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Trouble Beneath the Snow Trade deal

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Trouble Beneath the Snow Trade deal Empty Wed Oct 04, 2023 10:16 am


Incidents kept happening within the Erling Peak of the Worth Woodsea that have been pushing out her ravens. It was the same area as the village dispute. A battle between two nearby villages, for what ever reasons, Lumikki did not care. What made her even bother to come at all was that one of the villages were burning down the adjacent forests to drive out the other. But the raging fires were harming her ravens among other things. And in Lumikki's fury from hearing the hubris of their tactics she flew right for them.

An unkindness of ravens had slowly built along side her during her flight toward the battle. And as she approached the conflict her flock was more reminiscent of a dark cloud crossing the sky and blocking the sun. They looked every bit as ominous as the birds were usually known for, and for good reason as they truly ushered a malicious force. The Daemon was writhing in her anger and her empathy was diminished. She was in that moment, every bit as cruel and cold as she was capable of being.

When she finally descended down the battle field, she was in the image of a dark and vengeful Valkyrie. Her ravens descended just after her to hungrily pick the corpses clean. Diminishing any respect usually offered to the dead, no longer affording them the luxury of being buried or assisted in their passing. No the Daemon was too furious to grant them that.


Trouble Beneath the Snow Trade deal Img_8011

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Trouble Beneath the Snow Trade deal Empty Wed Oct 04, 2023 10:26 am


In her cold, piercing and purple gaze, one side approached her first. Insisting that she had no part in the conflict. The other side also quickly approached her but with with a humble plea and the new that it was the others who burned the forest.

Lumikki looked away from them, sparring that village her wrath and unleashing a wave of her ice that ruptured the ground and impaled into them. Taking out most of their warriors with her jagged ice shards. it was the price she took from them for what they've done. The newly made corpse she would feed to her birds. Warning the survivors to never try it again.

That was the last Lumikki heard from them at the time. She would not frequent that area, nor did she care to help them. Not like they wanted assistance from her anyway. The grew bitter and resentful for what she had done. And all the more hostile to the village just nearby. But after the culling of the raven witch, they did not care to confront her. Not directly. They felt they needed to fall back to more indirect measures. So first thing first was to rid themselves of the ravens so that they would no longer spy on the village and report back to the witch.


Trouble Beneath the Snow Trade deal Img_8011

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Trouble Beneath the Snow Trade deal Empty Thu Oct 05, 2023 8:56 am


The ravens knew, and it was apparent that the village didn't like them. Combined with losing a lot of the forests from the fires and having to make a new home for themselves, a lot of the birds had already moved on. The few that stayed to manage and keep an eye on things, were soon chased out. It being more trouble than they felt it was worth, moved on to different areas themselves. Leaving the area as a dead zone.

And honestly, the Daemon didn't even notice. She was caught up in the machinations of her own life. And so the village of Yellow Carnations was left to their own devices. To plot in peace their vengeance of the witch that took everything from them.

But what they did not account for was that not all ravens were pushed away. One had actually remained. He was compelled from his curiosity to watch them, the impending carnage was what kept him around. He knew they were going to clash with the Revna once more and it was because of this that he was excited. He wanted to watch as she killed them once again. As she took even more from these foolish and bitter people. After all, he figured, they would only get what they deserved....


Trouble Beneath the Snow Trade deal Img_8011

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Trouble Beneath the Snow Trade deal Empty Thu Oct 05, 2023 3:12 pm


This feisty and bloodthirsty bird was known as Gunvald. A war-spirited raven brought here by rumors of the one called the Revna. He was passively observing for a bit of time to see how she was, but the meddling work of the Yellow Carnations and the fires they had started really drew him over. Their disregard for those around them made him rowdy. And seeing them drive out his brothers and sisters filled him with rage. And so he watched, watched until this one called the Revna would come and heed the raven's call.

It did not take long for the Daemon to come. Darting through the skies above with an unkindness to rival all others. Gunvald looked up with awe, at how those of his ilk flew alongside her with such sweet synergy. They all ebbed and flowed in the sky and descended like a devastating omen. He was enamored at the very sight of her, now finally understanding the way she had won so many's favor. It was beyond clear and apparent that he too wanted to fly along her side, but when she had sent the frost rising, slaying the fools, he was completely enchanted.


Trouble Beneath the Snow Trade deal Img_8011

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Trouble Beneath the Snow Trade deal Empty Thu Oct 05, 2023 4:15 pm


It was this that kept him here and watching. His loyalty to his Revna stoked the fires of his passion. He knew all too well that these people would plan to bring more suffering, that it was only a matter of time. And with them driving out whatever ravens that had remained, he knew it was that much more important that he stayed and watched.

And watch he did, doing his best to be kept unnoticed by the fools below. He listened to them as they uttered their frustrations and their during their plotting. Archiving the ones he figured were the bigger threats in mind. When he could, he would whisper to the other ravens of things that he had taken notice of. Preparing the information network for the moment it would be best for Revna to be alerted.

And now it would seem the day would soon come. The savages below were solidifying their plans to hit new locations and eventually push out the ravens. They were hoping to create a territory of their own. A massive one where they would swallow the nearby villages and chase off or kill the ravens in the area so that the Revna would not be aware of what was happening. In time they would hope to strike her too, but for now, they settled on only weakening her. Until the better time to attack comes. What they did not understand was that their greed and bitterness would soon become their downfall. And the poison they would utter and infect their children with would only further seal their fate. As a people of the Erling Peak, they were not there for very long. But they settled there to make a home for themselves. Fighting the barren lands and the constant presence of bandits had made them bitter, hard, and cold. Always with the mindset that they were owed more. And so for the few generations that came to be there, it was more that they grew to seek. Losing sight on what were the best methods to attain it. That was how they found themselves feuding with the village nearby and how they saw themselves losing many of their fine warriors all in one day.

The loss of men and defenses made life much harder. The bandits of the fortress would hear word of their loss and raid the people often. Taking the last bit they had and giving them more reason to harbor anger and hatred in their hearts. And with that, their motivations to take out Lumikki of the ravens grew. Hoping that if they could start by taking down those who revered her, they could find some joy.


Trouble Beneath the Snow Trade deal Img_8011

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Trouble Beneath the Snow Trade deal Empty Thu Oct 05, 2023 4:30 pm


Gunvald flew carefully over a few men standing above a map. One of them was on the field when the battle had happened. He was one of the few old warriors they had left and so he was often called upon to lead and guide the young but also to draw up the plans of attack. He was carefully circling areas that a few of the villagers confirmed adhered to the Revna. They would enter these villages as traveling merchant simply unloading their wares and keeping informed. So their line of inquiry was hardly suspicious and they gathered much of the information they needed. They would have easily gone unnoticed if it weren't for Gunvald constantly informing other ravens to keep tabs on the men.

"If we do this, we have to do it right the first time because we will not get another chance. If she catches on, then we will probably be massacred like your fathers before." It was no exaggeration, it was indeed all these boys' fathers who were killed and not they stepped up to get vengeance for the blood spilled and bodies stolen. They were hardly of age to drink and now they were being trained for war. One could hold sympathy for them if it weren't for their lack of self-awareness as to how their ways got them here. They simply could not accept the consequences of their actions.

Meanwhile, Gunvald was noting all of the man's words of the plan before setting off to properly meet Lumikki and make the attack known.


Trouble Beneath the Snow Trade deal Img_8011

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Trouble Beneath the Snow Trade deal Empty Thu Oct 05, 2023 5:47 pm


Gunvald beats his powerful wings in the direction of Paradise Dawn. Before he left the Worth Woodsea, he spoke to them of the plans. That it was time for the Yellow Carnations to taste death once more. Unlike the many other ravens that Daemon often had around her. Gunvald was of older age. He saw much of the cruelty of man and it shaped who it was now. He himself was not particularly cruel but he was most defiantly jaded and callous. Eager to see the blood spill of those who deserve it most and the sweet taste of their corpse when it was all said and done. This made him seem brash and vulgar but really it is just that he no longer cares to sugarcoat the evil of the world. He only wants to revel in the suffering of those who deserve it.

Gunvald made it in no time to the Guild Hall. He asked the ravens that perched along the rounded rooves where he may find Revna, to which they happily pointed the way. It was his first time here and he hungrily took in the new sight of it all. Studying his new home before landing on Lumikki's window sill.

It was quite the sensation seeing her again after all that time. He had caught her as she was managing her hair, combing the knots out and carefully braiding her locks. He could practically see her magic spilling off of her. A mage of dark magic and yet she gave off such a beautiful and harrowing glow. He ruffled his feathers from his accumulation of excitement, trying to speak the words that he came here to say. But it was Lumikki who managed to break the silence first.

"Hello there love, it's the first I'm meetin ya. What brings ya to me window?" She looked over, her eyes full of vigor and warmth.

"Well....ya see...," it took him awhile to form the words. He was never like this and he never felt this before. He just could hardly contain or focus himself.

"I came because I was watching over Yellow Carnation, the village you clashed with a while back. They've been plotting to get back on you..." Gunvald explained to her all that he observed, as he did he noticed the air chilling to unbearable temperatures. Darkness would waft off her featured like smoke from a fire. Her eyes glowed and intense shade of purple and after a while she would finally speak.

“Is that so lil one? Then let us see shall we?”


Curtain Call

Trouble Beneath the Snow Trade deal Img_8011

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