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The Blizarding Storm 6

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The Blizarding Storm 6 Empty Thu Mar 21, 2024 12:03 pm


” Bold of ye to make demands human….” Lumi spoke in a voice devoid of all humanity. It was as cold as the tundra her magic was recreating. And it would send another shiver down the man’s spine that was strong than the chill of outside. It was not often one was in the face of a monster. The bleak disparity in power rendered Ro helpless and all the tales of that the witch may be paled in that very moment. It was hard to talk bad of her now that he was in her gaze. Only seeing her as another power that wandered in the world. And not one he saw himself conquering.

After doing his best to clear his throat and blink his discomfort away, Ro would try to speak again. Only to still frozen. In that time of silence, a lone raven would weave through the winds and darkness to be present beside the Demoness.

” To whom are you talking?’ Gunvald would ask. He was the one that made her privy of the humans intentions. Her bloodthirsty raven, ready to report all things that would lead to chaos.


The Blizarding Storm 6 Img_8011

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The Blizarding Storm 6 Empty Thu Mar 21, 2024 12:28 pm


Lumikki’s gaze never faltered, instead choosing to continue to pierce the man before her. All the while, she chose to answer her bird, though her voice would not turn less cold. ” This human thinks he could reason with me. As if he could barter their lives.”

” Did you get a name?” Gunvald would ask, ravens can’t see when in the dark and at the moment that was all that there was. ” No the fool did not think it important to mention what he was called as he made demands….”

Though Ro would not understand the conversation in full as he was no aware of a black raven within the darkness nor that the bird was saying. But he knew she was not talking to herself or out loud. And so when she mad her comment of his poor introduction, he would stammer his reply, interjected it as soon as she was done. “ Oh my apologies Demoness, my name is Roland Derveny!” He would try to correct his mistake as fast as he could.

” Roland…Roland..hmmm” Gunvald would mumble to himself, trying to remember. A face was always easier than a name. And almost as if Lumi knew exactly what was on her ravens mind, she pulled away some of her darkness so that the men before her could be shown.


Last edited by Lumikki on Thu Mar 21, 2024 12:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Blizarding Storm 6 Img_8011

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The Blizarding Storm 6 Empty Thu Mar 21, 2024 12:39 pm


Her darkness would part like cascading water. Yet the chill would still linger in the air. The dark would almost bring hope to Ro as it was becoming quite to stifling to be submerged but the sight before him would quickly sway that sensation.

Before him stood a hulking beast, with the ferocity he would assume of a dragon. She was beautiful, her feathers catching the very little light and simmering in hues of azure and violet, but the terror that seized him would never leave. Nor did the piercing gaze of the monster before him.

Ro tried to bow, it would make him look polite, but he mostly wanted to break eye contact if but for a short moment. Meanwhile the two avians would continue their conversation.

” Ooooh yeeees, I would remember him yes. A very social man, out and about. The only one wise enough and privy not to cross you. He had been telling the one on the floor to let the job go. When the attack occurred, he wasn’t even around. So what he told you before was not wrong. But to say he could pay with his own life would make him a fool. Still, perhaps there could be something to gain my Revna. He’s a fool, but he’s not incompetent. You’ve been need humans for your means anyways, would you consider him?”


The Blizarding Storm 6 Img_8011

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The Blizarding Storm 6 Empty Thu Mar 21, 2024 12:49 pm


” Is he worth your recommendation?” Lumi asked perplexed. She was surprised to see Gunvald vouch for any human.

” Oh, yes. I’ve seen him at work and it’s been very insightful to say the least. I’m sure you can enlist him to handle the bandits so that they would bother you less. Or maybe bring you more riches.” Gunvald only thought in ways that would benefit them, and he was sure that this man Ro could do something worth keeping him alive.

” Very well, but an example must be made. Yet, I can’t kill them all if I expect any loyalty can I. Mark all that were involved and ye may feast.” Ro was still quite confused of what was happening but he was beginning to feel that maybe it was in his favor. He was not sure what the bird was saying but maybe there was a chance.


The Blizarding Storm 6 Img_8011

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The Blizarding Storm 6 Empty Thu Mar 21, 2024 1:05 pm


The tundra would slowly dissipate, the cold lifting from the air, but Ro would not feel and warmer. No, he was still frozen in place. And Temu was still crumbled on the floor lost in his own anxieties.

Lumi would let her form fall away as she moved close to the pair. Her feathers falling behind her as she did until she was once again small, straining to keep her human form. When she got close, she grabbed for Temu’s face and pulled it up so that she may finally see it. ” Ye could live, by word of me bird. But of course we both know he dies.” Before he could squeal, Lumi already began to frost his throat and it muffled the sounds until nothing was left. For the moment he still lived and would be grabbed by a massive black frost talon. It would pick him up and bring Temu to the side of her.

From there she would look up to Ro, her small frame quite short to his but he still felt smaller. Especially with what he knows now.

” All involved with no exception will be killed, but ye are mine forever. In return, not all of ya get fed to me ravens. Do ya understand Roland….” Her voice was now tinged in warmth again as her farce to be a human was reinstated. But that would only make her scarier, as it would always seem when met with something so uncanny.

248_1043 +50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion.

Curtain Call

The Blizarding Storm 6 Img_8011

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