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Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private]

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Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Sun Aug 11, 2019 9:10 am


WORDS: 520 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"That is only natural now, is it not~?", added the sculptress, looking almost dumbfounded by her words, as if she'd only stated something both of them should have taken for granted, "I won't leave my mermaid any real time to admire anybody else, so it is quite fortunate that you've made up your mind so vehemently on that~"

Of course, Alisa couldn't help but note the look of disappointment on her lover's face as she reached for her own bikini instead of the item offered by her lover. Quite frankly, it had been a mostly accidental, instinctive movement, a moment of distraction that she missed the gracious offer until it was too late, but to her credit, Alisa took it in stride and smirked as she knew just the right way to make the most of it, just as Sofia might assume she ignored it entirely~ When Sofia tightened those strings around her back, Alisa gasped and huffed, eyes widening from the sudden strain, yet not nearly as surprised as she'd have once felt the first time she teased her like this. She all but purred at those first, exploring little touches she received, and yet, nothing quite compared to the intensity that followed:

"Mmmnf~... There we go~ That's it Sofia, give it a good, tight pull just like that~", agreeing with the girl with a rather vehement nod, followed by huffs and puffs as the grip tightened around her, Alisa still couldn't help but giggle at that almost uncomfortable pressure around her bosom, pulling those plush, firm mounds into a tightly packed valley of cleavage, until she could only gasp once more... But even as she all but shivered at those breathy words in her ear, even as she bit her lip at that rather wanton attention, Alisa still shook her head and voiced her objection, "No, this isn't quite working now, is it~...? Feels a bit loose really..."

Speaking up and stopping her lover in her tracks, the sculptress turned and rested her hand on Sofia's, scratching her temple as she looked for a solution, letting her tightly bound bosom ripple liberally once devoid of Sofia's unyielding tightness behind her back. And she found it in the most delicious place imaginable, wrapped loosely around her lover's torso, until she couldn't help but snicker and reach out, take it in her hands and gently tug Sofia's tighter garment off her. With a cheeky smirk on her face, she finally accepted her lover's proposal at long last, pulling off her own top, boldly baring her breasts once again before her lover's eyes, if only for a brief moment before covering herself up with Sofia's instead:

"Seems I must take you up on that very gracious offer~", spoke the sculptress, ruby red eyes narrowed as she gazed deeply into her lover's with a mischevious glint, giggling as she handed Sofia her own before making a show of tying that knot between her bosom. Good thing that her tip was tied at the front, letting her admire the mermaid's own shapely figure, gaze into her eyes as she oggled, giving her quite a tempting view as she giggled and finished her handiwork unimpeded, her hips swaying sensually as she sunk on one of them, hand resting there as she all but posed for Sofia, smiling confidently and gazing into her eyes, "How about this~...?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Sun Aug 11, 2019 1:59 pm



Loose?! Blinking in surprise at what her beloved said next, having tried so hard to really tighten that top up to the point that the only way she could have done more was place her foot on the woman’s back and yank, Sofia couldn’t help but fall hook, line and sinker for the little ploy of her partner. The White Empress always so smooth and clever in her wordplay but not usually showing a mischievous side like this, at least not outside of one’s more amorous pursuits, though it might have dented her pride as a prankster to admit it she was caught off guard by her gorgeous goddess in this aspect.

“O-Oh!” The smooth and speedy motion of Alisa also something that Miss Serena wasn’t prepared for either, almost without realizing it she found her own garment being snatched away by the suddenly rather cheeky woman in front of her, and because of how surprised she was by that she couldn’t help but feel her cheeks burning with a blush. Face reddened because of that lingering hint of embarrassment that the sapphire siren didn’t even realize she still held onto, despite how abashed she was the island girl was left giggling almost a moment later, and tilted her head as she accepted the little ‘trade’ that Alisa had in mind without any real issue.

“Heh, liked my idea after all, did you~?”  Honestly quite looking forward to see that full figure contained in her own little black number, whilst there wasn’t a whole lot of difference in their bodies from a strict perspective, there was enough that the princess couldn’t help but wonder how plusher and plumper that her slightly smaller sized bikini might make certain aspects of her luscious lover’s fantastic frame. Confident that her charming companion could pull just about anything off and a big reason for her choice of garment being the fact that it reminded her of something that the marvellous Miss Vollan might have worn, it was almost as if by taking part in this silly swap, she was fulfilling her destiny in one way or another.

Such a naughty thing, isn’t she? Natural show off… Smirking as she traded off with the temptress but left somewhat mesmerized by her magnificent minx as the woman wrapped that slim combination of string and just a slither of fabric around her fine, feminine figure, the fox bit into her lip as she watched the little ‘show’ that Alisa put on of putting her bikini on, enjoying every moment of it.
“I hope that one isn’t too tight… It looks great though?” The pair having moved past the point where either of them would have been at all bothered by the idea of being ogled by the other, all that Miss Serena could do was gawk as the snugness of the item she herself had been wearing when they toured the seas seemed to contain and compress the mighty chest of the empress, feeling a shiver pass through her as she did. And then it was her turn.

“As for mine…” Humming gently as she was presented with her own chance to show off and deciding to take a rather noticeable leaf from the book of her black haired beauty because of this fact, after pulling the slim and sophisticated number that Miss Vollan had chosen around her frame in as slow and seductive a manner as she could, Sofa purred softly as she ran her hands up her chest and neck and then tried to tie the binding behind the latter, but for one reason or another found herself struggling.

“It is a bit… Hmmmmmm… Trickier than I expected~?” Shaking her head from side to side and giving a small tut at the fact as well, with a mind to reverse the situation from earlier and see what it was like to get ‘taken care of’ by the wonderful woman nearby, the siren turned herself around slowly twisted her head around to look toward her lover over her shoulder.
“It looks like I might be the one who needs a wife’s help now~?” One hand peeling the long blue locks she possessed away from her neck as she did so and exposing the delicate little nape beneath it, with a smirk that was hard to supress Miss Serena cast her eyes toward Alisa in a playfully pleading fashion, her mind and heart racing more than she ever might have expected as she left herself in the hands of the dark diva with a devilish little chuckle…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 SofiaSerana

Last edited by Sofia Serena on Thu Aug 15, 2019 4:17 pm; edited 1 time in total


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Sun Aug 11, 2019 3:02 pm


WORDS: 620 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Well, it is a rather fun little idea hmmm~?", noted the sculptress, admiring the way her lover oggled her bikini clad figure, biting her lip as Sofia's ever curious eyes fell on the snug valley of her cleavage, glistening with salty droplets of sweat under the bright, late afternoon soon. For all her pragmatism, Alisa couldn't quite ignore the way her pulse quickened at the thought of slipping on such an intimate outfit her beloved had been wearing all day, and could only wonder how good she might look wearing her own swimsuit. Though they both opted for such a striking shade of black, they had several key differences, namely cup size, and more importantly what side to tie the knot, "Why thank you my love~... It feels as comfortable as it looks I assure you~"

Hand raising over her mouth, she chuckled gracefully and tucked a loose black lock behind her ear, brow arching as she admired her lover's own figure, knowing the seductive siren was bound to put on a mesmerizing show in return... And Sofia, as expected, delivered in troves, with every smooth, sensual moment worth admiring until she could only curl her lip at the show, brought to a halt only by the challenges of tying that strap behind her back:

"Oh, if only you had a charming, helpful wife all ready to assist you~", she teased, amused at her lover's struggle as she crossed her arms and watched, rather amused at how the roles seemed utterly reversed from a few moments ago... When Sofia finally requested it, however, Alisa still couldn't help but bite her lip as she admired that smooth, bare back, making sure her lover caught every bit of this look as she tossed her a flirtatious wink, "Ufufu~... By all means, I'll give you a hand with it... It is my top after all~"

Instead, Alisa went above and beyond the line of duty as those deft fingers not only took hold of those spaghetti strings of her bikini, but also followed the damp fabric all the way those dark, flimsy triangles of cloth that hid her lover's modesty. Taking a gentle hold of them, Alisa adjusted the fabric over that shapely bosom, making the most of her position with palpable, audible delight as her fingertips traced the mouthwatering curve of those gorgeous globes, teasing the soft, supple flesh, as she giggled gracefully in her ear the whole way. Relying on touch alone to guide her way, the sculptress merely leaned in, pressing her own, pillowy breasts to Sofia's back, lips brushing her nap playfully. Everytime she took a deep breath of that soothing salty scent, her plush chest would squish deeper against Sofia, molding to her shape as she spoke:

"A woman as... gifted as you...", cooing seductively, Alisa's slow, poised motions let her truly appreciate those gifts as she sensually guided the underside of her bikini top along Sofia's underbust, all but hefting them with her fingertips, reluctantly peeling away as she guided the strings around her torso, meeting behind Sofia's back as she puffed gently on that smooth skin of her nape, savoring those glistening hints of salt with a tender little smoooch, chuckling as she got to work on the knot, "Really needs all the support she can get, hmmm~? Especially from an oversized bikini top~"

In the end she needed no more than a simple, firm little tug, to get her own top firmly tied around Sofia, and she made sure to give it at just the right time to drive her point home, rather eager to hear the shivering little gasp she'd likely hear. Readily making the most of the way she held that lustruous hair up, Alisa kissed the back of her neck once more, then and only then peeling away and letting the girl cool down properly:

"There... How does that feel~?", contrasting with Alisa's eye catching tightness, she'd left Sofia with a liberal, quivering looseness; only just firm enough that she could comfortably move around in. There was only so tight and snugly she could tie it considering the difference in size, but knew she'd done a well enough job to leave the wonderful vixen satisfied with the result.


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Mon Aug 12, 2019 2:00 pm



“Aliiissssssssaaaaaa~” That slow and sensual touch eliciting that same purring hiss that she tended to when they kissed, Miss Serena couldn’t help but shiver and call her lover’s name as the cheeky woman behind her opted to exploit their situation to grab what was, in actually, a none too undesired feel of her body. A blush spreading over the face of the foreign fox as she felt those soft and seductive fingers rolling over all the little spots of sweetness that Alisa had learned her body possessed, she couldn’t help but purr and look back toward the black beauty with a slight dizziness in her eyes, the sapphire siren couldn’t help but feel her knees and resolve weakening by the second and was forced to gasp rather noticeably as she felt the pillowy pout of her partner join in on the ‘action’.

“Taking advantage of a sweet girl like me…” A shaky little breath escaping the lips of Sofia as those soft and sweet lips began to toy with the nape of her neck, almost instinctively the mischievous minx shot an arm up behind her and hooked it around the head of her lover, quivering with a giddy delight as she enjoyed the teasing the temptress so wilfully provided her with.
“A-Ahhhhn!” Practically biting her lip as she enjoyed the blissful tantalization that she was offered by the White Empress, each little deed that the woman performed seemed to make her heart race that bit quicker, until she finally let out a yelp that spoke more of her desperate desire when the deed was done.

“I’m starting to suspect your intentions might not be strictly honourable, my love~?” Pulse pounding hard as she found herself leaning against those snug orbs that Alisa herself possessed, with her cheeks burning at both the wonderful feelings that her lover had inspired and the ease with which she had managed to managed to seduce her, Miss Serena used the little ‘holding point’ she had acquired to spin herself around once her borrowed garment was tied and face her fellow femme with a wicked smirk upon her face.

“But then, neither are mine~” Forgetting for the moment all about their plan to go adventuring as she found herself completely consumed by her desire for the dark dish, Sofia purred as she ran that hand she had around the woman’s neck down her body ever so slowly, passing through the tightly bound cleavage of her companion as she let it fall lower and lower and lower still. However, it not only the hand of the mermaid that creeped down that heavenly frame but every inch of her really, with her passions reignited like they had never had the chance to ebb at all, she couldn’t help but leave a trail of kisses down that soft and salty skin as she moved down the beautiful body of her black bell, showing just how strong her urge was to sample her sweetest spot one last time before they moved on from their privacy into the great unknown as she fell to her knees…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Tue Aug 13, 2019 2:56 pm


WORDS: 550 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

Not exactly intending on such a vivid reaction, Alisa most certainly welcomed it with gusto, arching her back just enough to squish that luscious, pillowy mass against her lover's back, delighting in how every little shiver send the most pleasant little ripple tingling all across her sensitive softness, until she could only giggle and shift her torso left and right, seeking more of that sensation and the audible delight it brought her lover. Yes, what had began as an innocent, cheeky little ploy to get back at her lover - to get a nice, pleasant little blush on her cheeks - had all too quickly spiralled out of control as Alisa all too quickly craved a deeper touch, yielding to the irresistible force that was her passion for Sofia almost as quickly as it took hold:

"Mmm~... Taking advantage you say~?", chided the sculptress, all but purring at that cheeky choice of words as she savoured those salty little hints that gathered on her lover's neck throughout, drawing a kissy trail towards her cheeks as she tied the knot just a tad bit tighter, enthralled by the sounds reaching her ears as she played her lover like a mewling, moaning instrument, all but giggling as the kind of sounds she could make, "Why, I'm merely helping my wonderful nymph make herself presentable for a fulfilling island adventure"

Alas, adventuring was the last thing on Sofia's mind as she teased those sensitive mounds, oh so softly with every touch, only a tad bit deeper with every passing second as she adjusted her swimsuit, only to gasp, eyes widening as she took in her lover's sudden assertiveness:

"Ufufu~... How forward~ Though I suppose... Mmmn~... You just took the words right out of my mouth, did you not~?", gasping as her lover quite readily disposed of her own hard work strapped firmly around her tightly bound bosom, Alisa giggled as she allowed her lover to back her against a more comfortable lean, her arms snaking up and down her body, tugging and toying with her own know as she nuzzled her cheeks, smooching all the way up to her forehead as her hand reached under that lustruous blond hair, caressing her hair as she cooed and came to rest lazily against a palm tree, quivering oh so softly at those pecking lips all over her silky smooth, sensitive skin.

Raising her leg sensually as she leaned against the rough trunk of the palm tree, she couldn't help but caress her lover's cheek with that soft, smooth skin of her shapely thigh, beckoning her deeper in as it hooked around her neck. Holding that enrapturing blue gaze and bit her lip sensually, she all but shivered at the pleasure to come, heart racing at the impossibly erotic thrill of the situation, and the wonderful woman she'd experience it with...

"...Ah~... Hah~...", still catching that heaving, panting breath, Alisa could barely stand at first as those strong legs trembled weakly, fanning away that incessant heat in her flushed upper body. They wound up replacing the bottom half of their bikinis, but in the end, she took with her something far more precious as she stroked her lover's long, silky hair, tucking it behind her ear as she guided her lover into a hot, passionate kiss, savouring the fruits of her efforts in oh so many ways as she held the girl close, arm snaking around her waist as she sought out that wonderful tongue with her own, "Mmmm~... So much for exporing hmm~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Wed Aug 14, 2019 6:09 am



“Heeheeheheee~” Nuzzling the soft and silky skin of Alisa’s wrist as she ran her fingers through her hair, with the little ‘encore’ of passion between them done for the moment, Miss Serena giggled through slightly heavy breaths and lifted herself back onto her feet as she leaned in for another luscious lock of lips with her lover. Purring into the kiss and suckling on those lips with the same level of fervency as she had displayed in the minutes before, one the show of passion and affection was over the blue beauty hummed and rested her head on that of the dark diva’s with a smile.

“Well, I for one would consider that an exciting and rewarding adventure in of itself~?” Finding she had not a single ounce of disappointment in mind as she ran her hands down her own body and straightened up the second piece of the ‘Vollan Collection’ that she had slipped into in the meantime, as she rolled her fingertips back across her behind to smooth and straighten out the change to her wardrobe, Sofia purred as she lingered in front of her lover and enjoyed the blissful afterglow they shared and allowed her partner to ‘catch her breath’ in one sense or another. Taking full advantage of the situation as well as she ran her hands up well-formed frame of her fellow femme before cupping the woman’s cheeks, the foreign fox couldn’t help but dive in for a second sensual smooch with her sable haired siren, and found herself mewling gently the moment their lips met for second time in as many minutes.

“Besides, it’s not like we’re in a rush now, are we~?” Wrinkling her nose gently as she peeled herself away from that near irresistible kiss and then guided herself and Alisa to rest on the handy ‘couch’ that was a nicely slanted palm tree, with one of her legs resting over that of the woman nearby in quite the casual and comfortable fashion, Miss Serena purred and stroked the cheek of her lady lover before letting her slender fingers slip into the newly cropped hair she sported so that she could toy with it delicately.
“Even if it gets dark out there, I’m sure that my empress will take care of me~” Humming softly as she exploited the ‘raised’ tips of those tresses to let her fingertips dance around and graze the nape of the black beauty while leaning in to gently suckle on the flesh of her fellow femme’s neck the other side, while usually a soul who loved new discoveries and adventures, the smitten young kitten was perfectly content for a moment or two to explore something that she was very, very familiar with…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Thu Aug 15, 2019 11:34 am


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

Purring, cooing softly at her touch, Alisa happily guided her lover back onto her feet, wrapping her arms around her waist and leaning in as she smooched those plush lips deep and passionately, suckling on that perfect pout as she giggled and gazed into those aquamarine jewels, playfully tickling along her back with her fingernails, drawing aimless shapes on that smooth skin with undeniable affection, enjoying every moment as she yet savoured the fruits of her endeavors:

"Oh, and you'd most certainly be right~", giggled the sculptress, yet nibbling her bottom lip as she peeled away from the kiss, resting her forehead against Sofia's as one hand slid up to caress her cheek gently, relaxing in her arms as she all but gasped at that ever adventurous hand on her rear, leaning in and meeting Sofia halfway as she smooched her right back, her tongue teasing its way past those plush gates, seeking out her lover's to mingle with as she giggled, "It was quite the ride after all~... And I guess the island's not going anywhere either."

Clearly they seemed to be on the same page here, Alisa merely dug her nails gently into her lover's softness, one hand wandering just a few inches down for a nice, big handful as she shivered oh so enticingly at her touch, cooing softly into the kiss as her tongue eagerly greeted Sofia's, swirling and dancing around it as she hummed lovingly into her lips, pulling tighter around her waist until she felt that undeniable warmth pressing up against her firm, toned midriff:

"Oh, naturally~... With me by your side...", eyes narrowed with that throaty, breathy tone, Alisa all but purred at that skilful touch to her nape, one hand wandering up and finding the tips of her lover's blue locks in turn, twiddling them with her fingers as she delighted in the irresistible comfort that was Sofia Serena, cooing softly as that hand drew higher and higher, teasing past the tantalizing knot that held her bikini in place before venturing deeper under those silken strands, giggling as she caressed her lover's scalp and kissed her forehead in return, gasping softly at her attention as she continued, "You'll never want for anything~"

Unable to help that playful little chuckle at those almost cheeky words, her tone was nothing if not earnest and she soon found herself seeking her lover's hand, taking a firm hold of it with her own, fingers interlacing as she planted a soft, loving smooch to those lips even as Sofia peeled away:

"Come now~... Let's not keep this bountiful island waiting too long. Surely we can find ourselves a nice cozy shelter for the night~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Thu Aug 15, 2019 2:27 pm



“Oh my, taking care of my every whim~?” Chuckling softly at the reliable words of her luscious lover and nuzzling even deeper into the woman’s delicious neck, while the toying of the temptress fingers sent a shiver of thrill up the spine of Miss Serena, from the tone of their conversation she couldn’t help but lift her hand up to that of Alisa’s and bind their mischievous mitts together to make her next little point.
“Maybe I really should have placed a ring on that dainty little finger, hm?” Looking up toward the dark diva with doe eyes as she enjoyed the comfort of her fellow femme’s soft skin and the sturdiness of her well-toned shoulder, the mermaid smirked with a mischievous mirth as she drew a digit of her own up and down the base of the black beauty’s ring finger as she gazed with a guarded curiosity to see how she might respond to her unsubtle implication.

“Made this wonderful waifu mine in earnest~?”  Certainly not entertaining the idea of getting married with any high degree of seriousness but at the same time noting the fact that of anyone she minded the idea of being chained in matrimony to the White Empress the least of anyone, before she had given the girl next to her much of a chance to respond to her joke Sofia lunged forward to trap those lips and giggled as she did so. Relishing the lips with her lover all the more for the cheek she had shared and releasing her grasp on the hands of her gorgeous goddess as she did so, the soft skin of the sapphire siren’s fingers slipped up to the cheeks of her beloved and cupped them gently as she pulled her into a deepening kiss and purred all the while as she did so.

“Heheheheheh, either that or we can set a fire?” That sense of perfect relaxation and total comfort that she had around Alisa making Miss Serena sigh softly, and smile as she cocked her head at the woman’s suggestion, after a moment of gazing into the magnificent magenta eyes of her marvellous madam the vixen gave a little chuckle and then eased herself to her feet, finding that she was rather excited by the idea of ‘camping out’ with her lady love on a night such as this one.
“Uncle Nick and I used to camp out on the beach all the time back home…” The air warm and the way that it reminded her of her home only seeming to make the foreign fox feel even more at ease with the woman she was with, as she began to stroll up the beach and land that surrounded it, she couldn’t help but casually reminisce over history, and one of the most important figures in it…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Thu Aug 15, 2019 4:58 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Well, I may have already beaten you to it but... It's not too late by any means~", chuckling cheekily, Alisa could only wink at her lover and giggle as she gazed into her eyes, reaching her idle hand up her back, drawing a tender, loving caress along the way as she twiddled with her hair, reaching high enough to merely stroke those long, silken tresses, petting her head lovingly as she held Sofia to her shoulder lovingly, "Ufufufu~ We'd need quite the wedding party wouldn't we~?"

Granted, between the two of them, Alisa would much rather have her beautiful girl all to herself on a lone seaside wedding, perhaps on a beach not unlike this one... T-that was, assuming she even was thinking about a wedding, which she was most obviously not, right? After all, she couldn't even peel her away from the beautiful girl in front of her... Even if to properly admire the beauty all around her, the crashing waves ebbing and flowing over the white, pristine sands... For all their playfulness, neither of them seemed in any way frightened by the idea of marriage, as much as an aloof woman with commitment issues certainly might. Instead, she merely delighted in that salty taste of her lover's kisses, greeting those plush lips with loving little suckles whenever she reached closer, squeezing a bit tighter around her hand:

"Well, that could work too~ I guess it'll depend on what we find around there, hmmm~?", nodding towards the wilderness deeper into the island, Alisa still couldn't quite peel away from her beautiful girl, her thumb gliding back and forth along the back of her hand, giggling as she relaxed in her lover's warmth, shifting her torso left and right as she all but massaged her chest with her own. Only a rather intriguing choice of words made her brow raise at long last, a familiar name that she'd never really heard Sofia speak before. Hearing the beautiful mermaid talking about her family was unusual to say the least, an irresistible treat for the ever curious artist with a taste for her lover's tale, "Uncle Nick hmmm~...? Sounds like somebody you should have been telling me more about~"

Perhaps the greatest mystery behind the fascinatingwoman she'd claimed as her lover... Where had she come from? What kind of life did she live in her younger years? How often did she go back there? Alisa often wondered on the answers to these questions, but respected her lover's privacy enough not to push the subject. When presented with such a delicious little morcel of information, she grew wholly absorbed by Sofia's beauty, hanging off her every word.


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Sat Aug 17, 2019 4:09 pm



“Oooof, with a couple like us, we’d have to have something that would put the royal family to shame, no doubt~?” Humming gently and wrinkling her nose up a little bit at the idea of the wedding, while the notion seemed to still send the pulse of Miss Serena into overdrive by instinct, she couldn’t help but confess just a little bit of amusement in the idea of ‘tying the knot’ with the woman next to her.
“After all, it isn’t every day an Empress gets married, now is it?” Giggling as she imagined a whole grand affair like nothing the world would ever know, featuring water displays and beautiful diamond sculptures along with a host of other extravagances like flocks of doves and beautiful white dresses, though the notion of being wedded to anyone was still a bit hit and miss for the mermaid, the day itself seemed like it would be a rather amusing one alongside Alisa. Certainly, at the very least, it would be a spectacle for the ages.

“O-Oh… Now I think of it, I haven’t mentioned him before, have I?” Entertained by the idea that the ebony enchantress had put into her head but the sense of amusement and ease she felt seeming to ebb when Sofia realized she might have casually and quite accidentally brought up something that might lead to quite the conversational quagmire if she wasn’t careful, while the sapphire siren tried to play the matter of her uncle and the history it led to off as coolly as possible, it was impossible for her to feel like she hadn’t been just a bit rattled by her carelessness.
What do I tell her? The truth…? Guarding her secret history so carefully as it was the one thing she thought she could trust no one with, or almost no one, with how far they had come the cautious coquette couldn’t help but ponder the idea of coming clean with her lover. Even if only for a minute.

No. Best not to, not yet… All to quickly giving in to that voice of paranoia in her mind about the matter however, while there was a temptation for the teen to spill all and share every little secret about herself just to break the sense of tension between them, she thought better of it.
I trust her but… Knowing who I am, it still feels like it might change things between us? Not even choosing to keep her secrets because of a feeling of distrust or at least convincing herself this was not the reason, Miss Serena decided that while the going was good there was no point in risking bringing ruination upon it by dropping her own personal bombshell. After all, Alisa saw her right now just as a cheeky fellow mage and not something ‘more’ than that, and really she wanted it no other way.

“Well, since my dad was always busy and my mother wasn’t in the best help…” The lady with eyes like lapis lazuli lifting her hand to the back of her head as she decided it was best to offer a brief explanation of things without getting too risky with unnecessary details, as she toyed with her hair and brushed her scalp with her fingertips she found her mind falling back to memories of her younger years, and shared them as best she could.
“A lot of the time my uncle would take me out and do stuff with me? Taught me to swim and take care of myself, throw a punch…” Those times of long past history some of the fondest that the foreign femme could recall, by now occupying a realm which was shared with the treasured moments with her mother and more recent moments of emotion and affection with the woman nearby, though she was perhaps a little but sheepish in the account she offered Sofia did what she could to tell her lover at least a little about the man she called ‘Uncle Nick’, feeling like she wanted to hide as little from the White Empress as she needed to and hoping at least a nugget of the truth might help to bring them even closer…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Sun Aug 18, 2019 5:45 am


WORDS: 580 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"In the face of an Imperial wedding, it leaves little for a mere King to do but watch in awe~", certainly painting a rather playful, if romantic picture for her ravishing princess, Alisa couldn't help but feel the warmth in her cheeks, the racing in her chest as they toyed with the idea of marriage. While mostly indifferent to the regal excesses of a royal wedding, the idea of holding Sofia's hand through it still left butterflies in her stomach, "Grand celebrations like ours would mark the history books overnight~ The peerless visage of your dress would forever stand as the epitome of bridal beauty."

Motioning her hand around her as she spoke - almost if the island itself was the grand hall to host one such event - she truly delighted in every word from Sofia's lips, every bit of the romantic tale they spun together, curling her lip at the thought of her lover clad in pure white... Even if it had never happened, Alisa knew that ravishing image would linger with her for a long while... By no means in any hurry to tie the knot, the aloof Alisa had now reached a point where she'd comfortably daydream with Sofia about it, knowing the thought didn't intimidate her at all with this wonderful woman at her side.

"You most certainly have not~... But for some reason, I already like him~", giggling impishly at her words, Alisa winked as she lead into a leisurly stroll along the shoreline, holding tightly to Sofia's hand as she casually strode from the shiftiness of the warm sands to the wet firmness of the water's edge, "After all, with how happy you sounded when you spoke his name... He must be quite the man~"

Anybody who could make Sofia smile was alright in her book, but most of all, Alisa made sure to ease off the pressure of her own curiosity, not really asking her lover for more than she felt comfortable revealing. She could sense the hesitation on her face and flashed her an understanding smile, stroking the back of her hand tenderly... After all, Sofia must have a good reason why she didn't reaveal her past, a reason greater than their trust in each other... Even had she been unable to see it, she could have easily deduced it from how little the vivacious vixen shared of her past, and perhaps for that reason, hearing her willingly sharing some of those secrets at last made the scultress' smile brighten visibly:

"Almost feels like your uncle was your real dad when you put it like that~", spoke the sculptress, chuckling gracefully as her hand rose over her lips, clearly imagining a rather adorable young Sofia just learning the bread and butter basics of martial arts from a stern, but loving teacher... Even now Alisa couldn't help but glance off into the ocean as her mind wandered to her own teenage years, when she too was taught and mostly raised by her uncle in her father's absense, "Seems like I was right hmm~? Uncle Nick is indeed quite the man... Now I know just who in the world nurtured that keen adventurous spirit of yours. Perhaps I'll meet him some day, I should congratulate him for raising such a charming, vibrant young lady~"

Even now she couldn't help but giggle as she humoured the thought of asking the man for his niece's hand when the time came, thinking back to their delightful little wedding fantasies...


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Sun Aug 18, 2019 11:26 am



“He’s uh…” Colour flooding the cheeks of Miss Serena as the fondness that she felt toward her uncle was noted by the woman nearby, though she wasn’t exactly sure why Alisa’s observation left her a little flustered, if she had to guess then the foreign fox would assume that it made her feel a little bit childish to show such strong admiration for her uncle. However, it was hard not to really.
“I think you’d like him, really?” The man that she called ‘Uncle Nick’ the guiding force in her life, the sapphire siren could remember how she would wait and wait for him to come home from sea, and even more so how much she would love it when he did.

“You seem like similar types?” Unable to really miss the ‘flags’ that defined the type of the man and the fantastic femme next to her, though she hadn’t really considered it much up to this point, Sofia could see that her uncle probably had a strong influence in why she had found herself so drawn to the woman with whom she was with now. Both of them so brave and bold in how they lived, though they found a contrast in their approach to openness what with the man being so warm and expressive and such a distinction from the guarded goddess nearby, the mermaid could certainly see several characteristics bleeding between the two.

“Into swashbuckling adventures and beautiful babes~”  Their tastes seeming to line up almost perfectly, as she remembered the stories of the man who influenced her so and then compared them to what she had been through with Alisa, Miss Serena could certainly sense them getting along like a house on fire.
Maybe if she met him, I wouldn’t be the only one with an uncle that one of us crushes on~? The Valerican vixen seeming to immediately sense that she could see even the mighty White Empress falling for at least one of two of the charms that Niko could offer, and given how much fondness the fox herself had found for the woman’s own uncle, she couldn’t help but find some delicious poetry in that presumption.

“I probably get some of that from him, really?” Still not really ready to spill everything about her past but feeling a little more at ease as the happy memories of her uncle seemed to wipe away some of the tension and isolation that her desire to guard herself seemed to create, as she titled her head to one side Sofia couldn’t really deny the strong impact that the man had on her life, and was rather content at that fact really.
“Heheheheh, well I certainly don’t get it from Dad at least?” Feeling that she did well to take after her uncle when she considered the ‘competition’ available, though skirting toward the topic of her history felt like somewhat risky territory, at the same time the siren felt it brought her a little peace to talk about. Keeping this stuff pent up for more than a year and probably all her life really, even if she didn’t feel like she could tell the dark diva of desire everything about her, the sentimental siren still enjoyed the chance to unburden herself just a little bit despite that…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Sun Aug 18, 2019 2:06 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Oh, I completely agree with that~", nodded the sculptress, almost like it was only the most natural thing in the world. With a fascinating woman like Sofia, surely the man who mostly raised her had to be equally interesting. Of course, her next words did have that quizzical brow rising as Alisa's smile widened, "Similar types, hmmm~? Now whatever makes you say that~?"

Cocking her head playfully at her lover, Alisa tucked those loosened locks away from her eye, behind her ear as she took in that shimmering blue gaze, entranced by the way her eyes all but glowed as she discussed her beloved uncle Nick, and could only chuckle as the girl suggested their shared penchant for beauty and adventuring. That certainly sounded like a wonderful conversation topic, if potentially awkward to Sofia if she so happened to be in the same room when it came about:

"I see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree either~... If he has this much in common with his ravishing niece, I very much doubt I could resist his charm~", winking knowingly at her lover, Alisa couldn't help but nudge her playfully with her elbow, pointing it out to the niece who clearly had that much in common with him if not more so, "Really makes you wonder, did you pick those habits up from him... Or did he merely teach you the proper outlet for them~?"

Though she'd already realized the topic of her background did anything but put her lover at ease, she'd also realized the girl seemed comparatively more comfortable discussing her uncle and their adventures together. Now more than ever she could certainly use an outlet, a chance to open up about her past without completely compromising whatever reservations held her back. Letting her lover take the lead, Alisa calmly explored Sofia's comfort zone with her, hand in hand as they strolled peacefully through the beach, with only the occasional amused giggle making itself heard over the pounding surf, providing the perfect backdrop for the siren's tale: The fact that the girl agreed only added to Alisa's suspicions, making her lover wonder whether the man's influence had indeed helped her develop a taste for charming, adventurous women like herself:

"Well, I'm sure your father had other influences to pass on, intentional or otherwise...", not really knowing Sofia's story or what had driven her beloved to Fiore, Alisa didn't particularly delve into the topic of her so far unmentioned father. Not wishing to either praise or speak ill of a man she knew nothing about, Alisa suspected that part of the story to be less than pleasant for her lover, "Though that alone tells me who influenced all of your most charming features. You should tell me about some of your adventures with him~"

After all, she showed him not even an inch of the same affection with which she spoke of her uncle, perfectly cementing Alisa's decision to focus on that pleasant topic.


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Mon Aug 19, 2019 12:36 pm



“Heeheehehee… It’s probably a little of both really?” Humming and cocking her head as she thought on the matter that was raised by Miss Vollan, Sofia giggled softly and squeezed that sweetly soft hand a bit tighter as they moved along the pearly sands of the beach, enjoying both the chance to connect with her beloved that little bit more by sharing her past and also finding that the benefit of hindsight also helped to bring her a sense of clarity into the influence that the man in question had on her.

“I always had the impulses and urges, and he helped to develop them…!” Feeling like the discussion was a lot less daunting now that she had delved into it, or at least touched upon the parts that she felt comfortable, the vixen from Valerica remembered how along with her mother it was uncle Nick who had the greatest impact in helping her realize the sort of person she wanted to be. Certainly seeming to fall none too far from the matriarchal tree so to speak, while at times it might have made her just a little bit sad that she shared so little in common with her dear old dad, Miss Serena was glad to have found at least half of her family seeming to understand and appreciate her.

“The way he would talk about the girls he had been with… Minstreli and Savannan and Joyan…” This sense of clarity and comfort perhaps inspired by her uncle more than anyone, it had been his vivid descriptions of his adventures and misadventures that had inspired a kings daughter to become quite the unconventional princess, and had made her yearn for a life outside the comfort of the palace as well.
“There was no way I wasn’t going to end up at least part lesbian after that~?” Certainly things out in the world far less secure but the trade-off for that seeming to come in the form of excitement and acceptance, Sofia remembered how she had always longed to be the person at the centre of the stories that the man told, and she was steadily becoming that really.

“When I was young, all I wanted to do was gallivant across the sea like he did~?” Now a girl who had a red hot girl from a distant land on her arm and a wealth of experience and tales to tell of her own, while one day she might have had to face the consequences for her actions there were few things that the sapphire siren regretted about running away from home, and for the most part she had found a sense of purpose and joy of life that she simply would never have been able to enjoy in the land that she came from.
“And honestly, that hasn’t really changed with age at all~?” Compared to that the finest silks of the land and people to make your bed and breakfast for you didn’t seem like that great a benefit, at least to a girl who was more interested in making and marking her own journey into life.

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Tue Aug 20, 2019 2:49 am


WORDS: 480 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Guess that explains why you two got along so quickly~", she winked, chuckling cheekily as she wondered just what kind of development the man might have offered her.

Raising an eyebrow, the sculptress admired the joy with which her lover spoke, by far the greatest bit of insight she'd ever been given on how Sofia came to be the wonderful woman who stood beside her now:

"Oh my... And he told his niece all about his conquests too~?", however playful, there was a certain hint of honesty in this incredulous look from the sculptress, with the way her brow rose earnestly despite the obviously playful gesture of raising her palm over her mouth, and the every presently sprinkle of irony in her conclusion, "My, what a role model Uncle Nick turned out to be~ No wonder his niece turned into such an adventurous woman hmmm~?"

Cheeky as ever, Alisa couldn't help but tease her lover the moment she heard such a juicy revelation, and yet with the kind of mental image she'd built of him so far, she hadn't imagined him as the kind of person who'd think too much of it. Sofia clearly didn't, if her surprising openness was anything to go by, until she couldn't help but giggle and tease the girl in turn, leaning in playfully and smooching her lover's soft cheek:

"And the women of the world are so much better for it~...", her eyes narrowing playfully, she bit her lip at the kind of skills her lover had decided to share with the charming women who struck her fancy, gladly pointing it out as she shifted her torso ever so slightly, just enough for her plush bosom to knead into Sofia's arm ever so softly, "I would know~"

She was right, clearly Alisa and Uncle Nick would have quite the interesting conversations when they did meet, chiefly among them a mutual love for a wonderful mermaid with bright blue eyes. As they enjoyed their long walk on the beach, she soon pointed out just the kind of adventure she'd been dreaming about, letting the sculptress admire that dreamy look in full:

"Ufufufu~ Guess that settles what kind of adventure we should have.", almost instinctively, she pictured Sofia in the kind of wardrobe a sailor might wear, a pirate even, as she raided ships on a never ending quest for booty, "Just the two of us, braving a raging storm no hardened sailor would dare face... Staring down a wrathful, vicious Kraken as we fought our to our treasure."

Even as she painted that adventurous picture for her lover, Alisa couldn't help but glance off into the sea as that salty breeze caressed her cheeks, only the slightest hint of yearing on her face. Clearly, she was looking forward to it just as much as her beautiful mermaid.



Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Tue Aug 20, 2019 8:05 am



“Heeheeheeheehe~ Well, not exactly… Not at first?” Snickering softly at the show of shock that she saw from Alisa, Miss Serena smirked at the sight and twisted her head to the opposite site as she explored and enjoyed further adventures in her memories, and all the while loved the chance to do so.
“I’d hear him talking to his buddies and my mother about them when they thought I wasn’t listening…” Squeezing the hand that she held in her own as she drifted further along those sweet and soft sands, the sapphire siren slipped her hand up into her long blue hair and let out a sigh as she felt her heart getting warmer and lighter as she recalled the more positive experiences in her history, and giggled all the more at the details that filled her head.

“Then eventually, when he figured I liked the same sort of things we’d talk about it directly, among other things…” Picturing herself as a young girl who would listen through cracks in the doors when she should be in bed or climb trees to peek through the window into her mother’s room, after a cavalcade of sweet recollections the girl in the mind of the mermaid grew older and no longer had the need to be so guarded with her interest, being able to speak to her uncle in a casual and honest fashion that she shared her intrigue and curiosity in an up-front manner.

“I had my first few uh… ‘Conquests’ with him as my wingman?” Naturally the magnificent man who had such an impact on Sofia not content with simple stories either, even before she was really old enough to drink in any legally acceptable manner he had taken her out to bars undercover to work on her ‘game’, and even popped by even the odd house of ill repute with his niece in order to let her try out a magnificent new find there. It really everything that the foreign fox could have hoped for from a role model, the two had been thick as thieves all her life and in a way Uncle Nick was the person that the teen missed the most now she was away from home, or at the very least it was a very close contest with her mother.

“Ooooohhhh~? A Kraken~?” The vixen from Valerica losing herself to sentimentality for a second but all too quickly brought back to her reality by the suggestion of the woman next to her, the coquette couldn’t help but coo at the adventure which Alisa described, grinning at the very notion of it and then lunging into the side of her beloved in order to wrap the woman’s long and strong arm around her as they continued.
“Might be worth us taming it for our next ‘pet’, hm?” Beaming as she pictured the scene of the two of them fighting their way through a gauntlet and finding a ridiculous foe at the end of their trail, while some might have found a big gold-filled chest as their prize at the end, Miss Serena couldn’t help but smirk as she saw something else as a treasure. A lover of animals and ecstatic at the idea of finding a legendary beast like a kraken, she couldn’t help but imagine herself as an older woman living by the sea with a nice pet sea monster to dote upon…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Tue Aug 20, 2019 9:21 am


WORDS: 560 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

She had to admit, the more Sofia spoke, the greater Alisa's curiosity to meet the famous Uncle Nick. And she thought Uncle Rocky was already quite wild, but no way would he ever be caught taking her out to seduce women... Well, not that she ever asked, but it was an easy assumption to make.

"Ohoo~...?", now that... That's the kind of juicy story Sofia wouldn't get away without telling more about, and granted, the vibrant vixen likely knew that much when she fed Alisa such a delicious piece of bait, for the sculptress' eyes soon widened and then narrowed as she held that shimmering blue gaze, "My, he didn't settle for boasting of his conquests but made sure to help you find your own~? Now that is a story you absolutely must share, Sofia~"

Perhaps feeling confident that Sofia would enjoy sharing such delectable tales, Alisa hardly hesitated as she expressed her interest, on some level respecting the man for doing a bit more than boasting of his conquests. She might wonder whether it qualified as a family friendly type of adventure but, for a blossoming Sofia, it most certainly might, considering the kind of girl she'd turn out to be:

"Ufufu~ Sounds to me you two had quite a bit of fun~", feeling that gentle squeeze around her hand, Alisa merely caressed the back of her palm as their joined hands swayed almost endearingly, back and forth with every step along the shoreline as Alisa relished the soft cool sensation as the waves licked at her feet.

No doubt an aquatic adventure would be just as delightful, and Sofia would surely agree as Alisa proposed it... But she did so in a way the sculptress quickly noticed.

My, now that is an interesting reaction...

The only part of Alisa's brief little tale that captured her lover's attention was the mythical sea creature, renowned for many things, such as it's myriad imposing tentacles. Knowing her lover's confident sexuality, Alisa could only point it out with a cheeky smirk on her face:

"I speak of a Kraken and the first thing you think about is taming it~?", noted the sculptress, enthralled by that overjoyed look on her lover's face, unable to peel her eyes away from Sofia even if she tried... Even if she wanted to. Wrapping her arm firm and lovingly around her waist, her fingertips stroking her smooth skin with gentle caresses as they walked, Alisa seemed perfectly content just poking her with those teasing little quips as her brow rose quizzically, "I wonder why that is~"

Teasing aside, it was hardly that farfetched an idea for the two of them, who had already tamed a haunted lantern and a mythical sea serpent... Between those two, a Kraken hardly seemed that surprising, if perhaps a bit more menacing. But surely they could manage it if they put their minds to it:

"With a Kraken on our side... Ours would be the most dreaded sight on any pirate's spyglass, no matter how mean and vicious their reputation.", indulging in hypothetical visions of their seafaring adventure, Alisa could only giggle as she noted the excitement on her lover's face, now fully aware of her fascination for strange creatures, "Personally, an adventure like that with you would be it's own reward... But how can I say no to a delightful idea like that~? I'm sure we'd make a reliable friend for life."


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:23 am



“Heeeheeheee~” Giggling and flicking her bangs a bit as she towed the arm of her lover around her slender frame, Sofia tucked the lithe limb of her lover behind her back and then underneath the arm on the opposite side to the woman, before lifting the hand of her companion up in front of her and beginning to toy with it like it was her own silky-soft pet.
Well, you didn’t think I became the marvel I am now overnight, do you?” Humming gently as she massaged the space between the dark diva’s dainty digits with the hand that was entwined with them while using her other hand to draw circles around the back of her black beauty’s magnificent mitt, the vixen from Valerica purred as she decided to tease with the temptress next to her, though more out of playfulness than a desire to guard herself any longer.

“It was more like a long weekend~” Perhaps a part of the princess remembering how Alisa always tended to do the same with her, after lifting a hand up to the cheek of the woman and then showed a bit of her own in a more figurative sense, Miss Serena purred as she pulled her gorgeous goddess into a short but none the less tantalizing lock of lips.

“And if you’re a good girl, maybe when we’re snuggling up a bit later I’ll share the details of it~?” Suckling on the lower portion of the perfect pout that her partner possessed before leaning backward with the hopes of making the woman chase down the chance of a second smooch, she whispered to her wonder in way that would let her know that the proverbial ‘deets’ would be worth her wait, whilst also making sure that she still had a nice tasty bit of bait she could pull out a little later on to amuse them both. Certainly happy to share a few stories even if she had to be a bit vague with certain specifics in them, Sofia had plenty of saucy details she could share in order to tease and thrill them both, but decided it might have been more fun to tackle the tales when they were a bit more comfortable and content.

“Heeheehehee, I knew it~” Giggling again as she found Alisa more than amenable to her own suggestion about taking a monster of myth or two as their pets, though she suspected the woman was as much humouring her own interest as she was confessing any of hers, Miss Serena knew as well that she was sharing more of her soft side than she was perhaps aware of.
“Alisa Vollan might act like a badass bitch most of the time but…” Most who had met this mighty madam maybe assuming that she would obliterate any epic enemy on sight, it only showed the level of comfort that had been cultivated between the couple that the White Empress seemed more interested in showing her heart than her skill in battle.

“Deep down she’s a big softy, isn’t she~?” This seeming like something that this saucy siren with sable hair seemed to guard so very ardently, while she could be charming and red hot, there was something sweet and rewarding about seeing that flame tempered to something subtler and more nurturing. This a side that the amazing amazon tended to show to almost no one, this fact above all others made seeing it all the sweeter, especially when it had started to become second nature with Sofia like it seemed to be now…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Tue Aug 20, 2019 3:05 pm


WORDS: 570 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"I'll admit the thought did cross my mind there~", chuckled the sculptress, her melodic giggle trailing off into a breathy purr as her beloved lavished her hand in such a delicate treatment, stroking it lovingly whilw Alisa's idle hand caressed up and down the sides of her torso, tracing those sinuous curves with visibly delight as her brow rose, "Surely some of that charm must be perfectly natural~? If not, well... I guess you had me fooled right from the start~"

Nothing felt quite as comforting as Sofia's soothing touch, no other sensation quite made Alisa's pulse quicken the same way she did, until she couldn't help but nuzzle her hand at the gentle caress on her cheek, smooching that tender hand as she held the sensual seductress' gaze throughout, chuckling at her perpetual playfulness:

"Careful my love, make a promise like that...", puckering her plush lips as Sofia leaned in for a kiss, Alisa pecked her right back again and again, squeezing tighter around her hand as she gasped softly into the kiss, holding her lover tightly against her as her fingertips slid up her back, drawing a teasing caress up her smooth skin, venturing under that silken hair until she finally hooked lovingly behind her back, licking her lip as she peeled away, nibbling her own as her gaze narrowed, "And I'll most certainly hold you to it~"

Readily driving her point home, Alisa chased right back in just as Sofia had wanted, seeking that perfect pout once again, suckling on it softly as she teased it between her teeth, gazing into her eyes the whole way.

Not really trying to drown her lover in passion just as she just did a few minutes ago, she nonetheless readily offered her tongue as she licked playfully around those pillowy lips, teasing Sofia's out to dance and mingle as she purred into that soft, thoroughly romantic make out, arching her back ever so softly until she could feel Sofia's curvaceous front squishing softly against her own... Resting her forehead against hers as the kiss parted at long last, Alisa gazed into those eyes with a visible red hue on her cheeks, admiring the glistening string of saliva connecting them while her response came with an almost baffled look of mock incredulity, chuckling as her eyes widened:

"Now, why on Earth would you assume I cannot be both~?", cocking her head slightly, Alisa found herself rolling one of those silken violet strands around her finger as she peeled away, enthralled by how soft they felt as she met her lover's lips with another gentler little smooch, "I guess... There really is a lot you don't know about me hmmm~?"

As her wandering hand cupped her lover's smooth, silky soft cheek, caressing it gently, she could only curl her lips as she admired every contour on her face with intimate detail, as if admiring the most beautiful nymph in the whole wide ocean:

"Perhaps... I'll just have to make an effort to correct that indignity~?", for all her playfulness, the mysterious culpress had indeed genuinely offered to show a bit more of herself to the woman she'd chosen as her own... As earnest as it may be, Alisa had already been making this effort in the past few days... Sofia might have noticed of course, leaving it up to her to pick a colourful answer to this cheeky little question.


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Wed Aug 21, 2019 6:03 am



“Oooof, you think I’d tease such a treat and not deliver~?” Purring as she saw the way that Alisa chased the sweet taste of her kiss down as she pulled away, Miss Serena whispered seductively in the moment before their second union and this time really leaned into their sensual smooch, pushing herself deeply into the kiss and sharing the velvety touch of her tongue as her hand slipped past the woman’s cheek and then into those short black locks. Mewling with delight as she sampled that fantastic flavour her fellow femme offered, one that she would never go tired of, the foreign fox let her nails dance across the scalp of her lady love and continued to toy with those soft and silky locks as she peeled from their amorous affection with a giggle.

“Heeheeheehee, you know me better than that by now, right~?”  Looking into those magnificent magenta irises and carrying a dizzied look in her own eyes as she did so, Sofia found herself shivering still from the kiss even as she chided the woman next to her playfully for the teasing doubt her temptress showed, and likely shared that sensation with the White Empress given how tightly bound they were together. Trembling softly with her sense of excitement and because of how weak at the knees those kisses she shared with her beloved black beauty left her, the sapphire siren saw fit to close her eyes and nuzzle the bottom lip of her companion gently before humming and making to continue along the beach with her arm around the waist of her wonderful warrior woman and a broad grin marking her lips with whiteness.

“Well, I never said you couldn’t be both…” The mischievous mermaid wrinkling her nose and smirking at the playfulness of her perfect partner, she cocked her head toward Alisa and shook it with her smile as she clarified the statement she had made before.
“You just used to seem shy about being your softest with people…” Certainly never doubting that her lady love was equal parts battle beast and cuddle bunny, as well as having a healthy share of sublime succubus in the mix as well, Miss Serena made sure to confirm that she had noticed how the softer side of the girl had tended to be subtler until recent times, and that the recent surge in affection she displayed was also no unwelcome thing.

“But it’s OK now?” Giggling gently and then letting her own expression show a slight bit more sincerity as well, while Sofia continued to smile as she wrapped both her arms around the bountiful body of the black beauty, she showed her own often guarded core as she demonstrated a sense of determined protectiveness and maybe just a hint of ferocity that she usually concealed beneath her charm and playfulness. Certainly the incident in Astera, that time in which she had been without her empress and felt more alone than she ever had something that had helped to temper her resolve in one way or another, it had helped her to make her mind up and also sharpen her future focus that bit more as well.

“You don’t need to protect yourself so much, because I’ll make sure nothing bad happens to you~”  Not wanting to risk another ‘loss’ of this magnificent marvel, while she loved the feeling of having such a powerful and reliable woman watching her back as she goofed off and enjoyed herself, now she had someone to grow strong for and even if the signs of her renewed resolve had been subtle so far that did not mean that the vixen from Valerica had weakened in her quiet vow in any way.
“Not now, and not ever again.” Maybe Alisa might laugh at her for being so ardent in this pursuit given how things had been up to this point, but that didn’t matter. Her girlfriend was going to make sure she never got ‘lost’ again…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Wed Aug 21, 2019 8:02 am


WORDS: 610 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Oh, who knows what manner of mischief you have lined for me in the near future hmmm~?", she teased, winking at her cheeky lover as she knew of her playfulness all too intimately by now. Raising a hand over her mouth as she chuckled, she didn't actually imagine Sofia would go that far, but how could she miss such a delicious chance to throw those witty lines her way, "Though I suppose going that far would be nothing short of cruel now, would it~?"

Cooing softly as she felt her lover really diving into their kiss, she squeezed just a bit tighter around her waist, delighting in the soft, supple warmth pressing against her damp, bikini bound front, all but purring at her touch as her sinuous hips swayed ever so softly, dancing to the slow and sensual rhythm of their wholehearted passion as her tongue gladly indulged in Sofia's, swirling around her, attentively massaging it until their lip lock inevitably broke:

"Heh~... I'll admit, nobody's reached quite this close~", as they continued on their walk, Alisa snicker as Sofia pointed out an obvious truth she didn't always share, her arm draping around her shoulder as she held her close, the other hand reaching across and stroking her cheek gently, brushing those long, violet strands out of the way so she could properly gaze into her eyes, "Fitting for such an adventurous girl to discover this much about me~"

And yet her next choice of words made her brow raised, that hue in her cheeks deepening as she heard her, her idle hand reaching for her clavicle almost daintily as those wine red eyes glanced towards the ocean for the briefest of moments. Even with all the power she'd amassed throughout her life, Alisa couldn't help that inexplicable, telltale redness that colored her cheeks at the sound of those words. Perhaps because of that power, nobody would dream of making such a bold statement, and yet coming from a girl she loved so, Alisa soon found herself smooching the side of her head, holding Sofia close as she gazed into her eyes:

"My~... Silly Sofia... We've been looking out for each other since day one, have we not~? In more than one way certainly but...", all but nuzzling into her smooth, silky soft hair, inhaling deeply of her salty, soothing scent, she couldn't quite place the reassuring sense she felt from merely standing close to her beloved, but after the adventure she'd faced in the Abyss, she found her hand gripping a bit tighter to her shoulder, pulling her lover close as she sought her way to those plush lips for a tender smooch, chuckling as she smiled and replied with a breathy tone, "Ufufu~ I feel safer already~ With the two of us looking out for one another, standing side by side... The world better watch out~"

There were many times in the Abyss where she thought she might never come back, never see her face again, if only one more time... And yet the cold sense of dread she felt at the time paled in comparison to the joy of having Sofia in her arms once more, and knowing she had her here, looking out for her... It left her heart thumping like mad as she held her lover so tightly her luscious bosom squished softly against her, toying with her hair as she gazed into her eyes:

"There's nobody else I'd rather have watching my back~...", sighing relaxedly, she rested her head lovingly against the marvellous mermaid, gazing lovingly into her eyes as she sealed the next words with a long, amorous kiss, "I love you, Sofia Serena~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Wed Aug 21, 2019 11:41 am



“Well, clearly you’ve been sorely lacking for women in your life with my kind of staying power, hm?” The azure angel arching her brow and smirking when the wonderful woman next to her informed her of the fact that she had found the most success in seeing past the guard of the goddess, though she found no shortage of satisfaction in the fact that no one knew the White Empress better than she did, Sofia still couldn’t help but make a little fun of the matter. Humming gently and cocking her head as she leaned in for another sweet taste of her luscious lover’s lips and lifting her hand to caress her companions cheek as well, the foreign fox finished her little show of affection with a gentle nuzzle before continuing on their path around the island, though even as she did she found herself more enamoured by her ebony haired enchantress by any sights she could see.

“In a way I’m glad…” Smiling and tilting her head to the side and away from the face of her fellow femme as she mused over the matter and felt quite touched deep down that Alisa had reserved this side of herself for her alone, Miss Serena looked out to the dazzling image of the ocean at sunset, though found even the golden crests and ripples that the light and tide created to pale in beauty next to her black belle.
“Anyone who can’t see how worth the wait is to meet this side of you certainly doesn’t deserve to know you at all~” Glancing back toward her lady love with just a hint of a glisten in her own eyes because of the situation, the sapphire siren smiled as she gripped the hip of her partner and squeezed the woman that bit closer to her, and all the while hoped that her words had enough sincerity within them for the message she spoke of to sink into the heart of her amazing amazon and let her know she made the right choice in the person she had revealed her ‘true self’ to.

“Well, you’ve certainly been watching out for me…” A tall girl and proud of that fact but loving the difference in height between herself and Miss Vollan despite this, as they moved along past the rolling tides Sofia found herself glad that the small difference in stature between the two of them meant that she could more easily rest her head on the shoulder of her lover, and purred softly as she confessed how she had always felt safe and secure in the company of this wonderful warrior woman.

“And I’ve been doing my best to do the same?” In a way though this also seeming to stir some lingering sense of doubt and darkness within the mind of the mermaid, while she didn’t confess the fact, the islander couldn’t help but feel a little insecure in her own protective performance up to this point. Feeling like she had let her beloved down when she allowed Alisa to be dragged into that horrid abyss, while everything had worked out in the end, Miss Serena couldn’t help but feel she would need to do much better in future. She would need to make sure neither of them had to suffer ever again.

“Heeheehehee, I love you too, Miss Vollan~” However, this anxious portion of her heart something that she did not wish to focus her time upon for too long, particularly so when the going was so good right now, with the prompt from her partner Sofia was all too happily to move on from the subject and onto sweeter things. It seeming that there was one form of sweetness in the mind of the minx in particular as once again she stalled and threw her arms around the neck of the woman next to her to pull her into a deep and loving kiss, this seemed a necessity to the nymph by this point. After all, who would tell someone they loved them and not share that kind of treat afterward?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Wed Aug 21, 2019 3:13 pm


WORDS: 600 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

 "Granted, I don't make a particular effort to seek them out~", added the sculptress, shrugging as she acknowledged a certain lacking in that regard, toying with those lone strands of her hair. She didn't particularly see it as a fault, she always more important things in mind than romance, and what few connections she developed were mostly due to her natural charm than any real dedication to the art of courtship, "But either way, I suppose that's never been a quality I sought in a partner~"

She'd never really, seriously considered a commitment as something she'd like to work towards in a relationship, or even a relationship for the most part. She'd come close to it a couple of times, but whatever fleeting connection existed never seemed to withstand the tests of time...

Until now.

"Then all the better that nobody has...", chuckled the sculptress, utterly smitten by the romantic tones of her words, to the point she felt she might fall for Sofia all over again. Curling her lip softly, she shifted her hip left and right under her lover's touch, giggling as she nuzzled that loving hand of her lover, just leaning in and teasing her lips with the kiss to come as her wandering hand stroked her hair gently, all but grooming it as she purred breathily, "Because... You deserve it more than anybody else in the world~... My strong, stunning Sofia~"

She couldn't even imagine reaching this kind of affection for anybody else... Sofia Serena had well and truly rocked her world, inspired her like no other muse before... And Alisa would never let go. She'd watch over and protect her throughout whatever adventures they went through. She was worth all of that and more, just as Sofia no doubt felt about her. Alisa could sense her insecurity... The mermaid may be hiding it rather well, but the artist knew her well enough to tell, to pick on the way she worded it... And most of all, she knew firsthand just what kind of events transpired between them, that would to their sudden, unexpected parting for over a week's time:

"You've had my back all this time, in more ways than you can dream of~", squeezing her lover tighter against her, all but showering her in warmth and affection, the sculptress kissed the top of her head, nuzzling those silky locks. Reaching up and stroking under her chin, she teased Sofia's gaze upwards into her wine red eyes, all but beaming as she looked deeply into those loving aquamarines, "When I was down there...", her cheeks reddening at the confession she was about to make, Alisa could only bite her lip as she glanced away, her eyes settling on Sofia's as she spoke in that cool yet upfront tone, "All I could think of was getting back here to you~"

Perhaps yielding the source of her strength a little too easily, it seemed only fair for the girl in question to know the effect she had on her. When they fought together, Sofia had her back the whole time, above and beyond anything her current power should allow her to do. The romantic in Alisa would readily think she could do it out of love, just as the crystal mage herself later did. Draping her arms around her lover, pulling her close, she leaned in and kissed her back passionately, gasping into her lips as her hands wandered, caressing up and down her back, tracing aimless shapes along the small of her back...

She could spend hours like this, just holding Sofia in her arms, never letting go~... And right now... They had all the time in the world~


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Thu Aug 22, 2019 1:28 pm



“Heeheeheheee~” The sapphire siren giggling and the sweet little compliment that her coquettish companion offered her, she lingered there with her hand on that soft cheek and purred, simply rubbing the woman’s cheek as she basked in the feeling of intimacy and sincerity for a moment before speaking. Cocking her head to the side and smiling, Sofia couldn’t help but feel rather special that she was the only soul who had made her way this far into the secret ‘space’ beneath the charming set of armour that the White Empress wore, feeling she was now in quite the privileged club and all without ever seeming to have to put much effort into what she did.

“When you put it that way, it makes it sound like this side of you was waiting for someone special enough to share it with~?”  Really, with how easy it had been to find this level of closeness with this perfectly picturesque partner, she had to wonder why others did not achieve such a result themselves, but ultimately was glad that only she knew the dark diva well enough to see this side of her. Everyone else be damned.

I could have done better though… Stopped you getting pulled in, or found a way to follow you? All of this feeling of exclusivity still not enough to spare Miss Serena from feeling as if she let her lover down in the encounter with the breach, even as Alisa tried to assure her the vixen from Valerica couldn’t help but feel disappointed with herself. All these feelings still lurking under the ‘surface’ of her cheery visage, though she did what she could to hide it, the mermaid couldn’t help but feel like a shard of ice was stuck in her heart when it came to this issue. A frozen piece of wrath hidden within her and directed at both the situation that had so nearly taken her beloved black beauty away and herself, and pushed her silently to make sure that such a thing would never happen again.

“Heh, couldn’t wait to see me again, huh?” Still somewhat touched, however, by the idea of her wonderful warrior woman fighting her way back to her, while it stung Sofia to know she had let her luscious lady down in this regard, the warmth the woman showed in this deed made it a little easier to ignore the feeling of failure.
“Not that I could blame you for that…” That little spark that Miss Vollan passed along to her enough to find a little warmth within the woman once more, while it was perhaps a reflection of her habit for deflection the princess couldn’t help but exploit her sense of playfulness to distract herself from the ill feelings that lingered beneath the bliss that was her company.

“I was pretty desperate to get my hands on this fine frame again as well~” Certainly provided with more than an ample level of diversion in the form of Alisa Vollan, as the throb of anguish within her receded because of the empress incomparable heat, Miss Serena found her hands wandering around the perfect physique of the woman and a little giggle emerging from her as she jumped on the chance for mischief. Fingers dancing around the soft skin and ample curves that her beloved possessed before lurching to squeeze that lovely behind, the teenage temptress smirked before running the tip of her tongue around her lips in a tantalizing fashion, hoping rather strongly that her provocation might just be met in kind…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 Empty Fri Aug 23, 2019 9:53 am


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

Alisa always had an odd relationship with love and romanticism, one whose romantic heart weighted under laid under the burden of her cynical mind. She never believed in the kind of love to last a lifetime, and yet on some level, constantly hoped to find that one person who could prove her wrong... Long were the days when she'd look to love as a mythical creature of sorts, beautiful, wonderful, and yet too good to be true. And right here, right now, with Sofia in her arms...

"You might be onto something there~... What others might have impossible seemed only natural for the right person, hmmm~?", chuckled the sculptress, that dreamy look returning to her face as she shared a smitten look with her beloved. Indeed she always imagined that even if she were to reach this point with someone, it would have certainly taken ages... Instead, here she was, cupping her lover's hand, lavishing her palm in kisses and tender nuzzles as she gazed into your eyes, "Well to me... That just sounds like it was worth the wait~"

No doubt Alisa's whimsical nature came into play here, her adamant inflexibility crumbling in the face of such an irresistible flow named Sofia... Understanding her lover's frustration and inability to keep Alisa away from the Abyss, she couldn't even say she went there of her own voilition hoping to protect her... Sofia knew that all too well, and merely hearing it again wouldn't help her at all.

"Mhmmm, that thought alone... Was quite the powerful motivator~", she spoke, smile widening as her traced aimless shapes on the mischievous mermaid's lower back, basking in the deep, soothing warmth Sofia's mere presence filled her with, chuckling at how skillfully deflected into a more flirtatious tone. Alisa knew her all too well, enough to know this was how the violet haired vixen coped with those less than pleasant feelings: All too readily, she welcomed the girl's affections, cooing softly as her full hips swayed sensually left and right, tempting her lover's adventurous mitt with a wink, "Ufufufu~ And no way I could keep my girl waiting now, could I~?"

And she most certainly didn't, her fingertips trailing down from the back of and arm, her nails merely grazing that smooth skin in a tantalizing touch, teasing the soft side of her supple bosom on the way down her torso, tracing those sinuous curves with both hands before letting her arms hang loosely off her shoulder:

"...That would be...", with a hushed, breathy tone, Alisa slowly leaned in and nuzzled that playful tongue with her succulent lips, giving it a little teasing flick with her own as it came out to play, then a seductive little peck, toying with Sofia's hair as each little kiss grew in intensity, "...Oh so dreadful of me~..."

If Alisa's endless affections couldn't quite melt away Sofia's apprehensions, the sculptress most certainly seemed unaware of it... Granted, even if she knew, that wouldn't really stop her enjoying that ever flavorful kiss as she hummed delightedly~


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 4 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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