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The Blizarding Storm 2

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The Blizarding Storm 2 Empty Fri Jan 19, 2024 9:58 am


Once the shock manage to leave him, Ro sprung back into action. Raising his gun, he took aim for the ravens clustered in the sky. For what reason? Even he did not yet know. But the sight of the black bird swarming and churning in the sky brought a sick feeling into his stomach.

Ro didn’t know exactly what he had planed, even if he shot the ravens high above him, it wouldn’t resolve his growing problem. It would only cement the destruction the Witch would inflict once she got here. And so his mind would race with better options to pursue.

When all this began to brew, Ro already had a notion that it would be a bad idea. Temu and the only more ambitious members of their band were the ones who thought and pushed the plan. They observed for a small bit of time, a village that exported a lot of fabrics. Ones that could strike them a decent stream of jewel. What more, there were no other bandits settled around this territory. So as far as they were concerned, it was an easy hit and time was spent preparing the band to take their target.

Ro has been in the game longer than he would like, and unlike the others who were blinded by the prospect of easy wealth, he was more privy to get around and hear the stories. The man was no stranger to the North, he’s spent quite some time here. Though he was gone for a while, when he returned he found that not many things changed. But what did shift in his absence could not be overlooked either in importance or prominence. See Paradise Dawn was not the power that it was today when the man walked the streets and their influence was becoming aggressive. So when the others drew up their plans about the village and all that surround them, their narrow focus kept them with only certain things in mind. Meanwhile Ro would take to methods he found more useful, one being the simple strategy of actuality asking around. He had a tendency to be found in the taverns of all corners. Drinking his fill and running his mouth. But it was all for a purpose, he was not daft. His bravado varied when it needed to, all so that he could get what ever information would be most useful at the moment.


Last edited by Lumikki on Tue Mar 19, 2024 1:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Blizarding Storm 2 Img_8011

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The Blizarding Storm 2 Empty Fri Jan 19, 2024 10:31 am


And it would be in these taverns that he would hear more about the witch in question and the real nasty piece of work she was. Paradise Dawn was known for their heavy hitters. Yuurei the Warden of the Dawn for one was like a shooting start blazing all around him. You didn’t have to be in the North to hear all about him and how deadly a bad encounter with him could be. Brone the shield of the Dawn was another in the pantheon. A dwarf who not only managed to maintain being an equal with the Seraphim, but also ascend to the status and form of a race thought to be long lost. It was easy to say that the North had their heroes but one would think when slinking on the frills of the boarders, that if they crime were not egregiously stepping on such heroes toes then perhaps they could make out clean. The outstretches of Erling Peak were very well known to house bandits and it has done as such for quite a many years now. It they were allowed to exist amongst the territory of the Dawn, then there must be a decent chance to make profit still. Just as long as you were smart and your base was hard to find.

And perhaps they could have been right. The responsibilities of the king would keep him focus on matters more important. And the protection of the guildhalls was often the shield’s usual priorities. There were other members of the Dawn yes, quite a few worthy of note yes, but none really echoed in the stories that remained in people’s mind like the rising duo.

That was at least, until the Demon was born.


The Blizarding Storm 2 Img_8011

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The Blizarding Storm 2 Empty Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:54 pm


The witch could go either way. There were stories of her vices and virtues. Her climb was fast and steep, but it was hardly surprising as the Paradise Dawn was becoming known for their monsters. More so after the decline of Sleeping Calamity. There were tales of her ravens and magic, how she even wiped out a village that wronged her. Her fury was easy to garner if one crossed her path, and that was when she was still a Daemon, as now she had somehow returned more demented than ever before. Ro wasn’t pleased with the information he gathered. Not in the case for the safety of his band and his cut, but the fools that riled the rest with dreams of easy money overturned him. Calling them nothing but empty stories to scare the bandit out of the North.

“ You really should hear me out, or maybe get out more and check for yourself. You’re sending these men to their deaths if you don’t plan better. I even heard stories of when she cleared out hideouts before. And that’s just assuming she comes alone!” Ro pleaded with his mates with all that he had but even his patience was waning. And to his relief, they finally heeded him. Temu was pulling back and holding out the operation for the moment, but it would be on Ro to find a job to replace it.

“ Find work isn’t hard for me, it ain’t like I’m green.” Ro spoke with the life returned to him. And he made good on his word. They were fine for some time, so much so that they forgot about those original plans for a while. That was until things became desperate. Their gigs were drying up rapidly, and the safe ones were beginning to get scarce. It was a series of botched jobs by inexperienced men mixed with the growing clutch of the witch in the Woodsea. The band couldn’t find a break and Temu was putting together the plans once more.

“ Listen Temu, you’re gonna have to give it time. We can push through this or move on!” Ro was once again pushing at his wits end. He knew the consequences of the man’s plans, and though the Demon leaves them alone, but this won’t be the case for long.

“ Ro, listen! I understand what you’re saying. But the debt we have to the Scragers must be paid! If we don’t do this, we’re dead anyway, but if we get it right?! If we pull this off‽ Then maybe we could hold them back longer….” Temu was distraught and tired, but he was also set on his plans. The man was at his brink and a solution was needed now. If Ro could not find them another job, then this would be their only route. It was time to see if they could get away with stealing from the witch’s territory.

" You know well enough that there are other options, you've just been set on this place from the start! Really Temu, I can't with you.....Look....I'm sitting this one out. If you guys are gonna take this hit, then someones going to have to protect the hatch while you're gone and I won't be relying on a green to do it..." Ro stood up and gathered himself along with his things. Getting himself ready leave the room and be done with it. But Temu tried to stop him. " Ro! You know it's not like that, and you know Ima need you on this gig. I can't rely on many people to carry their weight on this one and we're gonna need all the guys who know the work to get her done!" He tried to grab for Ro's arm just the moment he was passing through the door, but Ro wasn't having it and shook him off.

" Me on a shit job like that won't make a difference, and when the witch comes knocking on our door for it, that'll be when you need me the most. If you think this is the way to do it fine, dig the graves. But I'll be sure to actually do something practical on my end, see if I can cut into the damage you're racking us up on..."

Ro left, heading for a spot among the mountain only he had known. So that he could be left alone with his thoughts and he mulled over the consequences.

1300+ 35% wcr due to armor and ring

Curtain Call

The Blizarding Storm 2 Img_8011

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