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The Blizarding Storm 5

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The Blizarding Storm 5 Empty Tue Mar 19, 2024 12:41 pm


“ I know we took a bit of cloth in all, but I didn’t guess she would stir up like this. She’s more temperamental than I thought.” Ro would utter his thoughts to Temu as they pulled to the side to be on their own. In the frenzy of the moment, they needed to make a plan on what to do now.

It was then that Temu’s expression turned. During the dispute among his men, he tried to keep a stoic visage, almost appearing indifferent to the dangers outside. This was all to serve the purpose of calm, to sooth the crews fears as if all will be ok.

But the look of fear and remorse that poured out from expression alerted Ro, who was now fully worried. It never occurred to him that there might be something he did not know.

“ She might have been able to over look the goods…..but things got..sloppy. The towns folk were more adept in fighting than we first thought. Figured being protected by a witch meant they were soft but many of them knew their way in a fight. And that’s when things just got messed up….on our way out— the only way we didn’t get caught there…..well, we had to cut our way out and it might be coming back to bite us….sooner than we thought too. I was fixing to have a plan but it’s over now….”

A range of emotions would cycle Ro’s face. Confusion, irritation, anger; but he settled on betrayal and disgust. Taking lives was a part of the work, he was not distressed about that. But it was the cost to their own that he was fuming on.


Last edited by Lumikki on Tue Mar 19, 2024 1:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Blizarding Storm 5 Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

The Blizarding Storm 5 Empty Tue Mar 19, 2024 1:08 pm


“ And you didn’t think it important to fuckin tell me! You don’t think I need to know! I told you—I told you not to mess with it. Not to kick the hornet nest. Not to brother the witch and why! Should I have dug up what was left of the corpses and throw it on your table so you could believe me? Should I have dragged you to the village she decimated twice? Or did I not make it clear when I told you the wretched birds were her eyes, she’ll know. She’ll know soon after you nabbed the goods so you better have a plan. Dammit Temu, we are done for. Even if you manage to slink our men out of this, chances are her bird still knows our faces.” Ro blew up in a fashion the was inconsolable. In the quack of his anger, Ro ravished the room. Tossing all the things in Temu’s office to the ground in the heat of the moment as he tried to man-handle everything in arms reach besides the leader he trusted.

While Temu hung his head in guilt and defeat as there was nothing left to stay. He knew where his faults lied and now there was nothing to do but try to get the remainder of his men out and safe. That was of course until he was reminded of the birds. In the sway of the rush, he forgot how they could spy on them and report back to her not matter where they go.


The Blizarding Storm 5 Img_8011

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The Blizarding Storm 5 Empty Tue Mar 19, 2024 1:27 pm


This was enough to crumble what was left of the man as the lair still shook. The Demoness attacks were still cracking at the stone. But now there was a feeling of less and less hope to be had on safety of his men.

Ro, not in the mood for all the self-pity, would grab Temu by the collar and begin to drag him out the tunnels untill they reached the closest way out. Temu would hardly put up a fight at first until they were nearing the entry, now trying to struggle and pull away from his grasp but Ro would hold tight as he continued to force him out.

“ I gave you my advice and you pissed on it. I warned you and you shrugged it off. If we are all going to die, you should be one of the very first. I’m sure who’s already been caught outside caught the worse of it, some Ima make sure, so do you…..”

Ro heaves him out as swift as he could while opening the doorway. Only for them to step in and be blindsided by the darkness. Still Ro would venture forward, knowing that there was no where to run.

Aside as he stepped out of the hideout, the chill would make him want to rush back, testing the bit of his resolve, while draining the last bit of fight in Temu. The black frost landing on their skin before beginning to spread. The life and heat were being sapped out of them fast but Ro had half a mind to stop there.

“ Witc—ah, Demoness of the wood! Could you lend me an ear for a moment before you continue this any further.” Ro would plead as hollered desperately. “ There must still be reason left in you, and I bring the man who planned this as an offering!”


The Blizarding Storm 5 Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

The Blizarding Storm 5 Empty Tue Mar 19, 2024 1:39 pm


Ro could hardly hear much within the stirring of the wind. It whipped and lashed with much vigor on the mountain side and Ro could believe that with barely anytime at all, the stone would be done.

But then, after a split moment of nothing, two glowing purple eyes appeared before him out of no where, the rest of the Demoness obscured by the dark storm. Yet eyes proved to be bigger than one would expect and Ro took that to mean the worse. Still he had to figure out what she started and with was strength he still had, he tossed Temu before her.

“ Aah, an offering. Not to save my own skin mind you, but to give my men a chance. This dilt was the one to plan the attack and lead it despite all my insistence on not to. And when he got home, he failed to me exactly what happened. I can’t bring the folk lost back, but him and I are the ones that usually call the shots so we are responsible. We should be enough to pay the debt, plus the men caught out there.” Ro spoke in a gruff but strained voice as the child was making it hard to speak. Meanwhile the Demoness gave him only silence, as if waiting.

219_1070 +50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion.

Curtain Call

The Blizarding Storm 5 Img_8011

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