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The Whispers of her new found birds 2 (trade deal)

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The Whispers of her new found birds 2 (trade deal)    Empty Wed Sep 20, 2023 1:04 am


Lumikki streaked through the skies as she made her way over to the Worth Woods’s. Somewhere in the Deep Green, the lost child would be.

See there was a raven that flew to her room just a bit ago to find her. Harboring a message from a distressed mother. A woman already touched by a moment of the Revna’s previous kindness. The widow asked of her the favor of finding her son for her, she was too scared to wait a whole night without him coming home and a bad feeling shook her down to her bones. So the woman would plead to the raven and in turn the bird would plead with the Revna to take on this very quest. And so Lumikki would, eager to fulfill the task of looking after and protecting one of her charges.

And through the night, she would dart for town he was noted to last be seen. Sure that the ravens would of more than likely seen of the boy last before he made off to what ever trouble the keeps him away from home.


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The Whispers of her new found birds 2 (trade deal)    Empty Wed Sep 20, 2023 1:17 am


May the mother to the lost child, just finished putting her other child, her daughter to bed. It took a long time to get the little one to sleep. It took a lot of pleading and many stories to distract the anxious and hyper child long enough to fall asleep without her big brother. And the mother would look on to her as she rests, gently stroking the little girls hair, as she thought just how precious her baby was.

It was a bit of time since she called to the raven the resided nearby. One that she came to start calling Dean. He flew in the direction of the Revna, carrying the woman’s worries and prayers with him. Now she sat down patiently albeit still quite anxious. This situation was a lot for her to bear, she just couldn’t lose anyone else. Not again and not so soon. But with her little girl with her at home, the woman couldn’t go out to look for her son herself.

When the child was sure in sleeping deep and sound, May rushed over to the window to awake any news or see any signs of her son returning back. She would stay the for the rest of the night, fighting the sleep that would try to claim her.


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The Whispers of her new found birds 2 (trade deal)    Empty Wed Sep 20, 2023 5:06 pm


Cody couldn’t bring himself to move. The outburst of the man was sudden and shocking. He wouldn’t have expected him to rise so quickly from his seat and slam his fists on the table the moment he mentions leaving the weird house to return to his family.

The package that he was task to deliver to the house deep in the woods still sat off to the side as if it wasn’t a consideration. The baby screeching and screaming from within the house would also still go unacknowledged is if the parents would hardly regard it’s existence to. Nothing hear was making any sense and he was being held captive until the misses of the home finished preparing the meal she offered to him.

Sweat would drip off the boys face profusely. He could feel the heat circulating his face as the intense of the moment would stir him. But when he looked to the door way in which he had entered from, there was nothing there. Meaning, there was no where for him to think of going, unless of course he ran into the kitchen with the wife. That plan seemed unlikely to serve him though. And so Cody sat anxiously in the dinning room waiting for what would happen, to tense to even move if it meant making the man cause another strange outburst. The wife could be heard singing and eerie song form within the kitchen.

”How old are you boy?” The man would inquire after bit speaking for a time. It took Cody a moment to muster the voice to even answer again but seeing the mans renewed growing agitation sparked him with the motivation he needed.

”Ummm, I’m fifteen sir…” The man would look at him with unblinking eyes. Still in his rage but it looked like he could turn volatile at any minute and thrash once more. The noises in the kitchen too would only escalate and becoming more and more disturbing. And the wailing of the baby never seemed to stop.

”What a fine age, and your a good size for it too….tell me more about your family Cody.” Cody would think of all the reasons rapidly from within his thoughts as to why he couldn’t speak more about them. His mind raced endlessly but no answer would come to him. The man's gaze only growing more menacing as time would pass.


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The Whispers of her new found birds 2 (trade deal)    Empty Wed Sep 20, 2023 5:07 pm


Her ravens would take the lead flying far ahead of her. They reached the last known town that Cody was seen at long before she had in hopes to ask the local ravens before she made it there. Lumikki's mind raced at all the possible solutions to the problem. For as many ravens as she had to scan the lands, none could see as clear as she does in the dark. This boy could very well not make it into the morning if she choose to wait.

It didn't very much occur to her the sense of urgency that would be instilled within her as she answers one of the calls of "her own". Although she was used to doing it with the ravens now, the feeling of building a following, something more intimate that the bonds forged in friendship, made her feel almost motherly to her own. Any slight on them was a slight on her. Any danger they faced, she was willed to also make it her own. Destruction was an easy method to display power, but it is short lived. It leaves you like a small ember in the wind. Now the truest and more fulfilling display of power was that of protection. To reach a height where even the utterance of your name brings out a sense of fear to your enemy. This, this is what tasted sweet in the Daemon's lips, what she yearned to be drunk from. The creeping destruction was boring, the fear she wanted to instill should be extended to all that crossed her own.

Perhaps there were more things she wanted to learn from the Angel after all. He himself fulfills the dream she desired most....

Lofty goals and desires aside. She would see a stirring of the ravens just ahead of her. Flock coming toward her before enveloping her in their cluster. All croaking at once for a moment before settling, and three ravens aligning in flight just beside her.

"It seems the boy was accompanied by one of our own which simplifies matters."

"Yes, seems she was with him to the moment he disappeared even."

Meredith, now properly introduced, flew beside the Revna. Her voice was steady though filled with worry. "Yes my Revna, what they say is true. Cody was on his last delivery for his job and the place he needed to travel was deep in the woods. He figured it would be an easy enough task all the same so he journeyed forth. I kept to the skies in hope to guide him best I could so we coud return back home soon enough but as I came back down to check on him once more he was gone."

Lumikki shifted her eyes to the wood just beside the town. The Deep Green was known for its vast forest that were easy to find oneself lost in. Though she did not figure him so careless he would wonder it alone and in the dark.

"Aye," Lumikki would acknowledge the words of her raven. Looking her way now as she spoke. "And do ye remember where ya've seen him last?"

"Of course!" Meredith began to take the lead, the flock part ways and making a path for her. All focused on her movements, even Lumikki, so that they would move just as one. Her ebb and flows became theirs, and they flew for the spot Cody was last seen.


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The Whispers of her new found birds 2 (trade deal)    Empty Wed Sep 20, 2023 5:17 pm


An ungodly smell would rise from the kitchen. Churning the boys stomach. On top of the overwhelming anxiety he would find that he desired to throw up. But still he was met with the man's unblinking gaze and the more he would look upon him the more he would wonder if the man before him was even alive.

And just before the man would speak again, the kitchen door would slam wide open. The lady carrying a cleaver in hand and a massive fork in the other. "What do you make of him dear? Would you say he would make a fitting new addition to the family?" Her voice was pitched in a way that made it uncomfortable to hear and her words gave Cody another chill in his spin. What could she ever mean with what she said? He barely had much time to think about it as the man spoke again once more.

"Yes, this one suits my taste. It's been a while since I wanted to add a soul to our clan but he has a sturdy sense of responsibly and discipline. It would not hurt adding him to our ranks." He rose from his seat and Cody's eyes would dart back and forth between him and his wife. Tears began to steam down his eyes as he knew not what to do next.

And before the two could lounge in him, something would crash into the scene.


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The Whispers of her new found birds 2 (trade deal)    Empty Wed Sep 20, 2023 5:39 pm


It did not take long to reach the point the Meredith wanted to show. "Right over there my Revna is where I saw him last!"

Lumikki looked down and could see a single house in the wilderness, oddly placed and with a daunting energy emanating form below. "Would ye say he's in the house below?" The flock was beginning to circle from above, finding no rest as the hovered the location.

"What house do you see down below my Revna? All I see is wood." Trygve was genuinly puzzled as to what Lumikki meant, trying to think over what he saw.

"The house I could sense is not normal, but if they could not see it then perhaps its beyond the normal sense of sight as well...." Lonu a previous spirit of the Woodsea himself was more than just an average raven. It was perhaps because of this that the view was clear to him.

Lumikki branding this World's eyes could peer to things normally unseen. Sometimes it slipped her mind what was visible to her and not to others. She could see now she was finally met with one of those moments again. But if Meredith could not see it, then more than likely this house was the source of all the stress.

Best to make her way down and look for him before he becomes a victim.

"Lonu, with me." Was all she would utter as he flew down shifting her form back to that of a Daemon, her raven wings turning to a set of three. She pulled back her arm to summon her ice before having it shoot forth toward the front door before her. She didn't want to chance getting the boy caught in her spell because she caste carelessly. Lonu as she instructed was just beside her, searching with the boy with her. A baby's cry could be heard, only annoying her further.

"I'm here!" They managed to hear just off to their right, just past a wall. Lumikki broke threw with another cast of her ice, and three people would revel themselves on the other side.

The man and woman focused on the Daemon now instead, freeing the boy of their attack. They lunged for her and she would send ice their way only to see it pass. "How annoying....Cover yer eyes Cody!" Lumi would exclaim before throwing her head back and letting out a blaring screech. This knocked the ghost out of their form, the two no flickering in view. Her attack was meant to disorient so although they were imperial, their capacities would reduce from her attacks. Lonu would circle the boy and lead him out.

Cody hungrily too the chance, exiting the house soon enough. Leaving only Lumi and the two behind, when he was in the clear, the Revna would decimate what was left of the house. Hungrily eating all the darkness from within. The two dark specters couldn't escape her, they never predicted that they themselves would be consumed but that was the end of the two and their tricks.

Cody crying just outside rejoiced that he was able to keep his life. Thanking insistently to Lumikki for what she had done for him tonight. All she would do was smile, pleased that she made it in time.


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The Whispers of her new found birds 2 (trade deal)    Empty Wed Sep 20, 2023 7:53 pm


May stayed by the window as she had resolved to do. Looking out for any appearances of her son. May would hear them long before she could make them out in night sky. A cacophony of croaks in different pitches bouncing off each other. The storm of them settling around all trees and branches around the house so it would look as though they were all made of the ravens atop of them.

And out from what felt like the dark of the night itself, she would finally descend from the sky. Her strong and powerful wings were more silent than the breeze in the air. What looked like a talon hovered just beside her. ”I have answered her call.”, voice soft and powerful. ”Be sure ye maintain yer end of the pact….” May would simply stare at the Daemon before her as she lowered herself from the sky like an Angel with wings of night. She hadn’t seen her since the day they last met where the Revna delivered the hard and painful news of the fate of her husband. The girl no less impressive but terrifying as she had seemed last.

When the talon lowered just a bit more, she swore she could make out the head of Cody poking through. ”Mom!?” May began to break down when she heard his voice. Her body falling from the stress and instant relief, Cody jumped from the talon as soon as it was low enough for him to do so and ran through the door to comfort his mother. The woman could hardly speak. Her prayers we answer and her song was back home safe. “Thank you…thank you so much!” The woman finally managed. The Revna would simply smile and leave them to it. The bulk of her ravens would stay for the night to watch matter. The rest followed her back to the guild where she would return to her patrol holing no one would notice her absence.


Curtain Call

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