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Big Damn Heroes [Alisa - Storyline]

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Big Damn Heroes [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Wed Feb 21, 2024 7:31 am


WORDS: 420 | Shiver Me Timbers!

Name: Big Damn Heroes

Rank: A

Type: Good

Alisa Vollan: The Demon Slayer Master of Blue Pegasus, caught out at sea with her beloved wife. As a talented Slayer of demons, it falls to her to nip this evil in the bud.
Sofia Serena: The Heavenly water mage of Blue Pegasus, caught out her sea with her beloved wife. As the princess of a seafaring nation of explorers, she'll need her experience to help survive this storm.

Summary: The act of closing the portal maybe makes the sea chaotic and the girls are exhausted, resulting a whirlpool that they struggle to escape. Trying with whatever they have left to escape with no avail, their low mana reserves and exhaustion after such an epic chain of battles mean both struggle, and are barely able to overcome the force dragging them down. Luckily for them, Uncle Nick and Liv arrive to rescue them, showing up with their ship and pulling them free, revealing how proud they are of both of them.

Nikos and his Crew: A hardy, experienced sailor from Valerica, and Sofia's Uncle. Reputed to be one of the few people to have sailed across the world and lived to tell the tale.

Liv: A Succubus originally created in the image of Alisa's ancestor, Olivia Vollan, intended to charm and kill the Huntress' husband and end her bloodline. Having made an enemy out of Demon Prince Adamel and aided Alisa in killing him, she's an enemy of the demonic armies of the Abyss.

Enemies: The sea

  • 7 SP
  • 400 Fame
  • 250,000 Jewels
  • 10,000 Experience
  • Dark Slayer sword, Yamato

  • As the whirlpool collapses alongside the storm above it, the sea grows fiercer.
  • Caught in the middle of the collapsing whirlpool with little to no mana left, struggle to escape.
  • You'll be rescued by Captain Nick's ship.
  • With the threat resolved, he can now take you home in triumph.

“B-Babe…!” Tossed and turned about by the distorting current but far from lost when she had the wonder known as the White Empress nearby, Sofia Serena barely expected her ebony haired enchantress to snag her with that crystalline chain but was glad that she did for more than one reason, not least of them the fact that she would never ever want to be anywhere but by the side of the woman she loved no matter how great or grave the situation looked.
“Out of the frying pan, and into the maelstrom, hm?” Their current one seeming to air decidedly toward the latter unfortunately as the spout and the surge which followed it seemed only like a prelude towards what was to follow, beneath them the rupture in the ocean seemed to threaten to drink the whole thing dry and the two of them with it, and yet the girl with the green gaze couldn't help but grin a little as she wrapped her arms around the woman she loved and squeezed her as tightly as she could.

“Well, at least we're in this together eh~?” Seeing at least one tiny positive in the situation now that they were clamped together and glancing back toward that breach with an air of optimism because of that, there was no way in hell that the valerican vixen was going to let the woman she loved plummet without her, and dared the wickedness which clung to the water to even try to part them. If it ripped her arms off she would hold her with her legs, and if they were gone she would bite down on the woman and make sure that whatever their fate was, it would be by each other's side.

“No matter what…!” Not that she had resigned the two of them to a fate in some hellscape and instead the fair femme fighting with all she had to ensure that this tale of heroism did not turn into one wrought with tragedy, even with her lower half having turned back to that of a pair of long and slender pins she pushed like hell to kick them upward with everything she had, and drew upon every drop of mana she could as she did so. Scraping the bottom of the barrel of course with every motion due to her fatigue but not about to let her girl down, she was determined to push them to a brighter tomorrow, even if she had to kill herself to do so…!

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Big Damn Heroes [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Wed Feb 21, 2024 9:20 am



"Sofia!! Hnngh... GaaaAH!!", Alisa cried out her lover's name as she held on to the chain with both hands... Shaken around aimlessly beneath the waves, stripped of the ability to swim, Alisa had nothing but that lifeline connecting to her beloved belle


Brittle from the lack of mana available to sustain it, Alisa knew the chain wouldn't last very long at this rate, as the two were pulled further away by natural forces defying even the strongest on this earth. And so Alisa reeled the chain back with all her might, pulling with both hands as the very force of her spell... Just a bit longer... Every last drop... Until finally her exerted look turned into a smile of utter relief as she finally pulled her beloved into her arms, squeezing her tightly, nails digging into that toned back... Even now she kept the chain around the two of them as long as she could, but so long as she had her in her arms, that was all she cared about:

"Haaa~.... Heavens, that was close? Any longer and we might have been separated again?", Alisa spoke, clinging tightly to her lover, smiling as she looked deeply into those eyes and nodded, "Fufu~... Guess we should have expected an evil God to be a sore loser huh~?"

Even now she couldn't help but think back to that time in Astera, where a portal not unlike that one had separated the two across dimensions, an insurmountable barrier that had now saved them from an invasion by a being oozing malice with its very presence. And they lived to tell the tale. With Sofia wrapped firmly in her embrace, Alisa felt her heart race as her woman's warmth filled her down every inch of her body, her full, supple bosom squishing oh so sublimely against her lover's full figured frame, every muscle in Alisa Vollan's body clenched as tight as she could, mustering every last ounce of lingering strength so that not even heaven and earth or the fury of the oceans could pry the two apart:

"Yeah~... Live or die, together until the end~?", Alisa grinned, and couldn't help but steal a short and sweet smooch to those soft, luscious lips, savouring that sweet and salty taste that made her spine tingle every single time, filling her with the energy, "But... It's far too soon to give up, my love~... After all~... When I'm with you, there's nothing I can't do?"

Her resolved renewed, even lost and desoriented, Alisa thrust forth, beating her legs against the whirling waters, relying on nothing but her tridimensional sight for a measure of orientation, trusting that between her senses and her lover's attunement to the ocean, the two of them could pool their strength and swim to the surface!

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Big Damn Heroes [Alisa - Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Big Damn Heroes [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Wed Feb 21, 2024 10:08 am


WORDS: 460 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“Wow, you think I'd let some god or devil keep me apart from you, babe~?” Even at what might have seemed to be their apocalypse it seeming that the comfort offered by the company of her black haired bride could see her through just about anything, though the ocean seemed to be unravelling around them Sofia couldn't help but smile as she clung to that heavenly form of her wife, and reminded her woman that the wills of beings far beyond and even above this realm were of paltry consequence when it came to the bond they shared between the two of them.
“Now we've just gotta reach for that wonderful tomorrow, cause it's gonna be a hell of a day babe~?” The fairer femme flooded with a sense of confidence now that she had what amounted to her whole world clutched in her grasp and fighting for it with both tooth and nail, the beryl eyed beauty beat those legs with everything she had and clawed at the ocean around her with one hand whilst the other continued to squeeze her lover tightly against her, and felt a note of relief when she saw their efforts seeming to make the surface of the water seem that teeny tiny bit nearer with each expression of her power.

“No more evils to fight or storms to chase, just you, me and a nice soft bed~” All the energy in her form seeming to have been spent long before this but right now Miss Serena happy to trade on what might be a new form of drive for the pair of them, the girl with the green gaze was well aware of how potent the hope and excitement that the chance to indulge their want for one another could be given how limitless their strength seemed before, and chose to make the most of that fact as she fought to push herself higher and higher, even if it was by one inch at a time.
“And hell, if tomorrow turns into a week tomorrow, I won't be complaining~?” Urging both herself and Alisa onward as she did so by painting them a picture worth fighting further and harder for all the while as she spoke, she knew that there was no better reward for either of them than the pleasures which each offered the other, and therefore there would be nothing that helped them find that extra gear or that one drop more mana they needed to survive better than the promise of a sweet hereafter. Though as words began to echo within the ears of the girl once more, it was fortunate for them both that they weren't in this fight alone…

"Well, I suppose if you did me a favour, it's only fair I return it, eh~?"

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Big Damn Heroes [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Wed Feb 21, 2024 11:03 am


WORDS: 1390 | TAG: @Sofia | FINAL BATTLE

"Mmmmm~... Heavens babe, when you put it like that... It's like you know exactly how to motivate me~...?", Alisa's voice grew lower into a breathy, intimate purr, squeezing her luscious lover close, holding that image close to her chest, "Just you and me, back home, not leaving our bed for...~? My~... Almost sounds like you believe... One week might be enough?"

She felt her heart beating faster and faster with every second as she huffed and kicked her legs with all her might, desperately trying to hold on to whatever meager sense of direction she could as she swam towards the surface, or at least that which she hoped would be the surface, clinging tightly to her beloved as she hooked her hand in the belt of her Sofia's armor for that extra bit of support, making sure nothing could possibly dislodge her:

"Hnnnngh....!! Over there, Sofia...! I can almost see the surface!!", They needed no greater confirmation of their success than the sunlight finally piercing through that roiling surface of the water, a clear sign that whatever foul magic fueled this squall had been well and truly quelled.

And now, like a lighthouse in the dead of night, that light guided the two star crossed lovers to their salvation... And as Alisa pushed forth with the last drop of her energy...


She felt something. Like a helping hand, an all too familiar touch of demonic Mana as a rather familiar succubus awfully compatible with her suddenly rushed into her body, posessing Alisa and fueling her with all the energy she needed:

"Why hello there Sofia~...", Alisa's lips moved, though it wasn't her voice that came out, but rather those of a devlish seductress who all but licked her lips at the sight of her, "You're a sight for sore eyes~"

Liv simply looked at Sofia as though she'd just layed eyes on the most ravishing, tantalizing beauty she'd ever seen before, feeling all too satisfied to find herself clinging to her frame as such, and couldn't quite help herself from reaching a hand further down and gripping that succulent cheek of her behind as she leaned in and whispered:

"Hold on tightly for me okay~?", she purred, sprouting a pair of wings from Alisa's body, using them like a marine animal would use their fins to guide her trajectory...

And showing an awful familiarity with Alisa's spells, she refueled the nearly broken chain binding the two lovers together, and thrust her arm upwards, just a shadow slowly drew over them, and started reeling them upwards by chain, until they finally broke the surface of the water.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Big Damn Heroes [Alisa - Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Big Damn Heroes [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Wed Feb 21, 2024 1:13 pm


WORDS: 550 | Shiver Me Timbers!

That voice…? Once more that grand tone seeming to pipe up in her mind and leave the leggy lass confused for a moment, an echoing tone seemed to emerge from beneath the beryl eyed beauty and made her cast her eyes back toward the maw she was trying to escape, where she saw something she did not expect. A figure with a beard and trident in hand looking back toward her and nodding before seeming to raise a hand and soothe the surging current of the water to stifle the effects of the maw, for a second Sofia seemed to blink in disbelief at what she was seeing, though somewhere deep down knew that it was true. Though, it seemed that the ladies of the hour were rather flush with support from what happened next.

“What the…? Is that…?” The brunette glancing upward as she heard the voice of the vixen she cherished seemed to twist to a tone which was different and yet familiar all the same as well, Miss Serena looked to her lover for a second and all too quickly saw from her eyes that someone else was behind the wheels of her, as it were, though was not particularly perturbed by that fact when she realised who.
“Hahaha, damn… Any chance she can keep the wings~? They look pretty hot…!” Such a flirtatious tone rather fitting of the woman she had married and yet the clues she was given seeming to speak of a forebear of her beloved instead, the mischievous mermaid couldn’t help but giggle as a pair of black bat wings seemed to sprout from the back of her bride as if she were sporting some fun little Halloween number, and though it was most assuredly true that the emerald eyed enchantress appreciated the effort which swept them toward the surface all the more she couldn't help but note a feeling of lust toward the transition as well. Though, that was perhaps to be expected when one was clinging to a succubus, even if by proxy, no?

“Wuuuaaahhh!” As such the girl with the green gaze happy to hold on for the ride as she toyed with certain ideas of perhaps seeing if her luscious lover was down for seeing whether a woman 'cursed' by the realm of lust would live up to the hype or not, for the moment she would have no chance to suggest such an idea either before or after the moment when they finally breached the surface of the water, and she was left gasping for her first real breath of air for the first time in forever.
“Whew… For a minute there, I thought I was never gonna feel the open air again~?” The princess of the Pegasi left panting in fact when she and the combination between her wife and the delightful devil who had come to aid them were left bobbing up and down at the top of a sea which now seemed to prove surprisingly calm, all that she could do was heave and gasp as even one who relished the deep so much as she did felt a sizeable note of relief to feel the wind on her cheeks now, and ever more so when she spied a familiar set of sails and timbers cruising towards them as well…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Big Damn Heroes [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Wed Feb 21, 2024 3:12 pm


WORDS: 1780 | TAG: @Sofia | FINAL BATTLE

Alisa lacked the magic power to oppose Liv at that moment, and could do nothing but snarl at the woman... She always felt a smidge embarassed when the succubus flirted with her, after all, this demoness was supposed to be a clone of her great-great-great-great-grandmother. And Alisa wasn't even sure of just how many greats should be there, after Olivia Vollan was so distant an ancestor she'd only ever skimmed her name from one of many of her father's tome's. Not even Rocky had ever dropped her name, even after Alisa became a Demon Slayer user herself... And now here she was:

"Liv, I swear... I appreciate the helping hand... But that's enough!"

She had no idea if it was possible to blush internally, but Alisa certainly did it, watching Liv flirting with her wife, wearing her own body... She didn't think she could ever get used to thinking of her great ancestor in a sexual manner, and Sofia defenitely... Wasn't helping here either:

"Fufu~... Who knooows~... Maybe if Lisa would rather become a God Slayer? She defenitely has the chops for it after this adventure~", teased the succubus, letting out a melodious giggle all too similar to that of the body's usual owner, planting a kiss on Sofia's cheek, a sensual little whisper in her ear, "Though if you're just interested in a pretty pair of wings... I know a gal who could help you out~?"

"That's enough!"

And it was all Liv could do to whip Alisa's arm back around, sending her crystalline chain, that pure adamantine white turned black with the succubus demonic mana flying back towards the ship as it sailed past, wrapping it around the railing... Before the flustered Alisa finally took back control of her body just as they reached the open air:

"Whew... Heavens~... Me too, my love~... Never thought I'd miss fresh air this much~?", Alisa sighted in delight as she started reeling her chain back using Liv's borrowed power, squeezing her wife close... As she finally leaned in and planted a deep, loving kiss on her woman's luscious lips, holding on tightly to that sinuous shape, practically forgetting she was still borrowing a Succubus' lust inducing power for support, "Mmmmmn~... But most of all~... I missed the chance to kiss you like this~?"

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Big Damn Heroes [Alisa - Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Big Damn Heroes [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Thu Feb 22, 2024 3:59 am


WORDS: 510 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“Gosh, she really takes after you, doesn't she~?” Even one so bold and brazen as the beryl eyed beauty not immune to a little bit of blushing when she found the sassy succubus laying a smooch upon her cheek, Miss Serena couldn't help but snicker at the playfulness which was shown by the delightful devil, though largely because of how much her behaviour seemed to remind her lady love, for the most part at least. That impish spirit perhaps reflecting more of her own design if she had to guess and leaving the lass to wonder whether Liv might just be what a daughter they had might have been like, such a notion seemed to warm her spirit somewhat, and leave her far less miffed by the minx's act of possession than it seemed her bride would prove.

“Mmmmmnnnnnnnn…!” That being said Sofia likely a liar if she said that she was sure that her beautiful bride was more annoyed because of the hijack or the woman she had opted to flirt with during it, whatever the cause she couldn't help but purr into the kiss which followed when the dark haired darling resumed control of that fine form, and clung to the wonder she called her wife because of it.
“Damn you… Beat me to it babe~?” So thoroughly dizzied by the kiss in fact that she scarcely even noticed the minx she had married snagging the ship which sailed close or anything which followed other than the long overdue taste of those lush lips, all that she could do was gasp and drink in that deliciousness as she confessed that she had been only a second behind her sable stunner in such an endeavour, and didn't even realise that some combination of her the spell cast by her beloved and the effort of the men on deck had seen the pair of them dragged up toward the deck until she slumped onto the ground and heard yet another oh too familiar voice speaking to her.

"Sorry to interrupt, ladies, but I think it's high time someone warned you of the dangers of swimming while you eat~?"

Raising only from her ravishing raven when the commander of the Valerican navy seemed to clap his hands as he stood over the duo and rouse them from their stupor, the girl gaze of the girl seemed to flutter as she looked up to a figure who had been dirtied by the fight and the storm which had raged around them, but still retained both his spirit and that big grin of his all the while.
“Uncle! Mr Scott! Looks like we did it, eh?” Not that Nik was the only one grinning and with him standing both his own crew and the pirate whom they had met along the way to this victory as well, all too eagerly did Miss Serena join in the elation as she realised that at last their long battle and the hell which had preceded it was finally over. At last they could finally go home…!

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Big Damn Heroes [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Thu Feb 22, 2024 11:52 am


WORDS: 1780 | TAG: @Sofia | FINAL BATTLE

"Mmmm, I'm sure you'll have... Plenty of chances to catch up~?", Alisa purred, savouring those supple, luscious lips that left her tingling all over, breath hot and heavy as it washed over her lover's face, holding her close as she slowly made out with her beloved belle as the two of them were helped back onto the ship by the able bodied sailors of the Valerican navy.

Soon enough, they'd been brought high enough that Alisa could hang on to the railing with one hand, the other using that leverage she had around Sofia's body to help her climb back aboard their ship, and she could only bite her lip at the sight of that mouthwatering peach climbing onto the ship's wooden deck~... And felt her spine tingling at that view. Alisa followed soon after, once Sofia had crossed that threshold and returned to the warm voice of her Uncle, and a dazzling clear blue sky, with the sun shining down on the ship's decks. The two women were utterly drenched from their underwater adventure, their clothes soggy and heavy, clinging to their shapely frames until every slightest motion became difficult:

"Indeed, I'm sure you girls can think of better places to get wet~?", once again that familiar voice reached their ears as Liv finally peeled away from Alisa's body, flipping her vibrant green hair behind her shoulders.

Clad in a flattering pair of leather pants and an unbuttoned white shirt leaving oh so little to imagination:

"Thank you for the helping hand, both of you~... For a moment there, I can't imagine how we'd have made it out~..."

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Big Damn Heroes [Alisa - Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Big Damn Heroes [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Thu Feb 22, 2024 4:38 pm


WORDS: 410 | TOTAL: 2450 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“And have you miss out, Auntie Liv~?” The girl with the green gaze grinning as the sardonic succubus spoke up about their choice of locale when it came to the longing embrace which Sofia shared with her wife, though it was hard not to look up to a woman who looked so much like the beauty she had married and boasted of that mystical allure as well without feeling her throat grow that bit dryer, all the same she couldn't help but give a playful jab back to the woman on account of how she had annoyed her wife with her antics.
“Yes, we'd be dead if it wasn't for you guys and…” Not that she wasn't grateful for the support which she had provided and that of all the others who had pitched in to not only end that dreadful storm and all which came with it but save them after the fact as well, the bubbly brunette beamed at them all as she offered her thanks for their efforts, but in doing so realised that there was someone or something who wasn't here for her to show some appreciation toward as well.

“Hmmm… Perhaps it is time for me to go home…? To Valerica…” So thoroughly caught up in all that had happened that she squirrelled much of the discoveries she had made beneath the waves into a corner of her mind which suddenly seemed to be so much more prominent, though the defeat of the devils and those who commanded them had been a chore which she saw herself rewarded with a trip back to what was calm and comfortable, after all that had gone on Miss Serena found herself wanting to go to the land which had birthed her instead.
“Would you mind, babe? I feel like… That voice I heard? He mentioned my mother…?” Perhaps tempted to do so because of the sight of her uncle already but the words of whatever had seemed to find her soul and supply them with the strength to almost literally turn the tide ringing in her ears again now, the emerald eyed enchantress couldn't help but think it was high time that she brought the woman she loved home to meet her parents or the better half of them at least, and hoped that Alisa wouldn't feel too burdened by one journey more. After all, she had some ideas of how to make it up to her, riiiight~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Big Damn Heroes [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Sat Feb 24, 2024 10:52 am


WORDS: 2300 | TAG: @Sofia | FINAL BATTLE

"My, Lisa is lucky to have a wife as... Giving as you~...", Liv purred, taking that jab in stride with stylish flip of her hair and a teasing little wink, though she also couldn't resist teasing Alisa whenever the chance presented itself.

After all, the Succubus still recalled how skittish Alisa had been of her proposition back when she rescued her in the Abyss... Even though Liv had been oh so happy to express her... Gratitude:

"So much that we can hardly ever hold back, Auntie Liv~", Alisa teased her back, giggling at her luscious lover's choice of words as she draped one arm around her waist and held her close, her wet skin feeling almost frigid under this cool sea breeze, but practically sizzling whenever she held her lover close

"How mean of you both, calling me that... Almost like you want to make me feel old?", and yet even she couldn't help but pout a little bit

"Mmmm~...? Are you sure my love? You know I've always wanted to see it but... You always seemed to... Worried about going back?", Alisa replied, turning Sofia to face her as she cupped her cheek. She'd expressed this interest before but Sofia always shied away from it... And now that Sofia herself proposed it... Alisa felt a pang of worry. Nonetheless, she could only smile as she planted a slow, tender kiss on those lips, her plush pink lips brightening immediately, "I'd love that... Fufu~... Feels like it's been long overdue... For me to meet your mother? I need to thank her for raising such a wonderful daughter~"

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Big Damn Heroes [Alisa - Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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