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The Whispers of her new found birds (trade deal)

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The Whispers of her new found birds (trade deal) Empty Sat Sep 16, 2023 5:13 pm


A widow cooks a meal for her children. Ingredients bought with the jewel she was gifted. She places a few pieces of meat and ingredients in a bowl and hands it over to her young daughter, so that the girl make take it outside next to a new bird bath. She does so gleefully and with much excitement as she loves to play with the ravens who come back and visits. Her mother often telling her how they watch over the family now that father was gone. The Revna will be there for them if they found that they were in a time of great need once more.

The son, who was much old than the small girl, is deep within town running errands for his new job. He took it up soon after his father passed, as he needed to be sure to still provide for the family. He was on his third delivery that day and the house in question was just past the town and deep within the wood. He didn’t mind the travel like all the other had, so out of his company’s workers, he was the one to volunteer for the job. He set out with the parcel tied to his bike so that it may not fall off, a raven occupying him was perched on his shoulder. He took to calling her Merida, the name of his grandmother that had passed some summers ago but cherished him deeply.

The raven took to the sky’s as he sat on his bike and began to beat the trail to the house no one seems to venture to anymore these days.


The Whispers of her new found birds (trade deal) Img_8011

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The Whispers of her new found birds (trade deal) Empty Sat Sep 16, 2023 7:13 pm


The boy would maneuver the paths. Avoiding the rocks that could trip him, or the branches that would sweep him off his bike. He handled the traveling masterfully, and Merida was always within sight just above the branches. Bobbing back and forth pass the trees and through the branches. The two only got became close just recently. After ravens became more prominent around his house and the Revna had paid her visit, it was becoming easy to make friends with the birds. The boy didn’t mind it, the companionship brought his soul more comfort and the friendship benefited them both.

Further and further the boy would go. Merida hardly a distance away, but the sun was beginning to dip on the horizon and he was taking his light with him. The boy didn’t mind thinking that he wouldn’t be that much longer to the drop of point.


The Whispers of her new found birds (trade deal) Img_8011

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The Whispers of her new found birds (trade deal) Empty Sat Sep 16, 2023 8:28 pm


”Finish up dinner sweetie, it’s almost time for you to go to be. I want you to settle down a bit before you do to sleep,” the widow would exclaim to her young daughter. The girl was jittering with energy and hardly focusing on her meal, but the mother wasn’t having it. The two really didn’t enjoy eating without Cody, the son and older brother, but they understood he had to work so that the could continue eating. Still, they didn’t figure he would still be out this late and that was what had gathered two anxious. Kayla, the little one, would rest better when Cody was around. He was usually the one to tuck her into bed and without him there the energies were high.

”Sit and eat dear, I won’t tell you again.” The mother got up and walked to the window, hoping to see any ravens perched near by. She called out to them so that any could carry her prayers to the Revna to deliver her boy back home.

There was silence at first before stirring was made apparent and the sound wings flapping got louder. A raven May, the mother, came to call Dean had come to her call and listened to her plea and as soon as she was done, he flew off to find the Revna in this night.


The Whispers of her new found birds (trade deal) Img_8011

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The Whispers of her new found birds (trade deal) Empty Sun Sep 17, 2023 9:05 am


Cody knew for a while now that he was terribly lost, and the boy didn’t have the hindsight or sense to pack a lantern with him. The pair would continue to cut through the forest albeit slow. He didn’t want to take a chance of tumbling or crashing into a tree.

Merida would alternate from flying high and back down, trying to lead Cody to where he should go. But she was just as lost as him as the view from above only gave way to more trees and nothing else.

Cody as he trudged the forest, at some point getting off his bike so that he would walk and not bike anymore. He felt he saw a faint glow in the distance and so who began to walk to it. He was sure it must of be a light from the house and that he was almost there. He leaned his bike on one of the trees, because the foliage was becoming to dense to take it with him anymore. Merida at the time was flying above to see if they could make out where to go next.

”Hey girl, I think the house is this way!” Cody tried to exclaim to the raven above. He figured that she couldn’t see past the branches of the trees and it kept her from seeing the house that must clearly be there.

And with every step, Cody would only feel more and more and odd sensation, but with every step, her would also see the house more and more clearly. Until he was finally at the front door at last with parcel in hand, knocking in three short taps in hopes to get an answer.


The Whispers of her new found birds (trade deal) Img_8011

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The Whispers of her new found birds (trade deal) Empty Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:25 am


A bird flies swiftly within the night. It’s movements were all purposeful and its direction sure. He was trying to make it to the Sieghart Mountains, to the guild of Paradise Dawn.

When the big structure was becoming more clear to him in the far distance, he breathed a small sigh of relief. Happy to be nearing his goal and that his flight was true. From there he circled around until he found where most of the ravens had roasted and entered the window to be greeted by some others.

”To what do we owe this surprise? It’s not often a raven visits at this time.” Lonu, the one closest to the window and therefore the first to take notice of their new guest.

”And I would highly doubt it was for anything good. Very well, cough it up, what brings you here?” Trygve, with bloated sense of importance would present himself. Inquiring from the bird so that he could be the judge of if it was worth the Revna’s time.

Alune was half asleep to the side but she woke up to this. ”Night time adventure?”

”No child, go back and rest. Now, please tell us what’s wrong?”

The raven dean, while the others spoke, took the moment to catch his breathe. Now with his strength renewed, he finally told him as to why he came.

”I see, that is troubling indeed. Rest here for now friend. We and the Revna could handle this matter for here. No need to have you try to also find your way back home in the dark of the night now.”

”Agreed, I’ll be off to report to our lady so that she may handle this matter.” Trygve quickly flew off to get the miss from a place she perched for night patrol. Knowing she would very much was this matter resolved and quickly.

Lonu looked over to Dean who was now resting, as he thought on this quest. It seems the Daemon was really beginning to build that following she desired. But here was the harder aspects of the dream, the maintenance. She now had to protect what was hers so she could lock them where she wanted them to be.

”Alune, stay here and watch over our friend.” Lonu looked out of the window to keep an eye out. The moment he noticed a familiar silhouette gliding in the sky, he took off to join them.


The Whispers of her new found birds (trade deal) Img_8011

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The Whispers of her new found birds (trade deal) Empty Sun Sep 17, 2023 1:09 pm


Cody was finally greeted with a man at the door. ”Ah lad, what are you doing out at this hour?” The man usher him inside, Cody didn’t even have a say in it before being whisked into what he thought was the dinning room. What looked like the lady of the house came from the sound on the door, ”What is this dear? Do we have a guest? At this hour. Did you eat child? What is your name?“

”Well ma’am, its Cody. I came here on a job to deliver a parcel and I so I think this is yours?” Cody held up a box that he held on to this whole time, the man who answered the door would simply take it an put it to the side. Hardly paying the package any mind. The woman paid it no mind either, never even giving it a glance. The two would simply look at the boy as if he was the only thing in the world.

”Oh how kind of you. Coming all this way, and I’m sure your really hungry for it. Come child, let us feed you.” The woman gripped on his arm tight and forced him into a chair before dashing into the kitchen to prepare a meal. The man would simply sit on the other side of the long table and continue to stare before he remembered for a moment that it would be better to speak on.

”What a hard worker you are, couldn’t be that much older than fifteen from what I gather. Your father is teaching you a sense of responsibility quite young. Good on him, good on you.” He spoke as his fingers would strum the table, denoting his impatience. Though where it came from, Cody would not know.

A lot of noise would come from the kitchen, many he would not figure as to what it could be. ”Ah well you see, he’s passed and I’m just doing what I can for my family…” A baby broke out crying from further into the house. But the man wasn’t phased, he didn’t even blink. The woman in the kitchen didn’t even leave to check on him. ”Is the baby ok?”

”Yes, yes, that much of been such an ordeal. I’m sorry to hear it. And what of the rest of your family?…” The man hardly paid Cody’s question any mind let alone his baby. His eyes felt as though they were beginning to drill holes into the boy. Cody was becoming very uncomfortable and his fidgeting was getting more pronounced. He had a sense of unease the moment he entered but it felt like things would only get weirder and weirder.

”I think I should start finding my way back home now….My family needs me after all and well I already delivered your package so I don’t really need the meal. But thank you.” He tried to rise from his seat but the man would shot up from his own and slam his hands on the table. Scaring Cody to take a seat once more.

”Don’t be foolish boy, my wife’s working hard on your meal so it would be best you eat it. Understand?” Cody was choking on the air in his throat, his eyes darting all around him to see if he could notice a way out. It wasn’t until then that he realized, he saw no windows. And the door from where he came was now gone…..


Curtain Call

The Whispers of her new found birds (trade deal) Img_8011

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