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The Blizarding Storm 7

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The Blizarding Storm 7    Empty Tue Mar 26, 2024 9:07 am


Roland was a mix of shock and disbelief. He managed to reason with the witch and through a bird of all things. Though the compromise was not perfect, it would assure that not all his men died. He would just have to levy all who were left and accept the cards Temu set up for them. And as he already offered his life in death to make peace, offering his life would just have to be price indeed.

“ Thank you in all your kindness….uh Goddess.” He would fumble his words as he was not sure what to say. Roland hardly focused either when the Demoness seized Temu, as all the participants on that mission were flashing through his mind. There was a lot of good men out that day and a few young boys who didn’t know better. Ern, the one who was aware of the birds enough to bring it to his attention before the attack, was sadly on watch for them that day as well. Roland softly crumble at the stipulation of letting go of a lot of his friends but it was not his mistake to bear. And in a soft but still gruff voice, almost said in a defeated whisper, “ I accept your terms Ma’am.”


The Blizarding Storm 7    Img_8011

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The Blizarding Storm 7    Empty Tue Mar 26, 2024 10:21 am


Lumi was looking off to her flock as he uttered this and so when she turned back to him, there was a devious smirk on her face. ” Good boy, let’s make this as painless as possible aye?” The talon that clutched Temu, threw him to the open space behind her. Before his body could even hit the ground, the Demoness’ ravens would ascend to ravage him. Peeling the flesh from his bones before he even took his last dying breath. With a sealed throat, he could hardly utter a scream, only succumb to his fate in silence.

Lumi turned over in demented posture as she enjoyed the sight of it. Chuckling as the man died before her. Roland would be appalled and terrified. Frozen in place by the horrific sight of the fate his long time friend now suffered. Yet there was no other choice, Temu did not heed his advice to avoid the witch at all cost and now he had to pay the ultimate price.


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The Blizarding Storm 7    Empty Thu Mar 28, 2024 6:21 pm


” You really are a Demon…” Roland would mumble faintly, but it would not escape Lumikki. With eyes a glowed, bright purple hues would turn back and pierce Roland once more. A very pleased smile would sit on her face and with every step closer, her intimidating presence would grow to overwhelm the man more and more. Lumi would raise her left hand up toward his heart,” I never claimed otherwise, though I know I am held as a witch,” she snickered from her answer.” Me ravens know all their faces…there is no escape for those that pay the price. But in exchange for the lives of the men not involved, I shall spare them in place for yers. Ye are mine to carry out all I need and desire and I’ve already accepted yer word, so now I shall give mine…along with a gift.” the curved talon of her index finger would slide into his flesh piercing his shirt, though it would not linger in place long. In a quick motion Lumikki would carve out a rune and pour Obscura in her work, plunging Roland with an intense pain as her dark power was now flowing through him.

The rune Uruz would glow ominously on his chest, its presence denoting Lumikki’s thoughts about him and his value. It would hint at his strength, stamina, and determination as she gleams he would bring her prosperity but unlike Fehu, she acknowledged his prevalent wildness. Knowing his nature to not easily be tamed but it would be through his stubborn loyalty that he now bows in her will.


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The Blizarding Storm 7    Empty Thu Mar 28, 2024 6:33 pm


” The pact was made and as a Demon of honor, I shall abide by it.” Lumi would voice before clawing the air. A large back talon would manifest and slash through the door Roland left through and it was as if on cue, all her ravens would understand what that meant.

Her birds witnessing her exchange would spread the word of her pact. Only those present are to be consumed, the rest must be left untouched. And with quick discernment, the birds would waste no time. Immediately picking the flesh of those deem targets.

A cacophony screams would irrupt from the inside only to be cut short one after the other. With the number of birds that entered at once, they could easily ripe the flesh off the men fast and clean. Survivors of the ordeal would bolt for all the exits, a few even making way towards the Demoness. And upon realization of the danger they were in, they would all drop to the ground petrified.


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The Blizarding Storm 7    Empty Thu Mar 28, 2024 6:47 pm


Meanwhile Roland was still on the ground recoiling from the over stimulating transformation. And as he turned, Lumi would gleam through all his thoughts and memories and she appraised her new servant.

” Gunvald lead me well, ye are a worthy man to have around indeed. I feed ye have the experience and skills to help me grow and for that I shall treat ya kind. Consider yer life started anew Roland, yer me Daemon now. But it comes with powers and privileges. Yer men not starving just one of them.”

By mutual connection, Roland knew this to be true. All she said was sincere. And with the transferral of feelings as well, he felt her pain as much as she did his. They were both in mutual misery, it was only the Demoness having the upper hand that kept her calm. But the loss of life from a village in her territory sent her seething. Though she did not care for humans that way she once was, those she deemed her own would strike their cords upon falling.

” I un—understand…” Roland would manage to muster as the pain subsided. This would not be the hell he thought it would be…still…his life would be lost just as Temu’s has been.


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The Blizarding Storm 7    Empty Thu Mar 28, 2024 7:03 pm


Roland after some time, would finally pick himself from the ground. His breathing was rapid and erratic, but his pounding hard would slowly settle back into its own pace and the rune on his chest would dim into a what looked like a black tattoo.

Lumikki did not pour a lot of her power into him, not wanting to overwhelm him more than need be but also because it would be needless. She did not expect him to act as her night, but like a right hand man of sorts.

His skills to talk around and get things done would spare her the practice herself. Tenevi though usually quite capable, would falter here. And with him already possessing a crew, it would mean they could take on jobs, making room on her plate. The Demoness would indeed be quite satisfied, greeting her new ward with a more sincere and warm smile. Though his standoff nature would persist.

The men on the floor would remain silence to avoid attention but at this point they were becoming incredible confused.

Soon with the completion, Gunvald would dart back promptly. With his cheeky enough nature, it would be Roland’s should that he’d perch on. Shaking of his feathers before beginning speak. ” We found the bulk of them here my Revna, and they did not stand a chance. The few that remain are probably on missions, I highly doubt they got away. So in time we will pick them clean when they return.”

249_1250 +50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion.

Curtain Call

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