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A Dragon's Dogma - The Age of Dragons dawns anew [Epic - Lore]

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A Dragon's Dogma - The Age of Dragons dawns anew [Epic - Lore] Empty Fri May 10, 2024 3:36 pm


The Age of Dragons is over, yet among these who remain a child dreams of a past long forgotten, and when she sings of glorious tales... The dragons roar...

Name: A Dragon's Dogma II

Difficulty: Epic

Participants: Ryuko

With the recent unrest and rumors of a war encroaching upon Iceberg, the Dragon Knight takes the opportunity to move in the shadows in the hope of strengthening her position in the grander scale of the events.

For centuries the Ancient Dragons have avoided Earthland, ever since the conflict that saw Nacht sealed away they only returned to bestow their Lacrima onto a mortal.

Twice Yarghast the Dimensional Dragon appeared, but this time Ryuko seeks not to gain the dragon's Lacrima, but rather the support of Yarghast in a far greater ambition.

Although Yarghast initially shows a defeatist mentality, claiming the Age of Dragons has long ended, the passionate outcry of the Dragon Knight reminds Yarghast of a memory she thought long forgotten: Of a wise and powerful dragon that saw a future where dragon and mankind could coexist.

Giving in to the efforts, Yarghast decides to lend Ryuko her aid in crossing to the other side of the planet, the dimension where the dragons have fled into hiding. However, an ominous warning suggests she might not receive the welcome she hopes for.

  • Attempt to convince Yarghast to lend her aid, both personal and to the Dragon Order.

  • Find out what happened to the dragons that fled from Earthland.

Word Count:
  • Clear 6 A-rank and 6 S-rank worth of quests in terms of topics related to the event. (27.000)

Lore Consequences:
  • Ryuko succeeds in becoming Yarghast's successor, inheriting the power of the Dimensional Dragon.
  • Through the events at 'the other side of the planet' Ryuko becomes officially recognized as a 'Monarch of Dragons', making the dragons vow to return to Earthland when the time is right.
  • Ryuko is granted a sacred relic in the form of the Monarch's Staff (mythic weapon) as a testimony to her social standing among the dragons.


A Dragon's Dogma - The Age of Dragons dawns anew [Epic - Lore] Empty Tue May 14, 2024 2:47 pm


Name: The Order moves
Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko

After she has given her Dragonborn their first tasks Ryuko ends up moving herself in an attempt to prepare for the events up ahead. What could it be that she is planning?

Non Player Characters's:
  • Yarghast:The Dimensional Dragon and an ancient member of the dragon race. Yarghast is a quiet and somewhat gentle being that decided to leave Earthland not out of cowardice but out of concern for the future of mankind. She used to be close friends with Bahamut, although her decision to leave Earthland fractured their bond.

- Search for Yarghast

Name: Yarghast's Decision
Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko

After her informants succeeded in finding the whereabouts of Yarghast the Dimensional Dragon, Ryuko pursues the trail of the ancient dragon in the hope of gaining her aid in accomplishing Ryuko's ambitions.

Non Player Characters's:
  • Yarghast:The Dimensional Dragon and an ancient member of the dragon race. Yarghast is a quiet and somewhat gentle being that decided to leave Earthland not out of cowardice but out of concern for the future of mankind. She used to be close friends with Bahamut, although her decision to leave Earthland fractured their bond.

- Succeed in convincing Yarghast to lend her aid to the Dragon Order.

Name: Here be dragons
Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko

Summary: Having finally gained Yarghast her aid, Ryuko is given the chance of relying on the Dimensional Dragon her power in order to cross through dimensions and reach the place Dragonkin has gone into hiding at. However, an ominous warning suggests that Ryuko will not receive the welcome she longed for.

And indeed, the other side of the planet has become distorted, perhaps due to the void or more likely: Nacht's lingering nightmare, a phantom has sapped the dragons of any semblance of motivation, courage of joy. Having entered a state of stasis the dragons can barely even be called alive at this point.

Non Player Characters's:
  • Yarghast:The Dimensional Dragon and an ancient member of the dragon race. Yarghast is a quiet and somewhat gentle being that decided to leave Earthland not out of cowardice but out of concern for the future of mankind. She used to be close friends with Bahamut, although her decision to leave Earthland fractured their bond.

Attempt to commune with the dragons.
Upon multiple failed attempts to stir the dragons, a lingering darkness will reveal itself at the center of the dimension: Nacht's Nightmare continues to haunt Dragonkin!

Name: Into the depths of despair
Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko

Realizing that the scars of the ancient conflict between the dragons and their fallen kin has left its mark on her people, Ryuko attempts to discover a way to vanquish the nightmare lingering in this plane. However, an opportunity presents itself when the Aspect of Bahamut within her being resonates with the lingering spirit of the mighty Monarch himself. A sudden echo of a distant past cries out, and Ryuko is given the opportunity to change the future...

Non Player Characters's:
  • Yarghast:The Dimensional Dragon and an ancient member of the dragon race. Yarghast is a quiet and somewhat gentle being that decided to leave Earthland not out of cowardice but out of concern for the future of mankind. She used to be close friends with Bahamut, although her decision to leave Earthland fractured their bond.

After attempting to discover the nature of Nacht's Nightmare, Ryuko's presence in the dimension stirs an ancient spirit, one that resonates strongly with her and allows Ryuko to relive a important memory of a time long ago, one that was vital in changing the Age of Dragons.

Name: The darkest days
Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko

The Age of Dragons has reached its end. Betraying their own kin the mighty dragon 'Nacht' has unleashed a plague across Earthland, transforming its denizen in nightmarish monsters. Despite the valiant efforts of the ancients to stop the plague, it is clear the only way to prevent the destruction of Earthland is by destroying Nacht.

However, can they even accomplish such a thing, when Nacht himself is on par with the mightest of deities?

Non Player Characters's:
  • Yarghast:The Dimensional Dragon and an ancient member of the dragon race. Yarghast is a quiet and somewhat gentle being that decided to leave Earthland not out of cowardice but out of concern for the future of mankind. She used to be close friends with Bahamut, although her decision to leave Earthland fractured their bond.

Attempt to help the Ancients in preventing the plague from spreading during the Age of Dragons.
In the end a plan is made for Nacht to be sealed by the combined might of the Ancient Dragons.

Name: A desperate plan
Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko

As a desperate plan is set in motion to try to seal Nacht away, Ryuko's presence in the echo seems to be distorting the events. While the Ancients are initially able to seal away Nacht, their focus on sustaining the seal makes them unable to deal with the new enemy. An enemy that shouldn't be there, an enemy that couldn't exist... The Oblivion Dragon...

Non Player Characters's:
  • Yarghast:The Dimensional Dragon and an ancient member of the dragon race. Yarghast is a quiet and somewhat gentle being that decided to leave Earthland not out of cowardice but out of concern for the future of mankind. She used to be close friends with Bahamut, although her decision to leave Earthland fractured their bond.

When the Ancients attempt to seal away Nacht, help them by fighting off the Oblivion Dragon who has appeared to try to free Nacht!
Upon being cornered, look to the sky and...

Name: The Monarch of Dragons: Bahamut
Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko

There is no denying the fact that the Oblivion Dragon's power is overwhelming. Not only is he capable of standing face to face with most ancients, his ability to summon nightmarish creatures makes him frequently able to overpower his foes through sheer numbers while barely lifting a claw himself. Despite her efforts to stop the Oblivion Dragon Ryuko has been cornered, but in the fateful moment Bahamut appears with his legions, saving the young Dragon Knight and fighting alongside her to vanquish the Oblivion Dragon who appears to had been an illusion cast by Nacht's Nightmare. However, it seems Bahamut's presence is causing a disturbance in the nightmare.

Non Player Characters's:
  • Yarghast:The Dimensional Dragon and an ancient member of the dragon race. Yarghast is a quiet and somewhat gentle being that decided to leave Earthland not out of cowardice but out of concern for the future of mankind. She used to be close friends with Bahamut, although her decision to leave Earthland fractured their bond.

- Fight alongside Bahamut to vanquish the Oblivion Dragon

Name: From one Monarch onto another
Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko

The echo seemingly ending with the dragons deciding to leave behind Earthland while the ancients vow to only return to check on the sealed Nacht, Bahamut's choice to remain both as a jailer and as one of the last of his kin on Earthland causes mixed feelings among the Ancients.

However, through interactions between herself and Bahamut Ryuko learns of the dream Bahamut had, the legacy he left in her care. She won't squander this opportunity, this chance to rekindle the Age of Dragons!

Non Player Characters's:
  • Yarghast:The Dimensional Dragon and an ancient member of the dragon race. Yarghast is a quiet and somewhat gentle being that decided to leave Earthland not out of cowardice but out of concern for the future of mankind. She used to be close friends with Bahamut, although her decision to leave Earthland fractured their bond.

Learn more about the Monarch of Dragons
Receive an ancient gift from Bahamut.

Name: The Dragon Queen
Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko

Back to the present, Ryuko's presence seems to be imbued with the essence of Bahamut as she transforms into her true form and lets out a thunderous roar that vanquishes the lingering nightmare of Nacht.

Now freed from the spectre that haunted them, the dragons recognize Ryuko as Bahamut's successor and upon hearing her passionate outcry decide to place their trust in her: The dragons will return to Earthland when the time is right, and a few are already willing to return alongside her.

One in particular seems quite insistent on letting him join her: The Fire Dragon who claims that he desires to see what came of a mortal child he raised like his own son: Someone named Toga?

Either way, with her dream accomplished Ryuko travels back to Earthland while Yarghast decides to remain to prepare to help the other dragons to return as well.

Non Player Characters's:
  • Yarghast:The Dimensional Dragon and an ancient member of the dragon race. Yarghast is a quiet and somewhat gentle being that decided to leave Earthland not out of cowardice but out of concern for the future of mankind. She used to be close friends with Bahamut, although her decision to leave Earthland fractured their bond.

- Become Recognized as a Monarch of Dragons
- Return to Earthland alongside some of the dragons who wish to return alongside you.

Name: The Dragon's Dominion
Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko

Back in Pergrande Ryuko prepares her next course of action, from alliances being forged to secret plans being schemed in the shadows. However, among it all remains a dream Ryuko intends to turn into reality now and forever.

Objectives: Proceed with your efforts to create alliances with other factions in preparations for the civil war in Pergrande.

Name: A long overdue proposal
Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko

Although there is no denying the fact that Ryuko has a fondness for pointy-ears, one particular half-elf has long been the focus of the Dragon Knight's affection. However, fear of what the future might hold had made her hesitant to bring their relationship out to the open, but if she wishes to truly create a future where Dragons and Mortals can coexist, she needs to lead by example...

Track down Maple and do what needs to be done.

Name: A Monarch to some, a tyrant to others... a wife to you
Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko

Adamant in her desire to build a future with Maple Ryuko seeks to find a way for Maple to gain the same longevity that the dragon race has, but will she even desire to take such action?

Convince Maple to become part of the Dragon Order.

Last edited by Ryuko on Tue May 14, 2024 3:12 pm; edited 1 time in total


A Dragon's Dogma - The Age of Dragons dawns anew [Epic - Lore] Empty Tue May 14, 2024 3:00 pm

This storyline is approved to start.


A Dragon's Dogma - The Age of Dragons dawns anew [Epic - Lore] Empty Thu May 16, 2024 2:32 pm



Using this topic as part of my epic's lore:

1 S-rank

Jewels: 500,000 (+30% from Guild, +10% from ring, +20% from SL) > 800.000
EXP: 15,000 (+20% from chest piece, +20% from SL) > 21.000
Fame: 500
+15 INT


1 A-rank

Jewels: 250,000 (+30% from Guild +10% from ring, +20% from SL) > 400.000
EXP: 10,000 (+20% from chest piece, +20% from SL) > 14,000
Fame: 400
+11 INT

5 A-ranks and 5 S-ranks left to do.

50% WC reduction from guild perks & gear.


A Dragon's Dogma - The Age of Dragons dawns anew [Epic - Lore] Empty Thu May 16, 2024 4:11 pm

Ryuko has completed these two quests.


A Dragon's Dogma - The Age of Dragons dawns anew [Epic - Lore] Empty Tue May 21, 2024 3:29 pm




11444 WC, total of 5 S-ranks and 5 A-rank in progress.

Jewels: 500,000 (+10% from ring, +20% from SL) > 650.000
EXP: 15,000 (+20% from SL) > 18.000
Fame: 500
+15 INT

Jewels: 250,000 (+10% from ring, +20% from SL) > 325.000
EXP: 10,000 (+20% from SL) > 12,000
Fame: 400
+11 INT

Total Rewards:
190.000 XP
+130 INT
+1 Mythic Coupon

50% WC reduction from guild perks & gear.

Last edited by Ryuko on Sat Jun 08, 2024 4:51 am; edited 1 time in total


A Dragon's Dogma - The Age of Dragons dawns anew [Epic - Lore] Empty Wed May 22, 2024 7:03 am

Ryuko has completed these ten quests.

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