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Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private]

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Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2019 1:52 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

Now that... That is a surprising piece of news, and it all but left her heart racing faster as she thought of all the effort her lover had dedicated to this rather delicious treat of seduction:

"Hoooo~? You actually went and found yourself a consultant hmmm~?", hearing this, Alisa reacted with a quizzical raise of her brow, plush lips widening as she wondered just who exactly took on such a wonderful, delectable task. Even now she could hardly resist catching another long, admiring look at that ravishing black swimsuit, how the simplicity of color and cloth only highlighted the shapely hourglass figure her lover so eagerly flaunted. Even now she couldn't help but bite her lip as she took in all of Sofia's alluring sensuality, her gaze slowly drifting back up to those wonderful blue eyes as she teased, "I'm certain the experience must have been... Quite enjoyable to them."

Indeed the choice of swimsuit worked sinfully well towards Sofia's salacious designs... After all, the voluptuous view before her evoked quite the plentiful plethora of thoughts, and for all of Alisa's usual elegance, the Lion's share of those mental images were anything but.

"I can only wonder just who in the world gave you such a helpful opinion~", spoke the sculptress, not nearly as interested in the person in question as she was in her lover herself and the results of their advice... And yet how could she miss a chance to tease the mischievous mermaid, interlacing her fingers amorously with Sofia's, holding her gaze as her voice became an almost husky little purr, "Suppose I should thank them at some point~"

In any case, the wonderful adventure slowly unfolded before them at every turn, and while the girls knew they'd have a lot to catch up on afterwards, in a place like this they could only savour this beautiful moment together, with Alisa matching that affectionate squeeze of her lover's hand, slowly swimming around the rocky reef with an admiring glimmer in her eyes. Looking towards the beautiful Sofia and chuckling playfully, she marvelled at how they all but swam in complete unison, and pointed towards the rocky formation on the sea floor. There hid a conspicious predator, the kind of find only a diver like herself could so easily spot:

"Mind your fingers will you~? Moray eels can be quite sneaky.", noted the sculptress, taking a moment to admire the patient ambush hunter as it awaited its dinner to swim by in front of him.

As odd as it may seem to advise an aquatic adventurer like Sofia, the sculptress clearly couldn't help treating this like any other dive, only one with a very special buddy. After all, the water felt lovely, surprisingly warm for the depth they'd already reached, only a mild, pleasant cool swirling around their bare bodies:

"My, such pretty colors~...", mused the sculptress as they moved, further away from the moray rock, all but accompanying a passing school of colourful fishes as they followed them to the yet more vibrant coral they called home, "Really makes you wonder... Just how in the world did we manage to go so long without a lovely adventure like this~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2019 3:23 pm



“Oh, they were helpful enough but no one worth turning my head too far away from the White Empress~” Snickering softly and humming as she wondered if the idea of her previewing the bikini for someone else made Alisa just a little bit jealous in any way but doubting and dismissing the idea rather quickly, Miss Serena winked playfully toward her partner before caressing the surrogate surface that was acting as the face of her femme again, purring softly as she did so. Having her fun with Manzo but not for a second seeming to stop thinking about the woman with whom she was touring the ocean floor, the teen confessed her affection quite unabashedly as she licked her lips softly, wondering if she should do a little ‘fashion show’ for her fellow femme in future given how interested she seemed in the idea.

“Heeheeheehee~” Purring and giggling as she glided through the water with her wonderful woman, the whimsical wench hummed as she let the White Empress guide her to their next little sight on the tour and smiled at the words of warning she shared, enjoying the affectionate undertone that lay beneath them. At first thinking way back when that her beloved black beauty was something of a show off who was all about her own egotism and enjoyment of a fight, as she had grown closer and learned to pay that bit more attention to the words and subtle deeds of Miss Vollan, Sofia had slowly began to note how wrong she had been.

“You’re always taking such good care of me, aren’t you?”  This gorgeous goddess certainly brave but also far more protective than she would ever let on, the sapphire siren could now see all too easily how much she was treasured by the temptress, and honestly never felt safer than she was when she was by Alisa’s side. This not really something she had really experienced with many people aside from her battle hardened uncle Nik and bizarrely the frail mother she had spent her time with, while Miss Serena was certainly the sort who liked to take care of herself, it filled her with warmth to know she had someone who could look after her and who she could look after as well. Together they were unbeatable, but that didn’t stop this mischievous mermaid being a little cocky, albeit in a playful fashion.

“You needn’t worry too much though, this is as much my domain as theirs right now~” Humming gently as she drew herself in close to the apple of her eye and purring as she felt their wet headpieces touching, though Miss Vollan was the one who had been trying to take care of Sofia, she couldn’t help but playfully turn the tables given their scenario and snaked her arms around her black beauty to cradle her protectively. The abundance of liquid meaning that right now she was surrounded with something that could easily make her proud and powerful, though the Valerican Vixen never wanted to clash with her beloved in any serious manner she couldn’t help but wonder how their powers would compare in a place where she had such a huge advantage, even if it was only for an idle moment.

“I think I told you about what happened when I got my cute little pet near Orchidia, right?” Still perhaps some of that pride that her partner showed in her skills having rubbed off on the foreign fox, as she hummed and fluttered her lashes at the fine figure she was clinging to, she couldn’t help but boast just a little bit. This wonderful warrior woman such a powerful example of prowess, in a way the princess to prove her own potency to her, and as such Miss Serena couldn’t help but bring up the last time she had found herself in some watery trouble and brought down a foe a whole lot more challenging than a mere eel…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Tue Jul 09, 2019 10:22 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Ufufufu~ Well, I'd be surprised if they didn't try~", noted the sculptress, flipping her hair stylishly, or at least making that same motion with her hand as she had many times in the past, throwing a flirtatious, knowing little wink at her gorgeous seductress. Feeling the girl swimming right up to her, Alisa's hand came to rest on her hip once more, nails teasing that soft, smooth skin of hers while her hand squeezed tighter around Sofia's. Sharing an amorous look with her lover, she titled her head softly into her caress, "Though I suppose... We shouldn't ask too much of them, should we~?"

Indeed, she wasn't exactly jealous, they didn't have that kind of relationship to begin with... But it certainly spoke of her affection for Sofia that she wouldn't completely dismiss other people's interest in her, neither could she disregard any concerns for the girl's well being despite knowing of her skills all too well:

"Mhmmm, someone should look out for my beautiful adventurer, don't you think~?", for all her cool posture and seductive tones, the hue in Alisa's cheeks spoke far more earnestly than any words, "Who knows just what manner of trouble she might get into~?"

She wasn't too concerned as to who among them might win in an underwater battle, after all, Alisa knew better than to battle in such a disadvantageous terrain to begin with. It would prove quite an interesting choice of training, perhaps something to explore in the future. But how could she with her mind filled with such adventurous thoughts? Hearing this question, Alisa's brow rose curiously, her head shaking negatively an intrigued smile drew on her face:

"You most certainly have not~", she confirmed what Sofia already guessed from her reaction, the answer the gorgeous mermaid no doubt longed to hear almost as much as Alisa wished to hear the story. She could always regale in those wonderful tales her lover brought her; leave it to such an adventurous beauty to have an endless supply of captivating stories under her belt, "I can only imagine just how on earth did you end up with such a wonderful pet~"

Who knows, maybe she'd end up telling her lover how she wound up meeting Lumen, who very much started as an adorable pet Alisa happened upon by mere chance. It took her only a few days to notice just how quick witted her friend truly was deep down, behind all that bundle of absent minded cuteness.

"Hmmm, perhaps a cave of some sort~?", mused the sculptress, reaching her hand to her chin, or rather, the bubbly covering just beneath it, rubbing it gently as her brow furrowed, hanging off Sofia's every word as she wondered on how her story might go~

For all the thoughts of adventure and underwater exploration, the wonderful Siren had Alisa's full attention, for the admiring artist could hardly peel her eyes away from those long, aquamarine tresses, or listen to anything other than her words~


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 10, 2019 8:22 pm



“I didn’t~?” Tilting her head as she found out that she had a nice little ‘tale’ to entertain the enchanting woman by her side, a smile spread across the face of Miss Serena as she realized this fact, causing her to hum and then chuckle as she remembered the details that had led to her being the proud ‘master’ of a cute little snake baby.
“Heeheeheehee, interesting… I must have forgotten~” Almost certainly having assumed she had already told the woman next to her the exciting tale involving the firebird and the monster she had found alongside it, perhaps she had failed to do so in the excitement that she felt toward heading to Alisa’s uncle’s place or something of the sort, though she did find an odd sweetness about this lacking recollection.

“Too excited over something else, probably~” Having moved on the understanding that the White Empress had been informed of the details that had led to her adopting the lovely little pet that she had left once more in the care of the curious Miss Lumen, as she reflected on the situation, Sofia couldn’t help but feel her heart warmed a little by the ignorant understanding that her beloved black beauty had shown her. The cool amazon just going with the flow and accepting a new member into their little ‘group’ without any word of protest simple because her sapphire siren demanded it, it made the blue beauty lament the fact that she couldn’t currently seek out her lips once more as she wished that she could show her affection for such tender treatment, but was cruelly denied by their circumstances.

“That was my last adventure under the water though, and not a solo one either…” Instead opting to rely on something else that might put a smile on the face of her lover, with a fresh tale all loaded up in her mind, it seemed a shame for her to not share it.
“You want to hear about it, my sweet?” It quite the interesting adventure really and the memory she had of it reminding Miss Serena that her companion on it had actually mentioned a casual association that he shared with the woman in front of her, while it was incredible that the sensuous storyteller had not shared the details yet, that seemed to only make her desire to give the tale away now even stronger…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 13, 2019 6:32 pm


WORDS: 450 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

A shake of her head gave Sofia all the answers she could ever need, and yet, nothing quite compared to that brimming look of excitment on the face of her beloved girl, an eagerness to delight Alisa with her adventurous accounts until the sculptress could only giggle at the sight:

"Ufufu, what a forgetful little vixen~ Keeping such a delicious tale from me~", teased Alisa right back, shaking her head and wiggling her finger in cheeky disapproval. True, merely hearing the tale now was more than enough, though she couldn't simply let the beautiful blue haired seductress get away with her absent mindedness, a mischievous smirk on her face as she nodded, winking at beloved Sofia, "I can only imagine what that might have been~"

With a graceful wave of her idle hand and shapely legs, Alisa kept her drifting form mostly upright in the water, all but suspended weightlessly with only her hold on her lover's hand to hold her still. Indeed, Sofia felt fresher than the smoothest of waves, making it all too easy to simply hold on to the girl and follow her on an ever delightful ride, in every way imaginable. How could Alisa refuse such a gracious offer of such an adventurous tale, as much as the prospect of making their own~? Oh, if only Alisa could kiss her right now~... Instead she merely guided the girl a bit closer, coming within mere inches from each other as she looked deeply into her eyes. When she began, however, the cheekiness gradually faded from Alisa's ever playful words, hanging off every word from those luscious lips as her brow rose in wonder. Raising a hand over her mouth, a giggle soon escaped her own as her brow crooked:

"Hooo~? Seems most of your adventures leave you completely drenched hmmm~?", teased the sculptress one more, hand rasing over her mouth as she giggled, and yet she could only squeeze her hand a bit more firmly, nodding delightedly as her curious, contemplative mind got to work right away, instinctively wondering just when had Sofia gone diving to happen upon such an adorably cute companion, and who in the world might have accompanied her, "Mhmm, I'd very much enjoy, find out just what my beautiful Sofia gets up to on her adventures."

Finding her hand snaking around her waist, Alisa puffed softly on the front of her watery helmet, fogging the smooth, almost glassy surface until she could plant a kiss on it and leave a visible. She couldn't kiss her, but, she could certainly give her the next best thing as she wondered what tale her lover might present her with~


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 13, 2019 8:07 pm



“Teeheeheeheehee~” Giggling at the little gesture that she saw from her beloved black beauty, even though she knew they wouldn’t make proper contact with one another, Miss Serena leaned against that spot with her own bubbly helmet and pressed herself forward as she eyed that little lip mark that she saw.
She can be so creative~ Closing her eyes as she puckered her own lips up and smooched as close to the spot that Alisa had created as she could manage, even if it wasn’t quite as much as she wanted right now, the young vixen purred gently as she snaked her arms around her lover and enjoyed that feeling of closeness and connection as much as she could in that moment.

“Heeheeheehee, I should have brought you along really, but that was back when I think we were both trying to play things a little bit ‘cool’?” Tilting her head as she rested in the arms of her lover and smiling as she recalled the sunny day in spring when she had slipped away from Orchidia to explore the woods and other features that surrounded it, Sofia couldn’t help but shake her head as she remembered how the two of them had been in the early days; all fire and passion and trying to hold themselves back. Though, even as she did so, the sapphire siren would have to admit that the only thing that had really changed by this time was that they no longer made much of an attempt to restrain their passions! The love they shared had become much more honest, it seemed.

“I’d wandered off into the woods and found a nice big lake not too far from Orchidia, when we were staying there?” Humming gently as she let the memory of that day flood her mind, Miss Serena could remember how excited she had been to have the chance to take in the wildness of her surroundings, enjoying the open but empty spaces of nature just as much as any bustling bar or luxury hotel.
“And decided to take a little dip in it… Explore the Fiorian waters when they were crisp and clear in spring?” In a way almost missing the days when she could just decide to throw herself into the wilderness without a care in the world given how hectic things had been in the build-up and during the demon attack, those peaceful and carefree days of wandering whimsy seemed a lot longer ago than she realized, and were something that the foreign fox longed to return to. That was probably why she had elected to take Alisa on an ‘adventure’ like this one, really.

“And after getting myself good and wet, I just so happened to run into someone…” It certainly a fun day really, given how cold things had been in the lead up to it, that chance to work up a sweat with a hike and then cool herself off in refreshing natural water had seemed like a gift that she had long been denied, and oddly felt like something of a parallel to the experience that she shared today.
“Someone who I think you might have known?” An exciting time that was shared with another person, though the young man she had met that day had not managed to steal her heart away quite like the woman with whom she was currently so lovingly entangled, he had been an interesting enough soul really. One that perhaps the girl hoped she might bump into again someday, in fact…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 14, 2019 2:24 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

She couldn't help but giggle in turn at her lover's reaction, between the two of them this happy couple must have looked quite a bit younger than their actual age, laughing like happy, lovestruck schoolgirls while adventuring quite a few meters underwater, holding hands as they enjoyed a kiss they couldn't quite savor, yet one that felt no less impactful judging from that insistent pounding in her chest:

"My, what foolish girls we were hmmm~? Holding ourselves back from so many delightful experiences~", chuckled the sculptress, nodding in agreement, her hand sliding up her lover's back, teasing the strap of her bikini before twining through the long, wet blue strands, all but purring in that husky voice as she felt Sofia's loving arms wrapping around her, eyes narrowing as she tempted her the whole way, "Fortunately, we've certainly been making up for lost time, hmmm~?"

And what better way to do that then live out all the adventures they could have had then, and regale in the tales of the ones they missed? Alisa most certainly enjoyed it, her interest piqued as the mention of the lake reminded her of a place she knew well enough:

"Ohoo~...? I think I know that place, I've been there a couple times.", noted the sculptress, growing all the more engaged in the story as she pictured the setting in perfect clarity. While not native to Orchidia, she did grow up quite close and came by often enough, particularly around the flower festival time, "My, that was indeed a wonderful decision. The water there feels lovely, doesn't it~?"

Chuckling knowingly as her lover confirmed her assumption, Alisa could only nod, not even speaking right away for that would certainly cut into that wonderful flow her beautiful water nymph had eased into. For her artistic lover, all of Sofia rolled together into the most mesmerizing feast for the senses...The beauty of her long, silky blue hair fluttering with every motion, the melody of her voice echoing inside that bubbly helmet, the warmth of her skin as they held their soft, shapely bodies closer... And most of all, that rather endearing tale getting quite a few giggles as Alisa imagined herself there... Even now her lover found new ways to reel her in, making her brow raise as she mentioned somebody she might know:

"Someone hmmm~...? Can't help but wonder who that might be~", mused the sculptress, raising a finger to the curve of her bubbly helmet, humming softly as her eyes glanced up at the rippling, shimmering surface of the water above, before drifting right back down to Sofia's as her lips drew into a knowing little smirk, "Somebody just as adventurous as you no doubt~? Ufufufu~ I can think of quite a few possibilities alright~"

A fair amount of names readily popped to the forefront of her thoughts, and yet the way her brow rose when she looked at Sofia made it all too clear, she'd much rather hear the answer from her than simply guessing~


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 14, 2019 3:01 pm



“Heeeheehehee~ Well now I definitely regret not taking you~” Humming softly as the words of her wonderful woman provoked all sorts of images in her mind, Miss Serena felt her heart race a little bit more quickly as she imagined Alisa visiting the same space she had, biting her lip subtly as she imagined her lady love exploring those waters in the coolness of spring and finding herself wondering just what she might have looked like in such a situation. This idle speculation quickly leading her toward another, even more exciting image, with the fun that the foreign fox had in and around that lake she could only imagine the thrill that she would feel with her terrific temptress by her side.

“The pair of us in that cool, crisp water and plenty of privacy~?” Certainly that scenario leading to quite the eventful day regardless of what trouble they might or might not have run into, while the bed of a lake might not have been quite as vibrant and picturesque as the seaside site they found themselves now, Sofia could well imagine them finding other ways to entertain themselves. After all, given how often they had toyed with the idea of getting back to nature in nature together, by this point it almost felt a shame they hadn’t properly explored such a concept. That was at least not to any degree that would satisfy the sapphire siren.

“Adventurous~?” Smiling and tilting her head as she pulled herself from that idle little fantasy that her fellow femme had inspired and looked toward her lover, as the mind of the mischievous mermaid moved back to her memory, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of amusement in the companion she had found in the day.
“Well, he seemed the sort that liked the outdoors at least, but was rather shy really…?” Guessing that Alisa did not direct her assertion in the most literal sense of course and having to remark that the lad with whom she had spent that day was a little ‘challenged’ in regard to his curiosity, at least compared to the woman he shared it with, that little factor had been endearing in its way and something that in the moment the mix had actually quite enjoyed…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 14, 2019 4:12 pm


WORDS: 380 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Mmmm~... Something tells me it wouldn't feel nearly so cool once we finaly waddled our way back out~", replied the sculptress almost reflexively, humming in delight as she effortlessly shared the same image Sofia no doubt envisioned, judging from the impassioned nibbling of her supple bottom lip, "I'm quite certain we'd turn it into a steamy sauna in only a few moments if we just... Let ourselves go~"

The irresistible chemistry they had, the ungodly sexual tension they could create with just the right teasing words... Truly, even Alisa had scarcely felt something like this before, the kind of bond only a perfectly compatible lover like Sofia could ever hope to rouse~ Even now as they found themselves slowly drifting with the undersea currents, she only had eyes for the girl before her, watching with interest as she seemed utterly puzzled by her choice of words on her adventuring companion... Granted, in Alisa's mind, she always regarded an outdoorsy sprit as an adventurous one, but then, Sofia all but implied this particular companion was only one but not the other:

"Well that narrows it down. Did he seem especially shy about your breasts, I wonder~?", mused the sculptress, giggling as she though of the outdoorsy boys who might so casually drop her name and act all shy in front of her beloved Sofia. Though not exactly 100% certain about it, she yet cupped the bottom of her bubble as she might touch her chin, folding her arm under her bikini bound breast as she pondered on the options, all too quickly thinking about Daiko, the Lamia mage... Sure, there were other options - such as Baron, the lewdly innocent werewolf - though the odds of them dropping her name were significantly lower, not to mention acting all shy when presented with such a ravishing, enrapturing woman like Sofia, "I have a pretty good idea as to who it might be~?"

As her lips drew into that knowing smirk once again, she instinctively wondered if Sofia would choose to tell her outright or challenge her own deductions. Either option hinted at two, equally wonderful sides of her beloved, both her desire to dazzle and amazing Alisa with every piece of her adventures, or to tease her with that mischievous instinct~


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 14, 2019 9:40 pm



“I would say the best way that one would describe his relationship with Jessica and Marie as…” Lifting her hand up to tap her chin but once again finding the bubble that provided her with air presenting itself as a pesky problem, instead Miss Serena settled for simply rapping the surface of her magic-made helmet as she pondered the question that she had been posed, recalling her adventure in vivid detail all the while.
“Besotted, and yet bashful~?” That cheeky young fellow certainly seeming to be fighting against a rather strong urge to ogle her as the sapphire siren seemed to recall, it had seemed that he didn’t know where to look for the life of him as his impulse drove him to the bikini clad cleavage that she had been flaunting rather wickedly and yet he felt ashamed of this fact enough that he made every attempt to peel his gaze away from it, it was rather an amusing sight to behold really.

“Well, he said he’d met you before. Does the name Daiko ring any bells?” Smiling as her clever companion seemed to show that she might just have had an idea to whom she was alluding, while Sofia had made no attempt to really hide the identity of the person she had been ‘playing’ with, it still made for an entertaining if brief game for the two of them while it lasted. The sharp mind of the woman with whom she was sharing her life too good for her to hold out too long, however, the mischievous mermaid offered her delayed answer and waited to see if the expectation of the enchanting empress had proven to be correct.

“He was pretty cute, I teased him a lot, really~” Finding that she had really had rather the entertaining little day with that bird-loving boy, with a little giggle that spoke of the fondness with which the foreign fox recalled her encounter with the lad from Lamia Scale, the blue beauty hummed and bit her lip gently as she remembered his blushing face and how easily flustered that he had seemed to her. Especially when she really started turning on the charms…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 14, 2019 9:42 pm


WORDS: 380 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Jessica and Marie you say~?", for all her cool, that colourful choice of words leaving Sofia's lips earned a hearty, if graceful laughter from that tall sculptress, enough for her arm to snake around the girl's waist and pull her a bit closer still, holding her bubbly helmet against Sofia's as she pressed her firm, supple bosom against her lover's shifting her torso left and right teasingly as she cooed softly at the sensation, biting her lip as she teased her wonderful beloved, "Those wonderful girls, with such a full, perky character~... It's no wonder such a bashful young man found himself at a loss for words~"

Indeed even now it took Alisa a fair amount of willpower not to instinctively glance down at the alluring mass of tightly squished cleavage, but she very much delighted in its softness pressed up against her own, arching her back further, biting her lip as she'd make it a point to tease her lover some more, squeezing tighter on her hand and admiring every reaction, only peeling away at the mention of a name she knew all too well.

"Daiko, you say~...?", her brow rose the moment she heard it and yet she didn't look overly surprised, almost as if she already imagined whose name Sofia might drop, judging from her earlier words.

The manner of fun she had at her expense was equally predictable, and clearly Alisa herself knew just how much fun it could be. And yet the giggle she let out showed little intention of admitting it:

"Ufufu, is that right~? My, the poor boy... What a cheeky little vixen you've turned out to be, hmmm~?", chided the sculptres with a far more playful narroing of her eyes, knowing far too well how tempting Daiko was to tease in the first place. And Sofia could just as easily pick up on her lover's impish mood, and from there figure out just how much had Alisa tried it out herself... But, if by any chance she didn't, Alisa would all but sigh before her lips drew into a smirk filled with mirth, "Well at the end of the day, it's only his fault for being far too cute to tease~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Mon Jul 15, 2019 7:22 pm



“Heeheehehee, you would have expected less from me~?” Giggling at the playful praise that she was given by Alisa, Miss Serena smirked toward her lover and squeezed the woman tighter as a billowing octopus passed them by, her gaze shifting toward the creature before falling back toward the fine femme she clung to all too quickly.
“I mean, we started out by quite literally beating the pants off some idiots…” No creature under the sea really holding much of a chance when she had this vibrant and voluptuous vision nearby, the sapphire siren snickered softly as she remembered how exciting and cheeky they pair had been since the very first moment that they had met, finding that they only seemed to bring out the best or as some may see it the very worst in one another.

“Riiiiiight?” Smiling with delight when the assessment of the companion she remembered seemed to have been shared with the White Empress, Sofia cooed at the affirmation made by her amorous ally with no shortage of approval, agreeing whole heartedly with the note that the woman had made. Certainly loving to tease those who tended to react the most sweetly to it, the foreign fox found that she tired quickly of those who didn’t rise to her bait with a blush or broken phrase, though those who did were ‘prey’ that the princess would eagerly pursue.

“He reminded me of Cherry quite a bit really, though maybe a little less blustery?” Case in point the young woman who had been in the company of the Valerican when she had first met Alisa, the young girl with her fuschia hair was so easy to wind up with the right word or touch it seemed almost criminal to do so, but always fun as well. The lad known as Daiko seeming to share that quality in spades and something all the sweeter still in teasing a boy, at several points the wicked Miss Serena had half expected him to either faint or pounce on her given what she had put him through, though neither outcome seemed to come to pass.

“Though, even he had his fire when it counted really…” Instead the day that they had shared seeming to take a sour turn that had prompted the playful Sofia to take things that bit more seriously and given the friend he had made a chance to show his strength and valour, while he had been cute as hell the mischievous mermaid had to respect him for something else, ultimately. He had, after all, for all intents and purposes ended up saved her life…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Tue Jul 16, 2019 7:29 pm


WORDS: 470 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"The thought didn't cross my mind for even a moment, my beautiful Sofia~", cooed Alisa ever so softly, her hand snaking up her lover's arm, an almost ticklish, up and down caress as she'd invitably find herself fiddling with that silky soft blue hair, twining through its strands, revelling in the girl's tenderness even as she admired the passing octopus, taking in the one of a kind sight of such a majestic creature in its natural environment, as opposed to the dinner plate, "When it put it like that, it almost sounds like their dream come through, hmmm?"

Indeed, Alisa had nothing but fond memories of Daiko. When they first met, he wasn't particular strong and his bird could be quite... Pushy... But he'd been doing his fair share of training in the meantime, and Coda learned to be friendlier and less prone to roosting on the heads of whatever friendly looking strangers he could find:

"Ufufu, indeed~ He'll come through when the going gets rough. At the same time, he's far more perverted than he lets on, once you start to scratch the surface~", noted Alisa, quite readily picking up on the looks he gave her and other women they happened upon, "Cherry you say~? I can only wonder what our cutie would have to say of that comparison~"

You'd suppose it was only natural for his age, but at the same time, Daiko was also quite a bit older than one might guess. At the end of the day, he was not only her friend but a fellow light guild member, and a close companion to Arisa, her closest relationship of all Lamia scale mages. She hadn't seen him in months - not even at the invasion of Astera - but frankly, she found a measure of solace in that. Perhaps she'd have to ask him sometimes, wonder what he'd gotten up to when the demons came, but alas, that would have to wait. With such a wonderful world all around them, she had other priorities, to swim around and explore this underwater realm with her beautiful mermaid, squeezing her hand a bit tighter:

"Come~ Let's see what else we'll find down here~", nudged Alisa, slowly swimming away as she steered away from the rocky reef they'd been idly floating around, not necessarily chasing after the earlier octopus but certainly heading in the same general direction. And not for a second did her focus fade away from Sofia, quite the opposite. As the two swam hand in hand, Alisa seemed determined to enjoy the tale of her adventure while simultaneously creating one of their own, "Though I have to wonder how useful his fire might have proved around all that water... He really has been getting tougher hmm~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 17, 2019 2:14 pm



“Heheheheh, I’m not sure, but can you imagine how cute they’d be as a couple~?” Smiling and shaking her head with a smile as her luscious lover as a wicked little idea popped into her head because of the comment that she had made, Miss Serena’s smirk only grew broader as she pictured that red hot and red faced boy put together with her pink haired pal, feeling a sense of excitement overcoming her as she did so.
“All blushy and timid, but so sweet together~?” About as forward as one could be with her affections and amorous interests but intrigued by the idea of two shyer and slower moving people put into a romantic situation, the sapphire siren could only giggle as she imagined Daiko and Cherry getting closer and falling for one another, feeling like they might just be the perfect combination for more than one reason really.

“He’s a Lamia too so he’s ‘rooted’ in Orchidia, so there might be something in it…” Certain to not ‘overload’ the other in the fashion that the foreign fox was so fond of and as such able to find their own comfort and pace in a partnership, as she followed the guiding of her fellow femme Sofia could see that their proximity also seemed a boon toward developing something special between the duo, which was already rather sweet to begin with.
“It almost makes you want to play matchmaker just to see what happens between them?” Not exactly knocking her own manner of relationship but also finding she would be fascinated to see how the ‘other half’ lived, that innocence and awkwardness that they would show was like a treat that she herself had lost a long time ago, and would enjoy to see again. After all, part of the reason she tended to tease the shy types was because she craved that bashfulness she herself had once displayed, but subsequently forgotten.

“And I know he’d take care of her too~” Smiling as she swam from the reef and headed a bit further out from the shallows with Alisa, as her eyes scanned over their surroundings for their next little piece of ocean ‘vista’ the Valerican vixen couldn’t help but smile and reflect on another little aspect of her playful little plan that seemed so very perfect in her eyes.
“He fought pretty well when we, or more accurately *I* got ambushed by a water serpent~” Confident in the capabilities of Daiko when push came to shove given how fiercely and protectively he had thrown himself into battle when she was in trouble, she could only imagine what kind of ‘lion’ would emerge from the boy should someone threaten a person that he truly cherished, though given the fondness he had seemed to display for all things avian maybe it would have been better to compare him to a gryphon? Whatever it was, it felt like it would certainly be spectacular…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 17, 2019 10:05 pm


WORDS: 420 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Oh my, that sounds far too cute for words~...!", her brow raising the moment she registered those words, Alisa rose her hand over her mouth and giggled heartily, imagining the scene of two bashful, flustered lovers standing face to face for the first time, desperately trying to make sense of the pounding in their chest. Her hand slid down to her chest soon enough, all but enthralled by the endearing image, "Ufufufu~ I'm sure he'd be quite the gentleman~ Keeping her safe and caring for her at every turn. Our cute Cherry would see all her dreams come true~"

She could only glance off, humming as she envisioned that delicious picture in her mind, shooting her lover a knowing, complicit gaze, winking playfully as if she perfectly understood her pure, innocent urges like nobody else, the gentle stroking of her thumb over her hand growing just a tad bit quicker, no doubt betraying Alisa's excited delight on the matter.

"Here we are talking about, secretly planning, and one of these we'll run into the two of them, on the edge of a proposal~", noted the sculptress, eyes narrowing as she caught an equally excitable glint in those ravishing blue eyes of her lover, getting a good long look as that irresistible beauty in all her glory, "It wouldn't really surprise me at all, but, who knows... Perhaps we should help them along~"

Unlike Sofia, Alisa had little outward desire for that kind of bashfulness, at least none that she'd admit... She couldn't lie though, those moments with Sofia when the girl took her breath away~... Merely thinking about them had her pulse rise as a hint of colour stubbornly clung to her cheek, enough for her gaze to set on her lover and nobody else but her as she teased her, brow raising playfully:

"So my marvellous mermaid managed to get herself blindsided by an aquatic creature hmmm~? Oh, how embarassing it must have been~", despite her cheeky wink and giggly tone, the fact that Alisa could make light of such a tale evidenced her trust in Sofia's capabilities, knowing her voluptuous vixen would have surely found herself a way out of her predicament without help if she truly needed it... Yet in the end, just knowing Daiko had been there with her helped put her mind at ease, knowing the Lamia fire mage wouldn't lose against any wild beast, "Although I'm sure you were alright, with Daiko close by~ How long did it even take him to beat the snake?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 18, 2019 7:48 pm



“Oh yes, I’m sure a little nudge here and there wouldn’t go amiss the next time we’re in town?” Grinning as she found her sentiments shared by her beloved black beauty, as Alisa affirmed the wicked intent of the water witch, Miss Serena couldn’t help but quietly plot what they might be able to achieve next. And in reality, it was a design that seemed to come together for her all too easily.

“Perhaps just happen to invite them both along with us to something?” Smiling as a nice little plan formed in her mind with the picture of the four of them sharing what would probably be at first an awkward little ‘double date’, once a couple of maestro’s of love like herself and the White Empress had successfully melted away the tension between their two targets, they would naturally feel some reason to retreat from the front lines and watch the romance unfold. Undoubtedly cuteness abounding, though she wasn’t really once for saccharine gestures, Sofia couldn’t help but beam to herself as she imagined them sharing a milkshake or sundae or something. That would be almost as sweet a sight as what she had found and now shared with the wonderful woman nearby.

“Hey, in my defence I was pretty distracted~” Finding herself pouting playfully at what her perfect partner said to her next, as Alisa teased her for getting caught in the snare of the serpent, Miss Serena thought that such carelessness was justified given her circumstances.
“It’s hard to watch for monsters and drive a cute boy wild, you know?” Certainly it a hard task to keep an eye on a lake in case of wicked and writhing enemies when there was something so much more appealing on the shoreline in the form of a blushing boy with marvellous mocha skin, her faux pas was certainly the sort of thing that one should find understandable when the situation was considered carefully, and not the sort of thing anyone had a real right to judge her for either.

“Oh, not long at all really… Honestly, I was a little scared at first, when I saw him fight?” Humming gently as she mused over the moments that followed her capture and the sudden release that Daiko had secured for her, in retrospect Sofia couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt for what had unfolded. Panicking when she saw just how powerful that pup could be when he put his mind to it, though the blazing boy had seemed to forgive her rather easily for nagging him for the brutality she saw in what he did, with the benefit of hindsight she well understood his haste and fire had been a protective one, and one she might not have fully given him credit for until she had left him either…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 18, 2019 10:12 pm


WORDS: 470 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"That... Sounds like a plan I'd love to be a part of~", she chuckled, nodding as she reaffirmed her allegiance, Sofia's ally through and through in their desire to watch some innocent romance blossom between two bashful parties.

Indeed a double date would certainly work wonders for them, and who knows, maybe a couple glasses of wine would ease away what little tension remained, after all, Alisa happened to be quite the conoisseur herself, and would gladly provide her expertise the whole way. All in the name of a wonderful sight unfolding before the two of them, far more precious and priceless than anything a theater might provide. Sights just like the adorable pout on her lover's face, the kind that got giggles out of the cool sculptress all too easily:

"I can only imagine what distracted you~", teased the sculptress, winking once again at her ever playful lover, giggling as she all too readly reaffirmed the cause. Indeed, she'd gotten far too distracted teasing Daiko, and Alisa could clearly remember how enrapturing such an amusement that could prove. In the end, the difference in experience between the two passionate lovers showed in how well they could cope with it~ Sofia was quite stronger than she gave herself credit for, however, so as she grew in experience, she'd turn into quite the fearsome mage herself, "Ufufu, in this case the cute boy surely had his eyes peeled the whole way, and that worked out quite well for you in the end~?"

For the time being, however, sudden, explosive power clearly caught Sofia off guard as she quickly confessed, just as she'd been frightened by Alisa's only a few months back. A lot had happened since then, between the demonic invasion and her own disappearance into the Abyss, but now here they were, hand in hand, sharing loving little giggles over their mutual aquaintance:

"Scared hmmm~? That is odd... He's always looked endearing to me.", her brow crooked as she took in her lover's words, rubbing her smooth, bubbly helmet just as one might scratch her temple. No doubt struggling to acknowledge how she with all her power had little to fear from Daiko's. Even though she acknowledged his skills, they still paled in comparison to hers, "Honestly... In his shoes, I might have been quite a lot scarier."

Already understanding the kind of emotions raced through her heart at the thought of seeing her lover in peril, even now a loving look into her eyes more than sufficed for Alisa's hand to grip tightly to Sofia's, never letting go as she remembered the turmoil they'd survived in Astera, the kind of vengeance and furious anger with which she'd strike down all those who would attempt to harm her beloved Sofia.


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Fri Jul 19, 2019 8:47 pm



“Oh yes, he was definitely keeping a very watchful eye over me~” Smiling and then giggling at the comment of the black haired beauty she so beloved, Miss Serena could definitely remember how strong a focus she had become for her new friend back then, even if he had tried to avoid it. The red faced lad doing everything within his power to avoid staring at her but the sublime shape of the sapphire siren certainly not the sort who could be easily ignored, especially when she was playing it up so well, the fine form of the foreign fox had been like a magnet drawing the gaze and attention of the young man with a pull he couldn’t really defy.

“Well, it isn’t every day you see someone becoming a firebird and tearing a house sized snake to pieces, you know?” Sighing gently as she reflected on how she had reacted to the battle that had erupted next, the heart of our heroine throbbed heavily again as she remembered how she had lashed out after the battle, all full of panic and regret. Certainly started by the prowess of the burning bird boy but also filled with sadness that even a monster as vicious as the one that had attacked had to meet its end, especially after discovering it had those pups, even now the girl could find herself idly lamenting this fact as she played with the pet that her plight had brought her.

“And honestly, I had kinda wished we didn’t have to kill the thing, just scare it off?” Wondering if she might have been able to calm the beast in some way, Sofia almost felt like it was her own fault for being such a juicy piece of prey for it, and such a majestic beast shouldn’t have had to die just so that she could live. Somehow, with the right amount of cleverness, maybe there could have been a way to feed both it and its children and keep her safe? Though she still hadn’t found that solution, one day should the situation arise again then maybe, just maybe, she would have?

“Ohhhhhhh~?” Distracted rather quickly from her guilt however by the lovely little comment that her luscious lover made next, as she pictured the White Empress coming to her rescue Miss Serena couldn’t help but bite into her lip at the image in her mind of another ‘magnificent creature’, wrapping her arms more tightly around her lady love as she did so.
“Mmmmmmnnnnnn~ I bet our cool Empress would become a roaring lioness for someone she loved, hm?” Humming gently as she remembered the ferocity that had been shown by her fellow femme when they had been in danger during the incursion and how awing her amazing amazon had been during it, the mermaid couldn’t help but purr as she pushed her bubbly helmet toward that of Alisa’s as she tried to nuzzle and smooch the woman despite the obstacle, wanting to get as close as possible to her gorgeous girl and show her just how wonderful it was to have earned a place in her heart…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 21, 2019 9:45 pm


WORDS: 470 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Indeed but, that only betrays his inexperience really~...", noted Alisa with an apologetic tone, calmly defending her Lamia friend as she rubbed the side of her bubble, delighting in how soft it felt to the touch, "Better to accept his limits and fight seriously than risk letting you such a wonderful girl get hurt. Besides~..."

But then her brow furrowed, her smile widening playfully with a fierce, protective look, the kind Sofia might find reassuring but Daiko most certainly wouldn't, the kind of look that came before a vehement scolding:

"If I found out you'd gotten hurt on his watch, that boy would be in a whole lot of trouble.", she stated, looking deeply into the eyes of her wonderful muse, admiring her beauty, like that of someone who should be protected at all costs.

Sofia would keep growing strong, and one day, surely she'd never need anybody watching her back. She understood this and yet also had no doubts she'd look out for Sofia regardless of how strong she might be... Sofia too, it appeared, knew it all too well, making her cheeks redden, brow raising slightly as the clever mermaid called her out on it, leaving the sculptress rubbing beside her neck:

"I'd say tigress feels more fitting but let's not argue over details hmm~?", chuckled the sculptress, winking knowingly in a rather self aware fashion as she acknowledged her own loneliness. After all, Lions were very much social creatures, a far cry from Alisa's penchant for solitude, "After all, you are correct that image... If anybody were to try and hurt you, well... No matter how big, they better hope they made peace with their god."

At the same time, she'd already realized how sensitive her wonderful girl truly was to such bold statements of protective instinct and thus stated it as confidently as she possibly could. Which for a woman like Alisa meant she spoke without even the faintest sliver of doubt, even as she looked towards a gaping crevice as they came upon yet another rocky formation:

"Still If you found something that big in a lake... Almost makes you think of what manner of Leviathans we could find down here...", leave it to Alisa to look almost excited at words that might frighten an ordinary diver, gazing curiously into a nearby passage with an adventurous, intrigued glimmer in her eyes, looking towards her lover with a raised eyebrow, and playful giggled, "Worry not~ Surely I'll be able to keep away anything troublesome... Without filleting it~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:56 pm



“A Tigress~?” Chuckling gently at the assertion that Alisa made of herself, though Miss Serena could see her lover as a very capable and flamboyantly styled predator like the animal she mentioned, she couldn’t help but think that it didn’t quite fit her. At least not anymore.
“Well, you have the ferocity and dazzling looks down, but I’m not sure you suit the solitary huntress vibe anymore~” Smirking and cocking her head to the side as she found a little flaw in the assessment that had been made by her wonderful woman, the vixen from Valerica lifted her hand through the clear sea that surrounded her and stroked the bubbly membrane that protected her partner, purring softly as she voiced her disagreement in a teasing fashion.

“I'd say that my Lisa has somehow found a lil ‘pack’ to travel with~?” Humming as she ran her fingertips down the soft surface in place of the White Empress’ face, though she reckoned she might have come in toward the ‘end’ of Miss Vollan’s solitary existence, even Sofia could see a change in her amazing amazon that had come about since she met her. A little less shy with her feelings and in a way a little more assertive with her desires, the ones that she held most tender at least, this gorgeous goddess wasn’t the loner that she thought she was. Instead, she had constant company in the form of the foreign fox for as long as they craved it, and given how that longing had only intensified with time it didn’t seem to be going away any time in the near future either.

“Heheheheheh, it seemed a top of the food chain type critter…” Smiling as she clung to her companion and leaned in close to the girl to seek some of her warmth despite how comfortable the water was around her, Miss Serena giggled gently and mused over the monster that she had faced at the lake, finding that she could readily recognise the fact that for where it came from it was certainly a ‘king’ of the ecosystem.
“Though Daiko was pretty worried that it’s young would overcrowd the place quickly?” However, most kingdoms, particularly the small ones having little room for people who wished to stand at the pinnacle of power and the realm ruled by animals no different, though one gigantic serpent might have been able to survive and produce young the matter would have been different with the half dozen they might have ended up with once the creatures brood reached maturity might have brought ruin on all.

“So, even if we did have to kill their Mama, it might have been a good thing we found those cute little babies?” That seeming to be something that meant that their wicked deed had had at least one good outcome, while it didn’t exactly justify the death of such majesty, it was easy to take a little solace in the fact that they had at least saved her babies from ruthless competition and starvation. The rearing that she and Daiko could offer maybe even making them a little friendlier in their manner than their matriarch as well, thought the idea of any mother dying was something that touched a little close to home for Sofia given the frailty of her own, it was nice to see a positive or two in even those disastrous circumstance…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Mon Jul 22, 2019 10:15 pm


WORDS: 570 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

Ah, how Alisa loved her wonderful blue vixen. Knowing she was not only smart and witty but also knowledgeable to understand the distinction she so carefully pointed out. Outwardly, Alisa could only giggle at her lover's keen, attentive statement, but inwards... If she could fall for her all over again, she most certainly would have as she all but purred, leaning into her hand lovingly and cupping it gently, caressing it as she relished that silky smooth softness of Sofia's skin, very much wishing like she could treat it to a gentle, tender smooch:

"Now whatever gave you that idea~?", noted the sculptress, raising her eyebrow, but not for a moment disagreeing, something she was certain Sofia would undoubtedly pick up on. In the end, she yielded with a graceful little giggle, her idle hand snaking around her waist, a sensual yet amorous touch between two girls who had very much claimed one another, "Ufufufu~... I guess you can say that I've found my 'pride' at long last~?"

For a woman who always held her pride to heart, following her lover's Lioness metaphor as such felt nothing if not ironic, and yet she still felt her heart skip a beat when she looked to Sofia as such, like one such majestic creature might look upon her mate. Pulling her just close enough to feel her softness against her own, Alisa's nails dug softly into Sofia's lower back, pressing her helmet to her and biting her lip as if sadly remembering she couldn't quite kiss her like she'd have wanted. The frustration looked clearly palpable on her face, but she could still savour the warmth of her lover as she pulled the girl against her chest:

"Like a little frog in the lake, with no idea how big the world is~", the artist recited, in that honeyed voice, her own twist on a known saying she was certain Sofia might have heard before, "Well, Daiko can be quite overzealous like that, but that's just me..."

Shrugging, Alisa shook her head in disapproval and yet she knew better than to completely disregard Daiko's words on the matter, knowing he had for more experience living in the wilderness than she had. After all, unlike her he was an outdoorsy type, while she herself would avoid it like a demon from the cross. Sure, she could get by in the wilds, survive too if need be... But she couldn't quite thrive like Daiko could:

"...Nature has a way of balancing itself out, without needing our intervention so much... Granted, i'd understand a desire to limit the amount of colossal snakes ambushing beautiful girls coming in for a dip... Just in case~", winked the sculptress, on some level understanding the need to cull potentially dangerous animals before adventurous people who don't know better become victims. Just as much as she understand the need to protect the young hatchlings from the same fate, and merely watching Sofia take that duty to heart warmed her own, "They may have lost their Mama but... One of them found itself a rather wonderful adoptive Mama in turn. I'm sure it will never want for anything~", once again, she found herself nuzzling her lover's bubbly helmet, just like she would lean in for a kiss, by now scarcely bothered by her inability to do so as she lavished Sofia with affection all the same, "You two did a wonderful deed in the end~ And I'm glad you found yourself such a cute little companion~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Tue Jul 23, 2019 9:03 pm



“Or at least a partner worth sticking around for~” Smiling and purring softly as she felt her hand being stroked by that of her lovely lady, once again Sofia found herself craving the ability to plunge her form through the bubble that she caressed, realizing that she had never missed the feeling of Alisa’s soft skin more than she did right now. Well, at least not since that time she had been swallowed by the abyss that was.

“Hmmmmm… I think he knows what he’s doing?” Pausing and humming for a moment as Alisa next seemed to make an odd little comment about the Zeal of her friend from Lamia, a small knot formed in the forehead of the foreign femme as she could not tell why her wonderful woman was alluding to such a thing.
“Though he seemed a little wary of the pups, it felt like he had their best interest at heart~” Unsure of whether the White Empress was just being playful but the words that the woman had chosen seeming to have almost a chiding tone about them, Miss Serena couldn’t help but feel she should affirm her faith in her friend, clarifying her feeling that he had been right in his assessment regardless of what the slightly mystifying remark of her companion actually meant.

“Oh my, yes… I can only imagine what kind of fun he’s having with your own little ‘pet’~” Not lingering all that long on the slight confusion she felt or the need for clarity in her support of Daiko, as Alisa mentioned the other cute little friend that she had made by the lake on that day, Sofia couldn’t help but make a teasing little comment about one of their other companions that had travelled toward Astera together with them. The closeness of Miss Vollan and the perky girl who had still yet to reveal how she had come across an airship of her own seeming none too dissimilar from the one that the sapphire siren herself shared with her sublime serpent, she let her gaze do the talking as she alluded to that fact, whilst all the while suspecting that at least one piece of that partnership might like to be seen as something more than she was.

“Though, it’s probably time I found something to call mine by now?” Humming again as she realized that all this while, the weeks since she had adopted her sweet serpent had been spent without her really finding a chance to give the scaly baby a proper name, it made her a little sad to think that such an endearing and pretty little soul had been so long without really being marked as a proper member of their ‘family’.
“I’m not even sure if Snake’s respond to them, but it feels weird not having done it?” This seeming like it simply would not do really, since they were idling away the time here and Miss Serena suspected that her artful ally might just have a few choice suggestions in the hunt for a magnificent moniker, now seemed the perfect chance to pluck a lovely label out of the air and settle the matter once and for all.

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 24, 2019 10:31 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

Enthralled by the bottomless affection between the two and how easy they found it to just lose themselves in it, Alisa curled her plush, inviting lips until they looked moist and shimmering, eyeing Sofia's as she all too easily betrayed that desire for the ardent kiss they so clearly craved... Even as they casually discussed their adventures and those they'd met in them, that desire clearly didn't fade for Alisa hesitated to ever truly part from Sofia. They'd been apart so dreadfully long after all...:

"Oh, I am by now means doubting his skill, you can rest assured on that~", giggled the sculptress, admiring how defensive she'd grown over their cute Lamia friend over a single meeting, "In the end he showed nothing but kindness when the time came to protect those he saved~"

While Alisa had indeed seen Daiko overdoing it at times, she still felt that hardly detracted from the potential and skill he'd already shown, and thus didn't bother waging a losing argument against her rather adamant beloved.

"Ufufufu~ We both know they'll get along swimmingly, hmmm~?", she noted, brow raising, already thinking of how boldly the cute little blue snake found its way into the plush, inviting warmth of her lover's cleavage, and how Lumen had all the same to offer and perhaps even more when it came to innocent, childish mischief. Surely she'd turn out to be the perfect babysitter for a young, endearing little snake, "Almost makes you wonder just what manner of mischief they'll get up to behind our backs~"

Despite her words, she also knew Lumen was a far more responsible girl than her demeanor often suggested, and knew she'd look after her new friend as loving and tenderly as Alisa looked after her. Even then, she could only giggle as Sofia expressed a long lived, now finally fulfilled desire to have her own companion just like she had Lumen:

"My, you still haven't named him...?", her eyes widened as she heard this, mouth raising over her lips in cheeky incredulity, "You really should fix that soon, lest Lumen beat you to it~ I mean, I'm not really sure snakes respond to them either but, I'm sure your lovely little friend won't be indifferent to it either...?", tapping her bubble with one finger until tiny little ripples spread out across the surface, Alisa calmly pitched her two cents as she gently took hold of Sofia's hand, letting her lover's warmth fill her soothingly as she concluded, "A show of affection like that isn't so easily ignored~"

Even the simplest gestures could express the deepest, most loving affection... And animals are far more attuned to emotions than even some humans, so Alisa genuinely believed the gesture would only bring the two closer together:

"If you'd like...", she shrugged softly, cocking her head as she offered her own aid with a loving smile, "I could help you think of one~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 25, 2019 8:51 pm



“Oh, just what sort of wicked things are you thinking about, you naughty girl?” Something about the tone that her temptress had taken seeming to rouse certain parts of Miss Serena’s imagination, maybe it was hard to keep a wicked mind quiet but she struggled to do much in the wake of Alisa’s playful line other than imagine Lumen ‘enjoying’ her snake a bit too much, if in a mostly humorous light. The unfortunate shape of serpents something that loaned itself to such notions so very well, given how the perky and quirky girl seemed to be on her steps toward fully understanding and embracing her sexual identity, the foreign fox could see her testing out a little bit of curiosity in one way or another and while she should have probably been horrified by the idea, she couldn’t help but giggle about it.

“Heheheheh, I’m not even sure he is a ‘him’?” Definitely rather amused by this point of course, but the continuing conversation helping the coquette to realize something that up to this point she had been rather ignorant of, in truth the reason she considered her cute little serpent to be male was more down to his choice of snuggle spot than any ability of Sofia’s to differentiate between reptile genders.

“I assume so, given his favourite place to sleep, but I have notice that certain girls also love that area too~” That cheeky little devil always seeming to lunge for the warmest and softest spot that the Valerican vixen possessed and tending to be somewhat territorial about it, as she gestured to the area that she had in mind by drawing her index and middle fingers up that toast little cleft between her breasts, the blue beauty hummed gently and looked toward her lover to see how tempted she was by the attention. Their romance developing nicely but the physical aspect of it never seeming to ‘cool off’, maybe it was because the pair of them so loved to see that hint of want visible in the gaze of the other that they couldn’t help but tease and tantalize, and for her part Miss Serena certainly seemed to appreciate the attention that she could receive from her empress when she needed that little boost to her ego.

“Yeah, he does need a good name, even if he doesn’t know it’s his?” Now not the time for them to indulge such blissful base desires, given how they could not fully exploit them because of their submerged situation, though she did feel a hint of disappointment that she couldn’t feel the soft touch of her lovers lips upon a body that seemed to be growing hotter by the second Sofia elected to focus on the topic at hand. Her snakey did need a name, after all, and now that Miss Vollan had mentioned it the mermaid did feel a hint of worry that the impulsive Lumen might just beat her to the punch after all.

“And yes, absolutely~” The idea of getting the White Empress to give her suggestions also something that would bring her the most sublime sense of satisfaction, though she wasn’t sure if it was because she expected such a high degree of creativity from her companion or since it would make her pet feel more like something that was ‘theirs’ if Alisa chose the name, Miss Serena purred with affirmation at the idea of them crafting it together.
“I’m sure that my artful Alisa will know some lovely names~” For certain rather curious to see what the coquette could conjure up for her as well, given the fact that as far as she knew the gorgeous goddess nearby had never really mentioned having a real pet up to this point, the sapphire siren was certainly rather interested to see what she would do with this chance to name one of her own…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 25, 2019 11:30 pm


WORDS: 600 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Who knooooooows~", she teased, with an almost musical tone in that breathy purr with which she oh so often spoke, giggling as she delighted in the effect that had on Sofia, admiring the look on her face as they tempted each other oh so tantalizingly, and for once, Alisa knew fully well just the kind of saucy little imagery, "I know our adorable Lumen oh so well, surely I'd know exactly what she'd get up to~?"

And even though she knew Lumen would never do anything that challenged the pure and innocent image she'd built up so far, and the two of them, by comparison, seemed positively saucy in the images they evoked in one another's mind, all fueled by a deep, unbridled lust for one another, one they were sadly forced to rein in so long as they found themselves underwater:

"Hoooo~?", spoke the sculptress, raising an eyebrow, already wondering just how her lover figured that out, but not even bothering to ask the question. The look on her face spoke for itself, and Sofia's next words very much answered the question either way, making Alisa giggle all too readily as she added, "Well I guess boys will be boys but... Surely you wouldn't judge a girl for her choice in sleeping places would you~...?"

Throwing a flirty wink her way, Alisa shifted her torso left and right cheekily, knowing she could set off those ever enticing jiggles underwater as such merely hooking a single arm under her supple cleavage, hefting it softly as she pressed those plush mounds tighter together... Yet despite her teasing actions, she couldn't quite peel her eyes away from Sofia's own, her eyes wandering down towards her lover's own tightly bound cleavage, admiring the way her finger sunk slightly into that plushy softness... In the end she couldn't help but bite her equally plush lip, her eyes far off from her lover's for quite a few moments before looking back into those vibrant blue jewels:

"They can be... Oh so enticing at times, wouldn't you agree~?", she teased at long last, her arm snaking further around her own waist, relishing the feeling of her skin while simultaneously hefting her bikini clad bosom before Sofia's wanton eyes, holding that bright blue gaze with a teasing giggle, licking her lips she she matched every teasing touch of Sofia's and then more, "No wonder they feel hard to resist~"

And despite all this, the two still managed to hold an almost chaste conversation, thinking of baby names for Sofia's adorable pet serpent even as they marvelled at the perfection of one another's forms... Almost as if all the time and effort they devoted to fitness came down to this single moment, where their hard earned beauty seemed only to drawing the most visible high out of their lover, even as they discussed something as pure as naming Sofia's new companion:

"Indeed~ I know he'll eventually learn to recognize the name, a call only between you and him~", nodded the sculptress, rather assertively, showing quite a bit of faith in animal handling skills she clearly didn't have in the first place. Perhaps she merely understood bonds well enough, leaving no doubt in her mind how Sofia's beloved companion would inevitably respond to her feelings in kind. As she dedicated herself to the task at hand, she couldn't help but cup her chin, "Hmmm... It should be cute but not silly, serious but not stuffy~ How about Basil~?"

The first suggestion seemed all too obvious perhaps, nodding at the mythological creature known as Basilisk. It was perhaps, an obvious choice of Alisa, who once wielded a spell named as such, but alas, they had to start somewhere, right~?


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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