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Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia]

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Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Fri Jan 26, 2024 7:09 pm


Life took a strange meaning when you started it afresh with no memories of what you had previously been. Navi Vis was finally discharged from the Hargeon Hospital after spending what he considered to be the first four months of his life recovering from death, his body being a half drowned broken mess when it was fished from the Hargeon docks.  One of the nurses told him it was a member from the guild Blue Pegasus that brought him in, however they never came to see him after the fact… they could have forgotten about their act of kindness or been too busy on one of their quests.

That was no matter to the man, once he had a job and a place to live, he would pop by the guild to give his thanks to the stranger. For now, he had a mission of his own; get a job and find a place to live. The clothes he had been found in were blood soaked and torn to shreds, luckily the hospital staff had found something he could use. A pair of flip flop sandals, some dark below the knee shorts and a brightly coloured floral shirt he chose to wear open. It was surprisingly fitting to the man; it helped that as part of his rehabilitation he had taken to extensive exercising.

The one issue had had now as he hobbled down the streets of Hargeon… his right leg had not healed to what it should have been. It had been so badly damaged that he was always going to have a pronounced limp now. Though the use of a cane helped him there.

The man had spent most the morning already going to businesses of nearly every type to enquire about work, for one reason or another he had been turned away at every opportunity.

“Sorry mate-” Navi left understanding that the barber shop was not looking for an older apprentice.

“We got no openings friend-” The construction worker told Navi as he moved to start dragging a wheelbarrow of bricks away.

He expected this to be hard, but there was no giving up. There were still more options for him to try. One of which being a store that specialised in selling sweets and candy. One that many of the nurses had used to get the man special treats as a help to motivate his recovery. He was not in the shop long as he talked to the old shop keeper. “Hello, I was wondering if you had any job opportunities… I am in need of work.” He said politely, slightly embarrassed that its taken so much effort.

The elderly shop owner looked the tall, muscular scarred man up and down and a shiver ran down his back. With a gulp he shifted to place down the batch of hard candy he was making and turned his attention to Navi. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can take you on.” He said with a loud sigh. “You’re too scary and you’ll scare off too many customers.”

The tall man understood this and nodded with respect to the owner. “Thanks for your time.” He said with a quick bow of his head before turning and leaving and walking into a whole new scene. One of three boys in their late teenage years, two of them seeming to bear down on another that was smaller than them in many ways.

“And you’ll always be a loser!” One of the bigger and more well-built teens spoke. Pushing the smallest and nerdy looking of the bunch from the shoulder with enough force to make them stumble back and fall on to their rear.

“It’s what you get for being such a smart ass! Take this!” The other one said while he was not as tall as his friend, he certainly had enough girth. He was making a kick that was aimed to the nerd’s head, one that if it impacted would lead to some pretty severe damage.

Navi felt a deep urge, a mixture of anger and annoyance combined with a sense to protect those who couldn’t or refused to protect themselves. It drove him to move, putting his cane in the path of the bully’s foot, making him lose balance and fall backwards himself. It was a slow fall, one that everyone could tell was going to happen but the more rotund of the bullies did everything in his natural power to stop. The floor shook as Navi righted himself and looked down at the lads.

“Now lads, why are you being so pathetic to this young man?” He asked, his gravelly voice deep and soothing as he stood between the two and their victim. “To feel good about inadequacies you have yourself?” He asked, shifting his position and offering his hand back to the victim who shakily took it and looked surprised when Navi easily hoisted him up.

“That twerp showed us up in class!” The athletic lad said as he helped his friend up and looked at Navi with a venom in his eyes. “Yeah! He made us look stupid, like we don’t know anything!” The other added, now he was finally up.

“I-I only answered the question Miss Leons asked… I was trying to help.” He victim said making Navi nod slowly, the situation coming out… this was jealousy.

“Well, that doesn’t mean that you should be attacked for helping.” He said letting go of the weedier lad’s hand and looking back to the bullies with his full attention, his muscular form more exposed as a burst of wind ruffled his open shirt, his scars clearly flashing in the light of day.

“Real men know when they are wrong and can admit it, they show respect to everyone and only use violence when they have to. What you two just did is not manly at all. In fact, it was pretty cowardly.” Navi explained, this speech coming from the depths of his soul. “How would you two like it if I used this cane to whoop your asses to the other side of Fiore?” he asked, not in a menacing way but genuinely curious to see their responses.

The bullies looked between each other and then to the man. “We’d feel pretty bad sir.” The athletic one said, thoughtful as he looked past Navi to the nerd he was just bullying. “I’m sorry Kyle.”

Navi: ffcc00
Athletic Bully: ff6666
Rotund Bully: cc6666
Kyle: 3399cc
Shop Keepers: 66ffff

Last edited by Navi on Fri Jan 26, 2024 8:25 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling mistakes)


Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Sat Jan 27, 2024 1:12 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Navi @Sofia | CASUAL WINTER

Ahh, how she loved mornings like these... Alisa had finished her daily training regiment, had lunch with her family, and now managed to rope her wife and daughters onto a lazy little stroll across Hargeon. The days were short around this time of year, but slowly growing longer with every passing day as they moved past the coldest days of winter. Alisa was well adjusted for it owing to her Icebergian heritage, but after most of her adult life spent in the South, she'd grown to prefer the warm Summer weather... Still, that didn't stop her enjoying a sunny day like this... Clad in a tight, form fitting pair of blue jeans and a sleeveless black sweater, the sculptress brushed her long black hair behind her ear, one hand holding that of her daughter Jessica. Both their daughters had a tendency to run off alone, but every now and then... One of them caught their parents distracted as they looked at something or someone who struck their fancy:

"Mama, someone's in trouble...! Gotta go help em!", All of a sudden, she felt a sudden tug on their joined hands as Jessica pulled free from her gentle hold and ran off, and for a moment of utter shock, Alisa's eyes flared as she watched the small frame of her daughter dart off into the distance

"Jessica, where are you going...? Come back here!", startled, but not in any way alarmed, even though their children were strong enough they wouldn't get hurt easily, the worried mother ran after her still.

If she ran at full speed she could easily catch up to her and scoop the girl into her arms, but at the same time... Neither Alisa nor Sofia could be so smothering as parents to not give their children a chance to run free every now and then. Thus, Jessica ran, and Alisa followed after the girl as she turned a corner, she barely had a time to react before she saw what had attracted her attention...

...Navi had disarmed the bullies and gave them the talking to they should have gotten from their parents to begin with. But one intervenient wasn't satisfied by this conclusion, a child with short brown hair and vibrant wine red eyes, too young to understand how the bullies had changed their ways, simply charging in with a vengeance and a bellowing battlecry:

"Leave him aloooooOONEEEE!!!!", out of nowhere, a child's vibrant, excitable voice pierced the quiet as a girl far younger than any of these teenagers darted across the streets at blinding speed, as though her instincts had caught a hint of the bullying happening upon that seemingly secluded alleyway.

But distance was of little matter to the scrappy young tot as her bellowing cry announced her presence right as she turned the corner and turned to face the two teenagers Navi had just talked down, before stepping in with her left foot turned to the side, thrusting out her small body into an almost perfectly executed flying side kick, leaping with the practiced dexterity of a master of martial arts despite her tender age. As the girl flew forth like a missile, kicking leg outstretched and primed on the bully's jaw, arms out to either side like a picture out of Sinese martial arts, only an able bodied adult would have had any hope of catching the flying dragon girl in mid air and putting a top to her onslaught before it even began:

"Jessica...!! Don't run off like that all of a sudden!", Alisa called out as she joined the fray, that same unique wine red hue of their eyes practically highlighting her resemblance to her four year old daughter.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Sun Jan 28, 2024 4:15 pm


WORDS: 300 | Bright and Easy  

“Jessica…!” The beryl eyed beauty blindsided as one of her darling daughters seemed to spot something and respond to it like a racing rocket, even one so prone to spontaneity as Sofia Serena was caught that bit off guard as the little lass who inherited her more flighty tendencies seemed to act upon them, and as such was left to call out to her daughter as her wife raced after her and focus her attention upon their other, more subtly inclined child.
“Oh no you don't~” Sure enough it seeming that the sight of her sister shooting off enough to provoke her quieter and more thoughtful sister to follow suit or at least attempt to, while the marvel known as Marina was more cerebral and watchful in how she dealt with things their status as twins meant that this careful and considered character would throw her caution to the wind in order to help her sibling, and provoked the pink princess of the pegusi to sweep her into her grasp before she got too far ahead of her.

“Not without mommy at least~” Not that she did not appreciate that spirit of solidarity of course and as such the slender siren stalling only long enough to collect the girl and then grinning as she broke into a sprint of her own with the girl in her arms, while she was more than confident that the ravishing raven she had married would be more than enough to protect the parties she needed to, all the same she couldn't help but giggle at her daughter's antics and wish for a front row seat. I mean, maybe she shouldn't condone violence, but the valiant spirit which was born of her other mommy's side was something which made her weak at the knees no matter the source, right~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Sun Jan 28, 2024 4:52 pm


Everything happened so quickly, the young Kyle managed a meek smile as he raised a hand to the back of his head and held the back of his skull. He seemed to be abashed to actually receive a sincere apology from the lads that had been tormenting him. He didn’t get a chance to open his mouth as a childlike voice called for a stop to be put to the activities.

Navi heard the child, and in a moment, he let his naturally hardened instincts take over, he moved without thinking. His arm outstretched, his palm enveloping the athletic lads face gently and pushed it out of the way before a childs foot could impact it at speed. He kept his arm outstretched to catch the mini missile before she could careen past the scene and into the sweet shops window. It wouldn’t do to be the cause of property damage to the store he had just been rejected from. It would not do his reputation any good at all!

He bent the crook of his elbow and let go of the Athletic boy’s face to wrap the girl in a half hug as he spun around to lessen her momentum. When the spin had finished, he looked down at her and to the woman who was chasing her down calling her name.

“Whoa there Princess, these young men had learned their lesson. Giving them black eyes would have just been cruelty.” The amnesiac spoke, shifting his hold of the child to have his hands under her armpits and his arms fully outstretched to keep her little feet away from potentially getting his face.

The bullies nodded at the words of wisdom quite vigorously as they recognised the woman that had been running after them. “Yes sir, we have!” The chubby lad said, taking a step back and looking to Kyle. “Hey… I’m sorry I was a butt. Can we start again?” He asked, moving around Navi to stand by Kyle.

The athletic young man righted himself after being pushed to safety and had wide yes. “Thank you, Mister.” He said before shifting to stand beside his friend and Kyle. “Y-yeah. Todd is right, let’s start again.” He said not wanting to be involved with the Guild Master of Blue Pegasus… especially after one of her daughters flew in to try and beat him up.

The blond man let the lads have their own conversation as he turned his own attention to the mother. It was then that he saw another woman springing up at full speed with another child in her arms. “Ah, good afternoon, ladies. I assume this one is one of your?” He asked, looking back down to Jessica who was held aloft.

Navi: ffcc00
Athletic Bully: ff6666
Rotund Bully: cc6666
Kyle: 3399cc
Shop Keepers: 66ffff


Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Tue Jan 30, 2024 11:47 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Navi @Sofia | CASUAL WINTER

"Wha...!", the girl gasped as the man she practically ran past scooped her into her arms. She squirmed helplessly, actually flailing in a way that might have even been cute if not for the budding strength she clearly had in that small body. She might have protested... But her mother's call

Alisa rushed over to the man who'd gently scooped up her daughter into his arms before she could send one of the would be bullies flying off, and arguably done far worse, and she couldn't help but nod and let out a wordless, affirmative "thank you" to the kind stranger that kept her daughter from starting another random fight. Though she felt pride in her daughter's growing instinct and her sense of right and wrong, at this young age she seemed more inclined to solve everything with her fists, and thus earned herself a stern scolding:

"Now, what did I tell you about starting fights hmm?!", Alisa frowned as she scooped the girl back into her arms, scolding until she girl hid her face away in shame and could only point at the two bullies.

"B-But, Mama, they-", Alisa rose a finger to her daughter's lips, hushing her before reaffirming her question

"Shhh... No buts. What did I tell you?"

"T-the greatest warriors win without fighting...?"

Alisa practically blushed at those words... Eyes flaring for a moment that Jessica recalled them... She only barely recalled saying her those words, but she precisely remembered telling her that when she was teaching her martial arts. And she didn't say that very often... In fact that sounded exactly like the kind of line she'd give a feisty student on their first lesson:

"Not that, silly."

"Mmmn... S-Sometimes... a good talk is all it takes..."

"Exactly~", she smiled and kissed her daughter's forehead, "Now what do you say you've done something wrong?"

"S-sorry I tried to kick you..."

Smiling, Alisa gave the girl another kiss, but this time held her in her arms instead of placing her back down on the ground. Jessica didn't need to be taught about right or wrong but Alisa hoped that as she grew up, she could at least raise her well enough not to solve everything with violence... And Gods, she was so much like herself that Alisa could almost blush:

"Jessica's my youngest... Good girl, but sometimes a bit hasty for her own good hmm~?", she finally answered Navi, flashing him that cool, captivating smile, shooting only a glance at her daughter before returning her gaze to him, "Thank you again for catching her."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2024 4:03 pm


WORDS: 430 | Bright and Easy

“Heeheehee, our cuties just wanna show off how big and brave and strong they've gotten~” The girl with the green gaze unable to resist the urge to giggle first as she watched her spirited daughter struggling against the grasp of the fellow who had prevented her intervention and then next when she was chided by Alisa, Miss Serena couldn't help but play a little devils advocate as she reasoned that both of her daughters were only too keen to impress their mothers with how they had grown, and held an arm out to take the more rambunctious of the pair into her grasp along with her now once more calm sister.
“Maybe we could head to the park so they can do it~?” Guessing that such a display was as much a case of them having a little too much energy which they were in need of spending as well, though perhaps at times she felt guilty for the fact that her more lax attitude meant that their other mommy had to play disciplinarian more often than she did the leggy lass felt that it was better for them to find a spot to let loose a bit, and made a rather obvious suggestion on how to resolve such a surplus.

“Ohhhh Liiioooon~?” Laziness seeming to come hand in hand with the laxness which she felt as well and for that reason the fox calling upon the service of their majestically maned babysitter who seemed to lurch forward from one edifice in space and generate another, the second hole which his roar appeared to make in the universe seemed to lead to a place with slides and swing sets and plenty of grounds for girls to high kick their way through the air as much as they wanted, and as such the emerald eyed enchantress was left to look at her wife with an expectant grin.

“You wanna come along, sir? There might be a possibility of ice cream~?” Not that she wished to part them from the fair haired figure who had seemed to defuse the tension either because she could tell already that his deft moves and forgiving attitude was something which might just pique the interest of her wonder woman, the brunette was quick to bob her brows as she invited him to join them, and made a vague promise about offering him a sweet treat in exchange for his acquiescence. Though really, her motive was more to give her lover somewhere to talk more lengthily with him, while she made sure the girls were kept safe and busy…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2024 6:17 pm


The old bear was not going to lie to himself when he saw interaction between the woman and her child, he was also feeling a twinge of parental envy as if that was something he wanted in his own life. Did he have a child in his old life that he was missing? Could someone who accrued such a tally of scars have been capable of giving that kind of love? It sent a minor shiver up his spine, one that was easily masked by a jovial smile to both the women and their children.

“Oh, it is no worries, if I hadn’t of stopped those lads from being bullies, I am sure your little warrior princess would have.” He replied to the first woman, letting a chuckle rumble as his words ring aloud. In this situation he was more than sure he was the good cop to little Jessica’s bad cop, while she likely didn’t intend to come off that way a boot to the face after an opponent had stopped fighting and begun changing their ways was certainly not a good look.

The other woman mentioned something about their cuties, the context being enough for the blond to put two and two together. They were a couple, that was cute. They had a connection beyond just friendship and base urges something that the man couldn’t remember if he ever had, or who with. “Strong indeed.” He agreed, looking between the two children with a friendly smile and with his free hand patting each gently on the head.

Everything was run of the mill and fine to the amnesiac until the brunette called out to a creature that had not been there before and tore a hole in the fabric of space and time to create a pathway to a park. This widened his eyes; he knew of magic and had even seen it being practiced in the hospital… but this was entirely new. It was exhilarating, he could feel his heartbeat increase and his base instincts to just get moving tickled at the back of his mind.

“Call me Navi, I would love some ice cream.” He said containing a more feral smile to be presentable to the women and their precious girls. “I’ve had a rough day looking for a job and place to live, so an ice-cream pick me up would be fantastic.” He admitted, moving to carefully hobble along behind them with his limp aided by a simple wooden cane.

Navi: ffcc00
Athletic Bully: ff6666
Rotund Bully: cc6666
Kyle: 3399cc
Shop Keepers: 66ffff


Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2024 12:35 am


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Navi @Sofia | CASUAL WINTER

"She really would hmm~? My cute warrior princess~~", even if she had to act the disciplinarian, Alisa couldn't help but dote on her beautiful daughters at every opportunity, nuzzling Jessica and kissing her cheek until the ticklish girl giggled. She and Sofia spoiled these girls rotten but at the same time, "Still, children shouldn't have to solve every problem on their own. It's okay to rely on the grown ups every now and then~"

Seeing how her girl jumped into the fray at every opportunity... She was reminded of herself with short hair back in middle school, her fists bandaged from far too much time spent picking fights~... By then her motives were a lot less innocent, especially considering the difference in age. Perhaps Sofia's adventurousness helped this side of her? No doubt, but in the end children were far more than the sum of their parents, and as her lover called out to her, Alisa couldn't help but feel a telltale tingle at the base of her spine when that siren's song reached her ears:

"Fufufu~... Good idea my love~? With this much energy, looks like our little angels are begging for a chance to spend it somewhere~?", Alisa spoke, turning and slowly letting Jessica shift herself onto Sofia's loving arms, draping her own around her beloved and kissing both her daughters, and then her woman's soft, plush lips, merely a soft, loving little peck before she rose a hand over her mouth, giggling at the ever helpful lion before turning her gaze back to their new acquaintance, "Then, do join us, and you can have all the ice cream you want~?"

Alisa's gaze washed over the male, and she couldn't help but feel he seemed... Lost, somehow? Clearly this wasn't his home at the very least... But it he was lacking one, surely there were ways to make it a bit better. Her brow arched as she heard the man's plight, and her smile faded a bit:

"Mmm, sounds rough... Though Hargeon is usually bustling with activity, it's rarely difficult to find a job for most likes of work. What do you do for a living, if you don't mind my asking?", perhaps she could help point him in the right direction. If she knew more of his skills and line of work at the very least, knowing most people in Hargeon meant she'd also find someone who'd employ those of most trades.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2024 9:28 pm


WORDS: 370 | Bright and Easy

“Looking for a job, hmmmmm~?” The revelation of the quarry which this stranger seemed to seek in his hunt seeming something which raised the brow of Miss Serena, the fact that both her wife and the more daring of her daughter's had taken to this man seemed to speak volumes of his character in her opinion, and as such she sensed a degree of potential opportunity in the misfortune which he had found thus far.
“Isn't that interesting, babe~?” Their guild always on the lookout for new faces after all and while this one might not be their usual slice of pristine polish that keen green gaze certainly not hating everything it saw, she was sure that they could and in places had done worse for a new recruit one who was brave and level headed enough to intervene in a situation like this and diffuse it well enough, and so from her perspective he had passed their 'application' portion and all that was left was the interview so to speak.

“Whew, it's a bit cold out this time of year, but the weather's fine, so as long as we found a way to keep ourselves warm…” This something which she was happy enough to leave in the hands of her wonderful wife whilst she herself kept their twin bundles of energy busy in the meantime, with the park now around them and the path which Lion had created dissipating into nothing she set each of her children down on the grass and smiled as she beckoned both them and their pet along with her, and then broke into a rather comical sprint a moment later.
“Wahaahahaa! I get first turn on the slide!” The brunette bounding onward as she afforded her beautiful black bride the chance to find a nice bench or something and get better acquainted with the new man in her life and doing so like something of a loon to boot, both her arms and her legs seemed to flail about in an absurd manner as she called to that childish spirit both verbally and visually, and all too soon was bolting across the grass with both the little ladies and their regal companion in tow…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2024 10:53 pm


With the invite confirmed by the raven-haired woman the underdressed blonde man picked up his pace to keep close to the family. Then he suddenly stopped and looked back to the group of teens he had left to talk and smiled, calling out to them with a wave. “Lads! Remember, men show respect. Violence comes when there’s no other choice. And Kyle! If those two start losing their way come and find me!” He raised his voice to get his words to them, but he did not shout, there was no need for aggression in this situation. With that the amnesiac turned and let the young men move on with their lives, having given them a promise that he would be there if they needed advice in the future. It wasn’t much but it was all  he could give, something from the heart that just felt like the right thing to say.

The portal closed behind him as he moved to keep close to the family again, his cane hitting the ground with a shaky thunk. He was listening to the woman speak, now free of children as she turned to business. Was she some sort of business owner wanting to offer him a branch he could use to craft spear that would let him tame his future?

“That’s the thing, I do not know. what I can do.” He said honestly, the frustration about not knowing who he was shining just slightly. “I woke up four months ago in the hospital with no memories of my life before that day. They say I was fished out of the bay by a member of Blue Pegasus.” The blond explained carefully as the pair reached a bench and the girls ran to the play area with their brunette mother. He paused as he watched them run, happy just to be together, making that pang in his heart return.

“I own nothing but the clothes I was given and this cane… the cold isn’t really bothering me at all. It actually feels pretty nice out.” Navi admitted with a shrug and a chuckle, the nurses think he is an icebergian so that would explain his tolerance to cold weather quite well. Maybe when snow started to fall, and a chill wind blew over the land he would feel the need to dress up in more layers but for now his open shirt and shorts were just fine.

“The only thing I really know about myself is what I am.” He looked at his hands and clenched them closed, his muscles bulging as the blood flow increased in intensity and pressure and then softening as he let his hands loosen. “Not who I used to be.” He whispered, a reseloute smile gracing his face as he looked up to watch the family play in the park.  

Navi: ffcc00
Athletic Bully: ff6666
Rotund Bully: cc6666
Kyle: 3399cc
Shop Keepers: 66ffff


Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Sat Feb 03, 2024 5:48 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Navi @Sofia | CASUAL WINTER

"Mmm, very interesting my love~...", Alisa hummed, nodding in approval as she sought her wife's gorgeous green gaze with a knowing smile, indeed already feeling tempted to recruit the man, but at the same time, she wasn't so boorish as to pressure a brand new acquaintance with invitations. She'd much preferred it when potential new members sought the guild out voluntarily than to artifically grow it with peer pressure.

It nurtured stronger, longer lasting bonds between members... Not to mention she didn't even know anything else about this man other than his boldness and sense of justice. And that he was good with children too~ So far, he'd been hitting every single mark. As they stepped through the portal and into the park, Alisa felt a cool, refreshing breeze washing over the exposed skin of her arms, leaving her long dark hair fluttering in tresses before she combed it behind her ear with one hand:

"Oh...?", and yet the man's response puzzled her to no end, her brow arching as she followed closely behind her beloved bride and their beautiful daughters, finding a bench close to the girls where she could see and watch them play with Sofia as she took a seat and crossed those long, denim clad legs in a smooth motion, a soft jostle of her bust as she rested into the back of the bench, "Ahhh, so you're the one he found on the beach. I'm sorry to hear... I can only imagine how lost your amnesia must leave you..."

Finally, a look of realization drew on her face as she remembered hearing a story from one of her guildmates a while ago, how they found an amnesiac man on the beach and brought him to the hospital. She never heard much on the topic after that:

"Mmm, who knows... Maybe you have some northern blood in you too~?", Alisa chimed as she patted the spot next to her on the bench, those luscious pink lips curling into a soft, teasing smile. She defenitely felt he had some icebergian features to him, not unlike Alisa with her tall stature, high cheekbones and pale complexion. She too hardly seemed bothered by the chill as evidenced by her sleeveless sweater, or how her chest rose and fell with deep, relaxed breaths of that cool air around them, "In that case... The best I could offer you is a place where you can slowly recover what you've lost. Where are you living now?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Sat Feb 03, 2024 10:29 pm


As the pair sat on the bench and just let the world pass by and the children, and their childish mother, play in the park, Navi let the weight of his problems sag from his shoulders as he relaxed. While the bench itself was a good seat, in the long term this was not comfortable in the slightest, his scarred body complained that the cool wood was too hard.

As they were talking the woman mentioned something about how she knew who had found him before going on to console him about his lost feeling. He looked over to the mousie haired woman and smiled. “Maybe, the doctors thought I could be Icebergian.” He said with a shrug. Then the important question came, one he was expecting but not one he was wanting to ignore. Where was he going to live?

“Well, here’s the thing.” He said, looking away into the park, where the view of the brunette and her kids came back. “I’ve got nothing, I was discharged this morning and told not to come back. What you see is all I’ve got.” Navi explained with a chuckle and smile, somehow deep down in his core he knew it could be worse and he could still bounce back with enough effort.

“I was going to try Blue Pegasus, but I don’t know what I can do, I think I have no magic, and to top it all off I am cursed.” His earlier chuckle returned with a vengeance, threatening to become a full on laugh. He leaned back and looked up into the clear blue skies and outstretched his arms across the back of the bench he was on. “Ursanthrope, or so the doctors called it. I’m a spooky werebear.” Navi uttered, not wanting those words to make their way to the kids, just in case it scared them like it did the more superstitious of the nurses.

Why was he opening this bleeding heart out to this stranger? Was it because he was just that down low? Or did that gut feeling that this woman and her wife were genuinely good people actually have legs to stand on? It was no matter in the long run, if she got scared, he would just leave Hargeon and make his way around. Life was what one made of it, and he had a clean slate.

Navi: ffcc00
Athletic Bully: ff6666
Rotund Bully: cc6666
Kyle: 3399cc
Shop Keepers: 66ffff


Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Mon Feb 05, 2024 11:00 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Navi @Sofia | CASUAL WINTER

Yup, that checked out... Sadly there wasn't much she could share with him about Icebergian culture, considering Alisa had been born and raised here in Fiore, in a small town near Orchidia.

"Mmmm, I'm sorry to hear that... Though I'm sure when you start recovering your memories, little by little you'll be able to pick up where you left off."

Alisa could do litte more than encourage him, which she did with a smile... At least until he mentioned the name of the Guild as a place he considered for employment, but refrained from seeking it out due to his precieved magical ineptitude:

"Oh there's plenty of ways to make a living at a Magic Guild even if you can't do any magic yourself? For starters, there's plenty of magical artifacts for non mages to wield, and if you'd liked to learn magic yourself...", Alisa chimed back, her smile brightening as reached out and rested her hand on his arm, a reassuring touch that made it clear he'd be welcome there if he so chose to make a living at the Guild, "There's no better place for it~?"

Members can freely decide which level of requests to handle, or even do some work around the Guild itself. But most requests didn't even specifically need a mage, but simply an able bodied sort to see them to completion:

"All in all, I think that's a wonderful idea... Not to mention~... If you joined Blue Pegasus, you'd get free lodgings at the Guild's living Quarters."

Yet nothing quite surprised her as much as what the man said next. Quite frankly, she'd never heard the word Ursanthrope. Her eyes flared for a moment there, utterly stunned as she quickly understood it to be some sort of Werebear, which the man quickly confirmed. But as those plush lips parted for a moment, that smile soon came back as she rose a graceful hand over her mouth, covering it as an elegant, melodious giggle left her lips:

"Fufu~... I'm surprised, most Lycanthropes I know would have never been so upfront about their... Abilities.", of course many of whom didn't even regard it as a curse, instead they chose to master their bestial transformation and draw power from it in combat. Perhaps even Navi had done so, at a point, but his amnesia, "In that case, let me put your mind at ease once more... Though I don't know of any werebears, there's a few Werewolves at the Guild, and many others with different supernatural powers."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Tue Feb 06, 2024 6:10 pm


WORDS: 320 | Bright and Easy  

“Mwahahahaa! I claim this swing set in the name of the great and powerful mommy empire~!” The depth and intensity of the conversation between Navi and Alisa clearly not reflected in how the girl with the green gaze and her daughters were behaving, Miss Serena seemed to grin and giggle with the maximum of her glower power as she played the baddie for her little heroes, and declared one of the pieces as her personal property to encourage them to express themselves better.
“Best me if you dare!” Happy to play and push them on the slides and sets and the like but sensing that at least one among their number wanted to indulge a more competitive streak, she knew all too well that both Marina and Jessica had inherited that thrill which their crystal commanding matrach carried in spades, and even if it was more likely for the latter to show it she wanted neither to feel stunted in a part of themselves.

“Ooooof!” In many ways glad for how she had pushed herself to develop her own abilities to be close to the level of her wondrous wife both because of the fact that she could watch the woman's back and for moments like these, unlike many in the town she was more than prepared to shrug off the force they could command with such a potent pedigree, and amused to play along as she found herself under attack by both of them to oversell their growing abilities.
“Ahhhhhhahahahaah!!!!” In a strange way as well finding that there was no one she would rather face in a fight than her darling daughters just for the chance she got to see this side to them and how they sharpened both their faces and focus, all the emerald eyed enchantress could do was gasp and laugh as they began to overwhelm her, before pulling each into her arms and rolling across the grass with them with an unceasing cackle…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Tue Feb 06, 2024 8:57 pm


The prospect of being given lodgings for being a member of Blue Pegasus was very appealing, especially if he could join and make use of magic items instead of his own magics. It was good, the idea of the guild being his new start in life was perfect. He had presented his bleeding heart to this woman when he should have held back some secrets, hidden his curse.

It was when she chuckled that he stopped his doubting about what secrets he had just spilled and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Just like her partner and children she had a great outlook on life and could see the bright side of everything! While she admitted Navi was the first Werebear that she had heard of or met, he was not the first were-person she or the guild had. This line was the last piece of the puzzle for him to figure out that this was a very high-ranking person in that guild.

“Well, when this shifted into a job interview, I did not expect to find out this curse was as widespread.” The bartender spoke with a relieved smile and a soft chuckle, his gaze shifting away from the ground and up to the other half and the children playing. Their laughter and joy washing over him in a relieving sense, that everything was going to be ok.

“I don’t know anything about the guild or its members, but I assume you are a pretty big shot. You carry yourself strong and you smell important.” He said explaining, leaning forward to lean his elbows on his knees and his chin on his raised hands. “You know everything about me but what name I’ve been going by… Call me Navi, I was found with a scrap of paper with that word scrawled on it in my hand.” The amnesiac admitted, now sitting up straight and offering an outstretched hand to shake, his arms showing evidence of plenty of scars.

Navi: ffcc00
Athletic Bully: ff6666
Rotund Bully: cc6666
Kyle: 3399cc
Shop Keepers: 66ffff


Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Thu Feb 08, 2024 8:01 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Navi @Sofia | CASUAL WINTER

"Fufufu~... I could watch the three of them all afternoon like this~?", Alisa merely giggled as she watched her beloved beauty playing villain for the ever, admiring how the ever spirited Jessica jumped at the chance to play hero and even the normally reserved Marina was laughing merrily as she joined in on the fun, the two tots doing their damndest to dislodge their mother and earn their place like this.

Alisa on the other hand, merely beamed at the three of them, for as much as she loved playing with them too, merely having a chance to watch them put a smile on her face, which she soon turned back to the man, the girl's lighthearted play easing the serious tone of the coversation:

"Oh far be it from me to call it widespread, but people posessing such powers often tend to find work in magic guilds like ours?", she added, even though she'd met a lot of werewolves, she also knew that the vast majority of werewolves she did know were members of either Blue Pegasus, or some other mages guild. That said, she arched her brow, surprised that an amnesiac could identify her so easily, "So, job interview hmm? What gave it away?"

Ultimately this notion should come as a reassurance to the lost man as Alisa crossed her legs, rubbing her temple, humbled by his words, and yet playing them off cooly with that ever nonchalant wit:

"Oh, that's just the Chanel~", she teased, resting her elbow on the back of the bench as she turned to face him, idly brushing a hand down her hair, before accepting his outstretched in the proper greeting they had yet to have, her skin soft and silky smooth, save for the callused knuckled and at the base of her fingers, "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Navi. Call me Alisa~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Fri Feb 09, 2024 11:16 pm


“Go easy on me, I’ve been a new man for just four months. That’s barely enough time to learn all the perfume brands the hot boss ladies use.” He jibed back to her, letting a dry chuckle rumble from his throat as his shoulders shook, trying to contain his mirth. The hand that shook his was impressively smooth, almost as if they had never worked a hard day in their life, though from his grasp he could feel her knuckles and the weapons that they were. His own hands despite the months of recovery were rough, looking as if they had been through wars and battles. His grip however was light and restrained, not out of fear that he’d crush her hands, but more from the practice of someone who instinctively knew how to cause harm with them.

“Well Alisa, if you will have me in your guild I will gladly follow a woman like you, and your other half.” He said, letting go to return to a lean, though most of his body was still facing hers as he let the hand fall onto his knees. “There’s one skill I retained… well picked back up. I seem to be a wizard behind a bar, mixing drinks to anyone’s tastes.” The werebear spoke, lacing his words with a sense of pride that many would find overpowering. He had learned that he had this skill after getting a few bottles from his nurses for a present to congratulate his rehabilitation. Those bottles were put to good use mixing cocktails for the many nurses that attended that party… this was the main reason he was getting discharged; it seemed his antics were a bad influence on the poor women of the hospital.

He returned his attention back to the kids, one of them being Alisa’s wife. “I suppose I could baby sit too, if you have to go out and do important things. ” He suggested, noticing how one was such a rowdy warrior for justice, the girl he had caught mid flying kick. Bundles of energy and well-intentioned good values, something that he enjoyed seeing, feeling like he was once similar. Being a part of helping those young lasses learn to channel their good natures as they grow into women would be an honour… It would be something that could potentially fill a massive hole that seemed to be so vast in his core that screams could echo into it. Then again being raised around a guild said to be as virtuous as Blue Pegasus would be more than enough for most people to take to the path of light and justice.

“Oh… what’re their names? I don’t wanna go offending these princesses now.” He said, chuckling again with a smile.

Navi: ffcc00
Athletic Bully: ff6666
Rotund Bully: cc6666
Kyle: 3399cc
Shop Keepers: 66ffff


Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Sun Feb 11, 2024 12:00 am


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Navi @Sofia | CASUAL WINTER

"Fufu~... Flatterer~", she teased, chiming back with a wink, her arms folding under the fullness of her bust right after that handshake, with which she could feel but a smidge of the arduous life the werebear had lived before he found his way to their shores, absent his memories. She found no offense in that light handshake as she knew some might have, for she had fought enough battles to understand when somebody was holding back. Even though he'd forgotten his past, certain instincts yet clung to him, and these felt like that of a powerful man repressing his strength, "Mmmm, I'm glad to hear that... If you'd like I can guide you there right now...?"

That effectively validated her thoughts, that Guild life would be good for Navi. He must be used to being stronger than his peers, so no doubt he'd feel more at home with those who rivalled his own strength, somewhere he wouldn't feel like he was putting people in danger. Though he may not recall much of his own skills, one specific mention made her brow arch:

"Oh? You were a bartender? There's not enough of them back at the guild, you can be sure about that. Fairy Tail has all the fame for heavy drinking, but Blue Pegasus really isn't much different. Why, you'll find drinks there you've probably never even seen before?", and now that Alisa was talking about heavy drinkers... She was one of them... Maybe it was the icebergian blood, but save for those nine months when she carried one of their daughters, Alisa had been a big drinker since adulthood. Of course, she preferred wine to heavier drinks, even if she was not above partaking in those too, "My~... Babysitting and bartending is hardly the most recommendable mixture, you know?"

Alisa giggled once more, a sly, teasing smile on her face as she pointed it out... For the most part, she too had her eyes on her beloved daughters, to whom she'd taught only the very basics of her skills in martial arts... Much of the power they now shown was their own:

"The one you caught is Jessica, she's the youngest. I suppose she loves fighting a little too much, but if you try to train her, she just soaks up everything you have to teach her. The older one is Marina. She looks a little withdrawn but she can be just as fierce as her sister~... Especially if her sister is involved, after all... She's quite protective.", both girls were already growing into prodigious martial artists, but personality wise, they couldn't be more different.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Mon Feb 12, 2024 9:17 pm


The wear bear nodded at the acknowledgement that he could slot in well to the guild as a bartender, though he shook his head at the teasing about that and baby sitting not being the best of combinations. Maybe not but they were not mutually exclusive to one’s time now, were they? He laughed out loud at the idea of trying to serve drinks with the boisterous red head trying to copy him from a stool to the side, a thought that sent an errant pang of guilt through his heart.

He calmed down in time to hear the names and get a rough outline of the personalities of the girls, but not their other mother. That should come in time, something Navi wasn’t going to press for… though it may just become so awkward if he never actually hears her name… A nickname will have be to made up for her in that case. “Jessica and Mariana, cute names. You must be proud of them, all three.” He joked, noting that the eldest of the girls over there was acting just as childish in her play.

“If you’ll have me Alisa, I’ll gladly work for Blue Pegasus.” Navi announced, shifting to stand up from the bench and to lean on his cane, stretching his legs as best he could. Deep in his bones he was eager to find a place to lie his head and call his own as a base of operations to eventually pursue exploring this new world.

“And I think I will take you up on any sort of magic lessons, I can feel a burning deep in my bones for adventure.” Navi added, his smile turning to that of a predator, wide and toothy. It was the smile of a thrill seeker about to jump from an air ship, a warrior moments before battle. He offered the woman a hand to help her up from the bench and to her own feet so they could keep the talk going as they walked. Maybe getting to know the other half of hers and their children.

Navi: ffcc00


Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Wed Feb 14, 2024 11:18 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Navi @Sofia | CASUAL WINTER

"Fufu~... Indeed, them and Sofia are my most precious treasures~", Alisa giggled, all but beaming as she looked at her daughters and her beloved belle, the joke not lost on her as she admired how happy Sofia looked playing with their daughters. And she could only nod at Navi as he accepted the proposition, "And we're happy to have you~"

With this, Alisa brushed a loose lock behind her ear then offered the man a hand. They'd already shared introductions, but had had yet to be formally introduced to the guild. Of course, there were still the more official procedures such as getting stamped, and the boring old paperwork, but the latter at least, was more for Alisa to handle than anybody else. Dreaded bureocracy took up 99% of her time as Guildmaster:

"Then, allow me to formally welcome you to Blue Pegasus. We can take care of your guild mark and accomodations when we get back to the Guild Hall~?"

Turning her gaze back to Sofia, Alisa waved at them, letting her know the two of them had finished their talk, at least, about as much of it as they could have at the park. In the end the man needed a place to stay, and as new member of the Guild, they still had to show him around:

"I'd be thrilled to teach you if you'd like?", Alisa returned that grin, her eyes narrowing as she knew that look all too well~... She associated it with hunger for battle, but in her mind, you really can't have one without the other. One can hardly hope to face strong foes without going on an adventure, and all the same, it's not really an adventure without insurmountable challenges to overcome, "Granted, my style of magic is more suited for close combat than your typical mage."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Thu Feb 15, 2024 8:59 pm


WORDS: 320 | Bright and Easy

“Teeheeheee, whew! apparently the Mommy Empire has a critical flaw?” The princess of the Pegasi showing an almost pet-like quality when she caught sight of her wonderful wife waving to her, the beryl eyed beauty nodded and then bounded back to the pair with her daughters in tow, or more accurately riding on the back of the majestic creature she called her companion, as the three were so prone.
“It's powerless against girls called Marina and Jessica~?” The emerald eyed enchantress explaining the situation as she brushed the sheen of exertion from her brow and allowed her breath to catch up with her a bit after a particularly rambunctious session with the two girls, she let loose a heavy breath as she admitted that the whole battle had been quite the one sided affair, and that there was no power within the Sofia-verse which could stand up to her daughters when they wanted something. Gosh, she was never going to be much of a disciplinarian, was she?

“As an act of appeasement, it has decided to provide all with sweet frozen treats, to smooth over hostilities~?” Not that she felt there was much wrong with doting on her darlings when the worst of their problems seemed to be an abundance of energy and enthusiasm and a desire to emulate their impressive and well known mothers, with some of that out of their system now and the discussion between Alisa and their new friend apparently wrapping up, it seemed to be the perfect time for them to consider their options for dessert.
“So, what's everyone having~?” The leggy lass even tempted to go and fetch their sweet treats ahead of time but deciding it was better to get everyone's order before she did so, though she was curious as to what exactly her ebony haired enchantress and this stranger had talked about Miss Serena knew she would find out in time, after all. I mean, they shared everything, right~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Sun Feb 18, 2024 9:47 pm


The grizzled werebear nodded at the idea of the paperwork getting sorted when the group got the guild hall, and he could be formally inducted as a member to the Guild Blue Pegasus. This meeting had to be an act of fate or some sort of divine intervention, it was almost too good to be true that he met a high-ranking member of Blue Pegasus the day he left the hospital with nothing to his name and no where to live. From everything he had read in his four months recovering and from his gut instinct this was going to need to be repaid some time later, or something was going to bite him in the ass… maybe not as hard as being left to float barely clinging to life as his old memories vanished.

“Do I look like a man that shied away from close combat in my old life?” Navi asked with a laugh, shaking his head as a playful smile came to grace his face. “No, it’s in my bones to use my hands and claws to tear through my enemies” The amnesiac explained now his quick bark of laughter had died down, the amusement in his voice with how sure he was in this surprised him. Old instincts died hard it seemed.

His train of thought was interrupted when Sofia and the kids came, bringing with them a childish energy that was refreshing. “The Mommy empire sounded like a serious threat to the alliance of princesses, they had to use all their powers it would seem.” Navi joked, noting how the kids seemed to be just a little bit more tired now that they had their play time. Again, that pang of longing rushed through his heart at the thought of a potential family of his own, as if some deep recess in his heart was screaming out, but about what he did not know.

“Anything that is not grape flavoured. I have an irrational hatred for the things.” Navi said, his smile vanishing and his tone taking a steely note as he voiced his dislike for the accursed things. He didn’t know why he hated them, but one doctor seemed to think it was his werebear curse that drove a primal instinct… were grapes even poison to bears? It would make some lick of sense if that were the case.

Navi: ffcc00


Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:11 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Navi @Sofia | CASUAL WINTER

"Mmm~... I have a feeling we'll get along swimmingly~?", Alisa winked, her plush lips widening into a smile, already sensing Navi would be perfect fit for the kind of lessons she taught.

Of course, thoughts of combat faded from her mind when she caught sight of her girls returning to her side, and Alisa uncrossed her legs and stood up. Instead she just beamed as she watched her girls returning on Lion's back, and she couldn't help but reach our, stroking his mane and then reaching out with a tissue to wipe some of the specks of dirt on their daughter's faces.

"Heavens~... You girls will need a change of clothes once we get back."

They looked so happy though. More than worth ruining a few outfits for that:

"Fufufu~... Mommy empire will have to rebuild her cuddle power before she dares to take on the beloved princesses once more~", Alisa could only giggle as she raised her hand gracefully over her mouth, watching Sofia approach as she slipped her arms around her lover and pulling her in for a slow, loving smooch to her lips, utterly enthralled by the endering image of her beloved girls playing together, "Mmmmn~... I think I'll have something sweet... Strawberry and chocolate~?"

Though she was no stranger to shows of affection with her wife in front of her daughters, and she could hear the girls giggle at them, she was much to polite to have Navi sit through it as she simply let her arm linger around her waist for a moment there as she turned her attention back to him, her brow arching in curiosity:

"Hmm, that's an... Oddly specific aversion if I ever heard one~...", Alisa rubbed her temple ever so slightly, surprised, sensing there might be some story behind that but for now at least saving that for next time, "I'll remember not to give you any wine but... I'm sure we can find some beverage to suit your palate?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Old Dogs, New Tricks [Navi, Alisa, Sophia] Empty Tue Mar 05, 2024 3:26 pm


WORDS: 420 | OUTCOME: BLAZE IT | TOTAL: 2060 | Bright and Easy  

“Heehee, hard to say which of us they take after more when it comes to energy and enthusiasm, right babe~?” Their new friend right when he said that for the moment the hype in their little ladies activity had been largely diminished by the play they had done with their over the top mommy, in all honesty while Sofia might have liked to take the credit for the abundance of vigour that their little firecrackers possessed given her on the whole bubblier nature, given what she had seen of her lady love in more rigorous moments the brunette was not quite sure if they took after her or their other mommy really.
“Heeheehee, that might take some pretty thorough recharging, babe~?” Seeming to lean into such a feeling when her fellow femme suggested that they all might need some manner of snuggly supply for recuperation, the girl with the green gaze couldn't help but grin and giggle as she contemplated more than a couple of manners which seemed to bring out and recover the best of her stamina, which she was happy to allude to both with a wild look and a stolen smooch as well while they had a quiet moment.

“Mmmmm, that sounds tasty… I might have to try that too~?” Not that she wished to impose upon either their lovely lasses or their new acquaintance too much as she did so and so while she felt a shiver running up her spine Miss Serena keeping their kiss short and sweet, either this little taster or the suggestion which Alisa made for her snack seemed to leave the leggy lass licking at her lips with anticipation for what was to come, and she made a note to remember that even if her heart was swayed by impulse in the moment she get a chance to have a little nibble on her wife's option all the same.
“Grape seems a really weird flavour for ice cream? Can't say I've ever seen it…? Probably a good thing, huh? Come on girls! Let's go grab some yummies~” The brow of the beryl-eyed beauty arching to one side however when Navi seemed to ask only that one did not dip into a flavour for which he seemed to bear some hatred, on balance it seemed a good thing that even in these times of avante garde experimentation with flavours one's standard issue venue had never plucked from the vine so to speak, and so it seemed the blonde would be set in that area, right~?


Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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