are doubled. Thought I’d mention it in case you forgot. Currently, Great Eruption & Lava Flow have the base ranges and sizes of their respective rank.

  • Great Eruption: Since you’re a sorcerer, the giant fist would be 1-meter in diameter. Your aoe range is also doubled, so instead of a 4-meter diameter eruption upon impact, change it to a 8-meter diameter eruption. You also forgot to add the mana cost, which in this case would be 100.

  • Lava Flow Fist: Specify that you can only hit twice per post, each punch inflicting D-rank damage for a total of C-rank damage. The way this spell is worded you can only attain C-rank damage when “both” fists contact the target. If you punched someone twice with your right fist it could still be C-rank damage, ya feel me? Just reword it.

  • Lava Flow: Denied. The way this spell is worded your launching a projectile, which can’t have an aoe. So, your options are either to make the spell an aoe or just a barrage of fists.

  • Lava Impact: Your arm’s dimension would have a 1 meter diameter after you transform it into magma. Also, change the “2 meter explosion of magma” to a “4 meter diameter explosion of magma”.

Bump when you've made all the edits.

#3Shimura Shigaraki † 

Magma Magic: book 2|Training  Empty Sun Jan 12, 2020 7:01 am

Shimura Shigaraki †
So, I don’t mean to sound rude when arguing this but there are somethings that I am going to have to push back on, and these things maybe just some misunderstandings. On a side note, usually you do not place class perks into the form of the spell itself, you mention that when you actually use the spell in post. 

  1. What you said about lava flow does not make sense. An AOE cannot be a projectile? If that was the case then Dai-Funka would have been denied because in Dai-Funka it shoots a fist shape projectile that is 1-meters in diameter, that upon impact creates an AOE explosion.

    Therefore, I do not understand what you mean by AOEs cannot be projectiles, there is nothing in the rules that states otherwise, and most AOEs start off as projectiles (IE. Classic fire ball). Now, if you were talking about the fact that this spell has multi-projectiles, again I do not see in the rules where it states otherwise, granted I could be overlooking things, as I tend to be a fast reader. And fixing that would be easy.

    Unless you were talking about the dimension of the line? In that case, I can see how that can be a problem and I have removed that piece of information.

  2. For lava impact, I simply don’t want Shimura’s arm to increase in size over .25 meters, wouldn’t look right in my mind while I’m writing it.  So for that spell, I'm simply choosing not to use the maximum spell dimension offered within the rules. Likewise, as this is a melee spell I don't see the problem in letting the size remain smaller.

I hope I am not sounding rude or anything. 


Magma Magic: book 2|Training  Empty Sun Jan 12, 2020 10:06 am

Nah, you didn't come off as rude or anything. It's all a learning experience for me, so i'm glad you brought up the points you did. That being said,

  • Great Eruption: Just mention that the pool of lava will deal B-rank damage once per post when it erupts, damaging anyone inside it.

  • Lava Flow Fist: Approved.

  • Lava Flow: My apologies for all the confusion. Keep in mind that mid-air you won't be able to change the direction of the barrage, so you should probably specify that.

  • Lava Impact: Approved.

If you have any questions or simply wanted to clarify anything, let me know. Otherwise, bump once you've made all the edits.

#5Shimura Shigaraki † 

Magma Magic: book 2|Training  Empty Sun Jan 12, 2020 10:47 am

Shimura Shigaraki †
bump, bump, bump


Magma Magic: book 2|Training  Empty Thu Jan 16, 2020 11:33 am


  • Great Eruption: Approved.

  • Lava Flow: I’ve been told that controllable spells cost double mana, so instead of 50 it would be 100.

Bump once you’ve made the edits.

#7Shimura Shigaraki † 

Magma Magic: book 2|Training  Empty Thu Jan 16, 2020 11:36 am

Shimura Shigaraki †
Bump, bump, bump

#8Noyiah Dashi 

Magma Magic: book 2|Training  Empty Wed Jan 22, 2020 8:41 am

Noyiah Dashi
These spells have been approved for training.

#9Shimura Shigaraki † 

Magma Magic: book 2|Training  Empty Fri Mar 20, 2020 11:42 am

Shimura Shigaraki †


Magma Magic: book 2|Training  Empty Fri Mar 20, 2020 11:58 pm


These spells have been approved for use.

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