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Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline]

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Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Tue Nov 21, 2023 4:39 pm


WORDS: 400 | Shiver Me Timbers!

Name: Lovecraft Would Love This

Rank: S

Type: Good

Alisa Vollan: The Demon Slayer Master of Blue Pegasus, caught out at sea with her beloved wife. As a talented Slayer of demons, it falls to her to nip this evil in the bud.
Sofia Serena: The Heavenly water mage of Blue Pegasus, caught out her sea with her beloved wife. As the princess of a seafaring nation of explorers, she'll need her experience to help survive this storm.

Summary: As they get close to the end though, a massive hand pushes through the portal, forcing it wider as the entitiy climbs out. They realize they're standing in front of Dark God Malum, and their only hope is to hold back the god with whatever magic they have, push it back long enough for Alisa to finish closing the portal. In the midst of battle, Alisa and Sofia grievously wound the god, forcing it to reel back while ALisa closes the portal, cutting off the god's arm in the process.

Others: Does the quest involve other non-player characters? If so, mention them here.

Malum, Friendly neighbourhood Evil God: Their appearance here a fruit of Furtur's labours, Malum is a being beyond your comprehension. You can't even fathom what they intend to do in Earthland, but you'd rather not find out.

  • 10 SP
  • 500 Fame
  • 500,000 Jewels
  • 15,000 Experience

  • As you get closer to the portal, you'll see a massive hand pushing its way through.
  • The entity stretches the portal wider as it forces its way through.
  • Realizing Furtur's goal may actually come to pass even, do everything you can to stop it.
  • You're not sure what manner of God is trying to come through, and you don't want to find out.
  • Try to push the being back, keeping it from coming through as you close the portal.
  • The portal will close before the God reaches Earthland, collapsing and severing its arm.

“I think… I think we did it babe?” The sight of the portal seeming to destabilize and diminish something which Miss Serena seemed to certain welcome, the emerald eyed enchantress looked to her lady love and let loose a breath of relief now that she knew that the job they had come her to do here was now done, and squeezed the mitt of her mate happily as she realized that the long road which had brought them from their home finally seemed to be at an end.
“It's finally…!” Huffing and smiling as a tear or two joyful relief seemed to creep from the corners of her eyes, the beryl beauty glanced back to the rift in space and perhaps time as well just to confirm that everything had been taken care of, and perhaps regretted doing that almost as much as she did accepting their victory. After all, the universe did so love to surprise them, right~?

“What is that…?” The siren certainly feeling no shortage of surprise as a strange and dark thing seemed to thrust itself through the opening at what was probably the very last moment, for a moment Sofia could barely believe what she was seeing before her as such a large object of mystery seemed to warp and distort before her eyes, for a moment it barely seemed to have any shape at all before it finally seemed to divide and branch and take the form of something which almost looked like a claw. Though the size and the strangeness of it certainly seemed to spell out the idea that it was like none of their world.

“Is that… A hand…?” Instead such a protrusion seeming to defy definition as it formed into fingers which seemed to writhe about like the arms of an octopus which was being bound only by the trunk from which it bloomed, the latter seemed wedged within the rend between dimensions and thankfully finally seemed to quell the transfer of those innumerable imps, yet there seemed to be no victory in that fact. Instead it seeming that the endpoint was only further away as those dark digits seemed to flex and a large and glowing eye opened on what would otherwise be the palm of the mitt, the witch of the water could only shiver as she looked toward something which seemed to look back at her, and see so very much as it did so…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Sat Dec 02, 2023 6:31 am



"Mmmm, we really did it~...", Alisa nodded, echoing her lover's words as she smiled trimuphantly, thrilled by the sight of the portal slowly flickering before their eyes, destabilized. She slipped an arm around her lover and held her close, fighting back to the urge to pull her into a deep, loving kiss...

Not yet... To soon to celebrate. Though she smiled at the apparent triumph, a nudging wariness demanded she keep her eyes on the portal up until the very last moment. Like a side of her that wouldn't feel completely at ease until the menace had well and truly collapsed into nothingness, and the storm around them starting to subside. This excess caution rarely proved more than mere paranoia, but this time, her fears proved very much valid:

"Get back, Sofia...!!", Alisa called out to her, sensing the stirring beyond the portal thanks to the magical sensory abilities of her eyes, a eerie sensation shooting up her spine. Her eyes flared out... Whatever was coming was bigger and far more menacing than any demon they'd ever faced here, or during the demonic invasions themselves, "Those demons were trying to summon something... So whatever it is that's pushing through here. Is either their God, or something else seizing the opportunity. No matter what, we can't let it cross!!"

Reflexively, Alisa stepped between her luscious lover and the portal, just as a large, massive hand thrust out through the hole, like a new interdimensional invader feeling out his new domain... And with a swipe of her hand, conjured a colossal magic circle under the portal, instantly engulfing the hand in a pure white crystalline pulse of magic. For a moment, the invading limb froze in place, perfectly still under the pure, crystalline white... But all too quickly it shattered the crystal binding it in place, revealing the same pure black hand, oozing a foul miasma of darkness magic... That eye on the palm of the hand opened once more, recognizing the two women not so much as proper foes... But mere annoyances, much like how a human would regard an ant scurrying up their arm... The hand's fingers pointed at the two of them... And fired two powerful pulses of darkness magic at the two of them!

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Wed Dec 06, 2023 7:19 am


WORDS: 380 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“A god…?” The valerican vixen showing an unusual and reflexive obedience to the imperative which Alisa gave her in how she seemed to halt her movement and pull backward because of it, while there were few people who she might have obeyed so immediately and instinctively the bond she shared with her bride was such that any decision that the dark dish made was tantamount to her own, and so in spite of her eerie curiosity she held back and merely eyed the oddity and found it looking back toward her through the eyes which it spawned from that mingling and mangled flesh it was made form.
“Damn, that must be one hella freaky religion, right~?” The warning she was given also seeming to prove all too necessary as well when the ebony enchantress unleashed a crystalline barrier which the bizarre being broke through in a mere instant, though Miss Serena shot off a line to try and settle their mood she couldn't help but feel the hairs on the back of her neck standing as she looked toward it and it looked toward her, and then something happened which she did not quite expect.

"Well, well... Seems that I have a visitor~?
Wouldn't you say it's rude to march into my realm without calling in advance, Malum~?"

A voice seeming to pick up as if it were being carried upon the wind from somewhere more distant though in this case perhaps the waves the medium of its motion, something seemed to echo about Sofia and speak in a manner which seemed to be surprisingly warm and friendly to her ears, though certainly not without carrying a certain sense of pride and authority along with it.
“Did you hear that? Is it… Talking to us?” This not the only thing which seemed to come along with those words either as the ground below them began to rumble and quiver as if a quake was rippling with each and every syllable spoken, though the water witch knew that she should fling herself into the action she couldn't help but find herself distracted by a tone which felt almost familiar even if she had never heard it before, and turned to her lover in confusion. Was this monster trying to weave some charming spell upon them, or something…?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Sat Dec 23, 2023 6:08 am



"Not any religion I'd ever pledge my soul to, that's for sure...!", Alisa chimed back as she fired back with her own spell, deflecting the being's own strike.

Though she grew more and more familiar with her weapon as time went on, she gritted her teeth, visibly struggling with bringing it to bear. Even now their plan hadn't changed... She needed to slash away at that portal until she completely destroyed it, but with that.. Thing shoving its arm through... She couldn't get close!

"Mm? I didn't hear anything my love... Do you think that... That thing is trying to talk to us?", she didn't hear anything, but as Sofia's words reached her ears, Alisa turned her gaze back, watching just in time as a flurry of tentacles protuded from the being's outstretched arm, to which the sculptress stepped in and sliced them all away.

Alisa didn't know what being this was... But as her blade connected with the being's myriad attacks, she felt a name reverberating through every inch of her body, down to the core. There weren't many gods known for oozing such malice and appetite of destruction... One of them in particular was known to be worshipped by demons all across earthland... Could it be?

"Wha...?! This... Doesn't look like the portal's doing.", but even Alisa couldn't miss the rumbling all around them, as though the very ocean itself was fighting back against the invader.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Sat Jan 06, 2024 9:56 am; edited 1 time in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Sun Dec 24, 2023 7:06 am


WORDS: 350 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“Wait, you don't…? Why do I…?” The brow of the brunette seeming to furrow as her wonder of a wife admitted the fact that she was not a recipient on this particular call, Sofia only felt a greater sense of doubt that these words were spoken by the monstrosity because of that fact, and was about to be given a whole world of new reasons to consider alternatives as well by what it said next.

"You hear me too, girl…?
How interesting! Wait, Marina's…?
Look at you now… All grown up, or almost so!"

Wait, how does it know?! The bewilderment of the beryl eyed beauty only seeming to magnify as the entity who held her ear appeared to calm both verbally and more physically, not only did it's words seem to change from being commanding and hostile to something which was warmer and more amused, but with it so too did the quaking around them seem to ebb away as well as if it had been distracted by something. Though, the most significant fact was that it seemed to know a name which was only too familiar to the fair femme on account of the woman who had birthed her, and with her, the daughter for whom she had been named too.

"Just needs… A little nudge~?"

“What are you…?!” Yet something about the way in which this disembodied force seemed to chime in her ears not seeming to carry any sense of threat but rather seem comfortable and friendly to her, as if she was being greeted by a person she had known long ago, all of a sudden the fluid about the fox seemed to seize her firmly and yet gently, and do more than that as well.
“Hnnnggggrrrr!!!!” It suddenly seeming as if it were becoming one with her or the submarine substrate accepting her as part of it, all of Miss Serena's body began to tingle and glow with energy as the strength of the sea seemed to seize and overwhelm her, forcing her to groan as the surging power which seemed to be supplied to her and shiver because of it…!

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Sat Jan 06, 2024 10:07 am


WORDS: 1000 | TAG: @Sofia | FINAL BATTLE

Alisa was utterly oblivious to the dialogue going on inside her luscious lover's inner world. It was all she could do to press whatever opening she could as the churning waters all around them whipped and battered at the otherworldly invader, staggering its attacks just long enough that she could swing her sword and unleash another storm of cuts almost matching the ferocity of the ocean around them. Yet as she carved some protusions, cutting into the flesh of the being in front of her, for every digit she severed, others took its place like a veritable hydra, a foul display of body horror leaving little doubt to this being's true nature. If an arm was this bad, heavens forbid it set foot in earthland.

"Tch...! We won't get anywhere like this...", Alisa clicked her tongue, realizing that no amount of damage dealt was getting them any closer to winning this fight. Another storm of slices cut across time and space to carve through the divine limb pushing through the entrance... But at that moment, her gaze once again turned to her beloved belle as her ppwer surged, and the realization dawned. That surge of power stirring the waters around them. It was her? Alisa stepped back, standing beside her lover, hand coming to rest on her shoulder, "Oh...? Sofia? What are you?"

As the God shrugged off whatever they threw at it, Sofia's surprising surge of power helped the sculptress refocus as she looked at the portal. Her eyes flared as that curvaceous frame pulsed with power and once again, the raging oceans held the divine invader in place:

"Whoa...! My, Sofia... I can't believe you managed to hide all this power for so long.", her hand gripped tighter to her lover's shoulder. She felt the struggle, her beloved unused to wielding so much raw energy, "Take a deep breath my love... Don't fight it... Let it course through your body."

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Tue Jan 09, 2024 6:08 am


WORDS: 450 | Shiver Me Timbers!

New… Power? The brunette brought back to the moment as her luscious lover moved to her side and reassured her, Sofia hadn't even realised what had been happening as her form had been wrought by the magic of something greater, and as such was grateful to her wife for both the kind words she offered and the insight which she provided to her as well. Though really, there were some thing about this transition which she would never be able to fail to notice for long, of course.

“Oh… Oh my?” Principal among these the transition which occurred from her waist down and seemed to provide the princess of the Pegasi with a wealth of unusual appendages, she was left to blink for a moment as it seemed that her lower limbs had been swapped out for a wealth of tendrils which seemed to dance within the water around her like the fringe of a skirt, though certainly far more wriggly when given the chance.
“Well this is going to make bedtime a lot more interesting, isn't it~?” Perhaps many having somewhat of a hard time accepting the fact that all of a sudden their long and strong legs had been replaced by the appendages more typical of a cephalopod but Miss Serena instead seeming to sense the potential therein, she couldn't help but think of a few silly little stories and things she knew from younger and more curious minded years as she took control of her tentacles, and seemed to smirk as she coiled one of them around Alisa with a cheeky little smirk as well.

“Do you think I can…?” Not that she intended to forsake her gorgeous gams forever and as such wondering openly about whether or not the transition was a permanent one, it was fair to say with such a significant overhaul had her rather distracted even from the sizeable significance they had been up against, and very nearly seemed to cost them both rather dearly as the largest eye at the centre of their enemy seemed to flash with both irritation and energy and vent both wrathfully.

“Babe, look out!” Letting loose a crackling beam because of this which just managed to catch the attention of the minx who had turned to mermaid and prompting an instinctual response as such, even without thinking too much about it Sofia seemed to snare both hands and tendrils around her beloved as she sought to protect them both, and then with what was left pushed off the water in the vain hope of evading it. Though, as the pair of them and the water around them as well put their back into it, maybe the effort wasn’t quite as futile as she thought…!

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Tue Jan 23, 2024 4:18 pm


WORDS: 1000 | TAG: @Sofia | FINAL BATTLE

"Oh... My, my~...", Alisa couldn't help but gawk as she watched her lover's luscious lower body suddenly wrapped in coiling, aquatic appendages, the physical manifestation of her transformation one she couldn't possibly help looking at without feeling a shiver shoot up her spine, "Mmmmn~... It most certainly will~? And it looks a lot more exciting seeing you do it than that thing over there~?"

All the more so when she felt one of those aquatic tentacles coiling around her frame, and Alisa couldn't help but lean in, stealing a little smooch to her lover's luscious lips, nodding as she looked resolutely into those eyes. Not a single thought was spared to her transformation beside the libidinous implications, after all... No matter what form she took, she'd love her beloved bride as much as she did now:

"Mmm, you most certainly can... If anyone can... It's you~?", Alisa declared, sensing the attack coming her way soon after with her tridimensional sight, and just as well sensing Sofia's reaction to it... Alisa lingered, more than happy to give her beloved a chance to put her new power to the test... And to gaze upon it with her own eyes, "After all, just having you at my side... Makes me believe I can achieve the impossible?"

Alisa didn't panic... She didn't even flinch. She trusted her woman implicitly, and as Sofia rushed to intercept the attack, she merely watched, trusting her to succeed at it, brushing her long black hair behind her ear and biting her lip at the power she showed:

"Our goal hasn't changed my love... If we can close that portal, we win!", she called out to her beloved, shifting her aim from the god towards the portal from whence it came.

The only issue was getting close enough to it. At this distance, the being would undoubtedly block any attacks directed at the portal with its own body... So as the onslaught subsided, Alisa simply said:

"Cover me, will you~...?", she requested, winking at her beloved. Her sword was fast... Almost instantaneously fast... But a swift enemy could still respond to her motions... Then, she needed to strike from an angle where he couldn't respond that fast. With this thought in mind, Alisa lowered her sword to the opposite side of the interdimensional being, hiding it from his line of sight as she rushed closer... Suddenly finding herself under a relentless onslaught of tentacles.

This sword she now held started all this... So it also had the power to finish it. If only wielded by somebody who could muster that power.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Tue Feb 06, 2024 10:29 am


WORDS: 460 | Shiver Me Timbers!  

“Heh, Mister Bad Touch here made a big mistake, huh~?” The encouragement from her ebony haired enchantress helping Miss Serena to recover her resolve, not only did she smirk as she saw them now safely out of harms way, but with it now gained a fuller appreciation for the transition she had undergone as well.
“Right here we've got the home field advantage, hm~?” No longer thinking of the sea which surrounded her as a separate entity but rather as much a part of herself as her hands or the unusual appendages which her legs had become, while there was no doubt in either of their minds that the enemy they tackles was powerful, likely far more powerful than they ever could hope to be in fact, that didn't mean that they weren't without their own, especially in a situation such as this.

“Let's see here… I wonder if I can…?” The girl with the now glowing gaze gifted with abilities by whatever had seemed to speak to her and bring out a kind of potential that she never knew she had, she could feel the power of another being suffusing and supplanting her, like her new gifts were merely the gateway through which greater power could come to bear, that was something Sofia sought to share as she gestured to her lady love and tried to extend the reach of the mana which surged within her to the woman she loved.
“ What's mine is yours, right~?” Winking as she did so and hoping that at the very least she might be able to transfer the feeling of lightness and ease, like they were no longer bound nor burdened by the weight of the water around them so that she might move more lightly and easily, as Sofia herself was currently.

“Now then, how about you eh~?” Meanwhile turning her attention toward the abstract monstrosity who saw itself worthy of laying whatever the hell those things were upon her wonder of a woman as well, Miss Serena would be quite the liar if she said that she didn’t mind seeing her beautiful black bride being groped at by anyone let alone a terror of horror from another dimension, and this was something which she chose to channel into her magic.
“Don't you know… The only one who gets to play tentacles with my wife is me~?” The princess of the pegasi practically growling in fact as she decided to give the beast a taste of its own medicine and sent innumerable lashes on her own to corkscrew around and contain those tendrils, her water seemed to curl faster and faster, tighter and tighter before it shredded those would be arms, and then began to crawl backward and threaten to contain the creature as well…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Sun Feb 11, 2024 4:26 pm


WORDS: 1000 | TAG: @Sofia | FINAL BATTLE

"Fufu~... And no way we'll be wasting it.", Alisa replied, taking her stance at her lover's side, now turned into a veritable goddess of the ocean. She felt invincible with Sofia at her side... But right here, deep under the waves, with her lover channeling such titanic power.

That sensation may well become an unspoken prophecy... And Alisa never felt it more than when she sensed Sofia's mana reaching out to her. Her eyes widened and she took a long, deep breath as that power invigorated, her like nothing ever before, to the point she even took her eyes off her mark and looked at her lover, nibbling her luscious bottom lip:

"My my~... I must be the luckiest woman in the world... To have a wife as incredible as you? Now, lets show this monster... The power of our bond...!", And with these words, Alisa charged, sword at her side, swinging both that and her magic wielding hand, casting a blade of crystal that cleaved through the tentacles and other appendages blocking her way.

As Alisa charged into the fray, she had only a single goal in mind. If they closed that portal, the threat this being posed would end with it. Getting there was the real challenge... But Alisa didn't look back... She didn't take her eyes off her target for even a second. This may have looked like a reckless charge... But even though Alisa could see everything around it... She didn't make more than the absolute minimum effort to dodge and deflect, without detracting from her advance for even a second. Eyes half lidded under the cover of her visor, not letting anything distracted as she shifted her grip on the sword once she got closer to the portal:

"HaaaaAAAA!!!", with a loud, piercing battle cry, she gripped Yamato's hilt with both hands as she got within range of the dimensional gate.

Alisa placed all of her trust on Sofia and her newfound power, trusting that her beloved bride would watch over her, and allow Alisa to put all of her remaining into that one, single, decisive stroke of her blade...!

Simply striking with its ranged ability wouldn't cut it.. She needed to cleave the portal directly with one single, clean stroke of her sword... Which is exactly what she did once she got within range... There was a massive, Divine limb covering her blade... But her slash sang true as she cleaved diagonally across the portal, a clean cut that made the space-time tear ripple with a bursting pulse of mana, enough to leave her rippling... It was starting to collapse... But the God using it as a gateway flexed its muscles, its sheer power holding the dimensions apart. But even a God couldn't keep this open forever...

"If you were strong enough to cross dimensions... You'd have done it yourself!!", Alisa roared as she peeled her sword back, readying another strike as another storm of piercing tentacles fired her way as the being realized the threat this woman posed... And all but ignored Sofia in the favor of striking down Alisa at all costs, "Which means you alone can't keep this portal open...!!"[/b][/color]

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:28 am


WORDS: 400| Shiver Me Timbers!  

“Got a thing for swordswomen, do you~?” The shining siren certainly feeling protective of her lover but with that feeling something of a personal affront that their enemy seemed to shun her in favour of her lover, there was no way that Miss Serena would let such a fact stand idly, but was willing to work with its apparent interest in order to hold its attention a bit better. Or at least, that was the notion she toyed with as she reached for the weapon on her hip.
Feels… Lighter~? Drawing the blade born of joyan origin with her gaze narrowing though at the same time feeling a sense of surprise for how easily it seemed to slide free of its sheath in this new setting, the girl with the green gaze didn't know if this tool of watery inclination was happier to be used while submerged or more attuned to her thanks to her recent transition, but whatever the answer was she was happy to take full advantage of its eagerness, that was for sure.

“Hraaaaa!!!!!” Flicking the oddities which now made up her lower limbs and throwing herself forward with that same speed and grace through the water which she had used to pronounced effect a few moments ago, Sofia swung the weapon across both herself and the breadth of the beast as she did so, and felt no shortage of satisfaction in the result she caused with it. The kimetsu seeming to be empowered both by the strength of the sea around her and all the more effective when up against an enemy of such horror like this one, suddenly it seemed capable of tearing through that strange flesh like a hot knife through a wad of butter, and even if the oddity seemed to reform itself quickly she knew that it did not do so without pain or annoyance.

“What's the matter, Peter Pat-a-Cake, think this family only had one monster slayer~?” The latter something which she was only too happy command as she winked toward those eyes and raised her blade high and began to hack at it time and again as if she was carving an onion, the temptress knew all too well that she would likely tire far faster than this creature even with her current enhancement, though didn't need to keep this up for too long. Just long enough for her beautiful bride to finish what had had been started…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Sat Feb 17, 2024 4:43 pm


WORDS: 1000 | TAG: @Sofia | FINAL BATTLE

God Alisa could hear it~... With her eyes on the prize, she couldn't quite turn them away... But she could hear the sounds of her lover's blade cleaving through each and every one of the appendages shooting forward at her. She could track them cleanly with her mana sight... The sound of her battlecry, the intensity of her mana... All of it shot a shiver up her spine as Alisa could only wish she could properly gaze upon her... But with the two of them backed against the wall, she didn't dare take her eyes off her mark for a second as she put her hips and powerful trained shoulders behind a devastating, two handed swing:

"...So stay put and... BEGONE!!!"

It was over in an instant. Yamato all but oozed the demonic mana that created it, fueled to its utmost by Alisa's titanic magic power. It's aura flared and crackled as the blade came down mercilessly from above. At that moment, it appeared though the very fabric of space time had been severed in twain, cleaving cleanly through the portal:

"...And that's... One too many monster slayers... For an abomination like you!", Alisa declared at last, chest rising and falling as she finally took a good long look at the result of her slash

But their victory celebrations would be short lived. Alisa barely had time to acknowledge the effects of her slash as the portal simply vanished. Out of nowhere, the hole tearing through space time, kept open by the sheer power of the evil god, up and simply collapsed in a devastating eruption of magic power that flung Alisa back like a ragdoll. Sofia, further away, would have still been affected if not as much, perhaps even able to hold her ground owing to her newfound mastery over the sea:


But whatever consequences Alisa suffered paled in comparison to those faced by the interloper. A deafening wail pierced even through the ordinarly silencing underwater environment, as the collapsing portal cut through the God's arm like a knife through butter, unleashing such a defeaning blast that the very whirlpool they were trapped in erupted skywards in a massive geyser that would easily be spotted for miles away.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:29 am


WORDS: 280 | WORDS: 2720 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“Incredible…!” The beryl eyed beauty panting heavily as she watched her wonderful woman unleash an attack which looked as if it might just have been the force which had separated the earth from the heavens so very long ago, Sofia couldn't help but marvel at the magnificence which her mate created, and ever more so when she saw it not only seem to overwhelm the portal but with it also hack off a portion of the bizarre beast they had been battling to do so. Looks like the definitions between those who slayed demons and devils and those who slayed gods just got a whole lot narrower, no~?

“L-Lisa!” Not that the leggy lass had all too much time to spend resting on her laurels when she realised the effect that such a sizeable action had upon her sable haired siren, though the sight of the tear in space finally snapping shut was a welcome sight the kickback was a whole different problem, and as her lady love was flung backward the fair femme made an effort to lurch forwards and sweep her up. Though, it seemed that she too was suffering the aftereffects of her exertion.

“Wooooomfff!” Pouring all the mana she had and then some into her own overblown transition and wincing as that moment of relief seemed to allow her form to throb with both her built up exertion and the stress of her new transformation, though she aimed to sweep through that water with ease unfortunately the flagging fox instead found herself as much a victim of the spouting eddy as anyone, and groaned as she was flung around by it and sent into rather a significant daze because of it. Damn, this power was just as fickle as the ocean it was born from, no?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] Empty Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:47 am


WORDS: 1000 | TAG: @Sofia | FINAL BATTLE

God Alisa could hear it~... With her eyes on the prize, she couldn't quite turn them away... But she could hear the sounds of her lover's blade cleaving through each and every one of the appendages shooting forward at her. She could track them cleanly with her mana sight... The sound of her battlecry, the intensity of her mana... All of it shot a shiver up her spine as Alisa could only wish she could properly gaze upon her... But with the two of them backed against the wall, she didn't dare take her eyes off her mark for a second as she put her hips and powerful trained shoulders behind a devastating, two handed swing:

"...So stay put and... BEGONE!!!"

How she wished she could have simply basked in the awe and admiration of her beloved. She found few pleasures quite as thrilling as the taste of victory, just watching as the foul evil God was effectively dismembered for his ambitions of conquering the mortal plain, his arm split pulled apart by the void between dimensions as the gates closed on him... But the force of the malestrom soon shook her around, and Alisa could do nothing but grit her teeth. Not even Sofia's magic could keep her rooted in place now:

"Sofia!!", and yet she felt her lover calling out to her, reaching out with her magic. The two lovers tried to swin closer, but in the end, no amount of strength could overcome this swirling tempest all around them.

Though the energy from the portal no longer fueled the whirlpool, now that gargantuan mass of water simply collapsed on itself as the portal's destruction propelled it skywards. Alisa couldn't see it but she could see the two about to get pushed up higher and higher as though caught in a reverse waterfall... And Sofia getting further and further away.

"In that case...!", at that moment, a large glowing magic circle appeared before Alisa's hand as a sturdy adamantine chain shot forth at breakneck speed, wrapping around Sofia and slowly reeling the two of them together, smiling at last when it wrapped around her waist, "Got you...!"

Never again...! They'd never get separated again!!

Ever since that battle in Astera, where the two of them had gotten separated across dimensions. Alisa couldn't bear the thought of letting her lover get sent off into some god forsaken abyss without her. Wherever this torrential surge sent them... They go there together.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Lovecraft Would Love This [Alisa - Storyline] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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