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A Raven kills the curious Cat

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A Raven kills the curious Cat Empty Tue Jan 16, 2024 7:25 pm


Though Lumi lost a lot of her empathy for humans and the like, she would admit still that she didn't entirely enjoy killing them needlessly. She would also find this job to be quite distasteful for her standards, as it violated what she saw as honorable. But the disdainful Demoness would continue to take the work on for one reason, and one reason at all. And that was to see how this would all fall apart.

Zimnur desired to get this goal of his at all costs. With all the lies and the dirty work, sure Lumi was attributing a lot of the efforts, but wasn't that the nature of a Demon? Grant the mortals their power so that they could secure their desires? She figured that although this means work more groundwork than she enjoyed, it gave her the experience to be more grander later. She was only now cultivating the skill to hold her side of bargains and deals and she was enjoying this kind of exchange. More so she was learning the means of aiding one build power, especially the enriching experience of having a hand in the corrupted kind, so that she could better understand the kind of ruin certain Demons favor.

Things she never cared to entertain as a Daemon, she was still grounded in her culture then. And though such things may not have yet left her, she was still excited to explore.


A Raven kills the curious Cat Img_8011

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A Raven kills the curious Cat Empty Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:11 pm


" It truly honors me, every time really, when you call on me for such things my Revna. I am glad to be the bird on your side when things get dark." Gunvald was speaking with such elation in his words, that he was almost singing his syllables. He meant with a lot of sincerity all the things that he said. Gunvald knew all too well that the other birds preferred to maintain a light grey view of things. They were understanding of their Revna's carnage, but they were not entirely keen on all the darkness. It was not that they were a particularly virtuous sort, they were ravens capable of gleefully picking apart corpses. But they were creating an air of prominent council around their wings, a with such a desire, it was hard for Lumikki to want to announce every one of her moves. Or at least have around the times that things get ugly.

" Giddy aren't we. But I cannot say I don't want yer company. It seems the fool now wants me to take care of a noisy kitty for him. I wonder just how deep he'll dig the hole for himself. I wonder just how far he plans to go." Lumikki was hidden in her raven's form as she flew to the cave she had been to before. The wolves that she chased off used to reside here, and this was where all this madness began. Now it would be a tomb for the kitty to come.

All because she was putting her nose where it didn't belong....yet the Demoness could not blame her. It was for the sake of her people, and now she would die for it. But this girl would only soak him further in his ruin, and for that, Lumikki had to make this count. She had to savor every last drop of the suffering to come.


A Raven kills the curious Cat Img_8011

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A Raven kills the curious Cat Empty Wed Mar 20, 2024 12:02 pm


Gaksi came with a torch in hand so that she could pluck every detail of the scene. With hope that she would uncover a lie, she got to work observing the obvious first before trying to seek the more obscure details. Only there would be nothing of note to see. There was hardly a battle to be shown anywhere, and whatever did happen was long tucked away. There were no details to seek or secrets left to uncover. But her night would be far from simple and anti-climactic.

Lumi swooped down with silent wings, shifting to her hybrid form as she got close. Gaksi though focused and immersed was not so distract that she was caught unaware. With a swift turn of her own, she pulled out a dagger to impale the harpy. But the ice that coated her skin would hardly be scratched by such an attack.

Lumi held Gaksi by the throat now. Promptly freezing her airway shut as to not have to hear a word of it. And the pain and anger of Gaksi‘s face would be all she had to utter before fading away.

Lumi picked up the fallen torch as a surge of her ravens entered for the meal. Picking off her corpse quick and clean to the bone in just a few hours. Tenevi was tasked with tossing away the rest further to the North where the bandits hid, while Lumi picked up her payment.

“ I wonder if it was all worth it Zimnur,” Lumi would utter in the voice of the dead girl. A jest to unnerve him for the crimes he was committing as he handed her the reward. It sent a chill up his spine and seized his throat, so harsh he would drop the pouch. ” Good…..may ye see her in yer dreams Zimnur.”

305_850 +50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion.

Curtain Call

A Raven kills the curious Cat Img_8011

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