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The Blizarding Storm 3

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The Blizarding Storm 3 Empty Sat Jan 20, 2024 6:09 pm


Temu and his men, a trope of bandits hidden within the Erling Peak mountains, did as they said they would. And in one night, they made a hit on Larkspur village. A village that was not too far from their base, known for making very luxurious fabrics from an age-old technique passed down through the people from within. It would be this talent and the value of their goods that would often attract the desire of bandits around them. And that village also became privy to protecting themselves and their goods, they could only do so much with their limited resources and people.

So when the day came that a budding Daemon had come on a previous attack, offering her continued protection, the village chief quickly took it. And the two maintained a lovely friendship since Butch Anova the chief often sent fabrics to the Daemon's mother and invited her for meals and gifts. It was a small thing they could do as the Daemon helped them so much in protecting and maintaining their wares. And it was no bother to Lumi, the Daemon at the time, at all as she was content charging herself as the protector as she already was the most frequent of the Dawn to handle these quests. She eventually came to see the territory as her own, more so since she became a Demon.


Last edited by Lumikki on Tue Mar 19, 2024 1:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Blizarding Storm 3 Img_8011

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The Blizarding Storm 3 Empty Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:07 pm


Temu, a man who ran his crew, was running. Due to tough times and poor choices, they were led to make a deal with the worst kind of people. Another better-off band is called the Scraglers. And with things getting hard and the tipping point leaning toward a singular point, they were becoming desperate.


The footsteps echoed loudly within the cavern as a young man ran. There wasn't a lot of activity besides him racing through the halls, so besides his steps and calls for Temu, things were relatively quiet. The walkway within was illuminated with torches, stretched apart around two and a half meters apart. Just enough to grant the residents vision as they moved around. And as Ern ran through, many of the stationed bandits there would poke their heads or turn to face him. Curious about the reason for his loud disturbance.

" Ern!", he would hear toward the end of his journey. Finally, the one he called for is also making his way toward him. " What is the need to make all the noise from the other side of the mountain? Nothing in your route should have been that important." Temu was walking out of his room, the place where he made plans and sorted the things gathered. But he could not focus with the insistent echoes bouncing off the walls of the man calling out his name repeatedly.

" Its Ro! He told me to tell ya that black snow is falling and that the witch is coming! But I didn't know what it meant and the man looked shocked. He says we gotta leave. Oh, but there's been a bunch of blackbirds showing up all day too! Temu what do we do?"


The Blizarding Storm 3 Img_8011

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The Blizarding Storm 3 Empty Sat Jan 20, 2024 11:54 pm


" Slow, slow down Ern. He said what?!" Temu was taken aback and now trying to catch his bearings as his man brought him back to speed.

"It's Ro sir! The man said we needed to get out. Something about a black snow and witch." Ern was now taking a moment to catch his breath. With his hands on his knees, he was heaving until his breathing relaxed. But the nerves he brought with him had not carried over to Temu instead. He was calm enough before but he was growing short of breath himself. The man's mind raced as he tried to work out what he would do next.

"Are you certain Ern, that's what he said?" Temu was spiraling in his panic but he still tried to hold it all together. "I saw the snow for myself boss, I'm certain...." Ern had answered him, confirming his worries. Temu began trying to run the scenarios in his mind. He had some plans prior, so he was not entirely stranded. But his nerved seized him quickly as he didn't figure she'd find out so quickly.

Temu, whose posture was tense and slumped, would now stand back up in full. He would take a deep inhale, holding his breath for a moment before letting out a boisterous laugh. His face so haunted prior looked confident and revitalized again. "Ern, I'll need you to listen carefully. We don't have a lot of time and this will be one of our biggest jobs yet."


The Blizarding Storm 3 Img_8011

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The Blizarding Storm 3 Empty Sun Jan 21, 2024 4:23 pm


" We are coming up to it now Revna, it's just over there. Seems they disturbed the flock too." Gunvlad her more bloodthirsty raven beside her said, he was the one who had been investigating the nearby bandits for some time. And with the assistance of her other birds, have been watching their every move. It was also he who reported it back to Lumikki about their actions. The attack was only the night before, but the men below could not possibly be prepared to think that the Demoness would work so quickly. Though this was part of the design, Gunvald waited for the moment that they confirmed their fate so that he was sure they would be condemned from her vengeful fury. And with that, the unkindness swarms around the harpy-like Demoness as she soars toward their destination.

” Every bird drop would only add to the destruction caused…We need to hurry.” Lumikki only picked up her speed, almost blurring as she streaked through the sky. The blizzard picked up viciously, the snow was now beating down almost making it hard to see what was in front of you. And mixed with the storm were her ravens all swarming together. They ebbed and flowed together, weaving past the black snow as they were just about to make it to the hideout.

Ro who was watching the scene unfold in the sky thought better of staying out there any longer. The witch was here and he couldn’t do much about it. He lacked the weapons and the magic to handle her, and so he finally ran back inside. But not without shutting the doorway before he went, rendering the entry to be camouflaged with the rest of the stone surrounding. A gesture that was for not, for the birds were already aware of all the ways in and out.


The Blizarding Storm 3 Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

The Blizarding Storm 3 Empty Sun Jan 21, 2024 7:35 pm


Ro Rand down the path much like the one Ern did before, ending up in the same place. His pace was rushed, but not so haphazardly as he raced through the caverns. A lot of the other men were now heading over as well, so it was looking like they were all being informed. But Ro had more information to give them before they could proceed on and he was hoping to cut through the crowd and make his was through back to Temu.

“Ro‽” A familiar voice called out to him as he was pushing men aside, trying to move through the growing crowd. It was Ern, and to this he rejoiced, trying to shift his path toward him.” It looks like you passed the word mate! Good on ya. What does Temu have planed?” He wasn’t so informed on the leaders plans to clear out, since this all happened so fast there was hardly time to plan a way out.

“ He said that there was a way out only he knew, just in case something like this happened. Figured it was better to keep it on the hush in case one of us slipped up or got caught. But we still don’t know where that is, Temu just told me to tell everyone that were clearing out soon. He should almost be done knocking the rest out though, he was in his room last I saw him.”

“ Alright, good, good. I’ll make my way over and meet the rest of the top brass. Hopefully we could get all this sorted.” He began to push through the crowd once more, with a little bit of his tension eased but not enough to erase his apprehension. He needed to tell him that she was here now and not only that, the black birds are everywhere.

307_1383 35% wcr from armor and ring

The Blizarding Storm 3 Img_8011

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